Song Of Solomon ~ 3:1 to 4:16

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back in our fathers word the greatest love story ever told Song of Solomon and let us fill in just a little bit to get us up to speed here the little Shulamite girl was a country girl she worked outdoors and and was tanned and was not like the city girls in Jerusalem who were you might say were pampered and dressed in the same way and she was just a country girl and she tended the sheet for a widowed mother and her brothers and she met a shepherd boy while she was tending her family sheep and they fell in love and then the brothers being very protective of her put her in the vineyard then and away from the Sheep so she would be separate from the shepherd boy and literally what this has to do with is God's elect and who is our Shepherd that we love the Lord is our Shepherd Psalms 2023 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he always takes care of our needs that is to say that that you have to have when you can't arrange it yourself and so because she longs for him now Solomon observed her and he brought her in from the country to Jerusalem and and he's courting her Solomon himself is courting her whereby he could marry her however she will have nothing to do with him because she's in love with the shepherd boy the the port beam there's an earthly King which Solomon was and a good one but we want the king of kings and Lord of lords that's that's what God's election the upright would would choose so having said that we pick it up in in chapter three verse one how she misses her shepherd boy while she's being courted by Solomon here in Jerusalem chapter three verse one and it is the female the shooter might talking listen what she has to say with the word of wisdom for my father in Yeshua's name by night on my bed I sought him whom my soul and I want you to underline soul in your mind we're spiritual here love it I sought him but I found him not you know I wonder how many of God's elect since a child they knew there was more to God's word than they were being taught and they searched and searched and searched for the deeper truths of God's Word until bingo they finally they find the love the shepherd the shepherd and how it was from the first Earth Age all the way through and how precious it is but here she seeks for that once Solomon even the King wanted her no that's not good enough no earthly king but the king of kings verse 2 I will rise now and go about the city in the streets in in the broad ways I will seek Him through my soul again soul loveth I sought him but I found him not initially this just wouldn't be safe and wandering through life looking for the Savior so to speak looking for truth searching out hunting for that Holy Spirit the comforter so that you could be loved by the Living God that he would never leave you he will never forsake you but all of you at one time or the other have had that pondering that wandering searching looking for fulfillment from the Living God verse 3 the watch meeting that go about the city found me to whom I said saw ye him my soul loveth and have you seen the Shepherd well they're going to find him in Jerusalem that's for sure verse 4 it was but a little that I passed from them that but I found him whom my soul loveth I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house and into the chamber of her that conceived me and this would be the proper place for an opposed and espoused one is to her mother's house and have everything aboveboard and right online and then the female continues after that you know it's a beautiful thing when you find the truth when you find the savior when you find the true sefa Shepherd that you have his protection his his caring his truth the Living Word is so uplifting so complete makes your life complete and and then she would say in verse five I charge you or you daughters of Jerusalem she speaks to them by the roles and by the hinds of the field that you stir not up nor awake my love till he please not until his time comes you disturb him and and as it is when you find him you know that until that seventh Trump's ounds he's not returning it's not his time until that time and yet you had that protection that comforter over you at all times that's that's the best of two worlds this one and the one to come when you find the Shepherd the true Shepherd and she being a shepherd hissed she knew how to tend the flock she knew how to plant seeds and and yet at the same time as I stated in the last lecture she knew how to tend the vineyard to keep the foxes away from the tender little blossoms of the great that the Kenites could not spoil what she was doing with it that might be mixed among the daughters of Jerusalem and and so it is and now these daughters of Jerusalem begin to speak concerning her this is what they say verse six who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke perfumed with myrrh and frankincense with all powders of the merchant this what this is what is this incense that is burned at this wedding march and and that's what this is is it's a wedding march that is taking place we you can see the preparations for those that wait upon the Lord to take place that the true ready that is to say when it's time for that Shepherd to awake and to come to that true wedding you don't want to be like the five virgins in Matthew 25 that had not enough oil in their land but you want to be the five that are well loaded with the all of our people and that your lamps are bright and the light shines and you're ready for that one that comes from the wilderness to country verse seven behold his bed which is Solomon's here we were speaking solomon knows the girl is there he's still seeking her threescore balint valiant men are about it that's sixty guards of the value of Israel they're right there running now this is not a bed as you think of a bid you must think of it as a couch it's a nick doc in the Hebrew tongue it's a litter you could even call it a Sudan it's a chair with with arms that it can be carried with hanging curtains that his true love could be inside this Sudan the this the proper word Pelican II and and protected as as the troops carried her and protected her this is me here she's got I want you to understand this she's looking for her shepherd boy this country would and hear this King since a small army to protect her and I mean to carry her in this new Dan this couch to to enable her to have whatever she wants I mean that would be tempting would it not to have all thing not to her it wasn't things of this world should not be that tempting to anyone that sees the in depth truth truth of following the Living God verse 8 they continue speaking they all hold swords being expert in war I mean he sent the best every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of the fear in the night he they're protecting this girl this little Shulamite this country girl verse 9 King Solomon named himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon I mean the very best the Lebanon means it's those Cedars of Lebanon that would that nothing can bother and certainly it is this Sudan this mid-thigh that he brings it's fancy it's wonderful verse 10 he made the pillars this is the cushions the pillows the pillars thereof of silver the button the bottom rather thereof of gold the covering of it of purple that's royalty the midst thereof of being paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem how fancy it was that the king knowing she had slipped away and was searching and the night men know that the night watchmen no doubt reported her in the king's tins for her all this royalty he is truly courting her and she still prefers the shepherd boy that she would meet under the shade tree in the heat of the day when she was a shepherdess tending the Sheep over all this fancy guards the chair the sedan whatever you wish to call it it did not mean that much to her and she speaks in this closing verse the little Shulamite does in verse 11 listen carefully go forth are you daughters of Zion and behold King Solomon with the crown were with his mother crowned him in the day of his apostles and in the day of the gladness of his heart you can you can go forth you go to him she wasn't going she was having no part of it how precious it is to know and and many if you stop and think in this greatest love story ever told here she was in danger in life on this earth in that night in the streets but it was well worth looking in searching for her true love whom her soul that's her eternal being loved that is to say God himself through the Sun that shepherd boy she sought him and in her mind through the comforter she found him but then as she relished that comforter comforting her she really needed no other protection and she insisted that the daughters of Jerusalem lead him alone until it comes his time you see God's Word is complete within itself but everything in its place its time and its order that's how it's going to be our Heavenly Father knows exactly the time the place and the order it is a thing of faith that one must possess to enjoy and relish the comforter knowing he is with us always he will never leave us he will never forsake us the people of this world can chase whatever bad they choose to whatever fancy might strike their eye but nothing compares to the Savior nothing compares to the Eternity in which we're going to all the riches of this world cannot compare to the riches of being in that eternal life with the son and the father thereof chapter 4 verse 1 and finally we're going to have the Shepherd speaking here now for one of the times of where he will speak more so than then so far up in this book so let's let's see what the Shepherd has to say ok chapter 4 verse 1 behold Thou Art Fair my love behold Thou Art Fair thou hast doves eyes we're in died within thy locks thy hair is as a flock of goats that appear from mount Gilad have you ever seen small goats mountain goats and sheep on the mountain though they hop and skip and jump in the hare the main just flies and the end of the wind and how beautiful is to my teeth are like a flock of sheep they are even that are even Shawn they're all equal which came up from the washing where of everyone their twins there's no missing ones and none is bearing among them no no Keith's missing when when Christ looks at you when you love him he doesn't look at the spirit thought of the flesh body he looks at your spirit body and this is how he sees you perfect I'm lacking nothing and the form that he created you in that spirit body which what body is that man let your eternal body when you commune with him and when we were pleasing to him this is how he sees you this is why he loves you so much and this is why he demands that that love be returned this is this is a beautiful chapter in as much as you can sense the emotions of God himself as he puts the pen to this paper to let you know how he sees you verse 3 thy lips are like a thread of scarlet and thy speech is calmly it's beautiful thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks I mean the fertile and and life bearing giving that's what the the pomegranate is symbolic of as you see that natural fragrance that comes forth this is what the Shepherd season knew when he looks upon your spiritual body the perfection the work of the Living God as he created you verse for thy neck is like the Tower of David that stately builded for an angry world there hang a thousand buckler's all shields of mighty men but what this is saying her neck her position her posture is so strong when she holds this country girl when she pulls her head high and that you see this trait than the power that it's within heart wine because she loves the shepherd she's loyal to the shepherd not even Solomon can pull her to the side she is true right to the letter in loving the Living God through that shepherd the Lord is our Shepherd and this is the way he sees you when you are your weakest you're the strongest because he supports you verse 5 that two breasts are like two young rows that are twins which feed among the lilies and she is that lily of the valley that wild flower that that comes in from Xuan the very valley itself and here this feast or symbolic if you would have watched towers to be watchful and protecting verse 6 until the daybreak and the shadows flee away I will get into the mountain work into the hill of frankincense how he loves her how he loves those that love him and how that he comforts and protects in a way that is impossible for many to know unless you else you experience it it's the touch of the Living God and the love of that shepherd for those that truly love him those that truly follow him verse 7 thou art all fair my lord there is no spot in thee this is very important but once you come into the truth and you learn the spot you should remember the song of Moses their spot is not of our spot meaning those little foxes that joy the vines those that would come against God their spot is not our spot odds own that spot is perfection in the way God sees you in your spiritual body it's healthy it's vivacious it's brutal it is beautiful to be loved by the Living God when he you know if you think that Solomon could be protective in that sedan that chair with the 60 guards armed with swords that doesn't compare to the perfection of the protection rather of the Living God do you have faith to believe that you can our Father takes care of his own when you use your head when you love him and we recognize the spot of the enemy and know the spot of our own were saved and we continue here come with me from Lebanon my spouse Lebanon is a means white from the mountain The Cedars of Lebanon my spouse with me from Lebanon look for the top of a man do you know what a money is that's covenant do you ever look for the Covenant you know what the Covenant is this is a marriage covenant look for the top of the manna from the top of Shinar and Shinar means snow mountain that lets purity its height then and homeland mine was the very peak come to the very peak with me miles dims from the mountains of the leopards in other words he has that contract and that marriage is a marriage contract an eternal covenant made with you that you enter that green and the overhanging branches symbolic of I am a great fir tree eternal life with the Living God that's what that covenant is that's what the contract is when you love him and when he returns that love to you it is a thing that is magnificent that is protection it's the greatest love story ever told the covenant with him he has presented that covenant to us from the beginning his covenant is well written in the Word of God it is a covenant that he wants to share with you we have eyes to see and ears to hear verse 9 thou hast ravished my heart my sister I love you my spouse that has ravished my heart with one of thine eyes with one chain of thy neck your glance just takes me in this again is the way the father is pleased with those that truly love him and certainly when you espouse is one that participates in that contract covenant that that knows the Covenant that claims it that intends to participate within it then receive that his glance in one little glance he sees the booty that he wishes from you again not your flesh body but your spirit being that is with him eternal in that covenant of loving the Living God verse 10 to continue how fair is thy love my sister my spouse how much better is thy love than wine in the smell of thine ointments and lot spices it is it is wine of course is yagan and and yayan has that one the the taste but he says being near you gives me that same warmth better than there better than ever who want the feeling words of love verse 11 thy lips or my spouse dropped as the honeycomb honey and milk or under that tongue and a smell of that gardens is like the smell of Lebanon meaning the freshness of cedar in what is really cold what is this honey's prophets food one that knows the word one that knows God one that can follow God it is the food that God gathers the fragrance of the flower into that honeycomb honey which the prophets themselves per take of meaning are able to bring forth that Word of God verse 12 a garden enclosed as my sister it's borrowed her little garden is barred once she's mine my spouse a spring shut up a fountain sealed sealed with that covenant of the Living God there is no way that Solomon or an earthly king could pull you away from the Living God so are not for sale there is nothing in this world can deter you from following the word that God gives you in following him and being blessed by him then as far as the world is concerned your garden is barred there's it's enclosed they can't touch you why because you have a covenant your covenant is with the Living God the Shepherd of Shepherds the Lord of lords the king of kings verse 13 to complaint and continue by plants or an orchid orchard of pomegranates with Pleasant fruits came for that Cypress better translated with spikenard in other words everything is just perfect it's fertile that's again the prominent pomegranate stands for that your whole orchard is fertile and productive and you know something when you follow God when you are in the covenant that he has made with all his children that Rug him that care that cannot be dissuaded against following the Living God against producing for the Living God then he brings this forth whereby they're going to produce fruit that means other children that means planting seeds teaching God's Word were by more and more people the flock of the Sheep that are supposed to be candid the house of Israel then that they come into the fold into the family into the family of loving that shepherd that's what it's all about the garden is barred as far as interrupting from outside forces but the same planning and the fertility of truth pours from it to the whole world through verse 14 spikenard and saffron calamus and cinnamon with all trees of frankincense myrrh and rose with all the Chiefs prices there's nothing lacking you know this is the shepherd speaking this is the voice of the Living God through that shepherd as he seeks for that little country girl God's exact God always finds his election one way or the other he finds the elect I know they're looking and they're searching and they will find him they have known since childhood as I stated earlier there's more to god's word than they've been taught so they continue to follow him here in this 4th chapter you have been able to enjoy the pleasure of knowing Shepards thoughts how he feels now he looks at those that love him in that follow him verse 15 a fountain of Gardens a well of living waters in streams of Lebanon and he completes with that that Living Waters is Christ himself when you four take of that living water you will never thirst spiritually speaking your spiritual body your cup runs over even in troubles and times when things are pretty pretty tough you can cut it why are part of that covenant it's not something that's just an imagination it's real it's a spiritual fact and that's the way you figure and find spiritual facts is by spiritual data and now to close this chapter as it did the third chapter the female the little Shulamite concludes she puts the seal on this chapter with her own words and this is what she says verse 16 the Shulamite speaks awake or north wind and come now south blow upon my garden that the spices their only blow out let my beloved come into his garden and eat his Pleasant fruits what does it mean it means as God's elect let the wind whoa the the pomegranate let the wind blow the very the the scene from that garden around the world so that the truth of God's love and his word impregnates the minds of all peoples that are supposed to hear that are supposed to know in other words though the garden is sealed in the Covenant with the Living God let the pollak of truth bounce to the world to be heard the greatest love story ever told you see the little Shulamite wants all people to see the beauty and the love of the shepherd as he has discussed in this very chapter she wants them to know how it feels to be loved of the Living God that's why she wants that fertility to spread with all winds and the winds from all directions bring that truth to the world that all can enjoy the protection and the covenant of the Living God alright don't miss the next lecture brush your heart to this in a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,331
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Chapel, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Bible, Murray, Book of, Arnold Murray, Shepherds, Pastor, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Song Of Solomon, Kjv, Shepherd's Chapel, Holy bible, Book of Song Of Solomon, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: LK6PD3F82Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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