Spark Logo Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - No Third Party Plugins

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hey everyone thanks for checking this tutorial in this tutorial we are going to animate our logo without using any third party plugins do you know why I don't use any third party plugins because I am poor as hell and cannot afford paid plugins so let's have a look [Music] [Music] let's get started open After Effects and create a new composition as always i am using 1920 by 1080 because we are living in a full HD world create a new solid for the background I am using dark shade of blue color you can use any color of your choice or even you can add any image of your choice now add your textual logo I am using text for now process is the same for text and logo you can download this free font from the link in the description and align it to the center you can open this aligned tab go to windows and click on a line now select your text right click on it and select pre-compose I will tell you the benefit of using pre compose later now go to effects and search for Vegas effect add this effect to your text calm player in rendering section change blending mode to transparent and segments to one change width to one and hardness to 0.5 check this option random phase random movements open image contours and change render to selected counter alt click on this stopwatch icon to add script here type wiggle bracket open 10 comma 20 and close the bracket this script will add more and a movement in the segment distribution choose bunched now we are animating length click on the stopwatch icon and change value to 0 now go to 5 seconds and change value to 1 you will get this kind of animation now I'll click on the rotation stopwatch icon and type time star 500 it will add a time loop in the rotation ram preview this and you will find this animation we almost did it this is the only main part of this tutorial select both keyframes and press f9 to easy as them easy ease makes animation more interesting you can change its color to your choice I am using a very bright color something like this go to effects and add a glow effect to this layer it's all your choice to use it or not I am going with the default setting but you can play with setting now we are going to add multiple copies of this comp for some random animation go to files and select duplicate or select your layer and press ctrl + D to duplicate press you double time this will open all animated properties in the wiggle script change 10 to 20 first point is for timing and seconds is for percentage and time to negative 500 you can make the length animation duration slow or fast than the other layer simple drag this keyframe also change its color to a different I am using very bright yellow color Ram preview this and you will see this kind of animation perfect let's add more copies for more detailing work press ctrl + D and change its timing by dragging this layer change width to 0.5 and again change time to negative 200 also change color to something else add more copies and change time from negative two hundred to two hundred [Music] change color to some another color use bright color only if your background is dark I am adding another copy and dragging it to change the timing change its color also [Music] let's go with this bright green color ram preview this and this is our animation you are free to use any size of the stroke or even any color of your choice I am just showing you the way destination is yours this looks too green to me I am changing to some purple shade of color make another duplicate for adding the shockwave kind of thing go to effect an ad see see mr. mercury effect let's close these effects for making some room you can solo this layer to focus on this layer only it will increase your work performance by turning off all other layers change animation to direction and gravity to zero change radius Y and radius X to zero change birth rate to 3 and velocity to four perfect now unsolo this layer and you will see all your layers again let's Ram preview this perfect this looks good to me now we are making spark unselect all your layers and grab pen tool now draw a small straight line like this please note my fill is set to none and Stroke to solid colour precompose this shape layer as well open this composition and select shape layer add trim path animation open this trim paths section and you will find the start and end section we will animate our spark by animating these section first change everything to zero and add a keyframe go to around 12 frames and change value to 100% for both but this will not be animating because both are closing at the same time simply drag this keyframe away from start keyframe now it is animating adjust its timing make it fast as a real spark length should be few seconds long not a very long time but this stroke has hard edges open this shape and then stroke change line capped around cap cool now press you to open keyframes section select these keyframes and press f9 to easy a them let's Ram preview this but before mark the player by pressing n this looks slow to me select all keyframes and drag them like this while holding out key in your keyboard it will increase the timing perfect this looks fast to me press ctrl + D to make a copy press R to open rotation and change the value but it's not rotating on axis because our main anchor point is here so it's rotating according to this point select anchor point tool and drag this point to the end of the line now it will rotate it perfectly add more copies of this shape and rotate them accordingly it's time to adjust the animation timing for each shape simply drag them randomly so they will not look like to start and end at the same time perfect adjust timing and you are good to go with this spark but my stroke is too thick select all shape layer and change stroke size to five cool this looks good to me now switch back to the main composition and add a spark to your animation I am scaling it down so that it won't look too big added randomly to the scene with some multiple copies take your time to add it with some random rotation and size let's preview this in full quality perfect this looks fine you can even add more copies for more detailing it's time to add reveal of your effect make copy of your logo composition and rename it to logo reveal so that we can find it easily put this layer on top of the layers and delete all the effects of this layer press T to open opacity and add keyframe at around five seconds change value from zero to 100% at one second gap our logo will appear here like this let's add another stroke layer for some detailing make a duplicate of your logo comp and drag it to adjust the timing else it will look same in the Vegas effect change width to something six or seven [Music] and delete the glow effect change color to red so it will look different we are not going to use these whole comp instead small parts of the layer press ctrl shift D to make duplicate but with split part delete the unwanted part I will keep only 12 frame animation make around 2 or 3 copies with some gap between them now change the color of all these three parts to a different to make our scene dynamic now select all logo layers except these two layers and press T to open opacity add keyframe to the opacity at around four seconds now go to five seconds and change opacity to 0% now do the same with these two layers and opacity keyframes after above layer keyframes this will fade out our extra elements first and then the main stroke perfect this is all what I want you can add any other reveal effect of your choice like gradient wipe effect I did in my another tutorial [Music] now we are adding scale animation to our comp this is the final step create a new null object go 2-0 seconds and add keyframe on scale now go to the end and scale it to 70 percent select both keyframes and easy ease them by pressing f9 open graph editor and make a curve like this select all your layers except background layer and in parent tab change none to zoom out layer this scale animation will be applied to all layers without adding keyframe on each layer Ram preview this it looks perfectly fine to me of course you can add more detailing by adding multiple layers and elements here is the benefit of keeping your logo in pre comp if you change anything in your logo your animation will update itself automatically so thanks for watching please like subscribe and share if this tutorial is helpful [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Avnish Parker
Views: 975,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Text animation in after effects, After effects tutorials, Logo animation in after effects, electric logo animation in after effects, spark animation in after effects, spark logo animation in after effects, how to make electric spark animation, how to animate logo in after effects, after effects, after effects tutorials for beginner, avnish parker, avnish, zoom in tutorials, funny cat video, after effects text animation, after effects intro, how to make intro in after effects
Id: KmPGU3UJ6es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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