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i'm if things are not working it's not because you have another cause because you are not born again no this may not be working because it is christian has no condition to breathe foreign 6pm foreign [Music] jesus is [Music] are you excited i am what god says i am [Music] oh i never [Music] [Music] jesus is my salvation say jesus is my salvation jesus is my righteousness jesus is is [Music] never never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr abel [Applause] you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness he came from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your faith get the lord i would never never never never never never be the same i would never ever go [Music] fully dressed to win hallelujah it's been a wonderful week of prayers it's been a wonderful week and all those who were here we had a wonderful time and the prayers continue you don't stop because the week is over it's continuous and the lord spoke to me throughout this year every month we will take one week to pray like that every month we will take one week and the whole week we will fast and pray through the week every month through the course of this year this year we give ourselves to the ministry of the world to prayer discipleship and living supernaturally there can be no better way to live supernaturally than to pray in the spirit hallelujah lift your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that we have the privilege of fellowship in the world we fellowship in the truth that is in christ jesus and thank you that revealed knowledge has granted your people today and so i decreed that the eyes of each one's understanding be flooded with light veils fall off clarity comes your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified with the creator by the end of this service nobody lives here the same way they came we give you glory and honor in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our faith again as you say in his words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram and all of the aqua bombs the community connected right now by way of comfort f and xlfm by way of radio radioactive ufm inspiration fm heritage fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service hey guys call a friend a family not member somebody you love tell them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves and our social media community we wanted we wanted to know we love you we appreciate all the labor that you all able to see to it that our mandate of reintroducing jesus in this generation is effectively carried out on social media do me the same favor you've always done share the service share the video on all to all the groups on your page tag some people put them on monogram telegram whatsapp groups let's let's let's illuminate the dark places of the earth today with the gospel of christ our campus is around the world what a journey of all of you connected to the service and all our bible study centers we're excited to have all of you and everybody in the building are you excited to be in the house this morning are you excited about the word of god let's celebrate the word with a shout in the building is that a shout out amen praise god grab your bible your notebook your pen and you can be seated let's get into the word of his grace i'm glad we still have dr gabriel with us and we still have a pastor opening and his wife visiting today hallelujah all right love you guys glad to have you here we are examining and we began to look at quite a number of things in the first service and if you are not here in the first service i will advise you to get the message of the first service we're examining the move of the spirit the move of the spirit we are preparing for our new creation camp meeting which starts next sunday and you know for the 14 days we will be in church every day physically here everybody will be here physically every day for the 14 days from the 31st to the 14th of february so we're looking forward to an exciting time and in preparation for that we've been examining the move of the spirit you know we have two such conferences every year we have new creation competing and we have so tyria zoteria this year will be so terrier season eight and um you know we'll have suteria and at the end of zotero we will have homecoming all our churches around the world and everybody that is part of my mentoring academy bible school will be graduating so it's going to be an exciting time i trust god that all of this corona nonsense will be cleared out of the way and we're going to have all the things we're supposed to have this year i didn't have a good amen now the believer is taught not to be ruled by the world the believer is taught not to be ruled by the world we are the light of the world a city set on a hill that cannot be healed the church believers are the light of this world matthew 28 verse 19 to 20 matthew 28 verse 19 to 20. go in therefore and teach all nations underline the word teach and teach all nations underline the word all nations indeed shall all families of the earth be blessed go in therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost next of us teaching them teach teaching on the line teaching them teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you hello i am with you please underline lo i am with you always even until the end of the world amen to teach all nations to make disciples in the greek metatour metator in the greek now mark the word i am with you always if i ask you very carefully today what is the will of god i know many of you will see salvation because festivity chapter 2 verse 1 says that god will have all meant to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth that's the will of god but the concept of salvation carries with it wider narratives it carries with it wider narratives please pay attention if you ask me what is the high point of the gospel what is the goal of the gospel it is the very last words we just read lo i am with you always the word law is the greek word aurora h-o-r-a-o aurora which is look at it intently low look at it intently you know there's a way i can look at you and just say how are you you go away there's a way i will look at you and notice that you changed your haircut you changed you know your makeup style or you change your pattern of dressing on i could say it looks like you're adding weight or you're losing weight now i must have looked at you intently to have those details i didn't just casually look at you i i took an intense look at you to make those observations that is the word hurawa look at it well see that word used in ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 if any man in christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold behold all things have become noah horowa is the same word in first john 3 verse 1 behold what manner of love the father had bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world know it was not because it knew him not behold horror so look at it well meaning it's possible for you not to see it maybe you're in a hurry or impatient or you are not listening or you are not paying attention now let's go back to the basics we have said that jesus is teaching from genesis to malachi jesus is teaching here in matthew 28. jesus is teaching from genesis to malachi which means the intention here will be found in the books of the scripture from genesis to malachi remember i have said to you to understand scripture particularly the epistles firstly you must read where they were reading from you must read where they were reading from what do i mean in this bible study they were not reading matthew in matthew 28 they were not reading matthew they were not reading ephesians or colossians in this bible study which you know told us they had for 40 days brother luke told us 40 days they were reading from genesis to malachi in luke chapter 24 verse 25 you know jesus done to those girls and call them fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken all that the prophets have spoken but not christ who have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and begin in the atmoses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures in all the scriptures in all the scriptures the things concerning himself that is genesis to malachi the scriptures genesis to malachi the word expounded means to interpret the menuha means to look for the meaning to look for the meaning please keep that somewhere then in verse 44 of luke 24 luke 24 verse number 44 and he said unto them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me law of moses prophet psalms verse 45 of luke 24 verse 45 of luke 24 then open his their understanding that they might understand the scriptures that they might understand the scripture so to understand this open heal their understanding that they might understand understanding understand take note of that acts chapter one verse two and three acts of the apostles chapter one verse two and three acts chapter one verse two and three until the day in which he was taken up after he threw the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen next verse to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them how many days 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god so where was he speaking the things pertaining to the kingdom of god for 40 days genesis to malachi so he taught them from genesis to malachi the torah because those were the only materials available as at that time please pay attention now so what you have in matthew 28 verse 18 to 20 is to summarize the events of the 40 days a summary those three verses represent the headlines you know the headlines but they are not the content of the 40 days go and teach teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and lo i am with you always to the end of the world that's headlines or summary of what you taught them for 40 days are you still in the building so the content of those headlines will be found between genesis and malachi so the content of the teaching of jesus or the teaching of paul is found in the old testament it is therefore inaccurate or inappropriate to quote a certain text either in the four gospels or in the epistles without the content found in genesis to malachi whether it is the four gospels the book of acts or the epistles its content you didn't hear that its content will be found in genesis to malachi because that is where all of them thought from they taught from genesis to malachi the content or the narrative will be in genesis to malachi so what we find in the epistles is the summary what we find in the epistles is a summary or what we call the subject matter but the narrative of it or the content of what you are saying is in genesis to malachi please pay attention which means that every time i read the words of jesus i am reading genesis to malachi every time i read the words of jesus i am reading genesis to malachi so when he said to them lo i am with you you have to go back to genesis or to the scriptures and read the details of what he meant you will observe if you do that he is the one who fulfills this promise that jesus is the one who fulfills his promise i am with you will be a promise a teaching a content found within genesis to malachi i am with you will be a promise a teaching a content found within genesis to malachi so where is this reading from well to arrive at law i am with you always there are two things to read there verse 19 says all nations all nations preach to all nations then he now says i am with you always in the four gospels he was at one place at one time at a point in matthew chapter 10 he sent them to go away and preach in luke chapter 10 it says they returned to him that means they didn't go with him that means when they went he was not there so that's why they returned to him not with him in luke chapter 10 verse 17 they returned to him with joy in verse 19 of luke chapter 10 he says i give you authority which means he didn't go with them in fact he gave them power they went and came back in matthew chapter 4 verse 23 put it up for me he jesus went everywhere and preached matthew 4 23 and jesus 23 jesus went about all galilee teaching in their synagogue and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people in matthew chapter 9 verse 35 he went everywhere in acts chapter 10 verse 38 he was going about that means you could say jesus is not yet at kapanu because he was going everywhere so you can say he is on his way but he is not yet at kapanu he is at galilee he could only be at one place at one time and there are times his disciples are away from him but something different happened at the resurrection he says go into the world and what he never said in the fall gospel he said lo i am with you i am with you please pay attention so what has changed what has changed i am with you always the word ego am i e-g-o-e-m-i i am with you is the very word of the old testament yahweh i am with you yahweh because the meaning of yahweh carries with it an abiding presence exodus chapter 6 verse 3 let's go to the content exodus chapter 6 verse 3 and i appeared unto abram unto isaac and unto jacob by the name of god almighty but by my name jehovah was i not known to them god almighty means yahweh but by my name jehovah was i not known to them i am yahweh i am the lord so jesus is affirming and confirming that he is the one that spoke to moses i am that i am i am yahweh lo i am i am that i am i am yahweh exodus matthew 28 lo i am with you so when he said lo i am with you the audience understood that the person that spoke to moses was the one speaking to them i am with you by this statement he affirms and confirms that he is the one that spoke to moses and not just moses he is the one who spoke to abraham and if that is it then we need to understand what he means here i am with you always in mark 16 15 he says to them go into all the world and preach the gospel matthew 28 20 19 and 20 where we just read go and teach make disciples teaching them to observe hello i am with you always luke 24 47 and that repentance and remission of sins shall be preached in his name among all nations acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria unto the anonymous part of the earth how is that going to happen we are examining the move of the spirit so let's stay a bit in the four gospels john 14 16 john 14 16 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever another comforter i lost barack let us another comforter now i will come back to this scripture a bit later he will give you an allows parakletos that's greek now the word another dear means another of the same he will give you another of the same allos another of the same parathletos alluse okay now where is he teaching from where is he saying to them i will give you another where is he quoting from stay with me genesis to malachi so which means he is the same comforter of genesis to malachi who is a comforter a comforter is a paraclete which is somebody who stands by you stands for you stands with you who abides with you which means he's confirming the promise that was made within genesis to malachi the same comforter to abide with you forever john 14 17 please pay attention john 14 17 even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither nor with him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you whosoever is talking about is the person present in that conversation huh wait is the person he was talking about present in that conversation yes put it up again put it up for 14 17. even the spirit of truth please pay attention whom the world cannot receive because it sees him not neither knoweth him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you so who he is talking about here was he present with them in that conversation all right very good he was present with them look at verse 18 to 20 of the same john anemona now give me the pre-text verse 17 and i'll read down to 20 please follow this if you miss this you miss everything even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and he shall be in you i will not leave you comfortless the comforter will not leave you comfortless i will come to you i will he shall be with you and he shall be in you i will not leave you i will so was this comforter dear with them good next verse yet a little while and the world cf me no more but you see me because i live you shall live also 20. at that day hey you shall know that i in my father and ye in me and i in you is this jesus yes so who came back christ came back so he affirms the words of the prophet he affirms the promise made in scripture like i told you if somebody else came and it's not jesus then that person is not christ and then that person is not god the promise of god is fulfilled by god himself so jesus therefore affirming all that he promised to do can i have a powerful amen remember the story we have in genesis 24 25 27 beginning at moses the hebrew word ake moscius akemo museus beginning at moses and all the prophets so can we say beginning at the beginning beginning at the beginning and some people assume what is written you know they assume it and you know sometimes even when you look at the headline of a story the headline may be different from the story so that's why we don't assume in bible study when we see what he's saying we look for the content okay the content will be from where he read so it makes a lot of sense to start reading from the beginning beginning at moses which means we must take that explanation beginning at moses we said earlier in this class you must read what they read did you say that you must read what they read you must sit where they sat you must hear what they heard to understand what they understood so let's look at it beginning at moses means jesus used genesis to malacca he didn't use romans or ephesians so the first thing is read what they read the second thing is ensure that you had what they heard so now let's go to how he interpreted die harmonia luke 24 27 how did he interpret and beginning at moses beginning at moses so the first thing you need to do in every book particularly the bible whose theology and explanation is rooted in history and of course you know what i mean by history and whoever is on that computer the scripture is still on the screen when we are teaching ns gets somebody who is in this service to be on that computer history means that the events happen before then so you must go back to the world of that history or that text you must leave this world and travel back to that world where they were and sit where they sat and hear what they had to understand what they understood so you can apply to what jesus was teaching so when moses wrote genesis to deuteronomy his audience was not you and i we were not his audience which word was it well the world where moses was communicating with so we must first of all hear what the audience heard if you miss it there's no way you can understand a book that was written for example in 1820 without the history or events and the people that were around to explain it there's no way now what was going on are the things you asked yourself what was going on what was he saying you must first of all know why why did he say what he said and if you observe i'm just laying the foundation before we fly so genesis the book of genesis will be moses's writing about the promise that god made to abraham and to the children of israel in their journey out of egypt so genesis is god's promise about an exodus genesis is god's promise of an exodus so genesis is the promise of an exodus genesis is the promise of deliverance genesis is the promise of redemption genesis is the promise of an inheritance the book of genesis is the book of promise the promise of an exodus the promise of deliverance the promise of redemption the promise of an inheritance and the audience he was addressing were found in bondage and captivity and god now is delivering them that was the audience so genesis is the foundation of that promise of god to say that god is faithful he will do what he says he will do that is a summary of the audience the promise of the exodus the promise of deliverance the promise of redemption the promise of an inheritance and the promise of salvation so you must first of all hear this because that is among the thousands of civilians in israel who were in egypt and moses is reading now to what they are what you know what they are living in egypt and how they are living in egypt and all that god promised them and this audience sat down and they were listening to what god said in genesis is it clear now so everything is saying is tailored towards god's salvation and redemptive plan it is within the stories of the patriarchs within the stories of the party acts that the promise is made so you have to examine the stories carefully to locate the promise in the stories you are not looking for the stories you are looking for the promise but the promise is sandwiched in the stories so you peruse through the stories with an intent to look at the promise within the stories and once you pick out the promise you trash the stories are we teaching are you here or you have gone home okay very important now they are listening to what he said the first thing is that you and i must listen the way they listen until that is done you cannot see the application in your world today you must first of all hear what they heard now jesus will be reading from the books of redemption he will be reading from the books of salvation he will be reading from the books of deliverance and you will be reading from the books of an inheritance can we also say that those books are the books of judgment of sin and deliverance huh okay yes now come on that's the background if you observe the mark 16 15 when he says go and preach the gospel mark to i mean luke 24 27 repentance and remission of sin should be preached john 20 22 to 23 receive ye the spirit whosoever sins you remit are remitted unto them and whosoever sins you retain are retained that's the background of what we refer to as the great commission that's the background so our work is to start from the beginning because any truth not found in genesis cannot be bible truth seller any truth not found in genesis cannot be bible truth anything said or concept not found in genesis cannot be bible truth it has to be in genesis for it to be in exodus it has to be in exodus for it to be in leviticus it has to be illegiticals for it to be in numbers it has to be in numbers for it to be in detronomi then it has to be in joshua and george's for it to be in isaiah and if it is in isaiah it has to be in isaiah because it's in joshua and judges if it is not in isaiah it cannot be in matthew mark luke and john if it's not in isaiah it cannot be a matthew mark luke and john and it is not in matthew mark luke and john it cannot be in acts of the apostles if it's not in acts of the apostles it cannot be in romans galatians corinthians to revelation so it is not in genesis it's not bible truth [Music] so that's why jesus beginning always beginning at moses because for it to be bible truth it must begin from the beginning teaching good please stay with me so what jesus said lo i am with you remember we quickly went to john and i said keep it somewhere that what will happen upon his return will be that he will be with them forever in the spirit i go i come when he comes he is coming in the spirit to be with them forever lo i am with you always to the end of the age stay with me which means in march 28 20 where he said lo i will be with you always is that by the spirit huh no i will be i am with you always is it by the spirit is jesus with you where how physically how so he is in you right now by the spirit exactly so when he says law i am with you always what you are simply saying is the promise of my spirit will be fulfilled in you so genesis 1 remember we are examining the move of the spirit genesis 1 1 and 2 is not a creation story as much as a recreation story because genesis 1 1 is talking about the new creation if you're in the first service that shouldn't be a big deal he said the earth was without form and void which is in hebrew to means confusion not in confusion it is to describe a state of hopelessness a state of depression oppression a state of confusion you can say it is to show you a need for redemption why would the writer moses use the phrase the earth was without form and void look at the next statement then he said and darkness was upon the face of the deep darkness so form and void and darkness are they the same form and void and darkness are they the same yes so we can see that the earth was without light the earth was without light and it is not referring to without the sunlight so which means genesis 1 2 is the spiritual condition of man the spiritual condition of men remember he is in egypt preaching the gospel moses is in egypt preaching the gospel so he's describing the state of the people in captivity because he's preaching this gospel to egypt to the people announcing god's promise of redemption telling them this is your state the earth was without form and void to hua bohu darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved this is your state but god's promise will happen by the movement of the spirit jagger okay hang of a lot this is your condition but this is the promise of god deliverance salvation redemption inheritance but it will happen by the movement of the spirit that was the gospel moses was preaching to the children of israel recorded as a promise in genesis of an exodus a pro what is exodus movement okay movement of the people who if you're up to this point shout a powerful amen so verse one god created the heaven and the earth and we said that god created heaven and earth there is to begin to repair to restore to begin to redeem the hebrew word to begin to remake and remold why was it so because the earth was without form void and darkness so god will have to repair remold darkness was upon the face of the deep and the very first activity of god was the movement of the spirit first activity the spirit of god moved that was the first activity of god which means god's activity on the earth is by his spirit god's activity on the earth is by his spirit stay with me and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters so god's work on the earth is by his spirit god's influence on the earth is by his spirit the way of the spirit is the way of god the move of the spirit is the move of god over the face of the waters over the face of the waters waters here has to do with nations what has has to do with nations because in that genesis chapter 2 we see a geography of nations as understood in the days of of moses genesis 2 verse 10 look at the geography of nations genesis 2 10 and a river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and it became into foreheads geography okay next verse the name of the face is python that which is it which compasses the whole land of hazila we are they have natural minerals gold havila all right next one and the god of that land is good there is dillium and orange stone in havilah next verse and the name of the second is guy horn another part of the geography the same is it that composite the whole land of ethiopia okay verse 14. and the name of the third river is hedykel that is it which goes toward the east of assyria and the fourth is euphorities these were the nations and this was a geography and the description of nations was waters a river so when he said the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters he was talking about the movement of the spirit over nations the spirit of god moving over human beings that are insane are you in the building the spirit of god moving over human beings that are in a state of sin so that is why numbers 14 21 will say numbers 14 21 but as truly as i leave all the eggs shall be filled with the glory of the lord all the earth habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14. chapter 2 verse number 14 habakkuk it looks like the guy on the computer has never read habakkuk before the lord god habakkuk 2 14. hallelujah for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea waters don't cover sea in the natural sea is a body of water so waters cannot be covered in the sea is a vehicle of speech talking about the spirit of god moving over human beings is it getting clear now so when the spirit moved upon the face of the waters he was describing nations so the work of god on earth and among the nations is by the spirit is by his spirit so the move of the spirit is the move of jesus the move of the spirit is the influence of god the move of the spirit is the move of jesus the move of the spirit is the influence of god over the face of the waters over the face of the waters what is there has to do with nations he says in genesis 1 2 the spirit of god moved the word moved has to do with when you begin to conceive a walk when you conceive a walk the spirit of god moved in the nations moved in the nations matthew 28 20 matthew 28 20. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and know i am with you always even unto the end of the world lo i am with you always with you to do what i am with you always to do what everybody shout very loud with me i have mission on my mind say i am mission minded say i am god's missionary say god is a missionary god i have mission on my mind i am with you always to do what matthew 28 19. let me come closer here i feel an anointing around these apostles go ye therefore and what teach all nations so i am with you always to do what to teach all nations my ever abiding presence is to enable you teach nations i am with you always by my spirit for remission it's for a mission the mission is to teach all nations teaching them my spirit is with you always to raise disciples that's the reason that's the reason lord look intently aurora i am with you always for what to teach all nations teaching them to observe go and make disciples i am with you always genesis chapter one verse two egg and the earth was without firm void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters so the promise of god in genesis to malachi is redemption salvation the inheritance the new creation the new birth and the kingdom of god salvation inheritance redemption the new creation the new birth and the kingdom of god how is it going to happen how will salvation happen how will redemption happen how will inheritance be delivered how will the kingdom become a reality how will the new creation be born how will the new birth become a reality remember moses is preaching to an audience in israel in egypt about an exodus the preaching of the blessing the forgiveness of sins tired to tell you stay with me it's going to happen by his spirit so let's explore the word spirit are you here or you have gone home okay because we want to enter exploration we want to mine we want to mine some things and you need to be here for mining we can be mining while you're growing ever the word spirit is one of those terms in the scripture you can call lone words remember that god use human language human language let me say listen the word adam and eve are hebrew words adam and eve are hebrew words and the hebrew language was only found about two thousand years ago after adam and eve had existed so i am sure adam did not call eve and i'm sure adam's name was not adam because adam and eve hebrew came much later after adam and eve had existed and gone which means it's important to know that words are taken from the culture of the day to explain a spiritual reality words are taken from the culture of the day to explain a spiritual reality the word spirit there is a hebrew word ruach ruach it is used for breath it is used for the moving air it is used basically to explain the activities of the unseen when we say spirit we are explaining an activity that is not in the natural and neither is it non-existent it's an activity that is existent but cannot be fatimed with the faculties of the senses so because it's in the invisible the way to describe it is spirit all like sometimes what the power will call it spirituals things in the spirit things of the spirit pneumaticus pneumaticals okay now it is used for moving air it therefore means that the foundation of scripture shows you that the earth is run in two walls the sin world primarily the unseen world so there's a sin world the world i can touch the world that i can feel and the world that i can perceive and there's the unseen world which our best description of it is the breath or the wind pneuma or ruach which means that we therefore must pay attention to the unseen world because here moses describes a whole people as darkness you remember he calls people what darkness you can imagine somebody that is lying skinned i mean light skinned moses said you are dark which means it's not literal because he called he called an entire nation of people darkness meanwhile among them there are people who are light-skinned gross darkness the people gross darkness the people so it's not a physical description it's a description of an unseen reality are you in the building here yeah i have other guys we therefore must pay attention to the unseen world remember when he said lo i am with you always that is more in the unseen than in what is seen so the first thing we said is the word ruach which is wind or breath or the activities of the unseen the second time we will see spirit is genesis 3 8 put it up the second time we will see that word spirit and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god amongst the trees of the garden now this event is after adam and eve had eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and again you discover there's a whole lot of parabul in that communication satan is represented as the serpent sin is described as a tree then you have genesis 3 8 walking in the garden in the cool of the day the word cool is the word spirit ruach working in the garden in the spirit of the day in the ruach in the spirit of the day so it means in the unseen it means god was working with them in the spirit in the cool of the day the word day is the word young in the hebrew yom which means light in the ruach of the yom in the spirit of light take your trip back let's get to genesis 1 5. genesis chapter 1 verse 5. please stay with me and god called the light day is it clear and god called the light day and the darkness he called night he called the light day walking in the cool of the day there is what light yum in the ruach of the young in the spirit of the day so god was working with adam in the invisible as light while they were in darkness are you understanding now so we have the spirit and light spirit and light why because genesis chapter 1 verse 3 when god said let there be light light be can we also say let there be day they be and god did that by his spirit which is the answer to darkness the spirit is the answer to darkness because the spirit is light god working in the spirit of the day which means we find god's spirit in light hello if you see here shout the power of glory the third time you will see the word spirit is in genesis 6 6 3. put it up for me genesis 6 3 and the lord said my spirit shall not always thrive with man for that he also is flesh yet his day shall be 120 years wow all right i want you to observe something here genesis 1 2 darkness in the earth can we call that darkness disobedience huh can we call that darkness unbelief can we call that darkness sin again god now responds to adam and eve in that instance by his spirit in genesis 3 8 then in genesis 6 1 observe what did god see let's read it genesis 6 1-3 just observe and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which he chose and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his day shall be 120 years what did god see when he said in verse 3 my spirit shall not always thrive with man there was something god saw remember the spirit started working in chapter one chapter three spirit yet man was still hardened chapter six spirit is still moving because the move of the spirit is the move of god the move of the spirit is the move of jesus okay now so what did god see in chapter 6 look at verse 5 verse 5 6 5 and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually that's what god saw okay now god is same man state chapter chapter 6 verse 11 and 12 pay attention chapter 6 verse 11 and 12. put it up the earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence verse 12 and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth does this describe genesis 1 and 2 without form void and what darkness so that is the state of man or darkness in verse 3 he now says my spirit shall not strive shall not always strive with man now let's examine the word strive the word strife is the hebrew word dim d-i-m it means to try to convince or to judge to try to convince or to judge that what strive is the hebrew word for a term jesus used that term strive in john 16 7. give me john chapter 16 verse 7. nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you eight when he is come he will reproof the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment the spirit of god will reprove the word strife but when man corrupted himself and rejected the move of the spirit then god said well my spirit shall not always strive or reproof or convince because when my spirit through my word tries to convince you for a period and you say no he will have to pull back and the reason why he will convince you is because god saw that man has corrupted himself so god's solution to corruption is the move of the spirit the move of the spirit is the move of men when we say the spirit is moving men are moving because the spirit does not move in isolation he moves in man so when you start seeing men rising and preaching like never before it is a move of the spirit if i'm teaching say i hear you and when men are moved by the spirit and they keep bringing the gospel and you keep rejecting after a period they leave you alone when you are left alone without the gospel you are void you are empty you become the headquarter of darkness and where there is emptiness and void destruction is inevitable the absence of the gospel is the cause where the gospel does not get to it's under darkness hence is under the course the cure to the course is the preaching of the gospel that is what it is the blessing the gospel of the blessing because what the blessing does is to swallow the cause and make the course non-existent that's why you can't be born of god and be under a cause that causes has not been born that will cost me and it will work let me tell you all the witches in the world are not enough and wherever they are hearing me now all of them put together all the witches both male and female witches all the ancestral altars in the world when they combine all of them they are not enough to alter a statement that can happen around me but just my breath can scatter all of them jacob do you know what you carry somebody said they were carrying my name to witches come and get the full names what you have is not my full names let me give you my full articles with my address and phone number get you bastard so you see that you all of you put together amount to nothing what are you talking about do you know who you that even christians go to native doctors they are not christians they are not christians they are church goers if doctors should come to christians and say sir i'll be watching you i'm a native doctor but what i see in you i want it i want to throw away this one and collect that one the by adam are shorter you are the light of the world a city set on a hill that cannot be ignored i had a hayadah say with me i am god's missionary i have mission on my mind see i carry the blessing of the world in my hands say i'm a custodian of global blessing it is called the gospel and let me tell you man of god anywhere you enter with the gospel it prospers go to africa it will prosper carry the same gospel to asia it will prosper carry the same gospel to canada the gospel has universal influence a preacher of the gospel is a global luminary you cannot box him you cannot connect him the greatest honor god can give you is the honor to preach the gospel that's the greatest honor that's the greatest honor that god will call you to be on his team god will call you and say be on my team let us cover the earth with the influence of the blessing that's the greatest honor that man is a man that the world will look for i'm telling you the truth believe me shakaya preaching the gospel is not a violence it's a triple plus and the good thing is you don't have to see a vision to preach the gospel you just need to receive the gospel enough to preach it you don't have to hear a voice the message that saves you makes you a messenger the message that saves you in turn makes a messenger out of you say i am a missionary say i have mission on my mind please give me a few minutes you can see that feel like keep you here till six o'clock [Music] he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment so what does it mean it means to convince or to seek to convince it also means to seek to show proof to strive reproof it also carries with it to judge for example if you believe you are saved if you don't believe you are condemned that's judgment the preaching of the gospel is the preaching of good news but when the good news is rejected judgment is applied the gospel judges it judges you righteous or it judges you condemned depending on your response to it i understand when we pull the gospel out of a community we have introduced darkness to that community that is why once you know the gospel and you are in a place in town in that community you are the lighthouse so you can't afford to be dumb you have to start speaking so that that community can come to the light see i hear you the way you're looking at me say i hear you say i am the light in my community say it again i am the light in my society say i carry the gospel the blessing where i am curses cannot function let's use the ghanaian tongue cases cannot function cases cannot function where i am i carry the blessing i am sure that when i come i am sure that when i come it's not a probability i am sure that when i come to your house when i come to your office anywhere i come i am sure that i will come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel when we say the blessing we mean the gospel the gospel is the forgiveness of sins when the gospel is cast in a society the society is overrun by curses cases overrun the society that's why i can't be preaching the gospel in a society and be calling them to come and be free from curses then it means i am not preaching the gospel because i can't be preaching the gospel and be telling you your cause my preaching the gospel is determination of the curse are you all hearing me so i cannot be the one preaching the gospel to you and i'm the one inviting you to come and be breaking courses over you then it means i don't know what i am preaching oh it means i am part of the problem because i should be the solution so by mere fact that i'm the one preaching i should be telling you that by this gospel i'm preaching as you are hearing you are free from curses how can they call you to come and break conscience what am i breaking this sugarcane i'm not breaking sugarcane i brought you the blessing and when i preach and you listen you are assimilating the blessing that's why it is blessed at the feet of those who bring good tidings when we walk into a place the entrance of our legs into that place is the introduction of the blessing as soon as we enter [Music] we speak judgment over sickness as soon as we enter we speak judgment over disease as soon as we enter a place we speak judgment over satan and his demons our entrance is the judgment of the devil and if i by the finger of god cast out devils then the kingdom has arrived so when we enter demons exit we can't enter a place and demons are jumping around no no no no no the blessing is the extinguisher of demonic activity see i hear you i'm not telling you at all see i hear you say i carry something that the world is in need of it is the blessing i will close now genesis 6 3 my spirit shall not always strive with man now can we say my spirit shall not convince can we say my spirit shall not seek to make to believe huh let me say his day shall be 120. a lot of people when they read that always say that god has limited man's life to 120 years how about how do you read that's not true because the truth is this if god is the one who brings death then there is nothing called sin if god is the bringer of death then there's nothing called sin because it's supposed to be seen brings death but if god now is the bringer of death then there's nothing called sin that's why never say god took him god doesn't take people say ah god just took that man of god he's a lie the man of god went they didn't take it sometimes when people are telling you they don't want to die inside their head they have agreed to die they are just talking because that takes no one except the person cooperates into your hands i commit my spirit not into your hands they collect my spirit they don't collect it i commit it i'm teaching good here and stephen gave up the ghost they didn't collect it he gave it up and jesus said father forgive them they know not what they are doing and he gave up the ghost they didn't collect it nowhere they collect people's ghosts men release their ghosts to go am i teaching good here you don't die by force you die by choice no devil is devil enough to take you out except you corporate and there are different ways to cooperate you can cooperate by wrong diet you can cooperate by not eating well you can cooperate by careless behavior you can cooperate by careless choices all those are avenues of cooperation but once those at the news are well taken care of no devil can take you out that's why people live for 120 and they're begging for debt and debt is refusing to carry them and you don't have to be a christian to operate there you just have to know how to disallow that the avenue of taking you that's one of the ways satan will make a man live quick is to torment your body with pain that's why jesus took our pain because when pain becomes too much you just say i have to go that's why when pain is too much that's why doctors have been killers no matter what disease the first thing they do is to kill the pain before they start working on the disease because pain is the quickest way to terminate a man you rebuke the pain tell it to stop then you command the condition to be corrected i want you close somebody shout i am here with a mission and i live to nowhere until the mission is fully completed one time paul let me close on this note one time i'll continue when is it one time paul said i have a desire to depart yes i have a desire to depart i feel like going but should i go or should i stay [Applause] for me to go i will be with jesus but if i stay i will be an encouragement to you that come that can stand there stand there right now i'm in a street between two whether to go or to stay [Music] but let me see let me see let me see the advantages and the this ad that's not a normal man hey somebody if you are catching my flow shout i hear i hear then paul said dead go when i need you i will look for you he continued walking he continued walking then one day he said i have fought a good fight i have kept the faith henceforth is led for me a crown of righteousness which the lord shall give to me and not to me alone but to all those that are mission minded and are committed to missions i am ready to be delivered you know what paul was saying i gave up to go it wasn't long after that he was gone but nobody could take him even when they stoned him they stunned him and stunned him inside him he said i'm going nowhere when they finished stoning he collapsed when they left he revived by the next day he was in the synagogue teaching what do you do with such a man one time 40 men saw an oat bound themselves to charm and diabolical things that they will not eat and they will not drink until paul dies while they were planning his death he entered a small basket and asked the brethren to throw him out of the window let him leave town he left town for them and i'm sure those men were eaten by their charms leave that to you leave that to you leave that here you can't carry the gospel and the devil mess around with you you're carrying the blessing stand on your feet and say with me i'm a preacher of the gospel said very confidently say i have mission on my mind i preach the gospel i raise disciples i build a kingdom i am a carrier of the blessing the blessing of the gospel is upon my life therefore i am committed to the advancement of the kingdom of god i didn't hear you shouting powerfully lift your right hand father thank you for everybody under the sound of my voice in this building online on television wherever your people are hearing the sound of my voice my radio audience all over aquarium stage i speak the blessing the blessing of the gospel in the name of jesus now every disease and sickness we judge you we judge sickness we judge disease you have no right to stay in that body out in the name of jesus out in the name of jesus ouch in the name of jesus we rebuke pneumonia we rebuke high blood pressure we rebuke sugar diabetes we rebuke that stroke in the name of jesus be flushed out of that body body come alive all the cells be quickened be quickened be quickened your bones be quickened your joints be quickened your marrow be quickened your brain cells be quickened in the name of jesus in the name of jesus great grace is upon you as you preach the word this sign shall follow you you will heal the sick you will raise the dead cleanse the lepers in the name of jesus and i decree that you have utterance you have boldness you have utterance you have boldness in the name of jesus father i give you praise for your word i give you praise for your world and i declare that among us men and women are arising with the holy boldness to manifest the days of heaven on the earth thank you father thank you father the entire online community is on fire to preach this gospel the radio audience are on fire to preach this gospel in the name of jesus all our campuses are on fire to totally to take over their nations their communities with the blessedness of the gospel in the name of jesus thank you father for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality go ahead and celebrate with joy celebrate is that the way you celebrate [Applause] blessed to be a blessing until all the families of the earth be blessed the same commission given to abraham is the same commission given to us go and preach to every creation in you shall all families of the earth be blessed that's the gospel the same gospel from genesis from genesis the spirit of light was moving where adam and the rest were same gospel same gospel the move of the spirit same move of god same move of god and that's the same assignment given to all of us and i call every one of us faithful to that assignment amen get a good offering let's honor god with our givings this afternoon those on television radio all the various platforms social media the banking details are scrolling there the banking details are scrolling from next sunday the 31st until the 14th of february we're in church every day new creation commitment in 2021 yeah it's going to be very very very very it's going to be very very very very amen and you know this this week remember we're live on wednesday and i'll continue to change this on wednesday i have so much to cover between now and next sunday before we begin the in christ realities amen please stand on your feet let's give and honor god if you don't have an offering still stand your standing is part of worship all right so let's stand and give and honor god those online let me also announce that in two minutes i'll be joining mr michael bush and we'll be answering questions phone calls and responding to your emails on you know online and on radio so don't go away stay with us let me also announce that for those in america my books that you've been looking for they're already arriving in fact they're in the u.s now so you can order for them from our campuses in the u.s those in the united kingdom all the new books are in the uk as i speak you can begin to order for them from all the coordinators of our campuses in the u.s those in nigeria the books are in nigeria so you can get them those in south africa you can order for all the books i have written there are two new books coming out in the next few weeks but you can order for the ones i've read because they're all available in fact in portal court there's even a bookstore in porter court where you can go and get the books in portal cut and buy them so materials we're pushing them as much as we can to make sure nobody is boring of spiritual nourishment praise god lift up those offerings father we thank you for the privilege to give we're giving faith we're giving honor of christ we give in honor of the finished work we give in honor of our collective assignment to preach this gospel of the blessing to the nations of the earth as the water covers the sea and as we give in our minds we are mission minded and we are committed to this assignment and i decree right now that every need among your people is met supernaturally god's favor is at work for you your desires are granted in the name of jesus receive ideas concepts insights and creativity to make wealth in the name of jesus thank you father for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer sees that amen on an auto finality now for those online our fasting and prayer ends today but through the course of this day every month we will have the whole week of fasting and prayer and we will come and pray like we prayed in the course of the week it was indeed an awesome time and a refreshing time of praying together but it doesn't end it continues in your own private prayer time and it continues at campus level and at church level there are different groups that are praying every day for one hour you can join those groups and keep yourself prayed is very very important the prayer must be continuous that is where the perseverance is we love you guys and i'll join you in the other studio as we continue to answer your questions and respond to all your meals bringing clary from the word of god and until we see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory amen by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call lost234 806 800-9939 or email a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a cause it's not because you are not born again no things may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gets you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xo yo xlfm106.9 ryo radio aquabo 90.5 wheel fm 100.7 rio and heritage heaven 104.9 on you and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wang eber road oyo aqua bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel domino be there together let's receive mr michael bush as we're going to this segment right now praise god baba hey the intercontinental good to see you sir good to see you i thought you put those hands together for our international audience let me just quickly do this especially also for our radio audience before we get down to the nitty-gritty of today's program the account details as follows the account name power city international they are free banks as usual fcmb zenith and ubs start with zennet on this edition of the program 10 12 36 59 12 that is for zenith power city international is the name uba number two 139 26 4 6 5. bank um accounts name steel power city international and finally um fcmb 29 82 68 2028 fcmb 29 82 68 20 28 still power city international for sponsorship you know global barber also talked about partnership you want a partner you want to support the number for you to call in case you don't find the account number to have the account number it's plus two three four eight or three two seven five six one or four or you use the email add that is um dr abeldamina doctor is the arrow aboutdamina okay grow baba we are almost set to go i'd like to at this point welcome the team uh members of which make this program possible day in day out i'll start with my producer and that is pastor ig aquarius moving away please put your hands together for him [Applause] he works with a crop of very dynamic young people and they do so so well can you also put your hands together for all of them name is michael bush by the special grace of god and the anchor for this program since he wouldn't give me that round of applause please put it together for give it together for global barber an international televangelist and somebody who just teaches the word like no one else i've ever heard and that is dr ebel damina the intercontinental mr bush great grace so so nice to return again today fantastic okay global baba the also some traditional starters on the program we need to do that in one second then get down to the business of the day and that is prayer for acquiring prayer for nigeria prayer of our world let's pray together father thank you for grace and mercy thank you for your love and your faithfulness we pray for our quiet bomb state we pray for nigeria and we pray for the rest of our world that lord you will continue to keep and preserve your people we pray that the gospel continues to thrive lives changed the impact of god's word growing men are brought to the knowledge of the truth and we decree that works of the enemy totally terminated we pray for our rulers our leaders that the revelation of god's word will come upon them very strongly that leaders in places of authority will be saved and father we thank you that our governments continue to create for us enabling environment to preach the gospel and for potentials within our society to find expression thank you for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen that's a fantastic point to take off about and i spent last night in abuja excuse me in lagos nigeria and so we start there from today hello sirs is a place for the working of miracles signs and wonders in evangelism john 4 48 then jesus said to him unless you see signs and miracles happen you people never will believe that trust will have faith at all this he said after he had performed some miracles and was still doing more raboba does it not mean that without the working of miracles signs and wonders evangelism may not be really effective due to the nature of man kindly have clarified thank you god bless you for me in lagos nigeria well for me first of all walking of miracles is not the gospel of christ the gospel of christ is a message a message of faith that people hear and believe remember for me that when jesus performed miracles even with all the miracles he performed yet the people didn't believe in him and the reason is simple because miracles are not exclusive to christianity other religions perform miracles so you don't know god by miracles you know god by his word however as we preach the word of god miracles happen within the message as a demonstration of god's character god's goodness and god's love for men so yes there's a place for the working of miracles but it is not the focal point of the gospel that's why jesus said these signs shall follow the signs will not be in front the word will be in front then the signs will follow the word and miracles only go ahead to demonstrate god's love god's character god's goodness it's not for a show off it is just god loving his people by bringing his mercy on their conditions we move on to i thought we should put those hands together you know you know what i've come to realize the moment something belongs to you or somebody you know do something you just take it for granted what he's doing is very difficult to do i can tell you so anytime those answers drop like that how to encourage him how to encourage all of us to learn to be like that is to just jam those hands together hello global barbarous stay from lagos nigeria baba and mr bush my name is sam king i write to greet you and celebrate the grace of god in and through your mini lives and ministry i have two questions for you today in genesis 2 16 to 17 god gave adam instructions not to eight of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil otherwise he would die in genesis 3 4-5 the serpent tempted eve and adam and she heads and their eyes will open in genesis 3 22 global but god says now man has become like one of us knowing good and evil my question is did satan actually lie because god now acknowledges that this what the serpent said in genesis 3 45 no god didn't lie what god meant by man has become like us simply is that man has become independent man has taken himself away from us to make his own decision for himself and he will face the consequences of his decision it's not like man knows everything no it was independence much more than knowledge because even till today man doesn't know everything so he can't equate himself to god that is why god is god man is man so what he meant by man has become like us is independence not knowledge fantastic second and last question from something in lagos nigeria on this edition of the program is global baba what is the writer in genesis it should be the writer of genesis actually communicating by using the trees and if adam has all the trees to eat does it mean he ate the tree of life before they fall well again you must remember that the writer of genesis was moses and when moses was born he was born in exodus chapter 2 verse 2. so when eden and all the events of the beginning happen moses was not there so for moses to be able to write an account of what happened when he was not born will mean god gave moses a vision in what state does moses see the vision bible in romans 5 14 says death reigned from adam to moses so moses was spiritually dead so because he was spiritually dead a man that is spiritually dead cannot receive spiritual realities so god couldn't communicate with moses the events of eden in spiritual terms so god had to use a language that moses can understand for a natural man with metaphors with figures of speech with metonomies and all kinds of figurative expressions to communicate to moses in the best possible way so those trees and leaves and fruits were figurative of what happened to man so that is why to be able to know exactly what happened in genesis you will have to come to the epistles which is the revelation of the old testament in kenya we continue says amplified bible jude 1 8 and revile and mock angelic majestics jude 1 9 but even the archangel michael when he was disputing with the devil that satan and arguing about the body of moses did not dare bring an abusive condemnation against him but simply said the lord rebuke you kindly explain these verses regards christian mulu in kenya i was just talking about the hierarchy of angels and how that you know the angels of god didn't take it on themselves to rebuke the devil they rebuked the devil based on the authority they were working under okay so let's just um now leave african go to europe the netherlands and this one is the question and an appeal for prayer hello global baba damina and mr encounter continental bush thank you for the message tonight that would have been yesterday it says my question is how do i know whether what i am going through is because god has a better plan for me or whether it is a challenge that i should pray for well you start from the known to the unknown basically god is good good things come from god satan is bad bad things come from the devil so if the situation is evil it can never be god you resist it but if the situation is good everything is perfect but you're not happy you're not fulfilled you don't have peace you may be in the wrong place so that's when you begin to seek god for direction as to what god will have you do next from where you are that's the way you go from the known to the unknown first of all is it good is it perfect yes is god is he evil yes he's satan so if he's evil you resist the devil but if it is perfect and good but you're not happy you're not fulfilled then it could be that there is something else god has for you and that's when you begin to seek for direction into what else god has for you now from netherlands now concludes global baba been looking for work in different countries please pray for me well father we ask that opportunities avail themselves to your son and supernaturally you have favor in jesus name amen okay can we now make progress this anonymous entry hello global barber mr bush words cannot adequately express my gratitude for the wisdom i've got from 30 days of glory to 60 days of glory and now ask the counselor as i read my bible in first john 1 7 i want to ask can the word there refer to jesus as you seen john 1 14 what does jesus mean in luke 14 33 my debater used matthew 3 10 first john 5 18 as verses against eternal salvation thank you global baba this one comes from dubai no name i would love to answer about many scriptures and i don't have time not to read all the scriptures and do exigencies for you so if you can rephrase the question and just put out what you really want clarity for tomorrow we will answer it more precisely because of time abuja next hello baba and goodness from suleja sir please pray for god to heal my mom and for open door for my father and for me and my sister to grant a scholarship opportunity to study in london thank you father we pray right now that favor reaches out to that family opportunities be made available received by faith in jesus name amen hello global baba jesus said in matthew that he would spend three days and three nights for his death and resurrection but why do some christians celebrate easter in two days for jesus's death and resurrection anonymous abuja nigeria well to begin with easter was not when jesus rose from the dead neither is christmas when jesus was born those are those those are just opportunities the global church has agreed to use in mocking that at least there was a time jesus was born in the incarnation and there was a time jesus died was buried and he rose again so don't be stuck on the days and the times and the seasons for us that are really born again and are truly in christ every day is easter and every day is christmas we celebrate his resurrection we celebrate his incarnation every day of our lives [Applause] all right we continue with this one still from abuja and i don't remember any moment now if it is possible again we'll dash outside the country abuja hello global baba i thank god for bringing me to hear you teach about the wonders of god's love my question is according to romans 1 24-28 it appears god gives up on some sinners are they categories of sin as god gives up on lovable before they die with the appearance of jesus may god continue to keep and strengthen you to spread this knowledge of god to our generation kyobasi in abuja well you remember that romans 1 says because they retained not god in their hearts then god give them up to do things that are not convenient god doesn't force himself on anybody so when the gospel is preached and you reject the gospel and we keep preaching and you keep rejecting eventually god will have to leave you to do what you want to do and of course when you reject god it doesn't force you so for god to give them up means god allowed them to do their choice and what they wanted that's simply what it is kefir nasarawa here we come hello baba and mr bush please do angel skill favor do they steal do they kill or angels oh did they kill well in the old testament yes they were because of in the old testament angels were created for man so the men they walked with in the old testament gave them permission and gave them instruction to kill and they responded to those instructions but when jesus showed up in the incarnation you will find out that the angels were reflecting the temperament of jesus that is why we always say the old testament was the law of sin and death and if you observe hebrews tells us that under the old testament every sin and transgression received a just recompense of reward so how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation so yes in the old testament they killed but in the new testament they never killed anybody that's why he found out that even when they went to prison to deliver peter from prison they didn't kill anybody paul and silas they killed nobody in the new testament because they took on the temperament and the character of christ the savior right now from nassar our state to go to benue global baban intercontinental mr michael bush once again thanks for the great work you do with respect to global baba's teachings in the message of saturday 31st october and sunday morning first service if reign came as a result of man's fall what is the position of this statement in the light of the following scriptures genesis 2 5 leviticus 26 4 matthew 5 45 on ours 4 17. all the scriptures you've quoted were all after the fall all of them and if you remember there was no rain before the fall no rain not even one it was after the fall of adam and it didn't even rain immediately after the fall because the fall was in chapter three there was no rain in chapter four there was no rain in chapter five there was no rain in chapter six only in chapter seven we had the flood so the first rain that fell on the earth was judgment for sin the first rain that ever fell and remember by this time there was a fall so before the fall of man is where you find the perfect plan of god what happened before the fall water above the farmers to cool the firmament water underground to water the ground so the earth had a self-irrigation system everything was perfect it was a fall of man that made the heavens to collapse for water to be falling on humanity so the scriptures you quoted now will be making reference to after the fall of man paul ape who is in makuri benue state nigeria now concludes secondly global baba what should we then do as believers any time there is drought in places because of the lack of rain and crops and animals and human beings are adversely affected thank you sir because of the fall of man the air has changed so crops now will depend on water from the sky which wasn't the case so when there's a drought you speak to the weather you speak to the elements you speak to the skies and command them to bring water command them to bring rain and when you speak to them because man has authority over things in heaven on earth and under the earth so it is within the sphere of your authority in christ you command the skies to bring rain rain will fall in another 8.5 small minutes you should be saying a buy buys on this edition of the program but before then let's just quickly dash to yola at dhammawa state just joseph aidan is waiting for us says hello global baba if demons cannot be burned injured etc could you please explain how hellfire would be a place of final judgment for satan and his demons well again when you hear the word hell fire you must be able to know it's not fire like cooking fire fire wood fire gas fire um there are different words for hell in the bible there show there is gehenna and you know had hades and there are different names for hell so again hell is hell even though hell is not a hell so how do we know which hell you're talking of it to be dependent on the context where it is written but it's important for you to know when you hear hell when you hear fire it's not talking of fire as in cooking and it's they're just words used to describe eternal damnation so my advice get my teaching series on soteria season five season five it deals with all the different hells in the bible and where they are applicable it will help you [Applause] as we cut home on this edition of the program we go to take some anonymous entries hello dr damina thank you for your good works and commitment to the gospel as christians why do we have so many limitations such as sicknesses and not getting our needs on time does it still have to do with knowledge it has to do with the fact that number one you're a human being there's no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man so because you're a man that's why you have limitations you have all of that the advantage however you have is when you have the knowledge of christ and you're born again you can exercise authority and you can call the things that be not as though they were and you can supernaturally work your way through these things and walk in victory and secondly as believers can we choose not to get married so that we can save god well yes there are people that choose not to get married but if you choose not to get married make sure you really choose not to get married don't choose not to get married and you have 25 sisters and that you're breaking and wounding if you choose not to get married it means you have chosen to be a celibate for the gospel so go ahead do that but if you decide to get not to get married and after one year you discover that you could be destructive quickly get married and calm down rubber back can i just um please request and seek your endorsements to step down a little we are going um home we're going away no location still hello baba i thank god so much for using you to bless many lives you're doing a great job for the body of christ but i need a job i lost my job life has not been easy at all for my family and me since then i really need a good job please global pray for me so that my situation can change sylvanas sylvanus in the name of jesus we ask right now that you receive a miracle supernatural favor circumstances are released to walk in your favor and create an opportunity for you in jesus name amen baba last night we spent the time we rounded up the program in nigeria in lagos tonight i'm making sure that we don't sleep in even africa so we go to china global shop flight and it says greetings the global baba and the continental mr bush daddy i'd like to thank you for being a vessel on to honor for us i've learned and still continue having my eyes enlightened with your daily teachings about my reality and identity in christ please kindly pray for me in my career i'm facing a disciplinary hearing at my workplace i believe all things would work together for good on my behalf i'm also doing work normally done by managers but my position being an admin and buyer um is just that may i also receive prayer for promotion thanking you in advance kind regards universe in china now you didn't tell us whether you're guilty or not now we don't know about whatever it is father we ask for your mercy we ask for intervention a supernatural intervention in the circumstances and in the name of jesus we declare that at the end of it all in your mercy you will cause your son to experience a promotion in jesus name amen we almost landed in china and where we'll be spending the night but this last one anonymous entry hello global baba please i was listening to one of your messages about being seated in the heavenly places with christ fight with principalities and powers you also explain that christ is on earth because it's in us please shed more light on the fact that christ is coming again with due respect to your teachings here sir thank you well christ the first time he came he came for us for us the second time he came after resurrection he came into us the next time he's coming he's not coming for us he's not coming into us he's coming with us because he lives in us we live in him a global barber that's a fantastic place to live it we had tremendous fun [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,182
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 45sec (7545 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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