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so we're just uh making some pins here now what well boys how are you now [Music] oh not so bad look at all the water laying in the ditch i like that nice so a tally on the rain scorer out this way at our place anyways a little over five inches since it started raining we haven't uh haven't turned the wheel in i don't know five days i guess something like that so anyway remember i was telling you guys i had a slight vibration on this truck well i pulled in the garage there and uh jacked the front end up and we had a loose front wheel bearing on this side so i repacked it uh bearings are still good put it back together and nice it's going good it's got to get a steering column my bearings are shot down in the bottom here down in here somewhere so anyway that's that uh today as you've seen in my last video uh fencing with the boys there oh rock and rob and old nick the hair lip self farmer well so sassy anyway good old buddy uh we picked up the wire red verse and now i'm heading to uh odessa to pick up uh all our posts i guess there should be about six bundles so i guess that being said i'll uh show you once we get loaded we're just about in town here so don't have too much farther to go but anyways i will uh talk to you later forgot to mention i had lots of uh questions on this the last video here that i just put up this morning uh about um gophers do you got lots of gophers no we don't have gophers like mike dustin all righty guys we made her home anyway there's a lot of posts on there you still got a few extra for me if i needs a few more uh i might have to go back and get a few more corner posts but we'll see how she goes see how he makes out there uh next week hopefully it dries up a little wee bit then we can get going on there so anyway that's it for now i'm probably gonna unload these here later on but got some other stuff to do maybe pick up a few more trees and branches not quite done that yet i got the main yard here working progress i got all this stuff cleaned up here so that's good anyway talk to you in a bit well there we go boys got her filled up with greta tears and i got tracked around i got to do chores yet this morning feed the cows some bales but uh yeah i got a few loose shanks well not loose but maybe a quarter turn on the old big old nuts there and uh i'll show you when i get over there but i want to do some do some maintenance on the drill i got a few tips that are uh getting quite war i couldn't uh i couldn't uh get new ones i don't know if they're slow making them or what the hell is going on but anyways they're dutch tips made in uh what the hell is that town called pilot i guess so i got some good used ones and a couple new ones left over yet but uh anyways we'll get some of that [ __ ] done when we get back there but there's a few roll pins in them tips that are i don't know how good they're gonna be i might just have to try to jam a [ __ ] bolt in there alrighty well as you can see i took a bit of nitrogen out of this tank before to uh keep going the other night but what i did was i put the suction i put the suction hose from the bottom up to the second one where the return or pressure side what you call is uh sucking right now but i didn't have time to circulate it so you sometimes what happens depending on where you get your fertilizer from myself knocking would have been pretty damn lucky here lately last few years we've had liquid but the sediment or your solids or salt whatever you want to call it will sink down to the bottom of your tank so i don't know it's just been recommended that you uh uh circulate it so that's what i'm doing i'll run a i don't know half a tank of gas through that should be good enough and uh then we'll start mixing i think what i'm gonna do is mix uh two tanks so i'll mix this one and that one and there's a percentage that i do these two are sulfur those bins over there are nitrogen uan uh which is uh liquid nitrogen this is uh sulfur so i'll put usually what i do is i put my software in first and then i'll switch the valves and i'll fill it up with uh nitrogen to where i need to be so on these big tanks i need about uh 570 gallons of sulfur on this tank and the middle tank doesn't really empty very good so there's going to be a little bit of sulfur left in here i'll have to do figure out what it is but uh it's a 1250 gallon imperial gallon tank so i got to put 425 uh gallons of sulfur in here so i might only go to here are here not quite up to the top but anyway and then the rest will fell right to the tits with the nitrogen so well we're just leaving town yeah going on another fencing adventure i was gonna haul a couple load of cows down to red first today but uh we didn't have the cavs vaccine so change of plans and we got about an hour and a bit of fencing down here yet so i think i'm gonna do is well i know what i'm gonna do is head down there and uh finish up that fencing deal i got a couple gates to build i think one for sure anyway and uh then i got to uh uh run a one one strand of wire tighten the high tensile and hook up a fencer so that's the plan yet for today so i'll see you when i get there about two hours from now i'll be there good enough all right well i got the gate built right when we come in there i'll just show you that on the way out i got one wire up at the far end i was already down here once and the [ __ ] quad died and when it does that it doesn't restart for a little while i take it i don't know anyways i got one wire done i got to bring the other wire up to uh where there's another three wire gate and then skip the gate and continue on down to where uh robbie and nick and i were just over here through the bush so i got the trailer with the pulse and i got the bike over here and hopefully the bike will start if not i don't have booster cables maybe it's not turned over fast enough i don't know anyway i'll go [ __ ] with it because i need it to get the wire spooled out so hey anyways i'll go see what i can do there but uh yeah bring you back in a bit last time i came down here i went through this gate but i ended up going through the gate and i came back around and i came to another gate i don't know there's so many gates on this line uh i went through just up here i went through and then ended up coming back through this gate and then went back through another gate and then there was another gate that was open that goes in the next field so right now i am on this side of the pasture not on that side because i work my way through here zigzag through about i think one two three three or four gates and i'm back on uh back on this side here now and end up i shut the gate to the field and i shut the gate to the other side uh where nick's got his hay or a fertilizer i don't know if you guys watch that video or not but uh anyway so i got a few little rock i got a few trees to cut over here so i can bring that wire back down this line and uh then hopefully i can get that one done [ __ ] stones then when i come back and do that other line i think i'm gonna have to go through the pasture and run the wire on the opposite side of the fence the other two are on for right now just because the bush is way too thick i'll be cutting for three or four days just to get the goddamn uh wire through there so up in here there's only about four or five trees i gotta cut down and that way i can stick with it [ __ ] jeepers just these couple trees are here i'm gonna have to chop down lean them over this way and then i can run that wire down this gate here so i shut that gate and i shut that gate there's another gate over here i got it closed and then there's one down on the fence line just down there i got it done and i fixed the wire that was over on that other side of that uh fence line so it's so it's good now and all i got to do is bring back this other piece over here so we'll see how things go and uh next trying to fold me so i'll talk to you in a few as i'm sharpening my uh blade here and filling her up with oil i just thought of old bcp farming truck and go get him a follow go watch a few videos of his give me a shout out a little while back there i forgot all about it again so now that i'm thinking of my chainsaw hopefully she'll cut good i oh he got some trouble there was saw that's what i thought of him anyway go check him out he's the real slim shady while the race is on and here comes pride up the back stretch taking her up the back stretch oh hopefully the old bike [ __ ] keeps her running nice freaking spark plug wires off she's good now probably gonna run out of wire here i think i don't know we'll have to see anyway out of wire just about eh well she's quarter to eight again son of a [ __ ] anyway we got her done finally so tomorrow i'm we're hoping to bring some animals up here tomorrow and we have to hook up the fencer yet but we can let the cattle go and then go down into the creek there the slough and we should get a good ground in the wet ground and hook up the fencer and let her buck and hopefully the [ __ ] stay in so anyway just following nick out of here now that [ __ ] quad still died on us son of a [ __ ] was working good and then [ __ ] die work good die spark plug wire was ready to fall right off so i uh fixed that and i thought i fixed it but it really didn't work so that's not very good but anyways like i said we're done here now uh i made this three wire gate up here so that's kind of handy and all we need to do now is just give these a couple things here a quick ratchet and uh we're laughing so anyway talk to you in a few talk to you in a few goodbye i put a [ __ ] i had a piece of that like house wire [Music] not a pizza house well he's going to rob 10 year old rocking rabies all right see you when i get home boys getting you well guys we got a bunch of tips changed i didn't [ __ ] video on it because it's windier than a [ __ ] again here look at the trees [Music] i can't see anyway uh yeah when you're in hell here so we're just giving her here we got about 25 acres left here i'm guessing something like that um what we're gonna do is finish this and we'll move to the other field we'll load before we leave and then by that time hopefully we'll have people uh off work to pick us up move us or whatever but anyway just back in the drill and uh yeah we're gonna hammer down summer's having a nap in the old tractor here and uh yeah i don't know don't really know much else i was down as you seen at the next place there yesterday and uh finish off that fence so that was good i just gotta vaccinate calves and cows tattoo and do tail hair for verification and whatever else there so yeah that's about it i guess i don't know i think i'll leave this video here and i'll probably start a new one that we're seeing here again so i got this little piece just to there and that piece is closed in just there and then i got a little chunk up there and then a nice big long stretch up there right over to the trucks so i guess what i'll do is i'll just keep going here get this done do that piece and then i can go fill move the trucks and then i can uh finish that off there so what i did i guess i should tell you i was seating at about three quarters of an inch to an inch somewhere in there uh the canola i ended up bringing it up out of the ground because we're moisture like to scratch the top of the top of the dirt and we're at moisture here now so anyways i will uh leave it there until i figure out that i have to uh put it deeper in the ground again um i'll probably be okay on this field when i go to my next field over at the other farm i'll have to uh i'll probably put it back down for the headland at least and then bring it back out when i start going the other just because there's it gets quite wavy on the old headlands and some some freaking uh shanks go in some just barely go in something's going too deep but i mean whatever i shouldn't have it too deep then at least a seat is covered but uh if a guy knew it was going to keep raining you probably all just leave it up like that give her [ __ ] and you know it's going to terminate we wouldn't have to worry about it but anyways like i said i'll leave you here and we'll talk to you in the next one thanks for watching the old [ __ ] show everything going on all at once it seems but anyway we'll get her done no need to worry talk to you in the next one oh yeah before i forget here if anybody's got a 92 i believe to 97 steering column for a standard f-150 to 350. that's what she is don't have an automatic in there i need a steering column my bearing's [ __ ] shoot me uh it's got cruise control too so uh shoot me a message on instagram or facebook or something or just [ __ ] send me one anyways i need one for this truck so if you got one or know where one is i don't really exactly have time to go get one so uh if somebody's got one kicking around an old truck that's shocked or something shoot me a message or send me one up here or whatever anyway thanks thanks again for watching and thanks in advance talk to you in a few learn the next one talk to you in the next one
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 4,078
Rating: 4.9811912 out of 5
Id: pMX9Hmc6Mbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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