Glitch Logo Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - Easy Method

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hey everyone welcome back to my another After Effects tutorial sorry for not posting the tutorial last week I have been busy in shifting to a new studio it's small but here I can afford it and this time I am back with a bang so today we are going to create this [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's get started open After Effects and create a new composition let's call it glitch logo animation as always i am using 1920 by 1080 resolution at 30 frames per second you are free to choose your own settings let's create a new solid we will be using it for the background I am using a dark color but not too black color exactly perfect let's import our logo first add this into your project and place it above the background let's animate this go to around 3 seconds press s to open scale and add a keyframe on it switch back to the first frame and change the scale value to a higher value so that your logo cover up the entire screen now press T to open the opacity change its value to 0% and add a keyframe on it go to around one second and change the value to 100% now press you to open keyframes select all keyframes and press f9 to easy age them my animation speed looks slow to me so let's increase the speed press and hold Alt key on your keyboard and drag it to the left one second is enough for now looks good to me now select the scale keyframe open the graph editor and change the curve to something like this switch back to the time align select both keyframes and drag them right to something like this Ram preview this and see if you are happy with the animation you can always increase or decrease the playback timing by adjusting these markers you can also press n to set the end mark our first step is complete let's move to the next step create a new solid and let's call it glitch you can make it any color you want now the important part right click on your glitch layer and pre-compose it let's call it glitch comm make sure to select there move all attributions into the new composition now open this glitch cob and select the glitch layer go to the effects and presets and search for fractal noise double click to apply it on the layer and let's adjust a few settings first change noise type to block to get some blocky look now change contrast to 200 and change brightness to -20 open this transform options and uncheck this uniform scaling option now change the scale width to 3000 and also increase the scale height to 750 let's increase the scale width to 4,000 perfect now we are going to add a stripped to this evolution press and hold Alt key on your keyboard and click on it in the script area type time star 3000 here you will see this glitch looking animation cool switch back to the main composition and precompose this logo layer as well we will call it logo comm make sure to select the move all attribution into the new composition now we are going to apply this glitch effect on our logo let's hide this glitch comp because we don't actually need to see it create a new adjustment layer and let's call it glitch effect make sure to place this layer above the logo layer else the glitch won't work now go to the effects and presets and search for the displacement map apply this onto the glitch effect layer in the effect control change displacement map layer to glitch comp now change max horizontal displace to 173 and max vertical displaced to 96 perfect this looks good to me if you play your animation you can see it is animating all the way that looks so weird so press control shift D to split and duplicate the layer and keep a small portion of it I am keeping it five to six frames long only delete the top and bottom glitch effect layer and now we have the trimmed part of our effect let's make a duplicate of it press ctrl + D to make a duplicate and zoom into your timeline by pressing the plus key place this layer after few frames and change the settings to make it look dynamic you can change the glitch value anything you want perfect let's make another copy of it and place it after a few seconds I am placing them randomly you are free to set them wherever you want let's change its value also perfect this looks good to me you can always trim the playback timing by pressing the end key on your keyboard zoom out a little bit and Ram preview this cool let's adjust the placement of the glitches so they will look more natural perfect this looks good to me now let's add some distortion look to our animations create a new adjustment layer and let's call it bad signals now go to the effects and presets and search for the bad TV to apply this effect on your layer and adjust few settings change the wave width to two and change the wave height to 2 also it will create this nice looking old TV effect now select your logo layer and make a duplicate of it select the bottom logo layer and rename it logo comp raise now again go to the effects and the presets and search for the CC cross blur effect apply this on your layer and then increase the radius X to 50 and also change radius Y to 50 also change the transfer mode to screen to make it brighter in this case my layer is too bright so press T to open opacity and change its value to 40% I am going to increase the radius value to a higher value so that the light trail will appear more and then change the opacity to 25% perfect this looks good to me now we are moving to create RGB split effect you can skip this step if you don't want to make it complicated otherwise keep following me select your logo layer and make a duplicate of it let's call it logo comp red make another duplicate of it and this time call it logo comp blue now we will rename the last layers logo comp green select all three logo layers and change the blending mode if you don't see your mode tap here press f4 to switch between and then change its mode to screen now go to the effects and presets and search for the fill effect double click on it to apply it on the layers and it will apply to all layers now select the logo comp blue layer and change the fill color to pure blue color do the same with the green layer also change its fill color to green and then your logo will turn into white color as it was before if you change the position of the top logo layer you can see this RGB split effect so let's animate the position of this layer zoom in a little and go to the starting point of the glitch effect press P to open position and add a keyframe on it go to the middle of the glitch effect and change the X and y position just like this don't change it too much else it won't look good now for the end part you can copy and paste the first keyframe so that the position will be same at this point cool let's place the first keyframe before one frame of the glitch effect select all keyframes and press f9 to easy age them now copy these keyframes and paste it over the position of the second glitch do the same with the third glitch also in case your logo has color make another copy of it and place it on the above of all other logo layer also change the blending mode turn on and remove the fill effect perfect our glitch animation is complete let's add our text now please note you can download this font from the link in the description my font size is 31 and tracking is set to 300 let's place our text to the top so that the bad signal layer won't affect it cool let's align it to the center and add an animation to it go to the effects and presets and search for the random fade up apply it on the text layer and then press you to open keyframes let's decrease the timing of the animation by bringing the keyframes closer also select both keyframes and press f9 to easy age them Ram preview this and this is our animation looking now the final step create a new solid layer and rename it light make sure to change the color to black now go to the tools and select the ellipse tool double click on it apply it on the layer change the mask type to subtract and then press F to open feather and change the value to 1000 Ram preview this and your animation is ready thanks for watching this tutorial I'll see you on next week have a good day [Music] and [Music]
Channel: Avnish Parker
Views: 1,484,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glitch logo animation, glitch effect, glitch effec in after effects, after effects glitch logo tutorial, glitch, glitch effect tutorial, glitch text effect tutorial, glitch sound effects, glitch logo reveal, avnish parker, glitch logo reveal after effects, after effects tutorial, after effects, logo animation in after effects, after effects tutorial logo animation, text animation in after effects
Id: g99TD5ZTKEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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