Southward Ho Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes western movies full length

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howdy I'm Bob Terry thank you for joining us here on westerns on the web for another classic Western film here are westerns of the web we believe that westerns are timeless but these classic westerns that these older ones are timeless entertainment fit for the whole family to see and they have a lot of good values and lessons to teach and that's why we're sharing them westerns on the web has literally thousands of Western films in our archives that we're planning on sharing and some of them are extremely rare films take your boots up relax get ready for another action-packed Western and we'll see you after the show [Music] well it's just about ready colonel sounds like the rebels are still kicking up a fight and seems different way up here if you couldn't hear those cannon you wouldn't even know there was a war going on my stomach knows it that chicken will be the first Easter meal I've had in two years this mess right after it get those dispatches [Music] what do you want thank you oh you can't take that oh we can't it well we're doing it please who's we peon ad intelligent road by we're sharing and taking you mean to tell me anybody would do a thing like that for that where he take more chances for less you'd be back soon as you get rid of your man ward come on get out of here now I am very tender I never see the Yankee aunt knowed how to cook chicken coops got a lot of nerve young man alright girl I don't suppose any news to you but alright drunk on low you pay for this outrage I'll send my men after you if they have to cross the Confederate lines yeah you mean me come after us but you won't be with him hey girlfriend pant do what you hear where your head get him off or I kill them all let's double back come on [Applause] or you can't do this to me I'll be the laughingstock of the whole Union Army yeah pair pants won't make any difference please Ramdev eagerly come [Music] hurry up Gabby they're comfortable oh oh [Applause] from why Colonel I'll teach you to stare at me like a pack of fools get out off of those horses the first man that laughs gets court-martialed yes [Applause] [Music] we bring ah [Music] Oh on [Music] there [Music] the day in the field Oh no place on earth new [Music] Jenny the snake where are well boys it's all over I just brought word from headquarters General Lee is surrendered we've got orders to cease firing hard to believe I never thought it'd end like this why we even started your fight yet they can't we're part it's no use Gabby looks like they already have what do you think you'll be doing right well I don't know get back to Texas I suppose I would hope you say that [Music] remember that letter I got from that lawyer up north about a year ago you know what come with him Michener's Aunt Lucy sent me just before she died that's one Wells Fargo broke through the lines again no man who she must have had her shrewd investments anyway she left me happy interesting that ranch down Texas I figured that's where you'd be going for you're going with me 80 oh I don't know I haven't had much time to think this war was going this way roads arranged together order where is shame trouble you can join this army Troy keeping my eye on you what are you driving it or fact of matter is during range men lose money I figured you'd be in the best Foreman in Texas I'm glad you think so anyway let's take a look at the ranch and see what kind of shape the same guy I know you'd take your job you're looking kind of funny yeah I've been your orderly all during this war you're doing about it now I'm going to be Boss for change Oh Gabby I think that's what you'd be here twin Springs Ranch Patrick shucks Gabby this is a nice looking place yeah I can't understand how fine Ruben place like this can be there with money sure don't look it to me really we do shooting have things humming around here look Debbie they've left the door oh yeah Carrie help me well hey I never expect you find anything pretty this I've bitched King Stewart summer are you sure you'll have this place that's needing your mitten I do quit worrying sit down or make sure the home maybe you'd better go easy when you find out who the other half holder is CBS Shelby's been keeping me out of a proper scanty hearing that a mine destroy Martha please dad those horses we must have visitors or likely some of those looters we've been hearing them up we better go in the back way or if you really need I want to make around here I think you share instance you can throw that out well don't you think you better wait a while what for I have order to play sainted dad you move on to taking on furniture don't you again well if it ain't old colonel shirttail Skeeter hand me that carpet yes get off this property Iggy and I'm warning you put up those guns Ellen get the boys out of the country oh I can't I take it one little shot at him I'll hand it over [Applause] having trouble you shouldn't rush off like that it isn't very polite there's no use getting excited about this we'll just have to let the two partners fight it out themselves partners I'm afraid they are Oh confound it man cheated you you can't fight i dented your partner he's what you mean to say that loudmouth Yankees have owner of my range so you're the one who's been keeping me out of my profit there hasn't been any profits if you had any brains you know there wasn't a ranch in Texas that have been making money I wouldn't take the word in Oh Stephen yank Roy can I take get one little wallet that implies you know there's your cancer who's losing his temper hey looking for you she stopped me now look let's be sensible about this I presume you can prove you're the other owners attraction too thin I can I could get much right to this you ranch it here and I'm taking over why here you want to be a partner we enjoy have our beer run you run this ranch why I wouldn't trust you out of my sight you you didn't think what we owe hello Maris howdy colonel I just found from town telegraph operator asked me to drop this off said it might be important from the War Department I've been appointed military governor of the district Oh dead that's wonderful what congratulations it colonel we need somebody like you to maintain long other until we get this new government reorganized we're a big job being a colonel of course he put it baby want it we have much time for engine we you're quite a schemer aren't you we'll talk about that later well I guess I'll be going well thanks for bringing a message I'll you need any help I'll do all I can that won't be necessary the army is going to send me a squad of cavalry to police the district they'll be here in a few days hello Johnny Reb which way to Denby place but an hour's ride the way we're headed what time is it now hey that looks like my was that is my watch that's the one I lost at Bull Run y'all reckon mistakes hold you all right sorry stranger I guess you were right yours purse that's coming untied I'll be back he's watch hey what's the idea that was for things for us we don't want that kind of petty graft well that's different I thought we were supposed to take anything we wanted little cash in plenty on the tree construction lien time you take your orders from me how do we know the colonel Debbie won't call there's a lot of trouble we'll take care of him he's wise you'll stay out of our way ya know do you find out we've all been thrown out of the army if you keep your mouth shut he'll never know the difference dad don't you think you're making a mistake letting these men take over your ranch there isn't anything else I can do I can't deliver at the ranch and administer my office in town look dad your meter running in swampy undisciplined way to stay about that Davison you Jones see about beatin stabling rest of you stay here all right you can be I'm Colonel Denby all right colonel then be what about Korres you get your orders without asking for them captain yes I've arranged for quarters in town I turn what most UNIX put on that negative and strengthen the others either tell old man Danby I've counted everything on the place where we can't claim I cheated hey rap get them horses out of there we're moving in who do you think you are never mind Who I am joon-young are me speaking and you better step lively why you coming don't grab Royal hold it soldier sorry stranger I guess I forgot myself you didn't have to part in Roy she'll try could handle him your Spurs coming loose you ought to be ashamed of yourself yank why I learned that trick droid before he could walk now get moving we're gonna find Colonel Denby if any of you men came to Texas thinking it was a pleasure trip you've got plenty to learn we've got work to do here and you're going to find out what I'm a discipline is Amy what do you mean what quartering Yankee troops on our property I didn't say that we're going to be well maybe you better teach this one some manners I didn't know they I've ever seen are scrawny your men here looking bunch of men in all my life they were he not my guitar me you mind your own business don't you talk to me I get you went to headed windbag one dad you mustn't lose your temper who's losing his temper aye captain Geoffrey start to mentor town looks like we're gonna have trouble with a colonel don't worry about him he gets in my way there'll be a new man in these job I'm leavin you men in charge here but don't forget if anything goes wrong I'll hold you responsible hey hey lady don't you let me get a second run women are never geeky nothing but trouble look mop Yankee that don't make no mind son the over there yes just the same you run over and get things settled at the house I'll be a long way the past four year is the taxes of this district have been stated in Confederate currency which is now worthless the Treasury is empty there's no local government for the schools the law and the public services can function again we must have money therefore your first duty will be the collection of delinquent taxes I will find the people difficult to handle in many cases they are claimed to be unable to pay or refuse to do so in such cases you may seize goods to the amount of them yes but please bear this in mind the greatest service you can render your government is to win back the loyalty of these Texans you are not dealing with conquered peoples but with fellow Americans that there understand sir your commanding officer I expect you to conduct yourselves with such honesty kindness and courtesy as to give no London cause for complaint that's all you [Applause] emiliana this race what do you want correcting back taxes for the state government how can we pay taxes we hardly make enough to live on I don't want any arguments lady that's probably why we're letting you off easy yield twice as much now sit out there monkey all right here's the money how about a receipt you don't need any edit you've got my tax money now I want to receipt alright I'll give you one [Music] be careful Jim you're not taking those horses if they'd have all covered we got order to these Goods where taxes ain't paid all right man get out of this [Music] Andrew [Music] when you get back the colonel didn't be telling this directors around Europe still all are going to and he can expect trouble come on Alec see doc she has a broken arm otherwise she's going to be all right it was don't falter than told you she wasn't killed I guess you're right I know what you're all thinking most of you have had trouble with Colonel denby's men and you can expect more what we've got to do is organize but they're federal troops what cancer do we have item or him not hitting indeed was it Kush why I can lick the whole grand caboodle of myself that's right and I'm squaring this would then be anybody that wants to can go with me Jim we're all with you you know that but how can we do anything as one's your way Denby has a daughter too if we can get hold of her we can force the colonel to college men off you all right let's go Gator wheels Shawn hold on we can't do that it isn't fair to the girl why Gigi Kiki denby's men hurt my daughter if he thinks he can rob and main people like that we'll give him a dose of his own medicine let's get started [Applause] is your father come back get miss Ellen well he's not in his office but you better keep yourself warm a little while longer yes ma'am where's your father I don't know why you're going with me let me go let me down I know you have to seven put that down here young whippersnapper turn persnikitty woman's got him who you buried a too late to get that gal to just left town oh it was my role her father of course you warned them I didn't know that yes I rolled up all right which way they went huh which way did they go they go oh that way hang on laughs you see he didn't go that way the must be around here somewhere let's spread out and find him and sure my if he did young rattlebrain whippersnapper I guess the owner won't mind if we use your cabin for a while you better get in fact find yourself I thought I told you to get in touch with yourself about [Music] [Music] now will you tell me who those men were most of more ranchers who wanted to hold you prisoner till they square accounts with your day I don't believe it I didn't ask you to you better get those wet clothes off we better go on back Jim most Amana caught on in well we can't quit now we gotta get away from that gal what I mean we got to catch that yeah put these on while I see if I can find something for us to eat how long we're going to be here that depends on how long the storm let's say what I tell you about those wet clothes none of them is I thought you thought what why the men and Isaiah where you will miss Ellen what are you talking about well gang of armed branches we're looking for Miss Helen and Gabby Whitaker's and that you would hired escape together well some fella cracker rolled out of town look sweet they cool down the road and bring your man we've got to find her you know I can understand why you're not hungry shut the our fat star I guess I'll go out and see how trigger is getting along that's what you're looking for this storm blows over we're not stopping now we've got to keep on searching it doesn't seem to be letting up any we may have to stay here all night well the financials got me into what do you suppose my father's going to say he should thank me but I don't suppose he will but if you think I'm going to sleep you're mistaken I won't even shut my eyes suit yourself God looks a little bit blue the prayer B is written with rain the world the level the world I hope I'm not dreaming again her eyes kind of little bit brighter her lips name was sweet early prey her smile makes my burdening seem lighter I hope I'm not dreaming again at last I know I found her you thought all the things I do I'm building my dreams around [Music] together we'll make them come my heart beautiful light as a feather it's something that words can explain I think you see two hearts together I hope I'm not dreaming again [Music] oh boy I've been thinking about those men last night why did they hate my father you can't blame the way as men have been pushing them around and beating them up and they can't pay the taxes the dad would never allow that I trade no ideas they're following his orders aren't they the dads trying to help the venture he's only doing what he can to help the south fill itself out of the rut hey a bunch of el-shaddai with my cabin looks like I'd better be going Ellen are you alright how did you get here what happened well nothing daddy everything's alright but Mears said that um man that you've been kidnapped who watching well I can't tell why not well you see our family's meeting with him we were going to run away together early yet we came here for a secret rendezvous not Haven of contentment at last we could be alone you get into that buggy and not another word out of you hey boys and everything Roy might worried about it well like everybody's injured quiet about hope I got shot yeah wouldn't you let you know what's one of those men take their gun the next time anybody shoots at me or my men are disarmed everybody in the district there ain't nobody taking my gun in me you been spoiling for a fight and you're gonna get it I'm coming back in our big gun for you I'm giving me the sundown to get out of town and if I find you in town tonight I shoot you on sight that's good enough for me dad you're not going through with this gunfight are you I have to yes that's gonna let this hottie the rebel brought me before the whole town and Lindy I like to have a few words with you Alan perhaps we better be alone why yes of course Alan Rogers I understand this government reconstruction plan is supposed to be helping the ranchers is that right right cars what do you mean just this there isn't a rancher in this whole district it doesn't think you and your men have been bulldozed lament the pan money they don't know oh so that's it mining about the taxes are they those renters have a right to complain most of them have been forced to pay four or five times what the old I don't believe that it's easy enough to prove you have the tax bills and there's plenty of ranchers who will testify what about this Jeffers we're not gonna take their word against mine I owe those ranchers are a pack of lies Raja's these charges are very serious I'll make an investigation if I find my benefit making unlawful collections they'll be brought before court-martial are they all captain yes thanks colonel had an ID you might not know what you men have been up to well perhaps I'm the one that should be thanking you but we received you know what court-marshal means don't you they'll have us behind bars not me they won't you got to get rid of Colonel dandy we can't take a chance like that he's a government official don't worry I've got that figured row you've got to do something your father not partner mine's been gonna shoot each other for a long time I know but this is serious my father won't listen to me in that partner of yours has gone off to find himself a gun we just have to let them get it off the test now I mean we'll put blanks in their guns and let them fight it out oh but how will we do it without them knowing it all we'll find a way [Music] say Gabi you look kind of pale you're worried about something worried where I got to be worried about why I come from a long line of gunfighters life or it doesn't do like this help okay I'm much you bet that gonna Bardo burn bullets don't go wave they get that way sometimes you ought to get a good [Music] you know I've seen guns I couldn't hit the side of a barn with yeah where b2 [Music] [Music] dad why don't you forget about this part apologize me apologize I should say not like it was faced with every man and woman in the district Skeeter will you stop making me nervous I can't help it gun Denby would you excuse me a moment please you get it here it is well this one's just like it's loaded apply all right now they can't hurt each other so you were trying to hide my gun where you now don't worry I'm not going to kill him I'm just going to wound him in the armored shoulder and take his gun away come medic wait a minute he's in town I think you mean business [Music] [Applause] then beam oh sure now he's gunning for you yeah where's your lucky thing I didn't shoot you daddy here yet dad burn digit what do you think you're staring good match for an easier way to get rid of Danby no matter what happens the old rebel will get blamed for it [Applause] [Music] he's badly wounded miss I'll get the doctor dad you better get out of town old-timer I'd be hiding out at the ranch Roy get him over to his house well I think about that very oppressed all right clearly streets on three good count under martial law about everybody go everybody go home dentistry why did you run - you're just as guilty as he is you've got to believe me I'll put blanks in both of those guns that's gonna make it easy for us when we go to collecting taxes maybe the colonel doesn't know it but we couldn't have asked for anything better I'm sorry but my father won't be able to seal but I've got to talk to him is that Rogers yes sir I didn't come here another colonel did you issue this order to disarm but Dad the doctor said you must be quiet or nonsense those fool doctors always say that Rogers it'll be the best thing for all of us if we carry this order out peaceably but we can't give up our guns it's the only way we can have law and order I'd like to see an end to all this trouble the sooner we forget the war and the bitter feelings it caused the better it'll be for north and south alike that's why I ordered all of you to lay down your guns but Colin you don't realize we'd be playing right into Jeffrey's hand I'm not satisfied you're right about here but just to make sure I let you in order cancelling all taxation until I'm able to straighten out this situation Jeffries will make you no more trouble you have my word for that that's good enough for me I'll talk to the ranchers and see what they want to do Ellen yes do you still think I had anything to do with your father being wounded well I I tell you the curl is trying to help us and I figure we better obey this order the Constitution says we can still keep it there all your we can keep our guns but if we do it means fighting on bloodshed once we obey this order we prove were through with rebellion then we'll be treated like citizens of the United States I'm for it they'll shoot us down if we don't give in we've seen enough of these killings you're right we've got our families to look after over here argued but he got their whole freeze over the Spencer carbine I'll give you a receipt what brandy asked me I told him not to do no Yankee we're getting quite a collection yeah it keeps up like this we won't have any trouble at all nothing here you can't take my money like this you better keep quiet if you don't want trouble but colonel dendi ishutin order to stop tax collections until after his recovery maybe he won't recover thanks right I'll be all right yes you good bank mr. Rogers thank you for all the fun bringing shooting that's going on it's worse than it ever was all because he made us turn in our guns come on we're going to see Colonel Denby cliff - Roger what's the matter Skeeter haven't doesn't happen to the colonel he's gone look bad for us now lenok that's the word around meet at your place we've got to figure out some way to get her guns back Jeffries we'll stop it you got an order against any public meetings I've got it we've got to cover that make it look like a barn day we can try it now you all what to do they're coming right turn to news they come on yeah no Lord too late you got to place around it what do we do now stall dance must think of something come on get your handle Bob what's going on here it dance don't let that fool you I tell you they're having a secret meeting the other way take the gents to the center laid around the mold and walk the other way take the first floor forward shuffle if you can bounce them up and down like a nugget in the pan if this is a collar of a cavalry man just walk the other way walk walk walk when you log in a block away keep this up and do the music beating out the time then walk the other way step right up through the punchbowl doesn't talk designed and walk the other way then you take your sweetheart outside you look into her eyes as you whisper I love you if you know to satirize the Yankee blue just walk the other way you watch me walk you walk the other way he's a locket gave a locket leg kicks burden make a rattle hex birdie gal and walk the other way if the air was kind of musky with army personnel just walk the other way then you grab your partner and looking kind of cute put your arm around like you meant the holder knew if the UNAM Brianna Union suit just won't feel her way people walking a block the other way he walking keep walking he warned the other got every sorting power that's fine it can be much of a guard over our guns he started organizing track their attention back inside there are boy you can't stop me take a hand or build a plan my gun with me had more talent the Hawks high middle caraway hey what do you think you'll have busting up our dance like this I want to find out what's going on in our target line them all up I'll find out is responsible for this meeting why all you men ran up on this side over here alright come on Lana [Music] I got a message for you captain Jeffrey let's have it oh yes word loser [Applause] [Music] hi Leroy plenty that's all [Music] where's that God let's look inside [Music] I hope we find that Ranger soon steamship with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] giggles voice that ready game yet come on [Music] [Applause] what do you think you're going back to New York or someplace there's no sense in that the government send out new troops Texas isn't going to be a bad place to live in well what would I be doing here what would the saddle broken cow buncher like me be doing in New York turn around either we're going back that's that [Music] working in women [Music] wasn't that just very enjoyable wonderful classic entertainment and it's timeless westerns are timeless thank you for joining us here on westerns on the web make sure you check back with us often because we're going to have a lot more western films for you to view here online for free I'm Bob Terry have a great day and we hope to see you again on down the trail [Music] you
Channel: WesternsOnTheWeb
Views: 82,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Southward Ho, Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes, western movies full length, watch, free, complete, westerns, classic films, cowboy music, movie
Id: M4Xog8yWje0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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