South Korea's Growing Household Debt | Undercover Asia | Full Episode
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Channel: CNA Insider
Views: 1,789,317
Rating: 4.7362041 out of 5
Keywords: household debt, loansharks, Asia, truth, investigation, suicide, bankruptcy, undercover asia, cna insider documentaries, south korea, seoul, economy, oecd, debt
Id: E8cbwbTqmCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Probably one of the worst things about our society in how we have to look rich no matter what.
Most of the video seems to be focused on credit cards and credit debt due. I was hoping they focus on the debts related to the properties. Yong people with over spending problem on luxry item can be solved pretty easily when they can no longer pay it. Credit companies will suffer but its a mild problem compare to debt related to property.
I've watched watched this before. It's pretty good. People here really have to settle for what they can afford and stop trying to chase big profits. This would be a much more chiller country if people here were just satisfied with what they have.
I love this video because it explains the issue very clearly but I have to add, the first dude is amusing me so much like, dude what did you think would happen???
This logic is one of the reasons why I refuse to use any type of credit card as long as I can and living in Korea also made me realize how vulnerable I am to consumerism.
I lived here back 2007-2011 and recently moved back in 2019. The consumerism is so bad now. Leasing 150k cars so people can see what you drive at work, but living in an old run down apartment. I get that cars are a hobby for some people, but it's taken to such an extreme here. Makes me sad, honestly. Discontentment and jealousy of what others have does not help your mental state. Be content and recognize what matters.
That narrator's cheesy "movie trailer" cadence is friggin annoying.
It's ridiculous how many brand new cars there are on the roads. The amount of debt that is driving down the highways and byways of this country is ridiculous. All so that people can 'keep up with the Jeongs' in the apartment parking complex. I always feel a sense of affinity when I see a rackety old banger.
i mean, the housing problem is the bigger problem here.
its way too expensive to even LIVE in the city.
and to live outside the city means less acess to high paying jobs
Fuck I just spent an hr watching this.. pretty good and informative.
Anyone know how extreme do these loan sharks go?