SORTEDfood Cooked for the Queen

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and they were really hungry and so they all started eating the most amazingly short okay what up Martha John alright wait anyway excuse me the closing but are you guys a great sports we eat a lot of crap on our show yes idly but you guys make tasteful stuff occasionally and um but you vote you came on here and you were great sports and you actually bit into this stuff yeah but I really do think that we that we've done barbecue using the Royal we again are you are you are definitely doing something similar to that inspired by the way we have done loads of stuff where you basically take something and you coat it in something else right obvious Fischer to break down actual like edible steak part you know and encoded it in Cheetos like I said like what we've done with them pork belly in prawn crackers pork and prawn combo and really really good so on crackers like Chinese cool crackers yeah inside your shrimp flavored on a similar vein grace Helbig did a fish and chips but because she thought it so cold because she's on chips were crisps Oh fish chips okay the reason why because it's so cold you don't have to eat some of it creep down something you have to get used to in food shows I design plated the food and got all the shots it's not always at its best to know anything you're doing right I try guys but I can't do it it's so greasy and cheeto II in a bad way it's just bad with cheetah one rabbit I mean you like to determine how these are actually not awful even though they're how does all that I mean everything's been said there's all levels of awful the cheeto tiger is rolling around and it's great right now did you know he died huh got hit got hit by a dump truck really yeah they left him there I didn't hear about just like like orange went everywhere they had to bring in the like one of those road scrapers only a leaf blower that's just gone like a obliterated into this little rusty to death like the end of the other dust the end of the bag that's right so that's a better story you'll I'll stick to it you're embarking on your your road trip yeah how many cities we don't know literally we are going on we're here for three months because pretty much until we get kicked out and sent back home again and this is yep MJ and takes us to the independence day doesn't it it does so our 90 Davies it will take us to about the 6th of July so we'll be able to celebrate Independence Day with you and then we've got to go back up I hope we get back to that we ever celebrated Independence Day have we in America no no oh we're looking forward to it is that how you're gonna have mixed feelings about that you tell me not so I'm fascinated by it what do you know that you're doing so far like places we know we're off to Austin next strophes we've talked in fact Mike is already driving to us and he's got the fridge and all the kit in somewhere between here and Austin Mike is on the road in a car with a lonely vlog cam camera mm-hmm but beyond that I think Norland is very popular young people who said that one and we had to accommodate these guys schedules in order to have them on the show so I don't really know the timing of where you guys will be by the time you're when there's ghosts and you would have been will be yeah okay and so where will you have eaten do you know you need like we're doing barbecue is the topic but we don't know what so it could be brisk it could be ribs it could be all sorts the air okay have you ever had a good just Texas brisket and Texas before night I'm not even a Texas I think that was this whole toys like you have tasted so much amazing food but a lot of it we've had at home in the UK before and I thought it was good when I had it there and then you have it here from the place where it came from yeah and it's just like 10 times better yes I thought it was good before we came that's been amazing it is just getting any better than that are you guys traveling on like like a four men bicycle or what at some point at some point definitely you see what he's driving know what yeah I hired a big yellow sport sports car it's basically an extension of Oh what nothing doesn't matter abusing he's making making a study compensation compensation so you're not like all in like this like a vehicle it looks like a Oscar Mayer wiener not these guys always do it I only wish please that it's the Oscar Mayer wiener it's what it was the thing that hit the Cheetos yes like a really hot hot dog water call it a dump truck sometimes yeah I think we going to a camp event just at some point yeah we'll make our way across America somehow without a hell yet my little bit um hitchhiking cheated three times of you though what oftener yellow sports cars and you killed a bomb in the wind what's your favorite um food mascot let's talk more about them chester the cheeto of course food mask oh boy like we don't really get cheetos punch in the UK but on the tiger theme i quite liked Frosty's the tiger what I hit Tony he's fine I got tired he's a cheetah yeah is it yeah Tony the Tiger man yesterday the sangga just as a cheeto cheeto yeah thanks more sense yeah yeah tie the tie cheetah dinghy we'll have to fix that in the boat but I picture him where don't have one you like to strip you like the Tony to tiger turn inside not done makes rather 0 oh yeah as opposed to crisps chip he's got an ego problem the king of the journey my god puffins is just out and like filling up the whole front of the box hey don't leave any room for the flakes on the back it's all about the tiger it's all it's always will be Coco she's a little monkey yeah the monkey Coco Pops Coco Pops cocoa puffs oh do you not have Coco Pops they sing the theme to you would you rather have a bowl of Coco Pops oh my gosh you're talking about oh not as it travelled Wow I have cocoa puffs is he a monkey like monkey toys a monkey yeah pretty much yeah ah but their cereal yeah who's the mascot for cocoa puffs that's my childhood just ruined you don't know who code rice and rice krispies alternative a work with chocolate sorry a bird Kukoc oh yeah yeah we have it was a bird at one point but he had a monkey friend the monkey was more popular in the air what a mutant well mines come back what the food have cool mascots um Uncle Ben's Uncle Ben's very trustworthy psyched yeah that damasco that's like the Dorian family yeah uh who else anybody who else you got the colonel you've got always a the colonel but they're not they're not fictional cartoon cat real people with now rested yeah the Colonel's real guy it was real good I suppose he was he still be still penny you know I'm not in G toes P still hello chicken I'm always a little frightened by the by Captain Crunch I don't want to spend any time with him he's a loose cannon you don't know about Captain Crunch no this another cereal it's all different over there okay you just gotta play yeah what about the honey nut cheerios be why they will cereals this is I think oh you don't know about the honey of Nigeria B not the baby another thing what honey nut cheerios but I think has a big there's I have a B no thanks does it have honey yeah I think what it is a bear perhaps Wow like a double-decker bus who made these rules that you guys wouldn't like a B you know what I mean we do I do so many more teens who thinks that you guys are like a monkey better than a bird why there's that's not really true it's the same companies it's not really true somebody's like mildly British people oh they would definitely like a monkey shopkin chocolate and candies a good one there's loads for that but again they're not animals we always resort and bigger thing you have Lucky Charms I only forget to special stores yeah we know we know Erica who's that son again Apple is that southern woman um Paula Deen she's not a passcode she's not on the front of anything maybe some grits or something Nick Gordon Ramsay's pretty much in masculism they yeah yeah most things we love him he's a kind eating yourselves like you got rid it I got ya have you met have you met him but this small world Gordon can really haunted whoa really well just me and a team of people he was doing a print ship at the college I trained it so I wasn't actually the friendship by Kate yeah I didn't see I did he Curtis in here Jenna I'm choking on that but I don't want to drink this cuz it's got stuff Flo don't wanna do it again though I can't say Ben has cooked for Lizzie the Queen you're kidding good for the Queen on her 83rd birthday really when was that and she didn't choke like I just did just doing what did she tell you this oh it was very simple it was just a like a Welsh rarebit few savories just you often just I was only one the kitchen a little couple people house you cooked her a rat was this okay five six years ago now oh my goodness how did you get this gig I by accident I was catering at a private event and I didn't realize that Her Majesty was the guest that afternoon and she popped in for afternoon tea and I've been preparing a whole load of stuff for 4050 people and the fortieth or fiftieth person arrived was her majesty and did you look at her plate afterward and see like what she liked and then like she had a little nibble on the cheese toastie that was all she wrote read a little maybe I can't remember from what I did a few save me so Dave's is there like a taster that tasted it for to make sure it wasn't poisonous yeah no I was expecting a big entourage she just rocked up hey your food my food let's go I could have done anything you wanted to though I'm good I'm good unfished sheath on on on Benito's wow man right that would be awesome my kids won't even eat the cereal I pour for and I'm serious no I don't want you don't do it as good as mom I want like sausage I'm over there eating cereal all by myself oh my god could you get your own sausage fry up your own sausage we heard home life it's not my job it's good to fry the bacon I just bring it home get it he didn't have to laugh at dad it's fine we're friends yeah don't humor uh any other questions I mean we just discovered that he cooked for the Queen a rose you cook for that's how that's how we get that stuff man you know you got to get through the Chester cheaters to get to the icon with the Queen you know that's what you get for sticking around and good mythical more
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 583,777
Rating: 4.9619808 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, gmmore, Season 7, Cooking (Interest), England, Elizabeth II (Monarch), United Kingdom (Country), SORTED Food, Food, Sorted, UK, Lost And Hungry, Tour, United States, Roadtrip, Austin, BBQ, Texas, Eating, Cooking, Barbecue (Cuisine)
Id: 3XXBQ-Ye5zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2015
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