Songs of Syx - (Massive Fantasy City-State Builder) [2023 Update v64]

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so songs of six just got an update um 0.64 I think what it is uh what it has done is added a big Overworld thing and where it says it's leaning into the Forex side of things where we build our Colony our fantasy colony in in micro scale sort of uh and then we can go out into the world and we could trade and peace and all that kind of stuff with the other factions in the world um for those that haven't seen songs of six it's been around for a little while uh It's Quickly becoming one of my favorites um it started out as sort of like a like a dual Fortress style thing just big size rather than having you know 50 dwarves you've got like 5 000 dwarves in your town uh eventually and um well the new updates come out and now it allows us to go out into the world we can go to the world before but now we've got like the the diplomacy has changed and the factions have changed and a lot of the um the dynamicness of the world has changed as well as we got a new race so we can be fish people in this one or I think we're more like lizard people in this one I'm gonna leave everything as a standard difficulty standard settings and the last two times I played this game I played a lot on my channel the last two times I played I uh I kind of wanted to see like a big focus of the game is you know you start with like 10 people but you can go to like 10 000 or whatever in your town you have like these giant cities and I've been trying to like I was trying to like get to that I think I hit a thousand um but I have to like crank up the immigration and just it's it's just like all fast speed trying to keep up with the people coming into town today we're gonna kind of focus a little bit more and we're gonna focus on the amevius which are the lizard folk who are the water people they're all about fish and water not only they not they will only tolerate the living near shorelines apart from Maps they're easy going intolerant good Fighters uh they're good all around Hardy Fighters they dislike other species tolerant different kind of Tolerance also slow readers and they must live next to next to water so we're gonna focus on being these guys and we'll take a little slow and kind of start out with a a smaller colony and then we'll play with some of the new stuff in the game to see what we can do uh I've unlocked one of the things the crafter which give me a little boost to my workshop I'm sure I'll do it sure from a map uh it's gonna be a it's going to be not this map but it's gonna be like one of these and I think we're gonna do um we'll do like Europe how about that [Music] yeah at the end of my last game I got a neighbor mad and he came after me with a 30 000 Army yeah I remember that yeah that's right I thought I was you know thinking myself pretty good you know I had like an army of like a thousand or two or whatever and then 30 000 came stomping in uh so here on the uh on the world map we can see there's different this is all randomly generated it's sort of it's it takes sort of a Europe look and then Ramsey anyways we can we can change it again if he wants and mix some things up or do something else random uh but in the world we're gonna choose a spot these nine squares here of where we're going to begin we want to begin down here where there is lots of coal and lots of gems I like coal and gems uh we we want to start where there's like a river though because we are sea people um so we could go live um now there's some rocks and things around there we could live next to the coast I was thinking River like oh like like like a Venice we could do a Venice thing maybe like right there uh there's no mountains there's Forest there's open land there's a little bit of Sweet Water uh there's not a lot of rocks though and I'd like to have a couple of rocks can we do maybe a little bit of that [Music] can't go there but I can go there there's no ocean there maybe hey Gavin how's it going thanks for the sub Gavin um which is not any really re like any good plops or resources and you can see on these meters how it kind of shows you what you've had a lot of no Gems or clay or whatever uh trading is a big deal here and I think the update has even changed that even more we're trading is a big big deal we want to make sure that we've got um we're bringing stuff in and we're selling other stuff you know um let's see we don't prefer the the cold climates a bit harder to please them up there well I think I think we want to go oh there's because there's some coal over there um they do not prefer the climate temperate what do they want they want it warm can I go like there it's isolated initially you'll be left alone by other factions but there will be a little opportunity for trade I want to be left alone um let's do um you can also you guys like draw your own stuff in let me try um we'll try one more one more look and see if it changes anything here for us it's Temperance we're gonna have to be kind of like we got over here don't like temperate hardly something they like it warm isolated [Music] Temperance we're gonna have to we're gonna have to be down [Music] all right yeah we're gonna I think we're gonna have to be over here we don't have to I suppose um ample mineral deposits will stir envy and greed from Bandits and rival states initial game will be more difficult it's also isolated yeah you know um [Music] there it is what's for steam what's with uh my Bop being so slow thanks thanks Mr Bots and thanks again Gavin um we could try this you know we get a little bit of coal we can do some coal trading uh we do have forests and there's some mountains around there's a river nearby we can do we can most of our living will be next to the river um I think I'm happy with this I think I'm content yeah I think I'm good with this we'll be Greek and as you put those tribes in then the world grows out with cities and other factions and they kind of come in after you select where you want to be um and we'll take a look at the world all right so here I am sliven is the name of my uh my people right there's this little square here and all the other folks out here like there's a big big purple Clan over this way all right so we got a little blue drooping like right in here we can click on them we can see this here's a rovexity and I think we can click on it these are free lines up there you know I might need I need to go in the game before I actually do anything else with this but they own rivexd and whatever else and um we'll uh we'll we'll see what our our map looks like first Europe but Wiggly yeah yeah exactly yeah so you uh yeah I took the Europe one but there's a few difference it like it's for seasonally generated that's the the start of the procedural generation and then it goes from there um all right so here's our map uh we're gonna live all along this Rivery spot down here our time will be down here somewhere there's lots of resources out there in the world we've got plenty of coal we can go do some mining at some points actually there's a lot of stuff we could actually build like a mountain town if you wanted to um but we're up that way I think we're gonna stay yeah we'll stay over here somewhere lots of stuff right in here I want to pop ourselves down like right over here we can have we have fishermen and farms and all that kind of stuff along the coast here there is some animals down that way let's go and uh park it like I think I think right here is perfect right there all right so in town we have old kiss and rile and zillus and Coates uh these guys are all uh lizard people and um we're gonna try to just focus on just having those people we may eventually bring other folks in but for now just lizard folk and we're gonna see what we can get started with on time we'll look at the world map here in just a second I'll show you what I was gonna show you a minute ago so first off we're gonna roll it up let's do something like let's make it you know I'm gonna make something pretty this time we'll do some roads over there uh we'll go ahead and tell them to get some trees chopped I'll chop some of them trees over there any rocks nearby yeah a bunch of rocks nearby so we'll pick up some rocks as well and there's a few rocks around anyway what are these oh maybe I might be snow yeah it's snow okay so let's go look at the world and I'll show you what I'm talking about so we're here in sliven sliven um and yeah yeah there is Princess Bride quotes in in the waiting screen there uh so these as you can see the blue guys are right there they own uh and we can click on it and we got is and how they feel about us we can check that out so there he is uh it is uh ruled by jaliwar the seventh jelly while the seventh defender of onto the Drinker and there's his his uh kids I guess that's who it is um we can go to trade we can trade with them we can do diplomacy we can war with them he's got an army of 500 um and wait and this is all new stuff all this sort of like diplomacy stuff is is new we can talk with all our neighbors and they're all sort of all the places we've got a whole bunch of folks these purple folks are giants um and there's a bunch of free lands sort of here it's like most of Northern Italy is all it's all freelance that we can go and take and Conquer and make our own make multiple towns we can build armies up and go charging out but um not yet because there's only 10 of us yeah we'll conquer those purple people that's what we'll be doing uh we'll get some beginning stuff done here so we got this is our throne room and all of our junk is thrown in here like mushrooms and wood and livestock and rations and clothes uh I I get the comments several times on like YouTube videos of this game that um at first glance it's kind of hard to see what's going on it's a little weird um because it's sort of top-down pixel arts look it's a little off uh at first but it does it does click at some point and it all kind of makes sense but it does take a minute to kind of get used to what you're looking at um I'm gonna throw my well down there so when it gets hot they can dunk yourselves in the well and they'll be happy about that we'll get a hearth out there as well so if it gets cold they can dunk themselves in the fires to keep to keep warm which might be important for these guys because they like warmth each race is a little different and they all like different things they like their buildings built differently and all kinds of stuff um there's the Hearth right there so we'll set this guy up like um yeah like right like right there boyfriend uh how about a little bit more Road because we're making like a courtyard here we go okay get to work we'll give him some some houses in seconds uh it's not par I don't know if the part the seems summer sale no idea um but the demo is just one step one release behind this one it's the full game it's just a release behind it and by the way this is all done by one person um I played the first like another place I played this early on several years ago and I remember reading I think I've said this before in the previous videos but I remember reading like the notes and the devlogs and the plans for this and it seems like a bit it seems like a lot seems like a lot from what what it was at the beginning until what he was planning on doing with it and um well he's he's definitely getting there and and it's really impressive to see where this game has gone over the past few years and well at the rate it's it's uh developed like um I don't think he sleeps I think I think the dev is a vampire and he just stays up all night drinks a little bit of blood develop song six I don't know how long he's been in development I think the First videos I did of it um gotta be four or five years ago it's been a while vampires all right clay man you get that vampire sleep during the day nonsense out of here I'm trying to make a point uh we can make houses we can make Chambers um Chambers need things like furniture and cloth and gems but we're gonna make them just some houses and about a few of these for our people we make Apartments we make long houses making houses these are all kind of pre-made things and as we Supply them with uh with Goods they will um stock they'll stock them with with uh with junk belongings whatever they want to call it so I think we can go like like we can do like that and then bump one up I don't have any people fit in these um oh three is this right there three residents so should we do like a big old apartment complex let's do it we're gonna have a little Gap there behind there but that's okay [Music] share that wall we'll put like grass or something back there so that gives us three six nine twelve we gotta let we got 10 people in town so that's that's enough houses for our initial batch of folks seems like it's single housing um and we can see all the stuff on let's take a look at it actually all right click um oh there's some other things about us uh we'll see so I think we need to keep an eye on here we can we can scroll through and and see what they're missing what they're what they're lacking and all that kind of stuff um think about meals you know they want they want to bathe themselves they would like tables you know they want everything uh apparently they want some Sweet Water proximity of Sweetwater some species are naturally drawn to water the proximately increases output of farms and Orchards okay hopefully that River's Sweet Water whether they want religion or not even like the saw this I think I said this the shape of the buildings but they want Square buildings or Circle buildings I normally uh try to build a town that sort of um peas is all the races which isn't really possible well um we're gonna see if we're gonna go all in on on the lizards and see if we can do something with this I will give them access though they can have they may have stone um and I would give them wood and I'll give them fish so they can just have that stuff and they go stalk their houses with it I'll give them Furniture when we start getting there but as they build the towns here let's build houses here you can see they're getting it getting it done there and top of the trees and clear it out and you can see how you can kind of see like you can't see the doors really you can see the doors right there kind of an opening you'll see in here there's a door there so it again it'll it looks weird it's at first but eventually it'll it'll click [Music] yeah a little one I don't know what they they want Sweet Water Furnitures furniture [Music] um oh Gavin thank you very much Gavin [Music] 220 Kevin thank you very much can you be xenophobic yes uh some of the races are xenophobic I think I think these guys are ancient race um some of them some of them are I mean we can be yeah we don't have to allow anyone in we can set it up right now I am manually setting it allowing if any immigrants want to come in but we can also set it up to be selected and all that and I heard it did I hear a dad joke a dad joke all right um so uh there's this uh this Papa mole and um the mama more and the baby mole and they live out in the country near this farmhouse Papa mole pokes his head out of the hole and says I smell sausage and then Mama mole pops her head out oh I smell pancakes well there wasn't any holes left maybe Mill tries to stick his head outside but because of the other two moles he says the only thing I smell is molasses I'll just let that one sink in for a minute and leave it there um so a couple of important things we got we got the the well and we have the Hearth I'm gonna speed it up a bit so they get something's done we do make sure we want to get we make sure we get a warehouse so we can stalk all this wood because it's all going into our our Thorn room there's not much space for it so we need um a place for to store food and place the store whatever and oh what's your name who who uh rile has been cut off from the tribe and he's sad about it uh let me let me put a door in here um [Music] I forget this uh Place more I want to remove I don't delete jobs I'm going to adjust how do I adjust it troll build to build another one I want to build another one I want to adjust this one I think I do it with um remind me here yeah he's stuck stuck right there I know I know I see him how do I fix it I forget how to change that how to change the wall um that's not it can I come in here and say yeah how do I select the houses though I can I can delete a job it's gonna delete everything though I didn't work um we just remove that wall you think it'll still work and then we'll put down a another house here uh housing I just sneak that in there but we want to make sure that we we can put it there we're gonna make sure we put a door I can't put doors in we're making out of wood oh that's what we need to do uh that um okay that's I I'll get this I'll get this I'll get it figured out um remove that little spot there doesn't matter if it really is a door or not and then we're going to place a house with no walls right there they did something similar when they when building the Great Wall of China you could just walk that way not my fault you oh that oh is he figuring it out come on rile you can do it you can do it buddy or else my favorite you make it oh he's thinking about it there he goes all right good job buddy good job buddy you did it see he's not dumb people like to call uh the uh these lizard folks no no we're smart uh we need to worry about food and there's a big Tech Tree of stuff we can get later on um I probably should go ahead and set up some things to be picked uh let me go and harvest some wild idables we'll grab uh we'll grab some of these fellas and some mushrooms and some of that stuff we won't grab a bunch of it we'll grab just just enough to get us get us around here and then we'll do a little bit of farming but I think we're gonna mostly do a lot of fishing because we're right there by the water we might as well do lots of fishing um if I remember where the fishing is at agriculture aquaculture Fishery I think we're gonna go ahead and just set them up this looks like there's some good fishing going on over here the fishing hole they call this I think we'll just sort of um fill that all in we'll take all the uh the good fishing spots real good stuff over here we'll have a little patch uh like right here and throw in some storage because they gotta toss their fish somewhere when they catch them looks like I need I need some furniture for that so I want to figure that out auxiliaries right right so our efficiency is on 50 until we get more of that so um it's going to like right there storage there and some auxiliaries okay 100 there we go okay build that they'll give us some fish let's do a lot of Farmland I always underestimate how much Farm we need or how much food we need for this one because um it's very important that's right Harley foreign [Music] yeah um like what is that over there I like the Edibles there's a bunch of stone there we're waiting for there's not enough of us here let's see if we can get some more in here we've got one guy who wants to come in come on in buddy we can use you we need you in here to these houses are um they're done they just need to uh start moving some things in we've got that one there they go They're once done uh quarter talk one eye is where is living there right now he's got a little bit of stone in there he's got a little bit of wood in there he's somewhat isolated I guess you guys really like to be isolated small farm with a ring of orchards around it yeah yeah that's that's right I don't know which one that was either but it's very important put your trees around your around your uh your Farms I think I do want to go ahead and put I don't know should we go ahead and do a little bit of a farm what do we like what do we like we are or we don't like mushrooms we don't like herbs we don't like grain we don't like fruits we don't like cotton well we don't grow them very well um all right all right um I think we're gonna do I think fish is gonna be our our thing so let's just do uh some there's some veggies over there we had let's just grab some veggies and we're gonna throw them in like this just to get a little bit of a farm going I know we need a lot more than that but just for now because it's gonna need 13 veggies we can go pick them up over there and plant them over here um would you get a little bit of a farm hopefully uh Velcro got those and we'll clear out some more of these veggies over here over here okay um let me read that again say about our food so those are so yeah fish is preferred by us and eggs are preferred by us we do prefer we do prefer Fruit okay it's easy what easily like so we don't care so much about veggies maybe we could we could change into a fruit place uh we'll do a little veggie one then we'll then we'll update it anyway more Stone okay they can get across here pick up the pace here and I'm gonna I'm gonna turn on I'll let that one guy in I'm gonna let um I'll go overboard but we'll let like up to 25 we'll let in at first I'll keep an eye out we got three homeless people right now so we'll make sure we keep we deal with that it should be fixed here in a second because we had enough for 12 right so yeah and we can't we can't upgrade them um I remember what all how we can do that but we can't upgrade our houses and move them around and all that kind of stuff um a lot of these things can be upgraded there's our uh our well done hey looking pretty nice it's got some sweet water in it I love sweet water okay now um just for the sake of things looking nice I know there's a lot of things we're gonna be doing but we're gonna go ahead and Road um we'll do a one there and there and there and then we'll have a road that goes like over this way we'll go this way I suppose we can go down here and you can't see where football folks are walking yeah we typically the nearby kingdoms we've got we've got one big big fella these folks over here real big fella um I don't actually know who who is running this place this is um Talent ruler who appreciate and encourage other races his name is paratus uh is he the same as me I can't think that's who we are so as long as um yeah yeah we're all good good and there's people that live in his in his place he's mostly yeah he's mostly us mostly amoevius so good the big scary guy to the South is our friend nor a saint is like us I should say he already has a bunch of armies okay picking all those things up I was going to get a warehouse builds that is very important uh uh let's see we want it's under infrastructure and where is it there it is let me set it up like right over here and we'll have like [Music] trying to decide we'll need like a one like a good Granary as well so we might plop in a granary somewhere around here [Music] or maybe just build a warehouse and we'll make it a granary eventually I want a big fella um I don't remember what my people like whether they like it's square or not uh the main species some just prefer different shapes I don't remember what we like though anyone we like [Music] do some keep wooden walls up we're gonna do like a little um we want to go and and shrink a little bit and have Central wall so everything can meet up there and I do want walls built around it and let's set up some doorways so I have like um double doors there double doors out there and double doors out here we'll throw in these crates so this one's gonna hold all of our junk like that and then we can do I guess we got we got a spot right there so we can't fit elseing in there anything else in there um yeah that'll work we could we could like cram a couple more in here but I'm I think I'll go with that holds 16 000 things so we'll do it we'll just have it hold everything right now and then we'll maybe turn that into a granary since it's right here next to the water again our whole town might be next to the water though so I don't matter um I do want to make sure we grab we'll get some more trees should we clear all this stuff out trees brought in we got rocks that he brought in clear those out we'll set up what goes in there in a minute so we have 17 people in here we've brought a few more folks in we don't have housing for all of them we got extra spots oh yeah scenes they're bringing things in so we got a little wood a little bit of you see their houses are are upgrading we're putting we got like a little toilet there whatever it is uh let's get some more housing so I would like uh Chambers were fancy so we'll do houses and those were uh those were those were long houses will hold two residents and a long households three or four four in that one spot I guess we could just do like like a big row of them doesn't quite match um let's do the same thing let's just kind of make it make it match it's like that's and then we have a little Gap there and hopefully no one gets stuck in there this time maybe we let them build it before we put this in here now what are the chances someone gets stuck a second time Slim Slim okay we'll make ourselves a road here and we'll connect these up so they look like it looks right these guys remember we're going we're going pretty this time however if we have a bunch of coal we're gonna make sure we're defending with that it'll double our housing space funds build their own stuff independent of your commands Furniture Etc yeah well so you can like whenever I come in here I can allow them to have whatever whatever I want them to have um access and so they have access to Stone so they'll go they'll just go grab Stone and put in their house um I could tell not have stone and so then they won't take it and they and so I can use it uh but this way they'll go and they'll just stash it in their house and hoard it in their house we can build furniture we need to get a carpenter pretty soon so we can turn all those wood in the furniture because they're gonna want that um Road should be 3y with a Channel of water down the middle oh you know what skull that is a fantastic idea oh man that's such a good idea okay we'll add the water a little later yeah three wide roads for sure it won't all be three wide most some of them be three wide though we're gonna have like a channel going around oh it's gonna be right uh okay it looks like the uh the veggies are getting planted uh they're gonna love veggies they don't know it yet uh I would like to go ahead and get um I'm gonna do another fishery I think we need to I think fish is what we need to go all in on and so we're gonna all in on fish um this looks like a good good fish spot over here so we're gonna go and take that we'll just grab all of it you know my well I'll put like storage in the middle here there's gonna be a big fishy land so we might as well just take all of it uh the internal strife the realm of Paradis has has divided wait a minute but those are the guys that are my buddies because we're just saying hey they're like us oh we're not like that okay we'll do this is Big Fish land we're gonna have a little bit of storage in here we got we gotta get furniture I shouldn't have a little bit of a hole there oh oh max amount auxiliaries we need to get this up just like that 81 96 good enough yeah this is a big one we should probably have it as good as it gets here we go okay build it uh we need Furniture let's go ahead and work on looks like that is almost done I'm gonna take a look at this uh this thing so the purple folks these guys [Music] Where do they what did they bake off because it looks like they'll still look pretty big let's look just as big as they were before [Music] still there he's a great humanist sure he is [Music] out of the tiny Kingdom over here [Music] I've got a giant one over this way as well oh there's some Phillies are huge humans well another tiny guy right there is that a is it a free land free land and those guys are two separate folks huh all right people are trapped no way oh now it's organic organic why do you be dumb okay he'll get out of there eventually winter time they'll probably use that Hearth here if they need to yeah come sit over here and warm up um veggies looking good we'll have fish down here I suppose the looks like the warehouse is done all right Warehouse I want you to hold um I can go and we can just do everything just for now just they have a spot for it but then we and then we'll then we'll specialize it we've got 64 crates in here so we can put whatever we want in here I'm gonna do one crate of each good just make sure we have a spot for everything and then and then we can specialize a little more we don't have any jewelry or anything just yet but we'll get well eventually we'll get there looks like some rations are going in uh some apples are going in we got all that junk coming from the throne room getting tossed in there now um I think I will we got how many left we got well it's only half of the of the place so we'll put in um a few more fish because we're making that we'll put an extra veggie and a couple of of wood [Music] just make sure we got room for Stuff and we'll adjust as needed okay we got 17 people in town we have houses for everyone and the road is looking snowy good good lizards I've got some fishery construction to do here um they can get over here they're working on this this thing first I don't think they do they need a I don't think they hear it maybe they do need to remove water to get to it maybe they did but maybe they do like a little island here or a bridge um I'm gonna put it at let's go here just a little bit of adjusting better move everything ah undo will you remove that water I want to just shorten you a little bit [Music] hmm we'll figure that out in seconds all right screwed up my fish land [Music] and you go over there and um yeah we'll take this little spot over here too okay 88 let's go a little bigger let me go okay hey Fizz how's it going um we got a new race playing lizard folk water people or we always like people we just like water um and we had a lot of overall out of out of the Kingdom new stuff so we had 20 people in in here abilities going trending towards 81 how's everyone looking like what what do you need you want some clothes you'll get in the minutes um your food preparation isn't being met there's no starvation at the moment people have housing they don't have a lot of furniture we can do that real quick furniture is an easy fix um also I forgot about an important one is we want to make sure that we have uh where is he the guy the the guy that shouts of things um civics are we need a bat we'll need a bathroom a speaker we want a speaker and I'm gonna set him down like right there so he's gonna improve the mood of Everybody by shouting at him um and then we need a lavatory people go to the bathroom because they've been holding it for about three years now and that's I don't think that's good for you don't think I can squeeze it back for me in there that would have been a probably a good spot for a bathroom I'll just throw it up here I'm like straight yeah it goes to the door yeah right there it's a big big bathroom s we want a latrine on both sides and then we got a basin all over we'll do a bunch of little trees and we'll wash it wash dang hands [Music] okay and doors foreign those bathrooms shouting will continue until morale improves yes yes and more roads uh let's Road around this fella and then we're down here the road's gonna go like that but build it quite right now we can connect everything up here and reach where we need to go and we've made it to the uh to the island uh we built a bridge which is my favorite thing so it doesn't get any better it's about as good as it gets okay uh what else we want to get um holler we're gonna need to get a what's the repair fella um oh an Eatery that's gonna be probably pretty important people like to eat so that will go let me put just like a small one in everything here is kind of giant it'll grow later on but we'll just have one that kind of like tucks in over here we'll put our doors I have what if we do oh something like that and we have like a little a little uh you know what I mean like a corner corner store kind of thing doorway there excellent um we got Eatery is more of a is like a Granary kind of thing isn't it well I suppose it works if we can fit something in here a little better fit you in there foreign things in here so they uh oh they need clay for that hmm uh let me scrap that room for a minute until we figure out can we get some clay dug up for that janitor is what I was thinking of um we need him to go around and make sure things are clean well he could go in there I suppose until we figure out what we want to do with the Eatery we need a big one anyway or a place to eat I'm sure I'm sure there's plenty of clay around we'll that we'll find gender is important so we'll do the janitor thing here we'll do the dino thing too just because it's cool there we go he needs workstations there and there there some utilities I think they can walk through that eighty percent can be a little better 87 93 sure what's wrong doorway's blocked [Music] there we go I'm gonna hire 10 janitors in here plenty plenty we've only got 22 people in town so no problem tons of wood we got a little bit of fruit around a little bit of veggies and zero fish because this isn't made yet because it needs oh furniture okay uh let's go and get a carpenter made and he can go live over here he can live up here maybe a little too big it is that's probably all right a little bit of storage in here for the they dump the wooden okay storage over there we work benches for the janitors to do the thing it's going for efficiency I think are rugs if I remember right here we go and doors are going to be the corner okay I think it's like isolation so I think they actually like it to not if that's correct if I'm remembering this right which may not be true I think they like um did I just cancel that without actually making it [Music] uh they like they like isolation it means they don't like that many doors at least we go easy on the doors remember correctly don't right click on things remember that really that's a little bit boxy isolation is 100 yeah and they like they like isolations because that's that's what we lizard folk like isolation means noise gets out at less than 100 so peeps nearby are affected okay okay now check all right all right let's build a road connect that up and that'll give us Furniture which we can then make the fishing Hut and we'll be in better shape we're a little low on food let's go ahead and make sure that we grab some food there's a bunch of it out here on harvests not so much in the winter there I'm sure we'll grab the cotton bring it in it's spring now so we should get something over here pretty soon where's the rest of it uh there's mushrooms over there there's more veggies over that way maybe fruit just that spot there yeah ripens in late summer we should get I'm gonna go ahead and set up a uh a farm a um fruit farm and oh you don't want to put it right in here you can fish around it and we'll fruit elsewhere we'll build a bunch of fruit trees we got fruits around so we'll make that and we probably need to get some I think it said they're like meat so we get a meat farm also going [Music] something like that okay look they're already making their own over here okay and then uh for the kind of food where was it we like what is that eggs fish and fruit okay uh I don't remember which animal lays eggs [Music] is it you larva prefer dark caves feeds and fungus sweeps from a stone floor no um you are some oxes uh unks you look up birds are you Birds uh flightless bird Inspire works of art a price for its decorative feathers and it lays eggs rumored to lay eggs of solid gold but it's never been proven oh that's one we won't though do you lay eggs it's a turtle eggs are harvested and collected for purposes um yeah turtles so we want a uh globdian Farm I feel awkward being a lizard man growing uh farming Turtles I don't know maybe it's okay so I think we need a big one of these I think we're gonna go like like jumbo sized like like real jumbo sized on both sized gate can be there just which is right in the middle how about um I don't think it's gonna be possible to be in the middle no it's fine um construct I'm gonna grab those Turtles and toss them in there and breed them and then we're gonna have so many eggs lines right up uh maybe we should move that where it'd be lying up there would you go like this and then we'll head down like that and we'll have a little Branch here that comes off for that fella would've been a good place for a roundabout you know slow this down just a little bit I like that and then I'm not gonna keep this this is going to be a very s very nice looking roundabout but it's going to be around about okay actually you know what there's a button for this I forgot there's a button for this uh it's like you can make so you can make circles but then you have to like oh you know what oh you know what what if we just do this let's try this I don't know that's not it uh that wasn't it [Music] um I remove these These Roads roads okay so that that was that's brush not [Music] move those okay now we can put in ellipse I don't know if it's gonna do us any good though uh maybe because we can remove the ends oh we got it okay so um I place it I want um not not removed okay so we need to be a little bigger than that [Music] um that's not a circle okay okay and then we remove the inside this is very important that road you want more yes happy with this okay well yeah yeah it's kind of there uh we're gonna go back to that one and then turn that one back I'm not turn it back off without going out and back in but we're there what's it's sort of there with a little bumps in it bumps are great it's not the straightest thing because it's a little crooked um we can fix that by doing like um I don't know what the blinkies are for [Music] okay Branch off from that one I'm gonna remove this one a little bit and what we'll do is we'll connect up a different place close enough for government work yeah those are the blinkies I hate the blinkies is that bad thing yeah there we go all right that was worth it I'm sure of it [Music] it's like Fruit Farms getting made fish are still waiting to get fished we're waiting for Carpenter to do his job he's getting built as we speak now let's drop some trees we got 900 wood get some more of that we have no stone let's get some more of that we're gonna have to get some trades set up pretty soon uh which means we're gonna have to go and grab we have to go grab some uh Some Coal probably so we can do some Trading the roadmakers drunk again I know what do we put in there we can put you can make statues and put big statues in there people like that we can put our graveyard in there [Music] um Mass grave can go in there we can put in a um oh you know what we should go in there is is religion um the temples we get the temples we can eventually we gotta start working on getting uh we need to get a lab so we get some knowledge and start getting some tech done [Music] we'll just stash that kind of up here We're not gonna make a giant one we'll make a a not giant one it's gonna be kind of weird looking because it's because it's um um I don't know why um [Music] it's like a little butt we don't want that foreign [Music] okay we'll do like um and then that's uh let's just pick a design let's let's do a um a hollow rectangle yeah there we go um yeah [Music] [Music] like that is that how you have this [Music] sorry I'm fiddling with all this stuff [Music] here we go that's a hall of knowledge if I ever saw one okay be real pain trying to get stuff to fit in Here and Now it's story time okay going smaller than that Okay so okay it's gonna be kind of a strange Hall of knowledge um [Music] um you know what the perfect if it just it just needs that okay let's try this let's remove those um I'm gonna build up this little part right here a little bit more so it's sturdy enough to the center because it wouldn't have to worry about worried about um whatever today would be a day without summer priests are busy trying to understand this they're like the gods are just over here just fiddling with these dang buildings and not doing anything else I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay oh yeah there we go I'm gonna tuck it in there [Music] okay perfect perfect no this is the game music all right no speed along we've got 25 uh folks in here we've got one who wants to join us we're ready to go up we have no one's homeless so we can go to another we can go to 50. we'll allow that one in I don't know how much housing we have our loyalties going up people are happy uh the guys on the salt box over here shouting how much was this uh 912 so this is 24 houses apparently I've got a little more there something Furniture is getting put into that and over here so for the carpenter is doing his job good uh I would like to tell the Jammer to do less than let's do like I think I'm just gonna do one guy working in the janitor shop for now and let's get another housing row can I collect I'll see if I can grab all this stuff a slaver's coming by he wants to sell me some things no thanks no thanks um I believe I can I can click well it just does that doesn't it um we'll do another group of Apartments here I'm gonna do the same things I've got on this side what's the house look like it gives residents 75 more more residents oh oh actually apartment is the best privacy houses hold more people and long horse long horse long houses just a big group of folks in one spot four that'll hold 20. um what we could do is let's just do a house not quite straight um let's set it in here like so this will hold 10 people like that there's 20 people can fit in there hope those grain up um and then we can put our um our road through here and we can add in like um a little bathroom spot or whatever nearby okay do we have too much we have a bunch of wood we got extra boxes I'm gonna add in a bit more box space for our wood and we gotta get that fish made the fish done we got a real fish problem around here we need 70 70 um furniture for that are just getting to work faster um how do I upgrade you great oh unlock we need more tech for that okay uh this is built let's turn that down so I've got these buildings are a little bit bigger than probably they need to be because I don't have enough people in the town really to manage them especially the farms and all that yeah we're finally getting some furniture in here it's gonna be cleared out we'll get the fence is all built up we got a lot of wood needed for that which we got tons of wood um stone is ready to be picked there's actually a good supply of stone down here actually we may be having problems with stone for a while plus we got these Mountain we have tons of stone never mind um for trade goods though the only thing we really have is coal what is that is that or it's just rocks rocks and that is yeah there's ore a little or deposited there's a bunch of coal though a whole bunch of coal more coal yeah a little patch of ore try selling that more coal over there more Stone nothing really up to the top of the map everything's pretty much packed down here is that word on there too [Music] yeah so we can get some ore and try selling that upgrade by clicking and copying it yeah uh so the question but this is this is Dwarf Fortress it's my personal experience [Music] um I mean at the moment I would I would put dual fortresses was one of my favorite games ever um but this one's quickly climbing that ladder um I suppose do you want to go like this I suppose scale is the question do you want to go massive scale which is what this one is or smaller scale Store Fortress well it's decreasing it's important that you tend to your subject's needs uh probably it probably has to do with um with yeah going down pretty far probably because stupid food so let's go pick up some food and I heard a dad joke but this is no time for a dad joke people are starving just a second uh what do we got then over there we got we have the fruit we can pick we got fruit get growing over here we've got what is that it's Clay um let's go get these veggies and these mushrooms over here wherever they are [Music] wherever they went I lost them there's like two oh there's only two and two mushrooms probably we got all the well maybe we get a little bit more of that yeah we're gonna have to do a little bit of uh food production it's very important that this gets done now don't do that just get it done now there might be a priority button in here cannibal build a cannibal candles butcher corpses for me and other resources we're not at that point yet let's not get carried away uh do you know uh did you know that Swedish people can't run marathons did you know this because it would require them to cross the finish line geography jokes I find this game a little more approachable than to our Fortress can't forget the hang of dual Fortress environmental engineering this one um yeah I don't know I don't know it's it's sort of just a um what your uh uh what flavor you want people are oh people are trapped again um whether you want like yeah uh I think smaller scale or big scale is the question he's trapped who else is trapped oh there's a guy there too like we're gonna have to like copy and paste this thing more of these we got nine they're working right now which is all we can have we could we could cram it in there and just and we could do another one um like what if you like flip it so left control build another one and left shift build a copy of it and we have same thing can I rotate it yeah rotate I I want to mirror it can I mirror it um I mean I guess it's okay I don't want it to be like a mirror we could do like that that's not that's not terrible I'm gonna let the door on that side there we go more Carpenters there is no way that was your best joke [Music] are we done do we got we have enough stuff here no bully problem is they're kind of building everything a little bit a little bit of everything it's a bit of an issue um are we holding any um Furniture in here we got we got a box of it which is fine [Music] I'm sure someone's working in there listen people are a little cranky though they have houses though what else do they want um yeah it's just always food food and we love religion yet we don't have any graveyards we should get some of those and crypts and we'll get some knowledge here in a second and we can start getting um some Temple stuff let's go build a we'll get a um where was it oh an embassy huh trans Emissary is gonna be selling foreign missions was that in the game before build a grave uh we'll put the grave like um put it like right here people okay with that being nearby it is a mass grave that seems a little bit less good we'll just do a little one like that at least three by three okay 13 Graves Emissary is new okay cool I think it's gonna be so we've got like um fishery land over here and we got we got fruit land over here it'll be kind of cool yeah build along the like along the edge here there's some really cool towns that folks have made on the um you find on the uh like on the Discord some really neat stuff hmm I'll hold off we can always work on getting some trade set up because we do have some wood um we can trade the wood away and make some things we could also go grab that coal up there and get that as our trade resource I mean 19 furniture for over there um they're working on it it's on the people in town now the question is what we could do it's not a good idea we could go and bring in some folks to um some girl because I don't think we do we don't do farming very well but some of these folks do like the humans the dondorians are very good at farming and so we could bring in a few a few humans and have like a little human population that was all the farming you know there's one that wants to move in here I think the uh I think the the tilapis I believe are are good uh Farmers also so there's one of them that wants to move in humans really when I have one of each though so it's not that big a deal no one wants to live here for some reason I can't imagine why is that Cormac in chat hey Cormac has gone [Music] what's new oh a little star of Asian [Music] we have four odd jobbers um I need 23 more people in this town we are almost officially out of food this will be ready to pick and win late summer spring now okay okay we'll grab whatever we can there as soon as we can how's this Farm looking workload is low that means we can have less people working it [Music] we save it two people working there we might be I'll leave it yeah we need to we need to get the trade going in I'm not sure when this harvests this year we'll get 41 of them 41 of them I always end up building my my Farm's way too small I need to go go all in on fishing and we will eventually as soon as you're done that one's halfway done uh a new level's been unlocked we are how many people got 30 people so we're now a leader and it unlocks the training grounds Archer range and a Gatehouse happiness has inched up as well get 10 instructor rooms there's our big grave there what a lovely sight to have next to the top next to the um the the town hall there throne um lots of folks are working it in there which is good maybe just one I think we just have one janitor one janitor please don't play so that we can have more people doing other jobs yeah more Carpenters [Music] yeah this will work out pretty well too they're getting the fence finally built so just just you know just a few years of starvation it makes you makes you appreciate the years when you do have food you think man it's a bit of a been a bad year but it wasn't as bad as that fifth year we had one more furniture and it'll be done we're gonna go we're gonna go fishing crazy and um we need a lot more fish than that even for the 30 people we have right now probably been a little wiser to go with a smaller pasture here we have plenty of wood though there's the last one I think I pulled in there he goes okay appreciate Thunder folks hunger chewing your boots for a few months and reboil them 100 times for Taste of the water mixture would be better mm-hmm yeah what's with all the whining you know I can't have people dying here it's getting into summer so things will get picked in seconds well maybe we'll feed us a bit um it's gonna be the um the trade [Music] what to do to make that thing who's that hey Master thanks obsession with fishing May sink your Colony water way to go um let's trade uh what's up trade lands it can be right here trade land that was what import ant that was exports and it was Imports and we get some folks coming in here and buying things he just lays around because he's starving to death [Music] 71 done everyone starving to death where people are starving okay you know what I'm gonna allow like there's one of each one that wants to come in sure it might get mad but um we need some healthy blood around here some not starving blood they'll move in they um it's possible they'll be kind of cranky about things another human wants to me they can come in they're good at farming and they can do some of the jobs and they can maybe bring in some some veggies which they just did to keep us fed here and get this thing built up which they uh just did okay insufficient workers yeah we need those notes five people come in fish like you've never fished before okay that one's done uh this one's getting built as well and the bathroom's gonna not quite there yet they're just dramatic you're right you're right about that just dramatic um I won't bring in too many people the uh so the tilapi Territorial and bloodthirsty Guardians of the forests um yeah like there are no strangers to cannibalism though there's the humans um decent Farmers I will bring another human in what are the dogs they're the uh the dwarves and they are sturdy and stubborn don't care much for farming excellent mining the kryptonians excel at farming so bring one more of them in I'm not gonna go crazy with these guys because they're not gonna be very happy about it because I'm not building for them I'm building for the for the lizards okay we got a little bit of we'll suck them in looks like some of our fruit came in as well is that from this guy oh yeah yeah we got some fruit in here it gives us 49 good I might actually do is make like a just a giant farm over here of fruit or something um maybe or maybe we just go in maybe we should go on fishing we got two Fisheries now we'll see what they can do for us what they bring in because we have 13 fishermen over there we got six over here I have 19 of our people [Music] and the Orcs are good at farming okay now it's done we'll get that done that'll give us some meat um so import we want to import food um fruit's probably cheaper than anything else just bring in some fruit just to make sure we've got something just bring it bring it until we can fill up our warehouse which is only 55 I guess I could turn that up a little more oh no it is holding 500 there walk away the house so it looks cool but yeah we put decorations around the houses too we'll get there eventually um exports not done yet yeah we'll import some fruit we have 51 in their warehouses and we can bring in up to 500 of these things so yeah we'll just pack pack it with fruit um it's fine and then this guy will sell I think we're gonna sell his furniture even though I know we've got a lot of it sorry we don't have enough right now we need it but we're gonna be we're gonna be having a lot of it so I think I think that's what we want to do sell the furniture because it's gonna sell for a lot more than what the wood will sell furniture and we also all of it also half of it is that a number or 65 of a warehouse stock will sell [Music] because we got two of those things now they're gonna be cranking that stuff in there's lots of well there's actually not a lot of trees for now we'll sell that and then we'll change over to other things later on probably rocks or something but we will chop a bit more trees here oh okay bathrooms are done excellent we'll need some plumbers in here to go take care of that we'll get there eventually it's crank up speed here okay I don't know anyone died in that whole uh that whole process no one died in all of that and all those shenanigans nobody died I keep an eye on my fish numbers I think they're actually good good graphs here isn't there and we can see what we bring in how much we eat I mean we can keep an eye on that so we'll definitely be doing that it's like we're gaining we're gaining fruits we're on the plus side with fruits at least our rations have gone away [Music] try to keep an eye on those stashed in there and I think what might turn that into a big Granary and then we'll have a warehouse separate separate place for that oh yeah the tree grower guy uh yeah it's probably a good idea around here because we don't have any trees um is that a research thing yeah it's it's a work and then Woodcutter place on trees sustainable sustainably produce good oh yeah cause this guy he's like that's right wood is like a never-ending resource in this game when you have one of these guys I'll just set them over here at the edge of the map actually looks pretty fertile over here utility is what 33. it's not that good 66 actually isn't that bad over there put them I'm a little ways away he can go down here he can go live he can do this [Music] ain't getting any more on there [Music] we go okay so then go chopped trees then we'll have an endless supply of trees basically down there [Music] uh forcing it might matter with I think it matters with how fast the trees grow I would imagine it does I'm pretty sure it does we don't need nine people working this so I'm gonna have I'm gonna have just like two two people can work this Farm we have two animals at the moment we've brought two of them in five now okay let me grab grab them all up and tossed them in there well why more people in there in a minute um well Auto employed actually that way I don't think about it uh looks like the workshop or the lab is done so they're working away at getting me some research excellent we do have 50 oh people want to live here now we got 50 we got 11 more that want to come in I have 10 um homeless people though so we're gonna make sure we get some houses first so let's do some of that before we go any more here I'm gonna start up a new housing spot over here Apartments and we're gonna do what we did before let's try this out of the bathroom here like there [Music] I think what I want to do [Music] is something like um we'll leave like an opening there and so we can put maybe like I don't know something inside there so you can go in around well around that way and then we'll have another building like inside here or we can put more houses in here actually you know we could we could squeeze in more houses right there I think it's cooler to have to have something else in there though hey T Kitty how's it going so that'll be there um and then we do want to get with research I know we want to get um stages are important uh where is it we need if we need a Fish Production for sure fishery method if it cost us 250. um there's rations prepared meals um there's the bakery foreign Asylum [Music] um maybe we'll just just we will stick with the fishery let's look at 250 we'll stick to fishery because it's gonna give us better we'll yank more fish out of the water it's up to 211 so it looks like it's going right away and we got uh 15 people want to join us and we will allow them in a minute this is going to give me what was it six each one so there's 18 plus there's like 20 more there um and like we could do this and then squeeze in uh bathroom in here what else needs to go along with a uh a house Eatery used pots and raw foods to create tasty meals sometimes we'll get a chance to pick what they want and like prove food preference um yeah you know what let's do like a let's try something oh yeah well would be good there I'm gonna try putting in experiment here houses all around and inside we're going to put like a little food court Thing by the well we'll have that we'll have small little areas so it's like its own little thing so we'll make a small little Eatery here [Music] we like how big would that need to be Giants it's gonna be a little more than that [Music] because it's just gonna be just gonna be for these this group of folks [Music] probably be that way no I don't that okay we'll put our doors in there okay you get some clay let's yank that up or was it uh it's Clay something we need to how do we get clay are we mine clay I forget s there it is [Music] patch over there a little storage thank you okay good enough [Music] foreign there what do I need to be looking for with I do I need isolation does everything need isolation should I because I don't want these are 100 isolation that's good right we went well that one's not everything else is that one's not for some reason [Music] so we'll do uh Eatery there um we need to get [Music] uh we'll do like a small well which one as well well um maybe some decorations and things thank you like a small well as they come in like that and then I want and what's with the blinkies um oh lighting uh I want in a small bathroom in there small bathroom in there so the Eatery for sure but small uh whoops I want to get rid of those walls that's and then a basin like just that probably enough door let's 100 excellent Eatery bathroom well and then we'll throw in a um uh the hearth wherever that was and then I'll go right over here right there then we got a little patch here for something else oh the last okay um I don't know why it's why it's different so well Hearth and then we'll figure out something else to go in there maybe just decorations um might be what goes in there beaker or houses we could squeeze some houses in right there and that is its own its own little Community there kind of packs in that spot probably a way to do I need to figure out if I could just copy all of this stuff and and build it is there four there yeah I kind of roaming a little bit Roman oh my God my it got and it put on all my my Roundup I didn't even see that oh dare I so we still have some unhoused folks area and I just go like happy there we go excellence can be a lot of work to get there and we make sure we have a lot of food so we got 264 fish nothing really else uh eggs are starting to come in though we got two eggs Um this can hold how many this can hold missing it's missing some some of these guys but they're they're growing you know they're breeding and all that [Music] because making a little bit livestock as livestock comes in it'll slowly fill up second we're getting like one egg a day but it's hopefully increasing in a seconds meals out there working it hi [Music] there's a lot of them out of wood no [Music] I'm gonna bring in I know I got a lot of uh I'm gonna bring in there's 15 more to come in I'm gonna go ahead and let those 15 in [Music] we can give them my oh we're gonna give access to furniture they can have furniture they can stash in their houses now I'm gonna go there grabbing it we don't have oh we should have some leather coming in uh no we don't we don't have any because we don't have a hunter which I didn't think about having a fun Hunters out there because we do have some herds a bunch of herds up there and it's down there yeah we should get a hunter [Music] [Music] I can't jump over there um oryx over here do you give me leather cotton and meat I just meat okay so those are the guys we want we could build a like a pan over here that might actually be easier um and more sustainable set up a an orc pasture [Music] couldn't be anywhere near as big as this one foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] a little bigger remember that hold on 1.8 daily it's based on the fertility of the soil you know yeah we'll use it trying to avoid doing that because I have a good fishing spot that puts us up to 2.7 that's better um what are cows over there so we can get some leather brought in foreign folks this will I don't know I don't remember what those was um 22 I think it's 22 each one no one living there [Music] there's a house upgrader we need we need basements and second oh basements and second floors we can learn that Tech let me get the uh the fish Tech up done and where's that housing Tech there's schooling paper making [Music] carpentry Bowers mixture of weapons [Music] we're gonna need a um we need a physician for too long hmm I don't know where that one's at there's basements right there we need Civics so we need lighting first and then we can get basements next people require denser housing to get to work and services quickly big out take out basements to increase housing capacity for 500 yeah okay so lighting is lighting's a cool one I think it takes Furniture to make lighting might be a decorative thing [Music] oh it takes takes ah it takes steel that's the thing it takes that I don't have that might be one steal might be something we could we we import we're still importing fruit and that's what we got the 81 from but we got a lot of fish now something I'm happy with with that let's change our import to maybe we do maybe do put metal in there we're not short on anything at the moment those eggs kick in will be in better shape [Music] um yeah let's just bring in some steel some metal just get a little supply of it in here and you can see in the world map if you have those you haven't seen the game um now that we have a trade thing coming in we should see some Traders on the map running around I think well it may have changed now used to be you can see the Traders on the map running around [Music] um you know um since you guys like us let's let's chat with him hey um you buddy you like me sort of you got three armies now because you're really giant if you want to go trade there's a total of 104 to trade toll is based on the distance between you and this faction tools added to the sell price and attracted from the Buy price so I can actually say hey I want to buy certain things from you um what about diplomacy what they do for us I can give you money I can demand regions from you foreign what that does for us we won't like it [Music] oh it's I guess it's a trade deal with them okay um we can also gather support you gotta support in a region so that it will be more inclined to be ruled by you in the future if we have an Envoy we can do that interesting information that was not known it's an emissary to learn more about about them okay what about these little guys over here next to me you guys are pretty small no there's a there's a that's the face of humanist this is a face of a drinker uh he's a lot smaller maybe he'll be more inclined to do some like trade deals so he doesn't seem to like that idea opinion it goes down a little bit about the fashion perception of perception of the value of its components deals that I don't know what this does for us actually be traded with if you bored them or if they board another faction that you have a trade agreement with so it just allows us to trade foreign well I'll give you what I'll I'll sweeten the deal with a little bit a little furniture what was it [Music] I don't want to give you that much furniture it will be accepted all right I don't know I don't know why I'm doing this but I'm gonna see it okay so we can now trade with you okay we can buy um I guess I guess maybe maybe now we'll now we'll have trade wagons coming in hmm also in the world map I think we can do other things out here too maybe if we had if we had a region we could do more to it was our Region's pretty tiny you know trade Partners there's me and now trade partners hooray I'm sure that means great things leader Bob of slyven oh yeah I haven't changed my name change the name of my uh sliven not Sylvan oh yeah we could change our flag around I forgot about that money is not Bob though they call me nook faction name they call us um lizard Stone because we're lizards get it well you know sometimes it changes [Music] looks like that is almost done so clearing that out so we get our those fellas in um I was gonna do a hunter and it might be worth it but behind it um yeah let's go ahead and get a little bit of it done I think we're good on food now though I think oh you know what I want to do I'm gonna get in here there's a preserving one I wanted to get um spoilers there it is so much is wasted every year on Rotten where us to see people learn how to properly store goods and preserve foods for longer let's do that and I think what we're gonna do is go ahead and get this Warehouse I'm gonna build another Warehouse just like this and we'll set so that will be a that's gonna be a Food Warehouse Granary they call them and we're gonna have a like a um a real Warehouse built elsewhere like without Sun um let's put it over here right here okay going to the warehouse right there let's go ahead and get my road foreign all right okay keep it up again um I have a lot of money what do I stash that stuff my treasury is full how do I make a bigger Treasury foreign [Music] build some build some walls posing there's mines for our Coal Mine we can get in seconds [Music] I thought we stash our money in here I don't know where it goes though maybe we just get stashed in the trade house being here I don't see it though oh I missed a couple I missed machinery and swords we can hold a thousand fish we're gonna go to 1200 fish and we're gonna be bringing some meat in a minute so we'll put that up there and eggs will go up as well actually it's gonna be we'll make this all food in a minute once this one gets built and we'll switch that over waiting for this we need a wooden Stone oh we got a wood okay so let's do a wood chop [Music] wood chop and stone chop what are we doing here it doesn't really change much so we have only nine animals let me grab the ones that they got all of them oh there's two more down there that's all we have though so I suppose as they ill slowly populate I really want to get some some tech stuff uh not Tech but uh religion stuff have we have only the the graveyard we can get tombs when you grave when you grave our Barrel first melty is a hundred percent [Music] gonna make a ration maker I can't can I prepared meals comes from a canteen that's what I was looking for before that's where I want to go let's go to canteens maybe it might be what I stick in there a small canteen each of these will have to have a worker or two um and then they'll feed themselves we'll have like a big canteen in the middle though there's a long way over here everyone's working on it [Music] [Music] let's remove some water [Music] I don't know if you better watch this do line line [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] 19 more want to come in we still have three homeless we'll wait until it gets filled in before we let people in we can always cop and paste more of those and get a little bigger Town we're getting there we're getting something [Music] let's build an embassy [Music] I'm just interested to see how this works [Music] thank you it's Fabric and paper which we don't have we can trade for it [Music] remember any stealing yes let's change that to we'll get some paper in we'll need a lot of these a little bit of paper if you're in in fabric fabric is something we can do though because we can bring in those uh these fellas we can either grow it we grow cotton or we can pick it off for these guys and and you can use that [Music] all the work to be done okay come on in [Music] fish is still growing 92 people in town other than the the small starvation incident we're doing okay I'll allow this up to a hundred if uh if any of these um these argonish or the especially the cantors if any cantors want to join me they are welcome to join me we'll say we'll uh we'll allow 25 of those these are the Giants we always allowed Giants in our town I know what John's with a good at besides being Giants Contours are mythical Giants few of them that remain are primarily found in the north they excel at battle difficult to obtain and please yeah that's yeah that's a big question how is it optimized so we can handle this because I don't I don't think I've ever I've never seen it get sluggish at all um you'd think when you start getting like thousands and thousands I've never I've never played up with more than thousand so maybe it does when you get that that big but I think that they had they used to have or they still do we could pull up a map with a giant town and they've downloaded it I think it worked okay we don't have a barber yet high in service for your subjects where they can be groomed and turned almost as pretty as your grace almost cost some tools and some cut Stones we're not doing that yet this guy's not built he's got all the stuff he's just getting constructed and then we'll have a never-ending supply of trees which people pretty much have never it's pretty much never any Supply anyway so I was worried about how less how lack of trees we have but I guess it is still quite a bit if we get to the point of having tons of people though I suppose that it uh would be a problem you know these gaps here I might stick something along the side here also we can actually put another row of houses in there probably the idea to have a speaker in each of these [Music] I need what oh Stone redstone we have a mark though don't we 've been busy with trees at the moment oh I came in quick for 98 already and loyalty is at 89 still what's uh what's what's the deal with it let's let's put the going down uh amber is someone who's oh you don't like you don't like um immigrants coming in you're happy with a more than the majority is us is a lizard folk or whatever they are access uh if I get leather I don't have any yet but you can have a little bit of that I'll work on Cut Stone here in a seconds and we don't have any health care yet any baths yet we don't have any meals yet stages or religions and we can adjust the retirement age educate or indoctrinate uh execution is liked by your citizens here's the law yeah we'll lean on the execution rather than Exile sure I don't have anything anything for for that I don't think [Music] foreign stone cutter I can figure out where this guy's ATS is that one oh carpentry basics there's a refined Carpenter we can upgrade our Carpenter [Music] oh you know what um forget the stone we're gonna go and work on we're gonna get a physician 500. we'll get in a second so we'll get a physician so we can keep our peoples healthy okay no homeless we need a lot more people in town uh okay we'll go up to we'll work our way up to 200. [Music] new mobilities in town uh is this thing done yet I still needs a paper and the yeah you're not making which we can make it on our own we'd like to I'd like to get some trade coming in here no resources to sell oh yeah all furniture is getting used no we ran out of wood for a while now probably but slowed us down there now to get some cold dugouts it's not too far there's ore there temperatures rising to an extreme level today actually have ways to cool down that's what the whales are for We Like It Hot no animals but here they come I think we could hold nine in there pretty sure they'll just go over there and just grab them and fill it in pretty sure I could be wrong though um here let me set up a hunter because we might actually because the the resource they use to fill those is like the hunting thing symbol I'm gonna set this guy up [Music] there we go thank you yeah because you see the thing I was using is that livestock Hunters when it makes that stuff that produces that someone finally came in I'm not building uh you can make all this stuff out of stone I'm making all my out of wood houses because that's what we have around here but you can't do stone if we had more of that which we do have actually quite a bit so we probably could have got away with with all Stone buildings um the uh when we get that we'll get the we'll get that Tech first and then we'll go look at getting into the basements and things and the stone coming okay so they yeah I think they're the ones grabbing grabbing that they're gonna be filling that in now I believe [Music] yeah because that's production there 15 year old Stout a median citizen proudly serving you as a Hunter Health is good he's a hundred something pounds described as being a hopeless romantic he's been ready to City originate from a village in the region of when she resides alone in a humble apartment in the southwest part of the city not a listed in our Armed Forces work days over use employed in Leisure Time that your majesty is so generously offering yeah that's right he walked over and just grabbed a sheep and he's cutting him up he's a bit bored at times fishermen are reporting big catches today make sure we'd store all the fish okay good news bleeding badly what'd you do buddy I was just following you now you're bleeding out don't do that okay well we got our 500 we'll we'll get to work on that [Music] all right two people for there we'll auto-employ that then oh homeless is coming in we got more of those to make okay so let's let's do the copy thing we'll copy the one that's done let's set it up over here thinking maybe maybe this should be the warehouse down here I should be a granary I don't know I don't know people are nearby here but um maybe more food will be going into this one this one is done isn't it okay so we're gonna do this this will be everything um this Warehouse here is oh a copy it copied everything didn't it okay sorry auto employee I'm gonna I'm gonna change this no food on this one and um and put everything else in here I'm starting to think maybe we just leave it as it is and we just double it and so sure there's been some food there I'll accept them so I want some more of that stuff doesn't really matter too much um [Music] mostly you want to make sure there's plenty of room for wood in here clay of course okay and then on this one which we are out of wood again [Music] this one is going to be more food [Music] lots of this stuff [Music] I'll leave a couple of them in just because they're they'll be nearby uh oh they were Sheriff speaking garbos we got dungeons scaffolds stalks there we go that's what we need some scaffolds that could be what goes in the middle here whether that there public execution where is it gonna go what do we do our executing in the center of the roundabout I think so [Music] like right right there Gallows oh it's big [Music] we'll put it we'll put a noob here that's there some chopping blocks [Music] well we'll set up chopping blocks there Gallows can be on this side okay you want some decorations here we go there we go it's like food is trending in the negative Direction so uh let's prepare for that hopefully this will kick in it looks like it is we got we do have a couple cows in there okay good so that's that's looking the right way um oh well it's actually in the plus side now keep an eye on it for the year probably um yeah I think I think we'll keep an eye on it yeah I mean if you're if you're gonna have a public execution it might as well be festive okay this is my wood cutter making all kinds of noise but as well and since we got storage space and we got people in town let's do uh let's do like a big chop and we'll do a big Stone bring in down there I'll haul that stuff up there get tossed into our new Warehouse which can hold three thousand Are You full you are full 3000 wood you're gonna hold 2 000 Stone yeah might as well stock those full are foolish I told his food now so it is going a little bit down um it's about even let's say we have some homeless people though there are some vacancies though which I made it over here for some reason [Music] they're wrong yeah it was a man seconds there's there's my town there we can go all the way in we'll start from this all the way zoomed in there's my throne room all the way in and we'll go out and out and out there it is so I'm just in that little corner is where I'm at I'm going to prepare for this get a little more fish going uh it's a good fishing spot over here so we'll take that and still want to go um we'll keep it all on this side okay we'll put maybe I should put in where should I put my storage and stuff I guess hmm can I have a gap it's okay okay so it wasn't like we'll go like that and then we'll build it as big as it gets isn't it thank you our storage like over here [Music] I'm not connected enough hmm huh well uh we can go over here like that and put our storage down here yeah I heard that Dad joke [Music] um yeah um all right so this is it takes a little bit of um well it takes a little bit I'll leave the Vats so what time is like a train the answer is 158. because it's two to two shoot it too yeah that one I didn't I I when I read that one I didn't get it took me a little bit can you span more than one map uh well yeah we got a world map here so we can come out here I'm here in sliven and we could eventually conquer all the towns we could take all these other towns out uh my capital has um actually I don't know how it works now with because we don't have regions anymore there's not towns usually we had a town that had like thousands people whatever like that it doesn't have that anymore so I'm not actually sure how that works with how many people are in our town and all that um I don't know I might raise armies and things that's a good question [Music] [Music] so it kind of sounds like like choo choo to two yeah it's it's a bad one I didn't say it was a good dad joke I'm just saying it was a joke [Music] foreign [Music] days of food and tons of wood [Music] and no furniture took the labs back up and running I was waiting for this for the furniture for the for there but you are trying to sell that stuff uh we have lost a little bit of money I think it maybe just stashes in here and it just hangs out over this way um I'm just gonna sell wood is the only buyer we have yeah sure I'm gonna sell this stuff I wonder if it would be a good idea actually since that works that way there's not trade anymore like it used to be maybe we should talk to these guys and get a trade deal going he likes us it says we can trade with him so can we like work out a work out a trade deal buddy trade he says this is a terrible idea 7 000 no value the value for them is negative 26 000 so I'd have to give them a whole bunch of stuff to make it worth what they want which I don't have enough of whatever they want so we can't trade with them however uh we might be able to trade with their Nate these guys Neighbors the industry over here and they kind of like us we care about us I'm gonna trip with these guys though Instagram who are you compacted greatly by flattery and offense are you huge oh yeah you guys are massive probably wouldn't be a very good deal to trade with you something just change yeah I think that's a terrible idea all right well there's another little guy here of XD hey you and me are both tiny you want to trade I mean minus 3.5 he will it will be accepted he won't like me any well do it he likes me a little bit less but we got a trade deal with him now can I try with the freelance no no if we were to do that um am I Emissary done yet probably not leaving paper and all that you actually paper and oh we actually got paper in let's change that over to the cut stone no it wouldn't fabric bring some fabric because we have the paper now we just got to get the fabric in and and Custom we get ourselves an emissary and look we got uh we got uh Nakai over here waiting for some heads to roll there's a nice we got a nice butcher uh not butcher we got a nice um is that a scaffold as well no no that's that that's a scaffold it's chopping block and some decorations over here with oh look we got heads heads on pedestals and now we're making it clear what kind of town we are if there's any confusion I really need to make roads to all these things you see the houses are getting all packed out because they're starting they are allowed to grab Furniture and Things the ones if we see that don't have anything in them no no one lives there but they're probably not a Lizardman because we're not allowing them to have anything we probably should that's the price you pay for not being a Lizardman you don't get a chair they get a doormat I'm pretty classy around here uh once we get some leather they'll start getting that as well let's get a bunch of clay came in we have a little yet leather yet no not yet how much a cotton came in did I come from to harvest it somewhere [Music] oh my hunter's probably bringing it in [Music] [Music] suburbs out here we got a nice rack of bones in there in their house how does that one get off oh I see me [Music] [Music] between 25 Fisheries as a result this combined experiences boosting performance by eight percent right I'm gonna look a little bit of a um I think some of our Tech is like is degrading why we can't keep any of it anywhere around [Music] foreign it's Road building time here on the Stream maybe ridiculous now it could have been all been solved pretty easily because I could have had these roads in here I see I think if I copy paste I would copy the roads as well but oh well I have a bit of stone now I could put in like some Stone spots inside here instead of just being all plain [Music] you have 200 yet we got 176 of the lizards nine days of food that's gone up one fishery might be keeping us keeping us up did I ever get any I do a fabric cool okay is it done oh look at that this one I probably missed a few I don't think so I think we got them all um I think I probably should go and do like that I think we can build on roads [Music] [Music] okay okay there's that let's see if we can Let's do let's do a test can we build on roads let's say we want to put in I don't know well uh yeah we can okay good so we can actually spot here to put something else we can maybe put another building in right there I'm not entirely sure what's like a small Shrine or something I think would be best over there once we get that tick which it's going I think [Music] what's the I know it degrades and I gotta figure out how to make that not happen I might be we might need to go to the university or something I could put more effort into more effort into the fishery thing which might be a good idea and then look and see where there's the schooling uh children learn much better much greater rate there's paper making uh Library that's okay so we need to get to the library so we gotta get improved laboratory it's expensive I'm gonna get oh that was 8 000. I gotta be a cheaper one than that they're getting the knowledge and then it's sort of it's degrading away Jesus guy over to cut stone like Habsburg Habsburg housing foreign 's good um [Music] okay clay guys working yep let's go down here [Music] this is the original housing is down this way okay what was the tech for that one the prepared meals need 900. we'll have to get that one going prepared meals nice food it's going down about about standard uh but it's only fish we got a little bit of meat coming in um I think that once this kicks in I keep saying this I think we'll start getting we don't have 10 names we have 49 of them so that'll that'll give us more eggs I'm just not making it it's not making us any eggs right now you're bringing a little bit of leather in a little bit of of uh livestock and my people here access has gone down a bit because maybe maybe a variety of food um housing oh I do have people they don't have houses they're getting the food that they want how long the food in your talk about his kitchens and he stalls will last we don't have any clothing for them there's was that was that the uh was that the bad year nobody nobody nobody say listen wrongful death there though foreign [Music] crime's going up a little bit [Music] [Music] a little bit of curfew in effect we had a we had a vandalism what in my town I believe we need more houses I if I throw in like a like a a big commune kind of thing they won't like that a big old longhouse would serve the purpose though just for some quick housing [Music] foreign [Music] actually it does actually say it's okay hmm I like that guess what this will be is we have housing for everyone it doesn't seem to be oh it's all degraded where's my oh y'all have one of these guys don't I whoops my uh yeah that's kind of falling apart we still need those I've got a mark to get some of them smooth cut stone in there I got some cash coming in we're selling all this furniture I think we should lower it oh it's on oh that's wood right that's fine uh I'll lower that a little bit though it's all moving so we got a bunch of clay hanging around now [Music] so these hold four or something each [Music] okay 10 days of food still holding about steady [Music] this fish Fisherman's working good [Music] if I expand this guy and bump him a little bit further down down the way um it might be a good idea to get some more fruits can I um can I expand you [Music] let's wait until it harvests which is I think right about now somebody Harvest that I'm gonna I'm gonna make that bigger and we might just do yeah maybe we'll just do another one let's just do another field set one up like over here somewhere or maybe right in here just like a giant field of of fruit doesn't make a pretty good spot over there oh extra fertile over here though is all water that's a pretty good spot in it I'll keep it over here [Music] I forgot we're supposed to be putting in uh waterways in between our between our roads just because it's the extra cool okay I'm gonna put trees in between the other one did I thank you [Music] foreign it's making fruit Harvard version 80 harvesting 80. I didn't put trees in that one maybe it'll help this is a fruit farm this is a fruit Orchard maybe that's maybe oh because this is an orchard this is just a red Old Farm is there different ones is that two different thing I did I did a fruit farm versus a fruit Orchard ah okay interesting who likes to grow those might be a bad idea to bring a couple more folks in because a couple more farmers in because like the humans and the Orcs really like to do that and we've got a few folks that want to come in two more sure we'll bring the two in and we'll bring the one of these guys in and assuming they'll work to farm let's go get a death uh somebody we got mold oh got mauled by by a cow which is dead well good we got a spot we finally have someone can go in here there he is right there [Music] it seems just like Dwarf Fortress time flies whenever I play this crime is a little bit on the Rise um we should do something about that uh we need guard posts I think around oh that cost me armor [Music] I need to get a guard post at some point and we post them around [Music] foreign [Music] ground here [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a little bit of army just in case we get attacked Pleasant I'm gonna change your armor but I want to get that cut stone done first however it's not coming in um oh it's done look at that all right let's go I'll do that yeah good idea armor we'll grab some of that so that we can do the right one yeah export wood pick up some armor get some guard post placed around there we have it we haven't Embassy now three people are working here okay let's see what you can do so let's let's go to these guys over here we kind of like these guys well we don't care for these guys so can I click on that use it necessary to bring the support to 10 how do we do that gather support ALS I think I have three of them so we'll we'll put two of them over there and we'll put one in with the purple folks okay let's see what happens with that my research is negative 27. now we're not building this thing up any gradation no it's terrible how do we fix this place [Music] 94 percent this place is trashed isn't that what Jans are supposed to do missing some furniture maybe that's a problem we're giving my people Furniture when we make it so maybe they're taking too much of it we have two of Sanitation it's a good thing two people are infected the bleeding fever of the plague and the white Shimmer are here I'd rather not have those laughs what is that support up to [Music] low support increases chances of rebellion when regions controlled support will increase with time it is inching up let's see what happens I'm sure dude let's do this except for like delete it and start over again I think the janitors are supposed to fix this unless it's something else I forgot to do Builders perform jobs away job drivers do in their this is just for Builders [Music] it's golden we're hanging out I didn't forget we're supposed to be putting a channel in here I never got my channel done my my channel of of water through the city it was gonna be so cool Canal that's what you call it I never got it [Music] oops German might be award we'll get there this is gonna cause a lot of problems we're gonna have like bridges over the whole time all over the place it's gonna cause a lot of traffic problems it'd be so cool if we got us to go in here like um let's do a little experiments let's let's crank up some more generic we got all 10 janitors are employed they're missing resources though I think maybe because they're missing the the furniture they can't fix hopefully they'll get there and work on that um what if we were to do something like canal and real time consuming but we could do something like oh we do two and then two spaces and then two foreign here we go exactly what I was going for massive fan of songs six your player may have seen a couple so I assumes on the streams at work uh so oh oh yeah some of the cities are crazy cool uh on on I have looked at them before and then neat stuff crazy how good how detailed some of the Cities get [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay I do it for the whole city the road of sacred puddles fourteen thousand people it's a lot of people lilies good everyone seems to be happy -ish uh how's the uh how's the this thing going oh we know we knew a few things we know some religion of them we know what what they have oh look at that um let me know what they have now what do we need to get to 25 to get that I'm gonna take this guy out of here let me put them in here let's focus everyone on on these guys first and we'll see what happens you guys should make some more of these oh you know what we could do you know what we could do I just thought of this we could go and copy an area copy and we just paste it's gonna work it's not gonna work um would work like maybe on its own maybe maybe if we were to go like would it work if I do that [Music] we'll do the channels in there no all right bummer okay I'm gonna copy more though this whole thing I'm really scales scale so nicely I use them off here because it's that's off isn't it what's off about that [Music] okay because I think I got one more I got one more space too much over there how to do that foreign quite line up like I want it to okay well that's a decent amount of them that's plenty [Music] can be a little bit off sorry I think we need more janitors um emotional Furniture might just be Furniture it's a problem tree chopping time trees chopped um I'm gonna make another one of these we'll set him he can be over here somewhere uh no links unless your uh sub links don't work sorry bam out [Music] I like food's under control I think um yeah food's starting to happen there's an 89 Fish per day we're making still no eggs we actually are producing some though just not not made five so far this year I mean nine last year I got we made we've grown one extra animal in there um I wonder I'm trying to bring the armor in did we bring any yet no let me switch over real quick just try to see if we can bring in um lifestyle that might work we're gonna have to go and take some things away so we have access to Furniture I'm going to lower the furniture so they won't use so much Furniture so they can we can have it elsewhere exporting um explore a little bit of play we have pretty much uh that is our only clay maybe we shouldn't be throwing that away because you need it for pottery back to trees hey gun Ari I got 21 soldiers five recruits look at that and fight was our rate chance rage chance was what uh uh eight percent it's going up here so we know we know that one we know that they've got a Garrison of 500 maybe five I'm not sure what those numbers mean how many people are living here there's a support towards your majesty those poor increases I'm curious like what what is that what's that gonna do for us he's an army of 500 soldiers he has the one region he likes us jolly and fun but s but State matters suffers as a result he's lazy a little war with him foreign might you borrow the little puddles along the road as well as your in your next playthrough curious you don't you don't have to just on my behalf but I would understand if you wanted to oh the lab's been fixed hooray good you guys working any working at all we need more work more work um I wonder if we could I could maybe rearrange this and have like a little bit less um because we have all this storage here we don't need all this storage in here foreign it's getting light I need to call it a day the black house is there we've got 200 we got 215 in town I took it slow I I wasn't trying to crank it out at all we were just focusing on one One race all the fish and water and happiness is 80 of the moments we should be able to retire uh we want better access to Arenas it says it's about to be or odd more clothes access to arena is also a bit bored at times I'm not sure where I get arenas from oh yeah it's arena right there prisoners fight for Glory and Redemption at their Southerners Amusements sounds like a nice place uh a stage is always nice to make people happy also rest home you probably need to get some of those that's probably a big idea maybe we we talked rest home I think we'll just do one rest home stash it over here this is for the old folks [Music] [Music] okay many tables and dance floors [Music] tuck these in the corners dance floors I think um those take no just furniture [Music] I was expect Pottery we don't hate pottery carpets are what takes um fabric but I've got fabric foreign how cozy is it it's about 14 cozy [Music] yeah I'm wondering if that's what we're able to do um we can come over here and talk to him and say hey how about you give me your kingdom like let's say if we can't demand anything from him [Music] you won't like that what if I can't demand a region because he only has one but like if we were to come over here to these guys and we can demand if we can demand regions we can't demand okay so because he's only got one okay well all we know was a bunch of big guys they're not going to give them their their region we can try we're gonna do with it we got people over here we're gonna do with them what we do with this guy he has no enemies military Aiden and yeah well I do know some things about you now let's try it over here all right well yeah we'll try that we'll try full influence what happens we're almost there [Music] I guess I can put people in the in the um neutral land too check that in a second okay that needs a bit more cloth which we have what's that oh opiates a good thing to have around so we have this arm we have working on the Army we don't have anything to equip our army with and bomb you thing I got no money because my my wood I guess isn't selling there are no resources to sell it says oh because my um oh yeah let me bump that up a bit people haul some wood over there and I'm gonna do a big big chop another big chop okay 12 days of food still going up lemon purple people are uh purple people are trade Partners they've agreed to a truce oh they cleared a war on each other well they think it's changed the map it all looks the same but I don't remember exactly where everything was I think everything over here is the same yeah one person made this game crazy isn't it hey Tech's finally going back up good money's going up citizens are going up I don't remember remember what I was what I was gonna get now um I know I need to get the library that's gonna be a little ways off I need I think stage is probably the important one we can throw those around we may split those up sit them in in the um in the courtyards because those help keep people happy I want to Z's going we might need a another toilet might be our problem we have toilets all over the place but maybe they're not well I don't know every place has toilets except for over here they all have them so I think I think that should be okay where's this where's this sicko I mean it's only one person one of those days at one will be fine there's no prisoners anymore one's housed nobility doctors doesn't get you right yep yep okay full support right looks like 100 can I have you stuff now can I uh what if I were to demands like you know any weapons to you I want some armor [Music] give me like a hundred of those and a hundred of those you will really hate that [Music] give me a Hundred Swords also okay how about that [Music] will not be accepted [Music] hmm yeah all right um let's go back and put it on these guys [Music] let's see if we can steal one of their spots is it just the one oh it is just the one region just can't do it to a capital um I think I'd rather have this might be easier to get let's try getting this one if we can do that it's not like super close to mind but it's smaller so maybe we can take it faster [Music] doctor was what was that one else there how much for that 500 [Music] yeah it used to be uh the housing we had we had to draw a mod just like every other building we had to draw them all out and place the butt beds and stuff I do like the system this system a lot better um I really I really like the system it's kind of empty and then as you give them things they will sort of start filling it up rather than having to place the beds in the in the what was it in the uh um cupboards or whatever carpets I like this a lot better [Music] um I will take I'll take you guys and you I'll take a few more of you like you guys aren't real happy to be here well the humans are though humans look like being here and the humans in the in the elves take that back throw me away so man no they were they were happy well the pig say that was uh when it was left in the sun too long he said I'm baking out here [Music] a good joke they're all good jokes what do you mean [Music] involves pigs it's a golden joke [Music] [Music] during his ocean and open lands um like let's say I wanted to like [Music] I guess I could say any region uh what's the name of that one I just can't say it yeah because of the cat but I can't take the capital this is rude's Dad uh I want rude's dead what do you say that he says that's a bad idea uh it's worth 56 000. [Music] huh I'm sure we'll be able to do it might just go and fight him take it [Music] this is a pig joke that Chris Pratt told I don't know that one you guys like us a lot it's a little degrading now um I think Garrison of like 500 folks I could probably take him once we get some armor we don't have any armor we don't need weapons looks like it carried away it's the old people's home though you know nobody's retired and I can adjust that to where it'll allow them to um retire and I'd forget how to do that somewhere in here [Music] Services no no um got meals now um there's religion retirement age is that one percent we'll put it at four percent now I'm not I don't remember half of its life expectancy that would retire to create a zero percent why every subjects worth their whole lives 100 will retire once half their lifespan has been reached so at four percent they're they're at at 96 of their lifespan then they retire okay um we'll put a date we should that'll that'll make them happy yeah it's trending up they'll make they'll make them can't make them super happy loyalty 92 percent happiness 81. okay those things don't have access to is clothing uh which I guess I can buy the cloth fabric I can make the fabric I think I can do that right now that might be a service I can already do no I can't well maybe I can I'm actually not sure where that where that one's at [Music] here Carpenter Jeweler Mason oh it's a scroll bar there it is scroll bar um let's go over here where the other work sort of is over here all right there you go maybe cover after it's a little better but it's great auxiliary I forgot about those there we go okay that's gonna make us close that should make us clothing I think oh it probably takes a cotton probably makes probably makes fabric it might do both I'm not sure what it is we have trees over here is that happening are you doing your job buddy we're actually we're just 25 well that's something not a lawn but it's something [Music] which I cranked in some more people that went oh you know what I was we traded for that yeah that made that a big difference [Music] so we're producing like a couple eggs a day now yeah [Music] okay now maybe we'll get extra an extra food source we've got a thousand fish now though okay let me explain some linen Weaver makes London from raw cotton where do we get the Weaver from refining uh yep artillery I don't want some of that yeah I don't know where it's at where's the Weaver I do have I do have a weaver when I say wait I don't have a weaver unless with a crude did I do I have it there we go now I do [Music] thank you [Music] not very good efficiency with that is it look a little bigger it's not greatest but foreign [Music] day without Sun it's supposed to be like 105 degrees here tomorrow I can I could go for a day without Sun I'm gonna death a uh someone was mauled by a by another cow it's a danger zone it will not be fetched cow's just gonna eat them [Music] four sick people now get the doctor in here that position is important but once these get done we'll get some clothes in here and people will like that just needs Stone oh imagine that in and probably bring a little more wood in because we're selling it all foreign yeah probably is especially my people because they're like warmth they probably really want clothes halfway there um we'll see if it changes anything it's still 57 000. it will not be accepted I get that and I can give you some wood anything worth giving give you a whole bunch of fish yeah huh maybe we could just do some killing but there's no way we take out These Guys these guys will crack it we can handle what size Army we don't know how big your arm your Garrison is there Garrison we know we can see what they've got we can't actually talk to these guys we can just see what they've got try to get them to take our stuff all right with the Weavers the Weaver is weaving he's taking the cotton and making some clothing or fabric the car we're getting in is just coming from the hunter from these fellas we could probably have a farm that wouldn't be a bad idea to whip up a uh a farm of the ox is whatever they called them and we're about 20 240 people is it 250 you call it a day to 43 everyone's happy to be here 46. 247. I'm bringing some bugs got some tours 283 there we go and you know um I suppose we could do is if if we're content with everything being where it is we could just copy the whole thing and paste we're gonna really do the Farms but like all that everything else just building we could we could go nutso with like exponentially increasing the size of everything we definitely need to get cold though uh and we can get cold we'll have a little bit of ore make some iron um I know pottery's pretty important we haven't got anywhere that yet with the clay to make some some pottery things [Music] I need to call it a day tired so thanks for hanging out it's a song six this is update 64 version 64. um if you don't have the game you can play the previous version free that's what the demo is on the steam page oh maybe one one guy and really impressive how how old this is coming along I was developing real impressive all right let's uh let's wrap it up like Mr closed me I think it's done as we speak yeah there we go so he oh he takes I can change that oh can I change the recipe so he can take fabric uh oh you find clothing to do that's what you're saying so I can take leather to make those which I don't have a lot of leather so we need to find tailoring in order to turn the the cloth into the clothing but we'll get there soon enough anyway we'll call today let me come back to this but um if I don't this well this is a good stopping point uh if we come back again maybe I have to go do some War ends tekkoon because I believe that time belongs to me it doesn't but I'm pretty sure it should [Music] foreign yeah lizard Stone all right thanks for hanging out we appreciate it uh looks like an ad starting uh right about now so uh I'm gonna quickly say thanks for watching and send you off to someone else um I'll should be here tomorrow and we'll play something else or maybe more of this I'm not sure which um thanks for hanging out see you all next time as we go for um we'll go to an FG right I think I read FG just the other day we'll write FG again thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all tomorrow have a good one
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 14,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Songs of syx, gameplay, songs of syx game, nookrium, indie game, simulation, city builder, colony sim, builder, fantasy, Gamatron
Id: 25snSECFhqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 49sec (12229 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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