a new Backrooms realistic horror..

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so I thought today we'd do something a little bit different you know it's been a while since we played any sort of suspenseful or horror game it's been a while since we've played any sort of back rooms video game and I find them very fascinating I haven't really kept up with the lore and everything that's new um but I do like the suspense that it brings and just the overall sense of being lost welcome to the back rooms lost tape all right hey boss as you can see the um the people were able to clean up the place and I was able to help really um really good that one spot that was really bad um that may be an exception but uh everything else is clean um as you can see right here I'll be moving around here a little bit to show you and uh yeah it's pretty good um but I'll go to room one soon just wanted to let you know stupid why what hey who turned that on it looks so real foreign so take a look at the carpet there huh wow hello anyone here hello and that's the whole horrifying part of the back rooms you just get sucked into it and now you're lost possibly forever press e to interact with notes and objects this might be the most realistic one we've played I mean there was one particular one that was super realistic but the carpet here you can tell it's got like texture so Solitude is one of the greatest obstacles a Wonder can face it is sometimes beyond our control something that eats away at us little by little killing the unwary before they even realize it it is I dare say our deepest fear that is why it should not come to a surprise that this cursed place we now call home has found a way to take advantage of Humanity's inherent need for companionship I'm gonna use this notepad to make some annotations of some possible clues about how to escape this place so four stars and a six I'm just I'm just gonna do the same thing here I'll do this star star star six star and then I'll start inputting the numbers I don't know if that's gonna be or if it's gonna end up being a code so just to play it safe we've got a left hallway here not sure I should be going here I'm actually gonna go straight ahead instead I know we're gonna be lost here for a second don't think I have a stamina meter one thing that the the back rooms these games in general one thing they do really well is like the way the camera bobbles saw the right word Bubbles and what the [ __ ] is that [Music] okay uh interesting hello yeah okay so when I said in the beginning that it [ __ ] it is pretty spooky like three is the third okay so I will note that down three is the third so maybe the third star would be the number three but we're gonna keep it like that and then we'll kind of put all the clues together should I be doing something else with that mannequin okay I'm gonna play this I'm gonna play this normally there's no need to be terrified just gotta walk around find some Clues do our proper due diligence and don't die right that's rule number one don't die it's always rule number one in a horror game I don't know what what should we what what do we really categorize a game like the back rooms it's not technically a horror right I mean it's suspense I mean it depends I'm sure some people cannot play this game there are people out there that have a fear of of this like some people don't like confined spaces you know there's phobias for everything and this could easily create a phobia in anyone if there ever has been a phobia of anything like this when it comes to a video game it's a little different but just imagine really being here by yourself that's what makes it creepy I I couldn't even bear like I'd probably just okay so we do have stamina never mind let's see if we go back oh okay this is new perfect making some progress first aid kit don't know if that's see three chairs make a note of that I probably doesn't mean anything three chairs uh third is knocked down again I don't I don't I don't know so my done in zone a I mean this this is probably Zone a right hey we've got another note here on the wall with an arrow oh so helpful what does this say the chairs are dangerous oh God I should probably go there oh okay that constant buzzing of the lights is driving me insane right now it's funny because I want to go to Zone B I probably should be in zone B right now but my curiosity is killing me and you know what they say about curiosity Kill Ya all right so I took the computer monitor that was here to the lab since the one in the lab was apparently broken my legs and feet hurt because I watched so much while carrying these things I hope I can finish this because it may be the only way out of this place I connected the computer to the laboratory module so that I can access the generator but the problem is that it's requesting a password I think I will be stuck here forever so we need a password Zone B Okay so we've got to find a code we Crouch yes oh boy okay five that's oops sorry about that one two three four five that's it right yeah God bro look at Graphics were insane I wonder if this is Unreal Engine or what is this hello oh God that's a dead end okay there is something here what is that are those mushrooms growing on the carpet disgusting what the [ __ ] is that I saw this door open one time when the light it was red okay so it's approve the Personnel protective equipment must be worn there's a strange humidity in this place and the carpet is wet in this part it seems to come from this white area which gave rise to the mushrooms I was very hungry so I ate one of them now my body won't stop itching and I have so many bruises even on my head should we eat a mushroom can we eat a mushroom no yeah this is so trippy what about the vase you can't interact with it can't eat the mushrooms what the hell's going on here okay there's only one way out of this place right now the arrow freaking sucks okay it's like do I follow the arrows do I explore I should probably follow the arrows right I mean if it were me I'm trying to think what would I do if I was here in real life I would probably follow the arrows but I'd be also paranoid that the arrows are a setup my God what is this okay let's go ahead and follow the arrows I'm going back to the very beginning here came from here there's the arrow it's telling me to go this way I see a light I could have sworn I just saw a red light maybe I'm hallucinating at this point okay there's the other Arrow so we've got to go left but why would this game just guide me like that what if I'm missing some Clues there's a door there okay hold on hold on come on wow I I was not even prepared for that sorry I I honestly I don't think I've ever played a game where the door just Falls like that maybe I have I don't [ __ ] know no sound effect no nothing just just a dropping door for me to [ __ ] myself Ah that's amazing you gotta love it okay the arrows pointing this way we've got another Deja Vu area oh that's hilarious this is your first time here if this area feels familiar immediately alert Foundation staff if you see something say something uh okay now now I'm probably gonna see something okay all right we got this I'm looking also at the walls we know that there's notes on the walls so I'm trying to see if I find any other notes Let me just go here real quick on this side another note what I say what am I well I'm a prophet and I foresee a new world will you be part of it uh no thanks bro is this where we came from I'm so lost welcome to the back rooms everyone welcome um ever dreamed this man every night all over the world hundreds of people see this face in their dreams if this man appears in your dreams too or if you have any information that can help us identify him contact and you know I've never seen him before fire extinguisher is missing this might be another dead end yeah I think so okay another falling door perhaps no now I kind of want to go back to the other place a fallen chair okay but like I might be oh my God hello I'm an astronaut I honestly don't know how I got here I just remember in my spatial malfunctioned and I had to get out of it to fix it unfortunately my safety equipment broke and I thought I was already dead I wondered in in space for a few hours when suddenly I fell as if gravity had suddenly returned and here I am in this gigantic place that seems infinite I'm leaving this letter in case anyone Falls here or is already here and can find me in case I'm still alive important I found some letters from the people here which mention other levels possibly floors or dimensions of this place some say that they've already passed through specific floors including numbered ones for example this one is apparently called the level Zero from what I read in the letters um getting out of here will be difficult it seems that it is something to be unraveled I discovered one of the numbers nine is the first okay so this is what you have to explore right because now we know that we have nine star star star right all right we're back here where the uh where these shelves were at see if we find another noter clue or something okay here we go here we go this was my house for a long time here in this place I hope you make a good use of it you use of it good luck my friend so we've got star star seven all right star star star seven star star all right we've got honestly we need two more numbers and I think we're good pretty uh bro what is happening like I honestly did not play this game with the intention of being freaking jump scared now it's happened twice I I usually play these games I record them just to kind of experience the elemental Vibes you know I wanted to [ __ ] scream I'd play something else this is a dead end what the hell is happening what is this okay is this some sort of generator there's got to be a note here somewhere I climb this no oh there's a computer there yeah that's probably the generator that we're talking about in the note oh crap all right so the password to access this computer is scattered all around this place I was able to find the first number which is nine I hope this helps if you I can't escape this okay um so the astronaut was the one that found the first number was either one that was possibly carrying all this stuff as well wow okay here we are let's just make sure there's nothing down here wow okay [Music] my goodness okay now I'm really concerned I don't understand why they just don't leave the entire password in one single note I think no one has discovered it yet or maybe whoever discovered it died or maybe we should hide the answer from someone what I do know is that eight is probably the second number okay so star eight three four five six Okay so we've got nine eights all right we just need one more number why am I so scared of being here oh my name is Jennifer scientist and Lead researcher at SCP I'm recording this message to record the success and the task of shutting down the generator at this location allowing that metal door to open the problem is apparently this brought something from another dimension I created a password so that the generator doesn't turn off by accident when deciding to enter the password to be able to access another dimension whatever it is be prepared to run for your life what are you talking about bro okay okay hold on hold on we've got we've got toad code I'm just gonna put here what I possibly think it is based on this nine eight and then that next number is going to be unknown so nine eight seven six five nine eight seven six five okay so nine eight I'll put three nine eight nine eight three seven six five foreign hello is that wrong right what the hell I only put three because of the chairs is that the right code or what I don't want to leave this place and that don't find it I don't I don't know okay we're just gonna go I said be prepared to run um I didn't hear anything turn on or off so I'm not sure [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God there comes this is phenomenal I'm gonna [ __ ] die we're dead I'm just gonna accept the fact that we are dead [ __ ] you bastard yeah take time when the lights are red the door should open right that's it no more no more of that oh why is it still running okay can we just stop that's enough for one freaking back rooms what is that mother of okay just gonna shower all right wash off all the [ __ ] stains my toes are curled right now I don't even know why let me just hold on let me relax you know when you're tense and you're just your whole body is like all weird no maybe I'm the only weird one and I jump in the pool oh beautiful I mean everything aside like look at the ray tracing look at that's awesome looking please no more monsters for the love of God I honestly like when I play a horror game I go in there prepared I just I know the bathroom sounds like weird stuff but I just was not prepared honestly what sort of claustrophobic elevator is this this is ridiculous wow oh we found the code is that is that the creature over there thought that creature even come about like it's like liars and I don't know it's so strange it's so odd looking okay nobody's behind us thank goodness all right can we just have a nice little experience from this point on I guess I'm exhausted man I am mentally exhausted we're just gonna keep walking here okay in this endless maze I feel like this is I feel like I'm at this point we're gonna have to solve some sort of puzzle here to get out of this place I'm pressing a spamming a better yet as we go in case there's something we we interact with this is Neil steam coming out of the pipes there got a pallet to the left that's also new see a little bit of red at the end it's definitely new so we're good see I don't want to see anymore [ __ ] off man another elevator get me out of here so what floor is this uh it seems like it seems like three was the code but remember remember it also said oh this is beautiful what the heck remember in the note well I don't have it here but one of the notes said the chair yeah actually I do have it here the chairs the third one is knock down that's why I put the three but one of the notes said they were evil so if I if the third chair was knocked down and I put the number three that probably could have been a bad code and so and and so me doing that probably man this is insane what is this if this is the back rooms I can I can stay here all day bro soaking up the sun believe it or not you stay here for more than three days you'd be bored out of your mind anyways I think putting three um might have been an evil code the third chair was knocked down it said the chairs are evil me putting a third number enabled that monster or something I don't know that's what I'm assuming you know what what's crazy about this game that life in general is very weird if you really think about life we're in this we're in this rock that's rotating endlessly and it's like what's our purpose I probably sound like I'm high right now but I'm not I promise I don't do drugs but check me out this [ __ ] makes me think I mean look how strange this is you're like in the middle of like nowhere in a building with nothing but how much different is this than what we'd really do we're not we're on a rock in the middle of space inside a Galaxy Within within a universe that's within multiple universe and the Multiverse I'm gonna stop life is strange and this game is also very strange and that pool looks delicious this is this looks really nice this is super peaceful this is like night and day difference of what we just experienced I love how the game just mentally screws you and this is hey relax go ahead and bathe for a little bit this is perhaps the prettiest water I've ever seen in my entire life all right I spoke too soon this can't be heaven I really hope heaven doesn't look like this having better read yes so calm don't say that it's gonna turn really bad really fast I know we want to think happy thoughts but the moment you think about happy thoughts that [ __ ] happens you know I mean man this looks so darn good this is crazy dude this is this looks really good this has got to be the best for uh the best backgrounds game I've played so far just because I really I guess because I was going into it again not expecting anything um and boy did we get something wow we've got a little late subtle music in the background they're very very calming very relaxed now we've got Darkness we've got light good I hope I'm not talking too much if you know sometimes I just like to keep my mind distracted so I keep talking if you're new to the channel and you've stumbled upon this weird video I'm sorry feel free to subscribe matter of fact if you're new here let me know in the comments if you've even made it this far oh God those are like three four really good jump scares like that was no please take me back oh [ __ ] all right no seriously stop take me take me back take me back to Heaven that was Heaven seriously take me out of here [ __ ] this get me out get me out get me out get me out he was running I saw I heard it I don't know if you heard it what the hell is happening here the red light right here or something three red lights okay maybe there's a maybe there's a pattern to turn on the other elevator to get out of here yep that's exactly what it is I'm gonna rest up a sec here because I don't know what's gonna happen once I touch this red light we might have to make a run for it okay hello okay good I'm like getting paranoid with these elevators I feel like a hamster is gonna creep in any second now okay hey we've got the Gnomes I don't know what the meaning of the gnomes are but we're all over the place in today's video I guess definitely all over the place [Music] so we've got multiple multiple houses um wondering if one of them has I mean we ought to just look for the next elevator here [Music] still has a bed inside or something should I be following these sounds or what I'm so lost there's no elevator here either I'm gonna go to the tip of the mountain Hill here okay that's a happy face that's oh God seriously all right I don't know what you want me to do here I've lost it's kill me already look you get I give you permission to add me just enemy already this is so odd beautiful water though I'm jealous what am I supposed to do I've gone to like almost every spot there's nothing else for me should I just go back on the elevator and get out of here whoa dude okay that's cool bro I'm out like [ __ ] out of here yeah I'm out is it here [Music] it's not here this is where we came from what the hell is this unlike my flashlight it's got nothing like no juice the last thing I want to do is die to a gnome okay okay there's the elevator there's a light over there I guess we just had to wait I was just a bit impatient I was walking all over the place we found the light the Moon is nice tonight yep I need one of the houses was gonna be it there we go perfect [Music] Italian man what are these elevators foreign can we just end this already how long is this I don't want to be back in the back rooms I want to go back to the pool spot you know just kind of relax there a little bit is this well that's daunting okay everything's okay I mean technically we're gonna be here forever I don't see how we're gonna escape this place now we've got little kid toys yeah that's let's throw the kid toys at me why don't you all right see how do we get out of here don't you [ __ ] dare bro stop oh God oh my God lost yes I'm lost oh God stop stop this is the worst I saw a hole in the wall up there so I'm going up the slide yo this is so complex like so many areas so many zones I do feel like we're almost done we have to be a little doll [ __ ] out of here little twerp little guy you're not gonna do anything to me I'm a human I'm indestructible not really I'm scared now we've got a mouse a bird hey can I stop crouching like what's what's the deal here why oh God throttle like this I don't I cannot do with these confined spaces I just if something comes out of these Corners I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] what why do I play this crap okay green the color green that's good color green is good all right you can you can stand up now good still be careful what is this like this is insane oh my God oh what happens if I fall there not not willing to find out thank you very much a little tricycle nothing spells horror like a tricycle that make any sense now we're just playing walking simulator my camera's still rolling which is a surprise yeah this is super troopy here we're just gonna keep going oh boy [Music] okay it's a house over there flashlight is barely working okay my goodness what is going on what is this I would love to just see like an overview of the back rooms like in a game like this has got to be clearly some sort of massive building you know just like kind of see everything around it in its surroundings just because it's so crazy inside that it's like you kind of Wonder me personally like what is it what does it all look like outside you know what does the exterior look like [Music] kill me now just do it stop [Music] just do it just do it just do it laughs I can't walk and we've fallen again wow Vinnie Cortez tape recorded in 1985. found in 2035 Josh was not found yet yeah you never get found you just stay there dude that was pretty freaking good I mean I felt like the end dragged a little bit too much but I I mean I can't make anything better than that myself so why who am I to complain that was that was pretty good and out of all the back rooms excuse me out of all the back rooms uh video games that we've played here we haven't played much but uh my face cam just shut off on me that's awesome but out of all the backroom games that I've played this was by far dare I say the best I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did drop it a like I can't believe my face cam just froze and it corrupted the end I hope you enjoyed thanks for watching
Channel: Hollow
Views: 292,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backrooms lost tape, the backrooms lost tape game, the backrooms lost tape gameplay, the backrooms lost tape full game, the backrooms lost tape walkthrough, the backrooms lost tape ending, backrooms lost tape, backrooms lost tape game, backrooms lost tape gameplay, backrooms lost tape walkthrough, backrooms lost tape ending, backrooms, lost tape, scary games, horror games, horror games 2023, scary games 2023, scariest games
Id: 1PaWWBI2X08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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