SPECIAL FORCES: Advice Will Change Your Life (MUST WATCH) Motivational Speech 2020 | Jay Morton

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i've just always been someone who can put one foot in front of the other i remember running off the back of the helicopter and you know that was the first time i had the crack and thump of a round fight over your head life's short and life's even shorter when you're shooting bullets at each other there's kind of rpgs flying over our head machine gun fire energy's something we've all got right we're all giving off some sort of energy i remember just running to this wall and just getting down behind this wall and we all just looked at each other and just went well this is it so my name is jay morton uh x special forces xsas and i come from preston like i wasn't really someone that got into trouble a lot but i think kind of looking back i was just bored and just bored of the topics that were getting taught i didn't really like school and at the time when you're a young kid you don't understand why um but it's literally that it's a lack of of stimulation and that transferred on to when i went to college after i left school i went to study uh sport and yeah like again like enjoyed playing sport but like 90 of the time was sat in a classroom in a cage and you know that's not where i'm supposed to be so like quit after a year then i just got stuck in dead-end jobs working in factories and um i had a job making upvc glass windows and a job as a delivery driver and yeah that kind of sparked my interest into going into the military like i've always been into fitness or pushing myself like even as a kid like i was the one that was going out running when i was at school um you know i remember like my parents or i remember i bought you know for christmas i wanted like the weights bench out of argos right and the set of weights and i was like 13 years old just trying to get massive just doing everything completely wrong um so like from an early age i kind of i found comfort in pushing myself i think human beings are just pre-programmed to just take the easy option um and the world we live in right now just gives so many options to be in like we live in a house right we don't have to feel the weather outside of the elements you know there's no rain like we've all got a warm bed to sleep in we've all got cash in the bank whether we work or not um you walk down to the the shops or getting you you you transport vehicle your car it's like everything's easy right like life is set up to be easy and um so it's more about just you know it's by no one's fault that everyone just ends up living the easiest life that they possibly can and just and you know that that monotonous kind of life that everyone just seems to fit into right leave school get grades go to college get a levels study go to university and then get that nine to five job like earn a load of cash save up for your retirement retire have that mortgage in that car and um i don't know it's like you've got to be able to pull away from that and try and understand why everyone's doing that and everyone's doing it just because everyone else is doing it and that's not a reason to be doing stuff um so you've got to like say well what do i want in life what do i want to do and you know for me the military gave me a lot of those answers because it was something completely different i think even just going to war or going to battle and being involved in combat you know you grow up in a different way and you get to see the world in a different way i always thought that i wasn't set out for the normal life you know we have this vision of a normal life where you get up in the morning you kiss your wife goodbye and wave goodbye to your kids and set off on your nine-to-five job on the trainer in the car and you work for those eight or nine hours during the day and then finish and then come home and go to bed and then repeat that i don't know like i always i always kind of knew deep down that like that life would just not entertain me from the start even now i think good you know that gut feeling or that good instinct is is generally how i navigate through life um and you know i think the more you do it and the more you actually follow that gut feeling and and listen to it the more in tune you get to it um but back then you know 16 17 years old it was i don't know like i i've always had it in that like i'm i'm competitive right i've always wanted to you know secretly or or whatever just be better than the people around me because i never i guess i never had that growing up like i was quite a chunky kid and um quite a shy kid so i've always just had this this thing that's followed me around you know i've always had this like vision of myself following me around that i'm just this shy chunky kid that i was when i was younger and i've always just tried to get away from that throughout my life like i was 19 years old turning up at basic training and you know you know i still had that like element of that fat shy kid that was like chasing me around so like when i turned up i remember turning up at the train station and i remember looking around at the other lads and just thinking like there's some some big big lads or that like but everyone looks stronger and fitter than you or like more confident or you know you just have this perception of them and they're probably you know looking back now they're doing exactly the same they're looking at you going like like these guys are stronger fit than me i think it's just something that humans have got ingrained into him you turn up as a civilian you know wide-eyed eager get your head shaved and and you leave as as a soldier um and it takes six months i kind of shocked myself getting through that because i was never i was never the fittest like i was never the strongest i was never at the front like and we used to do these exercises where you know you'd be it'd be a warm up before we went on a tab and the ptis you know point to a tree and just say right everyone to that tree and back last last 10 go again and i'd always be in that last 10 um and then it'd be right go again last five go again i'd always be in that last five but um i kind of like i had a bit of a theory around that and i guess cause i was never the fittest never the strongest but i've always completed stuff and always hung on so i've always been used to being you know in that fatigue state like that's quite normal for me which as we all know that builds resilience and that builds a stronger mind and body whereas the front runners they were just used to you know running at their normal pace and just being okay with that um so you know when you deploy to places like the jungle or some of these harsher environments like where everyone is on that level of fatigue like for me it was just normal and you'd see some of the fittest people just fall over and you know collapse with heat stroke or you know just not be able to to carry on just because of the conditions do you know what like my head goes empty when you're in that dark place um i've just always been someone who can put one foot in front of the other i think if you break down any mental or physical challenge it's just a case of progression and as long as you can keep that momentum and keep that progression going forward you'll get to where you need to go have you ever had a point in time where you've obviously applied that method one foot in front of the other but you felt like me i couldn't put that next foot in front of the other foot no no i like going back to again like i'm in i'm in my comfort zone when i'm when i'm fatigued so you know that i just know that i can just keep you break it down right and it's just one step and then the next steps just one's there and just you know forget about where it is that you need to go and just concentrate on that next step and like the rest is just time and time moves right time ticks down and then eventually you just find yourself in that position you know i joined the para as i was 19 years old deployed to iraq i was 20 deployed to afghanistan in 2006 i was 21 and um yeah like we got involved in like heavy fighting pretty early on and uh like 21 years old like all your mates are still doing the same thing that they're doing back at home and you grow up very quick um it's a different kind of education and then i think kind of you know like you're full of testosterone when you're 21 years old aren't you and you know you almost i don't know you kind of want to be in battle but at the same time you don't want the bad you don't want the negative aspects of it like you don't want to see your mates die um or anyone die for that reason on your side um and i think the older you get like the more wiser you get and the more you're able to like listen to your body and mind more and just like understand more about i guess what you want and where you fit into into combat and i guess like the the further on on in my career was more of just like seeing what human beings are just capable of doing to each other um and again you can look at that in like a really negative way but i kind of i looked at it as a positive and just you know life's short and life's even shorter when you're shooting bullets at each other so it's like you know there's kids or whatever or young people or all these people dying and it's like they're all living in this like hellhole kind of thing and it was um for me it was more about you know it taught me it taught me more about just how i want to live my life outside of of that area and understanding that life's short and you do what you do what you do to make you happy and you follow those things instead of you know what we say about like following that normal life dream [Music] energy's something we've all got right we're all giving off some sort of energy you know i call it drains and radiators like people are either a drain or they're a radiator you know you always know that drain when you're around that person you generally come away feeling drained right that's what they do they're negative people they're the kind of people that make excuses for what they're doing whether they're wearing the wrong boots or you know they're not breakfast that morning yeah they're drains right and i think the more you're around those people the more you feel it um and then you've got radiators and radiate is radiate energy right you know a radiator you know when you're around someone because they're positive people they've always got you back they've always got new ideas they're always doing stuff they're always wanting to move forward i think the more you can be around radiators and the less you can be around drains like the better your energy's gonna be right positive mindset's important um just seeing things in a positive way you've only got to turn the media and news on now to be swarmed with negative and it's about you know surrounding yourself with good people um having goals and ambitions um and seeing every fuck-up and failure is just a positive [Music] you know everything's there to to learn everything to put in front of you to learn from um it's how you view the world right if you view the world in a positive mindset and you're always going to be moving forward you're always going to be creating and and good people on that 2006 tour of afghanistan so the first time that i came under contact we deployed to a place called nazar we had a patrol splatoon that were already stationed there doing some recce stuff and we literally landed on these landed in these ch-47 helicopters i remember running off the back of the helicopter and you know that was the first time that i had the crack and thump of a of a round flying over your head and we'd just run into this massive scrap that the uh the patrols lads were in so there's kind of rpgs flying over our head machine gun fire and we just looked at each other and just burst out in laughter and uh yeah i remember just running to this wall and just getting down behind this wall and we all just looked at each other and just went well this is it isn't it like this it started and that was a long day like you know i think we're in contact for say six to eight hours and personally i you know i think once you get over the like once you get over the first reaction of the first round that's been fired and the first round that you've heard the rest of it just all sounds it sounds the same like you're in that moment then and the rest is just about thinking logically about you combat that situation and how you get out of that situation like i've felt fear before in in the past and like fear generally only happens for like a short period of time because there's usually a logical explanation that that you can put to why you're feeling that fear whether it's a round that's just cracked over your head or something that's just exploded or you know maybe there's some rock fall on a mountain like that's a moment to be scared right but there's a logical explanation for it and there's usually an action that you can take which is going to get you out of that fear feeling and get you to some sort of safety so you've got to break it down that way i think kind of the things that that scare me more than than those dangerous kind of things are just you know like living a stagnant life or living a boring life um like boredom and mediocrity fit like scared me way more than than climbing everest or being shot at i think like i'd hate to just get to the age of like 80 or 90 years old or 100 and just turn back and just think that i've wasted time it can be quite intimidating when you first start because especially me like i was 24 in a past election and like the rest of the guys in my troop were all you know late 30s early 40s they're all men and uh yeah so it's quite intimidating and you know the staff they've already got high standards right they've been using all the kitten equipment and doing run outs way before i've turned up so it's you know i've i've now like i've done a six month course right which is selection but that doesn't mean that i'm a special forces soldier like that comes after like when you start training with the teams when you start learning different crafts selection is like a race of attrition and um you generally start with around 150 to 170. in the first three weeks you're probably down to around 50 and then you go out on the next phase and you know you could come back with say 20 25 people which is probably a good a good course and then the rest of it is just training to get you ready to join during the squadron i think for me like i enjoyed selection um like there wasn't one day when i woke up and just went i didn't want to be here it was more just about it was more just about [Music] you know just proving to myself that i could get through each day and i kind of found enjoyment in seeing people fall off i think a lot of people do as in not in a bad way right i didn't rub anyone's face in it but when you're doing things that are difficult and you've got an easy option to get out you can just walk off and pack your kit and go and you'll be in a warm shower and bath and you know whatever food you want so it's easy to to quit which makes it you know the majority of people do quit i think when that happens like you you see that weakness and it pumps it puts you up a level right puts you up a level of puts your strength up a little bit as the less able members the less able soldiers start to drop off you end up with a tight-knit bunch of guys that have all been through the same and uh you form bonds through those through those dark times you counteract it with a bit of humour at the end you're left with a good group of lads i think failure is something that you should be seeking um because you to do anything that puts you out of your comfort zone you're going to up every now and then and that is you know that's failure right you know you shouldn't aim to fail but you know failure should be a byproduct of what you're doing um because like i look back at some of the stuff i've done that i've you know what you would see is my biggest failures in life and that's where you learn the most like you learn the big lessons right from failing um just like listening to myself instead of listening to other people i think as well like everything that you see is being hard i think you know when you start making progress it starts opening doors right and then those doors open other doors and then those other doors open other doors and you know in no time you've kind of gone through different journeys and paths and ended up in places that you never thought you would do just start small you got to like be honest with yourself right it's your choice like it's your life like no one else is going to change it so you've got to make that decision you know if you're not happy with your life and you want to change it then then do it right and and i don't know what that is what what anyone else is feeling but you know if you start small and whether it's you know you want to get in shape like start walking start trying to create habits that are that are healthy for your body and for your mind you know start walking join a gym join classes put yourself in these situations and this is where you grow right because you're putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation and my uncomfortable situation is completely different to someone else's uncomfortable situation and you know you could say that a million times over and career is like a big one right like that's the that's the that's the comfiest thing that people have is a career and money coming in because that's you know without money like the chances of being homeless and not being able to pay for food for your kids and your family like that's that's the biggest fear right and i can't tell anyone to to change that you know you've just got to ask yourself whether that's something that you want to change we live in a normal world where people associate their skills to the job role they've got or the quali qualifications that they got in university at college whereas like like i've gone gone and set tasks up in certain countries that's the same as setting a business up right it's just different in a way you just got to look for different things you've got to look for connections you've got to network um you've got to buy assets or you know buy things in and and get people to do stuff here and that's the same in business the the two are the same so it's more about just understanding what you can do as a person because it's it's way more than what you think it is and you just get led to believe that all you can do is that nine to five or that job that you've got whereas actually like we live in such a world where you can just log onto a computer and learn anything that you want to learn and re-skill yourself in anything it's it's so easy you know going back to what we're saying before it's like the world's an easy place to live in i don't think the human body's set up to not feel struggle you know we've struggled all our life right and if you think the reason why we're all sat in these buildings and eating good food is because we struggled in the past and that struggle has generated systems and put things in place and now i've built supermarkets and cars but that all came from struggle so good things come from struggle but it's hard to find it these days you know it goes back to what what i was saying before it's like struggle could just be going for a run or struggle could be reading a book you know just doing something difficult like when i was that shy kid like struggle for me was just having a conversation with someone but like the more i do it the better i become you know if you can look back when in 10 years and just go like i never used to have a conversation with someone now i can walk into a room and speak to everyone openly and confidently like that's what you get from struggle right i think fitness and exercise is the easiest and best way to just find some sort of struggle and it's manageable right it's manageable it's easy you join a gym you go out for a run and you've got something to work for if you start running you can work up to a 5k or 10k a marathon it's measurable you've got goals that you can tick off if you're going into a gym you can start lifting heavy you've got you've got a measurement right that you can go off that you can see yourself getting better at something sport's the same like like i surf like i can feel myself every time i go surfing getting better and better and better and that's a good feeling and then you'll notice in other areas of your life that you know changes will happen and whether it's you know confidence or whether it's in the workplace or whether it's in a relationship or whether it's just your general happiness like the more of these things that you do when you're developing yourself and getting better and better everything changes i think if you want to go anywhere in life you've got to make some sort of sacrifice [Music] you know if you think that you've got that safe comfortable job right now there's gonna be certain things that you're gonna have to sacrifice whether it's friendships you know whether it's with loved ones whether it's with family but if you wanna if you wanna live by liv live life by your terms you've got to make these sacrifices even if you've got an excuse you just don't say it because no one likes someone who uses excuses it's just weakness it sounds like you've had a career in that career you've learned many lessons through stories or experiences and then you're kind of putting them onto paper for your own perspective of things that you've learned but in terms of your career or even maybe your life what do you think the hardest lesson you learned was hardest lesson i've learned listen to yourself um yeah listen to yourself before you listen to anyone else um and i'm not gonna go into the story because it's it's not for for this but um yeah i learned the hard way in a certain experience where i listened to some someone else and something went wrong um when i knew what i should have been doing and i should have listened to myself um and you all you you know yourself the outcome or what what you want the outcome to be um so yeah just listening to yourself a little bit more like i have to own the fact that i listen to someone else which is even worse which plagues you right but then you learn those lessons the hard way um and like what you're saying like you you know yourself where you want to go right it's like when you ask someone their opinion of something you already have the answer in your own head you're just like you're just trying to find clarification or you just want them to agree with you so that you can go ahead and do it it's important to find purpose in everything that you do right and that's you know it's as important it's as important as it is in your career or in your fitness regime or your motivation um because i guess like purpose brings momentum and me personally like if i'm not moving forward and i'm stale then that's like that's my worst nightmare you know we're all searching for some sort of momentum and progress in life and you get that from just sticking one foot in front of the other um whether it's fitness whether it's career just keep moving forward you
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 1,451,366
Rating: 4.9012108 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational speech
Id: GD-bcadyUmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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