Songs of Syx - (Dwarf Fortress-like Fantasy City Builder)

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okay anyway songs of six um i've played it i actually supported this one on kickstarter just just to throw that out there i didn't do it a lot but it was on kickstarter a long time ago uh it hit steam here li end of last year and uh it's just very very ambitious it starts out like with like 10 um 10 uh units it used to be dwarves and now we have like uh we have humans in there there's like some sort of like insect orc race that's in there now as well uh and then you grow and you grow and you grow and you grow a lot um and by a lot i mean like um we end up with with i think i think it gets up to like tens of thousands maybe like 80 000 i think something like that um units you can possibly have and um it's kind of mad i remember when when i first played the demo with this which there is a demo available by by the way you can go to the team steam page and play the demo which i think is just like the previous version of the game full demo full game just the previous version um and um i remember thinking like if this guy is solo dev making this thing if this guy does what he says he's gonna do it's gonna be an incredible game um i i was suspicious about how uh how dedicated they were into actually doing it but they seem to be doing it so um hey thanks marmello hydration is essential yeah yeah more tea more tea for for marmala more tea for me um so anyway game of tron here uh has worked on this thing for the past couple years three years something like that and uh it's coming around so we got a new update that just came out today yesterday a few days ago which is the conquest update and um basically it turns us from dwarf fortress build a fortress you know with um lumber mills and and farms and all that kind of stuff and it adds in a massive world map world map with other ai out there with 20 000 units you have to go fight you have to send your units out almost total war style that is the uh that is the thing so that's the new thing anyway so anyways let's check it out and see if we can survive to that point no promises but we'll see if we if we can get there uh so let's begin uh there's a tutorial things have changed a lot just in the ui so i'll try to i'll try to make sure i can keep up with this i'll try uh we're staying on a small map we want to go small or big is our only choice or huge there's no medium i'll stick with small just because it's ridiculous even on small and almost fine so the race i'm not sure what the kretonian are we're gonna have a little bit of all the folks joining us we can don dorian those are like the dwarves we've got the garthini which are like insect orcs and we have humans we know what humans are um i'm up for some insect or corks forks sure who wants some raids yeah we'd like some raids raids are great and raids are a big part of this thing so i think we should have let's do some raids let's not get carried away good night wesley i'll certainly kill you in the morning surely surely kill you in the morning is that what it is uh anyway all right so welcome to the world map first we have to choose where we would begin so we're choosing our home as well as the ai as well as some little settlements and you can see there are some little settlements that are already out here uh but we're gonna place where our capital is going to be known as capital because we will eventually go and grab additional places out there we want to make sure we have a nice nice fertile spot with uh with rivers and trees and and mountains and that's kind of a cool looking one check that out um i love digging uh filverberg over there uh hootsort hootsert howzert housert i like it um the weather forest i mean i don't know where to begin uh this has got a nice little mountain range in here we got a river we've got actually sino looks okay there's not a lot of trees we could go to par there's no mountains there in perivaine [Music] i'm trying to find one that has a nice river i want rivers mountains and trees we got jaskin over here who does have rivers mountains and trees or up we could build like in this little region right here like freaking this little valley here what do you think the valley of upbeck right there that seems reasonable or like right uh there maybe we got a river to the south we've got trees all around we got a mountain to the north i like it right there that's where we're going plenty of princess bride quotes uh in the uh in the game which is a winner for me all right so um let's find a spot to call home so this is that was the world map and now we're at the region map which is ridiculously big so you know zoom in this way it's kind of hard to see things at first because it's got a little bit of weird look to it we're looking top down on everything we'll zoom out there's some sheep over here whatever they're called you can see the trees from above we go further out further out further out further out so this is our massive region here we've got uh mountains up here there's like some ore in there i guess we've got a river down this way the red stuff is like gems or something we got some more gems and and trees all around um i think maybe um hey ceto thanks i think maybe we go like this little area like right in here this little this little open spot we can become near the mountains we got a river nearby for fertility for our forests not for our people something like right over here i think seems like a nice little spot look there's sheep around they seem to like the place where those things are those aren't cheap um yeah let me know the music's still too loud i'll turn it down let's go like um like right uh like right there okay so we begin we have a town hall fill all kinds of stuff wood stone rations and vegetables we've got oh look at us we're like we are weird looking he's an odd jobber we are some weird insect orcs petrus is his name it turns down just a little bit a little bit on the loud side at least for me anyway there we go you control yourself there game you control yourself there obs there we go that's a little bit a little better no we're well i was watching the dev do like uh he had a video on on the update um and he said it's sort of a it's like an insect insectoid orc what they are i guess the next update is supposed to be the big update for us but you know it's fine for now reminds me of warcraft in the 90s oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it certainly does more work yeah so we have what are those oh majestic birds the flightless it's often inspired works of art and the odd song or two occasionally hunted for its prized meat yeah we're gonna be eating it okay we've got birdies up there what are you called norris we've got some unks down this way some rams or something a nice river over here we do have a like a fertility layer i think we can look at sure yeah yeah way out let's not let's not turn that on right now well let's get let's find our way around here first before we push those kind of buttons uh anyway first off let's build a farm uh let's come down here so this is all changed as well all the stuff was on the side before and now it's down at the bottom so uh let's go and get ourselves um i'm just gonna follow what the tutorial told me to do at first and then we'll sort of work our way into this but i remember last time i played um i have a problem with this because we start out we've got what was it we got 10 10 people but here in three hours we'll probably have like a thousand people if if all goes well so i always build too small so i'm gonna try to try to think about big this time so let's build our farm along the river that makes sense that's where rivers like to be so let's go build ourselves a uh a nice a nice 18 by 12 vegetable farm it's gonna make us a few veggies it's got some good fertility uh it uses three and a third farmers needed to farm this thing we'll put uh we'll just mark that actually construct that farm and um let's go ahead and begin we'll get him to work on that thing [Music] what are you guys are you the onxis yeah stubborn beast we can we can eventually get these guys on our side if we went so they'll farm that over there we'll get a hunter out here what are you laying around for um we'll get some trees chopped you know the basic stuff and then we'll hopefully figure out um although all the yeah all right so here they go they're gonna come in and uh whack up a farm here and make me some veggies there's nothing a bug likes more than veggies now i said before we are the insectoids that's these people the garthini they love death and destruction while carrying little for the finer things in life higher reproductive rate makes them perfect cannon fodder given the right training equipment they can become quite proficient uh i guess they all have different perks i don't know what they are oh i think they're like easy to please these bugs are they're not good at things but they're easy to please um so we've got on the side here i'll run over the things i do know in the game um you can see there's a plus two there i mean that means there's two of them out there in the world that want to join me already there's two immigrants that are saying hey can we come in please we have to allow them i can double click this and just allow them to always come in or we can like right click it and adjust these kind of things um yeah sure come on come on in uh each of you guys do have you know a dual fortress room world style of of thing of you know stamina defecation needs um all that stuff is a thing how old they are his name is jax he's got a bit of scar on his face um this has all changed since the last update um and what he's good at and all that kind of stuff what's this determines how many nobles you can elevate elevate more you must increase your status level oh okay okay uh let me show you the world now uh this is this is the big update for today for the recent update so i'm i'm here in what was it taranai is my settlement you can see right there we got 25 people um there's 31 000 people in this region which is all like the little farms around here and there's a town nearby i think next to me um i think more will spruce up uh sprout up as time goes on um anyway you can see the free lands of jaskin have 25 000 people and you can see who all's there um a bit of a garrison we can go attack that thing in time which is the new update industria is a ai you can see by the color difference there and they have a flag they have a banner there's 3000 people there there's a guarantee of 140 in that place i don't have any um samaya has is a is a people as well and uh and so you can see the bat the colors is the different map i'm the green guys there's different folks everywhere and these guys are big you guys are giant oak and said these kids are massive um so this is our capital region we can eventually go out and conquer and expand and maim and and and you know all that kind of stuff if we want uh but not for a while so let's go back to our back to our home here this way and uh somehow let me back i'll go back to my region this one yeah all right so they're going to go and they're going to continue working on the farms and we're back to basic basic stuff so let's go and uh we can let people lean right now let's get some basic things set up so let's let's try to make sure i know what i'm doing here um i think the best way of doing this is rather than doing a well i guess you can do it with wormworld like we're like i think one massive fort i think is our i think is my goal here so we'll see um we're gonna need a uh we're gonna need a um a warehouse so we'll go ahead and get that started up i think we'll set it over here we're gonna have like a lot of food on this side so we'll have like a big granary or granary depending on how you say it but if you say it wrong you can say granary as as we have discovered since the last in the last string let's go and build ourselves a nice a nice big greenery what was it too big shrinky dice just not not quite that big just a little bit smaller than that there we go a nice reasonable sized granary um okay there we go and we're gonna put down uh a door we'll put the door on this side you know what's gonna get doors all over let's put double doors there uh every building when you put your building you also place down like crates and things like you know a warehouse is no good if it doesn't have any crates you know um i'm no engineer but i figured that out let's go something like can i go one more wide yeah um yeah we'll go like that we'll flip one around put one over here there we go i go like a little bit a little bit on the skinny yeah there we go hey that's nice okay oops so we'll put in um so this crates the store stuff these crates stores some things uh i do want another door i'm gonna put a door uh here there we'll put a couple back here plenty of ways into the greenery or granary whichever you want to call it you guys having some issues with the strat i think there's just so much i think the game may be a bit um i wonder if um [Music] let's turn these particles down a bit [Music] see if that let me know if that helps that may have been a bit of an issue i forgot about that um also one thing i wanted to point out is i always thought it was kind of cool whenever storms roll over in the world map there's also a storm like we saw those clouds they just rolled through just the rain that's it right there the cloud actually rolls over in the world map which is it a nice touch so anyway let's let's pick up space here there we go okay so i get the wall we got a wall i had this built up where it was putting in a wall automatically uh as well so it's going to be doing all of that also so we have our warehouse done we need to get like a let's get some food production done let's let's go work on our our uh our hunter and we'll get uh we'll get a janitor which is something that the tutorial helped me do immediately so that's apparently an important thing let's get a hunter and we're building like a little hunter shack i think what we're doing here we got these guys up here yeah these nice birds tasty birds um let's go stash them over here but if this can be all farmland maybe chop those trees down and just eat some birds let's go like i don't know like maybe an eight by eight for a hunter uh he's gonna need a workbench so let's just squeeze in like um each of these is a is a separate hunter i don't care we don't need this big let's do like three hunters we'll shrink this guy down just a bit like that we put in a couple of you can see the efficiencies forty percent with auxiliary stations it increases that so something like that there we go 100 efficiency just for good measure and we'll put a couple doors in there we go so the hunter will go in and live uh over here three of them actually actually top those trees down can you see the city in your area or would you have to send a guy over there can you see the city in your area would you have to send a guy over that's what you mean i do village oh my face came as expected too i think it's i think um i don't know so there's that look out what was that what was down here what's the green stuff over here i'm not quite sure there's two immigrants that want to come that want to join us yeah yeah come on in uh what are you you're you're a krytonian excel at farming and thrive in temperate and warm climates they like being close to water well hey i got a farm for you buddy come on in you're like a what are you like a like a vegetarians and perfect harmony and wooded structures are you elf you are the dwarf-like people sure you know what anybody can come live with us anybody except for those cantors mythical giants ooh i do want some i'd like some cantors it's possible possible uh i cranked my bitrate up recently but it could be a little bit much um already um actually don't let me try um i think i think i'm i don't know actually i think we'll leave it at that i'm not sure if it's too bad let me know it go all right there we go um well let him build that warehouse we'll get the farmer built or the sorry the worker up that way we're going to get a janitor because that's what the game wants me to do so we'll go ahead and build this guy he will come in and you know clean the place and he's already got a pre-built structure i'm going to set him right here next to the throne room because apparently he's very important there we go okay shadows do one let me try that i could do it [Music] um i don't remember it's been so long since i adjusted that stuff i don't remember i go all blurry all right let me see if i can fix something let's save it real quick i assume everything's perfect now [Music] oh let's continue on i have seven people want to join me no what's this is that the seven oh yeah they're coming in okay okay we got we got roberts i know bobert dice you guys are coming in now okay cool cool come on come on in um i guess we're naming you guys if we want submission of slaves no thanks no thanks not right now i just turned into pixelnook from time to time that's cool that's cool at least we're filling the full screen all right so anyway we'll continue building our janitor shack uh and everything else i need to get some trees chopped so i'm gonna go and mark down my my lumber man who's gonna be in the uh in the workshop in the extraction wood cutter now i think this guy is just sort of like a little hut that hangs out here maybe we don't put him over this way where the hunter is maybe maybe this is this is wood cutter land over like over here just a little uh little little six by five hut and then we throw in some storage so we can throw in i guess where he puts his wood yeah that's cool um and then uh and then we give them a little bit of a efficiency boost there we go okay it'll house zero workers let's try that and add in another storage thing does it have to be doubles well go a little bit bigger oh maximum amount reached okay just do that what still says zero workers i'm not sure why but okay because we partially placed on trees in order to function oh is it the whole region is it how that works now well this has changed um let's put it over there how's this changed this is certainly different place on trees will produce wood produces noise okay so i have to be like i have to just like use like this i do like this and then i tell you to put some wood storage like um there and then some auxiliary like a little shop next to it okay and you're good now 52 percent efficiencies pump that up there you go your workers construct okay i i get it okay that is changed used to be like you'd place on a spot and it would sort of take up the whole area there that thing is for later game it needs to be placed on top of trees and needs lots of workers and your game just cut down trees manually oh hey songs at six i'm glad you're here it's good to have you here get rid of that room i i just showing things off let's just chop some trees down all those trees get out of here hey thanks for hanging out it's it's i guess yeah i guess it's the zone of a big building that's cool uh they'll basically farm they'll get to work on eventually so we get people coming in here we can bring in them these folks to uh to get some work done um with the janitor that's being built as we speak and we'll see what we need to do next and then hey joshua um see we don't need any sort of that stuff but we can get maybe like uh we've already day um let's see a can of what cannibals butcher corpses for me and other resources having them can be a detriment can detriment your reputation severely but some species actually prefer humanoid meat okay okay i see how it is there's a po a posture a pasture another pasture let's get we got a vegetable veggie farm let's get a little fruit farm in here and let's throw it in like uh like down this way for our veggies or for our fruits and we'll get a fish man in here also i'm terrified of running out of food because last time that was a big issue it's really like fish man like that and i think that's that's uh oh you want some storage as well so we'll try putting that down maybe oh wait wait am i doing this wrong is there a grab fish thing no anything on the way clear all that stuff out of there yeah there you go get all the stuff out of here clear these rocks i'm gonna get some stone brought in here in the trees just a little cleanup uh and then we'll get that was all see let's build let's build our fish man alan fisher fish man maybe live right over here like and we'll throw in seven workers i'll take over this place there we go put some storage in there we'll give them a little bit of a fish fish shop there we go okay fish live there maybe maybe i am pixelated in real life do you ever think of that all right you uh i'll just say you dwarves but no all right you uh you bugs uh get to work so we got 15 of them 16 17 18 people here now i'm happy with that 19 degrees outside we've got some law i think what we do so i know we get um look at like admin points which you use for things later on um thing it grows quite massively and so we'll get to get that point somewhere when you get like an eatery in here let's go work on that we need a carpenter let's let's get our eatery first it's probably gonna be important so uh let's let's get some food in here i suppose the food's gonna be like right right across the way like right there and i want to get some storage here in the in the food hut they're not quite that big like uh yeah that's fine i think the walls around that and actually go a little bit smaller like that okay happy with that oh it needs a door right door oh is it just open okay we'll let's see what happens like a lot of friendly production made live what was thought about the game by the way i um i thought about this game i like this one a lot i've played some quite a bit i'm all on board on this one um i liked fermi fruit was good it was short but um i like those i like those little short games like one live stream kind of things you know we can get done in a day um i liked it no storage for produce well we're working on it we gotta put this stuff together first and we'll we'll uh we'll use this as a uh as as food source as soon as we get it built we gotta um is a resource says under table it needs to be before it can be performed we to clear those rocks first so we're working on it though [Music] uh for me so i played the demo for me a few weeks ago but i played the full the early access version of it uh last night and it was about would it take us three and a half hours four hours to get to the end fuel dying heat exposure wait a minute buddy buddy what are you dying for it's not that hot it's it's 39 degrees outside why is it so hot i'll go jump in the river or something people are dying already all right uh let's get a i guess a dorm apparently that's gonna be important throw this guy in like right over is this is this doing it like i think it's gonna do it like that way auto build walls yeah yeah okay uh undo okay i'll build walls and then do that to my auto build walls off okay we'll do that i think we have to go one more because i put all walls around this guy too we can put in a uh i guess a wall in the middle here like for some structure uh and then we'll go and throw in some beds and don't hit the windows button like um that yeah you know something just something like uh like a nice little dormitory hey that's nice uh some nicknacks everyone likes knickknacks there we go that's some it's not quite as cozy as it could be we can make a little cozier there we go hey that's that's cozy 26 beds i'm happy with that let's try that oh wait wait beds uh doors so we need doors i guess there and there be our two doors that come in construct that uh no no z levels um i do want you to have okay so i did this wrong before so i need i need walls see it do do the walls there and then put doors in whoops not all doors put doors right there and [Music] maybe on this side okay yeah it's crazy hot um it's it's funny because it's been it's been like um it's been extra mild around here this year it was like 80 degrees um which is what like 24 25 celsius um today or yesterday and yesterday it was crazy it's like it's never that that cool around here it's been raining especially in july and here we are we're having nice weather and everywhere else at least west coast is like in north of us it's burning hey fishermen are working excellent we could use a couple new migrants if people want to come in and uh and live here there's a happiness meter we can find somewhere around here which is under i think you that's my subjects um i want to see my happiness here we go overall happiness is i think they're quite happy this guy's not not the happiest um how are we doing here there's our traits for our people happiness 100 i mean that's about as good as it gets the other guys aren't so happy but they can get over it we're happy we're thrilled we love this place [Music] what a place to be we get to work on all that we'll have a place to sleep we'll have a place to eat eventually and uh hopefully we'll have a you have a janitor do i have a door missing what you missing some stone all right uh where is the stone around here any rocks nearby there's some rocks over here go pick those rocks up somebody there we go some rocks over here too okay [Music] yeah we had flooding here yesterday also what's the blinking green mean it's also blinking green it means it's going up okay good yeah they love it here [Music] see if there's anything exciting someone else died um maybe i guess they didn't like that guy they love it here anything exciting happening out in the world we can see now there's these guys they got 375 soldiers we still published 25 their population is what we don't know oh 3.1 000. ours is 31 000 in this in this region have a thousand in our garrison health is zero uh yeah we should probably do something about that let's see what we can do back [Music] that's getting done we've got these uh these boxes getting done yeah finish this thing get these boxes done man 120 in vancouver crazy and um a lot of people that don't have air conditioning so it's even worse than that that's why they wanted oh it's supposed to be a stone floor that's what that was the issue okay we're never getting stoned so they'll bring that it's pulling out of the ground over here and they'll get that that'll be much better uh yeah you guys want to live here sure come on in i'll take i'll take all you come on in everybody it's fine uh we got some farms this is gonna get done eventually i could probably use a um here we go so can i tell you yet i would like you to store some veggies like just store almost all veggies and some fish and maybe maybe a little bit of fruit there you go okay you are mostly a um yeah we'll give you one employee and your job is to basically just make sure that the the food is in there our granary and it'll go over to eatery eventually once they get that stuff cleaned up we got rocks happening over here uh this guy's good to go uh there's some fruit baskets and some some veggie baskets in here fish baskets and there's some storage over here for the fish which that guy will go grab and take over there excellent okay i like it um i think maybe i'm just very concerned about food but that might be safe but i'm a little concerned i think maybe we should go with um a grain farm as well just just to play it safe what else we need anything important over here a bakery is probably important um a ration maker certainly important so you have to live over here next to where the place is so let's put you like right over here now make sure that you are building building your walls yeah get your walls built and put you right like uh this just ration mainly be able to be giant just brashman can be there you share those walls that's fine i don't want to do it let's back you up just a little bit there you go like that uh we'll put some doors in on on the front and we'll give you a workbench for all your rations like that perfect uh a station here for some some efficiency tucked in over there and uh that's in front of the door like that 77 it just seems like it's in the way there we go that seems in the way too but it's fine oh yeah there we go okay perfect uh yeah build it we got a door there we could have a door maybe going into this side but i think it's fine let's do that um let's go and put in if we can a road i would like a dirt road please i want to go like this and then maybe run it yeah like that way is that like a recommended road that was trying to tell me recommended padding there we go a nice dirt road hey look at that it's looking like something that's gonna take some time we need more more people in here let's get them in assuming we have enough food for everybody we've got 66 fish we've got no veggies so let's make sure that um so we have a 46 workload i think we want more than that right how busy your employees are working too low it means some of the workers have nothing to do wasting time so i think that means we need a bigger farm [Music] let's grow this guy okay wait till it gets all harvested and then let's do it now so i want more farmland [Music] take over all this for our veggies [Music] here we go okay i'm happy with that [Music] because i think we i guess we need to have these apples before we can do that so we'll get these veggies done uh the fish farms are looking good though we've got plenty of fish uh how is the fish looking we're producing a bunch we're not eating it [Music] oh yeah we're eating it consumed 27. some of it's spoiling but maybe before the boxes got done there's a dead guy right there he got a little hot um i don't do about the heat other than just like wait until the dormitory gets done i have to wait for that to uh to uh finish can i prioritize [Music] let's go and make sure we're clearing out some things here for trees and rocks whatever else we need all that just get rid of all that stuff we need to get a warehouse in here because all we have for storage wise is what's stuck in here we got some rations laying around i'm a ration maker to get done i'm kind of holding off on making too much stuff because we've got we've got to make sure we get this stuff done [Music] and we have those those uh those dendoris birdies which we will love to eat at some point some of my hunter is doing his job here we go come on in uh no he's not his job because he's not built yet uh what do you guys want you want um you see wood but i got the stuff marked so that will i think that's gonna be a problem is where's my resources here we go okay make sure i keep an eye on this so there's wood we have zero zero wood zero stone that's a problem [Music] that will help move some things along hopefully yeah i didn't mark enough stuff to begin with i was using a lot more than i thought it was can you come on in come on in don't worry it's hot here but don't worry you know it it's uh it's a dry heat should go take a dip in the oh he's rotting away uh take a dip in the river and everything will be great so we have seven of our eight employees are here in the farm which is fine the the uh it's fine workload is still okay how's the fish looking fish workload 100 there's seven employees there that one kind of manages itself we're all just waiting for stuff to get cleared out and built how's the uh the hunter looking he's not get to work over here what happens to citizens uh immigration will follow if your happiness is above 70 immigrant immigration uh well if it's below 30 we're at 30. calculated by race they do like different things the more people in your settlement the higher their expectations will be so we need to make sure we get people happy and these guys love it here somebody's pretty happy 68 now they're fine 100 for everyone yeah what a place [Music] you know services which would be like service rooms allow access to your subjects we need access equipment battle yeah needs storage so i think the next step is going to be our warehouse and then we'll go and grab probably a carpenter or a ration maker we've got a guy coming in next uh we may need a well we need a lavatory so they can poop let's get a well we'll sort of stick it here in the middle right there and then we'll have next to that we will work on getting a place to go the bathroom slaver's arriving and offering you his goods would you like to purchase his stuff what's he got he's got people he has 10 000 of these ten thousand over ten thousand a piece ten thousand a piece oh these are the giants uh no thanks buddy no thanks thanks take your business someplace else i'm not into that because we're broke um torches are cool i need steel or iron for that can i get a cheaper torch holler is probably important builder outpost certainly is important uh there's my throne by the way there is there there's a cadaver on the on the why what to do in there okay we'll have to get that done soonish let's put it over here behind the well um maybe over here behind the throne so i get carried away you know oh wait i want that okay and let's put a door in i want to say one there throw in some latrines like that and then the basements can go like right here there and there there we go done what a bathroom okay it needs some furniture so let's get a carpenter in here yeah come on in come on in and die see that's going good we've got this stuff still getting hauled over here at the um the janitor yeah he's fine he's looking good we just need to get this stuff made now i have two throne rooms that's right working on a well now that's good that'll give them a place to get services so that should be a uh a perk right yeah it's going up good they want i guess they expect 12 we're giving them a little bit food's getting there work is is uh there's too much work to be done afterlife ah don't worry about it okay bring you in more people into you working we need to bring this stuff in we get to get to work your slackers they grab all that stuff and bring it over here uh i want to make sure we get everything brought in i'm going to go anything that's nearby just bring it all in i don't need to come in here if we can get some edibles oh yes yeah i get all that stuff what is all this oh veggies okay oh there's what's all over here oh there's clay over there oh right click is is a handy button i see i see i see okay uh there's some cotton over there yeah grab grab all that stuff grab all those and uh bring me some sure some of those we got fruit over here we need some fruit we gotta make our fruit trees okay grab all that in here there we go that'll bring in a lot of stuff to fill us up a bit better i think you need furniture and you need i need pottery don't you okay okay what do you need you need furniture all right so we're gonna get a furniture thing make great first carpenter so carpenter first and he's gonna go in like right here walls walls up and you can go right there we need we need some carpentry done here wrong like that give him a door double door is there we'll give him a workbench and we'll let him do his carpentry thing point the corner over here like that that'll hold nine workers we'll give him a little bit of a station over here for working there we go okay that's a decent amount i think that'll work make that one now then we can get some furniture which will give us um the dormitory and the lavender i didn't i didn't catch that there before but i see it i see it um we have workers we have what do you think no work in radius so janitors are doing a good job okay i'm getting i'm getting i'm getting the hang of this again i remember i remember being it's complicated it's not complicated it's there's a lot going on yeah i don't queue too much just don't finish too much or do one thing at a time yeah i think uh now that we've got um that working that should save us there they go now they're working oh not yet they're building the uh the building workshops it's up and running now it has zero employees no storage for furniture oh yeah you need a warehouse i don't remember house built so let's get that done uh whereas warehouse is in there let's set this guy up back here i don't do okay that'll do um so that will be my my warehouse a couple doors in on this side i'll put some back over here and some crates okay is that a whole bunch of stuff eleven thousand that would have said that way they can make the furniture throw it in there and then it can get used by whatever this one's a lot more yeah i remember it starts out room world warfare just like but then it gets it uh it there's a lot more like ideally it's a lot more hands-off which sort of set things up and it should it should sort of run on its own right you know like the real world you kind of have to baby them sometimes this one if i remember correctly it's not quite that way um and it makes sense because you're gonna have a lot a lot of uh dwarfs or people let's get a grain farm set up not that i really need it actually i think i think we're good actually let's go i think actually we'll leave it as it is until we won't build anything just yet we do have some fruit that's brought in now i just brought in a bunch of veggies that were out there in the world so that probably is why we're a little bit overburdened or overwhelmed on the veggies as soon as we can these guys are are they actually working already oh look at whiskey whiskey's had he's seen better days buddy yeah right there what's wrong with you 70 years old he's my favorite he's not starving he's gonna get a drink he likes the roads quality access to the subjects as the roads try building roads in the busy parts of the city high quality to increase the he's a little hot exposure can lead to death by exposure hotness is mitigated by skinny dipping why don't you guys go skinny dip then uh and clothes different species of natural protection against warmth hey look you know what skinny dip all you want i'm not stopping you important export department we'll deal with that we need to make sure we get a pottery a potter set up i think we're gonna need let's just do this for now it's not too important well we need it for these things so we have to get it pretty soon let's go ahead and set him up over here somewhere let's dash him uh i did it wrong again that take some of these away because i always do it wrong put the doors in and we'll set up a um workbench it's fine uh and i get like a skinny one there and some some auxiliary stuff okay i took up all my auxiliary spots uh well [Music] there we go 60 isn't the best i wonder if i'll be wise if i were to go like one bigger so we can squeeze in [Music] oops uh that's and how do we move that's there we go ninety percent i think i'm happy with that there we go there's a hundred percent okay so there is our pottery spot it doesn't need a bathing spot we've got the lavatory where do we i mean can we do that maybe that's what i was looking at before i didn't see a i didn't see one oh there's a bath house i can get room's available and must be unlocked by technology let's get a uh let's get a graveyard set up well that's going on we'll just set it like we'll stash it over here somewhere let me be that big you know i mean we won't lose that many was that allowed to be there [Music] flowers can be there yeah yeah lots of flowers what a nice looking graveyard flowers all around them yeah that's real nice little baby stick a true big tree big big tree no no trees okay that's a respectable graveyard if you do ask me if i say so myself okay so the bathrooms are working the uh the carpenter is making things he needs wood we're out of wood again of course so let's go and make sure we chop some more trees down and we got plenty of stone over there let me get rid of all these trees trees are the worst take all those out okay uh the warehouse is happening but it needs more trees how do i unlock technology i think that was in a building here which is going to be uh i don't know uh admin maybe knowledge knowledge scribes write and copy tomes knowledge tomes allow you to activate technology that significantly benefit your city that's how we do it all right big immigration wave a new level of been bestowed upon your name click the throne for more info oh yeah okay time for more info i'm a leader am i i yeah no longer a squire we got 50 people here and an hour if you refer to you as their leader we even walked flat houses canteens and taverns okay okay oh neat my faction name yeah yeah uh this this is the uh stonians luxonians luxonians that's good that's great um um [Music] oh yeah i changed the i feel like i draw i draw neat okay okay [Music] um i don't know what i'm drawing i'm just drawing but it's kind of neat i like it so we got a world map and it's it's it's still terrifying what whatever whatever maybe i didn't save it uh no it's there anyway there's other people there's our still says we have we have ten thousand of those uh those red guys always in my actual base though no one's in the garrison i guess there's the red those those green guys there's some wagons some caravans going around this way some trade can we raid those that'd be cool um how do i get trade going i guess we have to go into there's something we can make here which was the um export and import department let's get that going okay so that's working the workload no problem workload zero no no work to do that there's no workload of our carpenter this place is working good we got plenty of food in the place people seem to be uh somewhat happy i mean the lizard folks are the the reptile folks whatever they're called insect the insect folks are very happy we're just waiting for some furniture to get made to get this dormitory done finally uh and then the potter will make us some stuff for our eatery and our ration maker which we gotta get some pottery we gotta get some clay which was down it's all veggies wasn't there clay there's clay across the river can we go across the river real easy i think we're gonna have to just just like jump across the river real fast and clay over here yeah let's just let's just jump over here and dig out some clay right over there yeah yeah look at all that lots of clay over here so let's dig that stuff out um like that how do we do that stuff out is it is it a rock how do we get these stone we're gonna have to build a um oh there's our canteen tavern we might need to get a um i guess the potter might do it pretty it makes pottery from clay instead of resource gathering for clay how do we do that clay pit like this guy and put it um there and make sure you guys are efficient there we go 80 um that's good enough okay that will get the clay and then the clay will go to the powder we need we need iron for that all right going to work on it it's not going to get very far because we've got to get iron which um i'll have to get yanked out of the ground somehow also um i know i saw some we know someone's over there by the by the mountain might be what some of this stuff is over here let me go and see if we can get a we want to or i don't know where that war is no this looks like ore over here remember war had a color to it let's put in i think we have to get an ore mine what to get cold too though like that i put what's all that is that or that's clay the red one over there is clay [Music] it's got to be one of these up up here somewhere like right up there hey what are you you look kind of funny some gems or something [Music] um we can dig in the mountain that's an option we've got let's let's dig into the mountain sure take that get rid of that okay we'll see if we find over here can i right click rock uh or deposit three percent four to four percent it's not much but it is something hopefully we can get some orient out of there ah there there it is okay okay okay we're getting yeah we're getting some of it there name soul rana zeal soul crusher what a name [Music] okay grab that stuff out of here and let's pull in some uh some ore and i guess we'll see if we can get a uh get some charcoal then i guess that one guy is really mad okay oh look things are actually getting made we have a dormitory it's done cool people are sleeping uh old gerbils man these guys are messed up violet and and you're 17 years old you look like a 17 year old uh we've got the uh the potter is working it just needs i need some clay but we've got it it's going so that should lead into making the eatery and the ration maker okay we're getting there the warehouse is happening but it needs it needs told what to hold so i would like you ration man to hold some stone and some wood and some clay and some coal a little bit of a little bit of that's fine [Music] you have a little bit of everything take a bit of ore as well um sure fabric furniture needs to go in here you can hold thousand furniture i like it there's metal if we find any metal grab it pottery are we full i think we're full and that's cut stone tools we need some of that stuff let me lower this just a bit [Music] okay something like that [Music] rations eggs what is that livestock i mean we can hold on a little life a little bit of livestock and go in there i guess uh jams yeah you know we got some hides what's this opiate we won't be doing anything i don't think we don't have any of that stuff yet okay uh what was that that was fabric we'll grab that just in case what's our space sets okay every crate is filled okay there we go so that'll help storage out i think uh let me get my road fixed up that'll help helps me really more than anything else we want a road to go like that we can see the pads which is kind of handy we've got a path going around the well here and back here to the bathroom like that and around over this way and around a little little side road there okay we had a road for the farms like that there's a big path up here going to just pick up those materials i'm sure that was going on over here um we got a little path up here to the hunter but does he need a road he's a hunter i guess we'll give him one give him a little single path there he can have a bit of porch as well because he's a nice guy uh i'll continue this guy on here okay now we're getting somewhere i think used to feel like i am because i got rhodes all right uh what are we trying to do over here what was this oh the graveyard right right the graveyard um we got six more here we got one there one there we have lost zero i like to add this is what this is we have 24 immigrants that have that have come in recently and we've got 13 rooms going okay we've got the clay which is which is happening what does it need it needs it needs metal and we're going to find our metal ant uh what do you you are more cold posits okay what's over here this is ore there map is giant so everything's out there somewhere is that that weird or that slytherin or whatever yes sylvian civilian slytherin and you are gem deposits that's money i mean we have gym deposits so maybe start doing some trade what's over here this is lots of clay yeah we need a lot to conquer in now that's that's the big update like total war style with like massive armies what was that come on game up here what what are you stone deposit okay so we pulled a little bit of this out of the walls stone and i guess we pulled some of that out stuff's laying around here can we just like how do we just have pulled up is that well that doesn't work okay yeah just get this stuff pulled up i think let me pull up over here stone stone i'm just grabbing stone over here maybe uh dick dig in over here do that okay take it a little further only works for stone okay how are we doing on stone we're a little low on wood so let's go and make sure we get our wood working keep these trees we'll secure all these trees okay that'll give us plenty of wood food is is okay um the eatery is still not done because it needs pottery are you are you pottering you need to potter faster i think that this guy is is just because of this guy so we can't make pottery until we have metal it doesn't sound right i can't make parties we have metal all right well let's just get a um let's get a trader we want to import and export let's let's do um we'll set them up over i don't know like down the road here we'll set one guy there and we'll set up the one that uh that does the other thing import guy i you know i i like the being able to build things but i also kind of like the ones that are like pre-built for me it's very handy dirt road i'm just gonna go like that okay i think a lot of stuff uh yeah art and a lot of stuff has been done by uh discord folks on the uh songs of six community okay i'd like to bring some meddling can i have some metal please don't have any money i don't know middle of this one i want some of these so can we um how do we do this i'm accepting this is the import department did i just build two import departments of course i did of course i did uh how do i remove you okay whoops okay import and then export department oh you have to be built so export farmers can be right there with some crates whoa it'd be real nice if you fit in there better what's that eight crates plenty can build some structures without without needing iron um i get i gotta get pottery still collect the clay that it's on top of the clay fields but how do you do it how do you market to be collected there's i think we've got our clay already where is it i have a lot of leather uh which is gonna spoil okay looks like we do have some i don't know how to pick it up though is that right there hmm i don't know how we doing here oh here we go okay so this is the export department so we want to import that metal um and i guess maybe a bit of clay oh it's one of the other okay so i'll import some metal i'd like to export some do we have eggs i'm sure we'll export some eggs and i got a lot a lot wait i have eggs i have livestock i have gems yeah get this stuff out of here okay get out of here all you stuff um so leather it says i have 255 this says 25. thank you stories accept the batch of resources oh i don't i can't accept it because i don't have enough room for it but yeah i like to export some of this leather i have got maybe this is what people want maybe to figure that out somehow uh i would like you to hold a bit more leather if you can let's let's lose the um a bit of wood and grab an extra thing of leather because we've got a bunch look at that how about how fast that's going who make who deals with leather who's the leather man uh it's gonna be some sort of a leather tailor that's what i want what do you take to make though that's the question you take just that okay excellent so i'm gonna go live over here i'm gonna be too big that's fine uh shrink you just a little bit that and oops there you go yep yep doors will be right there workbench perfect that holds we don't need a lot of them maybe we do there we go fine okay get to work making some leather i'll put in another little road here [Music] like that's okay done people seem to be pretty happy over do i have a giant where where is he can't where are you buddy i want to see you come on pause slow the game down people let's go look at the people over here people are ecstatic about this place they love this place uh i want to see you where are you where are you i want to see i know what about that there's one of you around here somewhere is it you no there he is yeah he's giant he's got a weird face sorry buddy what are you just standing around for get no job [Music] let's go chop some trees then oh my new my immigrants are coming in here they come um let's you know what let's just do a job of just grabbing all these trees over here just to keep people busy clear all the stuff out of there give me all that stuff all that rock over there if there's any of that all that will come in yeah get all this stuff brought in here okay so how are we doing over here the delivery depot and set it to accept this resource delivery depot okay delivery depot delivery depot i'm not sure what that means there's a certain resource that hauls it to the location good for women resources great distances um i'm assuming it means a warehouse try build okay all right building a clay pit i wonder if it's because i put it on oh you know what i wonder that's fine that's fine oh yeah why is it working now yeah it's working now okay oh no no night it wasn't there okay auxiliary is always taking the metal okay okay okay i see that we'll leave it that's fine that's how it is let's do that get some clay in this place okay uh look at this eatery place one of these years i promise you guys one of these years you'll get food just do weights you want to eat raw fish like gollum what do we have to what's the population now where's it where's the easy number to read it see it 96 i almost have 100 people in here raised efficiency but requires iron same with the coal and iron mines so i can put a mine up here you're saying see going up here so i can put in a um i need a uh uh traction uh an or mine here and we can put storage out we're gonna need that of course actually i guess i should make a little bigger and have like a storage is out here like that and then we can't put auxiliaries in them because that takes that takes metal right yeah so none of that but we can do that okay that'll bring some ore out okay i've got it uh and we also need a a coal extractor which where was the coal at anyone remember was that wasn't it over here was it that's what stone or there was coal i think to the south down this way where was it way down here wouldn't it yeah down here so we will call deposit we'll do a coal extractor here like that i'd rather not be across the water but that's fine i'm going to shrink it just a little bit so you don't do all this rearranging of things there that's fine okay um you can't put virgin on top of a deposit so you need to have extraction mind big enough yeah it's the land okay yeah okay i'm happy with that i'm not sure if this is happening but we hope incoming where is it zero what's the wiki hope to i'm gonna tell us here except receive tribute and imports i wonder if i wonder if we go in no no no need battle yet there's my town it's looking a little bit nicer check it out that's not me no never mind it's not looking better that's me over here can i um on you guys no [Music] so this is like our um we gain like points to be able to deal with this stuff [Music] we use we have admin points how many do we have we've got one so we can put one somewhere i guess we put it either in entertainment law infrastructure sanitation or education makes subjects more productive this increases growth this one increases maximum carrying capacity loyalty happiness let's do the one that does growth i think sure okay i don't really know what i'm doing here people are dying from what from murder excuse me there'll be no murderers in nook stone who murdered somebody oh stop it i didn't tell you that was okay all right let's go clear some more stuff out of here i think we're gonna get rid of these trees are there trees there yeah yeah all these trees need to go they're so close get them out of here clear that out we'll get these trees over here cleared out and that'll stock up our our wood supply how do we get mushrooms at let's go inside maybe in the mountain bring them in yeah camera dwarf okay so that's looking good throwing rooms looking great there's nothing in there anymore but it's all stockpiled in the warehouse which is not having an employee hey hey well i want to work somebody there we go get somebody to work in there please uh anyone else need a worker you're good dormitory is fine the load is is uh currently available services 21 so yeah they're not all sleeping same time they can share beds that's good this is looking all right the uh the load of the bathroom is quite high so people are having to hold it a bit more but we could build a um what's the red over here what's with the red we could put down i think it has something to do with the load sure we could put down a uh what is this it's a little swaying at the grass put like another bathroom over on this side uh to to expand our uh our our throne potential however now we've got these um the ore and the coal working we should get blacksmith stuff up and running is it working now it is and they're hammering away look at them hammer away okay so there's ore charcoal down south let's get some like production going here let's build a uh let's pre-prepare pre-prepare like with a nice a row that goes like that sure we'll have an industry over on this side uh a slaver is here i could buy one of these guys no thanks no thanks there he wants to purchase my guys one of the other okay new level bestowed upon me is there excellence where are we what do we got now so i'm now a sheriff i have 100 people in town now another question now free to dictate laws for them what kind of laws i get nothing for this one i get a bonus happiness i'm curious about something i noticed and now it's coming back to me in here what was taxes so can i tax people like say hey um give me your mushrooms [Music] um i'll see what happens with that it's my region cannibalism update cannibalism now it's like on the main menu we can build one of the uh the food no no what was it agriculture cannibal anyways go back to what we were doing so that's going in here now let's get a um what's a mason do workshops produces noise makes um it costs metal though it makes furniture um let's get i've got a little tailor right he's up there working [Music] smithy needs what needs to be unlocked well i can do the uh where was it at green brewery a bakery takes grain turns into bread i can use a grain farmer charcoal turns wood into charcoal i don't need that guy i got coal smelter takes colon or and turns it into a metal on because yeah one of these guys over here okay smelter's gonna be there give him a furnace right in the middle of the room it's all he needs he doesn't need an auxiliary fence because i think it's going to cost me metal oh it doesn't okay yeah do some of that um it's fine the one that's seventy percent it's good enough uh i do want a door let me put it right there okay so there's our metal furnace i'll give this metal we can now do [Music] hey ralph let's go okay i'm i'm happy there that'll give us some medals we may or may not be able to trade if i start ending up with mushrooms then we know we did something right i'm still having a lack of pottery though missing clay are you not working over here mr potter what are you doing over here clay zero clay do i have it set up in my maybe it needs to get picked up plus 23. it's making it oh it's all right there so people just aren't hauling it over here can i build a road across this the long walk to get over there they gotta walk all the way around here i think i can make a road actually we can go in we can we can um think carmelo need an invite to sticks his discord who sticks that's a strange thing for a tip but thanks thanks marmelo i i'll i'll take it can we remove water i think and we can dig it out like um this it's quite a job but but we're up for it part in the sea no problem let me make a road over the dock session we'll find out oh yeah we can some of them may die in the water but i guess we'll find out let's take a look at our guys and see how happy they are 30 happiness what do you need now so i'm not quite sure what stats relate to food and hunger like i mean you're getting enough food surely services it's somewhat green environment is very green i like that i'm happy with the grave i'm not happy with storage whatever that means not enough equipment working on expectations are going up fulfillment is staying steady something happened there i'm ruining some stuff i think what's happening is we need more services let's see if we can do that which what's the service building uh dorm yeah oh yeah we can bring you to the dorm house dormitory the laboratory is probably something that's gonna be an issue too let's set a bathroom up um like over here like that put some doors in and uh there we go and then we always make some sinks um is that what we want like that that work i think it works okay i put yeah put doors over that side there we go so that'll give us a bunch more um places to uh go bathroom invite sticks discord oh songs songs of six six i thought you were like you know uh mr roboto something i was i was a little lost there janitor for the mines i knew the janitor for way up there that seems troublesome what do we do about law it's gonna be some sort of what we can do with this i never made it builder outpost either maybe we should stick one of these guys in just like a little one just something smallish builder outpost let's just stick a mic right here whoop huh what does that do that's where they linger around let's not do that let's get rid of that that's kind of weird okay let's just leave it i don't know i think this is where they linger i guess all right let's go and make i'd love to have a stone fence we got plenty of stone let's do it so let's get a stone fence that's going to go over this way let's do like this for now we need a gate so let's figure out gate real quick while i'm doing this um do we um wooden door i was too slow okay the wooden door will go right up here four doors okay yeah i don't think it does what i think it does either i don't know how to remove it though delete every single one let's just get rid of these these are messing me up can i do like more of these all right can i cancel delete there we go okay okay this thing's still not happening because we don't have the the fruit we have the fruit though we we had the fruit i guess we ate it before we got that thing done whatever so how's the clay looking oh look at that that's a nice quick trip now let's give you guys a nice little road how about a nice you want a stone road i'm sure you do a nice stone road for the path here like that's it we'll come on up this way like that and then we'll uh as soon as we get back back to the town we'll uh how much does this take like one stone some stone roads in here because that's cool hey there's a road right here why can't you guys use the road what's going on around here okay okay now it's looking a little better okay so that's going over that way um i'm gonna get a hauler in here i think it's gonna be important do i have i do have 15 clay now we've got seven livestock whatever that is neat little domesticated animals wrapped in boxes can be used to populate pastures okay uh i'll i'll pasture i'm up for that um i don't know what kind we have can we see what we only have over here pastor we got seven of whatever it is uh by cell look at how much look how much metal i've got did i buy a lot of metal maybe i will um i don't know i don't think i want to touch it let's leave all that alone let's just pretend we didn't see that uh the bathroom's up and running great um i want to get uh the clay is getting made getting turned into pottery i think yeah i think and it's all getting thrown in i think [Music] it seems to be happening we had clay and now it's no no we don't so i think it's happening lots of furniture around here tons of metal which is what mr smelter's making missing some coal but now we got smelters now we can make other things though but let's get this pasture first so i don't know what kind of have we're gonna do a so the uh the pigs basically make meat and you make meat and cotton let's do uh let's do you i'll take some cotton and we'll put our pastor over here where the farms are [Music] that's how big you can have six livestock in that is that a lot doesn't seem like it [Music] and i lost talk yeah it's fine sure i need a gate i think i remember this before i'm not sure yeah that way we'll put the gate over here [Music] there thanks john uh yo let's upgrade oh you know let's upgrade um this site good call there's a lot of aura around here anymore oh yeah plenty of it okay so we'll go over here there's not a lot of output six percent it's kind of garbage but we can expand it and add in some auxiliary things to help it out which i'm going to expand the room a little bit let's expand over this way all right this way and then we'll put some i just ruined my storage there auxiliary is going to go over here okay 100 there we go okay so there's that for uh i don't know how much time that was but we got plenty of it so now so let's go back to the cold man now who was down here same thing over here i'm going to expand you just a bit over that's why i think there's trees kind of in the way there storage is fine but the auxiliaries are going to go in there okay perfect i can't give you more storage can i i think it's fine oh right click is undo okay there we go i don't think i need all that how much do i need can i get away with just that um one bigger 100 okay they're gonna run over there and grab that excellent up to 100 uh people i think some died some ran away probably left someone probably took off um okay 118 now i could probably use another dormitory although it's not being used currently available is 21 it's fine loads final match bathrooms are looking good um i'd love to get this thing done i think this is what we need to get taken care of before we can do much of anything like me i guess i made it too big because that's a lot of pottery that we need for this place so let's go take care of this also so we've got the clay coming out but we need some expansion on it so let's expand you out just a little we're going to bump it out this way over here ain't got any more clay there too isn't there let's do it like that and we can put in some more auxiliary stuff 66 no good is an easy way of seeing what that number was i'm sure there is 83 can we get 100 if we just go like i'm content with 83. what you doing there buddy okay so that's that's good um yeah then we'll have some pro actually have some clay coming in we've got cotton we picked from the from the fields i think we got tons of metal so much metal i can't even make any more metal uh so right now we're at the rim world level of the game and room roll with 119 people will eventually get to the point of being able to run across the world we have apparently three admin points um which we'll learn at some point what to do with those there's towns we can like trade with or we can we can what is that oh there's a caravan coming in it's a caravan boat hey buddy okay he's not cruising right by my town um i didn't i don't know what to do with this though i wish i did there's all the different factions in the world can be traded with i'd love to trade with you you guys are way over there yeah you you're right next to me let's say we trade um i'd like to buy i mean i'd like to sell you some things if i could sell you some um some livestock i don't have a lot of ads i'll save some furniture i wish i knew how to do that i think i think let's let's go let's see if we can figure this out i did see a window before and it looked kind of uh like something was going on with it there's knowledge and yeah i don't know that yet um yeah so what's going on here treasury i have forty three thousand uh six bucks i have zero soldiers which we can bring people in and start getting fighting going on uh my slaves my citizen happiness which is actually pretty good i think i think it's modern it's yeah it's actually pretty good and then what was where did i see that trade button before i don't remember where i saw it i had you and i wanted to buy that i don't need to buy that anymore i didn't do that before we have two eggs there this is the export departments we are exporting these things so um i'll export some furniture and the question is how i saw that button somewhere but i don't know where it was there's too many buttons um but we could trade with with our neighbors i don't remember where i saw it i don't know i don't know what i just hit actually previous okay yeah they got this oh yeah here they are hey yeah look at that little auxes in there excellent tune up the ground a little bit stop it we have a gate a gate there for for them to come in okay okay button top right um we saw the tray there but i don't know where to go to look at that remember i saw i clicked on it and i said let's not look at that because i was very confused by it but it sort of sunk in as i was as i was looking at it i don't know what it was though don't remember [Music] oh well scaffolds dungeons here let's get some uh grain going i think we probably could use a bit of food now we're getting kind of big so let's get a grain farm set up and i'm going to set it up over i think we'll just do it in here is this field good yeah yeah it feels good so let's go grain farm there we'll get a baker we've got all kinds of stuff so let's do like that big grain farm because we got bread we got beer all kinds of stuff comes out of this stuff all kinds of things as in those two things but there we go there's our grain farm what is that that's like here i put 371 yeah sure that's where good you need to build export depot and set in this depot the percentage good that will be stored there for export got it quota of goods to export is set from the resource tab quote up good set at the resource tab import goes you need to build an import hub to start the resource tab resource tab oh no nosy levels so there's the buyers we want to sell to industry is who we want to sell to because those are our buds maybe resource tab i mean there's this thing over here there's a resource tab ah i got it okay okay okay so so we import i don't care about important no no no no importing this stuff uh but i will sell furniture exports will start when warehouse stock is above um 200 when it's above 200 we have more than 200 furniture you sell it we got one right now how much we can sell it for i don't know sell it to um these guys it's okay i guess it's just it's a price okay i'm thinking yeah i'm going to come okay um so they're buying for like 50 something so we can say um i'd like to sell it buy it i would change the price i'm trying to change the price of that [Music] okay there we go so that's not importing okay um i see i see i see so it will start when stock is above 40 200 of those something like that i guess okay we've got we have apparently we got 13 in the uh the depot i guess the price is just sort of sort of fluctuates that's what it does on its own i guess okay are we gonna have a caravan that's actually gonna go running around in the world i sure hope so what's the white stuff over there oh it's a lot of animals over there where's my hunter at are you are you are you hunting buddy you better be no storage for meat and eggs oh yeah i never set that up did i oops i set all this stuff up but i don't i forgot about meat and eggs okay meat and eggs so the hunter gets eggs too makes sense okay okay that that's good we need we need one for wheat also aren't we let's do that down a little bit more okay that's that's set uh we need wheat or grain which is there i mean we got left we got five crates left so we'll need a bit of bread is that flour rations oh yeah ration's gonna be important okay what's that one that's drink thousand meat thousand of all that that's i think i'm happy with that i think it doesn't flower we don't have a lot of flour coming in at some point we'll get rations made eventually uh and mushrooms if we if we can get mushrooms in here let's put them somewhere we've got two crates left to spare um veggies fluctuate a lot don't they okay and a bunch of them are coming in right now eleven more people oh 23 27 more people in here got 150 people they want more storage uh what were they what were they whining about what was your big complaint they wanted services expectations were high and then they just plummeted for some reason maybe somebody died um they didn't want more services which i put that in there it did go down a little bit um environment they're happy with they're happy with the grave they're not happy with the work i don't know what that means retirement age i don't know slaver's offering things um yeah i can i can buy this now i got all kinds of cash i don't know how much i have i don't see anyone see cash anywhere cash there it is 59 000 no thanks do i have a mushroom farm so if you ever get mushrooms it holds the farm i don't have a mushroom farm um i didn't see it as an option it was at one percent i'm gonna leave it bad there we don't have any nobles maybe we should figure that out you you there more people so try to work for the better part of the day we'll reset when the shift is ended so he is he's a little tired i guess um roads we don't have any lights that we could probably that would probably help out some things it's 44 degrees outside all right let's get we have metals now we should get some lights put in so that's gonna be their torches [Music] that um sort of position sort of along the way here not really spaced out too right but just where people walk or some torches around [Music] like that and over here you want torches inside here okay you want there you go buddy have a torch okay so we got that going over there this guy's sure he can have a torch too he's carrying things over there uh in the bathroom he needs a torch in front of it [Music] and i probably use a road that goes like uh through here [Music] like that oh right through the torch then go around it's gonna go through the fog um move the torch [Music] okay we do need a torch there though somewhere anyways that took up the space um sit there okay people are dying for what what reason heat exposure um yeah i don't know what to do with you i mean we could put like a little like a little hut over here i guess to make you happy that's really what i can do with you guys though i mean you go you're going to bed there's room in the dormitory yeah so plenty of room in here set up i did get access to something new which was the flat house just a place to sleep though [Music] i could put like a little flat house down there i need cloth for that though i don't have that i never set up a cotton farm a bunch of cotton there which grab all that cotton in here fruit over there [Music] oh is that green yeah [Music] as long as someone's talking about the songs that do village songs in here are great i remember that from before the eatery is done i didn't even notice this is it all it's this is the eerie there's nothing i miss something it's just that's it [Music] i feel like it's missing something it takes 30 more pottery to do that sure so this is this is this is my granary i think i thought the eatery was the place you eat it's not true you don't eat at an eatery or you eat here you will use pots and raw foods to create tasty meals subs will also get a chance to pick what they want and thus improve food preference those are eateries close to a warehouse with food for it to work well uh okay tavern spend time time to drink requires drink to operate a canteen step up from eateries that offer a better tasting food and a place to sit okay so we need a canteen it produces coal for some reason all right canteen it is uh we'll set this one up so we got food is over here let's set this guy up over this way so this can go [Music] like this i think uh neither wall's hand wall's on make a big one like that oh a little too big stick a wall right there a stone wall come on why aren't you letting me build my stone wall yeah why you don't let me put it down i want a a wooden building right there why not all right fine we'll just cut it down a little bit there we go okay so let's get a cooking station in here what's that cooking over on i guess on this side yeah that works let's do one like that and we know what we can do we can something like this there's a cooking land and then table land will be over here yeah like like that and almost that and then i thought they had like decorations you could go in here so this holds 40 guests 10 workers these doors doors will be right there that's how you get it we'll put a door in here for the for the kitchen staff you can come back over this way to get out as well door here for a little bit of easy movement and build it takes a lot of stuff 80 pots which i have 60 even after doing that okay it's working um i'd like this to get closer but they can it's not too far of a walk there's a door there there's a door oh you know there's a door there can i put a door right there yeah so we can yeah if we just access that right there i think so okay come on in how do i tell you to double click great access to all immigrants right click open species settings i want you guys to you know what if you want to come in here you come on in how do i tell you to do that i don't need to double click on you you just come on in you just come on i know how to tell them to do that i don't know if i overlapped the walls to get the share okay okay so that's that's working we need a few more pots which is happening we got clay um no but uh it'll happen they're spinning those wheels over there so we'll get some clay we could go in here and maybe we should we should look at getting in here and grabbing this stuff this green stuff there's people around here let's get a um what is it oh we can't unlock that mine oh yeah let's get a let's get a library that's like a good spot right here okay there's a torch in the wall that's cool that's that's how all libraries are uh how about that there we go uh put some doors right there and we'll put some on this side and that side i need a scribe station this is so we sit around we we uh we write about books if i can figure out how to get this thing there we go it needs to be a little bigger i think well we can do that but i don't think we can fit much more in there would that work get rid of that doorwood actually let's do that shelves what's the big thing a carpet oh you need fabric fabric let's get that and i'm sure a shelf can go over there for some efficiency that's all we're gonna get oh no we're [Music] not okay good enough there's a library i don't know what to do with this this fruit place is getting rid of it okay so that will give us some research which we can then use for tech which we have completely ignored the whole time how is the storehouse looking as far as no you're not all the way full so it's fine a lot of cotton in there i could probably do with you're my my levitate let's put another tailor in on the other side paper maker uh the library doesn't need paper does it nope it just makes knowledge you have one employee this is only room for one employee oh it does consume paper okay how do we make paper it takes what oh out of wood okay make sense we're trying to share this room here paper maker there nope nope okay workbench there we go uh we'll put a door in there this truce only holds one worker how's that happen let me let me redo this one i'd like to [Music] i'm gonna remove this item and see if i can fit another scribe station in like this i can't do it can i hmm [Music] even with this one though it's only this gives me more capacity i guess it's fine it's something we have two scribe stations so it should be two i would think it'd be two workers but um it's fine it'll it'll uh it'll slowly add up here right there but we gotta get paper making which is happening now so that's cool the storage produced paper yeah we need paper in our warehouse so let's take something down a notch which is gonna be uh probably what is this well he's less of probably i guess the tool is not even at any or smooth stone let's bump one into the paper two now let's do one we don't need that much then i'm hoping let's get uh where's the fabric do we have fabric in here we have that marked already so fabric we have cotton in here already i think right yep and then we're gonna start making some clothes that's my next my next goal here so let's get a clothing a tailor of some kind not the not the later get leather guy but the uh the textile guy so he takes uh oh actually like a we need a loom guy which is what so we need someone to make the fabric we need a fabric man it's gotta be a workshop it's not textile man textile man takes takes fabric and makes clothes but who makes the fabric you you are making clothes already a jeweler weaver there he is okay that should be good enough we don't need a big weaver production we need a little one stick a loom right there let me tell you about loom okay there we go two workers that's fine okay so there's our weavers our weaver's going to make clothes but i've already got clothes coming in um is there any other reason to have him around any other reason for cloth we could sell it i suppose jeweler takes no we don't have stuff [Music] we just do uh we'll do we can do a textile tailor that'll give us that'll give us something to sell [Music] i always do that i don't know how i would do that off that one's good put a door in there and then we'll get in our workbench it doesn't really be this big [Music] go [Music] anywhere okay there is um clothing man [Music] that this road is is well traveled hey jeff how's it going okay get that working we got loads of people that want to come moving in come on in new levels bestowed to my name that's right it has um now mayor we can now build a uh a gallows did i lose my two but no we got it um we have what is this slavers scaffolds dungeons and guard posts okay then we get to be a chieftain which gives us courts [Music] what yeah bring in the giants and replace ours let's make what we good um i do an administration place administration which is produced and stored and maintained administration is used to upgrade your kingdom each workstation can roughly produce five admin points be further boosted by skill and visual workers okay so it takes paper um or cloth and makes that so we're doing paper so we might as well so let's put administration in over here i guess i did it wrong again okay and we need a door clerk station we need a bunch of these i guess one there and one there and we need some shelves [Music] and some carpets sure got some fabric now that's cool to help efficiency it does okay okay so there's our admin majors are nook that's right okay that's not overload yet the the the barracks is still fine the uh the eatery is is uh looking good cruising through the seasons here how's the map looking instria has a 1.7 000 garrison no one's attacked us yeah there's a camera walking through we don't have a garrison yet uh we'll figure out how to do that [Music] i'm gonna put some points in a few things i'll finally know what it does maybe we can health out there's law sure and education yeah it makes sense i'm still trying to tax those mushrooms elevations some special treatment for a species increases growth and happiness costs 53. what's that's person prosecution persecution exile mass massacre okay i would like yeah these guys are great we like these guys no not these guys i like these guys there you go okay i don't have the points for that we're all mistreated points are okay then you can support so we gotta make sure we get that admin running i think now if we want to like take a town out they all have like a lot of garrisons right 298 over there we could we could take this guy down jackson's gone like a 353 we could almost do that we should get like triple the people would be good you have 76 or negative 76 it does have a tutorial yeah i i played a little bit of it but i just got past i just did the early stuff um i i played this before uh but it's changed a lot since the last time i um even even the the ui stuff is quite a bit different building things it's not quite a bit different it's minor changes but enough enough to forget you're in it's been a year since by this one that and we need more wood so let's get some wood chops let's clear out this okay how's my grain field looking oh looks like grain okay let's get a baker uh we've got lots of grain probably now and no baker from green we got lots of green okay so let's build a uh what was it food no baker rats baker you take grain make bread okay keep over here in food land which actually i'll put you right here [Music] right there that's a good spot for a baker and you get some ovens all the others i can get this as small as i can get you so it will be a lot of ovens hopefully we don't need too much bread i need to grow you a little bit there's four workers in there it'll it'll make a little bit of bread let's put the door there and there okay no it's a big game there's a lot going on bread and baking bread and cookies tonight that's exciting it's very exciting uh dude just rewind at the very beginning you're on youtube reminding the beginning of stream and you can catch all the uh all the overview stuff for it okay there we go so papers are being written admin is happening uh i think uh we got some knowledge let's get some knowledge it costs 25 for all the basic stuff reaches output of my wood cutters okay okay now we're getting there crease output of my fisherman i was fishing to produce more fish i like the sound of that we need 25 we'll get there okay that's happening that was at my um workload 100 so my janitor is a little bit over overloaded so i think if we click on them right if we click on it shows us all the red spots are what they're what they're going to do i forgot that was a thing uh so i'm trying to get another janitor if i could grow it i would i don't think i have room for it though one of the problems i have is uh trying to get this is we we grow too fast i suppose i could bump it out one more square and maybe squeeze in something a little bit bigger let's redesign this a bit if i expand you out like that will you no there's just a single wall okay nevermind i don't know no z level one it's just a giant it's a giant game but no z levels okay back to full speed ahead are some humans that want to come in and live with us you guys are really unhappy i'm really concerned about what i need to do to get you guys happy your expectations are going high i don't know what to do to make you happy uh you know what a big a big bonus will probably be this bread when it starts coming out actually it's gonna give you some variety i think you'll like that do i tell you what bread what foods to hold here you can have rations in here too [Music] what about you what do you what do you do over here [Music] you guys are a bit a bit overwhelmed i guess over here missing coal and available services missing cold you need coal [Music] uh we're making coal it's just not coming in fast what if we get like a charcoal guy just to make sure we stay on top of that [Music] charcoal guy you can live over here i did it again okay [Music] so throw the kiln in for his his charcoalness there we go and make sure he's working good [Music] there we go 100 okay so that'll just take out trees which we can turn into charcoal that seems like a reasonable thing in fact let's get rid of all these trees over here storage in the basement outrageous uh hey you know what uh you i think uh you should grow a little bit let's let's let's make you into a bigger pasture let's expand out like this way i want i want more of you let me go go to pass her up a bit oh look here oh poor guys they're eating them all okay we got loads of grain some meat um some livestock which is to grow now i have two rations three rations we're very low on on food but the bread should be happening i hope i'm worried i'm not making enough missing charcoal is a bit of a problem uh it's coming in i think just everything else is using it it's just a long walk my truck goes way down here yeah we're close 100 so they're working it's just too much i could build a road i might make a move a little faster sorry chris i probably need to get some walls without i haven't been attacked yet i'm kind of surprised maybe not big enough uh oh you know what maybe trading around let's do some soldier stuff over here i'm not sure how big it needs to be but some train dummies in here doesn't need to be a room probably not no i don't want to be a room there we go like that and then train dummies here we go i get one skinny one over here no okay 24 soldiers can go over there and then let's make a supply depot now i was watching a thing on this there's one thing i was prepared for and so i kind of understand how that works how the supply depots go we can when we get an army built if we get an army built um the supply rates and all that kind of stuff we have to deal with feeding the the dead to your cattle well you know the music is in game okay so are you working yet there we go okay so charcoal man is working insufficient workers well get them okay there we go 100 workload that crank out that charcoal we need it got lots of woods over here we can take out i think maybe i might need to get um i think they actually build warehouse just stone and wood it's not really full of things though workload 73 it's getting there but not really i think it's fine actually um are you supposed to be holding clothes with zero clothes or our clothes at are we wearing them as soon as we we make them i guess so it should help happiness a lot though i would think food is a problem yeah food's going down as we speak because oh you guys what you want drinks too starving it starts to starve oh yeah we're out of food uh yeah that's a problem that's a problem are we are you bread making now we are okay um we more veggies let's get more veggies cranked out any more rations getting made which is what he's supposed to be doing he's just slow at it [Music] do you what do i tell you what to make him out of [Music] like i'm out of that you think i'm out of grain no [Music] okay let's let's expand our farm it can be giant it can be massive so let's let's let's massiveize it this is pretty fertile land i think over here [Music] so it takes 24 25 farmers gonna take 100 of these things to grow it to planet fertility 86 oh too big okay we'll leave it like that bring us a bunch more of that in here we have lots of grain i think my bakery needs to grow so let's grow it let's just go around the uh the edge over here remove that wall there how do we do that expand over structures okay go over that so that will give us i do want a wall okay that'll give us a lot more room for our ovens i think we're just gonna crank as many ovens as we can there we go little auxiliary guy can squeeze in maybe there we go 77 i'd like more than that 85 more 90 96 okay good enough let's put a door in there [Music] okay okay and now i know i know you guys are uh having trouble eating things but look on the bright side you got bread now uh you know we could also expand the fishing guide pretty quite a bit i want all this fish land you know can you guys do this as well yeah you fish no slacking anymore plenty of workers let's fish this place there we go okay storage of 186 efficiencies kind of garbage though with this but i can fit a lot in here okay 89 a little more there's hundred percent efficiency store 186 that's that's decent because we can store 186 there and then they get carried right next door so that's good that's that moves from seven workers up to what was it 20 something uh honestly we haven't really gotten too far in in really anything into the new update sadly um hopefully we can get there so i've been kind of moving on fast because i want to get i want to see if we can get somewhere we got 200 people we're gonna need probably about and we might need like double this before we can really get um an army built expand you a bit too quite a big growth there there's a dead guy laying on the field there don't worry about that guy he's just playing around that'll do that guy there no one like that guy anyway okay that'll all get expanded eventually oh anymore we need more veggies to do that that's a problem not really a problem because we can grab something where's some veggies lots of grain over here let's grab all this stuff i forgot we just come grab his stuff this way anything down um lots of here veggies go please grab this stuff lots of fruit over here here we go okay uh conscripts interesting we do have some hours don't we so we have 20 of them there targets 200 apparently what species i don't care people just train the deadlier they are on the field soldier must gain a minimum training level of one to be able to join a division four what zero no and this is a battle gear which i can't make right now anyway okay let's work it oh wait we're getting there we got 50 of them in here they're training so now if we go to world map do we have soldiers we do i have garrisons i have i have 45 and a garrison i have 11 admin points we can spin everyone i have two garrisons which we can we can move around the map and attack things if we want too far away to attack apparently what if i go like no yeah we can't really go anywhere but we can like go next door uh we got to get more uh resources i think to do that yeah wild growing veggies which i should have grabbed uh before we got bread bread is uh is cranking out now though i find you the warehouse to to handle more more bread more more bread please that up there um i'm not making any drink yet i guess we know we got tons of great we should do that so yeah let's get a tavern going so before first we have to get a a brewery he's a noisy guy and he's gonna take that he's gonna go right there okay put the door in there a big kettle okay 100 okay so there we go there's our there's our um brewery we're gonna take our thousand grain and make that uh and then our tavern needs to go somewhere ideally over here that's where they uh they eat i guess they could drink somewhere else or maybe around the well so that was in food and tavern so i'm not sure i was going to do something good but we're going like this [Music] you know let's use that wall expand over like this way like that there's our there's our tavern is that big enough let's go a little bigger [Music] big big tavern okay uh any tables oh yeah this will fit in here let's do um oh it's just tables and knickknacks all right plenty of space for uh for for drinking [Music] a moose somewhere around here okay knickknacks uh i do not want to uh slaves please that's carpet sure sure carpets are very cozy okay and i want a door there you know you want to come this way you can you can come in this way too and maybe on this side now we'll just do it like that too okay build away and let's put in a road stone road to go like this okay we need a light over here probably there we go okay chocolate cookies with fresh ground mixed nuts tossed with tops with fresh raw honey come on jeff missing a roundabout uh yeah you know we kind of got a little bit around the well here i mean it's yeah you know it is it is certainly missing isn't it i'm just coming up with excuses why it's not there i apologize if you folks died what's with the death a couple murders cold exposure must be old because it's 27 degrees it's really hoping for an invasion right now but uh i ain't getting that what i put over there is that a stone i wanna i wanna a grand wall more stonewall so what i built over here let's let's let's uh put our road inside the wall there we go use up some of that stone we got laying around the uh i'm not gonna pick too much stuff we need more wood though oh wait we need wood actually pretty quickly actually uh actually hang on uh don't do it yet give me a uh a gate here then don't do that one uh look at the job of those two things uh one's fine okay so we make sure we can get out here and get these trees lots of trees neat chopped uh there's trees over here okay use a three tile road system allows for lamps in the middle of the intersection of the roads in general because resources gets resource heavy though i think that's what i did last time i played this i remember doing that because i could have yeah like in sort of the median i had the torches in there yeah it looked it looked pretty nice um yeah i i do remember that which are these things even are they even towards them i've been paying attention at night come on food we got bread now that's pretty much it though i got it there i see him looks pretty nice people happiness is is gone up has gone up a lot so i think uh i think we're looking pretty good this we gotta go supply this with with whatever you stick rations in there or whatever you know um which they'll fetch and they'll fill this thing up with for our army which this can grow also how's the army looking uh where was the button for that oh i got enough of this let's get the uh the fishing one oh oh farm you'd be good more more better farming more better okay um i was looking at army so we got 73 now in our army if we have money there's ways watching this video the dev did and he was able to go in and like purchase people mercenaries i remember where he did it i think maybe it was from the free folks like these guys there was mercenaries out there somewhere i don't know how he did it maybe they just sort of come along are you guys looking garrison of what a thousand 291 over there we can take that guy down any other free towns want to get attacked i guess i see like a little town here 800 than that one i think i think our our best chance is going to be down here where they've got 292. let's go 292 that we can handle that 444 over here we can handle that as long as we don't die from starvation first oh this wall's way cooler looking okay a lot of things get made here what do we need her this one uh nothing done so now we'll have some some grain or some some beer which will go oh you know what i wasn't going to build here because i'm going to expand this thing oops let me do that now while i'm uh while i'm messing with well i'm thinking about it so i'm going to expand you out that way let me go one more with the road it's fine and then we'll put in a few more beds okay and do you guys want some coat with some something next in here like that and then a couple knickknacks where can these go [Music] i go 100 cozy 40 beds seems like 40 beds is nowhere near enough we can always go across the road i bump this out because i'm gonna put the road out a little bit further and no one really uses this i don't think i guess i'm gonna start though with this if i should bump this field back just a bit so we can get a road through here people walking through this field okay we got 79 paper though that's that's good because that's for admin which i've got how much of this one i don't know what to do with all this it means i have i don't know what is it oh okay okay i think i got it sort of i think i'm getting it okay fulfillment look at that happiness 96 percent i did it people love this place everyone except for the giants giants hate it a lot of people coming in there we go we got 274 coming in now another 31 300 people none all right now things are turning around uh it's getting late isn't it i've been playing for a long time i didn't realize okay let's um i'm just gonna fast forward this thing see if we keep food going along um is this farm this farm is finally done it is um it's finally done which means we're starting some some um vegetables in here also they're planting everything okay good they're good yeah yeah that'll be set up soon so we'll have that coming in we have the anks that we can eat as well um we've got the uh the tavern which is still being worked on it needs some more furniture which is happening we need more trees i think for that no no we got that let me get a bit of of rocks over here any more rocks around there's some rocks across the water here and uh let's get some treats i'm gonna clear everything here i just get all this stuff [Music] they're building it they're working on it anymore they need we need 12 more furniture and two more cloth which comes from cotton which should be happening um the uh the loom or the this guy might be taking on my cloth actually i'm a cotton i actually don't have a cotton farm i just been picking up off the ground because there's a bunch of it it's like oops it's it's always cotton time over here [Music] probably i was like a graveyard's getting filled up expand this guy [Music] let's go that way and put more graves in [Music] oh oops [Music] okay [Music] put some flowers in there yeah nice bro yeah there we go okay um oh i can't put trees in [Music] [Music] okay it's more graves for uh for folks for all the murdering happening man what's with all the murders around here oh what happened happiness what happened what happened we were just like so happy and then it just plummeted what what happened wait a minute everything was great why [Music] everyone was so happy everyone was ecstatic they love this place and now what did i lose what what happened somebody tell me uh what are you dying for heat exposure i mean there's plenty of room in here uh oh you know what no one's used oh no one's using it because they don't have enough furniture for it oh okay okay uh we have the wood we need furniture man to uh to get to work okay the tavern's now done so that should get worked on next that'll help some things out this should get i think this will get done next hopefully he's 19 furniture which we need to make we have zero right now just slowly getting made uh we're not still selling it are we i don't think so i i don't want to deal with that oh we are yeah no more furniture over here okay yeah that's why everyone's freaking out they don't have a bed anymore who needs beds you got a tavern missing drinks uh are you making drinks buddy you're making lots of drinks is anyone holding the drinks i don't think so um can you hold some drinks for me there you go hold some drinks for me they can walk in there and grab them where's my drink drink meter i have one drink i think we're making it just as fast as we can yeah it also uses pots which i do have some all right where's the furniture at why is it going in there what are you guys using it on hey you guys work on this please um i can't see where the door is maybe i blocked it off is it possible store there walking through there look we're good okay the problem oh that was the problem i blocked off the door whoops okay now now we're good pressure's getting moved in everyone stay with me here we've lost a few folks a lot of furniture my my furniture shop is just not big enough for employees for this place ain't happening we're gonna do my throne room anything cool here 500 gives me a chieftain which gets me uh what unlocks the quartz i didn't ever put in a scaffold uh hangman's noose that's kind of nice i got here where's that law scaffolds yeah this is what we need some scaffolds set these up over here we need some we need some gallows needs furniture of course we'll put a gallows like right there and we'll set some chopping blocks up you know you know just in case you never know what's gonna happen in this town decorations right there okay fear 50 i like the sound of that and the other thing we had was was a slaver where criminals and other prisoners are taken for a temperament for their new career slaves oh we can oh our criminals would go in there okay dungeons where caught criminals under the prisoners taken for us for storage a few years they spend uh they come back as useful subjects again and there's a guard post for guards deter crimes oh yeah we need those need those for a while perfect almost almost perfect i need weapons i need weapons and armor for this okay can i do that yet i can't i can't make weapons yet i need detect for it which is what 300 points go fight a war without without weapons okay is this done yet it's furniture please make this first [Music] it's gonna wait for him to make it i don't know we're gonna make it to uh to fight in times we'll send we'll make an army we'll send them out we'll see what we can do with it i'll try to show off what you can do with it anyway before we end this can't get this far without without getting somewhere you know so that's not going to happen because we're missing all kinds of stuff for i'm just going to cancel it that's not going to happen uh yeah those aren't gonna happen for a while so i'm not gonna worry about messing with those yet i hope you guys aren't carrying furniture over here you are why are you putting a friendship right it's not not a priority can i tell you to pause this one i'll do this because if i have this no it doesn't never mind okay i think they were taking things away okay let's get in there can we make some more furniture make furniture out of stone can't we with a mason okay mason there uh let's door that and there and we get more nice nice mason workbench it's just one notch too small nope oh yeah okay 12 workers that sounds pretty good there we go there's a suspend job ah that one is that how we do it maybe dormant there we go okay perfect thanks chris all right so that that'll happen and then we'll get this guy going which needs furniture furniture to make furniture we'll get it and then we can start having no longer have furniture problems in this town hopefully we'll have to go on a bid a big uh tree grabbing and rock grabbing spree but that's that's easy this map is so big that not a problem but you get the point of having like forty thousand imagine having like forty thousand people in this town uh natasha the demo is just the previous version of the game i think or maybe a couple couple versions back it's it's um [Music] it's basically the full game just not not current this update just came out here a couple days ago i think once this once our beds are good we'll be happy i hope lots of bread uh no drinks still i think it's they're making them they got 21 of them in there we have coal where's coal uh we're using our coal pretty quick where's my cool guy down here yeah they're working these only make it they can like crank out so much okay we're almost there four more come on you can do it just build the dang beds and watch we'll watch the happiness skyrockets what are we at right now we're at 40 happiness as soon as we hit 30 they start leaving there's no one leaving yet but yeah it really plummeted once once that got shut down but um i think that's that is what is that services so that is [Music] have all off my city is my city's not lawful at all it will be in minutes okay done and it should go up quick 38 percent it is on the rise projection 56 57 58 okay i think i think we're okay now let's go redo this guy okay so he is good now we need more furniture and he'll be done for him too 42 it's climbing okay it's amazing what some beds will do for you there's still free beds even though actually i might need a whole new dormitory look at that we're actually at well probably a lot of tired people right now i didn't have beds for a while there's only six available but it's rising [Music] okay hunter's looking good we got a 100 workload but he's that's fine the uh the graves are quite full anybody died from starvation it may have i wasn't watching we have one ration in in hand we got veggies finally in here a severe lack of furniture no i'm gonna suspend you again let's get this one done first actually dominions three yeah yeah you're right it does i didn't think about that but yeah it does have a dominions three um music feel i i hear it okay one thing we didn't do is we didn't get our wall done which i need to get some more stone but i'm waiting for this to get done before we really deal with that um then we'll have to go on a big stone hunt but we just got i'm not sure what we can do with these guys to help them out they've got 100 efficiency don't they it says workload only 86 percent for some reason clearly it's more than that though i wish i could grow them somehow janitor's missing some furniture what do we have here we are short on clothing as well apparently we're making it it's just getting used as soon as we as soon as we make it it gets used battle gear i think is is only going to be i assume is only going to be this guy bath house be nice to have at some point i never made a hauler how point that is how about oh yeah how about a monument yeah what we've been doing this whole time what takes fancy stone i don't have any fancy stone [Music] um who makes fancy stone is it the mason did i read that wrong that mason doesn't actually do what i think he does turns cuts so turn stone into cut stone produce oh he costs furniture maybe to build it and then yeah to basically get a cost pressure and he takes regular stone turns it into fancy stone i get it i get it okay so you're actually not a priority but i'll let you finish first before we do anything else uh let's go do a big grab of this stuff there's some rocks around here we can grab also lots of rocks over here and trees trees keep growing back luckily [Music] it's the grand theft auto one yeah grand theft auto one yeah i know what you mean [Music] okay we got immigration coming back excellent come on in everybody we're gonna replace what we lost way up to 274 outrageous happiness is up and back down again all right here let's let's let's do let's see what we can do about this i gotta uh wrap this thing up so i'm quite happy with the towel we got almost 300 people in here we had 300 people for a minute don't forget that part um but let's go see if we can do something about the military so we've got these guys now with this kind of battle we want to go and [Music] let's see if we can figure this out let's go to the world now i'm going to must muster my army can i send them um if we want to go and like attack things like let's say this guy over here so how do we move these guys over here like this this and then it's just too far away because we don't have enough resources [Music] maybe hmm army recruiting army oh okay from here um we have no supplies let's get some recruit oh here we go here we go so um oh this is from the from the region we're recruiting them from okay i think it takes 12 days to recruit all these guys with all this gear i don't care what race you are you be whatever race you want farming starting stubborn starting battle that sounds like what we want okay can i have some of you too i'll take some humans too i think we guys are good we're good to it okay so that's a bunch of people so we're training them we're um i think what's happening also is we're grabbing so we have an army so back at home we're grabbing all these supplies and we're stocking this up because this is where all our supplies go is into here for our army and they're training right now i'll be ready in 12 days which shouldn't have to take too long i think i don't know how long a day is here right what we can and i guess we're not grabbing necessarily from my stockpile we're grabbing just from the countryside i didn't realize that's how it worked zero of 600 soldiers right now but they are they're working on it i believe training right now okay what is that oh i put the doors in there right uh let's go and do [Music] stonewall sure now keep the graveyard inside we'll put a door over here somebody attacks us they'll never get past our our brilliant defenses of [Music] water a very sensitive scroll in and out by the way [Music] i haven't had any bugs uh yet um i don't know obvious doesn't show me my my cpu usage anymore i think everything's trying to find i don't know how you lag if there's anything showing up on the stream it's it's uh it's it's uh um internet not uh not game it's been surprisingly smooth for as many as we have but we're supposed to be able to get you know uh 100 times what we have no 10 times what we have no 100 100 times i think right 35 000 we can have a lot of people [Music] okay how's our uh how's our army looking [Music] are we getting anywhere i'm not sure [Music] oh we got mercenaries let's just hire some of these guys we have crowl's merry band we've got the uh the flesh eaters well yeah we're gonna hire you 43 000 how much do i have i have 83 how many 112 93 85 you guys are cheap i'll buy ya oh you're 86. [Music] yeah why does it say 43 there and then 86 when i click on you [Music] are you lying for oh you know what i think maybe i have to tell you what to hold i do anyone more for drinks maybe i do [Music] this will be a drink one not that i have any drinks [Music] uh but we get some we got trade depot everyone happy still yeah [Music] you'll be drink man okay so as as clothing or whatever comes in it should go over there but we don't really make any of that but we can trade so let's go to trade depot or the import depot i like to import some things i want to bring in some battle gear is what i want it seemed to work last time i just sort of came flying in so we'll see i can go in where i do before i think here and we can say import yeah i want to import okay i think we should start bringing that stuff in [Music] okay there we go the drinks are getting low there we go yeah our supplies are getting loaded in there now and uh these are just like the defense folks um and then out here we've got uh where was it we are slowly getting supplies brought in need a lot of it what if i um i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna redo this because if i were to just hire i could let's say we hire you i'll take you i want i want people yeah i don't really care so much about uh train's okay i don't care so much about equipment you know what no equipment for you so we say that um let's see if this works okay now we'll see if cause i don't i still need supplies but i don't need battle gear which i don't have so we'll buy we'll try buying the other things so let's go back over here and say forget the the battle gear uh just pick me up some [Music] um clothing drinks buy me some drinks 16 where is coming in i'm assuming it's drinks but you're gonna all go into my tavern you know what tavern um i hate to do this to you but but you're uh closed okay tavern is closed i think network uh you tavern you turn off okay so stop taking the drinks drinks need to go into there and we also need what else we need clothes and rations and and drinks um uh not human necessarily we have we have humans we have dwarves we have some sort of like orky looking elf things and we have insect things so it's a variety [Music] okay i don't know um if it's gonna happen anytime soon we're getting there we've got we've got a few drinks been pulled in we need more clothes we've got two clothes and 24 rations pulled in mercenaries you guys are still expensive yeah yeah [Music] okay okay we'll get there okay we we uh we we got uh trading figured out so we can just bring in are you coming to me leery that's not me go slide on by okay let's get into the army i want a small army just just to see this in action so let's recruit uh just some bug folks and i just want i just want a few give me like 30 soldiers we don't need to be trained that much okay so 69 close 187 rations 93 strings still even with that okay drinks are coming in pretty quick though let's take no time at all more murders happening can we put someone up can we do something about this can we like yeah no murder's allowed all right um drinks are coming in we need clothing so we want to buy some clothing so we're gonna go to the import man we are buying drinks i think is where we're getting them all from uh i wanna buy some clothing also so switch this over can't leave a spot to carry some clothing which i think i have okay closing don't you nope not you you you carry clothing [Music] yeah i know okay so that's and then you are set to fetch [Music] okay so there's only five stored in there yeah it'd be really easy if i just had cash so if we just start selling stuff that would also help us out maybe we do that maybe we go into uh the tray we got a lot of cotton here um what do we have a lot of paper let's sell some paper so i will sell i want i want to sell itself very much does it so first of all start warehouse stock is above 51. yeah do that okay so there you go export there i don't want to turn these off oh there we go no i don't know so make those we are producing some clothes but it's all going to the army we have a lot of cotton we could sell i don't really know how to make that work i have tons of grain they're buying they're buying it so we can sell to those guys is that what that is is that with that hook instead kraken all right so supplies have not been delivered army fill up our army depots and fortify army emilia desertion will follow okay you're going hey you're going to me bring some clothes in hey thanks buddy okay army's about to desert because i'm not giving many things uh but clothes are coming in that's something here comes my clothes 32 clothes excellent okay once you go uh um take some things out of there too where do those clothes go four four divisions have deserted you know what i don't want you to be here anyway i don't know i really wanna show this off but it's um if there's a different way we can do it it's just gonna take so long to be able to get that that brought up if i had cash maybe um but i just have not figured out the um i guess the expert we got we got to fill it up here don't we that's how we do it so we load this guy up with some exports and we can start selling some of that grain maybe what else we have that we can get rid of we have a lot of cotton and paper i think that maybe that's how we do it as long as it's in here it'll sell green sales for two bucks but two bucks is two bucks let's see if that number goes up people on the other hand are a little bummed out about the tavern so let's uh let's hold the tower back up on the right side we got drinks now we'll keep this stuff over here um but we'll get drinks running again and we'll start making some of that and then people be happy again maybe things will be a lot easier with cash you know chris not sure if it's working i do have an army army of nothing at the moment let's get rid of that division now i should make a small army they're all too expensive there's a trade going out right now where's he going to oh he's going to institute what's he carrying he's carrying oh he's creating all this stuff it's working nice okay how are we going to make on this no we're at 49 what are we at now right wait it went the wrong way i think we're buying stuff still uh we're buying drinks still always wait for them to come back okay now one army please i want nothing too big just something cheap you know um [Music] it's gonna be a lot though i can't it's not gonna work oh actually we got stuff for it we need a little more drink and they'll be ready to go okay i'll take a few more yeah okay a few drinks in here we can go can we go over here now no soldiers but they're training they'll be ready and win [Music] lots of clothes are coming in now okay now it's working now we're gonna have it's gonna be a tiny army but it's enough to show off the point of this so i want to make sure we go in here and bring in some drinks uh how are we doing that we were doing it here drinks drinks that one okay here comes a bunch of clothes coming in from the trader okay we're get we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere muddy over here from all the foot traffic here we go over here too hey why does it do that that's kind of cool [Music] okay so we should start seeing eventually as it shows up we'll see something showing up over here we hope there's drinks there now you guys ready ready to fight what do you need how long you need to train training at the moment but they only need six percent training so i think they're going to be are they actually in my town training no offerings like to make a where'd i make purchase no thanks i got some for you if you want let's try putting in a uh a big training ground none of that with lots of dummies okay okay now oh here they are they're here training doing something what do we need all kinds of stuff over here stone i'm out of stone i'm out of everything okay i need to clear it out and um all this needs cleared out these rocks need cleared hunter sorry buddy i'm taking the trees away there we go okay eventually it'll get made and then how are we doing how we looking we have supplies we're a little low on rations are we good we are good okay yeah yeah they're whining about that but that's fine so we can go to the one i had less people with this one so let's go there it'll work there they go they're moving we did it how many do we have here we've got 75 soldiers we're going to take on an army of 280 that's fine that's fine it happens uh i'm i almost want to go back and get some more but we're going to go here we're going to lose a battle but it's it's to make a point now another question could we go take out what's it that's my caravan i'll have to get that one out can we take out a caravan that's the question i want so there's a different ways of fighting so we can go into a town if we write a town it's just sort of like auto played you can meet an army on the battlefield then it's like a proper fight i'm not sure how trade caravans work if it does oh we got a fight going on right now 75 of us no we don't want to fight them if i auto resolve i'm going to lose basically let's just let's just do it it's not about winning it's about making a point exactly that's right whoever said life was fair where's that written all right so my army is is this little guy right this little group right here we can we can like place him out as we want total war our job is to keep this thing safe and they are this tiny little army over here [Music] okay uh let's uh let's let's uh what can we do charge run tight formation yeah we probably do some of that you know make them look scary uh and then uh and then begin okay here they come this isn't going to end well but um [Music] i think it's time that we charge you get in there you get in there and you and you die and you make a point where are they going what are they doing they're all confused charge get in there okay oh i can't control you what are you doing why are you running away not run away time it's fight time [Music] okay there we go we can run away if we want uh i think we will want to retreat we're gonna lose a few soldiers out of it that's okay adopt a cat uh and then we we've we lost some some beer and some rations out of that uh which which goes if we took it they would go back um and then so there we go there's a fight a point has been made the spoils are going to me maybe it's my old army might be my old army um but anyway there you go so that's how you do it so you can you can fight towns the real challenge comes when these are all just little freelance this real challenge comes whenever you fight like other groups like this fort here has 1.7 000 troops uh in their base and these guys have 1.7 000 these have 3 400 troops in there so yeah then it starts getting pretty hectic um if we were to win that battle then we would oh we could we have a choice we could either sack the place take their stuff take their loot um we can let them keep running it's you know give it over to them or we can actually uh take the place take command of the place we can also like pillage and enslave also um or we can also take the place and wait to see if there's a zero garrison there why does it say there's a zero garrison there how much money do i have not enough [Music] oh i gotta go to bed um i probably just take a bunch of puss no no training just give me some dang soldiers how many cents fifty yeah i gotta have all the stuff yeah it'll take forever but anyway um we could take that town and um and run it it'd be my home um as my own uh a whole new village so anyway that's how it works um if these guys train real quick we may go out for another little a little jaunt you know just go say hello but um well tom that's what you're hanging out here for but we're not really in the best of shape because i'm trying to do that but um we have so much grain look at all that green bread starting around a little low and uh we're making some sales i think i think we're buying more beer than anything else though which is what's putting a bit of a damper on our soldiers here why is this one red because it's it's fully loaded i guess are the soldiers like coming in no wildlife we've got what mile resources do we have oh anything see anyway i think the point's been made enough we have we have oh and they they deserted you think soldiers look i just want to go take a town okay is that too much to ask no there's people there now all right anyway i'm gonna go to bed so this is songs of six uh it's it's coming along i think it's coming along quite well i i'm i'm a fan and uh it is uh where's my steam page there it is uh it's out it's been out for a little while the big update just came out which added in all that fighting which we just showed off um with with uh the the i guess the late game stuff is what that big edition was um i don't know how big my other army was or how big my last town was i don't think i was at 300 maybe i was seems like 300 a lot but in the uh you know overall it's not a lot at all um anyway there's uh those songs at six thanks for watching uh everybody i think we'll have a live stream again tomorrow it is livestream proper livestream day tomorrow so we'll find something to play tomorrow and uh and check that out um oh you know what i almost forgot um we're supposed to have a channel updates
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 193,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, youtube live, live stream, nookrium gameplay, live, songs of syx, gamatron, song of syx, dwarf fortress, colony sim, colony builder, gameplay, early access, steam, city building, fantasy game
Id: Yg5dyQ0cnNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 4sec (11824 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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