How to Make YouTube Channel Intro - After Effects Tutorial - No Third Party Plugin

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hey everyone today we're going to create something like this let's get started [Music] open After Effects and create a new composition I am making it 1920 by 1080 at 24 frames per second you are free to set your own settings make a new solid this is our background layer add wall texture image you can download it from link in the description add another solid this will be our crack layer go to effects and search for advanced lightning drop it on this crack layer right click on this layer and pre composite click on move all attributes into the new composition open this composition and adjust few setting set glow radius and glow opacity to zero core radius 5 and opacity 100% check decay main core this option will be used in creating crack animation [Music] select lightning type 2 braking and forking 250 add keyframe when decay by clicking on stopwatch at first keyframe value to five and second 0.39 make a duplicate layer also align these crack effects to centre add more layers as you like arrange timings for all you can also add variation in setting this is your crack layer go to effect and add fractal noise make contrast to 296 and brightness to minus 25 alt click on the evolution section this will prompt you to add script type time star 100 let's add another effect called Colorama this effect lets you add multiple colors on a single layer go to modify and uncheck modify alpha click on output cycle and select fire preset from the drop-down adjust colors by double-clicking on color add a glow effect and then right click on composition go to layer style and click on in a shadow open layer shadow option and set size to 3 and you are good to go this is your animated crack composition now we are creating composition to add your text to all logo create a new text or solid and pre compose it open this composition and make two more compositions from this layer I will explain later why we are creating three compositions let's add your logo here go to its previous composition right click on composition and select layer styles and add stroke open stroke style and change color to white change stroke size to 5 and opacity to 30% open blending option open advanced blending and change fill opacity to 0% add another layer style this time bevel and emboss chose style to billow emboss and turn highlight opacity and shadow opacity to 100% this is the benefit of adding pre composition if you change anything in your logo you don't have to do this again and again just replace your logo and you are good to go next step is to create shadow of our logo I am using the same logo composition so that I don't have to work again on adjusting @cc radial fast blur to the composition make a duplicate of this composition and remove this effect from top com select CC radial fast blur from shadow layer and move its center to top add a fill effect on this composition and change color from red to black let's add glow effect as well this will add shadow to the logo composition make another copy of glow effect here you can see nice-looking shadow I am also adding low effect to the top layer it's your choice what to keep or what to leave select your stroke composition and make another copy from this layer this copy will be used to create fire on your stroke logo go to effects again and type Vegas add this effect to your Flair composition remove glow effect from this composition let's solo this layer so that we can only focus on this layer change segments from 32 to 1 and in rendering section change blending mode to transparent now open image contours and change threshold to 1 or 2 this length section will be used to animate our stroke I am changing my threshold to 2 again you are free to set your own settings add keyframe to length section so that we can animate this stroke by selecting from 0 to 1 adjust your animation timing by dragging keyframes let's ease in and out them for a smooth motion turn up everything one except midpoint position add another effect called CC pixel poly change force and gravity to zero your stroke will look like this some animated polygons change grid space to three or two go to effect and put Colorama effect on it as well so that we can get multiple color in this case modify alpha does not make any effect because we are going to add fast blur effect on it open output cycle click on presets and choose fire from the drop-down list and see if it's look like perfect to you in my case I am ok with it add one more effect known as cc-vector blur change type to perpendicular and increase the amount 50 let's put a glow effect to this layer I am going with default setting of this glow effect and then on solo this layer here is our fall composition [Music] make some adjustments I am aligning crack laya center with the center of my logo open opacity section of crack layer and add a fade in effect to the crack composition I am adding two keyframes first keyframe at 0 and second at 100% select your flair composition and make another copy of this layer and put this behind the stroke layer this layer will be our glow effect scale it a little bit I am increasing its size by 110 percent and add a fast blur effect let's close these open tabs of used effects so that we can get some room for new effects I am adding amount of 129 go to Colorama effect of this glow layer and adjust its color you want you can change its blending mode to screen or lighten I am changing fast blur from out by 20% so that we can see details of heat waves let's adjust color off Flair composition to make it more warm you can adjust every single color on this palette by double-clicking on each color you can copy this Colorama effect and paste it on light layer so that we don't have to change it again this light color must be same as in flare layer now making logo reveal effect for making this effect I am again using same a logo composition please note by amusing that composition which we have used in creating stroke logo copy this composition and paste it in our main composition you can turn off layer styles of this composition and this won't affect any other comps because this composition is not linked to any layer except logo layer for creating this reveal effect we need to add a new solid and precompose this layer as well open this composition and add a fractal noise effect make contrast to 442 and brightness 28 add keyframe on brightness we are making it to fade from black to white go to your main composition and hide this layer select your logo layer and add a gradient wipe effect set gradient layer to that noise layer which we have created adjust your layer timing so it should match your fractal noise animation I am changing my logo color because it's looking bad add a four way gradient effect and change as you like this step is optional make some adjustments until you've got a satisfied result and this is our last step now we are creating smoke again we will use the same a logo composition so that in future if you want to add another logo you don't have to work again and again delete glow cc-vector blur and colorama effect from this layer let's solo this layer and add roughen edges effect on this layer change edge type to spiky and complexity to seven go to Vegas and change color from default to white add another fast blur effect and change the amount by 13 [Music] open CC pixel poly and adjust your gravity change gravity to minus 0.5 and change grid space to 22 sorry for the delay in this part I was on a phone call at this time adjust settings till you found perfect smoke for your opener and change your force to three so this is your logo opener thanks for watching this tutorial hope it helped you please like subscribe and share helped me in growing up you can follow me on Twitter for the latest news and your tutorial requests [Music]
Channel: Avnish Parker
Views: 1,392,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make youtube intro in after effects, logo opener in after effects, logo animation in after effects, epic logo opener in after effects, free after effects tutorial, after effects tutorial, profession after effects tutorial, fire logo in after effects, vfx breakdown, how to make logo, professional logo animation, after effects tip and tricks, adobe after effects, vegas effect in after effects, cc pixel polly in after effects
Id: nVGKS9ravpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2016
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