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ah [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing comes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good afternoon everyone at this time we have the president of the University of the Southern Caribbean and he will now address us dr. Hillary [Music] good afternoon Bertrand good afternoon everyone it's a pleasure to be here today to make a presentation on education education being a very significant part of the church churches program it is extremely important for our church members to understand our philosophy of Education and why we have schools and why we need to support these schools I want to give you a jumping-off text in 1st Peter 2:9 which says you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into this what into this marvelous light we have be called out of darkness into the marvelous light brethren when we come out we must bring our children with us what do you see the call is not just for you the parents who come out but for the children to come out with you we have had in our school system began with a humble beginning in 1872 1872 with a very small school in the United States today that school has that one school has grown and the church system has grown into a large large school system a big this enterprise if you please so I want to point you to what we have you see in the elementary school how many we have the secondary training school and the college of and the university's total schools throughout the world I want to make sure you I have your attention total number of school throughout the world tell me how many now I need your feedback tell me how many how many schools we have total it says eight thousand five hundred and thirty nine indoor school we have a number of teachers and those number of teachers are known as evangelists because his servant level not says the work of Education and the work of what walk of redemption the walk of Education are one and the same so we have one hundred and six thousand nine hundred and seventy-six teachers we can call them evangelist with a student population of approximately two million so we have grown from eighty in 1872 from a one single school to today to eight thousand five thirty nine with a student population of 2 million so we have those schools and those schools are called evangelistic centers those schools are called evangelistic centers and those teachers are called evangelists and those students are called attendees in the evangelistic outreach of our church Ellen White says the almost important mother in our school system should be conversion of our students fundamentals of Christian education page 436 so the conversion of our students are the most significant and the most important in our school system are you learning right so if it is most important then Ellen White says that we must have the best Advent teachers teaching our students and then white says we must have the best Adventist teachers teach in our system therefore she also said that if by chance we are going to put a pasta in the school we must not put a pass in the school who has failed in the church but we must put the best pasta in our schools to help shape the minds of our young people somebody say Amen it is very confusing to me if the most important matter is a conversion of all students that most important matters conversion of a students then how come do we put the unconverted to convert the converted somebody hearing me how come in the same church we are put in the unconverted to to convert the converted because I see the children in in our schools from our homes are more converted in other words we should not have non Adventists given this responsibility they not yet converted so I have to go back to school to understand that what that means is for you to fix it it's for you to fix it in Trinidad Tobago we have 3509 students in our primary and high schools and 214 teachers so the number we spoke about and the first slide shows that we make a part of that two million enrollment in students and we make up the number of teachers that I quoted 214 is added to that and I tell you if we only allow all our children to come into our schools we'd have a greater number than that so you remember I just said remember I just said we had so many schools eight thousand plus root plus schools via evangelistic centers and it teachers a hundred and something plus thousand teachers who are evangelist with two million students this shows that the Adventist Church has at this longest and largest evangelist six event ever held by the church in the school's the longest and largest evangelistic event is held in our schools because of the duration of our evangelistic Center am center in terms of ours is five to nine hours a day one city to six 260 days a year one year to 16 plus years pastor Marvin you don't run any crusade like this anywhere in the Caribbean you do not beyond as long as we run these evangelistic centers in our schools our schools our evangelistic centers trying to reach out to our young people to bring them close to the Lord Jesus Christ the aim of Adventist education is to restore our students in the image of God let me repeat it the aim of Adventist education is to restore our students in the image of God while at the same time we have a good academic program and so I have firmed something in the Caribbean Union which says academic excellence in a spiritually charged environment what you see in our school should be academic excellence you know what a spiritually charged environment the longest and largest avenges evangelistic event is very effective it is effective because the but it is effective because I could bring to the baptisms from the last crank William report by did you see it shows that for 10 year period we baptize to the school system 427 313 baptism every 10 years I said I said again so you could give the church school system a better Club than that rattle 427 213 baptism for 10 year period which means that we baptized 42,000 an average person's to the school system every year 42 that means we could form a conference every year and ended us in premium we baptize in the Caribbean Union 1,800 and sent if I put your hands together for the teachers in the Caribbean Union the work of Education and redemption of one on the scene and they want us all to understand the work of Education and redemption of one on the same as Adventist members of the church we must understand that adventism is a lifestyle what do you say it's a lifestyle and we want our children to develop that lifestyle so that at home and the school and the church speak the same language and by speaking the same language there will be no dissonance in education so in our belief system and one of the problems we have have and I'm going to sound it today that every worker of the church needs to send his boys and girls to the Adventist school I mean everybody I wonder why we do have a lot of pastors sending their children to non Adventist schools all our children shall be taught of the Lord by Adventist teachers what do you say you know I just came back from us as a particular conference and there was a discussion that they are going to the government of that country they are going to the government of that country to ask the Ministry of Education not to allow the Adventist children to genuflect in the Catholic schools so my advice to them why are you going to the government to ask the government to ask the court Alex not to allow our students to genuflect anakata in school the Catholics are doing the right thing are you hear me the Catholics are doing the right thing that's their philosophy and if you choose to send your children to a court in school they must abide by the rules and regulation of the cotton school if you do not want your children to as it was Jenny flick which was the problem if you do not want the children to genuflect find their place in the Adventist school system you know I do not tell people any longer than the Adventist schools are the best schools for your children I do not any longer tell people that is Adventist school and the best schools for the children why we say the Adventist schools are second to none second to none means that they cannot be compared with anything any other school so best illness is in the superlative so we cannot say that what we must say that Adventist schools are the only schools for Adventist children I say Adventist schools are the only schools for Adventist children I know there are some exceptions if your child you have some special needs and so forth but it seems today that everybody's child has an issue and a problem in order to get into the Catholic school and some other schools today I want to submit to you that the Lord is respecting us as Adventists to send our children to the Aven schools and I want to submit to you today that your children should have 10 not just the primary school or the high school but that leads up to the bachelors level they should attend the Adventist Church institution here in the Caribbean Union it is the University of the Southern Caribbean let me repeat it again here in the Caribbean Union the best tertiary education for your child is that the University of the Southern Caribbean today I want to give you the opportunity to make a decision to enroll your young yep young men and women are us parents and will for us see I have a special concession for those of you who would enroll at USC from this session between now and Tuesday coming I will give you a very special concession there those buses do I see them who needs a special concession put your hand up let me see special concession whoever you are okay for those of you who have your hands up I wanted to go to pass a low-flow and steam by Tuesday Monday's a holiday now holiday but a time off from USC because of special spring of the company by the ministry of education so we cannot be on site so on Tuesday we are expecting you to go to the recruitment department and they would tell you what the special is all about God is holding you and us responsible for ensure that's God's children have an Adventist education I want to thank you for listening to me and a little pressure to finish so I will finish once again thank you for listening and thank you for supporting your child in receiving an Adventist education godless [Music] [Music] Tresor - OH [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] rhasta [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah Jesus himself will be their Lord is my light why should we fear day and by night his presence is near he is awesome Sorensen [Music] [Applause] [Music] by [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's my life but it's my strength I go in his my other leg my mercy [Applause] [Music] [Music] by day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] by [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus saying shout the victory sing the one just love of Jesus it's mercy and His grace [Music] [Applause] heeey [Music] [Music] and Tommy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my plans [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we shall travel sheets up [Music] [Music] we will say [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord I lift your name on high lord I long sing your praises we're so glad in our lives so Lord so glad you came to save us [Music] let's lift our voices [Music] you [Music] or time after day [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't sing your praises so Pandu in my [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on everybody let's sing today [Applause] but I'd like to sing your bread [Applause] [Music] I'm so glad you can't say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] exalted [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone or hymn of adoration increase this afternoon in number 610 six one zero or Christian awake is the Masters command with helmet and shield and a sword in thy hand to meet the ball challenger go fearlessly go then stand like the break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will remain standing and we are gonna read it together the first eight verses of the book of Acts chapter 22 Acts chapter 22 we are gonna read together the first eight verses right we're ready let's go he says man brethren and fathers here my defense which I make now unto you when they heard him speak in the Hebrew tongue to them they kept the more silent and he said I am verily a man a Jew born in Tarsus city of Silesia he had brought up in City had a feat of Camellia and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers and was zealous to what God has he all are this day and I prosecuted this way unto the death binding and delivering on prison both men and women as also the high priests not be any witness and all the estate of the elders for whom also I received letters on to the Brethren and went to the mask us to bring them which were for to be punished and it came to pass that as I made my journey and was come nigh unto the Mascis about noon suddenly there shone from heaven a great light wrong about me and I fell on to the ground and heard a voice saying unto me Saul Saul why persecutest stole me and I answer who are thou Lord and he said unto me I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou prosecutors many Lord richly bless his word to our hearts today while you're standing let us bow our heads as we pray God of Abraham god of Moses God of Isaiah and of Peter and Paul God who through the ages have called men and the same God who called them have enabled them we come to you today you know all own mortal names thanking you God for your marvelous grace that our Creator our Redeemer the Almighty one can call human beings to such a great privilege we thank you God for we know it's only by your grace and today as we come to set aside men and their families to ministry we ask God that you will take charge of this service help that the solemnity of this occasion will be ever-present in our minds that Jesus will be lifted up Lord that your glory will make be made known we thank you God and we pray a blessing upon every part of this program this evening that heaven will come down and glory fill our souls bless the one who will speak to us today that you have called use him in a mighty way thank you God that you have even called us out of darkness into his marvelous light we praise you for your amazing grace to humankind take charge of our service today and bless every waiting heart we pray we wait for the day when you will call us to be in your kingdom until that day keep us faithful we pray for Christ's sake please be seated delighted to be here this evening together as one spiritual family to witness the awesome act of men being set aside for the gospel ministry together with their spouse and their family what an awesome privilege it is then to be here we are being a part of a commitment being made not just for time but a commitment being made to be a gospel minister for eternity your work and your labor then has with it eternal consequences and eternal benefits we have gathered here today then to thank God for these seven families that will be set aside in the gospel ministry did I hear you say thank you Jesus did I used to praise the Lord did I hear a hallelujah from up there and I hear praise God from whom all blessings together flow we welcome you thank you very much master Andrews good afternoon everyone happy Sabbath all right we want to acknowledge several persons before we do the introduction we have individuals who have come to support these some of these ordinance passed the GEMA neg return a Pentecostal pastor is she here if you're here pasta we just want to acknowledge you and welcome you to the seventh-day Adventist assembly all right she's probably underway and Lisa and Frank Wilson are you here all right so I'm just going to call the names whether they hear or not be acknowledging them deputy may have the power of point fortune to give support to pass the Edison Williams mr. Kennedy Richards and his wife we welcome you the CEO of the point fortune borough corporation missus Donna Mae Tila and her husband mr. Patric Taylor they are also here to give support to Paris pastor Edison Williams amen in our congregation to pastors who served us well when they served here and they heard about the ordination so they flew over from New York City I'm only kidding but they're here dr. Herman Charles and mrs. Burney Charles they are here please stand amen when I left USC in 1985 the conference Executive Committee me assign myself and my wife to these two wonderful people they raised us in ministry thank you so very much we will pretty noisy North Eastern Conference of course we have passed the Antony James from New York City I saw him as well hey there is Jim sorry there is Pastor James amen and when he graduated from USC the conference committee sent him to me when we were in princess town for my wife and I to nurture him and his wife let's say hello they meant for them please on the platform today I'm just going to call the names they will stand we don't want to get into any drama for today for this afternoon pastor Wayne Andrews the ministerial secretary of the South Korean conference amen please dr. Colin thorn executive secretary of the East Caribbean conference say mentor him please pastor Edward Blackman the president of the Tsarina mission say another amen please then we have dr. Clinton Lewis the president of the Grenada conference amen and amen then we have pastor Tony map you know our big sister in Tobago he is the president of the big sister conference in Tobago the president of the Tobago mission come on brethren okay is that all right let's go again pastor dumontet east the president of the st. Vincent and grinning Dean's mission Wow that's nice and of course his wife is sitting in the congregation when we have past summer and Williams ministerial secretary and family life director of the Caribbean union contracts next to him is the treasurer of the Caribbean Union conference pastor Bertie Henry and as their wife is in the congregation next pass Simon Williams is our senior statesman from the Caribbean now operating in the inter-american division dr. James Daniel vice president of the inter-american division the one who would speak the message to the ordinance and all the ministerial workers and all the members gathered here and all the members viewing online and we should indicate to those of you viewing online we are so very happy that you are joining us this afternoon many of your well your pastors are here to be ordained and I'm sure that there will be loud amens in your congregations as these pastors are ordained our speaker for today is the president of the Caribbean Union conference whenever there is an ordination service it is the responsibility of the Caribbean Union conference to execute a program so we step back and the Caribbean Union conference takes full control because this is their responsibility I'm happy then to present to you someone you know very well he's loved by all of us the president dr. Kern Tobias well dr. tobias my apologies and mrs. tobias sister tobias you know I love you right and you know that to set the buyers I want you to look at me [Music] on occasions like these there was nothing more that can inspire hope can the spirit and Cheers oh no Christian journey then good wholesome uplifting spread your music at this time shepherdess sister Delina James well lift our hearts heavenward with our melodious voice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] and once again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you very much sister Delina I would have already for a while and you sang even better thank you very much thank you very much pastor Moses for the words of an introduction and I must offer congratulations to those of you being ordained today I'm here particularly because of you so we like to offer congratulations to pastor brian de Freitas and his family the pasta keyShot gets for Frank and his family the best ever Jones and his wife [Applause] the pasta les Joseph and his family to pass warned Russia and his family [Applause] the pastor Damian Lewis and his family [Applause] all the way from point fourteen past the Edison Williams on his [Applause] and 40 years ago 40 years ago I did my internship in 2014 [Laughter] I know about point four days the borrower point 14 and I hear offices are here I have to admit it was in point 14 that I understood that the church is much more than those who go to the church building there is a civic-mindedness about point 14 which has to be applauded really so welcome to the officials who are here I still consider my important to be my Baro in fact the only place in Trinidad that I really refer to by virtue of you know we say st. David and saying this and said that really one place I really got to understand that was st. Patrick alright so this afternoon we are here for the ordination of these dear pastors and their families I speak to them particularly I speak to all pastors I speak to the congregation who are here and who are viewing online this afternoon I want to share pertinent perspectives from the life of Paul it's four heads our Heavenly Father we thank you for your presence in our midst today solemnizing this very special occasion we have had a great day today this has been a high day in Israel thanks for all that you have done during these past days and even as we conclude this day with this very special ordination service let your presence and power be felt and we thank you for your blessings in Jesus's name a certain church found itself suddenly without a pastor and a committee was formed to search for a new pastor in due course the committee received a letter from a clergyman applying for that position and the letter read like this understanding it that your pulpit is vacant eyes like to submit my application I am generally considered to be a good preacher and I've found time to do some writing on the side I am over 50 years of age and while my health is not the best I still manage to get a get enough work done so as to please my parish as for references I have difficulty locating someone who is willing to provide one because I did not get along well with many of the leaders who I knew in fact I have been threatened several times and even physically attacked three or four times have gone to jail for witnessing to my conviction however I feel that I can bring vitality to your church even though I am NOT good at keeping records I have to admit that I don't even remember all those whom I have baptized however if you can use me I should be pleased to be considered hearing the letter read aloud the committee members who are gasped how could anyone think that a church like theirs could consider a man who was nothing but a troublemaking absent-minded h/del bird what is his name well said the chairman of the committee the letter is simply signed Paul the Apostle Paul was an incredible person with interesting perspectives that have enhanced the quality of the life of the church he was born in Tarsus a nation city an Asian city which is now located on the south southern coast of Turkey and about the Year eighty ten his parents were Jewish presumably strict Pharisees they were also Roman citizens it is important to note that even though Judea was within the Roman Empire most Jews were not Roman citizens citizenship outside of Italy was an honor reserved for people who made great contributions to the Roman Empire thus we may presume that Paul's parents were people of influence and perhaps even of moderate wealth at the age of fourteen Paul was sent to Jerusalem to train to be a rabbi his teacher was a prominent rabbi named Gamaliel rabbis at the time were also taught another trade the idea was to keep teachers from becoming a burden to society they also wanted to have something to fall back on during hard times Paul was trained to be a tentmaker Paul grew up to be a man of firm convictions and a fiery temperament he always acted on his beliefs thus when he was confronted confronted with what he considered to be a heresy to Judaism he worked with all his might equality this heresy would one day come to be known as Christianity and Paul was among the foremost of its persecutors Paul was present at the stoning of Deacon Stephen and though he did not actively participate in the demise in his demise he encouraged the violin act that destroyed the first of the martyrs of Christianity he then participated in a general persecution including going from house to house dragging out the believers both men and women and throwing them into jail he then undertook a mission to Damascus there he intended to continue attacking Christians however on the way he had a vision this vision is described several times in the Bible three times in the book of Acts Paul saw Jesus who asked why he persisted in persecuting him he then commissioned Paul to preach the message of the gospel to the Gentiles this meeting with Jesus made Paul a Christian searching his soul he undertook the mission he believed he had been given to by Jesus Christ he heard Jesus say to him Paul why are you persecuting me and so Paul responded by saying I thank you Jesus our Lord who has enabled me because you counted me faithful putting me into the ministry although I was formerly a blasphemer a persecutor and an insolent man an insolent man but I have 10 mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief and the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief 1st Timothy chapter 1 verses 12 to 15 this sample has had a great influence on Christianity both through his ministry and his writing for the purpose of this ordination service today I would like to highlight some of the perspectives of the life of this powerful pastor so as to motivate and mobilize and encourage the contemporary pols who are being ordained today those who have been ordained already and those who are looking forward to being ordained let's consider therefore Paul's fast see Paul had a collet past the religious he was ruthless though a religious leader he was legalistic and lethal for instance forced to address the Jerusalem mob he declared with clarity an important defense as was read in our scripture reading Paul was Clare of mind and the passion he had before he came to Christ is the same passion he demonstrated after he met Jesus Christ the reality is ordinance each one of us has had a past that we certainly may not have been proud of in fact many persons may be aware of our failures and our foibles there are people who may be able to even pinpoint things that you did before you came to Christ so even before you accepted the ministry many people can be able to pinpoint or frustration enough ears and these can be weights that are holding us back hitting us hard shutting us down showing us up but a thing about Paul is that he was not afraid to run away from his past Paul kept reminding himself I have not been the most wonderful person to have metal I was a prosecutor he kept reminding himself and the danger that many pastors face is that when we anointed and appointed somehow there is a halo that we tend to walk around with giving the impression that the only beautiful people our wives giving the impression that the only ones who know about morality are ourselves but it would be very important to to learn a very significant lesson from the perspective of Paul reminding ourselves of our past reminding ourselves about our past keeps us on the ground keeps us constantly in need of the grace of God and so sometimes when you meet with the young people say I was a bad boy you know don't be afraid of safety well sometimes that's the one thing that would let a young man realize there is hope and so you're being ordained today is not about you it's about Jesus Christ who rescues restores and returns us to be authentic and authoritative origen member from whence you have come especially in dealing with human weaknesses and wrongs your history your past is not expected to be a detriment to your future once you have met Jesus Christ you can always go back there and say look where I have come from Paul constantly reminded himself I had not always been what God wanted me to be I did it ignorantly he said I thought I was helping God and very often in a passion for God we have made mistake of course we have had a fabulous example during these sessions and those of you who were delegates aware of it and you reminded of it today from the preacher and this morning we're the one who was the past president and is currently serving as president you know manned up before the constituency and said hey we made mistakes and we are taking responsibility when we got to the nominating committee and the members of the nominating committee began to evaluate they said that was such a very powerful thing to have done we now can give him our vote once you are conscious that God has delivered you from brokenness have delivered you from some fault that you may have committed don't be afraid to owner and don't be afraid to reference it so that young people who are struggling can know that there is hope and there is salvation in the name and path Jesus Christ what you say we considered false paths let's consider this the next point I want to make about Paul's perspective Spoils preference Paul's preference what is preference in this instance preference is a greater liking for one alternative over another or others a preference is a greater liking for one thing over another thing and so some classes I included we demonstrate the holier-than-thou attitude sometimes and disposition however the Apostle Paul highlights a preference and the Preferences that the Apostle Paul highlights is a preference for vulnerability for humility and for susceptibility now vulnerability what is that vulnerability one one who is endangered one who is always at risk one who is exposed to the same temptations and trials as those he leads or she controls boy be to Galatians chapter six and let's see what Paul says as he shares this powerful perspective Galatians chapter six reading from verses 1 2 3 Paul says Redwing If any man is overtaken in any trespass you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself lest you also be tempted bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if anyone thinks himself to be something when he is nothing he receives himself now Paul is saying as pastors who are being ordained today be careful remember that we are all vulnerable we all are susceptible to the same failures the same sins the same trials the same temptations as every other person who will lead and to be able to admit that to ourselves and speak that way to always give the impression of God I am a sick man leading other sick men to the great physician I am a sinner who is leaving leading other sinners supposes God to His grace has given me a chance to lead other sinners to the Savior who I met on the way up to Damascus we must be able to communicate that susceptibility that vulnerability that we have faced with constantly Paul encourages us as well to humility and humility means having or showing a modest or low estate or estimate of one's importance humility being meek where did poor share with us that philosophy that perspective Philippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 9 Paul who underwent so many trials and tribulations he is now sharing the sum total of his life and ministry listen to what he says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men and being fun found in appearance of fashion as a man he did what he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the Cross and so as you are being ordained today Paul says stay humble brother don't get on high horses for he who goes up will soon come down especially if you don't know what it takes to get up I mean if Jesus Christ some Savior who created this world came to this world he said foxes have holes the birds of the air have nests the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head humility not thinking of ourselves higher than we should in fact we must be prepared to give every other person the same privilege we give ourselves see people as having value when we do that it's easy it is much easier to stay humble the moment you think that somebody is not as important as you that's where pride comes in if you see that brother at least as my equal despite my position he is my equal it's so much easier to be humble that's why Micah could have said in chapter 6 and verse 8 of his book he has shown you O man what is good and does the Lord require of you but that you do justly love mercy and do what walk humbly with your God your ordination today does not make you a candidate for Pride it makes you a model of humility Paul also warns against the telling Gosa that we are susceptible susceptibility means being likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing you see whilst the sheep are targets of the enemy the shepherds are as well so Galatians chapter 2 verses 9 through 14 Paul makes a pregnant point Galatians chapter 2 verses 9 through 14 I'm speaking to myself pastors as I speak to you what if God says and when James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace that had been given to me they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that we should go to the Gentiles and they to be circumcised and they to the circumcised they desired only that we should remember the poor the very thing which we were also eager to do now when Peter had come to Antioch and I which I will stood him to his face because he was to be blamed for before certain men came from James he would eat with the Gentiles but when they came he withdrew and separated himself fearing those who were of the circumcision and when the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him so that even Barnabas was cried away with hypocrisy but when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel I said to Peter before them all if you being a Jew live in the manner of gentiles and not as the jews why do you compel the gentiles delivers the jews and paul is saying even high-ranking leaders we can be susceptible susceptible to prejudice to injustice be a voice for the voiceless speak up like Paul of course make sure that you have your facts straight make for that make sure that you have analyzed and instead of making statements always ask questions always ask questions you know and and so on and so I and so Paul is saying to us my preference is that as leaders we should be vulnerable humble and recognize our susceptibility finally doctor about Paul's past he had a terrible pass until he met Jesus Christ and so he was able to clearly enunciate his preference and in his writing he also gave prescriptions so we close with Paul's prescription in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 to 28 Paul gives a very powerful prescription 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 this is what Paul says Paul is very clear what being a spiritual leader was all about and he says from verse 23 to 28 are they ministers of Christ I speak as a fool I am more in Labor's more abundant in stripes above measure in prisons more frequently in deaths often from the Jews five times I received 40 stripes minus one three times I was beaten with rods once I was stoned three times I was shipwrecked a night on a day I have been in the deep in journeys often in perils of waters in perils of robbers in perils of my own countrymen in perils of the Gentiles in perils in the city in perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea in perils among false brethren in weariness often and toil in sleeplessness often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold and nakedness besides the other things what comes upon me daily my deep concern for all the churches apart is saying that when we accept the Ministry of Jesus Christ we are literally accepting hardship and the contemporary person who is so accustomed to fast foods and everything happens so very quickly have the internet then you have everything at the button this whole thing about trials and difficulty and hardship it's not really involved today so there's a little challenge in a district and the parser as get me out of here instead of staying a small state and benefiting from the hardship the persecution and say thank you Jesus like if you could have gone through all that on the cross for me what is this to go through for you what is it to take a little criticism or maybe some little room people are lying on you and even though you may have to go visit them and pray with them and cry with them because you are so concerned about their souls Paul's interest was the care of the churches that's what he said and so pastors are the being ordained today the churches contain the sheep of God and by virtue of your being ordained today you are saying I'm making myself available to be an under shepherd of Jesus Christ and so consider it a blessing if you are made us suffer like Christ it's one thing to receive the applause and we had quite a few this afternoon but the real test of your ministry will come when you stand alone as one persecuted and you can with to the greatest humility and the greatest meekness say thank you Lord that I was made to feel like you felt and still have peace in my soul today I want us to bear in mind that to have a pass like Paul had to be able to share a clear philosophy of preference and also to have prescriptions we need to bear in mind what the spirit of prophecy says in the book great controversy page 509 I use this as my closing thought today and I share from my heart to your heart she says and I quote the possessors of talent and education and I admired and honored as if these qualities could atone for the absence of the fear of God or entitlement to his favor talent and culture considered themselves in themselves are gifts of God but when these are made to supply the place of piety when instead of bringing the soul nearer to God they lead away from him then they become a curse and a snare the opinion prevails with many but all which appears like courtesy or refinement must in some sense pertain to Christ never was there a greater mistake these qualities should grace the character of every Christian for they would exert a powerful influence in favor of true religion but they must be consecrated to God or they are also a for evil many a man cultured of cultured intellect and pleasant manners who would not stoop to what is commonly regarded as an immoral act but a Polish instrument is what a Polish instrument in the hands of Satan the insidious deceptive character of his influence an example renders him a more dangerous enemy to the cause of Christ than those who are ignorant and uncultured that is the reason my colleagues why we should continue to be in contact with Jesus through our personal daily devotion and prayer and consecration recommitting ourselves on him every day so that by beholding we will be change into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord ordinance made is pertinent perspectives from the life and Ministry of Paul inform and inspire you to be your best and give you all as a modern day poll congratulations and may God richly bless you always we thank dr. Tobias for that special word what do you say whatever it was we had the junction now where we want to present our candidates for ordination as I call your names you will stand and you will be escorted being brought from my right Street across this idea so I know you'll want to show your appreciation and your support and your endorsement of the candidates as their names are called you are free to do so by a generous hand clap a generous hand clap first we have pasta and sister Brian D Freitas pastor brian differences with born at the port of spain General Hospital to delete Clyde Freitas and Yvonne DeFreitas in 1987 he was baptized at an evangelistic meeting conducted by pastor Oriole Thomas at mover junction and subsequently became a member of the Barataria seventh-day Adventist Church since then he has been actively involved in serving the seventh-day Adventist Church namely at Barataria Waco and wood Brook he was privileged to serve as elder deacon personal ministries leader youth leader family life leader Sabbath school teacher and the children's division as well as chorister his passion for service has led him to matriculate at the University of the Southern Caribbean where he graduated in 2010 with a BA in pastoral theology in 2016 he graduated from the inter-american theological seminary with her MA in pastoral theology and is currently satisfying prerequisites for Advanced Studies additionally he acquired the skill set for the printing and bookbinding industry transitioning he managed the family business find print services for 18 years as a successful entrepreneur however as God would have it there was yet another transition this time from the printing press to the pulpit of the church he assumed the rule of full-time pasta pasta de Freitas has been married to the beautiful and accomplished Sharon Ramsey soon to phrase us for the past 23 years my sister mrs. de freitas a former employee of the South Caribbean Conference serve the institution as an administrative professional and secondary school teacher for a total of 18 years she is currently the manager of their family business as well as an attorney at law they are the proud parents of two handsome sons Jerome and Jonathan de Freitas pastor de Freitas who is enthusiastic and passionate about soul winning hopes one day to become a renowned evangelist of the seventh-day Adventist Church to date his ministry has inspired almost 200 souls to fit to sit at the feet of Jesus he remains devoted to the work of building up the kingdom of God until Jesus comes the youthfulness of pasady Freitas is not to be undermined as he still enjoys a good game of football and cricket cycling running and overseas travel that he might be useful for the ministry the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes Pastor Brian de Freitas to the ordained ministerial fraternity [Applause] [Music] the next candidate faster and mrs. fish for Frank [Applause] [Music] [Music] his furred Frank was born and raised in the rustic countryside valley of spring village symfon syns and the Grenadines at the very tender age of five Kish mud like the Prophet Jeremiah had the distinct impression that he had been set apart and ordained as a prophet to the nation's pastor Frank remains eternally indebted to the dedication of his dear Mum Salma Frank for his whole life and ministry it was during his most formative years at the Eden Memorial summon the Adventist Church that the oratory skills and communicating the gospel was built it serving as chorister youth leader south school teacher and elder pastor Frank earned his BA in theology from the University of the Southern Caribbean and his master's in ministry from the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies before assuming full-time ministry pastor Frank served in the East Caribbean Conference of seventh-day Adventists as a school teacher at the leeward district seven day Adventists primary school in San Vincente ministry for him started in 2009 under the astute supervision of pastor Ronnie central in the payette infilled district he thereafter served in the Tabak heat and la Hakata district's pastor Frank has inspired many in North America South America and various parts of the Caribbean region to deed his public evangelistic campaigns have amassed over 600 baptisms [Applause] as founder and director of the ambassador's gospel ministries pastor Frank has successfully led five overseas missionary expeditions including two acclaimed government collaborated missions for rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Dominica and hurricane uma in Barbuda the biggest part of pasa Frank's life and ministry has been his wife of 12 years the adorable Stacey Frank whom he affectionately calls treasure [Applause] this South Caribbean conference employee holds a BA in business education and an MBA in human resource management Cashman and Stacey are blessed with two lovely daughters nine and seven years who are pupils of the maracas seven day Adventists farmers school the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes pasta quiche but Frank to the ordained ministry of fraternity pastor and sister everett June [Applause] [Music] pastor Everett Nolan Eddie Jones was born in point Thornton south Trinidad - Emmanuel and Joyce Jones he hails from a family of five brothers and four sisters their firm spiritual foundation started with his grandfather Raleigh Jones who established the cap de Ville seventh-day Adventist Church conversely his formal education started at his mother's preschool which gave him the groundwork to successfully complete primary and secondary school levels everett van pursued a certificate in welding and fabrication of a government vacation center and held his place and their family business which later became his own he is an ardent follower not necessarily a participant of local football athletics and cycling as a seventh-day Adventist Christian he served in a pathfinder and master guide clubs he served also as a deacon a why leader and district a why leader he answered the call to ministry in 2005 and attended the University of the Southern Caribbean this call has finished him the opportunity of preaching in Tanzania Malaysia Mexico and Dominican Republic where he baptized 34 souls his experience at USC and in ministry has been characterized as having Hardys but never bad deeds ever Jones had always dreamt of being a property owner however God has improved his dream by giving him a special calling not to be a land but to preach about the Lord of a heavenly land after receiving his BA in theology at USC in 2010 he completed his master's degree in pastoral theology with the emphasis on mission from the inter-american Advanta Seminary in 2017 pastor Jones has ambitions to complete a BA in business management and also to become a politician for Jesus [Applause] Pastor Jones has served in the princes town Miraval San Juan and a corner districts it was while he was at the princess down 70 advantage Church that Pastor Jones met his princess Rochelle Francis Jones thank God for princess town they have been married for six years and he treasures her daily and credits her as a genuine supporter throughout his years of ministry Pastor Jones has adopted several mentors accordingly pastor doing Clark for his work ethics pastor Joseph McCune for his prayerful influence and past the inskipp Richards for his evangelistic assertiveness they have all received a seven stars from Pastor Jones he is currently serving as pastor of the Flanagan town district today it with the aid of the Holy Spirit pastor Everett Jones has seen over two hundred and ten Souls give their lives to Christ as a result of his dedicated service to God [Applause] the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes pasta average UN's to the audience ministerial fraternity pastor and sister Lester Joseph [Applause] Lester Michael Joseph was born at the Port of Spain General Hospital to the Leeds mill joseph of trinidad and gabrielle fee alvarenga of venezuela who now resides in ARIMA Trinidad he spends his formative years in lavender San Juan and Port of Spain the prophecy of his mother and I quote you would not live to see 30 was fulfilled when at the age of 30 Lester died to a life of sin and was born again to new life in Christ after his baptism in 1985 pastor Joseph emigrated to the United States of America where he ministered in Bible work evangelism and with known ministries of a Brooklyn Tabernacle 7-day Adventist Church and receive a certificate in lay evangelism from the Atlantic Union College and the North Eastern Conference of seventh-day Adventists in 2005 he returned to Trinidad to serve as elder music director and interest coordinator of feble 70 Adventist Church he completed a BA in pastoral theology in 2011 of the University of the Southern Caribbean and his master's in theology with an emphasis in mission from the inter-american Theological Seminary in 2017 apart from being a plumber a security officer and a specialist in air conditioning technology hostage Joseph obtained music certificates from courses in reading writing and arranging from the University of the West Indies pastor Joseph's ministerial career started in 2011 as an intern in Tobago under the supervision of pasta in cook pasta oh and Scott and dr. normanton Allen here in the style he served the Mary's Hill Plymouth Black Rock Signal Hill Louie door Zella for Roxboro Speyside and the Charlotte Ville 7-day Adventist churches currently he is the posture of the Blanche's district of churches during his ministerial years pastor Joseph has brought over 400 persons to Jesus he is married by his chalk to his charming wife Glenda Joseph a professional fashion designer and is well supported by their four children Shaniqua Shoen Colleen and Diana as young as he is in ministry pastor Joseph is also a grandfather he enjoys crickets soccer playing the pan routine exercise and traveling but above all he loves studying the Word of God the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes pasta Lester Michael Joseph to the ordained ministry of fraternity Master and sister Vaughn Joshua pastor Leroy Paul of born Joshua was born from humble beginnings in south Trinidad to Franklin and Helen Joshua through their guidance and leadership Vaughan was guided and nurtured into a special relationship with Jesus Christ which then led him to be baptized on April 14th 1994 as a third-generation seventh-day Adventist born has functioned in many areas of ministry at his local church some of these officers were elder deacon personal ministries leader Sabbath school superintendent a.y leader music coordinator and Sabbath school teacher he attended the occult village Anglican school we haven't been successful at a common entrance examination he passed for a straight boys college after spending seven years at this institution he received both seasick and cape certificates gaining aids and four subjects respectively in 2006 he entered the hallowed halls of the University of the Southern Caribbean to pursue theology based on inspiration from his grandfather who perceived that God had a special calling over his life in 2013 pastoral ministry began for him under the supervision of passed away in Sampson at the enterprise 70 Adventist Church in 2014 he was assigned to the tourist district where he served as intern to posture doing clock and then assistant pastor to Ricki Rhonda he is currently in his sixth year in ministry and through the power of the Holy Spirit has 235 souls to Jesus Christ after having served in the my ro and st. margaret's districts pastor von Joshua is currently the pastor of the princess town district [Applause] ministry is where von Joshua finds one of his greatest joys on March 29th 2015 he married the wonderful and beautiful makida Joshua from this union came the delightful Judah Paul Joshua as fruitful as his ministry has been so has his family life for the Joshua's I expecting their second child to be born into their ministerial family certainly pastor Joshua enjoys being a husband and a father and finds music cricket and football and many other sporting activities very entertaining he has a passion for the work of God and has a particular interest in the youth and their holistic development his dream is to see Jesus come in his generation the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes pastor von Joshua into the Audion ministerial fraternity Fastow and sister Damian Lewis Damian Dylan Lewis was born in the small island of Carriacou and the beautiful spicy try island nation of Grenada Kerry aku and petite Martinique - Trinidadians pastor Val and sister Kathleen Lewis the family included siblings Julian Simeon and Lord sister Valene they were an active noisy bunch who were in trouble more often than they will out of trouble however at the age of 9 and a crusade held by then-president of the Grenada mission of seven day Adventists pastor Lord seep hunch Damien was exposed to the love of God this was enough to move him to commit his future to God and be baptized God became his focus and the church was his life as a young man he has served the local church as a musician deacon and elder at the age of 17 Demian began his official journey to the noblest of professions answering the call of God upon his life he matriculated at Caribbean Union College now the University of the Southern Caribbean where he obtained a B in theology with an emphasis in pastoral ministry after graduating from University he accepted the call to serve as a ministerial worker with the South Caribbean Conference of seventh-day Adventists in July 2006 to guide and train him along his journey with senior pastors Olin Jack Raja Morris now deceased gondola Sam low Singh we in Sam Sun and Garvin Paul having served for the past 13 years at different churches and districts most recently the blancher shares and mayoral districts and presently the terrip trees district where he offers ministry to the tore up trees brothers rude table and unfun rules 7-day Adventist church's pastor Lewis has led more than 265 souls to Christ Damian Lewis is a lover of knowledge and a dynamic preacher who enjoys reading fishing and has a deep interest in church history the Gospels Greek and New Testament studies he loves evangelism especially public evangelism ministry has become for him the most fulfilling experience in the world he is married to his soulmate the beautiful Trudy Boren Trudy is an emergency response technician and a student of the university of trinidad and tobago their family includes the very happy and handsome Jaheim as they grow in love with Jesus they aim to keep their mind on heaven 2:12 in the secret place of the Most High and ultimately abide under the shadow of the Almighty the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes pasta Damian Lewis into the audience gospel for Trinity Master and sister Edison Williams [Applause] [Applause] pasta Edison Fitzgerald Williams was born and raised in Point Thornton to delete Beatrice and Cleveland Williams after completing high school at the Bethany secondary school he went on to achieve a diploma in electrical installation then completed studies at the Cambridge Regional College in the United Kingdom where he received a diploma in psychology philosophy and sociology pastor Williams was born again in 1987 and since then became an active youth within the point Fortin district he has held numerous offices in the local church including first elder deacon adventures youth leader youth district leader and head of the personal ministries and community services ministries respectively in the point 14 seventh-day Adventist Church he has conducted numerous lay evangelistic campaign efforts he has also played an active role in the successful friends forever initiative spearheaded by Pastor Clive Dotson in that area prior to joining ministry Pastor Williams was a taxi driver nursing assistant and a franchise owner and operator of the point Thornton branch of the IATA bookstores Pastor Williams attended the University of the Southern Caribbean who he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology he is currently completing his studies in a master's of pastoral theology degree with an emphasis in missiology from the inter-american Adventist Theological Seminary it is of interest to note that Pastor Williams serve as an assistant pastor of the Cambridge seventy Adventist Church in Cambridgeshire in the UK he returned to Trinidad and served as interim pastor in the fisa bar district in 2011 for four months under the mentorship of pastor Kevin Muhammad he was then appointed district pasta to the four seas district before being assigned to the point 14 district where he currently serves Pastor Williams genuine love for people and the work of the Lord has led him to influence no less than 149 persons into baptism this avid reader and basketballer enjoys spending time with his family he has been married for 29 years to the lovely Valerie Louis Williams she is currently a patient care coordinator at the San Fernando General Hospital they have two children viniq and Addison who are 28 and 16 years respectively the seventh-day Adventist Church welcomes past the Addison Williams to the audience ministerial 14 and this time we want we invite all ordained ministers of the SDA church to join us on this rostrum area for special prayer of dedication of these candidates and their families [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now we come to the prayer of consecration and the ministers on the platform will kneel and those of you in the congregation will bow your heads as we pray it is prayer time yeah and let us pray Lord Jesus we come to this moment when we consecrate these pastors whom you have called to ministry we consecrate them to you and to your service Lord you are the one who called them to Ministry you are the one who counted them faithful enough and placed them in your ministry you have called them but you've called them to serve this is a call to service it is a call to lead to lead in your church it is a call to follow because those who will lead must first learn to follow and so Jesus we pray this evening that as you call them that they will understand that this call to service is also called to die because when you call someone you call them today as they were told in the sermon this afternoon like the Apostle Paul they will be whipped they will have trials they will have difficulties but God help them to hold on to you as they learned in from the sermon this morning from your servant but when they fall down before you that they must hold on to you no matter the difficulty no matter the pain and they must not let go but pinion to you saying God I will not let you go until you bless me help them God to understand that this call is a called a lifelong service ordination is just not an event this is an experience of setting them aside for life long ministry because god they're too many who have been ordained who have quit on you they're no longer in ministry but help these seven this afternoon to cling to you with a determination that they will not let you go and they will abide in your service father we pray that you will keep them in the school of Christ that they may constantly learn what Christ is all about and how to become more and more like Jesus Christ so keep them humble humble enough that you can use them teach them how to love people because pastors who do not love people are not good examples of Jesus Christ of them God the faced resistance and in ministry they will have to face resistance maybe resistance from a church board or resistance some a church elder or resistance from someone in the community but God wherever the resistance may be that they may need to confront let them face resistance because of everything that causes resistance is of everything that makes flight possible airplanes fly against the wind so teach these ones also guard to fly against the wind because as they fly against the wind they will gain altitude Lord Jesus wrestled with them as you wrestled with Jacob father we pray that where you find it necessary to touch their thigh that they may have to fall to the ground do so Jesus but let them also do like Jacob not let go but cling to you climbing up holding on to your garment and looking in your eyes and say father will not let you let them be determined to stay in ministry surfing God until they see Jesus face-to-face and hear from him the precious well done father we pray today that as these seven are laid aside for ministry that you will bless their families the families that are part of the ministry in particular father bless their spouses but these wives of theirs may stand by them through thick and thin let these spouses be determing that they will be supportive of their husband's ministry and let them be a part of team ministry and so Jesus this afternoon we lay hands on these servants of yours who have demonstrated their call to ministry and the church has found it fit to lay them aside the gospel ministry Brian DeFreitas dish for Frank Everage owns Leicester Joseph von Joshua Damian Lewis Edson Williams father we lay hands on them and as we lay hands on them we pray Lord Jesus that you will anoint them with your Holy Spirit that you'll baptize them in you with power from and high in your stead we lay hands on them but Jesus truly we want the anointing of your spirit upon them have the church to support them and to pray for them that the spirit may constantly be upon them have the church to support their ministries that the Holy Spirit may be constantly upon them and Jesus we pray the because of their faithfulness here and now because of their commitment to ministry because of the determination that they will not let you go but there will be servants of God and friend to man to the end that when Jesus comes he will look upon them and say come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the earth enter into the joy of thy Lord through this end let them live let them work and let them pray until they see Jesus face to face we ask with Thanksgiving and claim these blessings in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music] [Music] sister Alma Patrick please states and nearby you're needed shortly you know with what you have a special item of music at this time [Music] the ministerial chorale will now render to us an item of special music I pray the last daydream of the city you will dream with them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Scott in the sky [Applause] [Music] prison amen this time brothers and sisters we are going to now administer the charge and so newly ordained the pastor's I want you to take one step forward today my dear brothers Freitas Frank Jones Joseph Joshua Louis and my namesake Williams today is a signal day in your life's journey in that you have responded to the call to gospel ministry and you went and you equipped yourself you matriculated and the conference gave you that opportunity and so you have made good on this conviction but what has happened here today is that the church now has affirmed this call that you receive by setting you apart this afternoon lino own hands and solemn eyes your vows in prayer you are now an ordained minister in the seven-eleven discharged you have been given and now invested with full ecclesiastical authority [Applause] no higher honor can come to any person but as I stand here this afternoon as your ministerial director in this union I want you to know that with this high honor comes a great responsibility and so my dear brothers I charge you in the presence of this congregation and before God to minister as a servant make the master your life long study spend time with him in his presence behaving like him rubbing in his presence and so smelling like him so that the members would know that you are serving out of you abundance in his presence and so let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but the Bible says he made himself of no reputation and he took on the form of a servant be the chief servant to God's people I charge you my brothers to minister as a shepherd because Jesus himself declared that I am The Good Shepherd for the Good Shepherd that gives his life for the Sheep the hurlan flees because he is an hurlan and does not care about the Sheep please take care of God she I charge you to minister as a watchman but the Bible tells us in second Timothy I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who would judged the living and the dead at his appearing that you must preach the word be ready in season and out of season convinced rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and teaching be but you be watchful in all things in joy affliction to do the work of an evangelist give full proof an account of your ministry finally I charge you to minister as a teacher that is if you instruct the Brethren in these things you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ nourished in the world of faith and of good doctrine take heed to yourself and to the doctrine continuing them for in doing this you will serve both yourselves and those who hear you today my brothers I asked you to share not your own ideas not vain philosophies but the thus saith the Lord and so today your charge is to be a servant to be a shepherd to be a watchman as well as the teacher for when it is all said and done you would want to be said of you when you come to the end of your days that I have fought a good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day and not to me only but also to all those who love his appearing my pastas salvation is not only for the members but for the pastors too may God hold you and may you be sacred to the charge today I bless you and I welcome you to the fraternity within the carribean Union thank you [Applause] okay Buster's you can step back so the wives can be seen thank you representing the Kaiba Union conference which has been given the responsibility of ordaining ministers of the gospel it means that I'm welcoming you to the International Ministry of the seven Japanese church by virtue of your being ordained today you have set oh god oh god I will do whatever you want me to do I'll say whatever you want me to say I'll go wherever you want me to go and so welcome remember that as you our deigned you are actually saying Lord Jesus I am your representative on earth one of your special servants as an under shepherd so make sure that the people of God feel your presence because you are representing Jesus Christ who touch healed blessed and so wherever the people of God are in the church's minister in the hospitals make sure that you are there to minister in the homes for the aged make sure you are there to minister represent Jesus Christ wherever his people are whether they are rich or poor sick or well old or young whether the church they are children if there is a school in your community make sure that you are there to take care of God's children especially the Lambs because God says if you cause one of those lambs to stumble it to a better for your for a millstone to be hung around your neck so make sure that wherever those children are but you are there to serve them I welcome you to the glorious ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and yes there will be joys and there will be celebrations uh none respect there'll be some trials but what are roses without thorns enjoy your ministry and may God bless you faith as you are faithful to him may prosper you in your ministry wherever you go that people would say it is as if Jesus Christ I come by because you are operating in the spirit of Jesus Christ god bless you and have our wonderful ministry Jesus name [Laughter] My dear pastors and spouses it is my distinct pleasure unprivileged to congratulate you on your ordination Oh what awesome special and a sacred occasion this is a special moment in time a time for special anointing when you especially set aside to do Krita higher and wider service for God to take the time to relish it bask in the sunshine of God's love accept the outpouring of the Holy Spirit let him lead you into all paths of righteousness do remain humble and holy stay connected to the vine the True Vine so that he will positively affect and influence others that you would be able to be positive positively affect others there comes the time when you will have to move from place to place district to district what do you do complain no please bloom when you are planted daily drink from the fountain of living water this fountain has no water problem it never runs dry as you do this I can assure you you will reflect the rules of Charon the bright and Morning Star in so doing you will make the world a brighter and better place on behalf of the Ministerial Association of the Caribbean Union I again congratulate you and welcome you to Ministry be encouraged that we are all praying for you we are praying for the success of your ministry ladies please support your husband's it is said that you are the ones who can make or break your husband's ministry do not let your husband's ministry break continue to support them be the wind beneath their wings support your husband's spiritually physically socially mentally and otherwise or favorite author sees all God's biddings are enablings remember we are praying for you may God bless you it is my privilege to extend a warm and sunny welcome into the ranks of the gospel ministry I welcome you on behalf of the South Caribbean conference underworld church please be loyal to church leadership make use of its services please share with your family the joys and rewards that come with ministry of course they are burdens as well and they will help you bear your burdens I welcome you on behalf of your congregations that you serve you call them up and they will hold you up before God please pray for them visit them walk with them marry them come to them and do all that is required of you as a gospel minister pastors welcome to the reality that your family is your first flock your wife and your children are more important than all them church boards and business meetings and pastoral visits so if there is a conflict between your sick wife or children and going to a board don't make the mistake I need as a young pastor please stay home and take care of your family here for your family your children shouldn't see you as visitors they shouldn't see you as persons who only sleep in the house in the night wrestle with them past us the boys are referring to now remember the sermon this morning amen play dolly house with your daughter's pastors in other words may they feel your presence at home [Music] I welcome you shepherdesses to the life of an ordained ministers wife welcome to the joy and sorrows of being the wife of a seventh-day adventists pastor welcome to the life of long mittens and long greetings that your husband will have to attend to know that you are not alone while you wait on your pasta husband and your children are asking where is daddy know that God's angels that excel in strength will be with you God Himself said that he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all your ways I encourage you to stay strong and support your husband as he strives for excellence god bless you and when at last you stand victorious with those for whom you have labored and prayed for you will hear the voice of the redeemer say well done good and faithful servant you were faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things enter into the joy of your Lord god bless you and I'm proud of all of you please brothers and sisters put your hands together for these ministers just before we give just before we leave it just before we distributed certificates it would be a colossal error if we did not acknowledge the work of pasta owen jack who prepared all of these pastors for the pastor jack please come on behalf of the South Caribbean contracts I thank you for ensuring that these bastards are ready for today and not for today only but for a long time to come god bless you sir and I don't know I don't know if I have the power to do it dr. Tobias are still owning your own past oh let me handle Boyett a silver linear hand I don't know if I have the authority and power to do it but I want to ask Pastor Jack to join us as the men are congratulated as they received their certificates can we do that yes thank you very much dr. Tobias dr. Daniel [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the ordination certificate reads this certifies and since I have this one in alphabetical order well in terms of how they are seated rather this certifies that brian de freitas having been satisfactorily having given satisfactory evidence of his fall to and preparation for the sacred work of the gospel ministry was ordained at the University of the Southern Caribbean auditorium on the tenth day of August in the year of our Lord 2019 and is duly authorized under the provisions of the seventh-day Adventist Church to perform all the functions of the ministerial office issued by current Tobias on behalf of the world Church of seven day Adventists [Music] brian de freitas [Applause] [Music] please put your hands together for him Ashford Frank [Music] [Music] a ffred Jones [Music] [Music] master Joseph [Applause] [Music] [Music] form Joshua [Music] [Music] [Applause] Damian Lewis [Music] last but certainly not least Edison Williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] given the response on behalf of those who are attained today is none other than pastor Damian Lewis [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is my privilege and blessed honor to be chosen to give the response on behalf of my self and my six cohorts we have been set and sent on a journey not a journey that began thirteen years or six years ago but for some of us and I think of Vassar Edison Williams whose grandfather would have been a minister or a passed on before he had opportunity to be ordained pastor Cleveland Williams his example passive on Joshua's grandfather elder Leroy Paula his example and for me the example of my own father our journey has been long it has been eventful and tearful it has been careful and prayerful and the thing about journeys is that a journey is that of traveling from one point to another we have come to this point and we want to in response thank God we thank God for his calling for calling us to this awesome beauty for leading us safely to this place and for as many varied blessings upon our lives we want to thank our wives and families for their presence and encouragement support sobriety love and partnership we thank our parents many times yours was a voice that God use our lecturers for modeling ministry in an academic environment our supervisors for your example and mentorship we thank peso and Jackie outgoing ministerial secretary for his hard work and leave not only did you work with us but you worked for us we thank the churches the conference for helping to mold us and approving along with this with a Caribbean Union conference our ordination and now that this part of the journey is over we stand more sure of the meta journey we commit our hands to beauty to work to help to heal our feet to carry the gospel of peace and the path of righteousness our eyes are searching the scripture and seeking the lost our time to the building of the kingdom and the building of our homes and families our lives to the example of Jesus our minds to the influence of the Holy Spirit and our wills to the will of God this part of the journey is over but we are more committed to the greater journey we are no longer working to confirm our calls but we're working to end our call not for ordination but for veneration and just offend glorification to finish this work and to usher in the hope of all history not for ordination but for the coronation of Jesus till at last we stand before his presence when no title would matter except one king of kings and Lord of lords in light of the changing face of ministry and the very challenges in the churches we are not scared we remain undaunted first we heard this evening of our example of Paul we know who we believe in and we are persuaded that he's able to keep that and those we are committed unto him against that day thank you [Music] [Music] at this time we have the opportunity of extending the special welcome both to the wives as well as to the pastors who were ordained what we'll be asking is that the minister's wives will position themselves at that lower platform there and the ministers will stay up here so that the wives led by the pastors wives led by our first lady and both of the kuru as well a Saltire they will lead in the region and the welcoming of the wives there together with our other ministers wives who are here the minister's remain up here and we also agreed as fast dr. Tobias and dr. Daniel and faster Moses our president lead us in greetin the ministers who remain thank you [Music] I'm not drinking to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay testing one two we want to invite the other ministers who are here we just wanted of a quick welcome or congratulations rather to those who or then you can come up and do that one time quickly thank you and stay with us because we want to sing our closing hymn just now so please note this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we'd only say this we know when the ordination service to run so late that we have an empty auditorium so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna finish up you can accent ministers pastels pastels yes so what I want you to be quiet because we're wrapping up now we're gonna take the on ordained pastels religious educators and shepherdesses on the stage if they so desire in a few minutes because we wanna close up this service we're gonna Cigna closing hymn actually it's votive tanks I'm inviting dr. Peters to come and they are clear that do the closing hymn benediction so ladies as best as you can maybe you can sit and we will come back to you and as are the closing hymn then we will define our greetings of course I need to say to you that passed the filbert pass the filbert still isn't feeling well so he didn't participate in the ordination service law is able to assist with the vote of fangs and as we do this for the friends I am fully aware that in doing it we may inadvertently leave out somebody or some category of persons so so as to cover everybody we just want to say thanks to everyone amen but we have some others to specify it's always good to say thank you this afternoon we want to thank the service committee committees those committees prepared for the session and from what I observed it was quite a lot of preparation we thank the ushers for Christ we thank them for their greetings for their patience with some of the pastors as they led them out they were just talking along the way so we say thank you we thank you for the prayer team prayer is the cornerstone of all souls and our programs so we thank you for praying the platform personnel to my too many to call by name but we do appreciate and thank you for your service to us the musicians the singers the bands the choruses thank you so much the singing for me was lovely and powerful thank you stange the University of the Southern Caribbean please put your hands together for USC they gave us quality service the events team led by Beverly can Alexis a shepherdess methylene we are proud of you the standard excellent and we continue to appreciate you mr. draisen mr. Driessen Brown catering services would you do something about the catering the food was good wasn't it and it was on time yes and all the other services of USC I want to thank the former directors and administrators pastors Michael Charles and Donnie arable Gabon let's put our hands together for them they also worked extremely hard to prepare us for this session directors past the Dewan Clark former personnel ministries Community Services Director pastor Steve Riley former communications director pastor Ricky Randolph former Family Ministries director pastor Joseph McCune former ASI prime ministry director sisters Verna McPherson for my health director past the orange AK forum a ministerial secretary and brother Gideon sin Bryce former youth director let's thank let's put our hands together for them at Stanley for my executive committee this executive committee as I said was a very robust team and they they worked very well with the administrators some of them were returned to the ensuing committee others will not so let's put our hands together for former executive committee members I want you to stand and put your hands together for the staff of the South Caribbean Conference come on the staff stand up everybody you need to stand up a little bit put your hands together for the staff of the SCC this is the best stuff in the world and after after onesa huge please have a seat onesa hughes goes to the Caribbean Union conference and she was a statistician in the Secretariat Vanessa thank you wherever you are for your great work as you worked with the secretary at least put your hands together for her we thanked mr. Oswald Sampson already but again thank you all of the delegates who attended this session you were a very special bunch I will never forget Thursday as long as I live and I thank you for it thank you very much all of the delegates let's thank our overseas administrators all of the administrators from the overseas fields of the Caribbean Union conference thank you thank you thank you let's put our hands together for them we want to thank during otra who designed our session page on our pre-registration activities because he was working for this session to get all of these booklets and everything else ready he didn't attend as he wanted to so let's put our hands together for him please Goff mentor who developed the app for the tablets let's put our hands together for him the IT person at the Caribbean Union conference I'm trying to remember his name Tristan Samuel Tristan played a very significant role in helping us acquire additional tablets when we needed to get them let's put our hands together for him on behalf of you I thank dr. Curran Tobias and the entire crew team including the administrators please put your hands together they helped us to conduct this session in a seamless and flawless fashion and we coming to the end we want to invite pastor Andy Manzano to come forward pastor Andy Manzano [Music] and we invite the person who seems to be kneading past Manzano your sermon on Friday morning Rafa's it rocked us but it came from God and even though we had to say ouch sometimes at the end many drivers at the end it was God's Word so you want to thank you thank you sincerely pastor [Music] a preacher our main devotional speaker for this session pasta deli and Snell pasta Snell he's probably on the stage is coming what a preacher what a preacher and I want you all to pay attention you will be hearing about this man more and more a Mandela we thank you so very much for leaving your wife and three children to come to Trinidad of course Nadine Nadine I know how you work so I was very surprised to hear that the man and get doubles yet on the road you're gonna get doubles Android tests plenty curry for tonight the man traveling tomorrow but they will treat you well pastor please when you get back to first Church give I'll give them our love if you want to say to his church and the Brethren in South is it South Central South Central that we send our greetings and love send a wave a trinny wave amen thank you so very much we will never forget that sermon this morning I will go and look at it again and again and again powerful message thank you very much before you're gonna dance their idea for a second brothers and sisters let's put our hands together for Nadine Johnson Nadine has worked I mean everybody would I have to tell you belonging to get a little holiday all of us because we're Elwood for this session but Nadine has really worked and on behalf of the President of the conference whoever he is Nadine thank you for your service not just to our delegates from overseas but all that you have done to make and help this session a successful sorry I do have a battery Nadine but god bless you god bless you and now we invite dr. James Daniel or before he comes past the smell is an author and he has written several books his books would be on sale out front and while it is sold in US dollars if you have us fine if you don't have us he has a machine point-of-sale machine I think that's called to swipe your card so you're not leaving here at all the books today and Amana going back with these books in a suitcase after that sermon today you might buy it and get some ideas pastor alley for your sominex ava's so you going first in the line so please get one of them Pastor James Daniel vice president of the Caribbean Union conference we into America for some tired I go on vacation folk I go on vacation next week thank you Jesus dr. Daniel one of our devotional speakers he did as well he set the pace and brothers and sisters it's a joy that he came he came a lot thank you so very much when you get back do you want to send greetings to the administration of the inter-american division and you want to say to them we are well in Trinidad we are well in Jesus name then give a wave in Jesus name and let's say behold greetings on our love to the administration of the inter-american division and I hope to see all of you in the Bahamas for ASI convention this month August 21 to 25 and pastor Moses will tell you more what what I will tell you is if you can go I will try to go to represent you as I end the water Thanks let me thank our church again if you have listened to me you may think I'm repeating it but the churches of the South Caribbean Conference are what make or churches make us who we are and whether you in the northwest or your way down south or on the coast of this country central wherever you are on behalf of the administration past and present I thank you church members for being a part of this body of believers called the South Caribbean Conference we thank you again for all that you have done for the Lord may God bless us as we leave this place we're leaving on a high do not let anything pull it down let's go back and preach and teach and share the good news as never before everyone thank you god bless you as we work together in Jesus name Amen our hymn of response is him number 609 610 9 am i a soldier of the cross shall we stand and while choruses are getting ready you know when to do a vote of thanks you always forget somebody we want to find Sheldon Moore and the team yes let's put our hands together for the audiovisual cheeba communication department and of course Lana small you see when you start calling you get into trouble so thank you everybody in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us bow our heads for prayer Eternal Father we thank you for allowing your Holy Spirit to move in this place we thank you for organizing and for allowing things to go in accordance with your will now we pray father that you go with us as we leave this place maybe leave this place spirit filled so bless us now as we part in the name of the Father the name of the son Christ Jesus and in the name of the Holy Spirit amen you need to note constituency of salt carob that the conference office will be closed on Monday reopened we reopen for business on Tuesday so don't come by because you wouldn't see us
Channel: South Caribbean Conference
Views: 6,005
Rating: 4.6799998 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 28sec (13228 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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