36 minutes of the BIGGEST @Numberblocks Ever! | Maths for Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i am ten one ten and nothing more ten ten trees hello trees [Music] ten birds hello birds oh [Music] ten rackets anyone feel ten-ish oh i need to make friends [Music] guitar solo [Music] [Music] trust me you'll go far four fives are twenty five fives are twenty five six fives are thirty you know who we are one more time let's take it to the top he's the star of the show and five days [Music] so many rectangles that's even more that we can make sis we might need to find a bigger name than super rectangle that's it i figured myself out i'm 24 and i'm a super duper rectangle check out my array display turn switch turn switch turn switch i can make rectangles all day and all night too how did you get on 23 just my prime positions that's all are you sure all those blocks no other rectangles anywhere how remarkable it feels right somehow some numbers are very rectangly and some are not very rectangly and that's okay i figured myself out i'm 23 and i'm happy being me and at the end of the day you can't say fairer than that who wants to dance with me i know someone who wants to dance me shall we dance [Music] hello hello did somebody say dance i've got the shoes tap i've got the cane tap i've got the tip top top hat tap tap tap are you ready for the big dance number that's me i am 20 and i love to dance with plenty of moves to my name chapter 20 making friends hello i'm ten i'm another ten let's be friends i'm 20 and i'm good at making friends i'm a ten pack of two [Music] good night [Music] sweet dreams all of you hmm [Music] i'm 28 and i'm a pattern pioneer square with a hole chalky cross tower with windows get in hello 27 looking for something yes i'm just not sure what there's something i'm missing art is all about exploring new directions new directions that's it [Music] three lots of three threes can make three square nines and if you put us together in a new direction we make a cube i figured myself out i'm 27 and i'm a cube three by three by three making patterns is so much fun whichever way you look at it [Music] one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 10 [Music] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 [Music] 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 [Music] 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 50 [Music] 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 60 [Music] 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 18 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 [Music] 87 88 89 19 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 nine one hundred one hundred team of sixes oh team of sixes three [Applause] teams that sound means it's last rectangle standing only one player remains who can be split into teams but who is it are you sure there's a rectangle left [Applause] high five over and what a game it was let's find out who won as the team's lineup only the note very rectangly number blocks are left and the winners are the two two by ten four by five five by four ten by two oh i can't ride a six ray lose the fours twenty [Music] two by six [Music] three by four [Music] what took you so long 6x2 and he's back in the race speed is what i need six by three [Music] i'll have to take the jump it's the only way to catch up you didn't make it last time so i'll try again three by eight [Music] oh super duper [Music] as i was saying i am 27 and i am a super cube three by three by three [Applause] [Music] the three nines super [Applause] [Music] by the power of three dimensions which number block is this [Music] it's 27. [Music] 27 can do a neat trick three sets of three threes in one place what you will see is three threes in three d a cube with a nine on each face twenty one twenty four twenty seven one three is three two three's a six three threes and nine four threes are twelve five threes are fifteen six threes are eighteen seven threes are twenty-one victories are twenty-four nine threes are twenty-seven and now the moment you've all been waiting for ten threes here's dirty the circus of threes is complete hey i'm only just getting started super rectangles club step squads league of um can you make lots of rectangles quite the opposite i'm a not very rectangular number who can only make prime positions and now others that's a bit of a mouthful how about prime club whoa whereas you're even more rectangularly super duper rectangle club for you square club oh you're in the undercover 13th club 26 double 13 um falling apart club cube club oh rainbow seven and my new club the nine enders i've got one more club for you the roaring twenties hope i'm not late everyone and one more three is super duper i mean it's me and 24 gosh is three here yet it's me nine threes i mean 27. ah here we are is that all of us [Music] all right whoops did you say three had gone bird watching 15 i couldn't find her anywhere we can hardly have a surprise party for three without three the party is for me of course you're the founding member of three club everyone in three club is three there'd be no three club without you will you cheer for one for the odds and one for the squads in the treehouse the family of threes can call it a three house odd blocks prime club even tops super rectangle club then you get to figure it out that's what this is all about [Music] step six more to explore it's time to go out and explore the world to find out what clues it may hold it may take a day or a week or a month to see what adventures unfold [Music] double double huh i figured myself out i'm 32 and i'm a doubler [Music] oh [Music] bigger skating double [Music] one two three four five six seven eight dance spin [Music] four eights eight fours [Music] if you like that you're gonna love this next act for which we need another 10. four tens put us together and what have you got 10 plus 10 plus 10 plus 10 equals 40. i am 40. and i'm a big squirrel you're not a square oh no i am not i'm a rectangle i love rectangles oh would you like to see my collection i've got loads of different ones tall ones wide ones i've even got square ones huh squares are a special kind of rectangle you see where all four sides are the same length and a rectangle that's not a square is called an oblong which number block is this [Music] it's 64. shooting into space we can count the points on all the stars before heading back to base five points on each star 5 10 15 20 25 13 35 14 45 and 15 50 shining points my name rock and roll is i'm all the way when i take the stage with my shining gold guitar and so you don't forget my name i play this counting game let me hear you i'm 50. [Applause] eight times ten equals 18 i am eighty super hard to block to the rescue oh secretly i'm eight tens but this is a job four ten eights autobots assembled robux forward [Music] [Music] the biggest hero of all oh there's always someone bigger look up in the sky it's another ten nine times ten equals ninety i don't like the look of those clouds there's no time to stop assemble dino block roar [Music] 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90. nearly there with no time to spare this should do the trick 91 92 93 94 95 96 87 98 [Music] 99 and one more is [Music] 100 i am one hundred [Music] two four six eight ten ten [Music] twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty twenty [Music] twenty 22 24 [Music] 26 28 [Music] 30 30 [Music] 32 [Music] 34. 36 38 [Music] 40 40. 42 [Music] 44 46 forty eight [Music] fifty fifty [Music] fifty 52 [Music] 54 56 58 60 60 [Music] 62 [Music] 64. 66 [Music] 68 70 70 [Music] 72 74 76 78 [Music] 18 80 [Music] 82 84 86 [Music] 88 19 90 [Music] 92 94 96 98 100. [Music] thousand 100 000 and 10 lots of 100 000 are [Music] one million hello hello little one wow i never knew there was a number so big and you can always make a number that's bigger bigger one teddy one moon one million stars one four is four [Music] three fours a 12. [Music] [Music] seven fours one plus two plus three plus four is ten five your next five plus six leaves one block out the frame i'll slide it down and start again one me next one plus seven is eight plus eight is much too tall whoa you've got six blocks sticking out the top slide them down for the next rocket six plus nine is ten plus five my turn i'm feeling much better for that rest five plus ten is ten and five would you look at that five rockets with five blocks left over put us together ten twenty thirty 40 50 55 the starship explorer [Music] 17 60 [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you can count to ten then you know the ten times table you just need an extra zero to make your favorite hero one ten is ten two tens are twenty three [Music] [Music] we call in some friends some big square friends 49 commencing rainbow test flight all systems checking out 7x7 wish me luck wow didn't get that high but i did just invent the square rainbow guess you've got to give it a go to get lucky there you are this way i've got so much to show you i am 64 and i can be a strong square a chessboard a super rectangle eight octa blocks or even ass slipper cube but today i want to show you a little trick i call binary boosters using the power of doubles to send any number flying one big adventure the greatest adventure of all how exciting better check that everyone's ready [Music] oh i'm going dancing on other planets somewhere up there are triangles i've never even dreamed of i've packed everyone a square meal and space you really have to know where your sandwiches are the starry sky is a thrilling place we'll play new games in outer space we're so lucky to be going together i'm not just ready i'm octo ready [Music] this rocket's ready to be part of a gigantic starship as soon as everyone's ready speaking of which what if you kept writing zeros after one it's the same as if you multiply by ten pretty soon you reach a million again what then what then what if you start with a single grain of rice and double it double it double it every day in a week you'd have no more than a handful in a month you'd be giving it away stop the rice please stop the rice the rice stopped interesting question ask me another what if one could be divided into pieces smaller parts like the slices of a cake you could cut it into four or eight or sixteen [Music] ten planets and one two three four five six seven eight nine more is [Music] [Music] won't have any trouble 10 and 10 launch on the double [Applause] ten planets and one two three four five six seven eight nine ten more is ten plus ten right that's ten twos in twenty splendid dancing shoes [Applause] ten new worlds and that is plenty wave goodbye to planet twenty [Music] i i'm 21. i'm a number explorer wow the question is what comes next there's always more to explore we'll need a magic mirror oh here's one follow me ready to and go [Music] excellent let's find out what you can do you're 22 blocks which is two tens and two blocks more let's try the two on top ah you're an even number [Music] you are a square i figured myself out i am 25 and i'm a really really big square hooray look at all these pretty patterns [Music] i can make patterns too [Music] [Laughter] and we found you by following a pattern one lot of one two lots of two three lots of three four lots of four five lots of five but we don't have to stop there we can keep following the pattern come on let's go and find six lots of sex
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 15,518,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: numbers, numbers song, numbers for children, Education, 1 to 10, learn to count, count, counting, 123 song, 123 numbers song, 123 song for children, learn numbers, rhymes, Animation, Cartoon, Childrens Song, music, children, Playlist, kids songs, songs for children, kids, music for children, rhymes for children, children songs, children rhymes, nursery rhyme lyrics, preschool, number rhymes, dancing, singing, numbers rhymes for children, learn, teacher, million, billion, blocks, alphablocks, add
Id: nS6K8bBQagk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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