How to Make: Potato Salad

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hi welcome to Crisco for you too today I'm going to be doing something that probably everybody knows how to do so what I'm going to do is I'm going to scan the ingredients and you see if you can figure out exactly what the dish is for today starting from this side we're going to scan all the way down ok did you guess it if you didn't it's potato salad I just got in from church and I was getting ready to make potato salad don't have an updated version of it online and I said why not put it online so the ingredients that I'm going to need in order to make this delicious potato salad is going to be Mayo you can use any kind of mayonnaise that you like I'm using ailments this is mustard in this bottle so you can use mustard I'm going to do 5 eggs boiled eggs because I like my potato salad to be eggy of course you want to need potatoes now this is optional onions some people put onions and in potato salad some people don't it's your own personal preference if you choose to do it if you don't don't celery I'm going to chop up my celery this is celery seeds I have some sweet relish here and I have some sugar down front I don't know if I'm going to use a little bit of salt and I'm that's going to depend on the taste but if I need it then I'll put it in so I'm going to go away and get all my ingredients prepared so that we can mix together this great delicious potato salad and I think you're going to really enjoy it be right back ok now we're back and I'm going to put it together here is my boiled and cue potatoes and I don't really care how you do the potatoes you can boil your potatoes whole and then you know kind of mash them up or you can just cube them in the pot before they boil and then just go ahead and mash them up one thing that you don't want to do is you don't want to overcook your potatoes because if you overcook your potatoes that's just strain from the potatoes if you overcook your potatoes then you're going to have a problem because you won't have potato salad you'll have mashed potato salad and that's not something that you want to do so here we have our potatoes so to our potatoes we're going to add one cup of celery and I have three pounds of potatoes so if you using three pounds of potatoes you will follow the ingredients to the letter if you're not using three pounds then you can kind of just you know work at it on your own I'm just going to give you the ingredients so I stirred that just a little bit now normally what I would not do is if I'm making this potato salad ahead of time like a date prior to me serving it and I do that a lot because I want my flavors to marry together so I will do that but today I'm going to eat the potato salad with along with my dinner so I would go ahead and add the onion and this is like about two tablespoons of onion now one thing about the onions onions have a very strong strong flavor so what you don't want to do is you don't want them to overpower your potato salad so that's one of the reasons why you normally add the potato salad I'm sorry you add the onions like just before you get ready to serve it or the day you know the day that you get ready to actually eat it that's when you actually add the onions now here I have some chopped up eggs and I boiled five eggs because like I said I like eggy potato salad but I only have four that are in here now to this mixture if I need salt I will add it if I don't need salt don't worry about it you know but you always taste with it and you see we kind of just chopping our potatoes even a little bit more but if you have them cooked you know to the right consistency of cooking the potatoes you won't have to worry about a concealed moves like they won't be whole potatoes they'll chop off on their own now next to that I'm going to add some sweet relish and I've done this so many times until I know just about how to do it you know by heart but I will list the ingredients for you so that's about a half a cup of relish and I'll probably add just a little bit more okay now next I'm going to add some celery seeds celery seeds have good flavor when it comes to making potato salad and that's about a half of teaspoon of celery seeds okay now if you look at it my potato salad is not mashed potato salad it's potato salad okay next to that I'm going to add some sugar this is about a tablespoon of sugar and I will put the ingredients on I'll list them at the bottom the ingredients that I use but if you're not using the same amount of potatoes that I use then the ingredients will need to be altered just a little bit next I'm going to add some mustard and this is going to be about two tablespoons of mustard and mustard has a very good flavor when it comes to making potato salad okay now if you noticed I've stirred after every one of my ingredients I've started just a little bit because I wanted each one of them I want to make certain that each one of my ingredients were incorporated equally I didn't want to have everything just put in together and then I missed some of the flavor when I do it that way okay next I'm going to add some Mayo now like I said I'm using Hellmann's you can use any kind that you want and you don't need a lot of mail this is going to be roughly about a half a cup of mayo and if I need more then I'll go up okay not a lot of mayo and then I'm just going to kind of fold and stir fine now you need to let your potato salad sit at least before you serve it try to let it sit at least one hour one hour to an hour and a half before you actually stir it I'm sorry before you actually serve it okay now you can still see that I have lumps some lumps in my potato salad which is what you want the lumps are the potatoes so that you want you want to taste some potato lumps in your potato salad you really don't want it mashed potato if that's the way you prefer to have it mashed potato salad then by all means and if your family is ok with that then go ahead and do it I'm going to add a little salt because as we know and that's about 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt as we know potatoes will absorb that soap so if you're going to do this tomorrow if you're going to actually serve it tomorrow then you would need to taste it just prior to before you serve it to see if you still have enough salt edit now I'm going to just taste just a little bit it's good but it Kalu's use just a little bit more sugar so here I'm going to add just a little bit more sugar to this and I should make it come out just right and you want to taste all of the flavors of everything that you put in your potato salad ok now once I sit this in the refrigerator for about like an hour to two depending on what time I get to cooking the rest of my dinner this should be good to go it shouldn't be any problems ok so now I'm going to take and if you want to transfer it into another Bowl you can I have a bowl that's sitting here move some of this stuff either way and I'm going to transfer my potato salad into my bowl okay now that's actually all of my potato salad smooth it out just a little bit and this is not a lot this will give me probably about since potato celery is a sad dish it's going to give me probably about ten servings of potato salad so now I'm going to need to get a knife so I have to step away but this is how it actually came out I'm getting nice real quick I'll be right back okay got a knife now I told you I put four eggs in here that was the reason for that because now I'm going to make the top I'm going to take eggs and a lot of people don't do this so you don't have to do it I do it I've always done it because I like to get a piece of that egg when I get ready to taste my potato salad the cars sit down on my potato salad one more piece over there now if you want to sprinkle your potato salad with a little bit of pepper Rico you want to sprinkle it with a little bit of celery seed or whatever you might want to sprinkle on top you can but there you have it Chris is making potato salad this is going to be a good potato salad and I think that your family would enjoy enjoy it if you make it with a meal that's all I have for you today is potato salad as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you - bye
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 264,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato salad, cooking video, how to make, Salad, food
Id: MEqJ5dogLs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2016
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