πŸ˜‚ Numberblocks Funniest Moments - 30-Minute Best of Compilation | 123 Learn-to-Count Hilarity! πŸ“Ί

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[Music] the double Dungeon of Doom should be right about [Music] here no one may enter aha no one may enter maybe two could double up 1 + 1 equals two 1 two two b [Music] car one two two paths which way should I go you go left I'll go right snakes alive not alive rubber the worst kind we'll have to tread carefully one two one two one two one two made it which way through here we need someone stronger someone bigger double up two plus two equals four why are Boulders never [Music] Square the golden apples round things why did it have to be round [Music] things need some help for you take that site one 3 4 now keep going keep [Music] going and double up 4 + 4 equal 8 OCTA block climb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 climb the Golden [Music] Delicious one oops time for a quick exit 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OA block split in half 8 equals 4 + [Music] 4 giant Ro thing alert look out rber snakes split in half four equals two last two one two one two one two one two one two one two we're not going to make it what now split it in half two equals [Music] one [Music] you one one marvelous Moon one day I'll go into space you'll never get to the Moon that way one just count down from 10 to 1 ready 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 number 10 up on the moon and my friends will be here soon 10 equal + one one small step for a number one giant hop for number kind we're on the move n and one that was easy this is fun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight nine nine [Music] aliens and one more is 10 9 + 1 equal 10 number 10 back on the moon two more friends will be here soon 10 equals eight plus two we're on the moon eight and two how did we get here haven't a clue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 eight aliens all heading home oh no there's no room for those two never fear octoblock is here OCTA block Bill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bill two flying sorces good [Music] work oh come back it's not starting w 8 + 2 equal 10 Here I Am Number 10 time to make some friends again 10 equals 7 then P us three on the moon seven and three we're so lucky look at me look at that there's the on button that was lucky Ready Steady blast [Music] off it's too heavy seven + 3 equal 10 it's 10 Again wait and see who my next two friends will be 10 = 6 + [Music] 4 we're on the moon 6 and we really couldn't ask for more let's play a game Ru the dice and that was so cool still too heavy 6 + 4al 10 quick before our visit ends we've just got time for two more friends 10 = 5 + [Music] 5 we on the moon five and five it sure feels great to be alive let's give them a hand five five come on 5 + 5 equal 10 the number blocks from 1 to 10 went to the moon and home again wonderful world and wonder what was that hello one two one two one ooh what's that it's one one fluffy thing so cute I wish I had a fluffy hey hey one two two fluffies they won't stop tickling uh what do we do now tell the others come on St look at me one 2 three three [Music] face no look a fluffy Square don't count count them okay one 2 three four four fluffies would you look at that 1 2 3 four five five floppies on five [Music] fingers let's roll yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 [Music] [Laughter] how lucky running into all of you I see you've met the fluffies too aren we all Lucky come on fluffies 1 2 3 4 5 six seven seven [Music] fluffies H sevens I'm not ticklish oh lucky is that oh have you all had enough ticklin why don't you just make sevens then how I'll show you one and six 1+ 6al seven oh that's better pick me two and five 2+ five equals seven that's better three and four three plus four w [Music] s they've all stopped we're so lucky what do we do now hate have no fear OCTA block is here OCTA block tickle one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 tickle [Music] [Applause] ready for [Applause] more for seven for for [Music] every When Worlds of Wonder want exploring Flights of Fancy set you soaring once you find your inner rocket nothing in this world can stop it oh yeah 11 splits and 10 and one Blast Off beneath the Setting Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and one more is planet 11 1+ 10 has come to play a football match the alien way and now they've seen the rocket blast others want to follow fast 12 is next to want to fly so 10 and two Ascend the sky wa 10 planets and one two more is turn 12 2 + 10 descends to reach a picture perfect Orange Beach oh 13 and off three pops 10 steps up and on three hops 10 planets I'm one two three Mor is planet 13 3 + 10 has found a canyon echoing in Wild abandon hey 14 gives a big 10 four Ready Steady off they saw 10 planets and 1 2 3 four more is planet 14 four plus 10 is full of Glee Riding High in zero g [Music] extreme Hush Hush 15 is 10 and five Hush Hush the rocket Roars and off they Rush 10 planets and 1 2 3 4 five more is planet 15 [Music] 5 + 10 forgets her cares stepping up the starry [Music] stairs 16 squares up to her mission 10 and six get in position 10 planets and 1 2 3 4 5 six more is planet 16 6+ 10 has landed where the trees the cheese the bees are square Square 17 must make some art so 10 and seven play their part 10 planets and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even more is planet 17 7 + 10 surprise surprise is painting 17 [Music] sunrises 18 feels the need for speed 10 and 8 is guaranteed 10 planets and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight more is planet 18 8+ 10 is here to race an endless track in outer space out of this world woo woohoo 19's plans are taking shape 10 and nine make their escape 10 planets and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine more is 19 9 + 10 is in the flow with all these crazy shapes to throw wo [Music] cool 20 won't have any trouble 10 and 10 launch on the double 10 planets and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 more is planet 20 10 + 10 why that's 10 twos in 20 Splendid dancing shoes yay 10 new worlds and that is plenty wave goodbye to Planet 20 now you've been you'll be back soon another planet sun or moon but once you find your inner rocket nothing in this world can stop it stop number 20 the end of the line we've never been past stop 20 before I wonder what's out there only one way to find out let's explore 20 + 1 = 21 I'm 21 I'm 20 and one you're 21 oh you've got two faces sometimes it's easier to think of bigger numbers as two numbers together 21 20 and one oh I see I wonder who else I can be that's me 21 I two t and one one two blocks wide leaves an odd block on top I'm an odd number and if I do this I can be seven threes which means I'm also three sevens look a treasure chest full of ice creams on that rock how lucky is that triple [Music] lucky hey wait I'm a step shape that means I can be a step Squad ready for action wow we found out so much about you 21 and I found out that I love finding things out I figured myself out I am 21 and I'm a number Explorer Wow the question is what comes next there's always more to explore we'll need a magic mirror o there's one triple lucky hello me ready to and go 20 + 2 = 22 I'm 22 I'm 20 and two oo excellent let's find out what you can do you're 22 blocks which is 2 10 and two blocks more let's try the two on top ah you're an even number which means you're a double try splitting down the middle I'm double 11 I figured myself out I am 22 and I'm two for football teams happy to play Home and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Away great game nicely played that was fun now let's find out what's next 21 22 it's my turn me me me 20 plus 3 equal 23 I'm 23 I'm 20 and 3 now let's figure out who you are I told you I'm 23 and I'm happy being me but I want to explore more now well I have got a bus back there all aboard and off we [Music] go let's see what's out there there's something you don't see every day an [Music] alien up up is that where you live up up up up Don't Worry fellow space cadet I can rocket you home hold on tight 10 9 [Music] 8 I think she's building a tower up oh um I think you'll need more blocks than that wo stop that tickles [Music] oh let's build a tower my turn that looks like [Music] fun woo I didn't even know I could make that [Music] shape hey say can I play 1 2 3 4 5 6 please make me some building [Music] bricks lucky Meo woohoo H this doesn't fit oh this or that try this y beginner's luck number blocks let's get building [Music] this could take forever up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up look up there there's something new the aliens are building too we can meet in the middle back to work everyone space here we [Music] come false [Music] alarm oh [Music] no did somebody say help OA block to the [Music] rescue OCTA block build 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 build go nearly there ttim [Music] you go up we go down goodbye fellow space [Music] cadet well done crew a successful Mission well mostly successful we helped our friend get back to space but now our Tower's all over the place that's [Music] lucky we get to build something else a rocket a house a [Music] rainbow 50 so big squ 10 times thicker than knee that's right I'm 10 five rock and roll these controls can make anything 10 times bigger the light the sound number blocks number blocks 10 20 450 block 10 20 450 Number Block 10 and another 10 is 20 and another 10 is that's 30 15 14 13 20 10 Number Block start [Music] again 10 I am 10 one 10 and nothing more 10 10 trees hello trees 10 Birds hello Birds ooh 10 rackets anyone feel 10ish oh I need to make [Music] friends 10 + 10 equals 20 pleased to meet oh I know 20 = 10 + 10 [Music] hello there let's [Laughter] play oops 10 times too hard come back ball 20 + 10 equals 30 10 20 30 h no shoe without an [Music] audience 10 13 20 that doesn't sound right I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you didly didly do 10 20 30 I'm the biggest number nobody's bigger than me [Applause] 10 + 30 equals 40 I'm 40 o I'm sticking out a bit on top ah that feels better I love rectangles would you like to meet my pet rectangle obl longy obl longy oblong oong oong [Music] oong huh where did obl longi go left or right I can't go both ways but we can oh no not you two 40 equals 20 plus 20 the terrible 20s two lots of 20 feathers it's tickling time tickle tickle hey come back here hey you uhoh time for us to [Music] split I'm 50 let's get the bond back together [Music] um hey you turned everything up to [Music] 10 that's more like it 5 4 3 2 1 count now what could this be oh five and friends are invited to a five star bowl at the two Pam's dance floor I can wear my sparkly head B the two Palms where's that um hold on where's Five we can't start a five and Friends dance without five why wait just look and you will see that five is here as part of me ready I'm six I'm five I'm one five and one I've got a five in me too I'm seven I'm five and two five and two I'm eight I'm five and three five and three I'm nine I'm five and four five and four and I'm 10 I'm five and another five high five five and five hey look five FES High Five O to the side up above don't know too slow hey wait there are loads of fives here now but we're a 6 Seven 8 9 and 10 we can't start the dance until all my friends are here let's go and find them wow this must be the two Palms oh wow and look five fives high five side above don't go too slow wait wait wait where are 6 7 8 9 and 10 we can't start until all my friends are here hey we can make friends ready five and one is six five and two is seven five and three is eight five and four he's nine hi five five and another five is 10 now let's get this party started hold on where are 1 2 3 four and [Music] five where are they look here above the sparkly line do you see who I see ready I'm six I'm five and one I'm seven I'm five and two I'm eight I'm five I'm three I'm nine I'm five and four I'm 10 and five and another five high five hey wait where are 6 7 8 9 and 10 let's go and find them high five to the side over W don't L too slow here we aware a 6 to 10 jump up here you'll see them then ready five 1 is six five and two is seven five and three is eight five and four is nine five five five and another five is 10 now let's get this party started hold on where are one to [Music] five 1 2 three four five and another five high five hey wait where are 6 to 10 let's go look for them again high five [Music] where a Weare a 6 to 10 why don't you jump up again 6 7 8 9 5 and another five it's 10 let's get this party started hold on where are one to [Music] five there we are we a we a 6 to 10 here we are my friends are all here let's get this B [Applause] started High to the side up above don't low too slow high five welcome to my divide and drive go-kart track how many carts do you need what do you mean how many isn't one enough no no no only threes can fit into my go-karts so you'll need to divide into threes before you can drive divide and drive take off three and we'll see what's left 6 - 3 = 3 there you go there are two threes in six so you need two carts off you [Applause] go yikes lots of customers nine how many carts do you need how many threes in nine leave it to me I'm good with threes let's take a three off N - 3 equal 6 and again 6 - 3 = 3 hey 1 2 3 the three [Music] thre yes yes can can you please move faster some of us can't wait to go go go cut hey hey hey I'm going as fast as I can you know subtracting threes one by one is a slow business I mean if you know a faster way of dividing into threes you tell me turn oh I know juggling helps me think it says a sign a new sign maybe this can help me divide you up faster let's see look can't you see I'm Keen to try something new instead of taking threes away over and over let's divide you into threes all at once 12 divide it into threes equals 1 2 3 4 there are four threes in 12 I can divide anyone like this anyone you say why I'm anyone give it a go 16 no no no you need to make a rectangle that's three blocks high like 12 did Noe not going to happen got this one block remaining on the end I guess I can't divide you into threes without leaving some of your blocks behind sorry 16 but you won't fit in my Gokarts oh excuse me coming through who wants to go on my go-kart track for four wheel drivers oh can I try sorry three only fours can drive my carts oh maybe I can 16 divided into fours equals 1 2 3 4 the four fours oh [Laughter] [Music] yeah literally unable to wait a moment longer 18 divided into thre equals 1 2 3 4 5 6 all right yeah six time 3 equal 18 well what do you know division is the opposite of multiplication Here I Go Again 18 divided into 3 equals 6 6 * 3 equal 18 I could do this all day so I will div some MERS are just born to show off 6 * 3 = 18 divide it into 3 equals look at [Music] me hello squares ever since one of us fell from the sky we have been bold explorers discovering new lands seeking out new friends dealing with round things round things well I say it's time to tackle the ultimate round thing the Moon let's solve the puzzle of how to put a square on the moon without using Rockets Square power only why because it's fun to try brilliant I'll be test pilot but how do we get you all the way sorry all the way up there we call in some friends some big Square [Music] friends 49 in commencing Rainbow test flight all systems checking out 7 by7 wish me luck W wo wo Yer didn't get that high but I did just invent the square rainbow guess you've got to give it a go to get lucky there you are this way I've got so much to show you I I'm 64 and I can be a strong square a chessboard a super rectangle eight oo blocks or even a super Cube but today I want to show you a little trick I call binary boosters using the power of doubles to send any number flying first I split into 32 and 16 and eight and four and two and one and one more to press the big red button then you choose who's going up one of me and none of me and one of me and one of me and none of me and one of me and fire 45 way up high amazing but not a square wait and see we're too where the edge of space nearly [Music] [Applause] there amazing we sent a square to the edge of space without Rockets we just need a little more power what was that sound why that would be me of course I'm I'm feeling a TI [Music] bit that's one Mega sneeze you think that's impressive hold on to your blocks you're going to love this prepare for [Music] launching we have lift off primary launch stage completed engage in secondary stick we've reached space second stage complete [Music] Arch entering Luna orbit launching Luna Lander and the square has landed we did it the only thing left now is to plant the square Club flag numberland we have a problem I forgot the flag don't worry little one I'll take care of this 100 and I promise no Rockets Square power [Music] only [Music] hello looking for [Music] this
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 1,564,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, preschool, funniest moments, numberblocks funniest moments, compilation, compilation for kids, 123, maths, cartoons, learn, learning for kids, one, two, three, 1000, fun, fun for kids
Id: LE7SViddmUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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