- Hello, and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed Unsolved Postmortem, a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent
episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved, which was the Sorrel-Weed House. All the questions we're answering
today came from you guys via our BuzzFeed Unsolved Facebook page and our BuzzFeed Unsolved Instagram page. What are you doing? - I'm not doing anything. - Okay, well, let's just
get to the questions. - Let's get to the questions. - How about that? Yeah. This comes from Christina Dunbar. (footsteps clomping) You hear that, right? That house is giving tours
maybe three to four times a day. - Yeah. - So the possibility of a squatter to be living in that house, I'm gonna say pretty much zero. - Yeah, very interesting. It did sound like a full dog. I know you've talked about how hard it is for ghosts to do anything at all. They use all their might
to push a tiny little tube of toothpaste off a shelf. How does that square with
a full dog running around, a man walking around? What is that? That's a class five ghoul? - Yeah, that was a class 10. - It was a class 10 ghoul. - That was a class 10 ghoul house. That place was a goddamn funhouse. - I can't believe it. - I couldn't believe it. Also, that place, I will say that was maybe the most rattled
I've been in a long time. - Yeah, you were very scared. - It felt like something was watching me the entire time I was
there, I felt very uneasy. I did not like that house one bit. - Hey, why don't we, you know, why don't it on over to 'gram town. Here's from Dyed_obsession. (Ryan laughs) My own Shaniac is coming for us. - A scathing review from Dyed_Obsession. - I'm not Lubezki over here. - Yeah. - I'm not Janusz Kaminski. - Oh shit, insider
cinematography references coming from over here, you got one more? (laughter) What about like a- - No. - This comes from Pauletta Jumbo. Oh man, now that's a
hashtag I can get behind. Let's get #fuckthehotdaga on,
maybe some horns, celebrating. - Horns? I would like to dress
up more in period attire. - The thing is- - We don't really have
the budget for that. - Yeah I was about to say, I would like to do that too
but in order for that to work it would have to be convincing. - And convincing costs. Dollars, baby. - [Ryan] More than party city. I agree, we should use a little
bit more trigger objects. Sometimes we have used them in locations, they just get cut out of the episode because nothing happened. But I'm always open for more methods, so if there's any other methods out there that you guys think that we should use- - Try 'em off. - That aren't ghost tech? - Yeah you know not um.. - Things that we could- - We're not lookin for snake oil here. - Well the best things I
think are household items or everyday items that
could be fitted into. - Like a wooden spoon. Let's take it on back over to 'gram town. Here's from Caliowan. Uh yeah, I sort of agree with you. - Well you didn't see it, so. - I had my back to this thing. - How happy were you that you
covered my angle completely? - [Ryan] Holy shit! - [Shane] What? I take no joy in that, I really don't. - I think you did take a little joy in it. - No, come on. - If we go though this frame by frame, I think you can clearly see a figure blocking the light and
moving across the screen. The camera guy is in motion. I will say this, if this occurred without any of us seeing it, like let's say I'm going
through the footage later and I see 'Oh, I think there's something moving in the background there', and I go frame by frame
that looks like something. But if that didn't come
without one of us saying 'I see something moving
over there' in the moment I don't think it would be as compelling. For this, because I saw
something walk there, and I know I saw something walk there, and we catch this I think this
is pretty compelling footage when you put that
together, contextualize it. - I believe that you
think you saw something. - That is the most frustrating thing I've ever heard in my life. - What? I mean that's all
I can give you right now. - When I saw it, it looked
like it was inside the house, where it was walking was
directly into a brick wall. And if you see in the episode
I take off to go look for it. - Yeah, you went nuts. We have to depends on your.. Oh boy, here he goes. - I saw it. - [Shane] Okay. - We have never faked evidence. - Never have. - We have never added a
little flavor to the episode. - We don't ham it up. - To make sure you guys get something. - It would be incredibly easy for you, in various locations, to do this every place we go and say 'Oh
I saw something over there!' so the fact that you don't
do that, that's why I say, I know you don't take
this as a compliment, but when I say I do
believe that you believe you saw something. That's coming from a place of respect. - Sure. Sure. I think we've proven
that I'm more than happy to give you guys a boring episode if that's in fact what happened, if nothing happened I think that's great that we would just end up making jokes. - That's the Ghoul Boys difference. Yeah, we'll go back to 'gram town. Here's from Cragtree.abstract. You brother saw Slenderman at work? You ever seen Slenderman at work? - No I haven't seen Slenderman at work! Here's the thing. - Honestly you could have just said me, I was setting you up you idiot. - I don't care, I don't give
a shit out the bit right now. - All I give a shit is
for, all I shit for, is I shit for the bit. - Shit for the bit. #shit4thebit. That's Shane's deal. Me, I'm here for some truth. Here's what I'm gonna say right now. I'm very tired of skeptics
when something doesn't fit their narrative they'll just say 'ahh you didn't really see it'. - I think it was very much a dog up there, I mean we heard little scratchies. - We also heard footsteps
though that weren't. - I think it was a dog and a man. - No no, and a man. That's
the key part, and a man. - What do you think this
is, Lady and the Tramp? Dog's just livin his own life? - You never heard of a stray dog before? - What the fuck was that! - I said you did really see it. - You said I think I saw it. - I said I believe that
you believe you saw it. - That's the same thing as
saying you didn't see it. - No, no it's not. - It literally, it's you didn't see it- - I believe that you believe you saw it. - You're just painting
the turd gold in that, it's still a smelly opinion. - I guess we'll call it a turd, yeah. Your evidence, sure. - No, your opinion is the turd. - I think your opinion is, ooh. - I think what you're doing
is you're just saying- - You're wasting your time
painting that thing gold, the paints just gonna melt off. - Then stop painting it gold, then. - You're the one painting it! - You're the one that has
the paintbrush in your hand! Even your fingertips are gold. - Get out of here, I don't
have paint on my fingertips. - Fuckin' Bob Ross over here. He painting turds. - He would never paint with gold. Oh, here's a great one, I
just had to throw this in because there's so much flavor to it. It's from Asgardickery, sure. (laughter) - The most English question on Earth. - I love it. - A pigeon wearing sneakers now. - Oh, tromping around upstairs. No it wasn't a pigeon, it
was for sure a little dog. Little dog. - But yeah, that's it for
the questions this week. - What do we got comin' up
this week on our season finale? - We go to a house that is,
dare I say as whimsical, well it's not as whimsical, but it's not a certain amount of whimsy that's comparable I'd say to
the Winchester Mystery house. From the outside at least, and even in the inside too actually. - There's a lot goin on in this place. - Yeah, there's some thing about it that don't make any sense. - Yeah. - And it was built by
a man and two brothers that were I guess
believers in spiritualism? So it's a fun house. - Yeah. What a fun season it's been! - That does it for this episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved: Postmortem, make sure you watch the
episode this Friday, our season finale, and after you do that send your questions to the
Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page, and the Buzzfeed Unsolved Instagram page and maybe your question will
be on the next Postmortem. Uh yep, okay. - Our weekly Q & A concluded, I know, welcome here to the part of
the show we call the Hotdaga. The hot dog saga
commissioned by and starring Ryan Steven Bergara, written by me and adored by every single viewer, if you don't like it you
can kiss my apple taters. In the subterranean Plupple cave state of the planet Tomat Zero,
Maizy the holographic corn stands in the center of
an expansive coliseum. In the stands, the Plupples
have gathered in droves. Though they're not really
super aware of what's going on, which is that Maizy is
about to prove her innocence in trial by combat
against a giant Plupple. Jablet the elder Plupple
addresses the crowd from his pulpit in the stands. "Oh, plump plump my fellow Plupples. "It's almost Friday, the day for kissing." - What? - "Everybody's pluppin for
the weekend, and I right?" The Plupples plup with excitement. "But before we finish off
yet another wonderful week "of mining for that special mineral "that makes my eyebrows
look as good as they do "we have some business to attend to." The Plupples plup with excitement. "Now, I'm sure you've all noticed "a lot of commotion around here lately, "but I can assure you things will "get back to status plup ASAP. "As you no doubt recall,
we've been terrorized "by the hologram corn
interloper who stands before us. "Maizy, can you say hi to them?" "Hello, Plupples." The Plupples plup. "Now, the venerable Dr.
Goondas has graciously "offered our dear friend
here the chance to prove "her innocence via trial by combat, "but he had to heal up, get more sane, "you all know how Dr. Goondas gets." The Plupples begin to
chant for Dr. Goondas. "Hey, brows, wrap it up." "Well, I suppose it's time to bring out "our dear leader to see
if he's sane and ready. "Plupples, plup your plups together for "the venerable Dr.
Ernesto Gordon Goondas." The chant grows as a giant
Plupple raises from the stands. A gruesome drooling
egg, it is Dr. Goondas. He does not look well. "Alright, I'm back" "Goondas!" "Look Maizy, some decorum, no." "Goondas, if you value you're life "you might consider staying out of mine. "Really, is there any way "we can just put this all behind us? "Maybe you just let me find my
friends and get out of here?" "Are you fucking kidding me? "You shouldn't have asked that question." - You, you are insane, you know that? - "I mean I figured it was worth a shot. "I'll still do your stupid combat thing." "Oh, thank god. "Whoo, I was about to flip my shit!" "Even though, full disclosure
no offense, you seem nuts" - [Ryan] Oh my God. - Every Plupple on the plant gasps. "Oh, Maizy!" "What, the guy can barely
string a sentence together." "I may be just a dumb Dr.Goondas, "but my mind is so clever,
some describe me as a god" "Oh, venerable doctor, the lady thinks "you're touched in the mind. "Can you please put her in her place?" "Okay." "Hmm. Here he goes." - [Ryan] Oh no. ♪ Dr. Goondas, Dr. Dr. Goondas ♪ ♪ Dr. Goondas, Dr. Dr. Goondas ♪ ♪ Dr. Goondas, Dr. Dr. Goondas ♪ ♪ Dr. Goondas, Dr. Dr. Goondas ♪ ♪ My name is Dr. Goondas
and I'm here to say ♪ ♪ You will soon straight up die today ♪ ♪ All my little Plupples
know I'm perfectly sane ♪ ♪ So now it's time to play
my funny little game ♪ ♪ My giant fuckin Plupples
gonna kill you dead ♪ ♪ But here's a little something
from the top of my head ♪ ♪ Dr. Goondas, Dr. Dr. Goondas ♪ ♪ Dr. Goondas, Dr. Dr. Goondas ♪ ♪ All the Plupples in the
house say oh ah oh oh ah o ♪ ♪ Oh ah oh oh ah o ♪ ♪ Breea, Breaa, booga booga mea ♪ ♪ Breea, Breaa, booga booga mea ♪ ♪ Goondas Goondas, ha ha ha ha ♪ ♪ Goondas Goondas, ha ha ha ha ♪ ♪ Goondas Goondas, ha ha ha ha ♪ "Also, I swear to god if
you kill my giant Plupple "I'm going to skin you alive "What are you gonna, you know? "Good luck." "Mhmm. Well, he seems sane enough. "Let the combat begin! "Release Moofus!" The cranking of the heavy
iron gate echoes in the arena as a gargantuan feral
Plupple lumbers into view. It is blue like you've never seen blue, and it dwarves Maizy. While Dr. Goondas stares
blankly the Plupples plup and Jablet barks at the
giant Plupple from the crowd. "Faster, Moofus!" The giant Plupple lumbers ever
closer and roars in response. "Faster, Moofus" Maizy scrambles backwards. "Whoa now, I don't want to hurt you" "I don't wanna hurt you" Jablet continues to hiss, "Now, Moofus, now!" "Now, Moofus" As the giant Plupple bears down on Maizy she closes her eyes for a brief moment. They snap open. "I'm so sorry, Moofus" "I'm so sorry, Moofus." "I am not a giant Plupple!" "I am not a giant Plupple!" Moofus stops, from deep
in his belly, a rumbling. Jablet stands up in the crowd, horrified. The giant Plupple now in agony, bellows one final time, "Thank you, Maizy" "Mother of god" Moofus explodes, it is deafening. Tune in next week for the season finale of the Hotdaga: Escape from
the planet of the Plupples. - Thank god. - Wasn't that good? - No. (spooky music)