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hey we from sorted food he's James he's Jamie and we're about to dissect some of the biggest food videos on the Internet shall we get started oh yes first up the biggest mac and cheese video on instagram with over 4.2 million views double tap for mac and cheese controversial choice already step 1 that's not mac and what isn't that coming out there is that the cheese this can't be the biggest mac and cheese video on instagram because that is not mac and i'm not sure what that is I have nothing against using different types of pasta no cheese something no it's at the end that was it that was it please why don't you tell me where you think they went wrong I mean pouring the cheesy what cheese would you use in a mac and cheese in a mac and cheese you might want to go for a stronger cheese like a strong cheddar or something mm-hmm you could put some flavors throughout i think i smokey smoked paprika Suri's Oh jalapenos also brick crumb crust on top with some parmesan grated into the bread crumb put under a grill for a few minutes until it's all bubbly and crispy on top if there's something I know it is Mac and you know your Mac yes next the biggest pancakes video on Facebook with over a hundred and thirty million views to ingredient pancakes I'm gonna call it and say banana oh okay is pancake right did you see the way she peeled it no watching all right it's so happy there's a banana in it for nine dates all right you know they don't look bad I think I've made these before three ingredients almond butter well I'm gonna give it to them what if the pancakes have two ingredients in them you know some of use in it it's full of years I don't know why you can make two ingredient pancakes with banana I've heard that you can make con you make cakes without eggs by replacing the eggs with banana but that's definitely not what we're doing here because it's AG some banana I know that's what I mean it's a bit backwards I don't know the science behind that potassium stops a minor role the next one the biggest three-cheese blend video on YouTube with over 1.6 million views 3 cheese pizza blend recipe : tips for making pizza dozen quite a lot of three-cheese blend videos how competitive is the three-cheese blend category why haven't we jumped on this trend see how trusted hi I'm chef Mike Nylund I'm he looks scared chef I'm here to show you how to make a three-cheese blend for pizza first you start with shredded mozzarella then a shredded provolone and then a freshly grated parmesan and then you can use it for your favorite pizza that's not it take this cheese take this cheese take another cheese put them into One Bowl mix it put on your favorite pizza you could have your own clicking so I how many views does someone got 1.6 million yes they're not serious views are they people that actually wanted that information food knowledge we need to seriously think about what we're doing because if that's worth 1.6 million views how many can we see in a day next one the biggest popcorn video on YouTube with over 30 2.7 million views experiment 20,000 matches vs. popcorn amazing crazy experiment first stop great snack choice oh god yeah oh wow like making popcorn on the matches work oh please come on work come on what it's working look they're popping that's not working James they're popping corn making popcorn it's worked yeah steaks and butter on a sugary delicious would you recommend that method and absolutely not although if you want to get YouTube views maybe I'm gonna get twenty thousand on one matches and we'll show how to do it properly I'd love to see you try to do that moving on the biggest classic shepherd's pie video on YouTube with over 2.6 million views classic shepherd's pie Gordon Ramsay Oh God there we go this is Gordie sit with five a great British classic absolutely never stops movies vegetables potatoes easy I can't see what's happening is his face and that's probably the worst thing to look at you what were they learn when they edited this it's the sauce oyster sauce has to go anyway yeah yeah but I can't keep up with what's happening but something about rosemary and thyme egg yolks you want egg yolks in the mash because then it like grounds on top and gets crispy it's not what it does right so I always put cheese 18 to 20 minutes in the oven right there has to be some drips down the side if there's no drips down the side yes look shepherd's pie done dad assorted actually don't know if this cheese in a classic recipe but there is literally nothing wrong with putting cheese in any recipe that doesn't have it so one variation that I really like which I don't know if it's traditional or not but instead of using mince like use shank or a shoulder so you get like that poor lamb kind of thing nice so it's like really indulgent takes significantly longer yeah yeah it's worth it if you're cooking for people that you really want to impress next video the biggest hot sauce video on YouTube with over twenty eight point 1 million views bathing in 1,250 bottles of hot sauce no no [Music] this mum's house isn't it it's his mom's house and she doesn't know that he's doing yes get my gosh that's cold this is uncomfortable that's in his eye his nose magic could it be good for your skin it's only think it could be it could have some exfoliating properties to it good name there is no question that this is the worst type of content it's just a terrible idea for a video what really is and we've had some bad ideas next the biggest PI video on Facebook with over two hundred and ninety three million views these eight well worthy PI hacks are as easy as that was a it was a winky face emoji I never have the patience to do this kind of thing also I found something that really really annoys me okay when people do like geometric pie crusts sister on Instagram or Facebook you never ever see a cooked pie because the coach pie never looks good Oh Dooley I haven't seen a doily since or I went to Ben's house that looks like pasta I mean where's the where's the egg wash but I know stop it yeah thanks right that bake yeah yes it redeemed itself okay hmm one of those pretty goods the doily one didn't look like it worked that well I take it all back do you think that I said it so yummy worth why was it 293 million yes we're adjusting the baking these are purely visual okay but there's nothing wrong with doing something purely visual effects not because you meet with your own taste and smell is your stomach coming up the biggest watermelon video on YouTube with over 96 million views skin a watermelon party trick title messy for some weather what what yes two watermelons that are similar in shape white yeah it's actually a trick isn't it what you mean well as in he's not actually skinning the water yeah he's tricking the kids you say he's lying to kids yeah that's a bad thing that's not cool but the problem is you can still see a lot of edges from the flat cuts but some brand-new dish scrubbing pads make for great watermelon sandpaper you're gonna find metal bristles in your water Bevers sure they're okay I get it you got it I get it I mean it looks cool depending on the size your watermelon average prep time is about 10 minutes which is less time than making most other summer party dishes like gross and lame potato salad which let's face it nobody really likes are they comparing watermelon tricks to actual food that you would have at a barbecue I mean we make it great potato salad yeah but I have a feeling that if this is your mayor barbecue and I turned up with that watermelon you'd say that I did that because of novelty yeah I'm surprised you haven't been going absolutely crazy over this I would not think it's like preparing to do it I'm gonna do it with your kids yeah I'm gonna do it when you least expect it and finally the biggest sorted food video with over 3.1 million views five kitchen gadgets that nobody needs this was a video that we filmed like eight or nine o'clock on a Friday night after a few beers I think it's clear to see there were no shits given during the filming of this video and we actually edited it proofed it and we all sat there and when I don't know if we can release this it's that bad and then as always happens thanks YouTube it became our most popular video ever all intro old school intro the people hated because of the screen how tired why look use of kitchen gadgets with this new telescopic pickle fork you can easily take a pickle out of the jar alternatively you can do this in our defense we have an offend we don't pretend that they're good if they're not good no yes we reviewed them on a stone if like me you will have the juice of a lemon quality I'm sorry it's not high-quality content if you compare it to everything else that we've done where we've actually spent you know effort time money resources in creating something really really great sounds like you want to take it down oh no I want three million views yes no this this is my favorite James this was when James stood up to be counted and said I'm gonna grow a beard and my gaudy gosh did you grow a great beard until next week goodbye the guy we've spent actual money in buy one of those gadgets and if anyone's ever tried to make money from YouTube videos before you'll know that that money is quite precious and if you're gonna waste it on kitchen gadgets then you'd better get 3.1 million bees yeah Bon Appetit thank you very much for having us you've enlightened our lives with those incredible videos as all videos I needed to see I didn't know I needed to see them but I'm happy like it
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,265,272
Rating: 4.8939247 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking videos, food, food video, food videos, gordon ramsay, most popular food videos, sorted food, sortedfood, popular food videos, funny food videos, best food videos, sortedfood interview, sortedfood funny moments, sortedfood james currie, james currie, sortedfood jamie spafford, jamie spafford, sorted food kitchen hacks, sorted food kitchen gadgets, food film school, food recipe videos, food recipes, bon appetit
Id: Lo8xBXIPfPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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