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sonic I'm a little bit worried about you buddy because there's a brand new Sonic game that came out a few days ago called sonic forces and on Steam it's not looking too great considering and not that long ago they released sonic mania which up there with cop ped and Super Mario to see some of the best games of the year so when I saw sonic forces because it was announced at the same time I was super excited mainly because you can create your very own hedgehog that's right we're gonna become a hedgehog today also it looks like I bought the DLC by accident woops so I guess let's do this choose a difficulty level hard of course well okay what's going on here Eggman I recognize those ankles anywhere oh wow look at that is that like actual Sonic that he's created wait that might be me where I cream my own Hedgehog right no no that looks evil okay it's sending us straight into green hill okay we're going straight in listen wait wait wait wait at least the music's on point yes great I'm on my way buddy I'm governor as quick as I can but it's not letting me go left or right so I'm just just kind of holding up and seeing what happens let's go oh geez okay Sonic really you're telling me how to jump now okay this is very much like generations which I didn't actually complete but kind of seems like it the graphics and stuff seem very similar and he was actually made by the same sonic team that oh my goodness is that a worm why is there a giant worm here yeah anyway it's made by the same sonic team who made Sonic Colors which is a little bit unfortunate and also Sonic Generations which ain't so bad there certainly is Sonic good observation this is so bad I don't know what everyone's complaining about geez this is cool it's got the speed I mean this bit is kind of a little bit questionable cuz you're just kind of holding up but it looks pretty good at least on PC anyway let's go oh geez are we the ends we did it we did it guys when do I get to make my own Sonic yo look at that score my goodness give me that a yeah oh hey guys we could go up to a plus Oh close to the s I mean geez oh wow okay Eggman's going crazy good with a sonic say it to save the day guys don't you worry he's just gonna absolutely destroy you he's back who's that mellow sonic I know chaos the og from Sonic Adventure oh my goodness are they against me though who is this hello that is caught B Sonic's the fastest hedgehog in the world oh no okay Sonic is getting beat up real bad like really really bad how is he how is he surviving oh no that's sir this is bad with Sonic defeated egg man's army quickly to go within months but oh what I played one level in this Sonic's debt what and now a new face prepares to join the struggle is this where it happens I'm confused but it's sort of actually dead it seems a little bit extreme looks like tails is gone too yeah it's me there we go create your own personal avatar the character creator oh okay male or female I mean it doesn't really matter we're gonna go for male because why not we're also gonna go for oh my goodness you can create different animals dog wolf rabbit rabbit bear cat bird or Hedgehog the bird looks pretty cool I like the bird a lot let's be a Birds type 1 type 2 or type 3 I mean let's go type 1 need some eyes whoa well those are terrified look at these I don't have to go like super cute or super terrifying that that really is scary cute I mean why not we can still make him look terrifying with these eyes I'm going for that and then bat color oh is be color I can't even read you could really rate some terrifying things we can make like a complete monochrome guy I think I've been playing bendy too much let's go pink body color oh no oh no one but look you can really create absolutely anything my goodness it looks awful I kind of want to create something that's like super ugly or very very pink that's actually pretty cool I like that voice how do I hear the voice okay victory pose okay that's cool that's kind of cool that's just a little bit over the top isn't it I mean type 2 is cool looks great I mean does he does he really I didn't even get to choose the boots color I've just created like a purple birds so quick summary Sonic might actually be dead and this is the hero that's gonna save us all I mean what could go wrong right except for this brave kid who survived the battle and made it here in one piece newest recruit I know you charm me but I still managed to find a use for your pointy but what you always give me a gun wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on he gave me a gun Oh are we playing Sonic are we playing call of duty I mean what is happening we're on a war with Eggman literally a world war you can now play a shadow okay we just create our own character but we can play a shadow I think that might be the DLC they accidentally bought so it looks like we're gonna take a plane from stage 1 to stage 2 s receive some incredible news Sonic is alive thank goodness come on guys who's up for an old-school style jailbreak - looks like a terrible Angry Bird so apparently Sonic is in prison let's save him rental avatar you can use avatars from around the world by pressing X oh look so someone's made like a budget knuckles nice on they all have abilities I didn't earn they didn't tell me about that the bird performs a double job that's actually pretty good you always reppin the diamonds how did you get that t-shirt strange Eric okay of all of these mine definitely looks the worst let's go yes yes Erie is the budget angry bird is here and apparently he wants to be spider-man Chris hey whoa charming to perform a wire attack so we don't have a homing attack use sonic that Sonic's thing okay that's fine and we can swing as well so we can be we're like a mix between Sonic and spider-man nice I like it we're gonna swing through the whole level that's fine it stays where you can control the avatar press RT to unleash the wishbones special attack once we have a gun okay I can see why people are a little bit uh mixed about this game we've actually got a flamethrower I mean the music's pretty spawn I like the music in sonic games and this stays a little bit true to it I like it it's like crazy kind of English version of Japanese rock which is nice these cutscenes are cool oh my goodness no just blast them with fire I'm gonna hold our tea I mean why wouldn't I I don't have to specially attack the sonic has so I might as well well grinding you can switch to nearby rails okay grinding is cool ah yes I love the grinding in Sonic Adventure that was one of my favorite bits this is mad fresh Hawaii to cause an explosion that shoots you into the air repeated uses will send you flying even higher can I not double jump anyway yeah I can double jump like this because I'm a bird but I can also use this why oh my goodness okay we can just keep on going perfect and I'm guessing those red rings I like the red coins in Mario okay let's swing hopefully and do not fall to our death there we go oh jeez okay we almost did you know what considering this game is a little bit autonomous so far so you literally just keep pressing up and a that's pretty much it the cutscenes are pretty cool I like those okay we made it guys we made it okay fire incoming it's kind of a little bit o P that you can just hold right trigger and it doesn't even run out I'm pretty sure it doesn't run out anyway nope this is nuts like I actually I'm still flabbergasted that you can just use a flamethrower that's insane look at this it's a pretty looking game but my goodness it's it's a it's very different to Sonic mania and by very different I mean completely different geez so I'm not even pressing aid for those bits it just kind of does it itself which is a little bit weird and there we go our little Angry Bird there's his victory pose did we get a we did do we get a Tess I don't know if we're gonna oh oh nah got me a nice bronze medal as well thank you - oh wait a second the Avatar screen has been unlocked you can now use the Sega pack costumes that's the deal see I accidentally bought let's see what we've got we better have some good t-shirts try changing your avatars outfit here we go so we called a wisp on is that our name oh my goodness this just got crazier we can have hats we can have it fit as head we've got the Super Monkey Ball outfit and I think this is from a game called Knights which is in Sonic Adventure 2 what's this from now I don't actually know I think this matches us the best so we're gonna go back we've got middle head gear as well we can choose glasses or bug eyes I'm going glasses we can make ourselves super mysterious with a bandana or a wait that's a that's a doctor's thing I don't want that gloves weak it is human hands maybe I think white is a little bit better now we can change our shoes to toes or bigots submarine boots I'm gonna go for toes just cuz it's slow in and we can also have kneepads there's that diamond top okay we can become a monkey as well I'm going for the diamond top guys this is the hero that our world deserves this is who is gonna replace Sonic and save the world I mean could we ask for a better human Oh responds the gun I'm saving my favorite outfit right here there we go let's go save the world guys oh wait a second are we gonna play as tails well there's chaos as well why is chaos gone so evil all of a sudden I liked him before Sonic is not around buddy oh wait okay maybe he is I put of course there's two Sonic's yes he is [Music] okay so the sonic from the other dimension I am now playing as and not actually playing as my custom character that's a shame Sonic enough to rush your level so I can actually players who I want to I'm sorry take off like a rocket by holding L down and repeatedly pressing aids do a spin - okay here we go BAM classic Sonic the world is literally ending behind us that is good as those great by a meet you are you kidding what is going on is that a giant robot in the backgrounds there's explosions happening all over the place Sonic the world is ending and we need a hero yo this sonic can't homing attack he can barely attack at all go fast go fast go fast go fast go fast look at those things in the background this is crazy dudes I think we're near the end of the level is there gonna be a boss fight no good job Sonic well done buddy I think we might be able to get an S on this one oh oh we did it and there's still score racking in were a million mad mission complete clear Stage three well that's good oh look I got a bag R with a beanie hat that's actually really cool that's much better than the beanie hat we're wearing and I'll even know where that is and cool boots and a body suit I really want to play as my guy again though a couple of months ago in the city geez look at these guys with their guns it's mass and this is like shadow Sonic well not Shadow the Hedgehog you know what I mean he's just shooting oh that's me look amazed your terror you can was a bit terrifying ill shoot him shoot him right now look at my toes he's laughing at my glasses isn't he it is that's pretty deep I don't know why it's always funny that you can see my avatar now he's got glasses and stuff too oh look there it is look the death egg has been rebuilt and we need to go to the prison hole that save Sonic shall we guys hopefully I get to play as my new avatar this time areas look him yes that is actually amazing it's grinding as well my goodness I don't even control that okay I'm still pressing forward I'm grinding I'm grinding a jump yeah oh look all these coins Springs sorry been playing Mario to see too much there's so many my goodness I'm in like mr. ball are you kidding me again the music is just just just cold oh I keep forgetting I can use a flamethrower I keep pressing what I was told you at the beginning with Sonic but Sonic's dead the flame fry destruction I'm just holding down Artie and seeing how much we could destroy it's like they've chosen loads of pop songs to be the soundtrack because gaming soundtracks don't usually have lyrics and stuff do they I don't really know but I'm on a rocket so I don't really care what is going on now I mean these cutscenes are really cool but it means I'm not actually playing at all and now I'm being introduced to a new mechanic I think I'm gonna die ah come on this is easy left and rights avoid the spikes and you're good just get the Rings it's fine yeah I did it yeah I didn't do much pop and pests forward to be honest I didn't get an S I'm a little upset almost got a million school that's insane and you get a medal do I get to do I get to I think I might get to I didn't get to I might get some new clothes though American boy of it and round glasses cool gloves cool shoes and a literally a green bodysuit whoa I need to try these new clothes I want to see what the body suit was oh it literally is called body suit okay we can put it underneath what is that it's like a fully green metallic but you can't see his eyes I'm gonna use that though I quite like that what about the footwear we've got these shoes they're cool all these I'm gonna go with these when you hat as well which is quite cool the football helmet which I can't actually wear with its round glasses I think the square looked better and there is our finished hero so on I forgot the gloves oh let's go crazy there we go so guys that's pretty much gonna wrap up the the video on sonic forces interesting game especially when you compare it to Sonic mania which was only released like a month or two ago it's completely different this is new-age sonic sonic mania is the perfection that is old-school sonic bum I don't think this games actually that long I've been reading reports that it's only like three or four hours long so if you guys want to see me complete this game in a live stream over the weekend then please do your big fat thumbs up and leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video because even though it's very different I'd kind of like to play it to the end anyway so um let me know also if this happens to be the first video you seen by me and you found it somewhat entertaining and you would like to stick around see videos by me every single day then please do consider subscribing to join seamen TDM today apart from that guys thank you so much hanging out with me today and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,961,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, sonic forces, dantdm sonic forces, sonic forces dantdm, sonic dies, minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: j4Y4nutFNOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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