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what's up yet sit welcome to guava juice today replace 60 seconds a game about survival what it is is we have to survive the apocalypse until help arrives let's play this right now so I already played a little bit of it at least the tutorial just to understand how this game works what happens is we start off with 60 seconds trying to scavenge and gather as much items as we can throw it into the bomb shelter and we have 60 seconds to do that after the 60 seconds is that I said that word after the 60 seconds are up we we stay in the bomb shelter we each day passes by and we just wait until help comes it's just a whole bunch of scenarios it's pretty cool so let's try this right now okay alright so here we are let's get let's go around and see where everyone is I have like 10 seconds to roam around before I can actually do things soup I need food foods a good source actually all these things are good sources so let's go let's go let's get soup any soup I need more soup I need more soup lesbo water okay now get thrown into the shelter where's the shelter at here it is okay though this is here I need my son my daughter I guess wait no she's - oh what okay you got to understand I only have room for four things like each thing cuz like consists of a specific space in my inventory so right here I have a full inventory you can see in the bottom apparently my daughter she takes up three that's ridiculous I don't know why she takes up three buyouts if they were there oh my gosh where's my wife I don't man this is taking up a lot of time oh my gosh okay okay in 15 seconds 15 seconds where's my wife oh my gosh oh my gosh where's my wife oh oh honey honey oh my gosh why are you so far away from the shelter I don't eat this - briefcase ha can I make it three - oh yes those the most intense 60 seconds of my gameplay career here on YouTube Wow alright anyways that was phase one of the game that's good phase two is trying to survive until we find help here so each day we have to survive using our supplies it's a self-explanatory let's do this so we read this book but blah blah blah okay oh yeah I got I picked up the radio the radio picks up signals from the outside world so we know what's going on the outside and these are just a whole bunch of random notes it's not necessarily read but it's not that necessary to read all this I I I've read a lot of them it's pretty pointless until and that's and this is this page tells you who needs food who needs water everyone's good right now it's only the first day so everyone everyone can survive the first day so we are good with the first day day number two has come let's see what we need here okay anyone need food nope the second day Ted oh here we go Ted seems to be good shape good we can send her for expeditions so we can send her for to go outside and find more more food and water and supplies wasteland is no match for Mary Jane so don't send her out Timmy can do it Timmy can go to a wasteland great should we start preparing for expedition tomorrow yes let's do it every new smell attacks or noises noses in this little shelter instantly there isn't much we can miss so when a single brick fell out from the wall revealing a tight opening our senses were immediately invaded by a terrible stench we should probably check that hole and see what the source of that smell is yes because if you stay there and just not do anything about it you have a more likely chance of death so let's do that let's check that out tomorrow see what happens maybe it's nothing bad maybe it's just someone farted okay let's see today buh-buh-buh-buh oh whoa oh we couldn't catch it before ever Oh Oh already Oh broke what the heck what wait some crazed rodents reptile what could leap and started to jump over the shelter it was everywhere we couldn't catch it before we know it broke the radio Wow way to go this sucks how about getting Timmy something a drink okay Dolores need something to drink okay everyone needs a drink great here we go everyone have a drink great who should we take outside Dolores says she needs she can go outside so she's gonna go south side Explorer hopefully or someone I was there maybe she does a die hole I hope she don't die geez that would suck really bad I'm Mary Jane didn't cause any trouble a day but bouquet everything's good everyone everyone's good cool the trash is becoming full of empty suit cans that our unmentionable bucket is overflowing both of them are attracting strangely glowing big insects wildlife roaches weren't that big before the war are they whoa well we don't have any um any but rodent supplies or books so we can't really do anything about that it's just we just have to deal with the rodents in the shelter everyone seems alive still they 501 otherone roaches are everywhere crap roaches are infesting everything crap that's not good does anyone need water anything no okay we can survive two days without water mutated what mutated rodents are attacking our supplies we're not sure if they're rats Farrow bunnies or mutated out so next time I play the game I should pick up a weapon so I can kill all these rats that's that's that's insane hello everyone oh I see you bunk right here bottom left right here oh man these roaches are glowing ahh okay let's seed Oh what the rodents stole a soup Timmy should eat something that's good spare some water bear Jane okay give water to Mary Jane food to Timmy all right let's give water and food to me there we go I think that's good right wait there you go every what everyone satisfied what what will we give to be able to enjoy the sunshine again we can't say there's a lot of light underground we don't expect to get brighter down here okay today I can't I can't imagine being underneath the shelter for like a week have you guys ever seen the movie uh what's that movie I just watched it 10 Cloverfield Lane it's the same concept it's it's a good movie I would recommend it this is not sponsored I might sponsor you say it it's just a good movie ok let's let's see what's going on today Ted looks like his he's got one foot in the grave he needs a drink right now so you give Ted something to drink there you go and very good call us weird those roaches are ok next time grab bug spray and a weapon Wow I think we're not gonna survive because all these rodents are coming out of nowhere and oh no my wife Dolores are you ok what happened what happened to Dolores we're glad to see Dolores has come back you're gonna call with the world on fire but blah does she bring anything back oh cool cool near the garage we found a few firefighters shooting off the Gaian meets a dead cow coaches you managed to find 3 bottles of water great good job Dolores oh hey we found an axe good job the back of the station we found a locker is filled with grenades landmines but we're not sure why firefighters would carry that it was sealed we use lockers we have a lock - great well we're not sure why they're too humble but uh ok we also gained a bug spray Dolores is not eaten for a while nothing new to report Mary Jane's diet could use food so give food to Dolores and Mary Jane Oh Dolores LLL really tired stomach so everyone's hungry so let's just give everyone some some soup Dolores needs a medical supply might as well get some everyone water since Dolores found some water there we go we didn't expect to get a phone call so soon after the atomic bomb dropped yeah we are here we clearly hear a phone ringing outside it must be the public phone buthe on the other side of the street should someone go out and get it yes Ted go out and get it get out of here Ted save the family you are the man of the house I don't know why you didn't go outside and explore and let Dolores go outside and scavenge for like materials and food and water but anyways so far so good we answered the phone we could clearly hear a gasp of relief from the caller they introduced themselves as survivors from a nearby town of Hill Valley we started exchanging information when the call was cut short something must have gone wrong in their side we hope they'll get back to us Ted safely returned that's good Mary Jane did it cause any trouble today that's good Timmy is making the best out of situation he seems happy Delores Delores was cured for her illness and nice eat something okay great great great great so Ted and Delores are hungry let's give her some soup man there's so much things going on the contamination of our town is still strong scavenging there's conditions radiation sickness Mary Jane is feeling extra okay Ted it's gonna be your turn it's gonna be your turn Ted to go and grab some supplies this is insane we keep finding spiders good thing we have bug spray now thanks to Delores she is our Savior freakin awesome so spiders of rodents should be gone whoa dad a number 10 how long is this gonna last who knows who knows there is song one thing that can drive spiders away and stop us climbing up the furniture blah blah we found bottled water stashed in the corner how I don't know how you did not see the bottled water it's been ten days and II didn't see bottled water in the corner okay there's anything new with Jane to get Timmy's good Lloris is not eating for a while Ted is hungry so let's feed we're running out of soup guys we're running out of soup Ted get out there and find some more food go off there Ted save your family this is the apocalypse the apocalypse means everyone's dead except you guys so you guys are lucky you guys should be humbled and blessed to be alive right now so go out there save your family everyone has to drink sometimes including Mary Jane is there any water left huh Mary Jade you are just cry-baby over there cry-baby you've been busy since got to shelter Baba okay we're good good that's a quick day that was quick day anything interesting happening here whoa whoa Mary Jane they cause trouble to me is terrible shape we need to give him water now Dolores will not survive without water any longer what okay okay you need water water okay we're good we're good we're good we know very little about what's going on outside it'd be a good idea to find out more maybe discover if anyone else made it safely and radio can up with this too bad a freaking cockroach killed the radio so Dom this is a stressful game when is help coming like this is like it's gonna keep dragging on and on until help comes this is it's so crazy Mary Jane's I could use a little food Mary Jane you got stopped eating today it was relatively calm Doris didn't even look like it but he's strong you know he's doing fine so Mary Mary Jane you're taking all the soup here you're taking all the soup man there's an armed and dangerous moment whoa there's an armed and dangerous woman outside fortunately she's out of ammo she tells us she hunts wild beasts and wastes and right now she's a trail okay well we don't have she promises that if we help her she will return the favor one day we don't have em oh sorry ah Ted come back from here from your trip this is this is getting too stressful okay everyone's used by the mom seems fine now she looks very she has that face that evil bean face where's everyone dead maybe she needs something Mary Jane is thirsty great they're thirsty what's food we have like one more like ration of soup left you don't you don't have how are you gonna survive there's like no no food left Oh Ted's back oh no it was so sick we don't have any med kits though oh I'm so sorry Ted has returned safely from his voyage exploring the Raceland begin her back okay what did he find he found soup good job good job we found a soup found water looked on a magazine found one of her neighbors packing up a books he claimed was looking for a title how to serve it man well we have a handbook now that's that's good we have em oh wow if he came here in like two days before a day before we would have gotten more food from their neighbor oh my gosh okay well that's all you scavenge Delores got more things than you did you should be ashamed of yourself ashamed of yourself Ted that's all you could scavenge mayor geez he's fine water for Timmy Delores will not last long without Ted looks very weak if he doesn't eat today it might be really bad Ted is infected with something Ted's really tired that's not good let's give everything a dead we don't have med kids I am so sorry Ted so sorry wait who needs food I missed it Delores will now allow some water water water okay just need water for everyone there you go Ted I am so sorry bro I'm so sorry mmm okay expedition who else good Timmy Timmy you're gonna be the next one or Mary Jane let's get Mary Jane hopefully she dies because she's using up all the food and stuff I don't like Mary Jane the wall are the walls closing on us is this space getting smaller we need to get out there now open the door open the door yes this if you don't we're just gonna be stuck down here wonder what happened now everything everyone's still alive that's good uh-huh xa malnutrition will weaken ones immune system and may lead a sickness okay great Mary Jane's feeling safe who wouldn't who wouldn't want wait what who wouldn't who wouldn't in this coffin sighs okay okay Ted's hungry Delores wants something to eat so food our food supplies are going down again man wait we've got any to expedites oh I see a stranger oh my gosh offers one bottle for exchange of that offers two water bottles for exchanges the book I am so down for this okay Boy Scout book give me your water sir wonder what it's like outside Oh Ted is looking horrible look at his face look at his face like constipated or something okay what's what's going on here today okay you've got bottled water it's good Ted stomach is rumbling Ted eat some food bro we have one more one more one more portion of water what to take outside let's oh cool take the gas mask you probably need it cuz you know you're Mary Jane Mary Jane's gone Ted's like dying she needs to come back with the first aid kit before something happens water water for Timmy Ted's hungry where's the water so everyone needs water and food so we ran out of food so Mary Jane needs to come back pretty soon Dolores is really angry about the door instead from two days ago she doesn't want to let go we need to have an intermission or mmm should we try to talk it over alternate is to settle this on the battlefield yes yes always say yes I guess fees if you do know every no you say means you have missed that opportunity so say yes oh no they're all they're all tired and dead crap Timmy sigh retired nothing new with Ted nothing new okay we're good you guys are good then we're about to go to sleep when we heard scratching from the door at first it sounded like a rat we discovered it was something much worse someone is in the door trying to pry it open we need to act well we have an axe okay wonder what happened everyone's still here Oh what happened today what was that noise some axe action was enough to send those cowards running but you're but they will be back that sucks let's keep her act sharp well we just lost the axe Timmy should eat something we don't have food I'm sorry to me Ted's doing fine oh crap I'm so sorry Timmy you have no more no more soups oh crap dang it at least everyone's dieting Oh Mary Jane's back what did she find what did she find anything good okay we have gasps max gasps max is back hey cool she brought back two cans of soup two bottles of water cool cool Mary Jane starving hungry hungry ate water water okay okay cool so everyone gets food except Wayne oh no everyone gets water except no everyone gets water Ted and Delores don't need food so they're they're perfectly fine here crap everyone's too weak for any expeditions okay we can wait we can wait another day before anything else happens we need something we're stuck here oh gosh everyone's looking dead day 22 Mary Jane died Mary Jane's I could use food Timmy's good well five minutes ago Dolores is not even for a while Dolores fragile doing all right crap who needs food I'll just give everyone food there you go everyone rest up let's start preparing tomorrow we're gonna go outside for an expedition let's do this we plan to go to Niagara Falls we don't have anything dang it we're doing pretty bad guys this apocalypse is doing pretty bad oh man are we gonna survive this who's going out wait Dolores this or something should be done with Ted's sickness Ted sick Timmy's making the best okay Timmy Timmy you're gonna go out aw crap no one's oh crap no one's good to go outside all right well I'm gonna use as much equipment as I could use because everyone looks a little dead it's not good this is totally not good Timmy and his best behavior how long will it last Mary Jane's needs food huh Ted says there's no need to worry about him is okay so Mary Jane of course she needs food by already use up all the food everyone drink up water is good oh crap this is not good this is not good we're running a lot of supplies everyone's too tired too fragile too weak to go outside I think this is gonna be the end oh man crap I'm just gonna give you one water this is let's eat let's do this through we have no more food guys oh man Ted is still sick Ted's fine nice OOP Mary Jane's hungry Timmy might look like he's just strong boys doing fine everyone drink up who should go outside yes Delores save our lives save her life here's a gas mask Delores you saved her life the first time you brought back a whole bunch of good stuff I hope we could survive so let's let's try to get through these days everyone's good let's just go without food everyone just go this is let's not drink or eat anything until Dolores comes back that's the plan that's the plan here that is the plan all right let's skip this day she back nope she is Oh Ted Ted is dead oh gosh no Ted has been sick for far too long and he was too weak to keep going he passed away in his sleep oh my gosh No okay at least we could survive this we could definitely try to survive this we got this crap Timmy I'm just gonna keep fast 40 until Dolores comes back cuz there's nothing we could do at this point we're look wait Gloria's back yes mama mama to the savior she's saving my life she brought back the soup cards we don't need cards Dolores we don't need cards ha fraud okay everyone eat up eat up who should go outside Mary Jane get out of here you're looking sick but that's all we have right now which is getting intense I'm just getting intense Mary Jane is starving Mary Jane nope we're going we have to just keep going here oh man okay where did Mary Jane go someone told me where Mary Jane went we couldn't spare food to Mary Jane she eventually reached a boiling point where her stale was enough to kill she left without a word but we knew she would probably become a highway woman and get all the food cans she would ever need so Mary Jane left is just the mom and the son so at least we could you know we could ration eyes we rationalized the food more because we have less people meaning we need less food for them to survive so that's that's a good thing that's a good thing it's not a bad thing it's a good thing day 34 oh dear Dolores is not eating we have no more food or water crap no one's ready I think this is it we didn't survive we couldn't survive I should have see this is the thing like the first 60 seconds of the game is the most important thing is because it is it's basically setting up for the rest of the game so if you fail to achieve and obtain all the necessarily necessary materials needed to survive the apocalypse then it's gonna be hard from there on so I'm gonna do Timmy keeps acting weird Delores would love to eat we don't have any food this is our last water hopefully something will happen next time let's let's start preparing for expedition oh my goodness I can't believe our radio broke on the second day that's the most important thing because we don't know what's going on outside honest we don't okay we have nothing we have nothing oh dear no one can even go outside we're just we're just stuck from this point on we're just stuck so we just got to ride it through I don't think we're gonna survive guys Laura's not in how long can they survive without food they're looking really ill look at look at Timmy look at Dolores they're like Flores is like green I think this is the last day this is definitely the last day I was miraculously a survivor will come and save us all nope nope they're looking sick still and wait it says here Timmy is in good health and full of optimism okay Timmy let's go outside hopefully your mom will survive like the next couple going into a tight dark tunnel is not a good idea especially with those weird noises coming from it they are giving us the creeps up here the Laura's bravely face hunger however eating is a habit she it's hard as things come hard shake off she couldn't take any more surviving the apocalypse there's no easy task we can tell you that much we held out for 40 days all right okay and that is it Wow we lost Wow whew that was a lot of talking I did a lot talking for like what like 20 plus minutes but anyways thank you guys for watching if you uh if you ever encounter the apocalypse come on over I'll take care of you we have an underground shelter here yeah where I live it's called the basement it's probably not gonna survive but please keep it thumbs up you want me to play more please let me know below and I'll see you next time
Channel: Guava Juice
Views: 2,770,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roi wassabi games, roi wassabi, games, gaming, guava juice, guava, lets play, wassabi productions, gameplay, walkthrough, let's play, videogames, video games, let’s play, funny gaming, 60 seconds, fall out, fallout, apocolypse, shelter, survive, zombies, zombie, 60, seconds
Id: 8cBDFwm9sks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2016
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