Hermitcraft RECAP - Season 10 DAY 1!

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This week on Hermitcraft... CROWD: Mumbo do the intro! Mumbo do the intro! MUMBO: Uh... oh, oh, um, uh, um, and, uh, uh, oh! Hermitcraft Season 10! >> Welcome to the Hermitcraft Recap! My name is Pixlriffs, our writer is SloyXP, captions on this video were provided by Lyarrah. And with season 10 of Hermitcraft  starting, we’re once again here to   tell you all about it! But before we can  do that, we have to tell you about us.  If this is your first time on our channel:   each week we provide a light-hearted summary  of the latest happenings on Hermitcraft,   usually covering 7 days from Friday to Friday,  and typically uploading on Sunday because it   takes time to write a script and edit it  all together. So every weekend, you can   expect a team of enthusiastic fans explaining  what the heck all this Minecraft is about. GRIAN: You get a- you get a taste of everything. >> If this is not your first time  on our channel... same! We’ve been   doing this since Season 4, and you could  argue that we’ve gotten better at it,   but we’d probably be the ones arguing against you. MOVIE: I'm... ancient now. >> To introduce the team: I’m Pixlriffs, the  voiceover guy and co-writer of the script.  Our head writer, video editor,  and executive producer is Zloyxp!  And Lyarrah is the captioneer who provides  quality hand-crafted subtitles each week.  Each of us has our own channels both here  on YouTube, and on Twitch, if you want   to find us playing our own weird brands of  Minecraft and occasionally other stuff too.  But none of us are officially affiliated with Hermitcraft  - this is a show by fans, for fans - despite   that one time I ended up on the server and  performed the recap live from a coffee shop. CLEO: [cheers] XB: Hiss. Boo.  SAUSAGE: Yaaay! Here, have some coffee! >> It’s been a wild ride. But not nearly as wild as  the one we’re about to go on,   so let’s get into what Season 10 of Hermitcraft is all about. [VCR sounds] Webster’s Dictionary defines Hermitcraft as a  collection of friends who play Minecraft together   and make videos about that. And despite all the  iconic stuff they’ve done over the years, the   group itself is really the essence of the server. So what’s gonna be different about this season?  Well, for one, the server is running experimental  features of Minecraft 1.21, so for the first time   in history, the players have access to automated  crafting and the expanded copper and tuff block   palette. One thing we know for certain is  they’ve blocked Trial Chambers from generating,   because they’re still under construction  before the 1.21 update actually releases.  For another thing, they’re kicking off this world  with a pseudo-hardcore game which will look kinda   familiar to anyone who’s watched the "-Life"  suffix series or the "Demise" game from Season 6! Basically it’s all fun and games until you die  - but once you respawn, your name turns red, and   you become a "Reaper" whose job it is to off one  of the people who hasn’t died yet, with the only   condition that it’s got to be more creative than  just swinging a sword at them until they perish. GRIAN: Very big important mystery gift - that we  all know - but the audience won't know till later,   and I think everyone desperately wants the prize. >> So half the server has already plotted to kill  the other half, and expect more mayhem t o follow. JOEL: [...] where I have reached 2000+  days of hardcore Minecraft. However,   that's single player, where  no one's trying to kill me. >> The final thing we need to address is the two  new additions to the cast! Joining the server for   the first time in Season 10 is Skizzleman, whom  you may know from the Life series or his frequent   collabs with ImpulseSV; and technically not  joining for the first time but at least becoming   a permanent Hermit now is Smallishbeans,  who you’ll hear most people calling Joel   because that’s his name and it’s easier to say. What havoc will these two newcomers inflict on   the server? What trials will the veteran  Hermits put them through? Let’s find out   as we look at all the events and mishaps that  occurred on Day One of Hermitcraft Season 10. SKIZZ: You guys are amazing. RENDOG: Alright Skizz. Bye~  SKIZZ: See you guys. RENDOG: Bye. >> Upon logging in, Rendog notices a distinct lack  of anything in anyone’s inventories. Thankfully,   he comes prepared with a solution:  if they split up into teams to watch   each other’s backs, and return to  spawn after a long bit of caving,   there will be plenty of spoils for everyone!  All the precious resources - and even some of   the interesting blocks - can be divided into  chests where everyone gets an equal share.  So having attempted to be a monarch last  season, Ren begins this season with communism. STRESS: Yeah, that's what I say. RENDOG: Listen, I worked pretty   hard to organize this little  event, and it all went Pete Tong-  HYPNO: Hello! RENDOG: It- it all went horribly wrong.  MUMBO: Oh, there he is. ISKALL: It went perfect. >> The gang splits into a set of  pre-arranged voice chats and complies.  Except for Zedaph, who is not in any  team for the most bizarre reason:  You see, having dedicated his last  season to the varied and hilarious   accomplishments one can do in Minecraft,  Zed decides to gamify his season 10,   and starts out with his whole  hotbar "locked" and unusable. ZEDAPH: I can't put this crafting bench  down. Uh, heh, I can't hold it to place it! >> He can buy out hotbar  slots by sacrificing diamonds,   but those are pretty hard to come by when you  can’t even swing a pickaxe. Luckily for him,   his off-hand slot is neither hot nor bar, so  he can eventually trick some creepers into   blowing up enough materials for him to make  a flint and steel and use that as a weapon. ZEDAPH: Oh, there's double  diamonds! I didn't even realize! [Creeper explodes] ZEDAPH: No! >> And just for the record:  nothing is making him do this,   by the way. Those padlocks are just retextured  sticks, the rules are self-imposed entirely.  He’s just like this. And we love him for it. KERALIS: Can you put on stuff  on your face? 'Cause there's a   beautiful iron face I've got over here. ZEDAPH: Oh, yeah, my face is free. >> Thankfully, by the end of the video,  he manages to free up at least a couple   slots and is no longer completely  handcuffed. Funny as it would be,   I don’t think he can play this season  with right hand tied behind his back. ZEDAPH: Bam-bam! We have  just unlocked hot bar slots- >> Team False, Jevin, BdoubleO and Etho briefly  become pirates as they board boats and sail up to   Grian and crew, but their prospects are much more  bountiful in the mines, so prospecting they go. FALSE: Are you jumping? ETHO: Oh no. JEVIN: Leeroy Jenkins!  BDUBS: No? FALSE: In before they fixed that in the update. [laughs] [explosion] JEVIN: Everything's fine.  FALSE: Are we not concerned about  the explosion that we just heard? >> After all, any loot pillaged would  be returned to the people equally,   by decree of the socialist digging company. Of course, they’ve gotta return from the mines   intact, so it’s understandable that this is the  moment Etho becomes an evangelist for shields,   and Bdubs spends half the time procrastinating  and taming horses for Etho to get jealous over. ETHO: Oh my goodness! DOCM: What?  BDUBS: [triumphant laughter] ETHO: He's got the best color too,   with the white- the white paws. I love that one.  BDUBS: Oh, and it's so fast and jumps so high! ETHO: Oh my goodness.  Dude, you've gotta be kidding  me, that's the fastest one ever! >> Once he’s got a modest  amount of equipment, though,   Etho is keen to do some solo mining with  Fortune, the better to acquire some blocks   for his build palette! A combination of  colourful copper and warm wood types comes   together for an Asian-inspired build  which is, in PearlescentMoon’s words: PEARL: Exterior! Since when  does Etho build exteriors?! >> iJevin in the meantime butters up the  audience by telling us all about his plans   for the upcoming season. The short version  is he wants to live in an enchanted forest,   so he’ll have to build one, since the existing  woods won’t fit on the enchanting table. JEVIN: This enchanted forest,   I have some very cool ideas for. It's going  to be like nothing I've ever built before. >> To start this future build strong, Jevin  kicks off the season with a whimsical rustic   medieval fantasy home, that it took him  overall nine hours to research and plan. JEVIN: I've done about three hours of research,  and I have about six hours of Creative building,   so I'm about nine hours deep  in just the first build alone? >> That’s right, Etho, while you were out partying  with the Hermits, Jevin was studying the blocks!  We joke but maybe he really  should have studied the blade:   the cave skeleton army gets him  to a Reaper state rather quickly. JEVIN: I was really hoping to win  Demise, but you know what, it happens. >> Etho’s social ways bring him into a  historic collab with Geminitay - because,   you see, they do archaeology together. ETHO: You got an egg? GEM: Etho, it's an egg! Yeah!  ETHO: Nice, nice, nice, nice. GEM: Heck yeah! >> Armed with the brushes the two of them sail  off to dust the ocean floor in search of the   extinct species of the sniffer. It’s surprisingly  wholesome until you realise they’re both Canadian,   and from that point on it’s shocking  how much they’re razzing each other. ETHO: We're gonna have a great time. GEM: We are gonna have a great time. I'm glad that   you're feeling so positive about this situation. ETHO: You wanna boat off the cliff here? >> But this good-natured mockery eventually  leads them to their treasure. Though the first   opportunity he gets, Etho starts  off the artifact black market,   and turns out the going rate for a sniffer  egg is three poisonous potatoes somehow. ETHO: I have a gift for you as well, Gem. GEM: Okay. 😑  ETHO: [laughs] GEM: Our friendship is really tough to maintain, Etho. >> Well, if nautical nonsense be something  ya wish, Gem is right at your service with   her starter house tugboat, plucked  right of the Dredge videogame. It’s   only cute because she doesn’t yet  have the blocks to build The Horrors. GEM: Early game fishin' for saddles. [Among Us intro]  GEM: Just being able to relax, see all my friends going around.  This is nice. >> Thematically adjacent, Keralis decides to  live on a boat as well. His one is even more   Spongebob style, as it’s sitting there  on the shore on stilts for some reason. KERALIS: Good? Bad? Ugly? Like, I've never lived on a boat,    not even like on a story-based scenario, at least. >> This is not cute, the boat is actually stressed,  yachts need saltwater to survive! After the way his internet connection  treated the mining session,   Keralis feels he deserves a vacation. So  his theme for the foreseeable future is   very summery and tropical, complete  with palm trees in the background. Cut sandstone into pieces,  this is his last resort. [🎶GTA: Vice City - Mission Passed] >> Keralis’s connection issues were not the  only disruption to his mining crew - at one   point xBCrafted has to hold the fort  himself while Joe is away on an errand   and Xisuma is doing server admin stuff.  But eventually the team comes together,   a group identity probably helped by  xB providing them with a uniform. XB: Have a hat. JOE: So this is a hole- Thanks.  XISUMA: Oh. That type of hat. This is our crew now. >> By the end of the session, that sense of party  unity overcomes the trepidation of venturing into   the Deep Dark looking for more precious resources. But don’t be fooled, that’s not the Warden,   that’s Joe Hills! In a new Minecraft skin  that is much more muppety than the last. And   we also have to give Joe props for putting  a ton of creativity into his video editing,   bringing back childhood memories of Saturday  morning cartoons, and providing a handy graphic   for us to remember who was on which team  during the collab caving session. Because   when Xisuma gets frightened, you’d be forgiven  for thinking a monkey had broken into the studio. XISUMA: Oh! [alarmed hooting] XB: You good?  KERALIS: [mimics noises] XB: You're gonna have to make   a new Xisuma sound compilation. KERALIS: 🎵 Oo-oo, ah-ah, ooo!  >> There’s certainly no shortage of monkeying  around on the other teams, where event organizer   Rendog places himself in the distinguished company  of Stressmonster, Hypnotizd, Mumbo, and Iskall85. RENDOG: It is an unwritten rule in  Minecraft, you never fiddle with  another player's... mineshaft. [group snickers]  MUMBO: Thank goodness. Thank goodness for  that addition of a certain word in that. >> Ironically - having insisted that  dying during this mining trip means you   forfeit any share of the resources  - Rendog is the only one to die,   much to the amusement and  frustration of his teammates. STRESS: What happened?! RENDOG: Nooo!  [End Portal noise] MUMBO: Just as I was- just as-  SKIZZ: What? This is- this is his game!  TANGO: Doc just straight up laughs, I love it. [group laughs] >> With Ren relegated to sorting through everyone  else’s gains and being left with nothing himself,   he shrugs it off, declares this "episode zero",  and aims to get geared up in the next episode. RENDOG: I mean False, it just- it really  comes down to how much you trust me, right?  FALSE: I could log off here and you  wouldn't block it was I was standing on.  RENDOG: That is- that is very true. Just because  it's quite late right now and I'm quite old. >> Once they’re done giggling,  Stressmonster and Iskall split   off to set up a skeleton spawner which  Iskall deems a "glorious Hermitcreation"- ISKALL: [shouting] STRESS: Don't die! >> - and while his voice recovers he experiments   with the new tuff blocks to see how  they’ll fit a hillside cave base. ISKALL: I honestly don't- I honestly  have no idea what I've built here. >> Meanwhile Stressmonster tames a horse,  is menaced briefly by a red-named Keralis, KERALIS: Where's my lava buckets. STRESS: Ah yeah no, don't start. [giggles] >> then proceeds to set up the most aesthetically   pleasing early game animal and crop  farms we’ve seen for a long time. With the chaos of community mining left behind,   Mumbo settles into his groove over by a  cherry grove hill around which many of   the other hermits are building - pausing only to  discover how disturbing salmon head sounds are. [vigorous slapping] GRIAN: Oh Scar!! >> Gathering up a bunch of deepslate and mangrove,   he assembles a mechanical-looking arm from  which his starter base can dangle - and is   naturally left with the question of  how the heck he gets inside it now. MUMBO: Look at all these new  titles! I spent sixteen hours   on these yesterday. You better like them. Our final team-mining squad is Skizzleman, ZombieCleo, TangoTek, Docm77, and VintageBeef. Doc shows up later for reasons we’ll explore in a bit,   but the team suspects he may  be in the pocket of Big Salmon. CLEO: I want the salmon. SKIZZ: I want the salmon.  BEEF: I'll take the salmon! SKIZZ: Yeah, I need to eat.  Need a swarm of angry pescatarians coming my way.  CLEO: The Salmon Collective. BEEF: Big Salmon's coming after you.  SKIZZ: "Big Salmon"! [group laughs] >> Beef is one of many to die his first  death after the community mining concludes,   so fortunately he gets to walk away with  his fair share of French lapis lazuli, CLEO: The blue stuff.  BEEF: Lapis? SKIZZ: [in French accent] Lapis laz-u-li! SKIZZ: Lapis hon-hon-hon-hon. [confused laughter] CLEO: Is lapis French now? BEEF: Is it French? >> But now he’s on the Reaper team,  he might be regretting ditching his   old butcher’s apron skin for  the Canadian lumberjack getup. With the corporate fish on their tail,  ZombieCleo books it for the nether,   which is to say they craft the statue  book, and then go to the nether. CLEO: I've got- ooo, v2.11,  what's new in the book? >> Once again, the statue book is part of the  datapacks running on the server that allows   players to pose and manipulate armorstands -  something Cleo is notoriously proficient at!  But to use the pack to its fullest, one also  needs the statue wand - which in actuality   is a fishing rod with warped fungi on it. This means that for the season to truly begin,   Cleo needs to scout out one of those  cyan mushrooms. But this expedition,   inevitably, is their downfall. Or rather,  their downfall, bubbling noises, fire damage,   fire damage, fire damage, ZombieCleo  has discovered the floor is lava. CLEO: [gasps] No no no no no no no!  This is bad, this is bad! Gonna die! Gonna die!  [End portal noise] CLEO: Oh no. >> That’s one more for the Reaper team,   but it makes sense a person with such  a name would join the corpse pile. CLEO: And my horse Jason Penderghast.  I don't know why, that's just his name. >> Hermitcraft newcomer Skizzleman  also emerges from the caves alive,   despite facing off against an enderman or  two and a lot of near-creeper experiences.   First-timers to his channel, feel free to play  a game of "count the perfectly cut-off screams". SKIZZ: [screams] Ohhh. Mmm! SKIZZ: I don't- [screams] DOCM: Creepers! SKIZZ: It's Grian's fault! GROUP: It's Grian's fault! >> Skizz even avoids stepping into an  admittedly obvious trap by Rendog in   front of everyone, but having jeered  at Impulse dying, karma catches up to   him in the form of Impulse’s fist  and a well-placed cavern entrance. SCAR: Pilfer his chests of all redstone, Skizz. SKIZZ: Ah! Woohoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! IMPULSE: Oh my gosh, watch out! SKIZZ: Oh nah nah nah nah! No! No! SCAR: Oh no! [End portal noise] SKIZZ: Ah! >> Despite this, Skizz settles down  at the base of the cherry mountain,   choosing a base location by a giant crag, slapping  the inaugural salmon, and announcing his plans to   build a pyramid based on Maslow’s Hierarchy  of Needs. It’s an ambition that comes with a   large build plot, although Tango literally pops  up to suggest he doesn’t need that many signs. TANGO: Uh, maybe tone it down a little bit. I think you probably got the point across by now. SKIZZ: Oh, it's too much, it's too much, isn't it? >> Someone should’ve have given Tango a sign  he’s about to get squished by a falling anvil,   but that went belly up unfortunately. [ANVIL DONK] TANGO: [shouts]  TANGO: Okay! Was it Doc? Oh my- I've never been so scared in my life. >> Tango takes out his  frustrations on the villagerkind,   when Impulse and him build an iron  farm together. Because, obviously! It’s good to be back. Once unflattened, though, Tango  starts on his own starter house,   and let me tell you, if he gets in the habit  of stepping out every hour to announce time,   I wouldn’t be surprised here. Yes, it’s a  classic steampunk cogs and pipes aesthetic,   but it does kinda look like a  giant cuckoo clock doesn’t it. TANGO: A cottage converted into  a steampunk thing? Which... eh?  This is all- all these trees? This whole  birch forest? Is pretty much all my land,   and we are going to build, whiz-bang  ridiculous factory that you've ever seen. >> Fortunately for Tango, Impulse has already  managed to shed his red Reaper name by the time   they put together their iron farm. And thanks  to the dawn of automatic crafting, they’re   able to shape it directly into blocks instead of  coming back to condense the ingots themselves. IMPULSE: There he goes! TANGO: It did it! It pooped! It pooped!  IMPULSE: I just- It literally just- I saw the- >> And this isn’t the only collab Impulse lays  out in episode one: aside from settling down   around the cherry mountain directly between  Skizz and Joel, his major ambition for the   series is to team up with BdoubleO to create a  massive Cyberpunk city on a 200x200 build plot. IMPULSE: I also took some time to  mark off where our Cyberpunk city   is going to reside. And, yeah, it's a big area. >> PearlescentMoon chooses a different cherry  hilltop as the backdrop for her base area,   and once she’s tracked down all the  resources, she timelapses a picturesque   ranch house located conveniently close to a  couple of neighbours whom she can bug for a   cup of sugar and question whether or not they  booby-trapped her front door with fireworks. PEARL: You almost killed me! CUBFAN: I didn't take you out though,   it didn't take you out. PEARL: Almost. One heart, mate. One heart. CUBFAN: Ohh, I should've put  more fireworks in there, I knew it. >> The other inhabitants of cherry mountain  stick closer home, and slightly to a side,   as both Grian and Joel start  houses on the cliffs themselves.  Their effort mirror each other perfectly,  as Joel’s starter home is more of a roof,   while Grian’s is literally just a floor  for now. It’s episode one after all.  Joel’s hesitant to share his exact  plans for the season, but he hints   at the general vibe with the glowing red  lines on the signs of his storage stall. JOEL: Then bam, look at this. I think  this looks so cool. It's kinda giving   a little hint of what sort of  style I'm going to be going for. >> Grian bounces from team  hangout to team hangout,   but eventually finds himself on  the receiving end of a baby zombie. GRIAN: I knew that was going to happen!  Now the prize isn't gonna be mine! >> From then, his primary goal  becomes passing on the reaping,   and admittedly dripstone has that  word in it if you say it wrong enough. GRIAN: Ohhh! [excited squeaking] JOEL: That was close,   that was close! GRIAN: That was so close! >> Alas, the triangle based shenanigans yield no  victims, but he does catch GeminiTay chilling on   the common grounds fishing for saddles. And so the fisher becomes the fishee,   as a lucky catch from far above rapidly  reintroduces Gem to the asphalt. GEM: Grian!! GRIAN: [cheers] >> The rednames aren’t as  kind to GoodTimesWithScar,   as his entire inventory evaporates thanks to a multiblast TNT trap Cubfan135 sets up for him.  Cub himself having died to skeletons earlier. SCAR: I knew it was a trap! SCAR: Took my binoculars, zoomed in,   which activate- CUBFAN: No! SCAR: which opened the chest, because I  was holding down the right mouse button. I have no resources and no  build for my first episode! >> Clearly Cubfan got a little  overeager with his demolition,   seeing how earlier in the episode he builds  up a perfectly nice oak and stone home,   only to tear it back down and rebuild in a  more convenient spot with higher foot traffic. CUBFAN: Pay me one diamond each, I'll leave  you guys alone. For- for now. For now.  BDUBS: Alright. And this one's for Scar. CUBFAN: Alright. >> The mob massacre gets him proper scared  of the dark, and Cub makes it a goal to put   together a machine that would craft up logs into  torches all on its own. Good thing autocrafters   are here to help, but he’ll still has to  get the logs manually for the time being. CUBFAN: Alright, boom! There goes. Crafting  into wood, the wood is crafting into sticks,   and you'll see down here is our  crafter with the torch recipe here. >> The explosion set Scar back on his plans, but  by the end of the video he has recovered enough   to deliver a beautiful locomotive, standing for  some reason on stilts, as if its tires got stolen.  Scar’s general goal for the season  is to build a zoo to end all zoos,   but unlike ZombieCleo a few seasons back,  he will be using actual animals instead   of armorstand replicas, so more  like ZombieCleo back in season 2.   Though that was a museum, mind you. This server’s lore is confusing.  Point is, Scar is Steve Irwin now. Down to the miniscule shorts. SCAR: And oh crickey, look at  that beautiful pig over there! >> And finally there’s Docm, who  has come in with one mission:   outpace everyone else from the beginning. DOCM: What do you expect? GOAT! >> Doc joins up with the group mining  session, but as soon as they’re done,   he returns to a convenient corral of  villagers he prepared earlier and shapes   them into a villager trading post that will get  him full enchanted diamond as soon as possible. DOCM: And we also have insane  plans, you know the drill. When a missclick leads to him getting crushed  by an iron golem, he pays it forward to   Tango in the form of an anvil dropped in  front of the convenient farmer villager. TANGO: I should have known better than to trust a redname. [sighs] DOCM: I'm sorry. >> But one excursion to the Nether roof  later, Doc has portaled out to a swamp   where he begins his true project: create  a machine capable of autocrafting pistons. DOCM: Now to craft the toggles to a power  level of eight. Why am I- nine. Why am   I re-iterating nine nine nine all the time?  Well, because this makes this whole thing work. >> A combination of Ilmango’s cobblestone  generator, a new-school witch farm,   a slime spawning cell, an iron farm, and an  allay-powered bamboo field gets him the resources,   and a series of auto crafters and hopper arrays  all come together to create a full chest of   pistons - not to mention slime blocks, firework  rockets, a handful of other useful components,   and another witch / vindicator exploit that grants  him infinite regen while he’s using the farm. DOCM: Right, um, eventually you build  up hunger, and more and more hunger-  Can you be quiet in the back when  I'm explaining something? Excuse me. >> Whether Doc’s plan is to corner  the market in redstone immediately,   speedrun his way to a perimeter, or  just showcase what can be done… may   have to wait until episode 2. But until then, he can relax in   the knowledge that he’s also created  the world’s most unethical trash can. DOCM: We filter out everything,   and then you just toss it underground.  You know, they don't destroy it.  [flint and steel snaps] DOCM: Now it works. >> I think this officially makes Doc an evoker,  because I’m pretty sure this is how you get vexes. DOCM: They cannot die, they  are out-regenning fire. >> And that’s about it for this week’s Recap! Our writer is SloyXP and my name is Pixlriffs. Captions on this video were provided by Lyarrah. It’s good to be back! You can find  links to everyone from the recap   team in the End Screen theater if you  want to find us at our own channels. Don’t forget to leave a like while you’re still here,  and subscribe so you won’t miss future Recaps! Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next week.
Channel: Hermitcraft Recap - a show by fans for fans
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Keywords: hermitcraft season X, new hermitcraft season, hermitcraft day 1, hermitcraft episode 1, this week on hermitcraft, hermit minecraft, minecraft youtube, mcyt, mcyt highlights, mcyt compilation, skizzleman, smallishbeans, what happened on hermitcraft, hermitcraft recap, hermitcraft, minecraft, hermicraft season 10
Id: XqgH4XIumIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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