Young Buffalo Bill (1940) | Full Movie | Roy Rogers | George 'Gabby' Hayes | Pauline Moore

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[Music] roll roll rolling rolling down the sand roll it down rolling down rolling down to Santa laughs I hear bill territory New Mexico someday she'll be a state in Union no I can't see why nothing here but in his rocks and water sprays if you asked me I'd say we should've stayed in Kansas I guess you're right it isn't much for Buffalo oh there you go again buffer Oh can't you think about nothing else hunting Buffalo kind of gets in your blood and it order enough by sir meat in the last few money [Applause] [Music] you [Music] what are you doing trying to calm these runaway well thank you just the same but they're not Runaways I'm in a hurry doctor I don't care what you thought would you please get down off my horses you know where to Priya rescue where we're all know you were lucky and woman to have a feller like Bill Cody ride along when your horses busted Ruth why he's a gradient bro hundred state Ken's but I'm not a buffalo turn wish- women [Music] I almost broke my neck getting him now make sure it's exactly the same material and see if it's back here on the next stage yes ma'am I never saw a girl drive that fast before did you go watch the baby mighty important pop is a matter of life or death catch that Steve yeah perhaps I'd better apologize howdy miss I do I know you think I was rude but I was in a terrible hurry I understand all the way to independence to match the material progress I made you see I told you it was important oh don't mind him miss it miss Vegas Tonya Regan pleased to meet you Tanya I reckon you don't want to shake my hand - why I raised bill here for earned him the right for your wall name's Gabby I was sure of it you're new in Santa say aren't you yes ma'am we came out here to join Colonel Calvin scaffold Oh I suppose you'll be helping with the land survey that's right and we will need again now what's wrong with that name riga stood here the old one of the biggest branch over the whole territory spenny's plant rank seems likely they want our government to tell them what they own what they don't know we got some special business with the colonel what kind of business that's my business yeah bowlegged potato bug Colonel Calhoun's busy hey I never noticed to fail putting uniform on that clod-hopping Muir's dinner he thinks it gives him the right to sashes better young feller I was fighting in years when you weren't wearing three-cornered pants come in Gary hey Joe reporting for duty sir I'm glad to see you can be mighty glad thing seems like old times yes who's this you brought with you quite a lot of young player actor Bill Cody Cody Asche well I'm glad to know you howdy colonel we've been hearing about you Buffalo hunter chief scout for general Sheridan and seems to me you broke a lot of Records riding Pony Express well I'm afraid I had to ride fast colonel I generally had some indents Jason yeah good out boys well I can serve to use a young man like you what was resurvey my land grants and that Red Devil hakuna Comanche one of the worst medicine men we've ever had to deal with clever and deadly strikes quickly and then disappears into the big range he's managed to inspire the natives with superstitious awe without these grants ah I'm expecting my son Jerry out here for the East Jesus severe you can be a lot of help to it well I'm afraid I don't know much about sir van well I don't expect you to I can depend on Jerry for that but you see he was raised in the East and he's gonna find this country pretty strange at first I'd like you to keep an eye on him until he gets used to it well sure be glad to build yes your boy for you why in a rip snortin engine I really have him alongside me and a whole troop of cavalry not mean anything but look over the term lice and poi yeah [Applause] Sudan missed me no no he sold filled it with his chess game he didn't even know you were gone but there will be more raids what have you done to safeguard the horses move them out of danger as our carers have hidden the herd so cleverly that our Cunha and his Comanches haven't been able to find them let us hope we've heard the last of him still anodize me either one of you it's Pudge to me I bet you forgotten your tongue not know Tonya later Oh with later when you're playing chimp you don't know or care what I'm doing of course I do you know where I've been Santa did you see I drove into town Oh No Tonya you must never do that again he's our trouble sometimes you might have been stopped on the road I brought by two men on their way to join Colonel cozzens truth thank you any trouble no they were very polite in fact one of them was almost to help I don't like this one thing Colonel is adding to his troops means he intends to go through with his scheme were surveying all the properties in New Mexico you're probably right it's that they use an insult I will never love it but don't leaguers Colonel Calhoun has soldiers and we have our Vaqueros just like his to be yours try to come in [Music] hakuna fire signals burn again but does it take it says wait a little pre Canyon there you will hear two shots up there Pelecanos cut integrity [Music] it's only month it he watches to see if the horses are safe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my brother takes chances to be seen with me my chances because I have to the American soldiers are starting a survey of the Spanish grants Acuna you must tell me the location of the hidden mine which is the secret of our tribe a secret return of the Chiefs may know we were born of the same mother but different fathers yours was a white men an Americano so the secret of the gold mine is only for me perhaps I can claim the land and gene position of the mine for our tribe but it isn't the Ricketts grant that I will attend to Loyola fine Colonel Calhoun over under that flag I think I'm gonna like this place not bad well as long as you men are acting as Scouts you can just wear the clothes you used to carry I've been wondering when you were gonna get here I can't tell you how glad I am to see you it was further than I thought I didn't know there was so much United States stretched around and you'll find more of it as you go along I see you brought your wardrobe with it it's not as bad as it looks I've got some of my old field clothes oh I want you to meet Gabby Whitaker bugler by all regiment hi I miss young Bill Cody pleased to meet you Jerry I've asked coded to keep an eye on you he's had a lot of experience on the plane take those over to my house well we'll be going see you later they're a great pair you're going to like them and Yonko do makes you a good friend sure you'll be a great help Oh goat you heard you pay that didn't you Oh goat huh Oh forgive it get on your horse yeah now tell me have you been getting along everything's been fine but it meant a lot when you sent for me it's a great chance to make a name for myself well the survey is not going to be easy of the opposition from the big ranchers and you'll be working in Indian country most of the time I was advised to put a more experienced man in charge but naturally I wanted to help you along all I can [Music] you're sure all its as part of the Regas grass season y'all and much more besides for miles and miles these we called the badlands full of ghosts and evil spirits I suppose hakuna hides him here what does he mean Comanches I haven't seen any Indians that's the kind of be careful of the kind you can't see they attacked us the other night killed two back arrows and stole our horses [Music] those rocks [Music] you're heading into a trap that's the way we came [Music] [Applause] [Music] like beep I'll take him to his quarters I said product we can't wait for no sha-boom I'll take care thanks for for keep me some hot water wait how did AdvoCare happen to be with you we picked him up in town he was shown us over the ranch I'm making plans to start the government survey wasting your time Senora there will be no survey made of my property I'm carrying out orders see no reason why your government should refuse to accept the wording of my grant it is clearly authentic do you mind if I see it I'll be happy through it they did not bring her in maybe he's right you know how to do this you hundred in he played doctor five main same time ah simply saying you ever seen you yes you hot water and what will you do with it any fool knows that yeah yes pour the hot water the arrow hole let it green out the other side I think maybe you stay out here Elena will know she can cure anything from warts to a broken arm Tonya I want you to do me a favor it's about the land survey well you've got to believe this it's only a formality the land office has to have some sort of an official record I've never trusted your government trust me when the reporters turned in you'll have clear title to your ranch you expect me to persuade my grandfather that's up to you unless you can make him change his mind they'll be killing and bloodshed on both sides there's no reason why it can't be avoided perhaps they won't try to talk to him come all the land from the divide of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains to the distance of horsemen can gallop between sunrise and sunset this land grant together with description of Maya Rancho senior was given to my people by the king of Spain over 200 years ago you don't understand Don Regas the United States land office can't accept the description of real property in this form surveyor must reduce this to meet some bond it all seems so unnecessary to me but it isn't grandfather don't tell me you were going to argue their way to the survey isn't going to change anything they're simply making a record of our boundaries to go on file in Washington it's all to your advantage no one can ever question you are your descendants about the legal ownership you'll save yourself a lot of trouble we're making this survey whether you want it or not what do you mean I wouldn't put it that way Jerry he means the government will keep trying for years would it be better now while you're able to protect your interests do all right I'll give the order to Montez you may go ahead you can't depend upon Montez for any further information he is well-acquainted with my affairs I'll remember that uh we'll be working out this way you won't be too busy to call I'll be busy thinking up excuses to call if that shoulder stiffs up on him don't come around belly to me I were ready and willing to fix it hi hi Jessie get out of here oh go to go I never wash or solid in all my life I'm so happy to see you never mind that I want to know how you will get along with this fellow Jerry Calhoun jealous are you know none of these men do what money does what do you mean justice I have a little plan for your friend Jerry it's going to mean plenty of money for both you and me cherry never have I seen such better you're just in time to save my life looks as if your bankroll is in more danger than your life I lose all my money every dollar but you will help me what your dice Dolores you roll for me maybe you were lucky no we'll never get it back that way come on pick some more you've been spending a lot of time at the cantina haven't you the last few nights why nothing only your father thinks an awful lot I do not hate to see you getting any trouble those games are tough to beat I can take care of myself I've heard a lot of smart men say that you can't expect me to work on that survey all day and sit around nights doing nothing sorry that's a bad one well thanks me no your luck is about to change I mean you'll be a good fellow and then him some money well alright as a favor to you we can't disappoint the lady six is the point [Music] but your death cherry it amount of $4,000 you must have no you have to pay it back I haven't gotten I don't know where I could raise that kind of money Bobby in your father wait you can't do that it I'd do anything to keep him from finding out where is perhaps it won't be necessary I understand your survey takes you into the Regas grant beginning tomorrow yes but I don't see how very simple we call the whole day off if you happen to find out that the northern section do not belong to Tom Vegas there seems to be a very complete report Jerry I see Don Vegas thought he owned more property than he actually did that's right the northern section doesn't belong to him but a right over to the Regas Rancho and notified Don Regas that the survey is completed telephone our section is not included miss grant then it's freelance yes when I'm not to say I don't know he's on the range will be back soon senior I will wait for him you stone you here you have only to call Senor could I borrow your guitar blow breeze blow open upper window let my song come in and steal her heart blow stars blow leader to the window let her hear me sir let's never fall how long till her tender lips are [Music] hello miss alone for the answer to monthly breathe blow open upper window bring my love [Music] came as a goose beam that's your pretty flower - hello you've made a later so happy you've no idea how romantic she is you've been here all the time I heard you singing Diego send your koteas finish to serenade me thank you for your guitar I suppose you came on business I have a message for your grandfather it's from the colonel shall we go inside yeah it's coming along fine thank you you know that reminds me of the time I captured fifty Indians no but Michelle single-handed you did yeah how'd you do these surrounded you seem worried perhaps you'd better tell me well it isn't me the colonel sent me out here to let you know the result of the survey it shows that your grandfather doesn't own as much land as he thinks tastes about the survey I'm afraid you're gonna lose some of your land the entire North section isn't including your grant and the survey lies well I was more surprised than anybody I can understand I can it's your government you Americans have hated it stolen almost everything we own now you're trying to take our land mine doctor I haven't heard anything about a mine legendary gold mined in that North section if this side sir the colonel Calhoun I'll take this matter to Washington they'll give me justice or I'll know the reason why I'll give him your reply sir I'm leaving for Washington tomorrow see that preparations of me season your Tania I'd like to help you in your grandfather we've had enough help from you you told me I could trust your trust your government you don't understand I understand too well you're just like all other American selfish really it's honest I hope I've seen you for the last time dolorous said I was to meet you anything wrong that maybe don't recourses go to Washington that means trouble I was afraid your report would not stand investigation he wouldn't have a chance they said mister there's out here the whole thing would blow up in our faces then he must never get to Washington I didn't think you'd go that far but you would you'd kill him and why not he's dangerous to both of us I won't stand for murder I don't care what happens to me let my father find out [Music] [Music] he is the Coronel son hide him well or the whole regiment will be our hope for us Cunha I need your help tomorrow there is a stage leaving for the Jews good luck old I'm sure hipped up back that survey it's free land traipsing off to Washington final claim on it he wouldn't but I'll bet somebody else has and that's what we're gonna find out is the colonel in he just left one weight point hey that's a cargo disk right away did you hear it is Montes Jerry fix that survey for him yeah that's what you wish let's take about maybe we can handle it without the colonel finding out you know Gaby I've got a feeling Montez will never let done get to Washington we'd better follow that stage what are you doing in that desk why nothin earthquake young we were straightening things up you're both under arrest I didn't feel any earthquake oh you're gonna feel one now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds like trouble all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] same revelation Gabi there ah terrain 13 coming he who to scout and get me [Music] Kathy yes Donna ricochet still a lot I'll give you a hand as soon as you patch up this arm oh I reckon he'll pull through all right we better get him out of here a cooling is Comanche jump the stage yarded painted rock killed the whole kit and kaboodle it's always hit him a glancing blow I guess they thought it was dead but he'll be all right I don't want to alarm you miss but that raid might have been deliberately planned maybe Gabby now I better stick around we have Vaqueros hmm I say she's any too friendly don't Rigas is dead man Claude is not here did you search him carefully we had no time we were attacked by white men shooting from the rocks we could not tell their number we must fall back [Music] the body on downriggers was here it is gone and somebody must have taken it to the ranch oh I will go on alone I wish Jerry would show up maybe he could explain like Cody and Gaby found it necessary to rifle this topic did you find them Oh sir don't face the quarry and his friend we found the stage a stage burn passengers guard and Driver all killed Komachi sir take a wagon and whatever men you need and bring in the bodies you know since bill sitting around here you can go into the Sun if f you want but I'm gonna stay I ain't going lace you whoo what I'm saying is might have been wrong about Montez you know them words engines rated that stage I've been thinking about that it's the only part that doesn't matter big dipper's beginning trouble might be back midnight [Music] I need down Regas ain't nobody ever studied bandhasana about me keep your eyes shining I'm going in [Music] [Music] i boiled up in the yerba buena the way to spit how is your they nobody get well you just oh no man waiting off in a few hours who will see him at the way to recover [Music] what are you doing here there's someone in that room I saw moving in the shed probably one of the zoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey get your horse huh [Music] [Music] there's your answer Gabby Montez knew where he was headed smack-dab into a Cornish camper I'm a liar macho you right into Santa fan tell Colonel Calhoun we've located the Cunha's hideout see thing huh we'll stay here and keep an eye on Montes donor Regas is still alive call your men together I ride with you to the attacked you're dared to go with that Cunha it's too late to think of that I was recognized at the RC Endor there will be no safety for me now until the Rica's family is wiped out and the Aussie end are burned to the ground [Music] look cabbie there's an army set a Jerry car I know it anyway you must be down there somewhere go in that room let's get started [Music] look out the window [Music] [Applause] that can't get away please me like you all wrong I've heard Montes talking to a corner they're going to attack the Hacienda yeah hey go over here we are waiting to get shot every nation is running roll there's only a handful of Indians out there let's make a break for it we wouldn't have a chance you don't think much of these Comanches do you you see them throw these each one of them means that some poor devil had the same low opinion of an engine shoe tonight maybe we'll get out of here yet you think you still remember how to use this [Music] yep damn head off Colonel Calhoun luc1 Hokkien put it up shine drink every drop of it do not feel the need Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's all this he says Cody and Gabi have found a Kunis hunting place sir you say you're an elder there wait there for you oh we're right at once assembler man [Music] [Music] hey wake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're here to play on the rich Hey Joe it's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] go there fire to the gate I'll go round back today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you gotta stay out of this was that wound in your shoulder not me I started it and I'm gonna be enough [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take my gun hold escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I guess we've all got a lot to be thankful for I'd known Jerry was in a Kunis hands I don't think I'd have ever expected to find him alive it's something I've got to tell you it's about that survey that's right the North section belongs to Don Vegas after all there was a mistake in the figures Jerry it's an attempt to see yesterday you wanted to hold up the Montes claim before it was sent on divorcing ttan I guess that's why Montes want to get him out of the way to keep the real facts from being known yeah well that being the case the original land grant can now be properly recorded I'm afraid that is impossible it has been missing since the Indians attacked the stage let me bandage up that shoulder for you sure Gabby okay think six men will proceed immediately where did you get that Wyatt pick it up back there where they meaning Chucky happens to be worth a million dollars Chuck you think I didn't know that I haven't had a chance to tell you how ashamed I am for the way I treated you you shouldn't be live wait Tony if things haven't turned out the way they did I'd be pologize into you low breeze blow tell her that I love [Music] whoa freeze blow tell her that I never the first [Music] you
Channel: The Film Detective
Views: 22,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1940s Western Films, 1940 Films, Republic Pictures Films, Cy Feuer, Roy Rogers, The Carson City Kid, Gerald Geraghty, Joseph Kane, Classic TV Show, Sunset on the Desert, Young Buffalo Bill, Cowboy Movies, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Young Buffalo Bill - Full Movie
Id: HQGTfuMH-9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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