Super Best Fiends - Learning from home - 2 hour Compilation | 123 Learn to Count - Numberblocks

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the superhero team up you've all been waiting for the incredible octoblock and the exciting X together at last in crossover in the numberland stadium 11 prepares to take a penalty but at that very moment somewhere in alpal land K kicks the ball he shoots [Music] suddenly he scores go wait what alpha blocks and number blocks switching places there's only one hero who can sort this out the exciting X aut block all right then there are only two Heroes who can sort this [Music] out an alpha block here in numberland h they must have used the magic home mirror to travel here but where is it magic home mirror not detected but I am detecting more alpha blocks we three are the [Music] three confusing someone is switching Number Block with alpha blocks this feels like the work of octo naughty but that naughty number is no longer in numberland and now I've stolen the magic home mirror I'm in charge of who can travel between alpal land and numberland time for our trip [Music] typical huh rip whoa we need help extremely quickly did somebody say x extraordinary how did you get here I haven't a clue I was racing 24 on the raise track and zap here I am and I think I saw te disappear you've been exchanged 20 and te but why because it's funny of course G why is X so serious Octor naughty I'll take it from here you look a little cross maybe you should cross over over welcome to numberland friend hello Chums lovely racing weather I can keep this up all day and all right octo naughty the game is up I'm not octo naughty octob block draw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 draw stop this is octo Nauti you're right extremely sorry octony tricked me he's using the magic home mirror to switch alpha blocks with number blocks as I suspected three and C 11 and K 20 and T and now 24 and X but why those numbers with those letters there must be an explanation what say we team up and save the day I like your style to the Octo cave let's see if we can spot a pattern in these crossovers 11 and K both like football but what has t got in common with 20 we're missing something we're missing out lots of numbers for a start maybe it will help if we add them in so many blank spaces we'll never work it out have patience my excellent friend I expect when we get the explanation it will be as obvious as ABC a b c c is the third letter of the alphabet and C swapped with three what about k k swapped with 11 is K the 11th letter A 1 b 2 c 3 D 4 e five F 6 G 7 h 8 I 9 J 10 k 11 T 20 x 24 they all match up Octon Nati is swapping alpha blocks with the number block whose number is their position in the alphabet so you've cracked my little code boohoo well I don't care I'm safe here in alphaland and without the magic home mirror you two do gooders are stuck in numberland no superheroes means nobody to stop [Music] me this looks extremely bad he's right without me there are no superheroes in alpal land but there is another superhero in numberland 27 she's a super Cube like me OCTA block Cube 2x two by two 27 is 3x3x3 her Cube powers are exceptional so if we can trick octony into taking 27 to alphaland she will soon end his game octo computer what's the 27th letter of the alphabet eror there are only 26 letters in the alphabet exclamation mark he's one step ahead of us again one step ahead of 26 there are 26 alpha blocks but 26 + 1 is 27 we need to get a message to A and Z the X the oo signal [Music] wake up my friends there's a message for you a signal what does that say zoom in zebras z+ a it must be from octoblock and X they want the two of you to go after octony we can't their first choice so we must be their last chance I'm going to have so much fun with no superheroes to stop [Music] me allow us to introduce ourselves we're A to Z and we're coming to get [Music] you is that the best you can do bye no one in the world can stop me now no one we might have something to add to that 26+ 1 equals no 27 give it up oori never if I can bring you here I can send you back you're forgetting there's no 27th letter for me to switch with oh time for a swift get I don't like the look of that by the power of die manions we've got you surrounded not quite anywhere's better than here excellent work Cube Crusader and with the magic home mirror back to normal alphaland and numberland were soon put back in order as for Octon nobody was sure where he ended up only that it was somewhere he couldn't get up to Mischief again until the next time if there's one thing better than a picnic it's a square Club [Music] picnic hey one see you with the out looks picnic I'll be there soon Club picnic day is a busy day for me tell me about it we both got the step squads picnic later you too 21 see you there three wow I've never seen so many clubs it's Club Picnic Day 29 find in your clubs helps you discover what you have in common with other number blocks for example do you fit in with the odd blocks or the even tops come and find out the rule is when you stand two blocks wide if you've got an odd block on top you're in the odd blocks I did it I fit the rule I fit in with the odd blocks I thought you might you end in a nine you see and any number that ends in a nine is odd like me and may welcome to the club 29 I like the helmet it's nice having something to show on a member are there any more clubs I can join let's go and explore everyone knows Square Club oh hello there I thought it might be fun to start up a cube club and since I'm in both clubs this saves me some running about block K Kate you can join Square Club if you can make a square and be as tall as you are wide don't think so to be in Cube Club you need to be able to make a cube like this no but you said this was a new club does that mean that anyone can make up a new club I suppose so you just need a rule about who gets to be in it like the night Enders the club for numbers who end in a nine I like the sound of [Music] CH and me too squares with holes in ooh how about a squares with Hol in club for 8 and 12 and 16 and anyone else who can make a square with a hole in why not anything to do with squares sounds fun to me there are so many new clubs I could come up with I figured myself out I'm 29 and I love clubs being in them and making up new ones like square with a ho in club you need something to show your all members like badges Club badges there square with a hole [Music] ha and how about Square badges for square Club o thank you 29 hey I'm only just getting started super rectangles Club hooray step squads hooray League of 11s sweet um can you make lots of rectangles quite the opposite I'm a not very rectangular number who can only make prime positions and no others that's a bit of a mofl how about prime Club wow whereas you're even more rectangular super duper rectangle club for you square Club you're in the undercover 13's Club 26 ooh double 1 oops um falling apart Club Cube Club rainbow 7ev and my new club the nine Enders I've got one more club for you the Roaring 20s all together now 20 20 wear in 20s get in line feeling fine up to 29 oh hello everyone did 36 ask you to come here too yes but there's nothing up here except this magic mirror oh when each of you is here look and I'll appear I can't see him oh it's a RI when we're all here and we all look in the mirror and guess who appears 36 great work puzzle Pals who's up for more puzzles then follow me to puzzle [Music] square if you're going to puzzle Square we can help you enter there you can open up the locks by filling them with number blocks turn us any way you please we're a living set of keys how do we get in it won't budge oh the six sixes said they were living Keys me maybe this is one of the locks and we open it with number blocks or yes yes yes you three would you mind shuffling that way and you three come to meet them [Music] [Applause] please congratulations one lock done two more locks and you'll have won six Keys each one shaped the same but here's a new twist in the game make us fit it's up to you remember we can turn round too that's a bit trickier but it won't stop us trying let's start with what worked last time please can you 3 sixes move that way six more blocks can fit in here oh that's not the right shape I fear you're doing great you've got a full row across look an almost a full column o that could be a corner that might help can you all move up a row please they said they could turn round remember well if you turn the other way [Music] up it's the same shape look you three turn upside down please now you can make the same shape as these three but upside down repeated patterns inform formation also known as tessellation but now the trickiness increases all of us are different pieces relax remember you can't lose and always check are there more clues this looks really hard what if we get it wrong then we just try again they said we can't lose oh they also said check for more clues look there are two areas marked the first two pieces that one matches that six could you jump up there please H this strange shape looks a bit like [Music] you don't make the same mistake all day try turning me a different way a different way of course wo oh that corner space is step-shaped and there's only one step-shaped piece up you go and we need four blocks in a square to fit there and a couple more which means you what can fit in there oh look this bit matches the whole piece matches that's lucky one left oh wait turn around please there you've cracked it puzzle Pals welcome to puzzle Square yay there are so many puzzles waiting to be played with so Dive Right In presenting the six-step plan for exploring numbers and figuring them out step one t and ones figure it out for yourself this is where you sign up figure it out for yourself where do you fit in this line up how many tens and how many ones can you count to three tens and one three tens and two that's how you find out what you amount to 31 3 then you get to figure it out that's what this is all about step two rectangles now let's see how rectang you can [Music] be find your arrays make your displays Master the power of rectangle R Prim positions super rectangle some can make lots and some can make two that's one way to learn who you are and what you can [Music] do step three look inside figure it out for yourself what are you afraid of figure it out for yourself show all of us What You're Made Of how many teams and how many parts are you hiding what do you look like when you're dividing BNS number BNS teams lots of teams then you get to figure it out that's what this is all [Music] about step four play with patterns figure it out for yourself what shapes can you throw me figure it out for yourself what kind of patterns can you show me a square with a ho or maybe a cross on the wall there how many zigzags can we install there then you get to figure it out that's what this is all all about Arrow butterfly whatever this is bnny cross square with full holes donut great and still two steps to [Music] go step five join a club figure it out for yourself which clubs are you here for figure it out for yourself how many clubs will you cheer for one for the other for the in the treeh house the family of can call it a house OD blocks Prime Club even Toops super rectangle Club then you get to figure it out that's what this is all about step six more to explore it's time to go out and EXP blore the world to find out what Clues it may hold it may take a day or a week or a month to see what Adventures unfold this month has 31 days I figured myself out I am 31 and I love calendars double double double I figured myself out I'm 32 and I'm a doubler now you know who you are I know that you'll go far the world of numbers only gets bigger and bigger so go [Music] figure oh oh perfectly pitched please play [Music] [Applause] on Pleasant too loud too high I can go [Applause] higher toop terrific you excellent Echo I like singing high notes but this isn't what I imagined at least we're as high up as we can possibly get ah [Music] up I wanted to be highest one one sky one one one Galaxy one million stars and one me calling numberland come in numberland this is one Speaking I've come so far and seen so many wonderful things what I'd really like is someone to share them [Music] with hello a new friend um shouldn't a have come down by now heads up everyone here she H who are you good question I am one one block I can see that but who are you that's my name I'm one I was traveling through space for ever so long and then I saw [Music] someone yes that's her so I came down to say hello excellent let me welcome you to alphaland we're alphal blocks alphal blocks how funny I'm a number block nice to meet you and is your letter all right letter what letter it's right there I know an eye when I see one oh no this is my ey this is my numbering it represents how many blocks I am one one block I don't recognize those symbols though are they your numbers these are letters they tell you what our sounds are I'm e my sound is e I'm T and I like tea well I like things there are one of one one teacup tell me if you're One Number Block are there more number blocks you could say that would you like to meet some more uh are they up there not up there over here one moment I'm not sure I like her interrupting my singing like that try to be inviting I she came an amazingly long way alone hello me hello me hello you oh you can make copies too yes if we need to make our sounds longer e see impressive but can you do this 1 + 1 equal 2 I am to how do you do yes I'd like to know too how do you do that and where are those ones did they pop off no no they're both still here I'm two I'm one two two blocks that's what my numing stands for two blocks are two lots of one see [Music] oh po My my what happened terribly sorry t two I can explain if we hold hands and sound our letters out sometimes things happen pit oh if our letter sounds make a word magic happens that's incredible it isn't as incredible as this mirror it didn't work magic mirrors only work on number blocks like this and this tremendous tripling one two three did someone call 1 2 3 me me me amazing is that intended to impress well yes actually some blocks need to learn a few manners it's called adding numbers can add together to make bigger ones like this 1 + 3 equal four hello you're huge is that any better I think that's better I like being Square you can change shape of course I can can whatever order I put my blocks in as long as there's 1 2 three four of them then it's me four and you're 1 + three I certainly can be see or I'm two twos you choose or even four ones it's the same amount I can't believe my eyes why what happens with alpha blocks what would happen if you got on top of you I imagine I'd fall off oh utterly undignified perhaps I could perch upon you I that's no way to make a number be rational it was three that started it with her impertinent ideas impertinent as if I'm not the one who's all I I I three please we only just got here did you intend to stay long oh I I don't know I've been traveling on my own for so long I just wanted to make friends what do you say alpha blocks and number blocks can we be friends I don't know we're so very different [Music] oh oh you sure have a way with words oh you understood that he just said oh a lot you get used to it he said if we don't have a lot in common that only means we should try harder well I suppose but we really are quite different you know we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alpha blocks we're number blocks but we're not the same as different as you and I as different as 1 2 3 we stand in line we stand. we're not the same at all alpha blocks are all one size number blocks get bigger each of us has just one shape we can all refigure we all have symbols on our heads but they mean different things alpha blocks have letters numbers numberings our letters represent our sound you hear this sound when I'm around myling is my amount that's how many blocks you'll count 1 2 3 three could be that we are not the same at all we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we're really not the same we say our names to count things till we complete the set 1 2 three three letters we make ourselves to spell out words pet whichever way you add up the total matches snap our order is important is not up add any number of blocks together you make more numbers on forever alpha blocks must watch their step there's no such word [Music] as I we're not the same at all we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alpha blocks we're number blocks but we're not the same I I I me me me not the same as you can see we stand in line we stand up toe we're not the same at all we're not the same [Music] at we both like [Music] [Laughter] singing alpha blocks we're nearly there they can't wait to meet you everybody keep up these blocks sound brilliant but how many did you say there were there were six sort of of but as soon as you look around there's a whole load [Music] more oh hello be right back would have only painted you 16 times there that's more my style it's getting increasingly out of hand they've been looking in that mirror question who wants a around the world race answer did you really need to ask the question six rays and Away these must be your friends I'm one you must be B and behind me is where's C crumbs Cy excuse me asking but how many of you are there it's kind of hard to say hey can I borrow that hello who's the biggest right now why that would be me nice Planet you've got here he's big all right but did you say biggest right now yes you see the thing about numbers is there is no biggest number because if you take the biggest number you can think of hello and and one more you get an even bigger number every time 21 number Explorer so pleased to be here I have so many questions you're not the only one but how can there be no biggest number it's hard to get your head around put it this way it's like space I traveled ever so far leaving my Planet far far behind but for all the distance I've come I'm no closer to the edge of space because space doesn't have any edges it keeps going on and on forever you can't ever reach the end of it because it's infinite it goes on forever and so do we you can keep adding all the blocks you like you'll never reach infinity infinity you mean you might make an infinite number of number blocks with that magic mirror well it would take an infinitely long time but F enough about us how many of you are there uh actually I can't say we make up the alphabet but we've never really counted it well let's change that number blocks are born to count line yourselves up and let's get exploring a 1 B two counting things is what we do 3 e four and E five everybody time to drive F 6 G 7 h 8 I 9 J 10 k 11 kick it l 12 M 13 10 and three is what you mean M 14 oh 15 P 16 the party queen Q 17 R 18 racing through we're really Keen s 19 and T makes 20 d for 2 * 10 is plenty e 21 V 22 23 w x is 24 hooray X is here to save the day 25 Z 26 2 * 13 count this list a b c d e f g h i j k l and m halfway there the same again n o p q r s t UV W XY Z how many letters in the alphabet 26 T 13s that was fun absolutely I think all 26 of us enjoyed that I thought there might be more of us 26 is much less than infinity no no no that won't do you should focus on what you can do not what you can't what can we do you tell me well I can show you one trick k k hello C can I be on your team Okay C that's clever two letters together making one sound C let's see what you can make now not quite what I had in mind ooh o b join the line B [Music] Block cold still not quite right but we're getting close H that ice made my legs quite numb I see what you're trying to say we need an n and you you H maybe another be we need an uh [Music] sound uh b b s number block hello world incredible I I mean we made number blocks and if you can make these to you can make more and more which means you can make exactly as many number blocks as we can make and not just blocks you can make locks and clocks and socks and docks and frogs and and anything you can name you may be 26 little letters but if you work together you can make anything awesome you know we may have a our differences but there's one thing we're both good at making I think I know where this is going so do I we're both good at making [Laughter] [Music] friends we're alpha blocks we number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alpha blocks we're number blocks so glad that you came we're little blocks who love to learn we love to make you friends when it gets tough we don't give up we try hard to the end so whether we are numbers or we shout out a letter one thing we agree on is we'll better all together and if we keep an open mind keep learning then we're sure to find no matter what our name in the end my friends we all the same oh hi R I'd like to invite you all to stay if you'd like thank you and I'm so glad we came but seeing you all happy here it makes me miss my home it's so far away easily fixed with the help of magic e e magic e I'm can team up with other letters without even touching them see oh oh m home is that a portal home I'm home I no numberland anywhere one it's one welcome home one ah the parties on our [Laughter] planet we're alpha blocks we're number blocks that's how the story ends we're alpha blocks we're number blocks and we're the best how many twos is too many twos Amigo let's find out with a game of how many TW 1 2 3 4 5 back to beam set divide into twos what's happening yikes let's find out how many twos there are in six one hey two stop that and three wo there are three tw's in six wo w w happy terrible Tuesday everyone or should that be every [Music] two w Target acquired never faar 14 I've dealt with the terrible twos before off to lock Shield 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 hey 2 hey three hey foury there are four twos in eight you're in the lead Amigo but not for long 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pretty there are seven T's in 14 beat that oh excuse me I need to land a hand oh still 17 is greater than 14 so this should put me back in the lead hey hey remainder alert remainder alert there are eight twos in 17 and one left over remainder one no an experience I must paint [Music] it where's that reset switch aha you've got to hand it to me hey Factor beam reset divide into fives you you can't catch me oops I've divided 10 into two [Music] fives sorry Lear a driver alert remainder alert there are three fives in 17 and two left over remainder two I think I've got the hang of it now the two Factor beam divides you into twos and my Factor beam divides you into fives but only if there are no blocks left [Music] over what can I say there's just no dividing some people I know how to stop the terrible twos and I know who can stop them Mission accepted Factor beam reset divide into ones [Music] uh-oh how many ones in two two of [Laughter] course oh never any remainders when you split into WS well well aren't you the naughty ones don't worry the factor beam wears off in time well I don't think we'll be having any more trouble from wait where have they gone watch the [Music] skies I am the four times table calling all fours all fours to the dance Flor oh four on the floor and one more four than the four before that's what Four's are for to get funky on the dance floor four on the floor and one more four that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the glue with 36 be there be square when all the fours are on the floor is 40 40 10 fours a 40 1 four is four 2 fours are eight 3 fours are 12 we know how to tell it straight four Four's are 16 5 fours are 20 6 fours are 24 7 fours are 28 8 fours are 32 9 fours at 36 when all the fours are in the mix 10 fours a 4 four and four and one more four and one more four and one one more four than the four before four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four than the four before one four is Four Square two fours eight AO disco uh three fours 12 ride those Rays switch turn switch switch turn four fours are 16 party squ [Music] squares five fours a 20 big Dan number tap tap tap tap tap six BS a 24 super duper ride those Rays switch time switch switch time seven FS a 28 pick a pattern party people yeah eight FS 32 double double double double double dance nine FS 36 woo big big Square native squares up the stairs 10 FS are 40 great big rectangle come on four is four two fours are eight three fours are 12 we know how to tell it straight 4 four is a 16 5 4S a 20 6 4 is a 24 7 fours a 28 8 fours of 32 9 fours of 36 when all the fours are in the mix 10 four are 4 four on the floor and one more four than the four before that's what fours are four to get funky on the dance floor four on the floor and one more four that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the group with 36 be there we Square when all the fours are on the floor is 40 40 10 fours a 40 [Music] w [Music] four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four than four before four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four than four before sideways 1 four is four 2 fours are eight 3 fours are 12 we know how to celebrate four fours are 16 5 fours are 20 6 fours are 24 7 fours are 28 8 fours are 32 9 fours are 36 and when all the fours are in the mix 104s of 40 [Applause] woo three you're early I mean you can't come in but it's the three club meeting yes but it's such a lovely day why don't you get back bird watching first I love bird watching great see you later oh oops forgot my trinocular trouers oh some sort of party oh 15 she told me not to come in better not let her see me ha two threes are six thank you six you're early yep just me definitely not three hush hush remember whatever you do don't let three in a party how exciting but we're not supposed to be here let's go before it's six quick hide oh three thre are nine hello nine what this looks fine you haven't seen three have you just me myself and I good mustache but I'll be back in a Flash oh nice hat that was close let's go before it's real nine hide no oh no 12 H funny I thought I heard three it's just you and me good remember don't let three come back here [Music] you I've got a plan we make one more three and then we can just walk out the door disguised as 53 are 15 what about us I know 53 are 15 you can't be 15 where 15 the part is in here come on everyone it's 15 everybody hide 6 18 there you are everyone find a place to hide when 30 arrives with three we'll all jump out and say surprise got it umy 18 I thought you were here already um no 7 21 no just St me back here the exploring for a good place to hide hope I'm not late everyone and one more three is super duper I mean it's me 24 gosh is three here yes it's me 93s I mean the 27 ah here we are is that all of us need 30 here I whoops did you say three had gone bird watching 15 I couldn't find her anywhere drat we can hardly have a surprise party for three without three the party is for me well of course you're the founding member of three Club everyone in three Club is made of Threes there'd be no three club without you the one and only three surprise [Music] 10 roll up roll up roll up for the circus of Threes with your ring Master [Music] me the three times table one three is three with a JL act to open the show two threes are six with one roll of the dice the excitement will grow three thre are nine he might get to the Top If he stifles that sneeze a 12 a rectangular marel she floats with the greatest of e five fre of 15 a secretive typ her Antics are mostly mysterious Hush Hush 63 are 18 a master H shoots and the crowd is delious 73 at 21 a fous Explorer with talent to spare eight thre are 24 blazing a trail that CLS in the air N3 are 27 three sets of three threes on the flying tripping 10 are 30 10 take the ground the circus of he [Music] coming threes at the head of the big parade she likes to play to the crowd given the choice she prefers her voice and her voice is really quite loud look at me six is here at the top of a game with six in the mix you'll be glad you came next is 0 on the TR be careful I think he might 3 6 9 next up is 12 she's the fourth in line her actual surprise R and asound with her R she displays amazing arays as she flows with her feet off the ground 15 is next with a Vanishing act she goes when no one else dares her secretive Squad may look slightly OD but they're handy for going upstairs 18 is racing around the ring so Speedy he's right off the CH he goes past in a blur and Calles the St in his block we breaking aart 12 15 18 21 never loses her CO as she dives into a ping pool 24 will Delight you with the light her rays will shine all day and all night 27 can do a NE trick three sets of three threes in one place what you will see is 3 threes in 3D a cube with a nine on each face 21 24 27 1 three is three two three a six three three a nine 4 3 are 12 5 3's are 15 6 3's are 18 7 thre are 21 83 are 24 93's are 27 and now the moment you've all been waiting for 10 threes here Dy 1 the circus of Threes is complete a fabulous group a talented troop the finest performers you'll ever meet so please raise the roof and give a big heart for the greatest show we in numberland drum roll please for the circus of [Applause] [Music] three if you're sitting comfortably then I'll begin chapter 16 a six walks into a 10 ow now it's time to introduce you to an act who will amuse you she knows how to make a scene give it up now for 16 and hi T there 16 right here I'm 16 let's get this party started it's nice to be here and here and here and here look at that I'm a square turning around hey you know what Nine's favorite story is gold delocks and the three squares square and if you're after a square deal here I am I'm a square me a squares with a a square in the [Applause] middle chapter 17 portrait of the artist in his prime I'll do 17 here today I'm going to show you how to paint a selfportrait here goes oh dear me that's 17 self-portraits let's try again I'm 10 and seven so if I paint 10 and then seven oh 17 of each oh I'm never going to get this right take some deep breaths one that's it one stay there and there I'm there and there 17 ones which make 11 17 pretty as a picture chapter 18 Full Speed Ahead extreme 14 here reporting live on a cool attempt to be the fastest number ever Rook it 10 ready to fire 2 4 6 8 Super Speedy don't be late somebody say speed 18 speed machine one R and Away want to see me go faster two rays and away three rays and away six rays and Away nine rays and way Super Sonic 18 18 good call Compadre 18 R and away go dude look out tunnel uhoh now that was a speedy Escape chapter 19 Flex ability I'm 19 when a try to make a rectangle I'm always one block off oh but who needs rectangles when you can make shapes like these so many shapes so versatile the plant pot the helicopter lovely letting us see the 10 and a nine there magnificent finishing with the horse I'm a oneof I got Oh My Own Way chapter 20 making friends hello I'm 10 I'm another 10 let's be friends I'm 20 and I'm good at making friends I'm a 10 pack of [Music] twos thank you numberland and good [Music] night sweet dreams all of you fast as a rocket octo Speedy too fast uh-oh 10 + 8 equals 18 refreshing hey time to discover who I am done I am 18 and I a super Speedy super rectangle and I like to go fast oh so tall oo falling over competition I win aha 18 by one one Ray is all I need one Ray to build up speed I start to go and I go go go W 18 ones this is fun too fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 when it comes to acceleration I'm the Undisputed master I'm the quickest in the nation I change shape when I want to go faster switch 9 by two to raceing away I'm 18 I'm a speed machine I can set the world to blaze watch me zo with a sonic boom I was B to ride the Raz [Music] w n [Applause] woohoo 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 switch 6 by three three rays are what I need three rays and I build up speed I start to glow and I go go go w w 63 y you too fast 3 6 9 12 15 18 cool times when it comes to acceleration I'm the Undisputed master I'm the quickest in the nation I change shape when I want to go faster turn 3x six six rays in away I'm 18 I'm a speed machine I can set the world a blaze watch me Zoom with a sonic boom I Was Born to Ride the race [Applause] [Music] yeah 36 is Lally Mak this we're coming past we're going too fast yikes 6 12 18 me again switch 2 by n nine rays are what I need nine rays and I build up speed I start to glow and I go go go 3 5 4 wo wo wo wo wo two nines parallel lines n 18 did you miss me when it comes to acceleration I'm the Undisputed master and the quickest in the nation I change shape when I want to go faster ready for the big one switch one by 18 18 rays and away I'm so fast I'll be out of the gate before you can lock it I go at a rate no one can clock it I'm 10 and eight I'm never late I'm block Ro I'm 18 I'm a speed machine I can set the world to BL watch me Zoom with a sonic boom I Was Born to Ride the r around the world how do I stop this thing W that's one way to do it refreshing thanks for the lift 10 are we in time that's lucky I wouldn't miss the opening of nand's First Art Gallery for the world you and you I like it but where's the art I spent so long making sparkly invitations I forgot to get any oo can we help I thought you'd never ask are you sure you're a rocket you're full of colors fly through the museum and make art but go 10 9 8765 4 3 2 1 Stop wow 10 + 7 equal 17 now there's a surprise I am 17 and I love to paint they're coming in go go go don't mind if I do some painters only paint portraits Majestic cancer Rene I can also paint portraits but I P 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 look at me BL nice Cher possession some painters like to paint bluebirds in a lovely nature scene why paint only a few Birds when I paint seven 10 and seven [Music] 17 W hey no JS to position some painters paint flowers they look so Sublime I paint for hours 17 of everything takes time what nice Jer position so pain like to paint apples in brilliant shades of green I can also paint apples but I paint 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 hey no get off silly Apple nice duck of position some painters like to paint soups I like a whole urine so I paint plenty of soups I paintt 17 10 and [Music] 1 nice J to [Music] position some painters paint splatters some painters paint dots my numers what matters 17 is lots of lots of spots oh nice J [Music] position hold that pae some painters like to paint faces that look like they might scream I can also paint faces but I paint 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream yumy wait I know what this Gallery needs your art let your imagination play paint what you want Go Your Own Way a piece of paper's purpose is to be a picture one day you could be an artist the best there's ever been but why pain only one of things when you could [Music] [Applause] 17 woo plus who equals woohoo not a real sum folks the atmosphere here at numberland stadium is electric get ready for a rolicking rumble the first ever locks versus block obstacle relay race I reckon it's time to reveal our Runners starting with a classic lineup for the home team 1 2 three four five number [Music] blocks ready to meet their Rivals give a rosing roar for the alpha blocks teammates [Music] M ah mat [Music] exercise they certainly have some unusual abilities but will this team of friends Pals Chums whatever you callums be able to beat the odds or rather the odd EV OD even [Music] [Applause] odds it's race time Runners ready ah a block in the starting blocks ready one one block in the starting blocks ready then what are we waiting for oh yes for me to say start the countdown 4 3 2 1 [Music] zero did we miss anything no good Let's Race through the rules the obstacle relay race has five stages reach the next stage and a new Runner joins your team mhm one runner in the first round two runners in the second round three runners in the oh you get the idea one reaches the relay point and is reunited with two let's hope they're not phased by this crazy maze he says um um here they're Rivals are rapidly catching up Tick Tock time is ticking agreed accelerate one two one two ah ah you know I think these teams need to work out there teamwork oh if only I could see over here friend hop up no you for goodness sake I'll do it it's that way ah annoying another the dead end let's try teamwork take my hand a at aha the arrow shows where we're at terrific turn left then turn left Tip Top the alpha blocks are on the right track but the number blocks remain The Front Runners I did it me me don't stop now ooh game on up the ladders down the snakes let's hope I can avoid mistakes rolling a six right off the bat the rules require each team to reach the other side of the board let's hope the alpha blocks land on some lucky ladders here they go exit over here excellent e eager to get on let's take a time out what are they doing e t what are you doing taking tea there's always time for tea refreshing refreshing but risky their Rivals are racing ahead with a really long ladder in reach roll a two and I'll climb to the top but a one or a three and downwards I'll drop I've teams of ones and twos and threes the twos should find this roller Breeze not that no good that's better Third Time Lucky well that was lovely but it looks to me like you're out of the race Tut Tut take another look eat [Music] eat well told you there was time for tea the rules say reach the other side of the board but they don't say how sneaky a b move from the alpha blocks means the teams are neck and neck going into stage four [Music] magnificent munching teammates Army hearties prepare to face that robotic Rascal loopus better watch out she's a wild one time for a hug four plus three + 2 + 1 equals 10 Up and Away with rocket power high five very high five too tricky maybe we can make something ah what can we do to calm down an angry octopus excuse me the number blocks reach the final stretch surely they'll R home now poor alpha blocks I almost wish we could lend them a hand Hush Hush yes we won wait wait wait they ran in Reverse giving their Rivals a chance to Rally but block a is proving hard to control wait who's this on the pitch I recognize him it's magic e get ready for a long vowel a t tickle tickle T blockus maybe you can help us make it across the lake amazing it seems hopeless but we can't just stop we should seek a solution team that's it if they can travel by rocket power we can try e e m [Music] steam steam [Applause] power both teams running for the finish line but the alpha blocks are running on Rails so long see you team remarkable both teams are now riding the train it's a dead [Music] heat incredible I don't think anyone could possibly have predicted that result alpha blocks and number blocks are remarkable when they work together as teams but it's loads more fun when they all come together as mates [Applause] woohoo [Applause] one two and again one two your [Music] turn one I can't do it what was that that way come on wait looks familiar it's point to the sounds [Music] quick hey it's four four four are we playing musical statues a painting a painting of four I knew that but what's that welcome welcome welcome to my new stoline park don't you mean trampoline no no no [Music] look ooh that was fun four is that you of course it is one two three four four blocks [Music] see whatever way round I go I'm still for look at [Music] me I'm still [Music] three oh not bad you think that's amazing in you should see five five did you make all these shapes I did so the more blocks you have the more shapes you can make oh my [Music] turn not bad too of course they're not really different shapes are they it's the same shape one going up and one going across oh it's still better than me look that's all one shape not very exciting compared to all of [Music] you now now now you're forgetting something 1 2 3 hey 1 + 1 + 1 + one equals four every big ship is made up of lots of little ones so lots of little ones can make every big shape look what I can [Music] do [Music] you made all of us well done and just in time for the grand finale what better way to celebrate opening my new park than with fireworks May I present the sky at night [Applause] [Music] [Music] yay you see one when we all work together the skies the lifely then I'll begin chapter one in the beginning once upon a time a little block fell from the sky I am one this is fun I am one one block this is my numbering it means one me and this is one Wonderful World oops but one was all on her own so she decided to make friends oh a magic mirror hello I'm one hello I'm another one anyone for tennis oh one + 1 equals two I am two how do you do chapter two me and [Music] you me and my best friend I am two I am one two two blocks and this means two I love things there are two of one two two d dancing shoes one two one two oops two + one equals three I am three look at me chapter three me me me I am three I am one two three three blocks I can juggle one two three three balls and this means me three 1 2 three I'm so amazing who could possibly Follow Me 3 + 1 equals four I am four have we met before chapter four for's house hello I am 1 2 three four four blocks and this little fellow means four can you guess what my favorite shape is that's right a square with one two three four four sides and 1 2 three four four corners oops oh no someone's nibbled four holes in my tablecloth squar you cheeky little square how can we fix this 1 2 3 4 four plates hello everyone who wants a square cookie I can't reach ah four plus one equals five I am five I feel alive chapter five the star turn I am want 2 three four five five blocks high five I love Stars they have five points making me a rockar thank you and good night um is this Square Club I'll be square with you yeah yes it is square come in come in let's play a game rock paper squares Tiddly squares how about nson squares good call you [Music] start round thing oh I forgot no round things at Square Club you win fair and square Square sorry I'm late oh oh oh dear oh sorry you now we're all here and square we can begin what's the first rule of square Club no round things right you are and let me hear the motto even though we're different size you can always recognize us we're as as we are we're the same body side 4X four 3x three 2 by two square Club time for some Square [Music] art my square has four sides all the same and four corners all the same same so does mine mine too mine's four across by four down mine's three across by three down mine's two across by two down we're all square hoay again o time to eat Square sandwiches Square cheese on Square crackers Square apples Square cake everything we need for a square meal cake sounds good pink or yellow pink no yellow no pink no yellow pink yellow oh I don't know oh no that's ter terrible choose what's the first rule of square Club no round things X round things don't panic Don't Panic pull yourself together or not we three are the three three please good idea we are the 1 2 3 four four fours what could be more Square than squares in a square don't give them to me I don't want them nor do I you have them they just stand there juggling get rid of them you can talk lead this to the one one one one one one [Applause] four [Music] there all square again four sides all the same Four Corners all the same one across by one down one is a square number welcome to square Club one even though we're different sizes you can always recognize us we t as we are white We're the sh turned on each side four by four 3 by three two by two one by one square Club ho looks like we're back to square one sare welcome welcome welcome to my fantastic fun fruit Factory where we serve up fresh fruit all day o wow how do they work oh easy peasy lemon squeezy obviously I just silly things broken there are two oranges in there maybe if two tries It 2 equals 1 plus one how do I 2 = 1 + 1 taada look two at the top splits into one and one at the bottom I want fruit It's My Turn 3 = 1 + 2 a yummy yummy yummy 3 equal 1 + [Music] 2 oh where's three let's try this lever 1 + 2 = [Music] 3 oh it works both ways oh hey those are mine 3 = 2 + 1 no there's two over here and one over there but three doesn't get her bananas again 2 + 1 = 3 hey I'm still hungry look apples Square [Music] apples all = 2 + [Music] 2 yum yum oh yum yum no no no you silly machines poor three we need to find a way to make three apples come out look four new apples at the top I know how to make three here I go 4 = 1 + 3 yes yes yes no no [Music] no I want fruit 5 = 1 + 4 1 + 4 = 5 yes 5 = 4 + 1 4 + 1 = [Music] 5 5 = 2 + three 2 + 3 5 it's going far too fast 5 one 2 three three blue [Music] run I told you easy peasy lemon [Music] squeezy H hush 10 + 5 = 15 [Music] Hush Hush I am 15 and I am a super special step-shaped secret agent I'm a number with ambition I'm a number on a mission with a talent that you won't believe despite my size I'm a Master of Disguise and I've got a little trick up my [Music] sleeve Hush [Music] Hush ah help my biscuit has fallen into my milk this is a job for step Squad 5 4 3 2 1 Step Squad with the super special secret step Squad we can make your problem disappear with a super special secret step Squad we're going to make it better you'll never even know I was here my super special secret step Squad is here step one remove the milk that will get you started step two remove the biscuit and now we're on our way step three replace the milk oh don't be downhearted step four replace the biscuit we're going to save the day step five we going to over as we give you a straw thanks and vanish away yum yum OCTA block ouch I've got an octo Boo Boo this is a job for step Squad the super special secret step Squad is here step one check the boo boo that will get you started step two n n and now we're on our way step three see the doctor don't be downhearted step four B boo boo we're going to save the day step five we going to over as we make it all better and Bish your way all better now meow meow meow meow meow meow meow the superal secret step Squad is here step one get a ladder that will get you started step two light up the tree and now we're on our way step three call an alien don't be downhearted for be up and C we going to save the day step we going to over drive as we beam it back down and vanish away 5 4 3 2 1 Step Squad the super special secret step Squad we can make your problem disappear here with the super special secret St Squad we're going to make it better and you never even know we were here I'm a number with ambition I'm a number on a mission with a talent that you won't believe despite my size I'm a Master of Disguise and I've got five friends who will come and solve your problem then we'll leave cuz we're the super special secret step squad one + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 Hush [Music] Hush I am five I feel alive whenever I can drive my train only five no more no less can drive the number blocks Express woohoo no I'm getting on the train let's be on our way again woohoo we have to get the train to stop so hop hop hop hop hop on top only five can stop the train so how do we make find game only no more no less stop the number books Express I think I know what must be done let's stop the Train by adding one 1 + 1 = 2 2 + 1 = 3 3 + 1 = 4 4 + 1 = 5 only 5 can stop the train and I am back to five again 5 - 1 = 4 4 - 1 = 3 3 - 1 = 2 2 - 1 equal 1 can you help us pretty please we need to get back on the [Applause] way only I can St the train so how do we make f g only I more stop the number blocks we know what we have to do stop the Train by adding two 1 + 2 = 3 3 + 2 = 5 only I can start the train so I am about to try again 5 - 2 = 3 3 - 2 = 1 ouch ow come on T time to act like Karo h h h h 2+ 2 = 4 2 = [Music] 2 only five can start the train so how do we make five again okay friends leave this to me I'll stop the Train by adding three hop hop hop on top 1+ 3al 4 what does that mean I'm not quite sure I don't think I've seen that before - three equal one hey 2 + 3 equals 5 only I can start the train and I am back to five mine was three equals 2 [Music] hey only five can startop the train so how do we make five G I am Square y Me Roar let's stop the Train by adding [Music] four only I can stop the train so here I am to try again only five no more no less can stop the number black Express [Music] woohoo = 1 only five can stop the train so how do we make five again 1 2 3 4 5 only five can stop the train so here I I'm to try again uhoh no we're in a mess stop the number blocks Express one 2 three four [Music] five high five success I stopped the number blocks Express woohoo I'm number one and this is fun I've got one block to play with and the whole of me is one one one two one two I'm Number Two how do you do I've got two blocks to play with and the ho of me is two one two one is a part of me and one is a part of me and the hold of me is two watch I'm one and I'm a part I'm one and I'm a part and the whole of me is two 1 2 3 three 1 2 3 1 2 3 I'm number three now look at me I'm the best of all the number blocks as you can plainly see the ho of me amazing the whole of me so great the whole of is sorry three try again okay I'm number three yes look at me I'm the best of all the num I am one more time I'm number three now look at me hi I've got three blocks to play with and the whole of me is three one 2 three one is a part of me and two is a part of me and the whole of me is three w I'm two and I'm aart I'm one and I'm aart and the whole of me is three 1 2 three I'm number four and I am sure that I've got four blocks to play with and the whole of me is four 1 2 3 4 one is a part of me and three is a part of me and the whole of me is for what a three and I'm aart I'm one and I'm aart and the whole of me is four now here is something more that's different from before two is a part to me and two is a part to me and the whole of me is four watch I'm two and I'm a part I'm two and I'm a part and a whole of me is four I'm a square look four sides four corners I'm number five I am alive I've got five blocks to play with and the whole of me is five 1 2 3 four five one is a part of me and four is a part of me and the whole of me is five watch I'm four and I'm aart I'm one and I'm aart and the whole of me is five but now I feel alive going into over drive two is a part of me and three is a part of me and the whole of me is five what I'm three and I'm apart I'm two and I'm apart and the whole of me is five high five Mak easy when you can come apart spitting up so w't break your heart so when we to pie we control a is heart and the make just remember that one is a part of me and one is a part of me one is a part of me and two is a part of me one is a part of me and three is a part of me two is a part of me and two is a part of me one is a part of me and four is a part of me two is a part of me and three is a part of me and the whole of me is 1 2 3 4 5 once upon a time there were three little pigs the first little pig had a house with one room look it has one one window and one one tree in the garden and there's a number one on the [Music] door but then came the big bad [Music] Square little pig little pig let me in let me in not by the head on my chin then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in shame that's so Square luckily the second little pig had a house with two rooms room for two me and you it has one two two windows and one two two trees in the garden and there's a number two on the door t for two and two for T little Peg little pig let me in let me in not by the two hairs on my chinny chin then I'll H and I'll puff and I'll blow your house [Music] in oops sorry to 1 + 1 equals two no worries it's only pretend but where will we live now luckily the third little pig oh that's me busy busy busy had a house with three rooms and one two three three windows and one two three three turrets and one two three three flags and yeah yes yes thank you three room for a couple more sure two company and three is a party keeping that big bad Square out is as easy as one two three little pig little pig let me in let me in not by the three hairs on my chinny chin chin then I'll hoof and I'll puff and I'll blow your house [Music] in what but how just a little Huff hey 1 + 1 + 1 equal three see how you like it stop this isn't How The Story Goes the third Heist doesn't get blown down oh 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 equal four where will the three little pigs live now there's always my house it's got four rooms with one two three four four windows and one two three four four trees and a number four on the door 1 2 three four that deserves a big hand once upon a time there were three little pigs and a big bad square and they all lived happily ever after the end [Applause] [Music] yeah ready yum one 2 3 three Block cakes one for me and one less than three is one two two Block cakes one for me and one less than two is what one one block cake one for me and one less than one is is what's one less than one only one way to find out how many blocks are in this 10 one ready pull one - one equals zero who are you I am zero the hero one less than one where are your blocks I haven't got any silly zero blocks wait is that no music I hear follow me when there are no boats anchored in the Bas You' got zero when all the birds have up and Blown Away you got zero When You Reach or the cupcakes when you drunk cup or the milk shakes you got no cakes no shakes you got zero we know the sweets have vanished from the jar you've got zero we know the wheels have fallen off your car you got zero when the wind blows down the beachs and you broken all the teacups you got no hats no cups you got zero I'm number for nothing I'm one less than one when there's nothing of something I'm the number for none when there's nothing there to count none is the amount you've got zero we know the bunnies in the field of H you've got zero when know the bubbles in the air a PO you got zero when you jump in all the H Stacks when you snaffled up the FL Jack you got no snacks no snacks we got Zer how many elephants in that tree zero how many unicorns can you see Zero how many frogs are on your head how many squirrels in your bed Z Z Z on the number for nothing I'm one less than one when there's nothing of something on the number for none when there's nothing to count n the amount you got zero imagine a world where nothing can bring you down no one messing around no one starting a riot nothing and no one to stop you from thinking of nothing imagine a world where everything's peaceful and quiet no no no zero zero instruments zero zero trees zero zero gravity zero zero WS Z zero World oops what's this nothing where are we nowhere what do we do now no idea one one Wonderful World oh oh no where's zero zero zeros zero was my hero [Music] T I'm the number for nothing I'm one less than one one less one when there's nothing of something nothing of something I'm I'm the number for nothing I'm one less than one when there's nothing of something I'm the number for none when there's nothing there to count now is the amount you got [Music] see
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 1,433,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, super best friends, best friends, learning from home, learn, maths, 2 hours compilation, numberblocks full episodes, full episodes, 123, cartoons, maths cartoons for kids, learn the numbers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 10sec (7390 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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