Numbers from 0 to 1,000,000,000 | Learn To Count | Numberblocks

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foreign [Music] big adventure The Greatest Adventure of all how exciting better check that everyone's ready [Music] oh I'm going dancing on other planets somewhere up there are triangles have never even dreamed of I've packed everyone a square meal and space you really have to know where your sandwiches are the starry skies are thrilling place we'll going together I'm not just ready I'm octo ready [Music] let's Rockets ready to be part of a gigantic Starship as soon as everyone's ready [Music] remember wait for the signal number explorers it's time to get out there Amazing Adventures of wheat with so many new numbers to meet are we ready Freddy sandwiches sandwiches Heroes with zeros oh Rockets ready check sandwiches Jake Bridge squares prepare for Mega sneeze everyone's ready I think I mean if you are ready to explore the Stars why I'm always ready [Music] I'll miss you you don't have to I'm taking you with me I'm taking everyone with me see and what about you little one one are you ready I'm nervous it's such a long way to go it's okay to be nervous but I know how Brave you can be and how much you can do huh and we'll be coming with you too after all you can make any number if you keep adding one one Wonderful World [Music] and one amazing Universe to explore [Music] let's go let's go ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero Master [Music] Starship Explorer 55 first interplanetary mission underway engage [Music] whoa whoa my turn all you need is one and a magic mirror [Music] goodbye numberland I'll be back [Applause] oh almost forgot oh [Music] really oh I am a bit hungry actually oh you hello welcome yes you asked what if and the whatever appeared wait wait wait what's a whatever now that's an interesting question what is whatever the best way to find out is to ask me a question what sort of question the question like this what if you kept starting forever it would earn the admiration of your friends I'd make it to a million in a fortnight but how high could you get if I ever never else if you kept writing zeros after one same as if you multiply by ten pretty soon reach a million again what then what then what if you start with a single grain of rice and double it double it double it every day in a week you'd have no more than a handful in a month you'd be giving it away please stop the rice stopped interesting question ask me another what if one could be divided into pieces smaller parts like the slices of a cake you could cut it into four or eight or sixteen but is there any end to the fractions you could make [Music] what if we tried to build a tower to the Moon would it take a hundred years to reach the top [Music] might not want to think about the drop oh don't stop don't stop what if the number blocks each had a different name the amount you'd have to count would be no difference you'd have to learn new words for everyone what if three was the highest you could count to it's a question that could tie you up in nuts counting sheep to get to sleep could be quite tricky one two three painting many rocks what if the number blocks all disappeared one day would one and two and three still equal six you could count it using Pebbles gloves or bricks or sticks good fix what if there could be a number less than zero you could draw it on a line to understand or imagine there's a lift that keeps on going negative one negative two negative three how low could you go on the number line [Music] what if everything was yellow what if everything was flat what tv7 found a heptagon and wore it like a hunt what if one was made of jelly water two is made of cheese what if beds were made of bubbles what if one was really massive what if ten was really small what if number land was upside down which way would we fall what if you could spend forever in a world it never ends on a wonderful adventure with your favorite another friends there are many other questions you will find so say whatever pops into your mind there are many other Mysteries and unknown part of you thought of some questions of your rose ever since one of us fell from the sky we have been bold explorers discovering new lands seeking out new friends dealing with round things round things well I say it's time to tackle the ultimate round thing the moon let's solve the puzzle of how to put a square on the moon without using Rockets Square power only why because it's fun to try [Music] I'll be test pilot but how do we get you all the way sorry all the way up there we call in some friends some big Square friends [Music] commencing rainbow test flight all systems checking out 7x7 wish me luck yeah didn't get that high but I did just invent the square rainbow guess you've got to give it a go to get lucky oh there you are this way I've got so much to show you I am 64. and I can be a strong square a chessboard a super rectangle eight octoblocks or even us super Cube but today I want to show you a little trick I call binary boosters using the power of doubles to send any number flying first I split into 32 I'm 16 and eight and four and two and one and one one more red button then you choose who's going up one of me and none of me and one of me and one of me and none of me and one of me 45 way up high amazing that not a square wait and see we're two squares at the edge of space nearly there [Music] [Applause] amazing we sent a square to the edge of space without Rockets we just need a little more power what was that sound why that would be me of course I'm I'm feeling a tiny bit [Music] you think that's impressive hold on to your blocks you're going to love this prepare for launch enough [Music] we have liftoff primary launch stage completed engaging secondary stick we've reached space second stage complete entering Luna orbit launching lunar lander [Music] we did it the only thing left now is to plant the square Club flag I forgot the flag don't worry little one I'll take care of this and I promise Square power only [Music] looking for this [Music] hello one hello 10 hello 100. sit sit ones place tens place hundreds place look Teddy so ARS there must be a hundred of them oh there are many more than that [Music] biggest number I know [Music] noon and how would that look think be this is a good night for big thoughts oh thinking about numbers look 100 if I join up with you we'll be 101 and we can keep adding one oh we can add tens [Music] 110 120 130 and if we can add ones and tens we can add hundreds 100 200 300. I could make [Music] 999. wow that's the biggest number I can think of but there must be bigger numbers because we could always add more blocks so what's bigger than 999. think about it this way let's start with U1 one block now ten of you ten ones what's that ten now let's have ten tens what's that 100 now [Music] that's what's that what [Music] you look like a giant me wow I can't wait to meet you good night little one good night one thousand [Music] oh there are so many big thoughts buzzing in my head I'll never get to sleep ten hundreds are one thousand and that's not even the piece [Music] one hello dream ten ones are ten ten tens are one hundred ten hundreds doesn't hand lots of one thousand are ten thousand lots of 10 000 dark 100 000. hundred thousand are one million hello little one wow that was a numbers and you can always make a number that's bigger [Music] one Teddy one Moon one million stars and more I can think of bigger and bigger numbers because numbers go on forever and hello everyone what are you up to hello zero today's the big one I'm going to count higher than I've ever counted before I've got 10 fantastic flippers like this one ten tall towers like that one and 10 lots of 10 springy Springs that looks fun can I have a go I was counting on it there's a flipper here with your number on then let's go for it great but we need to go fast so we reach the last Tower in time to catch this [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten coming in for landing keep going every second comes [Music] eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty we're going to make so many new friends today 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 excellent acrobatics everybody on with the show 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39. 40 . oh I like The Flipper it's rectangular [Music] 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50. we're halfway there 51 52 53 54 55 56 [Music] racing through the sky this High Roller's Gonna Fly 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70. we're going over the rainbow 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 18. I don't like the look of those clouds [Music] up up and away 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90. nearly there with no time to spare this should do the trick 21 92 93 94 95 96 97 98.99 [Music] Boris 100 I am 110 lots of 10 on top of the world now how do I get down again ah a parachute 100 is thank you thank you for coming to play my big new game I'll roll the dice to start my friends this game is called how many tens [Applause] [Music] six times ten equals 60. I am 60 here to play with six spots hip hip hooray [Applause] [Music] see six lots of ten is a new high score I'm six tens or ten sixes [Music] come on oh oh oh the special game dice I'm sure you'll see that dice again which calls for another 10. seven times ten equals seventy I am 70. you lucky numbers as luck would have it I'm seven tens so I'm also question [Music] I see it it's way over there but how can we get it back again luck is in the air tonight here comes another ten [Music] I am okay super auto block to the rescue secretly but this is a job for 10 eggs Octonauts assembled robe octo block forward [Music] din octo block smash [Music] it is the biggest hero of all oh there's always someone bigger look up in the sky it's another 10. ten equals 90. I am 90. you won't believe your eyes [Music] are you a square or not I can't tell this grid is 10 blocks by 10 blocks but I am one column shorts four one row either way I'm not all square and now a Vanishing trick ten times [Music] and what have we got here [Music] 10 20. 30. 40 50 60 70 80 and [Music] 90. [Music] [Applause] 90s got the highest score but I wonder how long for [Applause] testing testing one two three four five hello numberland [Applause] I'm a rock star but are you ready to meet a superstar [Applause] what a Little Help from My Friends five [Applause] ten fifteen twenty 25 30 35 40 45 and 50. [Applause] I'm all the way when I take the stage with my shining gold guitar and so you don't forget my name I play this counting game in five five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty thirty five forty forty five and fifty I'm fifty [Music] flying through the air count the fingers super quick with a little bit of flare five fingers on each Hand high five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirteen twenty five forty forty five and fifty fifty fingers my name is 50. [Music] I'm 50. foreign [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] [Applause] pretty everybody I feel alive [Music] [Music] 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 whoa by ten five rockets shooting into space we can count the points on all the stars before heading back to base Five Points on each Star by 10 15 20 25 13 35 14 45 [Music] 50 shining points I'm a rock and roll Superstar I'm all the ways when I take the stage with my shining gold guitar and so you don't forget my name I play this counting game let me hear you who am I five [Applause] [Music] if I were bigger maybe I'd be able to LEAP as high as you can if I were bigger maybe I'd be able to dance as well as you 20. I don't want to be bigger there's there's nobody in the world who's a better juggler than me you know three there's someone you should meet huh well I'm 110. and I'm 20. I'm two tens put us together and what have you got three tens ten plus ten plus ten equals Thirty I am thirsty the big Entertainer oh three stop for three tens and nothing nothing more oh if you'd like to see more then come to the circus What circus oh I like to keep it under my hat welcome to the big big [Applause] [Music] the three tens are a 10 20 13 30 balls [Music] wait there's more I'm three tens which means I'm also wow [Applause] [Music] if you like that you're gonna love this next ACT for which we need another 10. [Music] I am 40 and I'm a big squirrel you're not a square oh no I am not I'm a rectangle I love rectangles oh would you like to see my collection I've got loads of different ones tall ones wide ones I've even got square ones squares are a special kind of rectangle you see where all four sides are the same length and a rectangle that's not a square is called an oblong oh I'm a special rectangle but if it squares you want it squares you're gonna get I'm 40. I'm four tens which means I'm also [Music] [Applause] [Music] with 10 strong squares you can really raise the roof [Music] that's all from me for now take care Square so long oblong and now we need another ten five tens put us together and what have you got ten plus ten plus ten plus ten plus ten equals fifty rock and roll hi high five high fives all runs give me ten five I'm busy I'm five tens which means I'm ten five high five [Music] [Applause] now that's what I think [Music] [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty can you count to 20 tapping on your nose [Music] one two three [Music] fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty [Music] two you can count to twenty we could count to twenty let's all count to 20. we can count to 20 in a matter of your choice guys [Music] see what I think will be quite a lot of fun why don't we count down from twenty to one twenty nineteen Seventeen sixteen [Music] three two one [Music] when you see ten chickens and they ask how many legs and each chicken goes and lays exactly two brown eggs and when the chick's all hatch and hang their coats up on their pegs that's when you know it's time to count to 20. two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty who can count to twenty [Music] who else can count to 20. we can't count to 20. when you're ready [Music] [Music] thank you we've counted to 20 and ones and in twos guess who twenty [Music] [Music] in steps of five five ten fifteen twenty why can't I have a girl I could count to 20. listen to me I can count to 20 in steps of three a three six nine twelve fifteen nineteen oh Twenty One [Music] twenty maybe plenty but here's a bit of fun if you can count to 20 you can count to twenty one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One [Music] if there's nothing going on no one's there and it's no fun you can get the party started with a bang by adding one I am one and I'm playing in the sun being one it's my idea of fun one one little block now let's add another one one plus one equals two I am two and I'm playing in the Sun a song and dance is my idea of fun one two one two one two one two one two two dancing shoes now let's add another one two one equals three I am three and I'm playing in the sun juggling things is my idea of fun one two three three things look at me one two three now let's add another one three one equals four [Music] Four Corners now let's add another one four ready plus one equals five I am five am I playing in the sun high five are my idea of fun one two three four five five fingers if you add another one the number gets one bigger and if you keep on adding one you can get to any bigger now let's add another one five equals six I am six and I'm playing in the sun playing games is my idea of fun one two three four five six six dice [Applause] [Music] now let's add another one equals seven I am seven and I'm playing in the sun making rainbows is my idea of fun one two three four five six seven seven colors now let's add another one seven plus one [Music] now let's add another one hey one equals nine I am nine [Music] is my idea of fun one two three four five six seven eight nine nine hankies now let's add another one nine plus one plus one equals ten I am 10. and I'm playing in the sun being ten is my idea of fun one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten blocks we're ten ones and we're playing in the sun making friends [Music] [Music] [Music] that was fun [Music] we've had such a lot of Big Adventures and everyone has played their part no it's time to take your turn you'll be happy to learn this is not the end it's the Stars but there's so much more to explore you can take a look now we've opened the door when we run out of fingers we counted our toes how high can we go too who knows if you start with a number for fun you can make it bigger if you don't want you can do it yourself now you know how it's done there's so much more to explore there's so much more to explore as you've done it before yeah [Music] is [Music] so much more to explore many other squares 6x6 is the next one in line 36 72x7 wide is 49. and I bet you can guess the very next one is mine watch me draw hold the block drawer so much [Music] so much there's so much more to explore polka dots potato prints and patterns go warm so pop on an apron and brush up your art painting by numbers don't start there's so many patterns to spot there's so much more to explore is foreign [Music] [Music] there's so much more to explore like 97 104 can you think of a number [Music] don't be sure [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 8,320,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, back to school, counting to 1000000000, 100, counting from 1 to 100, kids tv, kids cartoons, maths cartoons fro kids, Learn the numbers, summer for kids, 123, 12345, 123456789, addition, substraction, division, multiplication
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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