"Sow To Good Works"

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when we reach that city of the new jerusalem i [Music] [Music] rest beneath that cloud layer stone well in that in that land in that layer we'll never die i know we're gonna sing hallelujah sing hallelujah [Music] in that mighty chorus voices and will so sweet i know we're gonna sing hallelujah sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh what joy when we get home i know we're gonna rest be neat rest beneath that cloud there has dawned well in that in that land in that land we're [Music] will be our everlasting thing no we're gonna sing hallelujah sing hallelujah praising our redeemer there beside the crystal stream i know [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna sing hallelujah [Music] when we get home i know we're gonna rest beneath rest beneath that cloud [Music] we'll sing hallelujah bye [Music] i'm gonna trade my earthly home for better when bright and fashion no christ left to prepare a mansion for children in the air and i'll join him in that land which is no sorrow can be found when i received [Music] about why don't you let me in your throne so round lord please [Music] [Music] [Music] let's sing about a man [Music] why don't you let me [Music] from the work that i've tried to do you know that one day i'll be rewarded with the crown so bright and new will i wear a smile so brian but there'll be no cause [Music] [Music] [Music] and you know [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i know we're gonna sing we're gonna sing hallelujah bye and sing and know what oh what you're oh what joy when we get home i know we're gonna respect beneath that cloud they has done well in that in that land in that land where saints will never die i know we're gonna sing hallelujah we'll sing hallelujah [Music] victory and love will be our everlasting thing no we're gonna sing hallelujah sing hallelujah bye hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what joy when we get home i know we're gonna rest beneath rest beneath that cloud last time well in that in that land in that land we're saying [Music] [Music] i'm gonna trade my earthly home for better when bright and fashion no christ left to prepare a mansion for children in the air and i'll join him in that land [Music] [Music] [Music] the weather there is always fair than sunshine day and night and you know no cold no rain will fall there for the sun shines ever that's why i need no heavy garments i'll just wrap my robe around when [Music] and you know them and their peace and love will always up why don't you let me eat your thrones lord please [Music] [Music] you know that one day i'll be rewarded crown so bright and new will i wear a smile so bright but there'll be no cause for a frown when i receive my manchester [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh why don't you [Music] when we reach that city of the new jerusalem [Music] [Music] [Music] sing hallelujah in that mighty chorus voices and we'll so sweetly i know we're gonna sing hallelujah sing hallelujah [Music] oh what you're oh what joy when we get home i know we're gonna respect me rest beneath that cloud good morning church it's nine o'clock time for morning services please find your seat please go with me in prayer almost gracious and heavenly father we thank you so much for this opportunity to come before you this morning first and foremost we ask forgiveness of sins father please remove those things that are in direct opposition of what you will have for us father father we thank you so much for allowing us to make it through another week father because we know there that there are so many that didn't make it father and we are just we just want to say thank you father please bless those that are on their way please bless those that are listening via social media please bless our visitors as well father but father most of all we want to say thank you for your son who gave the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf please be with the brothers that are that are participating in this services this morning please be the minister as well father please be with us all we love you we thank you for all your many blessings in jesus name we pray amen good morning church our first selection will be holy spirit holy spirit dwell in me lord touch my eye i might see in all your goodness grace and power stay beside me every heart and be my drink be my living breath keep me shelter keep me fair holy spirit holy spirit dwell in the me spirit comfort me let my heart be one with me and when i'm worried soon my mind filled with your amazing grace holy spirit holy spirit comfort me a holy spirit rescue me set my soul completely free beside jordan make my bed in gospels lay my head let me live in a brand new place say my blessed savior face hope his spirit holy spirit rescue me good morning this morning scripture will come from the book of ephesians chapter 2 ephesians chapter 2 verses number 1 through verse 10. again that's ephesians chapter 2. verse number one through verse number ten i'll be reading from the new king james version reads as follows and you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sin in which you once walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the year the spirit mo now works in the sons of the disobedient among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature children of wrath just as the others but god who was rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with christ by grace you have been saved and raised us together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us in christ jesus for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of god not of works least any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them may god bless all those who hear and do his will would you mind standing for a word of prayer please let us pray heavenly father lord we just want to say thank you lord that you extended your grace and your mercy upon us that you woke us up this morning may we never take for granted that gift that you give us when we get to see yet another day lord we thank you that you brought us here that we might come and worship you in spirit and true we pray lord that you would help our minds be cleared of all other things that we might focus on the message and how we might better improve our lives for you after hearing the message lord we thank you for the gift of jesus christ lord who made the possibility of heaven possible for all of us by shedding his blood on the cross and by our obedience to your word and that we might be faithful in little things you would extend your grace to us that someday we might see your face in peace heavenly father we come at this time we want to pray for this world lord there's so many things that are going on that are against your will we pray lord as your children that we never grow weary and well doing pray lord that we might be a light to our families to our friends to those that we work with help us lord not to overlook an individual everyone has the right to be saved and made us it's not our decision to decide it is our job to plan into water in order that you might add the increase heavenly father we come at this time we pray for brother randall tucker lord we thank you for him we thank you for his commitment to you we thank you for his studying of your word we thank you lord that the way he breaks it down for the south union church of christ lord we pray for him this morning that you would help him to remember the things that he studied lord that he might break down the word to us in order that we might understand it and take it in our everyday lives lord we just again pray for all those that are sick and shut in those lord who have lost loved ones those who are sick with the pandemic those who have lost jobs lord we just know you can do everything so we just pray that you be with each and every individual situation but we pray now lord that you be with us lord we just pray that you clear our minds and hearts that all we focus on is you and how great you are and offer up the praise and the worship that you deserve lord we ask this in your son's name jesus christ amen good morning it is good to be in the house of the lord this morning it's good to see everybody you look wonderful even with your mask on you look pretty those of you that are watching by way of social media uh good morning let's all say good morning to them all right that sounds pretty good sound pretty good we want to also welcome you those of you that are members of the fifth world church of christ those of you that are guests those of you that are members of sister congregations all over literally all over the city of houston the state of texas the states in the united states and then countries outside the united states are tuning in to our worship service and we give god the glory for that i thank god for the smart man a woman who created this technology which can be used for good it can be used for bad but it can be used for good and let's use it for good and use it to glorify god and use it to bring men and women uh to know the lord jesus christ we're excited and just thankful thankful that the lord woke us up brought us to this place to worship him in spirit and in truth uh we are the fifth world church of christ and we're having our revival all this month uh we've selected as a theme the season of sowing for all this year it's our it's sowing that the country folks you know sewing mean you're going to work yeah you got to dig some dirt you got to do some planting and and uh and hopefully though the pandemic has kind of tried to put a damper on some of our actions uh we're we're not we're not sitting on our laurels we're working for the lord and and we are also excited we've had some powerhouse preachers come through here and and i tell you what this morning you in for a treat yes you are we know that the lord is going to use brother randall tucker who is the minister of the south union church of christ and he's doing a wonderful job he is i have grown to to love brother tucker he you know he tucker stole one of our sisters from here years ago and uh we had to get over that but but but but you got a good husband and you got a good wife and i met his i met his children his family's here this morning his his mother-in-law was here since thompson yeah matthew you took two our members out but tucker too more than that but that's okay and uh but he's doing a wonderful job in spreading the gospel of jesus christ bill tucker is very modest but he's very talented uh he can sing and preach and more than that he has an influence on others in the in the law doing this during the the uh the floods and hurricanes has just happened brother tucker initiated an effort to pull the churches together to to do some work together because together we're stronger in the lord amen yeah yeah one or two of us can do a few things but boy we you get us all together and we can do some mighty things and that and he initiated that and we're glad to join together in that effort that he he spearheaded but but you we came here to worship the lord today and we know that he's going to deliver a message uh that's going to edify us and glorify god and so uh his wife is here his matter of fact all the south union his family i know he probably was going to do this but y'all stand up i stand up so everybody can see i know they can't see the mask but stand up so we can there you go yeah there you go beautiful beautiful family amen and some of the south union members and we have some relatives that are here at the field world church of christ and so he's no stranger and and if you just give him your undivided attention we know that you will be blessed this morning thank you the next voice you hear after our song is our dear brother brother randall tucker god bless you amen our next election will be i love to praise him i love to praise him i love the praises i love to pray same i love the praises i love to praise him i love to pray see him i love to praise him i love to praise him i love to pray where i love to praise his holy name well he's my rock he's my rock my rock my sword and she he's the will he don't wear [Music] he's just a jew he's just a jewel that i have fall hallelujah hallelujah i love the praises nick i sing hallelujah hallelujah i love the praises i sing hallelujah hallelujah i love the praises i love to praise his holy name well he's my rock he's my my rock my rock my sword and he's the will he thought away in the middle of the and i know he'll never i know he'd never he never let me down he's just a jew he's just a jewel that i have fell hallelujah hallelujah i love the praises that i sing hallelujah hallelujah i love the praises i sing hallelujah hallelujah i love the praises we're his holy name [Music] i'm so used to wearing a mask these days let the church say amen certainly god is in the blessing business and we have a reason to praise his holy name the lord has been gracious the lord has been merciful the lord has been kind and the lord has blessed us to be in this place one more time for worship and bible study i don't know about you but i'm thankful to be on the lord's side i'm grateful to be a part of the family of god and it is another extreme privilege that the lord has provided us to be here this day so that we can worship god in spirit and in truth to those that are tuned in and worshiping online it's always good to have you in the house of god the lord is in the blessing business family and we have a reason to praise his holy name it feels so good to be back at fifth ward and to share in this series of installments as you continue to reap the season of sowing and as you continue to sharpen your spiritual um acuity on what thus saith the lord as god has uh commissioned us to be the church uh the church that sits on the hill the city uh that sheds light those that love the lord can't help but to love the community as well and so to your very dedicated leadership we are just so privileged to be here uh to your bishop rick uh to your deacons and of course to your ministers it is a delight just to step foot back in fifth ward i want to say a personal thank you to your very fine minister brother gary smith brother smith is a man of integrity and he's a man of positivity and i appreciate him i remember hearing brother smith's name long before i met him in person many years ago when i was able to be blessed to have this encounter with his lovely young christian woman and 18 years later we're still together and i thank god for it i knew that i was closing in on a great deal when i came here the fifth ward to visit and everyone was telling me about how i stole a prize amen so i felt real good about that and i'm thankful that she's still smiling and we are blessed to uh have three beautiful children and uh just god is just in the blessing business but i thank brother gary smith because the first moment i met him i knew that he was a positive man of god and so we appreciate he and sister kb and the love is always there and we are just so grateful to be here with you on today i do want to share with the congregation that fifth ward of course you are a legendary church and of course your reputation precedes you but i thank god for men of god who have helped to collaborate in our response to those who have been impacted by hurricane ida as you well know many chose our city as a city of refuge and it was through the leadership here at the fifth ward congregation that we partnered with other congregations in the city that we might make a difference in their lives we believe that this would was a good time uh to to share the gospel and then to so here it is a good work in the name of jesus and so we thank god for each person who has donated to this worthy cause we will continue to help those rebuild in louisiana and we are committed to make a difference because you never know when it's going to be our time again and we want to make sure that our light uh definitely shines good to have our family with us here from south union all of the union that's in the house just wave your hand just let them know where you are amen amen now now if i don't get but five amends i've got five amen amen good to see all of south union and we love them very dearly thankful to be here in the presence of my beloved aunt on eddie and family of course my mother-in-law father-in-law and cousins are here and it's just a joy to be in the house of god now i know i don't have long but i want to hold you strong if you would please travel with us to ephesians ephesians chapter 1 chapter 2 rather ephesians chapter 2 verses 1 through 10 have already been read we will illuminate highlight and expose verse number 10 and then we may just go everywhere preaching the word amen the bible the word of god reads for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them we would like to preach from the fault theme and thrust on today so to good works amen so to good works lord god we come even in this moment of worship and praise father we give you glory father you've been so good to us all you've been merciful you've been long-suffering you've been abundantly kind and father god we lift your name on high we have come father to hear a word from you father as we have entered into these consecrated walls with our issues with our problems plight and cares it is our prayer lord that you will release our burdens that you will unshackle us from the things that have been holding us down all week long that we will remove whatever is in the way father and father we ask that if we cannot move it that you would move it father please give us what we need for the journey that we might be successful in this life and let somebody see jesus today father we want you to be glorified and we pray that you will get your glory receive your glory because there's no one like you now father we thank you in the blessed and powerful name of jesus and through his blood we pray let everyone say amen amen so to good works in the early 2000s there was a particular program television program that aired on abc in which people who were unsuspecting ordinary citizens would be volunteered by their families because their families believed that it was time for them to upgrade their looks upgrade their style upgrade their status and of course this particular program became known as the extreme makeover and of course they would take this individual away from their family and then they would situate them with stylists and those that were astute in wardrobe that they might help upgrade their look that they might help improve their presentation that they may also add to the aesthetics of the natural beauty that was already housed within but in order to showcase this beauty they needed a few enhancements family at the end of the show they would display a picture of before and then a picture of afterwards they would show us the extreme makeover how that one person who may not have stood out in the crowd now is a person who is to be respected based on presentation they were dealing with the outside and not with the inside come help me lift that up a little higher you see when it comes to the spiritual realm god too is interested in an extreme makeover but he's focusing on the interior and not so much the exterior god wants us to be better people in the future than we've ever dared to be in times past when you consider family this pericope of scripture when you consider this passage when you consider this holy text it is paul the apostle to the gentiles the one that god called out of due season who is giving the church there at ephesus insight on god's spiritual makeover i appreciate what he uh does in his treatment to the ephesians because he encourages them through the use of six dynamics that they might live the abundant life here it is family in verse 10 that is our particular launching path where the text reads for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them now when you examine verse 10 please understand family that verse 10 is the after photo verse 10 is what happens after god gives us an interior spiritual makeover but what i'd like to do for a few minutes of your time i would like to highlight what god has done and where god has brought us from and how we are able to praise him with every fiber of our essence because the lord has in fact given us this makeover and so now we are properly equipped to here it is so good works do y'all have time for this family the word of god is absolutely true when we consider what paul is saying i want us to look at verse number one let's highlight verse number one the text reads and you somebody say you and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein time passed you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience somebody say disobedience watch verse three according among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lust of the flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're here it is by nature the children of wrath even as others family before god can issue to us an extreme makeover paul would have us to see our portrait from the past paul wants us to know what we used to look like paul wants us to know what condition we used to find ourselves in paul wants us to know that we are of a depraved and fallen nature family don't ever miss this before we can sow good works we must first of all understand that it's a privilege to sow a good work somebody ought to help me preach right now i say it's a privilege to sow a good work don't look at it as you are sowing under compulsion don't look at it as you are sowing because it is mandatory no family it is a privilege brothers it is a privilege to let our light shine sisters it is a privilege to be a child of the king and when we understand what god has done with us and where we used to be then it ought not take too much for us to take a little time effort and energy to allow somebody to see jesus is right here in the text family the bible says and you that means that paul is speaking to a group of people he's not speaking so much as singularity but plurality he's saying and you who all of you have been dead in what trespasses and sins watch what the text says in verse two in verse two the text reveals that there is a course of the world now this particular phrase course of the world is uh indicative of a mentality uh paul is saying that we all walked according to a certain spiritually depraved mentality in other words we have all been touched by the corruption that was in the garden we have all fallen from our original state and this nature is now polluted i wish i had somebody who would help me preach and help me teach that i've not always been in the lord's church doing what i'm doing right now there was a time family when i stayed out late and came in early i know you can't say amen but just amen for your neighbor there was a time family when god was not really on my mind like he is today but i thank god i praise his holy name that he delivered me from where i used to be and he has deposited me on holy ground is there anybody here who can just take a moment and bear witness that god has done some amazing things in my life and it's not because of who i am it's not because of what i have it's not because of who i know but it's because of whose i really am and god has now situated me to be a child of the king paul says you need to see your past family we would be stronger churches if we could remember from whence we've come i say we would be stronger individuals and do more for the lord if we would just get out of our own perceived self-righteousness and our own perceived false holiness and just admit like paul said by the grace of god i wish i had some great spoken here by the grace of god i am what i am paul says look at the portrait of your past and then uh in verse in verse uh number three in verse number three he says uh he includes himself someone say i'm included as well now watch it watch it he he turns it from you to saying we watch it he says in verse 3 among whom also we somebody say we all had our conversation in times past i wish to god that we would be honest with people and let them know that we all have a past now i don't have to have the same identical past that you may have but if i've committed one sin we all are working away from sin in other words god had to do something for us that we could not eternally do for ourselves god accomplished in christ what we were unable to accomplish in self and now we have a savior and the savior redeems us from sin the text is so tailored to teach family that the bible says end times past in the lust of the flesh in other words we appeal to the things that were uh in a sensual nature uh that appeal to fleshly desires in other words paul wants us to see that we operated at a lower plane come here family we operated at a lower plane how many of us have ever taken flight how many of us have ever uh uh been on an airplane well you know family that the airplane doesn't start in the sky somebody ought to help me preach the airplane starts parked at the terminal and what we do is we report to the terminal and when we make it to the terminal that plane has the same altitude as we we report to the terminal and the terminal is uh is there the airplane is at the gate we are getting ready to board and for a moment in time we are all on the same level but somebody ought to help me teach god doesn't leave us at that level he elevates our altitude by giving us a pilot named jesus anybody know jesus jesus is the one who takes us higher jesus is the one who takes us up and paul says unless you forget where you've come from i want you to remember that if you are a good person today if you are able to sow good works right now it is not because of you being a good person it is because you have allowed jesus to be your pilot i'm thankful that jesus is my pilot i'm thankful that jesus can take me up to higher altitude he can take me up to higher ground he can improve yes my elevation i praise god that i'm not in the body of christ by my own righteousness but by the righteousness that has been imparted on my account i thought there would be two and i'd make three who could shout and give god glory over the fact that he's still working on me he's still molding me he's still mending me he's still making me he's still shaping me he's still forming my life don't give up on me yet brother don't give up on me yet sister don't throw your prayers away in the spiritual can never to be seen again keep praying for me i may not be where you want me but god will get me there after a while [Applause] now the question is how do we get there somebody say how do we get there now watch what paul does paul transitions and he's he he's talked about who we are now he's about to tell us who god is yeah he's about to tell us who god is bro smith watch this this is going to bless your soul the bible says in verse four but god hallelujah somebody who is rich in what mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us watch this text even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with christ parenthesis italicized by grace you are saved family the second dynamic of sowing to good works is that we see god's power somebody say proof of god's power yeah proof of god's power in the text family paul emphasizes what god has done and by his emphasizing what god has done he also simultaneously tells us this is who god is you see by god's power i am a christian i'm a saint and i'm added to the fold the text says but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us now what i enjoy about this particular passage of scripture is that you have an illustration of two lanes you have an illustration of two lanes now one lane is the spiritual uh lane of corruption and then the second lane is the spiritual lane of incorruption now the question is out on the table how do you switch lanes somebody ought to help me teach i said how do you switch lane paul is about to tell us how we can switch lanes now we all are familiar with driving we all are familiar with the rules and regulations of the highway and we know full well that when anytime you get ready to switch lanes that the first thing you need to do is check your mirrors and then you need to turn on your turn signal somebody will see me coming i said the first thing you need to do is check your mirrors and then you need to apply some force you need to exert some energy to turn on or click your turn signal what does the turn signal do the turn signal does not put you in the lane but it notifies all of the drivers around you that you headed that way somebody ought to help me teach what god does when the bible says but god who is rich in mercy this is a transition in the spiritual construct of those who will be saved god says you used to be in the lane of corruption but i'm switching lanes i'm putting the turn signal on this is your lane right here this is your stop up ahead in other words god what are you doing i'm putting you in a position of spiritual improvement a spiritual lane of incorruption now this lane of incorruption and the lane of corruption they are running parallel so when so when paul says that uh but god who is rich in mercy for his great love watch it now while we were running in the lane of spiritual corruption god's lane of spiritual incorruption had already been made available i praise god that god does not have to come up with some new thing god does not have to come up with some new mechanism all we have to do is recognize god's love and but god changes our direction and puts us in the right lane we have proof of god's power because he says even when we were dead in sins have quickened us together with christ now this particular construct paul is saying you who were dead have now been made alive now i didn't think much about this may i come down and walk i i didn't think it it helped it helped me reach the finish line a little faster brother robertson when i when i kind of walk around i stay up there i get too comfortable and next thing you know we hit all day uh i'm like paul i'm preaching till midnight i'm trying to help somebody let me come on down all right so so watch this when you when you examine this text this text teaches that we were dead but he quickened us which is but to say that when a person is dead that means that they don't have the ability to feel any sensation now i know that's consistent with the text because the text is showing us that when we were dead don't miss this because i've read this many times but in preparation for this particular lesson i read something in a way that i've never read before watch this the bible is not just saying we were dead the the strength of the passage is in the fact that we were dead as we would say dead and gone god is showing us that we were spiritually dead we were spiritually here it is inactive somebody say i was inactive now watch this why is that important because when you get down to verse 10 god is taking the inactive and he is activating those who were inactive so another i cannot be a christian and remain inactive i cannot be a child of the king we say that we are children of god we say that we are members of the body of christ but do we really understand what that means that indicates that we have been activated spiritually which means we can no longer remain in a dormant state we can no longer remain in an inactive state we can no longer remain dead here it is to good works why because god has activated our card i wish i had somebody here who could reflect back on some times when they were in the process of working and accumulating uh wealth for their family i can remember that there have been many times when we received a credit card or we received an updated bank card and when the bank card arrived they would say call this number at the bottom of the card because here it is this card won't work even though it's in your possession until you make it active somebody will see me coming you see you can have jesus christ you can know jesus you can quote all the scriptures you can you can teach at every bible school that is available but if you have not activated your christian service card then your faith is in vain i believe that james can help us james said you want to show me your faith show me your good works if your faith is supposed to be strong then don't you think your good works two should be very strong because the same one who brought you out of sin is the same one who put you in salvation is there anybody here who's ready to change their life today and say i'm tired of being inactive i'm tired of sitting on the proverbial pew of do nothing i'm tired of hearing everybody else and what they're doing involved and engaged in ministry god has activated my faith god has activated my life god has given me new strength he gives me new mercy every day it's time for me to here it is get involved [Music] it's time to get involved amen i say i say it's time to get involved it is absolutely an altogether an anathema amen to think that we it's a curse to think that we can sit in heavenly places and yet still be spiritually dead look at verse six i'm almost there paul then gives us a picture of the present somebody say picture of the present he says because of god he raised us up somebody say together that's collective see the church is a collective community in other words i cannot be in the church and then say i'm going to praise god by myself i'm going to work by myself i don't want to work with anybody i don't want to get involved with anybody y'all see me you don't see me no no no we are a collective community of the saved amen which indicates that we work together because when god raised us he raised us together not as individuals he raised the entire human race to all that belief it's right here in the text family amen and then fourthly paul says see god's promise of provision in verses 7 through 9 that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace somebody say his grace in his kindness toward us through christ jesus for by grace here's the part for by grace are you saved through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works not of meritorious works that we've done lest any man should boast god issues the promise of provision to all who come by christ jesus the grace place is made available and all you have to do is come by christ amen god gave this promise not just to those whom to whom paul is speaking but he gave it to you and praise god he gave it to me we are in this spiritual walk together and that makes all the difference god placed us into this spiritual community so that we could help here it is help one another grow amen and walk in the goodness of he who saved us watch this watch this in verse 10 we see two or three points i'll give them to you in a collective form we see god's personal product we see god's eternal purpose and we also see god's eternal path look at it for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should what that we should walk in them there's an eternal purpose god says you and i we are his workmanship that's god's personal product amen you know every year i become a holiday consumer of sorts [Music] and i can remember on one particular holiday season i went to this the store the the mall and as i was passing by several stores i couldn't help but to see that they had certain items on display uh i was shopping for my wife let me help myself out right along here and i saw that they had certain items on display and i said to myself that is a very nice item and i'd like to have it in my possession but here it is family the only reason i recognized it is because it had been set apart from the rest of the colds somebody helped me lift this up a little higher the manufacturer the management understood that this is a dynamic item so what i'm going to do i'm going to put it on display because if i can ever get it on display i can generate more traffic because people will see and know our styles somebody'll help me lift that up a little higher the bible says that we are his workmanship see god did not go to work on our situation and in our lives for us to remain on the clothing rack along with all the rest of the clothes no god puts us on full public display because he wants somebody to see that if god can do that for him if god can do that for her then what can god do for me is there anybody here as i see the finish line in view that god sees us as his workmanship we have been created unto good works there is a divine path there is a divine purpose because we are god's divine product and god wants us to generate some traffic by the church he wants us to generate some traffic over here on stonewall he wants to generate some traffic over here on stonewall and waco god wants the community to see that this is my display if god can do it for them what can god do for me am i right about it i'm sowing good works but it's one thing to know what you should be doing it's another thing to understand why you should be doing it i pray that this message has exposed why we get involved in sowing seeds why we are planting the harvest and why we spend our efforts and energy our time our talent and our resources why we get involved because of who god has made us to be i praise the lord that i'm not much but i'm all that i am and if you see any good thing in me give god the glory because i know i didn't put it there myself is there anybody here or online who can take a moment and just praise the lord say god i know that you're still working on me god i know that you're still molding me god i know that you're still making me but i'm gonna work while it is there because the love that i have from my brother by this all men know all men know that we [Applause] family family i beg please let this message settle into your spirit let it give you hope let it give you joy i wish i had time if i had some more time but mostly i celebrate the text brother gibson i feel my help coming on it's time to quit now let this message give you joy let this message give you peace that god is counting on us to make a difference in our community amen and the work begins with me amen is that all right amen if you're online right now you need to know that jesus christ is the son of god amen if you're here even in person you must put him on in baptism amen for the remission of your sins hear the gospel romans 10 17 believe it with all of your heart hebrews 11 6 repent of all of sin acts 17 and 30 and then confess the sweetest name that could ever be uttered amen on a mortal's tongue amen i believe that jesus christ is the son of god amen and i'm willing to put him on publicly so that he can present me acceptable unto him amen and i can be on my way sowing to good work amen if you are already a part of the body of christ and you need to rededicate yourself amen now is the acceptable time but whatever you do don't leave here without being on the lord's side we are people planted in his spiritual vineyard that we might produce other disciples amen through the blood amen of jesus christ will you come that's together we stand inside are you fully trusted in this great are you walking daily by the same your side you are in the blood of the dead do you rest each moment in the bruising fight blood of the lamb [Music] of the land good morning church we come to another part of our worship service which is communion if anyone in the audience doesn't have a communion packet please raise your hand and one of the brothers will bring it to you now concerning the bread we find in acts chapter 20 verse 7 the bible reads and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread paul preached unto them ready to depart on the moral and continue his speech until midnight also in first corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 and 24 the bible reads for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me let us give thanks for the bread dear heavenly father we come to you in our most humblest way giving you all of the glory and all of the honor we thank you for this bread that represents your son's body who died on the cross for our sins we pray that we will take this bread in a manner that is acceptable to you in jesus name we pray amen you mean now take up the bread now concerning the fruit of the vine we find in first corinthians chapter 11 verses 25 and 26 the bible reads after the same manner also he took the cup when he had sup saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup ye do she the lord's death till he come let us give things for the cup the heavenly father we thank you for this cup which represents jesus's blood that was shed for our sins we pray that we will take up this cup in a manner that is that is acceptable to you in jesus name we pray amen you may now take up the cup seeing the wondrous love of jesus sing his mercy and his grace in the match us bright and blessed he prepared for us to play when we all get but what a day of resourcing that will be when we all see jesus will sink and shout the victory while we walk the pirate path we clout we'll over spit us but when travelling is all over the shadows not a star when we all get to him what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus we'll sing and shout oh when we all get together what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see jesus will sing and shout the victory another part of our worship service which is offering you can give online mail your offering in or drop it off by the building we find an example of the churches of christ given in 1st corinthian chapter 16 verses 1 and 2 the bible reads now concerning the collection for the saints as i have given order to the churches of galatia even so do ye upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as god hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when i come amen let us pray dear heavenly father we thank you for everything that you have done for us we thank you for the income that you have blessed us with we pray that we will give with an open heart and not gradually we pray that the monies that will be given will be used for the upbuilding of your kingdom dear father we ask that you continue to bless us and be with us in jesus name we pray amen let church say amen thank god for this beautiful day we want to thank god that he sent brother tucker our way brother tucker he did us good may god continue to bless you and your family and they will continue to crown your head with more wisdom and knowledge so i i'll be gladly pandering over so we can get a little bit more time it started getting good and good boy yes so much going on right but just uh just a few words from the lord who do you some good so you did us good this morning we thank god thank god for you announcement within our love and sympathy to the family of brother rod beatty retired minister sugarland who passed his life at sugarland church of christ he was retired minister there arrangement opinion mike and juanetta fraser and family on the loss of her mother dorothy peterson also tamiya michaela nya and michael jr on the loss of their grandmother the viewer is ten o'clock a.m funeral is 11 o'clock a.m monday september 20 21 at pleasant green missionary baptist church in dayton ohio service entrusted to loretta nielsen funeral home day in ohio also mark and ravana corner on the loss of his mother and sebastian connor his grandmother cynthia connor funeral arrangement or opinion welcome our new member in christ placed membership september 12th 2021 which was a good day justin and lyric beverly nia jones and yesterday i believe last night we had a baptism ariana runner baptized september 18 2021 last night tuesday morning conference call join in five minutes of great inspiration to start your day tuesday september 21st 2021 at 5 30 8 am the speaker is brother lorenzo castillo phone number and pin codes in your bulletin see i missed anything i think i've got a text jennifer jordan sister jordan saying continue to pray for her her health that god will bless her with good health and all of those are sick that you're aware of please keep them in your prayers this is clue our announcements refer to your email a bulletin for any other important announcement or our website thank you brother thank you brother mobley and thank you brother tucker yes sir whoa oh boy i tell you what i'm getting my feel yes and uh thank you south union for letting us borrow him for for our sunday and uh and uh and so so bro tucker you you didn't take off today you certainly didn't take off today and and we appreciate you so much appreciate you for tuning in joining us just a couple of announcements uh the sister that was baptized on uh yesterday she's a student at prairie view uh a m university and and so she she uh uh let's see ariana ariana randall she went back to school uh last night and so let's keep her uh in our prayers also we connected her to the prayer view church of christ there brother anderson is a preacher there and some of you that have access to her try to encourage her also if you got your bulletins uh brother tucker made known also that brother beaty's funeral is friday friday at the westbury church of christ at 11 o'clock and so if you want to to send something to the family encourage the families it's this coming friday brother beatty was one of our old pioneer preachers yes sir and uh i tell you what we're not getting any younger and somebody has to step in the gap and we appreciate brother bailey for all of his work also to the brothers some asked a question about we i mentioned last week there is a greater houston leaders workshop who can attend with any brother that wants to attend uh but you need to go you see in our bulletin you need to go there's a place to register uh this workshop uh i i serve on the on the board of oklahoma christian and one of the things that they're trying to do is facilitate a resource for churches of christ a resource for leaders to access information and this is a workshop that they are sponsoring but all the speakers are church of christ uh brothers are speaking i'm one of the presenters and um but you need to register if there is a cost it's 20 dollars because you don't pay you can pay at the door and so we wanted to we wanted to invite all of our brothers because we are in the process of over the next couple of years our our elders our shepherds myself our ministers we are committed to growing some future leaders uh you some say well brother what if i'm single you can still be a leader you you're not talking about necessarily elders or deacons but maybe elders or deacons servants ministry leaders bible school teachers and leaders in our homes amen somebody and so so if you have a heart to a desire to we're not twisting any arms if you want to go it's open to you but you need to read go on that website and register so they will be able to get an account uh to to what you need and if you needed twenty dollars but leroy he'll take care of it for you okay all right uh also also uh let's also today today you saw in the sign outside uh one of our sisters who is on fire for the lord and on fire for doing good works for the lord she has a pharmacy access to to all of the vaccines and so if you have a desire to want to get vaccinated today uh the pfizer the moderna all the johnson adjuncts all of those vaccines are available today across the street from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock if you know someone that needs to get vaccinated and wants to uh this is a great time to take advantage of she'll be there until 12 o'clock today and so so take advantage of that if you i don't know if she's giving it is she's testing today i'm not sure if she's testing today somebody oh yeah so i don't know if we can find that out i don't know if they're they were testing the last times they were here but you may want to go across the street to check get that checked out and and and the mother support class is today it's today it's a zoom class for mothers mothers to be uh uh the sisters would they have an exciting class every time that they meet us today on our zoom bible class starts at what time 11 15 11 15 teachers i believe that our our bible institute classes started on that well you can't register for that now it's already started but we have a huge huge a presence at our bible institute on started this past thursday i believe that's our brother brother leroy let's all stand for word of prayer share with together bob our father our god we come to be at this time thank you father for blessing us to assemble here and wishing us this uh presentation of the lord's word we pray to god that you might watch over us bless us protect us father we pray for things that were said and done was pleasing and acceptable to thee and we pray father things that was said might be able to we might carry them out through our lives we pray to god that you might watch over us protect us guide us as we go throughout this week bless us father we might be examples for thee in everything we do and say be with us guide us keep us safe keep us healthy this is our prayer in jesus name we do thanks amen when we reach that city of the new jerusalem i know we're gonna sing we're gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] mighty chorus voices and will so sweetly i know we're gonna sing hallelujah sing hallelujah and vine gone will be our sadness pleasures there will never end i know we're gonna sing we're gonna sing hallelujah bye and sing and know what oh what y'all oh what joy when we get home i know we're gonna rest be neat rest beneath that cloud they have storm well in that in that land in that land we're saying we'll never die [Music] will be our everlasting thing no we're gonna sing [Music] there beside the crystal stream i know we're gonna sing we're gonna sing [Music] there's dawn will name that in their land in that land we're saints whenever and i i know we're gonna sing we're gonna sing hallelujah by and [Music] we'll sing hallelujah bye and bye i'm gonna trade my earthly home for better when bright and fashion no christ left to prepare a mansion for children in the air and i'll join him in that land which is no sorrow can be found when i received your mansion let's [Music] [Music] why don't you let me in your throne so round lord please reserve my mention rope and cry thy weather there is always fair there's sunshine day and night and you know no cold no hooray will fall there before the sun shines ever right that's why i need no heavy garments [Music] why don't you let me eat your thrones [Music] you know that one day i'll be rewarded with the crown so bright and new will i wear a smile so bright but there'll be no cause for a frown we're [Music] and you know that [Music] please reserve [Music] [Music] [Music] when we reach that city you
Channel: Fifth Ward Church of Christ
Views: 683
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: FWCOC, Christian Church, Sunday Worship Service
Id: izf0iUOctJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 22sec (5602 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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