South Park ATTACKS... Toilet Paper?

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hey if you like this video consider subscribing thanks so for the third episode of the new season South Park decided to give us a classic Randy episode following his idiotic exploits after he buys a fancy new toilet from Japan wait a minute a Randy episode about toilet humor where have I heard this before onto the scene by doing something no one had ever done before wow that's right I made a whole video about that episode where Randy tries to break the record for the world's biggest crap man what an Incredible video that was you know that's my favorite video I've ever made and if you haven't watched it I highly recommend it aside from all that I know what you really care about is my opinion on this episode because I'm a YouTuber and therefore my opinion holds more weight than all of you Pez I mean viewers well for the third episode in a row it was solid I don't really have many complaints about this episode it was funny and relevant which is really all you can ask for in a good South Park episode also a quick shout out to the boy Johnny 2Cellos who was able to upload his reviews like 30 seconds after the episode comes out his video is dope and you should check it out so with that you may be asking do we finally see the end okay I'm not doing that joke again let's just get into the video foreign so the episode starts off back at Tegrity Farms yippee the toilet in one of the bathrooms that Randy has affectionately named old blue has flushed its last flush and it no longer works Randy goes to Home Depot to look for a new toilet okay quick tangent does anyone else absolutely hate visiting home improvement stores I don't know what it is but every time I walk into one I'm overcome with a feeling of dread I just need to know if I'm crazy or if anyone else relates to this okay sorry back to the video while shopping Randy is introduced to the exclusive state-of-the-art Japanese toilets after being urged to give it a try his life is completely changed okay how much during this whole plot I could not stop thinking about that Meme about how people are obsessed with everything that's from Japan anyways despite the fact that this toilet cost ten thousand dollars Randy has essentially been born again and can no longer live comfortably without this toilet so he immediately purchases it and gets it installed the installation process is very stereotypically Japanese and it has a few moments that definitely made me chuckle [Music] okay thanks when Sharon discovers the insane price of the toilet she demands that Randy returns it to the store all of these demands are silenced when she actually uses the toilet and falls in love with it so fun fact about me I actually bought a bidet a few months ago after I kept hearing so much praise for them online and I gotta admit it is pretty sweet I mean it's not a life-changing experience or anything like that but if you have an extra like forty dollars just hop on Amazon and buy one you won't be disappointed so when Stan goes to school the next day all of the kids are picking on him for being rich he's confused because he hasn't even told anyone about the new toilet that's when he learns that in true Randy fashion Randy called everyone in town last night and bragged about their new ten thousand dollar toilet Brandi decides to have brunch with some of the other adults in town during which he keeps asking whether anyone needs to use the bathroom he's obviously trying to flex his new toilet to everyone without actually saying it and when Mr staunch finally takes the bait he begins to explain to everyone how fancy and expensive his his toilet is how it can clean you so much more effectively than any toilet paper ever could how he was able to afford it through his hard work growing weed all of this is just classic Randy finding a new obsession and acting like it's the most important thing in his life becoming so pretentious about this necessary product despite only having it for literally one day the new toilet really just made Randy feel Superior to everyone else to him it was a sign that he's rich and he should start acting like it I mean he's literally hosting a brunch brunch the meal that was made up by rich people so that they don't have to eat at the same time as the commoners and have an excuse to drink champagne before noon Stan is angry because all of this flexing by his dad is getting him bullied but of course Randy sees it as him trying to help people by showing them the wonders of the Japanese toilet so up to this point it seems like a pretty straightforward Randy episode he finds a new obsession and takes it to the absolute extreme making a lot of idiotic choices until it eventually all blows up in his face well after Randy's octologist visits his home the plot takes a left turn that I don't think anyone saw coming [Music] foreign ologist questions why Randy hasn't come in recently Randy mentions his new Japanese toilet and how he doesn't need the Proctologist anymore since the toilet has solved all of his problems the Proctologist is enraged since he can't afford his vacation anymore and Randy throws him out of the house meanwhile Stan is still getting made fun of at school and Jimmy encourages him to stop bragging about his new toilet he essentially does the classic stop digging into this for your own sake Trope like he's a mob boss and we quickly find out why Jimmy discusses how 70 percent of the world doesn't even use toilet paper they use soap and water the us alone uses over 31 million trees a year to supply toilet paper to the entire population causing insane amounts of CO2 release in the destruction of millions of Acres of forest despite this we still use toilet paper when it is clearly less effective and does so much harm to the environment meanwhile Randy is giving a speech to the town about how wonderful his new toilet is and how even those who are commoners and not wealthy like him can afford one as he is encouraging the town to move away from toilet paper he is shot when visiting Randy in the hospital Stan makes a vow to continue his dad's Mission Against toilet paper and he continues to dig deeper he finds the Proctologist holding hostages at Home Depot where he discusses how they're going to try to pin the shooting on him he says that they're going to cover all of this up with their money and power just like they did when that second grade kid wrote a story in the school paper about toilet paper Stan knowing that Jimmy runs the school paper tracks him down to find out more Jimmy is scared to talk but eventually he reveals that the toilet paper companies took everything from him and tried to sue over his article he talks about how the industry is worth billions of dollars and are willing to do whatever it takes to stop Alternatives from gaining any type of popularity including attempting to assassinate those that are talking too much so if you had South Park attempts to take down big toilet paper on your 2023 bingo card go ahead and check that off now this is definitely not the direction I expected this episode to go but it was really interesting and provided insight into a corrupt industry that almost no one knows about this being South Park it is clear that the writers did a lot of research into this topic it's not super common for South Park to actually take a Firm Stance against an issue but they definitely did hear and it seems like such a weird topic to cover but I'm really glad they did because it brought awareness to an issue that basically no one even knows about also it gave them a reason to make a bunch of poop jokes throughout the episode and I have my suspicions that this is the real reason why they made this after hearing all of this and being continually urged to not look any further into it Stan vows to stand his ground against these companies and spread the message no matter the cost while giving his big speech against toilet paper Randy runs in to declare that they have nothing against toilet paper companies everything is totally fine and they retract anything that they said about toilet paper companies bro I got shot this just confirms what we all knew that of course Randy never actually cared about helping people he just wanted to flex his really expensive toilet back at tegerty farms Randy reinstalls the old toilet and it ends with Randy discussing how it's best to avoid luxury products since it begins to feel normal eventually making you want to upgrade everything else too this may seem like a weird message to end with but to me it definitely seems like this is less of the actual theme of the episode and more of a sarcastic way of saying look toilet paper companies wear on your side now please do not come after us it's really best to just stick with the beat up crappy old things we have love you forever honey thank you you know I don't really have that much to say about this episode it was funny relevant and attempted to expose the immorality of a multi-billion dollar corporation that causes immense damage to both the environment and our bodies you know just typical South Park it was a solid all-around episode I wouldn't say it was anything amazing or special but it continues My Hope for this season becoming one of the best in years placing it into my ranking list I would put it near the top of B tier in the 164th spot okay I'm sure you guys are getting tired of it so I'm not going to make any Sly remarks about Pip this time I'm just gonna sit here in silence okay this is boring almost as boring as watching the episode [Music]
Channel: Blooms
Views: 434,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: South Park, Cartman, Randy, Tegridy, Season 26, episode 3, Japanese, Toilet, Video Essay, Jimmy, Stan, Kyle, Kanye, Cupid Ye, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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