South Caribbean Conference Ordination Service 2018

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because of time we could only asked you to give them your undivided attention as they share with us this special item [Applause] [Music] good afternoon everyone we are members of different field at the a challenge we call ourselves the issue budget group because it's almost like we say I am Hindi it's all we ever to sing in the title our society and it's it's in English we will lift up our voices and play on instruments we will sing songs to Almighty Jesus the beauties of this universe we are your likeness the moon and the stars reflect your glory we will say your omnipotence to all my time everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not sure yeah with a trailer load the wrong applause for this book they come from the statistics epicenter search you can have the privilege to meet with them and engage their services because they can really be a blessing to persons who can appreciate cross-cultural music in the context of cross-cultural evangelism at this time we are going to have honor in song it's a quartet group that will be bringing an item to us [Music] good afternoon everyone [Music] called [Music] the when time [Music] it's no I'll still cling to Oh I believe that this but it's great to me history's surely one day but come to [Music] we'll conquer [Music] the same at last to my [Music] but still a has the power to change [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this time we'll take our minds to heaven as we adore the Almighty God by singing I sing the mighty power of God him number 88 [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those of be ordained today have gone through a trial period they've been examined they've been assessed and they passed the reason there's a system like this is because God needs faithful Shepherds to lead us who are sheep in Ezekiel God said this therefore you Shepherds hear the word of the Lord as surely as I live says the sovereign Lord you abandoned my flock and left them to be attacked by every wild animal and though you were my shepherd you didn't search for my sheep when they were lost you took care of yourselves and left the Sheep to starve therefore you Shepherds hear the word of the Lord this is what the sovereign Lord says I now consider those Shepherds my enemies and I will hold them responsible for what has happened to my flock I will take away their right to feed the flock and I will stop them from feeding themselves I will rescue my flock from their mouths the Sheep will no longer be their prey we need to go before the Lord even at this time so let us bow our heads close their eyes as we pray loving father we thank thee for the Sabbath we thank me for Jesus Christ and His grace so that we could be in your presence today Heavenly Father we come as sinners to you asking that you would forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness we present this service to you this evening we ask that you will grace us with your presence may we feel the moving of your spirit upon each one especially those to be ordained we asked in a special way humbly father that you would accept this service and that the service here this evening in all of its aspects that you will be in the Edit in it and that each one may be touched in such a way that we will leave this place committed and dedicated to service so bless the service bless thus preaching of your word and maich heart be warmed and drawn bless those who will be ordained in Jesus name we pray amen amen be seated brothers and sisters those of you who are viewing on the worldwide web when you are in your churches we welcome you today today's most auspicious and felicitous occasion the ordination ceremony hosted by the South Caribbean Conference of seventh-day Adventists in collaboration with the Caribbean Union Conference of seventh-day Adventists we thank God for the ordinance called to Ministry and a wider opportunity for wider service in the world Church we welcome all those who have groomed you and supported you and I here today to witness publicly the laying on of hands to demonstrate your lifelong call to the gospel ministry we rather come your family and friends brothers and sisters in Christ in joining you on this blessed and joyous occasion and ceremony have a spirit-filled heavenly afternoon god bless you I'm Earl I am honored this afternoon to introduce to you this distinguished platform personnel who would be serving us we certainly want to thank sister Beulah Cornwall who led us in the giving praise to God she serves as a religious our educator in the North East Division here for conference and sister Beulah Connell kindly stand we're very happy to have once again with us our field secretary our pastor Michael Phillips and soui arcs and Impa kindly stand his family is here we introduced them this morning we're very happy happy let's say a hearty Amen for him even though we did it this morning this is now afternoon so we're doing it all over again very happy to have the person who just did or welcomed us here for this afternoon our own treasurer of the South Korean conference pastor Donny our Bal Gobin and his wife is here passable Gobin we're very happy to have him of course we do have a number of presidents and so we are very happy to have them here with us this afternoon we have the president of we have passed our James from South America so South America is in the house this afternoon Guyana to be exact we are asking him to kindly stand assumed Trinidad would be heading to Guyana they are know the riches really even the donor Caribbean and so we want to stay very close to the guy on our conference very very happy to have him very very interesting believe it or not they have branded the country and it was really island of spice really but as I visited there and doctor would tell us a lot more about that as it relates to Grenada the president of the Grenada conference please make welcome dr. Clinton Lewis we also have here with us this afternoon another very distinguished person in the just give me a moment yes in the person of and we move to the East Caribbean and we have with us pastor Danford Francis the president of the East Caribbean Union please stand oh I'm sorry I'm sorry East Carib conference is faster than Fort Frances [Music] we also have we be learned recently that someone said that it took two countries really to caused the demise of the USA football team and so we are very delighted that we do have a twin Republic it seemed as if the u.s. president could not grapple with that that is the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago even though two landmass one contribute a p2 have with us at the president of the Tobago mission pastor to Nima and please allow me once again to welcome our president the president of the South Korean Conference of seventh-day adventists pastor Leslie Moses at this time we're gonna be favored with some very heavenly music as the ministerial chorale comes to blend their voices and bless us [Music] [Music] [Music] litleo let you speak [Music] cause I've showered show me after growing Beauty God [Music] Oh [Music] make me a reflection on [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you can take what's wrong and make it run [Music] lord of see [Music] by [Music] Oh [Music] in the darkness haunted by the [Music] but when I see you standing near me [Music] shining with compassion me [Music] all I want to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can't [Music] [Music] [Music] the shine above me let your love shine through me I do apologize there was one missing voice next time dr. Tobias good afternoon everyone I join in pastor Phillips and welcome you back welcoming you back to the afternoon session this is the big day it is a very significant dinner just for these eight men and eight women but it is a signal day for the South Caribbean conference amen amen dr. Tobias this ordination service is unique in several ways we have a GC representative here with us today we have one GC employee to be ordained today we have one employee of the Caribbean Union conference to be ordained today dr. Tobias we have seven passes from the continent of South America Guyana to be specific to be ordained today three what did I say seven my goodness I saw Pastor James I'm trying to steal their workers three from Guyana yes we have one from India amen brothers and sisters we have one from Antigua my-my-my amen and we have three from trinidad amen this ordination service is really very of course each other ordination service is a unique you know activity and unfunctional this one is specially unique and we thank God that this is happening today I would say to the Union president my very good friend that's why we have eight now we have about 15 more for next week or next month or next time next time yes we have quite a number of pastors just waiting to be ordained and so we're looking forward to the next group in Jesus name we want to acknowledge the directors of the Caribbean Union conference who are here and we thank you so very much directors and staff of the Caribbean Union conference we also would acknowledge the presence of the directors and staff of the South Caribbean conference amen we want to have knowledge the staff and students and many pastors from the University of the Southern Caribbean amen the amends are getting louder and better so we go again we want at knowledge the pastoral staff the ministerial staff of the South Caribbean Conference good we want to have knowledge as well other ministerial workers from other territories because we do have ministerial workers from other territories outside of Trinidad and Tobago and we just want to acknowledge you and thank God for you let's ask all the ministerial workers whether you're a chaplain a pastor a religious educator and in turn any of those categories please stand as we celebrate ministry this afternoon [Music] and I want you to put your hands together please please put your hands together for the ministry of Jesus Christ these are workers from around the world amen and none of those appear struggle but they are to be counted - please have your seats I'm delighted to introduce once again dr. Lester look look Lynn special assistance special assistant in the Institute of world missions and he is representing the General Conference least answer he's also a professor at Andrews University professor submissions we would recognize at this time pastor Johnson Frederick the executive secretary of the Caribbean Union conference and is their wife please put your hands together as we recognize the treasurer of the Caribbean Union conference a Liberty Adrienne is day one [Music] we would also want to have you know that in the South Caribbean Conference we do have a very efficient executive secretary and he is none other than past the Michael Charles and is their wife Mary Charles please welcome home in a sense pastor Andrew Farrell the ministerial secretary of the Caribbean Union conference and we are very delighted that we have a man of the calibre of past the owen jack the ministerial secretary of the south korean conference and his wife sister here so jack is sitting in the congregation in the congregation we have brother samuel Sankar and brother shankar is the local government representatives for Warrenville and kali village communities is that correct yes please stand thank you sir dr. Curran Tobias doesn't need an introduction if you call the name in any territory of the Caribbean Union conference if you call the name in Colombia or Venezuela or Belize it is a name that is well known throughout our division we are very delighted that God chose to lay his hands on this man a man of God a man of the people and for the people a man who knows God a man who loves God a man who knows how to mingle with the people of God we could stand and say a million things about this man of God but what we would say what we would say is ladies and gentlemen the president of the Caribbean Union conference he is our speaker for our ordination service this afternoon [Music] thank you very much pastor Moses if you had asked me what is my preference I would say I prefer to sing especially if I saw Cyril Harold is singing in that same group you know but as you hear the sermon this morning and I must pay tribute to the speaker for this morning as he really warmed our hearts and left me water I okay pastor Kevin Davis tremendous message so much was said in such a little time I was at a lunch table today and that's when the truth is told so I said to one person who was on the table I may not be able to give us much as it's positive it's gave but I surely need more time thank you very much today it's a hi day in Israel we have had an amazing convocation this morning and this afternoon we are assembled for one of the highest services of the church the ordination of ministers to a lifetime of gospel work for Christ's on his church we are privileged to be ordaining pastor cliff Montgomery Dean Agony's who is the director of the Center for Asian religions of the General Conference his wife Amy and children Peter and Paul are here today and I know their parents also here for the good appearance of pastor Shah Merdan and his their wife could you please stand so we can recognize you the parents of Pastor Myra Dean and his dear wife dr. Lester McLean representing the General Conference at this Salam's solemn service has already been recognized be nordian as well is elder Bertie Henry the treasurer of the kybun Union Conference of seventh-day Adventists who has demonstrated outstanding spiritual leadership throughout the Caribbean and beyond and who is following in the rich legacy of former treasurer's as pastor Eric John Murray and Joseph Grimshaw who ordained to the gospel ministry in similar circumstances his wife Deborah who is the director for the children dollar suntanned women - woman who - Therese and son Curtis are here and all his brother is also here brothers are here and one sister-in-law so in since you're not his parents I would not ask you to stand but you would see Bertie in a short while and anybody who resembles him they are his brother his brothers these two leaders are being ordained in addition to dr. Chang Chang Xiao Jian as you heard from India and this afternoon must be very emotional for the Gaian family because whilst we were doing the final rites in preparation for this ordination service we got news of his father passed in India and so we really share this moment and I want to ask you please to stand as a tribute to the contribution his father's parents made to the Crimean Union by virtue of giving us this gift of a wonderful son dr. John Chow and is their wife their workers at the University he also pastors the South Korean conference through the prayer in your heart for this wonderful family at this time [Music] amen thank you very very much as you heard that there are five other pastors to be ordained from the South Korean conference since God is in charge of the world where they were born is never a problem for God namely Oscar James Cordell Williams Brandon Thomas Justin Alexis and Prince Carew you will hear about their families shortly and so I would not use a sermon time to do that all sermon what this ordination is entitled the search for a special Shepherd Spahr heads Heavenly Father I am broken this one who is undone speaking to those who are also undone I pray that you'll have mercy upon us all as shepherds of the flock of God amen what kind of story do you prefer fiction or fact I enjoy true-to-life stories especially when they are from the Bible I'm amazed how God inspired the Bible writers depends some incredible stories the teach lessons for instance in First Samuel chapter 17 there is an exciting story of the shepherd boy David who sought to justify why he should have been given the chance to take on the challenge of confronting the giant Goliath but Philistine found in verses 20 to 37 David was not so much concerned with the meanness of the Giant but with the majesty of his God his superiors rationalized that Goliath was too big to hit but David real I reason that cool ad was too big to miss he had that confidence because he was a special shepherd with an excellent head on his shoulders and an exceptional heart you know in 1st Samuel chapter 16 there is the context that references David's competence and character in God's search for a leader of his people he found a shepherd boy I posit today that God is searching for a special shepherd are you ordinance willing to be that special shepherd who God can count on to take care of his sheep in Psalm 100 verse 3 God confirms we are his people the Sheep this pasture and so let us consider some characteristics of sheep that justify the use of this word picture been used in Scripture and why they are applicable to us sheep are foolish and vulnerable sheep are slow to learn sheep are demanding shiipa stubborn and strong-willed sheep like the street and they are we word sheep are unpredictable sheep are restless sheep are dependent sheep are easy prey she give wool so we have considered some characteristics of the sheep let us now consider the Shepherd you know there is this dramatic and daunting portion of Scripture in Ezekiel chapter 34 that urges us to reflect on God's gut feeling about shepherds then and now he's Iike chapter 34 I wish that every master will read this chapter over and over again it makes good reading so that we can find out God's got a feeling about shepherds and the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man prophesy against the Shepherd's of Israel prophesy and say to them thus says the Lord God to the shepherds woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves should not the Shepherd's feed the flocks you eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool you slaughter the fat lines but you do not feed the flock the weak you have not strengthened no have you healed those who are sick no bound up the broken nor brought back what was driven away nor thought what was lost but with force and cruelty you have ruled them you say they were scattered because there was no Shepherd and they became food for the beasts of the field when they were scattered my sheep wandered through all the mountains on every high hill yes my flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth and no one was seeking or searching for them there for you Shepherds hear the word of the Lord as I live says the Lord God surely because my flock became a prey and my flock became food for every piece of the field because there was no Shepherd nor did my Shepherd search for my flock but did not feed my flock therefore o Shepherds hear the word of the Lord thus says the Lord God the whole I am against the shepherds and I will require my flock at their hand and I will cause them to cease feeding the Sheep and the Shepherd shall feed themselves no more for I will deliver my flock from their mouths that they may no longer be food for them for thus says the Lord God indeed I myself in search of my sheep and seek them out as a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day of love on the day he is among the scattered sheep so will I seek out my sheep and deliver them from all the places where they have been scattered on the cloudy and dark day then of course we can just go to the final verses and a three to twenty five says I will establish one Shepherd over them and he shall feed them my servant David he shall feed them and be their Shepherd and I the Lord will be their God and I servant David a prince among them I the LORD have spoken I will make a covenant of peace with them and cause wild beasts to cease from the land and they will dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods I remember an ordination service many years ago when I was much younger in ministry preached by a union president and he sought to use his own words saying the same message to the pastors and I remember that our ministry association meeting is said let us protest to the division for the way it is faster feech lamanna's that's what that's a decision we took so I've learned since if there's going to be a hard message don't use your own words now it's an example for us as bastards there's enough in the Word of God to just see what God says this is a hard message for us bastards and in shutting the chair I don't know what makes me cry but I just know when I cry I feel good and in that prayer I was just overburdened by the cries of the sheep for special shepherds and so today I am not reaching down to any pastor I'm simply preaching up I'm preaching up because the topic is the search for a special Shepherd you know following the prophets declaration concerning the need for right hearted shepherds the four Gospels portrayed Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promise to send the Shepherd to save Israel as found in verse 23 I just read it for you John's Gospel extends the pastoral imagery of the Old Testament most notably in the Good Shepherd episode in John chapter 10 and and so yes God said the Shepherd's have done poorly but the ship as shepherds we have a model in the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd preaching that does not focus on whatever the name we call him if preaching does not focus on Jesus it is just a discourse and so and so today we are talking about Jesus Jesus the Good Shepherd John chapter 10 you know and and John uses the words of Jesus when he says he enters the door he says most assuredly I say to you he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs up some other way the same is a thief and a robber but he who enters by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the doorkeeper opens and and the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own by name and leads them out and when he brings out his own sheep he goes before them and and the Sheep follow him and they know his voice yet they will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him for they do not know the voice of strangers Jesus used this illustration but they did not understand the things which he spoke to them the song we just sang said Lord speak speak the words we can understand God wants us as Shepherds to to understand so that we can really treasure the Sheep he has given to us then jesus said to them again most assuredly I say to you I am the door of the Sheep all who ever came before me are thieves and robbers but the Sheep did not hear them I am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture the thief comes not except the steal and to kill and to destroy I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd his life for the Sheep but a Harlan it says Harlan who is not the Shepherd one who does not own the sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them the Highland flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the Sheep I am The Good Shepherd says Jesus and I know my sheep and I am known by my own as a father knows me even so and no other father and I lay down my life for the Sheep and other sheep have I which are not of this fold them also I must bring that they may hear my voice and there shall be one flock and one Shepherd therefore my father loves me because I lay down my life that I might take it up again and Jesus Christ goes on and on and on in this beautiful analogy this beautiful motif of the shepherd now John's development of this Shepherd motif presents Jesus both as the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for the Sheep and as the model after whom special Shepherds or to pattern or leadership John's Gospel places greater emphasis on the Shepherd's hat motivation than it does on the practical tactics of his leadership in the good shepherd discourse Jesus demonstrates that genuine Shepherd leadership is indicated primarily by a singular concern for the Sheep and trusted to the leaders gear the Shepherd leadership described in John's Gospel places far greater significance on the effective motives that compel the Shepherd's act than on the practical skill set he owns Jesus is teaching on the Good Shepherd discourse or the cause all of us as Shepherds to consider our affection for the Lord's people and to make sure that we follow the model that Jesus has left that left us in Holy Scripture the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep the Good Shepherd shows himself to be good because the of the wealthy of the Sheep not his own the burden of charge of the 10 is not so much on the task of the shepherd as on the manner in which the shepherd undertakes to his role demonstrating his benevolent heart for his sheep putting the sheep first and displaying his second a self second attitude the challenge that the contemporary pastor Shepherd has a deal with who he puts first who she puts first not between Christ and the Shepherd but between the Shepherd and the Sheep rather than extending the current focus on leadership techniques and best practices the greater need for all of us as pastors is to reexamine our motivation for serving as as leaders over God's flock a critical question that must be asked by all of us is do I genuinely love the sheep God has entrusted to my care despite the attitude and actions of the Sheep our love and self second service is not to be conditioned upon the ship's reciprocation I want to repeat despite the attitude I have just told you what sheep I like and God says we are sheep and he has selected in this instance eight Shepherds that he is getting ready to be ordained the question to be asked is despite the attitude and actions of the Sheep our love and self second service is it conditioned upon the sheep's reciprocation here in his first epistle John explains that love for the Lord people is he responds to love received from the Lord not the sheep you know too many sheep are being treated unfairly with great evil because Shepherds are trying to get even with sheep and so God is saying if we are to be special Shepherds of he can trust we could never try to equate our relationship to the sheep base and how the Sheep relates to us they are sheep they are sheep and God is saying if we would be so special Shepherds we have to keep looking at the Good Shepherd Jesus graves in describing the dealing of it of the original Good Shepherd with the wayward and wandering sheep Ellen White remarks and I quote Jesus did not suppress one word of truth but he uttered it always in love he exercised the greatest tact and thoughtful kind attention in his relationships with the people he was never rude never needlessly spoke a severe word never gave needless pain to a sensitive soul he not censure human weakness he spoke the truth but always in love he denounced hypocrisy unbelief and iniquity but tears were in his voice as he uttered his scathing rebukes his life was one of self-denial and thoughtful care for others every soul was precious in his eyes while he ever bore himself with divine dignity he bowed with the tenderest regard to every member of the family of God in all men he saw fallen souls whom it was his mission to save subscribe eighty three and four and so as we get ready to serve God's sheep ordinances and those of us were pastors here today I want us to heed the counsel that was given by the Apostle Paul in acts 20:28 and 29 minutes says be on guard for yourselves and for the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made us overseers to Shepherd the Church of God which he purchased with his own blood I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock that's the reason why God is searching for a special Shepherd because if the Shepherd is a higher as an hireling then it opens up the way for the wolves you see one wolf in a sheep pen can ravage the whole rock the same is true in a church once one false teacher in the congregation can cause untold damage therefore as pastors it is our job to protect the flock Paul certainly knew this well protection is an essential component of pastoral care so who are we protecting the flock from who are what are we protecting the flock from in order to protect the flock well we must know who we are protecting them from although our main adversary the devil is unseen he manifests himself in very tangible ways through others so we must protect them from wolves Acts chapter 20 speaks about wolves wolves are false teachers and false teachers are showing up in person in video in what's up in DVD in all sorts of things circulating and people are knowing these these virtual images more than they are knowing the pastors and if it is that we are not known because Christ says the Shepherd must know the Sheep if we are not known by the Sheep then they will run behind any voicing yeah that's why that's why Paul says we must protect the shepherd sheep from from these moves I remembered pastoring in a district where they were there suppose it was notice I didn't say wolves and and so as Shepherd I was visiting the Sheep when I knocked on a door and went in there was the Sheep with a wolf in supported wolf and as soon as a shepherd showed up or the wolf became very nice you know I'm so glad to see you he looks so nice pastor and I said keep going pretty study don't stop keep going and I didn't study that day I just stayed here and hear what was said and it was clear to the Sheep that suddenly the attitude of the wolf a change because the shepherd was there and as soon as the wolf left I made my rounds and I came back to the Sheep because I knew that that sheep was under threat the danger that we face as Shepherds is to make sure that all the sheep know us and can we can protect them from the wolves the wolves that drop sometimes motivated by money by power and by sex and they say the church's wickedly churches Babylon and the churches all sorts of things and it soon realized that every organization has good people and bad people whether it's a big church or a small Church where light is the organized Church or the little group everybody is motivated by the same Satan and if we are not careful people are moving from good to bad and from bad to worse why because there may be still the search for that special Shepherd we have to protect the sheep from temptation no temptation is not sin that's what 1st Corinthians 10:13 says they had no temptation taken us but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow us to be tempted more than we are able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape that we may be able to bear it and so temptation means that there are people with propensities I know we glory when a jogger it comes to the Lord and and we are happy when a a sex pervert comes to the Lord but they our propensity is in there and we have to be careful to protect our sheep from such possibilities Shepherd us so that our Shepherd not going to camp may not be it may be a bad idea if I should if a Shepherd is not going to the company young people are that's not a good idea or a good idea at all the Shepherd must be with the Sheep of course if you can't come then I am not telling you you can but I'm just making a point let the Spirit of God tell you what I'm saying if if 50 of my young people are going to camp I want to be with them that's the reason why we some of us are not the local pastor for all of our lives so that when Cannavale comes around i may drive around our camp or - I don't have to come really but if pastor Moses makes me a pastor again I'm going to come so my wife you better know that they must be protected from the world from the world from the world yes the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes are the pride of life we must protect the flock and we must protect the flock by prayer prayer constant prayer by encouragement you know this thing about getting to the pulpit and trying to beat up on the flock because somebody said something about that so we heard instead of going to the brother and say that you mean this yes I meant that pasla how you gonna say that about me but besides the truth and many of us are hiding from one on one contact by coming any pulpit and using the puppet to get even with people they sheep know Gregory the pulpit is for encouragement what you say when people come to the house of God with their burdens they must leave their burdens at the foot of Jesus that's what Hebrews chapter three and verse 30 says but let me read that one for us all Hebrews three and verse 13 the Word of God is very clear that we must encourage the bread ring but exhort one another daily while it is called today unless any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin exhort and courage uplift but of course there is a place for buek as well in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and verse 2 Paul makes it very clear to Timothy the young pastor he said preach the word be ready in season and out of season convinced rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and teaching for proper rebuke the goal is restoration and the motive is love members know when the Shepherd is using you know that word to pull us in line they know I just did it in using his eagle and I shed my tears before I did it so the topic as I close today the topic the search for a special shepherd implies that as ordinance as ordinance you can be optimistic about being that special shepherd search in other words if there is no possibility of there being a special share but there will not be a search the optimistic optimism is hopefulness and confidence about the future or a successful outcome of something so be optimistic this is the best chance if it is that God is looking for special Shepherds then he must have no doubt that these eight are going to be amongst the special optimistic as ordinance you must have the opportunity to prove it to prove that you are special God has given you says spirit of prophecy my life to rebait and if I God has given you one day and heavenly records will show how you have valued its privileges and opportunities God wants you to know that in searching for a special Shepherd you have an opportunity to prove it by His grace so use the opportunity to care for the lambs as well as a sheep do not underestimate the value of the Lambs visit their summer school classes regularly and if you are fortunate to have a school in your district give priority to the lambs there and encourage the teachers as well if the lambs know you from early you are known for life I prove not in my ministry I do not take children for granted I go to a home mommy how are you daddy who are how are you what's the name of the child that child is are also five years but before you know it he's seven before you know it he's staying and then your sharpie I come to baptize you but you have you have you known a child let children know that they are special before you know it they're 15 before you know it that 20 they're your elders but they want to be a pastor because when pastor came he just touched me in my head asked me my name how was school today I'm saying the lamb is critical to a shepherd who understands the love of Jesus use innovation pastors to connect with the sheep and the lamb I read a story of a shepherd who had a sheep that lost its lamb at birth and a language lost its mother similarly the Shepherd took the lamb and put it with the Sheep but it would not allow it to suckle so he innovated and skimmed the dead lamb and draped the living lamb with the skin of that dead lamb and amazingly the mother accepted it and allowed it to get milk and they lived happily ever after I'm making the point for innovation and if it is that it that you have to change the way you to ministry and what's happened and send out messages and whatever meant you know however the technology of course there is nothing to beat the face of face but if you can't use an excuse saying that the people are not home so we are not going to something get involved use innovation so that God can bless your ministry tremendously what you say the picture of Jesus holding a lamb over his shoulder should always be a motivation to every pastor every shepherd of the love that he has for the sheep and lambs and the extent that we should go to love them to ordinances you continue to make Jesus your model Menten motivation you will be guaranteed success in your ministry ordinance the search for the special Shepherd continued so as to include you please make your response positive purposeful and productive god bless you all today and forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will have now have the biographical sketches the first person is pastor Bertie Henry [Music] [Music] bility henna booty Henry was born in New Amsterdam Feliciano of the five boys and his family he was the first to become a seventh-day adventists during a crusade conducted by pastor Harold Lee Bertie was fed on active youth leader booty Henry was born in New Amsterdam boobies Guiana of the five boys and his family he was the first to become seventh-day adventists during a crusade conducted by pastor Harold Lee booty was fed an active youth leader in the Assembly of God Pentecostal Church his other brother swim in a similar decision for Christ and is currently an audience pasta in southern New England Conference in Massachusetts USC but he attended Caribbean Union College now University of the Southern Caribbean where he earned a bachelor's degree in business administration in 1987 he further pursued master's degrees in business administration and finance at Andrews University he has served the Seventh day Adventist Church in various capacities including that of audit an accountant of the ground conference VP for Finance at the University of the Southern Caribbean associate treasurer of East Caribbean Conference chief financial officer and also chief executive officer of Davis Memorial Hospital in Guyana he is currently the treasurer of Caribbean Union conference at the local church level he functioned as Deacon elder stewardship director and currently serves as the family life leader of the Marvel congregation in Trinidad more than 50 souls have given themselves to God as a result of his dedicated service and ministry on behalf of God to man he has been married to Deborah kittens for the past 29 years and is the father of Critias Avenel Henry as a sports enthusiast he has competed in track and field events and also enjoys watching and participating in cricket soccer volleyball lawn tennis and swimming Beauty Henry is a committed servant of God and he now looks forward to this new chapter of ministry the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes buddy Henry into the ordained ministerial fraternity ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters please make welcome Warren on pastor Brendan Collins pastor Brendan Thomas was born at the San Fernando General Hospital on March 4 1977 to Wilfred and questa feel Thomas he was baptized at the age of 12 in a crusade conducted by dr. Farzad Odin Hosea he is a member of the seventh-day Adventist Church in La remain where he served as the Sabbath school secretary Sabbath school superintendent a while leader personal ministries secretary deacon associate elder and first elder he began working as a teacher in 2001 at Caribbean Union College secondary school where he taught integrated science physical education geography and electronics while teaching he pursued his Bachelors of Arts in theology at Caribbean Union College now the University of the Southern Caribbean and graduated in 2010 which proved to be a year of movement for pastor Thomas on September 1st 2010 pastor farmers moved from the teaching fraternity to the pastoral ministry where he served as intern in the ARIMA District for one month under the watchful gaze of pastor Michael Philip two months later he was appointed as the associate pastor of the largest district working alongside past the Leslie Moses as his supervisor he then received the mantle of district pasta over the very district comprising three churches las cuevas lafayette and bla she shares a district he would serve for four years from January 1st 2012 to December 31st 2015 from January 1st 2016 to the present past Athamas has been assigned to the Malabar district which comprises the okapi Masika and Malabar churches On February 7 2010 it was lowered to Tony Amos who is currently a teacher at Caribbean Union College secondary school where she teaches technical drawing and mathematics after three years of marriage pastor ancestors almost welcomed Natalia their beautiful daughter to the world it is clear that pastor Brenton Thomas is a man that truly loves his Lord evidenced by the 127 individuals who will led to change their life through baptism under his ministry the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes Brendon farmers into the ordained [Music] or next candidate [Music] dr. John Belk I am was born and raised in an Anglican family in the city of Calcutta India having been led by the Lord to different parts of India and northern Caribbean dr. dyan was eventually baptized into the some of the advantage Church in 1993 he joined Spicer memorial college India in 1994 where he served as an assistant professor in the department of theology and the Dean of the men's hostel he is the founding member of spice of college Hindi church dr. Cayenne wasn't involved with Maharashtra village ministry a church planting organization in central India he was also a faculty member of the embankment college to leadership training of grassroots missionary training institution having worked as a missionary in Nagaland and Gujarat he is rich in cross cultural mission experiences he earned his Bachelor of Science from Calcutta University followed by a Bachelor of Divinity from Union biblical Seminary Pune India then he even his master's in religious philosophy followed by Doctor of Ministry from spicen memorial college Hunan India an extension of fact of Andrews University he says his main objective is to serve and crew in the Lord through the Ministry of teaching and making disciples of seven in the Adventists since January 2010 he has been an associate professor in the school of theology and religion at the University of the Southern Caribbean in Trinidad he has also served as associate pastor of the university Church USC and director of Caribbean Adventist institutional mission an initiative of the school of theology and religion University of Southern Caribbean dr. gaya is married to Rita guile together they have one son summit and a daughter Mary in his free time he enjoys reading and listening to music the best parts of the day for him is spending some time to granddaughter via the internet the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes dr. champion into the audience ministerial fraternity [Applause] brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen please make welcome pastor Chester Alexis [Music] Justin Alwyn alexis was born in the humble southern village of rusev a collaborate from a dad to parents Winston and Ruth Alexis he has one younger sister Jesslyn during the early stages of his life he and his family attended the churches within the laboratory in 1995 they responded to a call to assist in strengthening the seventh-day Adventist Church at 5:00 at an age of sixteen Justin accepted the invitation to serve as an elder in that local congregation where his grooming for the ministry began his educational development began at home with both parents serving as his preschool teachers formal education continued for him at the San Fernando seventh-day Adventist primary school followed by the southern economy of some of the Adventists after the cxe examinations pastor Alexis pursued undergraduate studies at the University of the Southern Caribbean and completed a Masters of Arts in theology with an emphasis on mission at the same institution in 2007 he was appointed as a ministerial intern in the murugan district of the South Caribbean conference under the supervision of pastor to win Patrick Clark his ministerial internship continued throughout the Marbella and Koki districts under the supervision of pastors David holder and Patrick Roy respectively pastor Alexis became the district pastor of the four seas district in 2009 a district comprising of the citrus coromandel Chatham and captivate searches he is currently the pastor of the labyrinth district made up of five combinations Somu LaBrie Cochran the our apparel company and a lot ten during his ministry more than 300 persons have been led to the baptismal pool Justin Alwyn alexis is the noble husband of his beloved Beverly dscan Alexis of the kooky a district the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes Justin Alwyn Alexis into the ordained ministerial fraternity [Music] let us welcome pastor Cordell Williams [Music] three as one day he hopes to be a bilingual evangelist who employs social media technology believed in his cat ministerial four thumbs grew up in Golden Rule Antigua with a strong sense of a divine coil in his life his father died when he was only one month old leaving him in the watchful care of his mother Patricia George Winston through her guidance Cora made the decision to be baptized at age 12 into the Tindall SDA church in st. John's Antigua on may 9 1992 Pastor Williams interest in technology and his knowledge of other languages have proven to be valuable access to his ministry as one day he hopes to be a bilingual evangelist who employs social media technology he worked as a laboratory technician with the Ministry of Education for three years then went on to la Universidad de las Anthea's Porto Rico Hui commences undergraduate studies he would eventually graduate with a BA in theology from the University of the Southern Caribbean USC in 2007 while at USC he met Azharuddin MacLeod with whom he engaged marital vows on December 17 2006 one day before his birthday celebration also graduates of theology zoralan joined her husband in team ministry in Antigua st. croix st. Kitts and San Martin currently they would serve in the st. Roch oval districts of South Caribbean Conference comprising the cookie Pleasantville and st. John's churches when Kordell is a district pasta and saralyn is a zone of religious educator thus far 250 persons have been baptized through his ministry pastor Williams is in the process of authoring a book aimed at facilitating more effective communication between church leaders administrators and the Latin community he expresses a sincere gratitude to his mother for inspiring his life to pastor Howard Simon is mentor and two passes Peter Joseph and another Gonzales for their support took God be the glory the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes Kordell Williams into the audience ministerial fraternity let us welcome now pass the cliff Mansoor Shah Rama D Kliff Mancha melody is a native of Guyana he is the son of a fisherman and a homemaker mother and the second child of four siblings growing up in a seventh-day Adventist home pastor Chappell Dean was baptized at age 8 and became an elder at age 15 he served in various other church capacities in 1996 he began his journey in Christian education at Caribbean Union College now the University of the Southern Caribbean pursuing a degree in business administration this was a surprise for many especially his family who assumed that theology would have been his preferred field of study he changed majors completed his degree at Andrews University in Michigan where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer science after completing his master's Divinity degree in 2012 he accepted a call to serve as the director for the Center for South Asian religions of the general conference this permitted him to return to his native regional Perth to oversee the global mission projects among Hindus in the Caribbean Union his responsibilities have taken him to India Cambodia Thailand Fiji Australia Indonesia New Zealand and several other nations pastor Samaritan has a passion for soul-winning and through his efforts 227 souls have been led to Jesus he currently serves the church in Trinidad within the central zone as associate pastor in the Felicity district and was instrumental in the establishment of the new congregation in Brookfield central trinidad pastor chanel D is an avid athlete he has completed three marathons and one half marathon in Chicago in 2004 2005 and 2006 he enjoys bird photography as well and loves to play a good game of cricket cliff Minh is married to Amy Stooges who is a trained teacher and religious educator she earned a master's degree in 2006 in a religious education from Andrews University together they have three sons Peter Lloyd all William an opted son Daniel a cousin of Pastor Samaritans from Guyana the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes cliff functionality into the ordained ministerial fertility welcome the court [Applause] [Music] can any good thing come out of love until one man has emerged to defy the others could James was born in successful it's love until to Norma Roberts and Rennie James and as the youngest of four children he who was fond memories of his community despite the many challenges with which he was confronted could was baptized at the age of 14 a not long after was asked to serve as an ell developmental Church the mentorship of spiritual men influenced him to serve intentionally and purposefully he could not avoid the call of ministry on his life and in 2002 he finally responded positively but requested called Claire intervention in two areas granting success and icx examinations and also financial assistance could was indeed successful in his examinations and his sister would provide the much-needed finance to further his studies God answered his prayer as he the call to ministry in 2008 he graduated from USC with a bachelor's degree in theology and in 2017 with a master's degree in pastoral theology he completed his internship underpasses Patrick Lach Lyndon Lewis Courtney Francois and Roger Thomas he served in basta muruga as the district pasta we on the call and the cooperation of church members he established a la roofing company in his tour of duty he has led more than 400 souls to Christ in 2013 could married Delina Ashley Roberts a sing an evangelist an attorney at law and from this Union precious cameo Israel Robert James resulted pasta geum's expresses gratitude to his mother who laid aside her own dreams and show the fulfillment of his he thanks all who would have contributed to his achievements and aided in his ministry the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes could Joseph James into the audience ministerial paternity Prince Carruth brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen please welcome pastor Prince guru both born in linden Guyana to pansy fields and a prince Carew senior he is the eldest of four children he grew up in humble beginnings in McKenzie Linden at the tender age of three his grandmother observed his peculiar liking for Stanley on chairs tables or anything he could make into a platform to speak loudly and move his hands to an invisible audience she remarked to his mother like this boy going to be a preacher Prince was baptized into the seventh-day Adventist Church at the age of nine growing up in the church he was active at every level although successful at his secondary school entrance examination he was unable to attend because of financial constraints he never attended secondary school but roped CXC examinations through self-study and was sufficiently successful to be enrolled as a student in the University of Guyana while pursuing a degree in public communication he was employed as a versatile state reporter reporting in the georgetown hot spots at the end of that year Prince finally submitted to the voice of the Holy Spirit and applied to the University of the Southern Caribbean to read for a degree in theology in 2005 he was awarded a scholarship from the Guyana conference and started school in September of that year as he excelled academically his name we often found on the student honorary list he was elected the President and valedictorian of the graduating class of 2009 at the University of the Southern Caribbean he went on to graduate with honors from the University of the West Indies with a bachelor's degree in law in 2007 Prince met his princess in the person honor Tasha Barrett and is the father of 1 Jayda pastor Carew has been a pastor with a soft Caribbean conference since 2010 he has worked directly under the tutelage of passes Michael Phillips Patrick Roy and Roger Edwards through his ministry 200 souls have been one he is now the pastor of a five rivers district where the structures of all three churches have been completely renovated into more contemporary edifices this humble servant and pasta remains committed to the expansion of the kingdom of God the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes Prince grew into the ordained ministerial fraternity with Henry [Applause] ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters we shall have shortly the prayer of ordination as per directives coming from the seminal Venice church the wives of body nuns are now authorized to kneel beside them for the prayer of ordination just about now we invite all ordained pastors in the congregation on the platform to join us as we surround the ordinance or the laying on of hands all of the end pastors of the seventh Adventist Church with credentials whether you are active retired to invite you in the platform whether you serve at institutions vitae to join on the platform or a spur of ordination [Music] we invite the audience to stand with us this very important prayer platform [Music] let us pray almighty father it is a wonderful experience on earth and a jubilant moment in heaven there are still men committed to the task of saving souls to rescue the perishing and care for the dying men who are prepared to stand between the dead and living in intercession o Lord we thank you for this wonderful experience this afternoon for a great challenge delivered by your leader dr. Tobias for the words of admonition for the task that your men have accomplished throughout the length and breadth of Trinidad we thank you the Lord for berty Brendan Chan Chow Alan Cordero cliff month Kurt Prince we thank you the Lord for the ministry for the souls touched for the sick who receive who have received encouragement and healing advance for the power of the Holy Spirit we thank you the Lord for the ministry in encouraging and admonishing and giving hope to those in despair we thank you the Lord for the services rendered to those who mourn and whose heads whose heads are sometimes bowed in pain and in despair and whose knees are weakened by the vicissitudes of life we thank you for the way they are ministered to sheep Bible says Jesus once Shepherds who are good shepherds we thank you the law that they have been good Shepherds men of the world we thank the Lord for their wives who have stood beside them in thick and thin wives the Lord who have sinned them sometimes cry over the Sheep I know I've seen them suffer loss and pain but who not because of their perfection but even in the imperfection have stood beside them I've encouraged them we thank you the Lord for this unique ministry of the wives also Oh father we thank you for the children also who have encouraged them on for godly parents of other good much of them and encouraged them and today these men are being set aside for ministry and for holy anointing to go forth and conquer the Citadel's of the enemy and to and to uphold integrity and righteousness and truth in a world where alternative facts seem to abound we thank the Lord for this men and now as we lay hands upon them the Lords of st. Paul give attention give attention to reading to exhortation to doctrine do not neglect the gift that is in you and stirred by the laying of hands meditate on the things on those things give yourselves entirely to them that your progress may be evident Lord have that these men may continue to work in the fear of God have that they may man no father of integrity as the prophetess says who would not be bought or sold who will be true to duty as the needle to the poll of other random hearts of a shepherd to love the flock to be forgiving and compassionate to be gentle to be like Jesus who carried the lumps into his arms help them the Lord to feel the pain of those who whine pain and to weep with those who have the more father to learn to suffer criticism and to still have a heart like yours to be able to love the unlovable to learn to suffer persecution and not retaliate to learn to trust that you are the judge who will avenge who understands when we go through pain and who will know that in the judgement all will be made right all our cover them as sometimes they have to undertake dangerous ministries sometimes they'll be called to cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ we pray the Lord that immigrant them the special anointing even now fill them with your Holy Spirit even if they have they are given poison that they may not be poisoned that the skins of evil men well not overcome them that amidst 10 the Lord has stolen we'll be able to walk the streets sometimes in the shadow of death but your injures will defend and stun for them O Lord give them authority over demons and when they rebuked demons they shall free in the name of Jesus Christ Oh father grant them the gift of healing and when they are called to pray for those who are sick even those who are flicked out of the worse of diseases that there be testimonies of healing in the name of Jesus Christ help them the lot to be men of the world as they stand in the pulpit that will not be your father idle tales but in his speak with the authority of the divine that your words O Father may be spoken with authority that the sick that those who are in sin alone may find forgiveness those who are in sin may be rescued that the Ministry of evangelism made a lot of bound that's more Souls may be saved the Lord we recognize we live in a society where many people need the gospel of Jesus Christ have that this men may not be complacent but they may go forth preaching the gospel in season and out of season give the Lord the words that they shall speak power so that the Lord men may be called out of the darkness into your marvelous light give them wisdom of father give them wisdom as they as they involve themselves in administration given counsel have them the law tool of ministry and the Lord they may commit themselves to being ministers all the days of their lives and as we close this prayer father we just pray that he may grant them a table luncheon of your holy spirit even now there are they live here they will not leave as if they have completes all things but they may walk continue to walk humbly with the God that a fire may be set up in the bones that they will not tell or relent but they may grow in intensity in the ministry run to father that the churches that a pastor that the positions that they occupy the Lord will feel the anointing and that we may see progress and prosperity in the church and that people will ask people will ask Oh father who are these men from wins have they come and the answer will be given that they have been walking with the law we give you praise we give you honor and we just thank you for the churches that have nurtured them over the years they have tolerated the weaknesses and I've encouraged them on we thank you again the Lord for today and the Lord will look forward to the day when we shall hear from your lips well done thou good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things enter into the joy of thy Lord we praise your name we bless your name we magnify your name in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ pray and for his sake amen we say amen [Music] is it [Music] we are asking all ordained Masters - Raveena on the platform as we do the church together [Music] masters Bertie Henry Prince Carew Kordell Williams Kurt James Justin Alexis Brendan Thomas Sancho a guy in and cliff man Samara Dean God has called you to the work of the ministry and the church having recognized that Cole has set your side by the laying on of hands you are now invested with full ecclesiastical authority to serve as a seventh-day adventists minister in the world search no higher honor can come to any person but such honor also involves great responsibility I charge you to minister as a servant as a servant make the master your lifelong study know what you teach but first know whom you teach by spending time with Jesus you will become like Jesus as a servant live like your master live like Jesus live simply the Apostle Paul says in Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 to 7 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation taking the form of a servant you therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ no one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this world that he may please him who enlist him as a soldier like Jesus be what you expect others to become be an example to the believers in Word in kondeh in love in spirit in faith in purity I charge you to minister as a shepherd jesus said I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep the Highland fleas because he is a hireling and does not care about the she went for the sake of the sheep not for me money love Christ supremely and he will help you love his stubborn wayward she as he loved them be gentle to all able to teach patient and remember I say remember your family is the first flock you are cold you are charged to shepherd in the book Adventist homepage 353 the servant of the Lord says God will not excuse the shepherd God will not excuse the pastor for neglecting in a circle for the larger circle outside the spirituality of your family come first I also want you to know that great good done for others will not consider that you ought to God to take care of your family this is your personal responsibility I charge you to minister as a watchman as a watchman worn as a watchman win jesus said you did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should we mean I searched therefore before God under Lord Jesus who will judge the living and the dead are his appearing and his kingdom and his kingdom preach the word pastors preach the word pastors I challenge you to preach the word be ready in season and out of season the book says convinced rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and teaching but you be watchful in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry I like to remind you this afternoon that the work of an evangelist does not end with ordination I whatever I want to repeat that the work of being an evangelist does not end with ordination it begins with ordination I charge you to minister as a minute to I charge you to minister as a teacher as a teacher teach pastor early by training your members to be leaders as a teacher teach intelligently by being a lifelong read of books and student of the word as a teacher teach doctrinally if you instruct the Brethren in these things you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ nourished in the world of faith and of one of the one of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed take heed to yourself and to the Dutchman continuing them for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you teach plainly and practically so that the children who are listening can understand take heed therefore unto yourself and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost but made you over say to feed the Church of God which he has purchased with his own blood and when your work is ended may you say whit for I have fought a good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith finally and I say finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will give me on Dottie and I say on Dottie and not to me only dang God dang God sees but also to all those who have loved his appearing may God bless you this evening as you embrace your new challenge in Jesus name [Music] mr. bias this time I like to welcome all the pastors who have been ordained today and their families to the ministerial fraternity of the Caribbean Union Conference of seventh-day adventists by virtue of your ordination today you can serve in any part of the planet called Earth because you are duly recognized by the heavenly host as an official representative of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ don't let anybody tell you that all that there is submission ministry is misery don't let anybody tell you that all that there is to pastoral work is pin for having been a pastor now for close to 40 years there is more pleasure than pain there is more mercy than misery and there is more goodie there are more curries and there is guilt I welcome you put your all into this ministry leave the consequences to God and I assure you but if you live long enough to come to the age of retirement as basic life Thomas fly Thomas or pastor 7rl who are here today and pastor Andrew Farrell this may be one of his final leading functions because he retires very soon as well if you live long enough to retire you must say it was worth being a fellow laborer with the Lord Jesus Christ welcome and may God bless you it is certainly my delight and pleasure to congratulate you on this ordination what an awesome sacred and solemn occasion this is certainly a special moment in time am I correct a time of special anointing you have been specially prepared to go out there to do greater and higher service for God please follow the example of Christ I urge you to stay connected to Christ and I can assure you that you will remain happy holy and humble so that you can positively affect and influence others for Christ please bloom where you are planted be it in love until or Longden will India or China for a spin Oh spin you see you are no international water your garden because sometimes it may get dry go to the true function of living water reflect the Rose of Sharon the bright and morning star stay with him and everything will go well I give you this commendations and congratulations on behalf of the shepherdess Association of the whole of the Caribbean you have support we are praying for you god bless you [Music] My dear pastors masters of the South Caribbean conference pastor looking at the Caribbean Union conference this is a very good time for me to inform the pastoral fraternity in Trinidad and the pastor opportunity around the world that past the booty Henry has been appointed as the assistant pastor of the mayor of our church [Applause] [Music] paster the general contracts of 70 Adventists I welcome you to the Ministry of Jesus Christ in this territory it is my happy privilege to say to you god bless you richly as you take your place in the ranks of the seventh-day Adventist ministry I would like for you to note that the church we serve is not a pipsqueak church it is a robust well-oiled machinery and you are privileged this is not a right it is a privilege given to you by God to be a part of this great ministry and when you if you look behind you you will see the many that have been going this way before I welcome you on behalf of the South Caribbean Conference and all the churches in this constituency I welcome you on behalf of the world Church the General Conference be loyal to your leadership make use of the services of the church to assist you in your work please note that you will never be alone never lose sight of the fact that as gospel ministers this one thing we do we preach the Word of God in all the world and Jesus will come I welcome you on behalf of your fellow ministers every possible problem every possible frustration every possible obstacle has been met and overcome by the ministers that stand behind you and by God's grace as you deal with your own issues in your location please know that you can depend on your colleagues to help you can I suggest to you that you choose a pasta from among these men choose a mentor from among these men so that when you are through crying with your wife you can run to one of these brothers one of these men of the cloth and you can try there too and welcome you on behalf of your congregations these congregations that you are serving and the congregations that you will serve they are entitled to expect much of you it is an inspiration and a comfort to remember that the prayers of the scenes will be lifted on your behalf please also note that you do not work alone in your congregations you have men and women servants of God who are commissioned by God to aid you in the work that you must do as a soldier of the cross you will not be without bruises and scars none of us can escape these but when at last we stand victorious on the sea of glass with those with whom we have labored and with those we have labored for and best of all when the man Christ Jesus stands with us you will observe that the scars you have he has true to us we have a savior and his name is Jesus I am sure heaven is looking down and Jesus is saying to the Father as the Holy Spirit listens looking down at you and seeing well done faithful servant you have been faithful in few things I will make you faithful ruler over many things and then eventually he will say enter into the joy of the Lord welcome to all of you [Music] [Music] welcome my dear ladies my dear sisters to the family of women whose husbands are ordained to the gospel ministry of the seventh-day Adventist Church welcome to a team ministry with your husband in Eden it took both Adam and Eve to represent the image of God adequately in the pastoral it takes both the strength of a husband and the sensitivity of a wife to represent Christ to the church fully your husband's ministry needs you whether he has yet learned it or not to whatever extent you are able work with him to develop a team ministry fulfilling to you both your unity will be an example to use an attraction to unbelievers and a source of help to those seeking counsel welcome to a ministry of your own you must not be expected to do everything the church and maybe even your husband expects you to do there will be some things you do not feel able to do nobody should be expected to do everything but every church member can do something I encourage you to find your own place in ministry and fill it do not try to be all things to all people but do consecrate yourself to being all that God wants you to be welcome to the problems of a minister's wife welcome to loneliness and isolation resulting from too many moves too few roots and uncertainty whether or not it's okay to have close church friends feelings of inadequacy fearing you will not always smile when you should say the right words or have all the gifts members expect longing for privacy while living in a fishbowl continually expected to be a role model for others when you are yourself sometimes not certain who you are wiping away the tears as you pray for the people who do not respond to the ministry offer them welcome to tight budgets and tight schedules tensions when you want to shout defensively because your husband is under attack and all you dare do is bite your lip welcome to the pleasures of a minister's wife living with a man who though imperfect intends to be a dedicated Christian being as much a part of your husband's work as you choose to be offering the gospel to people the only thing in the world that can really answer all their needs feeling of accomplishment in a cause that comes being needed understanding that living to serve though sometimes frustrating brings life's greatest satisfaction knowing your members love you and many pray for you daily welcome finding that Jesus never fails and that you can trust him knowing that God planned for this day before you were born he has not brought you here to feel but will make available everything you need to do everything he wants you to do please remember that your fellow ministers wives are praying for you we offer ourselves to your special support welcome [Music] I'm axon pastor chapter join me with the final welcome [Music] [Music] at the end of this short welcome we are going to share with all the pastors or Dean pastors they pastors in I will invite my president to join us the representative from the General Conference as we pin these noble men president of the soul Caribbean conference by their pastors on behalf of all the pastors in the Caribbean Union I welcome you I welcome you I welcome you and I wish you God's richest blessings as you begin your journey this evening as an ordained minister of the seventh-day Adventist Church let's give them a round of applause [Music] we will now share with you their pastors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gentlemen on behalf of the ministerial workers of the salt Caribbean conference like to welcome you the ramps of the or day this time we will present to you your ordination certificate pastor party [Applause] all right let me read one day for the Civic it says certificate of ordination this satisfies that birdie Henry has given satisfactory evidence of his call to and preparation for the sacred work of the gospel ministry was ordained at the centrum auditorium and conference center on the 13th day of January near for law 2018 and is duly authorized under the provisions of the self-definition church to perform all the functions of the ministerial office issued by the urban Union Conference of seventh-day adventists the signatures of all the administrators of the conference and the union are here in addition to the ministerial secretary population is to all they work [Music] [Music] ah sir doctor Chanchal just Alexis [Music] [Applause] ha Cordell Williams [Music] [Music] I support you [Music] school [Music] all right we just got a handsome wives come forward step forward in the mental step backwards we will be greeting you at the same time the way arts and all the wives to come forward and you'll walk across stage the minister's wife that is and the Masters will be stepping back and we will just meet you very quickly the convocation you'll have a chance the door the greeting when we're through what this is just part of the formalities [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon everyone I would firstly like to extend congratulations to these distinguished excellent an exceptional men of God than their wives I would like you to join with me and give an affirmation today as I stand before you I stand as the happiest man alive on earth and if my colleagues feel the same way that I'm feeling I know that they feel the same way that I feel I stand with a deep sense of gratitude and respect for my church the seventh-day Adventist Church and I agree with the words of Richard Nixon that says only when a man has walked through the deepest of valleys can he truly appreciate the Magnificent view from the mountaintop today I am on the mountaintop and as a reflect on my life and the many Valley experiences that I would have had I can say to God be the glory great things he has done as a reflect on my life as a child when I came into this church I came could not read and write I recalled my mother's face when she could not provide for her children and I recall how I felt when all the children had the luxury of having fathers I grew up without a father and I remember how I felt and the challenge that I would have had with self-esteem because when the other students would have gone to secondary school and would have had the opportunity of right-hand cxe I wrote CXC at age of 20 but today I stand here as a product of the seventh-day Adventist Church I stand here because though I did I could not read and write when I came into the church had sisters access the Simson now be seized from the Emilia's ward seventh-day Adventist Church Linden Guyana where she will pull a group of young men together to go at her home and from a vast collection of spirit of prophecy you had to read a book after lunch and the values my mother would have gotten from the church in ensuring that morning devotion her boys have to read some scripture some text and as a result of that I stand here today because of this church and the investment and contribution that his has made to my ministry in my life although i did not write CXC at a young age and would not have gone to secondary school this the guy nakhon front would have given me a scholarship to come to then the CUC Caribbean Union College now USC and when many other students probably would have done well at CXC I got the scholarship this church invested in me [Music] and though I grew up without a father I was going into a family where elders and deacons took the responsibility to show me how a good man and a good man or the model integrity and morality and so today I stand truly not because you know I accomplished anything but because of what this church has invested in me and given them given to me and so I am humbled to know that God can choose me searching for a Shepherd that God can choose me to be a shepherd and so today indeed I'm on the mountaintop because I know from whence I came and as hands were laid on me I was asking God you know Prince why not with a sense of bull presumptuousness but with great unity understanding who God is and who I am and to know that thorn will still in spite of all my faults choose me to stand and preach his word and to be a part of his gospel ministry to God be the glory greetings he has done and so as I stand on this mountaintop my experience my excitement my joy I believe is not because of any good gift or talent that I have but because of the prayers of the sisters and brothers of the church because of the prayers and contribution to my life the brothers and sisters in church because as a reflect of my Valley experiences I know that I would have passed many precipitous terrains and had it not been for the prayers I sure I would have fallen off but thanks be to God today I can stand bold and strong in spite of all the difficulties I would have had before and so while yes maybe too many I would have been a nobody when I came into the church today I am somebody I wanna thank God for my wife exceptional wonderful warm loving woman and I pray that God continue to bless her and she continues to love the best man in her life this has the way she makes me feel and I'm sure if any one of the other men these distinguished men would have had the opportunity to stand where I'm standing I'm seeing what I'm saying they would have said the same thing to their wives and so on behalf of these great men I say to you is thank you and we do know that you here so thank you for loving us and putting up with us and caring for us and may God continue to bless us as we team with each other in this great ministry I like to thank worked night for my mother and her support and the role she played as being both mother and father I found God to for all the parents of those these men who have been redeemed I thank God for my district and the prayers and the support and nurturing and the growth that I've experienced haven't been a part of your spiritual experience and journey I pray that we will work together as we continue to live for the glory of God I thought the sound criminal conference I found the Union and I found the General Conference for their larval contribution to allow us to be here today to participate in the most beautiful experience in our spiritual journey and so today I leave you with the words of James 1:12 that says blessed is the man that perseveres through trials because having stood the test he will receive the crown of life from the God that loves him may God bless you and may God bless the seventh-day Adventist Church ask those who have been ordained to follow me as we make our way off [Music] [Music] microphone on a truly high spiritual day in South Korean conference we invited this time master William McPherson to give us musical praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] - [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh how I love to tell the story tell me the story of Jesus it gets sweeter every time you hear it you know a preacher today reminded us of some of the characteristics of sheep then one of the things he said about sheep is that they give wool well they give more than wool I guess he didn't want to add the others but they gave wool they gave lambs they gave meat sacrificially they gave milk and the derivatives of milk cheese and butter and the more sheep we have for a shepherd it demonstrates his riches and not only that they give money oh so that you can have more grass for more sheep this afternoon the ushers the ushers will wait on us as we give sacrificially for the growth and development of God's church ashes before we do so let's let's bow our heads and close our eyes [Music] our gracious loving father how good and greet you are on this your holy blessed Sabbath day you have truly demonstrated that you are a God who is faithful and renews that faithfulness every morning today we ask o God that each one of us will demonstrate our faithfulness to you where we will fail you forgive us but bless the gifts that we would give today that it will be used judiciously for the preaching of the gospel and for the work across the world in Jesus name Amen happy nearly finished we would invite sisters from the Merivale church to come and do a song for us this is a special song this song is the dedicated pastor pretty Henry amen yes this is a song composed by brother Brian there and we we want to answer ladies to come quickly [Music] this song was composed by brother Brian care for special weekend program that they had on the last weekend of the air Jerusalem Jerusalem and it was really very impressively done so we are delighted that the Mehra brethren I hear this one is dedicated to elder Henry pastor Henry and is their wife [Music] just oh yeah I just wanted to make us light something of a something of a correction the woods the tune of the song is that some that you know it is in Christ alone the words we would have readapted for our yeah and service that we had not too long ago and we because of the time we want you to look into your programs you were singing along with us we will probably sing the first two stanzas and we sing the bridge man we were saying the end so we are asking the folks and back up the truck to just hold it because we just got a second appreciation of this song by wait [Music] Oh [Applause] sometimes [Music] [Applause] easy when [Music] cries right [Music] [Music] [Music] ah Oh [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] to the tune of the song in Christ alone beast and not pursue Thank You elder thank you brother pair and Rachel before we do the closing hymn there's one I know these are special music this is a very special day one of our children a child of the Caribbean Union and the South Caribbean Conference and I love the General Conference one of these days Marian Dennis [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the twin Republic Manila and Tobago as we welcome the new year 2018 the new year has been stained with blood but today is a bright spot here admit Center more today some of us may in wanting to relish this moment and have it last forever may declare like Peter James and John let us stay right here on the mountaintop because today we have been transformed to serve we will head back down the mountain into the valley to continue the great work of seeing souls saved for God's kingdom it would be remiss of the administration if we did not pause to say when words fail us thank you and so today we want to say thanks in a very special way for all that has transpired here today of course thanks to God for everything but today in a very special way we want to thank him for the gifts that he has placed within his people who shared who officiated here today so that we could have had this type of service that have certainly are lifted our spirits and drawn us closer to God or here you say Amen and so of course we want to thank the center mall administrators for allowing us the use our here of this magnificent auditorium unmolested I gave them a round of applause we truly appreciate the hospitality in order after this proceeding we want to thank our Sabbath school team for such a wonderful program that they have actually put on for us we want to thank those on our coming in the park in attendance we cannot afford to forget anyone today our Usher's or safety team our security and the pastors and teachers who served our today in our Sabbath school classes we want to thank you in a very very special way affirmative service we certainly want to thank all those who got a platform in a very special way we would leave out some of the names but we cannot not thank our featured speaker for this morning in a very very very special way dr. human a very special way and we heard from our celebrant past the Prince kuru about nobodies and some buddies we are very clear today on what God is doing and what he has done also in a very special we wanna thank master Lester Mullen from the General Conference for joining us here today and he is very happy for the snow that we are providing here in journaler very happy to have you of course all those who provided special items of music for us today but the Otis beard sister vidya nan Koharu we thank you so very much sister anus Gaber the book and musicians the big field Hindu Bajoran group Asia is honor in song posture of course William McPherson and we just had Darian Dennis we want to give him a special round of applause Judy blessing our hearts today how can we not say thanks to a ministerial Correll who actually greased us in a very special way we are no Marvel Marvel group who just rarely give us a new rendition of Jerusalem which we enjoyed so very much we want to thank the Caribbean Union in a very special with all the Caribbean Union approving at this ordination service we could not have it this service we fought here this afternoon is courtesy the Caribbean Union we want to thank the administration led by dr. Koon Tobias and his team for having us here this afternoon we do appreciate you in a very special way gonna thank our office staff who really worked tirelessly and ensuring that we are here we want to thank our audio-visual team please give them a hearty ryeong above the great work they have done here for us today for those who were fed here today you must agree that the food was very good and so we also want to thank our caterers here today for general purposes pastor send you Henry has really been a tremendous person on his team actually in taking care of that my name's we want not to forget pastor Hadrian forms Forbes who also participated in that a decorating team give them a round of applause for elegans that we have here today we want to thank Allie graphics for ensuring that we do have keepsakes based on the production that they have had from this very very special program give them a round of applause and all our ministerial workers here were pastors our teachers those are the office or religious educators we want to thank all of you for really being very very special here today we want to thank pastor Riley and the team for stage management the South Caribbean conference planning committee we want to thank you honor thank all the relatives and friends all those who travel for overseas for this very special occasion we thank you for choosing to come today you two deserve round of applause in a very special way we want to thank dr. Koon Tobias for this afternoon a very powerful message that we have all received here that we can actually look in for that Shepherd are certainly the men and all of us have recommitted ourselves really to be the Shepherd of the flock we simply want to thank also sister Linda Tobias who actually give honor the shepherdesses our brand new minted shepherdesses and also we want to thank sister Deborah Moses wife of Pastor Leslie Moses our president of the soul Caribbean Conference of seventh-day Adventists in a very special way we want to thank the BNC press team and led by mother Mallard Roberts and our local tchaikovsky mr. Leslie Spence here this afternoon friends to all certainly we do not want to forget anyone but it would fail us in this regard our president would guide me in that regard following the script that we have here in giving thanks [Music] so that is not on my script but we certainly wanna thank the man of the church for the podium that we have here today Bryan print company and and the churches at large of course and we want to thank those of you who are still viewing the world wide web that we thank you for being a good audience here today on our churches and members who are really adhered to what we shared with them that they would remain a church and to view the program we were only able to accommodate so many people here at the MIT Center Mall so we want to thank you also in a very special way for joining us here this service on behalf of the administration pastor Leslie Moses pastor Donny r-value oven our conference committee team and yours truly pastor Michael Chernus we thank you [Music] well this has truly been an awesome experience after I listened pass the princess response I can't help but see how God is great and his church is the greatest institution on earth as part of our response this evening we're gonna all stand and sing together 578 so send I you so send I you so send are you by grace made strong to try the darkness source and are you my victories away source and are you to take two souls in boy [Music] that says the captive free to break applause knots into those deaths banter so send I you to bring the lost to me so send I to my strength to know [Music] [Music] [Music] so send on you - Mike Ross [Music] my kingdom bike the sans me so I [Music] we just want to remind you that they the at the book center is having a sale immediately after the service closes and we would like to ask you to give them your wholehearted support your heads about I didn't want this to be after the prayer there are two phones that are missing somebody has misplaced the phones please see me with your with the serial number of the phone and it shall be given to you there's also our watch that has been displaced they a bunch of keys that have been displaced and the phones in my hand are from Apple let's bow heads loving father we just want to see it fans what else can we see but to God be the glory great things he has done take us home safely Heavenly Father and keep blessing us keep protecting us keep inspiring us and keep sending us in Jesus name let everyone say Amen and amen god bless you yes just as you begin to leave I wanna thank all of you for staying usually at programs like these at 5:30 people begin to leave but you're stayed and we wanna recognize that and II say thank you all pastors are asked to join us up on the stage for group photo and they'd like all shepherdesses to join us on the stage as well also for group photo you
Channel: South Caribbean Conference
Views: 6,201
Rating: 4.2727275 out of 5
Keywords: Ordination Service, Centre Point
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 50sec (12830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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