SOUTH SASK FARMER Comes To Help A Guy Again!!

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just uh making some pens here and all what hiring all boys good new well we kicked uh I'd say about half I guess maybe a little better than half for the cows and calves all back and they're out on pasture and all holes are yelling some calf sale so what we got is the new bull on the trailer here so I'm gonna get you a video here when I get backed up I asked you to spend on her own this morning to pick it up how to go to the city and get a bunch of get a bunch of oil and there for the oil changes and parts with a calm mind and whatnot so anyways we will get backed into the shed and we'll see in a bit when I get them back though or back into the Crowell and I'll show you when we unload them here so well seeing a few guys there is old Escobar come on out Willy let's see let's go [Music] there he is ready to go to work here right away we'll see in a bit oh and obviously guys are really angry all right boys the time is near we're just uh actually gonna work on the combine here today forecast doesn't look too too bad so I know eh I guess we'll see how she goes but well I gotta do a bearing on that one on beater bearing well I changed Nick's oil and I got a check the hydraulic oil not one so yeah we got a got a better to do here yet so we'll be be a few days or a day before we get going here so hopefully within the next day or two we can be combining canola maybe so well see in a bit tear guys well let's see if he's got the touch Tony one fired up and yelling fired right up so let's see if this one's gonna go a good battery in here jelly see what she does here [Music] oh well get her fix some other fine no no no no started the best their TV okay we can warm up here to a minute we'll see in a bit [Music] it was spinning around under the wind here so let Nick run and then I can drain the oil on me oh girl got a little tire on that side do I gotta fill up with some hair I'll do that later once we get these bearings change here so she ain't a fifty guys we give it give a one hit with the chisel there to get the thing off and look at the race fell right apart well good thing the little guys got lots of slingshot balls now anyway we'll get that all picked up but no one's ready to go on already so that's good all right they'll bring you back in the bending here okay so the new one went on like nothing so that's good this try to suck her up here a little bit laughs to use a wrench I think so anyway that's a new one on their already ours quick boys those two there we got tight for the wrench because of the speed sensor on there anyway I'll bring you back in the second hair place last partner gone is to cover [Music] so it's not too bad [Music] [Music] Oh next gun it should be warmed up we can start draining oil here and also [Music] I think it's bent anyway thing [Music] good enough let's call my journey to go pretty much so anyway I'll climb up here and shut him off and we'll start draining the oil off the bottom here you think that's warmed up enough okay I'll go maybe leave a run for a little bit longer take the other comp I know we're gonna put the spreaders and on in here yet so spreaders and stationary chopper and there and she's golden I might need philia - so seeing a minute there boys junk [Music] okay boys got our drain in here the old plenty one so let this dream his hot dog feels good mine was a little but that's alright miner coughed up now what the hell Nick come on neck look at grid is gonna hate you oh well that's all right that guess or the hell did your hose go there's just a piece of it here anyway this is a bit of a jump around here boys but anyways we got the stationary chopper bar is done there got a pendant off gonna put the spreaders on this guy there we go Nick fresh oil in it she's ready to go I just got to get you a filter yet and Dean says it tears way ends a little over full so Tommy change itself throats you shouldn't be good there we go all right clean up all our here and go try a sample of canola maybe so I'll see you guys in a few oh you know boys well we're just heading over to the flax we're gonna give it a try I guess see what it's like it's just about air conditioning weather here just about not quite fun we're getting there it's got turned up here and head back over to where everything is or the flocks is anyways different audiences guess we moved everything already so too and try to get the combine set when we get there that's still working on the canola with next machine and my other one is over up at my bar lease laws are just straw or just chopping up the straw because it's a little bit easier but it's too fricking windy the other day I kept wanted to bail ahead of the roof you bail ahead of the combine so anyway we're gonna head over here and try and get the stuff going here so hopefully it'll be dry enough and not froze to the ground or a guy can pick it up and put it through the machine and take it off dry the price of flax is actually skyrocketed here right now so if it's dry we want to get it off as soon as we can because the price is really good right now so anyway boys I'll see you in a few all right guys well we got the first little jag on the old truck it doesn't look too bad yet a little higher on dockage and what a guy likes but but we just finished fishing here real quick some are dropped her toy down in the old mouse nest there what did you get here your body back where was it now what do you say to me and Dad yeah thanks okay good enough let's give her no don't bug me the rest of the day alrighty guys we're gonna give a here so I want to do a live shame here but if it's all good I think I'm gonna wait till tomorrow I guess well who knows our day that will be for for you guys I'm not sure when the heck I'm gonna get this up but maybe one of these days but anyways it's gonna keep giving her crap here I think I'm just trying to get everything set here it's sold the straw is so dry and rotten that I'm having a hard time getting it set from my original settings [Music] there we go that's better for my original settings it's not even I think it's just too dry and rock and everything so but like I say we'll keep crashing here make sure we get everything ready to go by a coal bin alarm flowing because it's guess what it's windier and elegant alright guys well keep on going here when the combine and horror in it then they're eating off of your name boiling you ever get 9 while talking a little Miss OH we're giving her again I think we got her set a little bit better here and all that freaking yellow something there I lost a bolt out of my sim so that wasn't very good I think that's what it was I got out a whiz there and looked in the back what the hell Warner was doing that freaking pop simple fellow so anyway we're gonna do a strip here and see how things are once we get there seems to be running pretty good that I guess for black to pretty it's hard to set because it's so dry but yeah [Music] it's like Yugi comes over longer pieces but it's just something just solo drive it's crazy that's my bin alarm going off in the wind whole bin sensors blowing up top I got it up on top of the hopper topper here that's right off coffee so anyway kids a real em fast you gotta call mine all day so and aways like ah she's gonna come and pick them up here pretty soon and I gotta get a ride over to the neighbors and grab the augers so anyway we will see you in a bit guys alright boys we ran home and took the chopper off this guy and we're just heading over to the blacks now it's gonna go this is where we did the canola right here and my buddy Nick's is on his way old knickers anyway we got to change this concave so we tried their machine and the flax but can't put too much balls and and the sample soap panawe gotta get you had the wide wire in there so we got a strainer down to the narrow wire donghae's I think we only have to change - because looks to me like front majority and narrow wire so that should be good anyways I guess we will see you and it gets here much longer this one Oakley and yeah here we go boys I got to making dot so far neighbors are burning [Music] should've brought some hot dogs there's a song that must be it looks like maybe Carter coming on that one right Kahn welcome for bigger you can get a all right Connor lights are brighter Fox once a can't see all you much are still burned in these guy up just governor dole Raiders oh yeah cry see what the hell are these guys in their pocket bright lights on Maya just got the truck Kirk there by the fire that's good no one ever get tough good all right we're gonna give a here well there's a couple sauce here on the run the slew the flax is kind of like picking up canola so is it yeah no you just go okay what how does it feel does him burns deep down inside while we shut down call mine and flax for the night and figured we better do a cab kitten the wife's tractor here look at it all rotten she's garbage you don't need that not fair that's for the buddy seat there you go glue it on there good glue 1978 that's good and they always say look at this guy he never does any work you just video say yeah I'm going I'm going can't video we just off work just change concaves I know that's that's a trouble I have to look at that drew blood you've law my god that's cuz you're here just here I reckon ranch like I'm just a bull wrecked his wrist here oh you got a Nocturn somewhere I think I left them all up there don't know well I put about you give them to me I don't wrong side you know how it is you know how it is hold on guys gonna line the knot with the boat there we go we're gonna get these we've got two more bolts to go here and then we'll take in there and show you what we got done so far kind of a collaboration it's a joint effort here yeah look at that nice shiny red a couple little wrinkles in it but not too bad considering what it is above your head yeah their side consoles in case new bolts actual bolts yeah so then down flat screw pieces of that's an aftermarket thing that I don't know I did yeah I'm sorry hope there's no kids watch all that I'll put it in the description okay good you were warned there we go all we got left is uh I think we got to take the seat oh I'm pretty sure but anyway seen a few so what you're making now he says buddy think foam ride foam right buddy seat so we're gonna wrap it in this stuff we had an extra sheet here actually what they did is they gave us two two different pieces for the seat on the floor and we chose to use this one and so then we had a whole bunch of extra and we actually had some of the old foam stuck on here and then we thought well that kind of looks like so just gonna switch her up a little bit put on the new stuff Heys well we got it here I can't believe all that stock on there that's up alright guys have a look shiny there it is it's gonna be super quiet and hurry nice job Nick there we go happy life I think is what they say looks good even the buddy see tear got some foam on it right on alright guys well maybe there anyway thanks for watching guys give us the thumbs up and we'll be some more thrashing videos probably in the next little while here so hopefully not too much I think we're done that so anyway guys thanks for watching I'll talk to you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 13,758
Rating: 4.9408283 out of 5
Id: gvcHpTmRyyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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