GOING MENTAL - OUTLAST: Whistleblower - Part 1 (REACT: Gaming)

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♪ (old-school video game music) ♪ "Outlast." I tell you every time I'm gonna leave if we play a scary-- I'm leaving. This is not-- (laughing) (dejectedly) Just kidding. Just kidding. It's Outlast. I already played Outlast though. I had to find stupid levers, like, 18 billion times. And it's really terrifying and stressful. It's really hard for me to play it and I have nightmares after I play it. I really liked the first Outlast. Like, I loved it, so I'm actually really excited. I don't know if it's gonna be a sequel, but I'm excited. (Finebros) The original Outlast was about a journalist named Miles Upshur, who documents a psychiatric hospital filled with murderers, cannibals, Nazis, and a robotic ghost named The Walrider. (whispering) Oh jeez. This does not sound fun. (Finebros) The Walrider's made of nanites that control their human host. At the end of the game, Miles becomes the Walrider's new host. (apprehensively) Okay. (Finebros) We found out that Miles was sent on this adventure by a source identified only as a whistleblower. That's why it says "Whistleblower". (Finebros) So we're gonna have you play ALL of Whistleblower. (disgruntled sigh) I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for this. Let's get it on. All right-- oh! Person. There's a doctor. Am I on the floor? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ What? (in game) Open those eyes. You don't have to wake up, but open your eyes. What? - (heaving frantically) - What's the matter? Somebody hit you? - Here, let me help. - (alerts go off) Is he licking me? Don't lick me! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! What the [bleep]? Ew! Did he just get licked? (assistant) Andrew, you getting these alerts? Kinda busy here. (assistant) It sounds like real trouble. At the engine. - They said Hope-- - What? Billy Hope. What's wrong with Billy Hope? - And they're not happy about it? - (assistant) No. - [Bleep]! - Wait. [Bleep]! [Bleep]! [Bleep]! Come on! I feel like this is what I saw in the movie theatre. (agonized screaming) I'm confused as to what's happening right now. "Two hours earlier." "You don't know me. Have to make this quick." "Don't believe half the things I saw. Doctors talking about dream therapy." Oh, this is me. "Pretty much breaking"-- oh, okay, that's too small. Meh, it's irrelevant anyways. Just gotta find some levers, you know? Where's he at? "Murkoff is making money." Blah, blah, blah. "People are getting hurt and it needs to be exposed." Okay. Oh! He's sending it to Miles! Okay. I am playing the guy who sent me on the mission last time. Wait, am I the whistleblower now? Okay, that makes more sense. - (startled gasp) - Who's in here? Uh, no one. (in game) What the hell are you doing? I just like to blow whistles, man. Okay, so I don't know where I am. You look like a nice man. (in game) Park? (irritated sigh) They've paged for you three times already. There's something urgent-- They've paged me? "New Objective: Report to the main console at the Morphogenic." (in game) I thought you were just a software guy. I don't know if I'm supposed be in here or not. (in game) You're Waylon Park, aren't you? Yes. (in game) Why weren't you answering the page? I'll tell them you're incoming. I just started the game. I'm sorry. All right, so I'm guessing we go through that door? Hey! (blows kiss) Okay. I'll go in there. (door hinge squeaks) (in game) Going back to Leadville to pick up Jane and then we're heading out to the lake. Who's going to a lake? Please bring me. I don't like it in here already. (in game) Christ, Waylon, hurry up! They're waiting on you. Well, my bad. - ♪ (intense music) ♪ - Whoa. (in game) Ah, Park. You're cutting it close. Next patient's incoming and Arterial Spin's still dark. - We need you at the front terminal. - I'm here. I'm here. Where-- I want my job. Oooh, this is, like... the main place where [bleep] went down. (in game) Park. Finally. - Where have you been? - Sorry. Sorry! (laughing) Wow, they do not let you get away with anything in here. (in game) We've got a patient 30 seconds out and we're blind inside his head. (assistant) I could call in to the chamber, ask them to delay...? (scientist) No. I don't need another performance evaluation. Mr. Park here is going to have us up and running before we even know it. Yeah, I got this, guys. - (scientist) Right, Mr. Park? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (in game) [Bleep] me. They're bringing him in. (patient) I knew it was coming! "Help me, help me." (patient) No! No, not again. I don't know if I wanna be a part of this. They're bring someone in against his will and looks like they're-- oh! - ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪ - (patient) Help me! - Don't let them do this! - Uh-oh. (patient) Don't let them! - You! - What? (patient) I know you can stop this! - (pounding on glass) - Can I? - (patient) You have to help me! - Okay! (in game) Hey! Calm yourself. - This is a high security-- - It's all right, agent. Oh, I'm being pulled in so many directions. (in game) I'm sure he's still calm and eager to finish his work. Aaah, I feel like a jerk. I would never do anything to harm this company. Nothing. (scientist) A head will need to roll if perfusion monitoring is not active when they put him in the engine. Five seconds. Four... three... (moaning) They have a bunch of cords in his mouth and killing him! They're transforming him or something. That's gross. (in game) You're finished, Mr. Waylon Park. - You can leave. - Can I leave? (scientist) Don't expect anything but honesty in my review of your performance. ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪ "Retrieve your laptop from the Server Room." Easy day's work. All I had to do was click a couple of buttons. Where I was creeping around. Hello! Don't mind me. Just, uh, not whisteblowing. Uh, how are you doing, Tim? Yes, very good day on the job. (weak chuckle) (humming) Here we go. - (door creaks) - Okay. I'm always so scared and it's-- you know what? - (startled gasp) - (in game) Somebody's been telling stories-- I knew it! (in game) Somebody's been telling stories outside of class. On the floor! Down! [Inaudible]. (Park grunts) (in game) Mr. Waylon Park, consulting contract 8208. Software engineer with a level three security clearance. I didn't see nothing. (in game) Graduated cum laude from Berkeley, but-- Oh, Berkeley? Great job, Park. (in game) ... a fly ought to do on a spider's web is wiggle. (Park breathes heavily) (laptop screen shatters) Somehow dumb enough to think that a borrowed laptop, - onion router-- - What an idiot. What a stupid idiot. Stupid, Mr. Park. More than stupid, in fact. That was crazy. Good crazy? Okay, they're really angry at me, apparently. Mr. Park, will you willingly submit to forced confinement? (emphatically) No! No, no, no. - (in game) Did you hear that, agent? - No. - (in game) He said "yes", Mr. Blaire. - No! No, I didn't! These are some bad people. Did I just hear Mr. Waylon Park volunteer for the Morphogenic Engine program? - That is brave, indeed, Waylon. - No! - (in game) The Murkoff Corp-- - No, I didn't say that. The Murkoff Corporation and the onward march of science both appreciate your bravery-- If you put tubes up my nose like that guy, I swear... Maybe you could administer Mr. Park here - a light anaesthetic. - Gladly. I'm getting beaten down. So much excessive force. This is not legal. I need a lawyer. (dramatically) "Whistleblower!" I'm excited, but also still very scared. This is intense. - (screaming in anquish) - What the heck? You know what? I am ready. I've done it before. I can do this again. (in game: groaning in pain) Just in a different body. Let's go! Let's go! Why are we hesitating? Let's go. (heavy panting) Come on! Just-Just leave the place already! ♪ (intense music) ♪ (in game) You hear that, don't you? What the heck is happening? - (Walrider hisses) - Oh, no way. (Park gasps) Oh, the Walrider! Okay, I'm sorry. - Oh! - (thumping and screaming) It's already scary. All the lights went off. Get-Get the camera. Oh, here we go with the camera. How handy-dandy. Another camera. (in game) You think you're safe in there. Wall flower. Pretty flower. [Bleep]... I don't trust this. This is all too familiar and I don't trust it. (Park pants) Let me out of here! Oh, it's open. Ta-da-da. Oh. Thanks, man. Hey, fist bump. Yeah, no problem, man. (camera powers up) Just be-- okay, okay. Chill, dude. Chill. Go, go, go, go. Close the door. Where do we go? (groans) I'm already on edge! ♪ (intense music) ♪ (aggressive screaming) Do it! Do it! What? (Park breathes heavily) Oh, there's a battery. (camera powers up) I need you. I need you. - (indistinct screaming) - What is that noise? Who is talking? Oh. Oh, sweet Lord! (agonized screams) What the heck? Aah, they're comin'. So it looks like the crazy guys are already taking over. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ (gasps) (yelps) No! No, no, no, no, no, no. No! Oh, wow. Oh, that's a-- that's a thing. I think I run from that. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ Oh snap. Oh snap. Oh snap. What do I do? What do I-- (moans). Oh, I gotta run. I gotta run. How do I run? (anxious groaning) (tittering) I'm locked in now, aren't I? - (Park grunts) - ♪ (horror music) ♪ What just happened to me? I died. (laughs) There's 800 doors in here. How am I supposed to know-- Oh. Oh, not this one. Not this one. Let's just... figure out a way out of here. (in game) [Bleep]! [Bleep] you! So... I think the top ground, the experiments are overrunning. What's up, guys? (in game) Here, take the blade. Oh my god! I don't wanna be in here. (in game) You keep it bottled up to long and you might do something you regret. They're using him like a human stress ball, but with knives and violence. Aah! No! Ugh. (groans) - Think you're different? - (sharp exhale) - Something special? - Jesus! Now. Get the [bleep] out of here before I change my mind. Okay, okay. We are getting out of here. I'm- I'm a-- (screams) How am I gonna leave? Okay, I'm going. (door creaks open) (door shuts) - (Park screams) - (shrieks) (laughs nervously) - Okay-- - (Park screams) Holy [bleep]. I'll just be out of here. Uh, it's cool. Oh! Oh, jive a dah. (whining) I know your tricks, sir. You're gonna get up once I go pa-- (screams) I know it! I knew it! (grumbles) Where? Where? Where? No! Come on. Come on. Come on. I don't want this. (grumbles) Run! Don't make me put the dukes on you. You don't wanna see the du-- okay. You-You don't wanna see the dukes. (whimpering) Whoa! Whoa! Holy-Holy crap. Holy crap. I don't like that I can't hit people. ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ Where do I hide? Uh... ah, up there. Always look high. (Park grunts) - (camera powers up) - All right, to the vents again. Let's do this. Yeah, I know it's scary. I've been here before. (man #1) We get out of here, through reception and let Murk Tactical clean it up. So this is probably how the asylum came to be run by the crazy guys. They ended up killing all of the security guards. (man #2) We don't even know the radio works. (man #1) It's short wave. If the prison's got electricity, they've got signal. Okay. "Use the short wave radio in the Prison." (camera powers up) - (man #1) Yeah, I noticed. - (man #2) We need to get to that radio. Don't worry, guys. I got it. (man #1) You're scared. - (Park pants unevenly) - You're not thinking straight. Let me make something clear. - You try to radio for outside for help-- - Uh-oh. But then if I use the radio, I'm gonna get in trouble. (man #2) Are you threatening me? ♪ (intense music) ♪ (Park grunts) Oh my god. He's gonna try and find me too. I don't wanna be stuck in here with this guy. Okay. Oop, dark. - (camera powers up) - I need batteries. Okay, let's not do anything. All right... I hear him! He's up. He's up and I can't see because I don't have a-- (screams) Go away, please. (nervously) Hey! Hey. (blows kiss) (whispering) You're cute. Okay, uh... Come on out. All right, I'll just leave you. I'll just give you some privacy. I don't like this. (deep sigh) - (Walrider hisses ominously) - Oh, okay. I don't like that. I don't like this. There's a dead person. Jesus! It looks like a scientist and I'm not wearing shoes. (disgusted sigh) Yeah, I'll get you out. I promise. (patient) Help me, please! - I'm a doctor. - Oh, screw you then. (patient) I need to get home to my... Are you really a doctor? (patient) You're not security. I was... I'm a patient like you. I stole these clothes from a dead body I found. You've gotta get me out of here. Please. - Just push the button, open the door-- - What's that button do? Do I press that button? He's gonna die anyways. Sorry. (hissing noises) - (patient) Hey! - (warnings go off) - (patient) No! No! - Oh. - (patient screams) - Did I just do something bad? - (patient) All of you. - Oh no. Whoops. I don't know. I feel so desensitized. Like, this doesn't affect me at all. (patient screams) Got what he deserved. Uh, wrecked. I don't like this game. (stammering) I don't like being scared. ♪ (tense music) ♪ Okay, okay. Holy [bleep]. Not that guy again. - (Walrider hisses) - What does that mean? - Oh Jesus! - (Park grunts) Open the door. No. Oh, you snap. What's going on? Oh! Uh-oh. (screams frantically) No! No! Come on! Get outta here. Go, go, go, go. Come on, man. No! Why is it pushing me away? It is so difficult. Oh, wait, I'm making it difficult. Never mind. Ah, shoot. Can I-- (groans) Just-- if I close the door, he won't come in. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ Aw, come on! He can go under doors! Seriously, fool? Go, fool. Go, fool. Nope! Nope! Nope! Uh-oh... Where'd he go? Oh, man. Oh, here we go. Yes! Yes! (gasps) Uh, ah, no! The guy died in here. I don't wanna be in here. Oh! Oh. Oh no. Oh. Oh. Just-- I'm getting cleansed. Don't worry. (Walrider hisses) (in game) Another one's coming! I don't like that he said that. Let's follow that guy. Okay. Buddy? Excuse me. Pardon me. Yes. I want to get out. No? What? What? Ah! I was so close. I'm actually surprised. I haven't had to find any levers yet. Okay, where am I supposed to go? This is so nice because I loved Outlast so much and this just kind of feels great. Like, I miss this a lot. Thanks for watching us play Outlast: Whistleblower on the React channel. New shows every week. Subscribe! Bye! Bye! Why is everyone in here insane? ♪ (old-school video game music) ♪
Channel: REACT
Views: 3,299,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, REACT Gaming, Kids Vs. Food, Advice, REACT Advice, Lyric Breakdown, REACT Lyric Breakdown, Opinions, REACT Opinions, React remix, video game, games, walkthrough, letsplay, lets play, thefinebros, finebros, fine bros, fine brothers, kids react, teens react, elders react, youtubers react, Outlast, Steam, xbox one, ps4, j.t. petty, miles upshur, Whistleblower
Id: BZiXRpcfo4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2015
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