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d1 queen of two i can just take it's got  to be rook d1 it's got to be rook d1   maybe pz shock with the ray with  1090 it's got to be rook d1 uh that had real potential to be a very  good run if i hadn't messed up that one   if i don't mess up that one earlier  can i do vision i'm doing uh the i try   i'm resuming the eye tracker tomorrow  so maybe uh tomorrow i can do do that just here here cakes you can just take the pawn here  i don't understand this puzzle wait this is weird oh no you  can just take see bishop c4 okay i guess just rook f3 okay there we go must just be takes wait knight g4 knight f3 takes yeah okay bishop three should win the rook 97 obviously not c2 so it should be here here and now you run the pawn all the way up okay i have see seven what is this white oh i just  take okay ninety three knight of five of course   take the rook take the rook just take what chuck i assume wait wait a  second he two but you are black and you are   down on material so this must be  right and i guess just rook c8 let's check okay you guys you're gonna take it  you're gonna take it out of context okay you're   gonna take it out of context relax everybody take  a deep breath relax you guys relax relax you guys   stop being all weird about it oh this is weird i  have multiple moves i'm guessing it's here though uh unbelievable what is this okay roxy tune rook b2 and queen  e2 um makes a lot of sense here   i think it should you it's got to be check and i  think it's check takes check can you tell you take   the king one you just takes it's got to be oh wait  no but checking it wait this is actually weird   it could be check and check wait a second okay  rook c1 king 82 there's no moves queen e4 is bad   thank you to era corico for the prime t wilson for  the tier one thank you so much to uh tony capazzo   for the prime okay rook b2 king b2 is nothing or  c1 is the only move that makes any sense to me   b2 king b2 queen g2 queen e2 king a1 so  it's not takes any other movie you're   just getting absolutely destroyed  here i think so it's got to be chuck just just take 24 looks like it's knight g6 takes takes h7 here and takes in here and here okay queen  g5 makes sense you can also trade the rooks queen g5 is a bad move night a 5  is a bad move it's got to be takes and takes hearing takes a3 is a move a  takes b3 is also a move i think it's a3 a2 here here here here here here here  and then here and here and here here here okay bishop f3 should just be winning that's good uh b7 looks winning here and here and make a queen okay this is  black to play and win somehow so it's obviously   takes b3 g6 b2 g7 b1 yeah so takes in here i have g6 here to fork the queen in  the rook no other moves make any sense okay g6 queen g4 bishop d7 wins  queen g5h it's got to be this okay and now i think you  just take the rook probably everything else you're not even  winning so it's got to be just e6 okay oh this is hard wait hmm i guess i just take with the  pawn maybe i run my king out   nothing else makes sense i think i  run my king out this way probably   kha can't be right because then he takes  takes chuck could be right there takes takes   queen d4 me oh wait no king  [ __ ] you just got mated king fa it's got to be here good okay we're at  41 okay rook f8 looks winning what am i missing   nothing i don't believe takes takes and  takes is good that's 42. i have g2 here   king f2 and king f4 other moves but king  f4 knight e4 g2 knight f2 and that's a draw   this looks like my game is kind of similar  to a game i had against ray dhamma um during   pogchamps oh it's a little bit different because  where the pawn placements are but it's similar g2 knight h3 king of three is a move okay what else works here king f4 king h3  you can't win you there's probably some way   you win so it's got to be here i assume  just wait so pawns here one two three   four five one two three so your pawn is quicker  than his pawn so it's got to be g2 c43 c5 e2 yeah now you just take that's good okay there's  queen h2 here there's also probably something   else that's winning um not bishop d7 queen  h2 rook g2 knight d1 is probably winning i think queen issue is winning because  you have check if here you take   king one shot king here you take king of one  chuck chuck king two queen h2 yeah that's winning okay chuck shock and takes and i guess you check or not wait a second you can also go g5 here   although that looks no g5 you got  mated so it has to be queen g5 okay if you take king of five night here it's  checkmate so if you take king h5 check here   check no it's not quite winning almost  winning it's gotta be richie seven although   you're about to get mated kh5 okay knight  f4 is no good so it has to be only move oh no it is checkmate i'm i'm stupid the pawn on  f3 actually makes it mate so this does works the   pawn covers the square okay that's good okay  so it's got to be b6 i think although it could   be b wait a second it could be some trick  okay b6 here d3 b70 queen with check so b6   bishop c1 e4 if on poisson you push if um if e4  bishop f4 e5 you just win so it's got to be this now e4 now here and make a queen this should be rook d1 although  it could just be bishop   a5b4 actually why isn't just bishop  takes uh wait a second okay rook d1 hmm he takes d3 is on passant yeah maybe   datos for the 10 months in a row thank you so  much i really do want to take this pawn but i   don't know if it's right i actually don't  know why why would rook d1 be better though i think all moves win here  for life and i don't know   what the difference is between the moves  it's not rookie forks that only wins the pawn it's bishop takes a5 or it's  um is bishop a5 or it's rook d1   what will you do if i give you 100 subs uh i  will i will do my best to set a new record my man and once again i myself will be  will be gifting a hundred subs the   community when we hit 980 000 subscribers  on youtube so if you haven't done that yet   uh make sure to hit that subscribe button on  youtube because i'm going to be gifting away a   hundred we're at 977 977 thousand seven forty  two um so 980 i'll give to i'll give 100 subs   at 9.90 i will gift another 100 and then at 1  million i will get 500 subs to the community um   i mean i don't know i mean rook d1 technically is  probably winning two but i'm going to assume that   this is right and just bishop b4 that's just my  assumption and just takes okay that's good i think   d3 just wins material here i think i got a lucky  puzzle yeah it's just got to be here and here okay i think i've seen this one before i think  this one is f5 i think i've actually i think   i've seen this puzzle i'm pretty confident it's f5  and if it's not so be it it is all right you guys   i actually need to use a restroom so i'm going  to run to the restroom and i'll be right back   made a hawk for three months later mom momo f okay  for the uh for some months so much all right um i think knight of three knight g3 is just winning i think you did dtc for the prime thank  you so much dtc okay what moves are there   knight f1 knight g3 seems like the obvious  option i don't see anything else that looks   good you're also getting mated down  here so you better have a fast move i think it's just i think it's this okay rook g7 is not a move i was expecting  i guess you just take with the queen yeah okay that's good i think they're draw  drive a tour for the three months say j man   for the prime thank you so much once again to all  the people who are out there watching if you do   have amazon prime you can connect your amazon  prime to your twitch prime and subscribe to one   channel free every single month so instead  of having to pay five dollars you will pay   a whopping total of zero dollars and you get one  free sub every month and it does not auto renew   so no matter which channel you choose to  use it on uh make sure to use it because   that's five bucks that you take out of twitch  amazon twitch or amazon's pocket and put into   the pocket of hard working streamers so make  sure dukes it's free there's no downside and   and there's no reason not to use it they need a  cotter for the two months they need a sumo stash   for the prime anders for the prime and fluoro for  the prime thank you so much you guys appreciate it   i paid 12 to amazon though with almost no  benefits um you know it's what it is but   but that's another reason you should use  your prime i think it's blue for the prime   yeah tomorrow we're gonna get back into the eye  tracker unless unless i magically put together a   huge run here and we go really deep they need a  sushi bar samurai for the two months um this is   black's playing win i don't know why c2 isn't  just winning here but maybe it's not let's see okay it's not rookie i mean c2 is  almost the only move that makes   sense here honestly so i'm a little  bit perplexed what else it could be kind of confused by this puzzle oh i got it see if c2 takes knight f6 queen a4 b5 i think it's just c2 knight f6 and b5 yes queen a4b5 yeah have i tried the medusa again but no  i have not i think rook b3 is the move why is level 50 so easy it wasn't so  easy it was not that was not trivial huh okay now nothing here is on  pre so it's got to be rook b3 huh what else can it be here literally no other moves make sense  it's just gotta be takes and takes i think rookie 3 works c3 now and i'll check i guess um here okay good okay so now the question is what are the moves  a4 ba-4 king c4 king e6 king f6 and you lose   so it's not a4 if you don't go king b2 i don't  see any other moves that make sense you can't   push this pawn because obviously you lose the  game so you can't push these two you can't push   a pawn so it has to be a king moves and the  only question is which one is it of these two   king before king f6 king a3 king six takes  take takes c5 a4 c6 a3 maybe it works king b4 but maybe king before there's  king h6 here here takes takes a4 h5   a3 h6 a2 h7 you win by one tempo because your  queen is in time so what is the difference there's some difference between the two pawn  moves but i don't know which pawn moves it is   king b4 looks slower i guess you got  one two three king b2 is one two three   my instinct is that yeah it's probably  king well let's see king b2 king f6   takes here takes here oh yeah  yeah then it's gotta be king b2   i just don't want to rush his puzzles because  if i get it wrong i'll be really mad at myself only move only move and now i think you just run   i think adobo ultra slot for 300 bits  it's obviously not king c4 you just run s3 g6 all you need to be careful here wait h6 a3 kj but it's got to be a4 okay and now you  have to be careful because i just wrote   if you take there might be some weird c5  h4 cd6 there's somewhere trick with takes   c5 takes g5 and the queen is with chuck so you  do to be very careful here how you play this   that's why i think it's cheap that's why i think  it's just g5 king g6 a3 so g5 h6 a3 king g8 a2   h7 a1 h8 trade trade takes here d5 g6 d4  takes d3 king here it's i think it's just g5   it is now you run the pawn  make the queen very good   there's knight f2 there's also just queen d6  queen d7 and queen d8 there are three moves   that win the juicer which one is the queen d6 is  wrong because bishop e5 so it's not here queen d8   or d7 is the question i need to aztec  for the 500 bits saying so much aztec let's see so queen d7 is logical yeah this puzzle seems too easy in a  way that's why i'm a little confused   but queen dhs wins material so i'm really  again there are two moves that look like   they're both winning and i'm not sure which one  is right i just have to find a reason that one   is better than the other why do i drink out  of a sippy cup because we are sponsored by um   by g fuel if you guys can't can't tell so  uh uh we are sponsored by g fuel uh fuel   up make sure fuel up and have enough  energy for a stream um yeah you have   to watch out for which takes f7 but the thing  is queen d8 bishop 7 king f7 is just winning queen d7 does not lose the queen because you  can go here takes and take with your queen   but um i really don't know what the move is   they both look winning which is a big  problem here they both look winning i don't know i mean i don't  know i i'm gonna go here i maybe i'm just okay i don't know what the  difference is but yeah it's got to be right um maybe that no but 95 queen d5   oh ah queen d8 bishop e5 and bishop seven ah good  point good point thank you dumps for life for the   two months thank you so much appreciate it um  okay so this is white to play and win let's see okay rook f2 cannot be the  right move king f1 knight   king of one could be right but it  looks wrong i think it's just king e2 wait maybe i'm missing something  very obvious but i don't think i am i think it's just king e2 now they're just knight d3 i  guess and you just win the pawns yeah okay weird puzzle uh isn't this just check  oh wait no it's not me so wait so it takes okay it has to be takes no other moves makes sense wait this is a very weird puzzle it's got to be takes no other moves and now it's a  question of which capture so if you capture here i   think you can capture and come back and hold the  classic right triangle um so you can also just   take and go here and then check and bishop e7 and  then takes takes check here takes also possible actually queen b7 queen e5 you're  just down a piece i just realized so   it's 100 not that it's got to be this okay so now i have to find the next move see a bunsen for the prime thank  you to embrace embracation for the   prime thank you so much appreciate it thank you bishop g5 is the move i want to play them  bishop e7 i don't know what my next move is   yeah bishop g5 bishop e7 queen g7 queen b4 bishop  d2 oh bishop d2 just wins oh then actually then   it's just very obvious it's just very then it just  takes yeah then it's just very easy in bishop d2   let's go uh here and i just win the game okay so let's see there are a couple of moves okay let's see so king c2  checking do you want check   here checking out three you get  made it so it's got to be here   here check here yeah it's got to be here i  guess you just go to e one i'm kind of confused very very weird puzzle weird puzzle okay we're 57 am i pure japanese no   i'm uh i'm german and swedish  um on top of being japanese so um so i'm basically the mix of those three  um i have f6 here which should just be crushing again this puzzle looks too easy what am i this puzzle looks way too easy what am  i miss i'm not missing anything am i just takes okay that was very easy i think table or for  the two west landers for the five i think it's   just b7 here and rook a1 and rk8 this also looks  too easy this is going to be a big run i i fee   i'm feeling a 200 run on this on this puzzle rush  i'm feeling the 200 today um let's see i can go b7   rook d8 check king b6 rook a8 um rook  d5 i just go here it's got to be b7   rook b1 rook d8 is maybe winning but  probably okay no no no rushing moves here yeah it's just got to be b7 or b5 okay one wins   rook d8 rook a one king b6 rk8 wins  yeah rookie five takes yeah it just wins   go check and then okay eight and  take the rook very good okay up to 59 thank you to branny for the prime thanks so  much to brandon appreciate it thank you okay 169 missing from the poll 200 or 201   uh i i mean if i'm trying to get 200 i  have to have like no i have to have zero   wrong for a very long time i have to get to  like 80 with zero wrong to even have a shot   um so i'm gonna be very slow probably okay what are the moves here c7 looks like  an obvious move to try to win the game   um f4 queen e4 king here takes takes king  f1 i mean that's winning for starters so c7 i think c7 just wins the game i don't  really understand so i also have queen b6 chalk   queen c4 queen takes cha king g5 is  mate king h5 is mate wings for queen queen a2 king yeah it's just c7   because it works actually rook c5 takes queen  e4 king of two wins c7 rook c5 takes check   block check block check here wins so it's  just got to be c7 there's just nothing else and now you go queen e4 i think let's not get  too cocky here and just blitz out a bad move but i think it's just queen e4 oh wait i have to be wait this is actually  tricky i just realized if here takes he has   a draw with queen e2 queen h5 it's not so  obvious i can also still make a queen maybe   queen queen check and it's  still no then king of five actually this is a lot trickier than i thought  it was c7 was right but i have to think let's think about this let's see what are the options here see it is a move see it takes queen e4 also works okay queen e4 king f6 i think it's actually i think  you just make a queen here i   don't know why but i think you just make  a queen so after takes check king of six um check it's got to be winning let's see my instinct is that it's not queenie forks if i go  queen e4 king g5 i have no way to stop this threat   so it's not queen e4 so i know it's not queen e4  so that means queen b6 rook b i mean rook b6 looks   ridiculous as well to just like king h5 so it's  not rook b6 it's not queen e4 which means it's   either this or it's this one of these two moves  a c8 queen or queen b6 so let's see so if i play   queen b6 check actually i should calculate c  x it's more forcing rook d2 takes takes king   of one wins so c8 queen pawn takes takes wins  queen f3 just king of two takes chuck wins um   so c8 queen queen takes check king g5 takes king  h5 i mean rookie yeah it's just gotta be queen   it's just gotta be queen nothing  else makes any sense here   king h5 or h7 king yeah i king of six  just just take the take the juicer although that's not so obvious wait you up sex i'm pretty sure it's queen though  let me just try to work it out   oh i also have king history oh it's  a king g4 so of course it's queen king g wait king g5 gf4 king  f6 queen d5 take king up three queen c3 must be winning it must be  winning if that's not winning then i'm pretty sure it's just queen that's gotta be winning yeah  it just has to be winning good and now to be careful not to check  cause then after here the king escapes   wait although wait wait let's see okay wait  so queen b6 queen b6 king f5 check king here   check rook d3 no i think it's just  queen e4 queen f5 you even have rook g7 i'm pretty confident just queen e4 it's not 24  so beard yeah it's got to be queen e4 it is yeah thank you to uh ambar tuwari for the three  months thank you so much appreciate it nine more for 69 no no i mean i want to get to 100  plus i'm at 60 with zero wrong i'm gonna take this   very very slow okay rook g2 is an obvious move  richie two worksheet one looks too easy okay this   looks too easy okay so takes takes knight d4 with  the fossilization takes takes and win the queen   um looks too easy you know king h1  check takes knight d4 just winning it's just got to be takes it's just ha although wait no then king g294 check  knight be7 no no that is winning what am i doing   i have uno dos trace he has unodos  so this should just be winning d7 right you i think it's just winning what other moves do i have besides rook g2  is another question i guess i have knight d   oh no i'm oh no i'm just so i'm so stupid  take sticks i can also take the knight with   the fossil so it's obviously richie too i'm  just very stupid i'm just extremely stupid and now it's just rich one rook she won and  i play knight takes night i i only saw this   sport but i can just eat the juicer and  fossilized the king very very poor by me   so yeah just check and check and check okay now this puzzle i've seen before  also what's up with the microphone   the microphone is good isn't it  i thought the microphone was good now this is just a straight puzzle how do you do is it queen g2 okay what are the moves there's queen  g1 queen g2 to line up to checkmate there's also d3 but then king e3 thank you  to oz azakurza fan for the prime el jose   lilo for the four months so much appreciate it  uh what are the options here it could be queen   f1 check king of three oh wait actually wait  i got i think i figured out i think it's check   here check because the king f5 check here  this is checkmate and king f3 i check king f4   wait but i don't have a mate oh wait  a second i thought it was check here   check here check the king f2  i check and then i go here   please king of five wait so check here check here  check here check here d3 oh no i can do no no what are the options queen g2 looks  right in some kind of weird way but the pawn is on d2 for some reason i  just don't know why i think it chats his   chest for the five months i need so much chest  chest thank you lazy boy for the prime as well   thank you so much lazy boy okay what do we  know it's not a pawn it's not a pawn move   so it's it's definitely a queen move what queen  was queen of one makes sense queen g one king e4   is wrong so it's queen f1 queen g it feels like  one of these two works queen c6 does nothing   queen e1 d1 c1 b1 do nothing f1 so it's one  of these three squares basically let's see d3 is no good because then black  can run the king into either either   way uh d2 or d4 to to dodge dodge stuff queen  g2 is the move i want to play but queen g2 black   plays f5 and then you have no mate that's  that's why i was thinking about this still   i don't think so at least unless  there's some queenie two oh queen to e4 feels like there's some way wait maybe i figured out wait a second i think maybe it's it's something where you  have to get the queen here so there's a check not sure what the move can be here huh some way that you can make a check here not sure what not sure what it is queen h2 because  queen issue king e4 and you can't do anything   let me go to kronecker delta for the six months  they chronicle delta sub for zero dollars pog   thank you so much for the resub  appreciate it queen f1 is the uh   is the one that i'm gonna  look at okay check king f3 check king of four checking a five there's some queen shoot oh wait king five wait  king five d3 no d3 chat no no wait oh this is hard queen g2 f5 looks right somehow but i  don't quench you tour queen f1 queen g2 f5   how do you maybe then queen e2 queen to e4 no but that doesn't work i have no idea on this one  i have literally no idea could be queen g one queen  she won doesn't threaten me what are the moves there's queen which one i guess i'll look at queen g2 first   so queen g2 f5 check king e4 he  escapes so queen g2 f5 check he escapes   queen g2 f5 d3 he escapes queen g2 f5  queen to e4 he escapes ah this is difficult okay look so i don't think it's queen  youtube but then queen she won king   ford so that means it's one of these two  moves it's one of these two moves but queen g2   all i need is a reason for queen g2 not to work  that's what i have to find out i need a reason   for queen g2 not to work and then i can just  play queen f1 so queen g2 f5 because i think   it is queen f1 actually i'm pretty confident it is  but queen g2 f5 here e4 no mate queen g3 k4 no m8 i'm gonna trust myself as queen f1  and i hope i'm right cuz i'm not sure i did put the queen on f1 right oh there's king g2 wait what   wait a second wait a second sorry i'm  just gonna actually open this puzzle oh no there is no mate no there is no mate i  think you know chronic or delta they need a   kitty jelly for the seventh seat jamaica for the  prime and daicha okay let's see so richie's seven i don't know what the move was hit quit and go open it i can't  um i think rook g7 is a good move i also just have knight c6 which hits  the bishop maybe that's just a move queen h4 looks terrible i  think it's just knight c6 i saw the engine that said queen  f1 is mate and eight wait really   wait a second i'm just gonna open shot space  on my other monitor one second seriously   it's a queen f1 is mate and eight  wait let me check that one second wait let me check that what was the position  f1 d2 b3 okay b3 d2 i'm just checking that's   very quickly one two three four five queen a5  king of five let's make sure five pawns right c7 c5 f4 h4 one two three five five on two yeah   let me see i'm just checking  i'm just i'm just checking ah queen f1 is a draw no queen g2 is  queen to queen e2e4 queenie one okay   i knew the pawn on d2 that makes sense that  makes sense yeah that makes complete sense   yeah that makes sense why it doesn't work of  course yeah because you have queenie one at the   end in knight six yeah okay all right let's get  back to this puzzle um okay what do i have here can play knight i don't even know what else  works i'm just gonna do it oh wait if i take i get mated here oh wait wait this is tricky wait a second show us yeah  it was queen g2 f5 queen two e4 queenie one i   knew there was some trick where you push a pawn to  make a check i just didn't have the right concept very frustrating okay let's let's see  here what do i have queen e5 queen g7   queen g7 trade is bad 95 is bad rook c8 is a move okay what moves do i have that don't that make  no sense queen g7 is bad there are no other queen   moves no bishop moves no knight moves so it has to  be a rook move it's either rooks theater queen g7 the queen g70 just trades and  takes then i have 94 maybe it's got to be rook c8 yeah it just takes good oh sorry queen g7 there's bishop  f6 oh man yeah you're right   at least i saw another way that it  was losing so whatever rook c8 looks   good i work see it i also have b8  which one makes more sense here rook c8 looks good here why is rook c8 not good it's a  question wait so if i go rook c8   rook d2 is checkmate king d2 i guess i just take  and take and that just should just be winning   so if rook c8 i've concluded that  rook d2 and kingdom two both lose   i've worked g2 knight e3 that looks completely  winning also then of c3 i check and i made so if i   go rook c8 91 is the only move that i think holds  the game and maybe knight f2 that looks winning okay what other moves makes sense  here knight e3 is not a good muslim   beast g7 you're getting checkmated knight  f2 does not look right at all not sure why   but it's not right so it's got to be rook c8  but then 91 i have to find the move knight f2   we have a knight knight f2 yeah it's got  to be rook c8 yeah okay 91 as expected now   93 and i have knight f2 important which one i  go for because one probably wins one does not win my guess is that probably knight  off to his right so you go here here   check here check he takes knight so surely the  knight belongs on f2 in this line i think the   cutie jelly for the gift of subject human should  for the uh for one month knight f2 queen a3 though hmm um let's see hmm not easy it's not rooksy tukes of knight takes c2 knight e3 queen e3 hmm i mean there's bishop c2 as well here with knight  e3 which i guess is playable um do i have other   ideas is also a question oh bishop c2 actually  does look quite good wait a second so if i take   wait actually how does how does  white stop this wait a second wait   wait a second so if i take knight e3 rook  d2 is checkmate king d2 and the game goes   on although you have knight c2 there i  guess but the game goes on after king d2   knight c2 queen b5 knight d4 it's probably  winning but it's not winning on the spot but it's probably winning ninety  three and queen a3 is better   i mean tech this is a problem technically speaking  after 93 knight f2 queen a3 you can trade this end   game and you're up a pawn one two three four  five against one one two three four but it's   a puzzle so probably that's not the solution  so my guess is that it's probably just takes f2 does not when the rook sees queen  a3 this is what what i'm saying i think it's 93 or i think it's bishop c2 if that's wrong that's wrong  but i if that's wrong that's wrong   if that's wrong that's wrong but  i'm i'm pretty sure this is right   d2 or g2 i mean i don't know it looks  looks winning well richie turkey one takes   wait maybe it's not though wait  so if you take knight c293 rook g2 i guess 92 wins okay so it's so one and three i'm gonna trust this bish  take c2 i hope it's right i don't actually know yeah i mean you can play the whole  point is knight f2 queen a3 trading   you're up in exchange but the thing  is knight f2 and 93 are the same thing   so i'm gonna trust my intuition that it takes  it is okay good and it's got to be knight e3 now   rook g2 as expected okay so not  to find the right move it goes on   um there's just knight g2 i guess don't know why  that's not just winning but then king d2 maybe okay what are the moves you you know d1 or knight   g2 91 actually looks like  the best options of check but knight d1 there's rook  g7 okay so knight d1 rook   g7 is clearly wrong cause you're getting mated queen a1 king d2 queenie one king e3 rook  c2 is better but it's probably not winning   here here yeah it's a queen in one's not winning  so queenie one's not winning knight d1 is wrong   at least what knight c two or rooksy c2 i guess or  knight takes knight takes g2 of course is lurking maybe it is just knight tx g2 uh i don't know what it is what's wrong with roxy two white just  takes and after queen at one white goes   here you take and then you take take and then  queen takes d6 and it's you're not winning knight g2 is the move that i think is right knight d1 rook 27 and you're getting  checkmated so it can't be knight d1   it's not it's not knight d1 or knight c2 so it's  either knight g2 or queen a1 king d2 you have   nothing rook c2 is nothing so i think by process  elimination it's probably just knight takes g2 makes the most sense i guess i think this was knight g2   and if rook d3 i have 90 yes okay i think  it's i hope this is right i think it's i think it's knight g2 i'm going to trust myself that it's night you  too oh that's right oh that was right okay good   okay took me a second to register whether it  was right or wrong yeah i guess i go rook h1   only move that makes sense here and then  c1 yeah i got scared there for a second i think it's got to be this   okay i think i can take the only questions  do i take the pawn or not i mean if i go here   he just hit no i mean i think i just take the  pawn i don't understand what difference this makes and now i go here okay that was an easy puzzle  okay rook c1 looks right here roxy one queen off one and i guess you just take and go rook d2 i'm a little conf oh wait sorry you actually  wait you have a check here i just noticed   wait i just realized you saw actually i just  suddenly realized there's no pawn i thought there   was a pawn on g7 here so actually that makes it  a lot easier because now that means um you cannot   check because i'm just king g2 i i just didn't  notice there was no pawn on this g7 square so   it's an open file so that means it's i think  that's actually guarantees that it's just rook g8 rook c1 king g2 rook j8 king h3 it's definitely  not winning so if that's not winning it has   to be check it has to be chuck okay rook  b1 doesn't work rook c8 white just takes i you just take okay and just check and  just take the rook very weird puzzle   get check what is gm i thought you were on tsm  what do you mean what is gm what does gm mean i think cutie jelly for they get something  to visual for seven months in a row is gm your team very funny okay first thing  is king g7 check and and uh white has nothing   that's step one obviously um i think king f7 is  the right move king f7 looks right it seems right i think i go up to e6 here probably thank  you to gouda gouda man for the prime wrath   bar for the prime okay the question is what's  the difference between the squares i'm not   actually sure if there is a difference  but i assume the king's better on e6 white has no checks oof i guess maybe there's some white can  somehow escape if you go to e8 versus e6 don't really understand you can't go to f8  because you got mated rookie 7 is obviously   wrong so these two moves are out this move is  alex of takes so these three are out which means   king g8 is out also because that's the same  position we had before so we have two moves   it's a 50 50. and now what is the difference is  the question ah maybe on king eight white can   actually grab the juicer you check here check  and come up it's got to be e6 it just has to be   it is yeah and now i think you check  and check check g3 rookie for y'all thank you elvis thanks for 777 appreciate gm is a great stock  though that that is for sure okay let's see what are the  moves i have queen c8 here not as good as yemi true true story um true  story um gm means good morning general general   manager google man guild map guild  master i like it guild master nice what are my moves here exactly i  have 95 96 97 which maybe is winning   maybe maybe is winning but i don't really  believe in it so if i conclude that isn't   winning what are the other moves oh maybe  i just have checking oh that's a beautiful   tactic here in here takes takes b5 oh that's  beautiful that's just that's just beautiful   b5 bishop c7 for a7 yeah there's  nothing you can do it's checking here takes and then here very good i'll be right back all right um let's see what else what  other moves are there here there's um   i'm not muted am i am i muted no i'm not good one  good one okay what are the moves here uh bishop   three is no good queen there are no queen moves  because he just takes up seven so no queen moves   uh are there any rook moves rook d3 is  an obvious move here um no queen moves   chucky no bishop moves so it has to be a rook  move which is good rook d1 looks wrong work   d3 looks very likely to be right i think  rook t3 is just correct unless i'm crazy any other rook move white just takes so just ha  i mean rook d3 is the only move that makes any   sense here it's got to be rook d3 unless  i'm just missing something very obvious yeah that's right okay so takes king g two still no bishop moves  because bishop here takes no bishop moves   no queen moves so it has to be a rook move so it  has to be rook h3 and then i guess it's probably   bishop f5 king f2 is not so clear bishop e6 can't  have f2 should be six can't have two queen e5 that looks right yes that's got to be right  it's got to be takes and now i think it's   check to hold the pawn so you can then you can  bring the queen into the game it's got to be   this check to hold so the queen no longer needs  to guard i think that's almost this for the four   months thank you so much to zao maxis appreciate  it it's bishop e6 i'm almost certain of it just gotta be bishop e6 here yeah now you just take the pawn i  think because now the bishop holds   the queen doesn't need to hold the pawn  or is it wait a queen h6 is queen g5 so   rook g3 is ridiculous it's just gotta  be takes aha queen g5 so it keeps going okay i can make a check down here okay what  i can't move the rook can't move the bishop   so it has to be a queen move and it has to be a  check so otherwise i get mated on h5 by the queen   and the rook so it has to be a check there's  only one check in the position which is on a1   so it's got to be queen a1 let me double  check queen g5 or q5 takes takes is a draw   that can't be right so it's not queen g5 no  rook moves no bishop moves queen g5 is wrong   it has to be checked but purchase process  of elimination it's got to be chuck   unless i'm missing something no pawn move no  rook moves no bishop moves gotta be a queen   queen d5 you're up upon no actually you're  not of a pawn you're just getting mated   i think it has to be queen queen a1 rook f3  white just takes it takes a juicer it's got   to be queen 1 nothing else makes sense i don't see  the mate that's the only problem queen a1 king 2. hmm no other moves make sense rook f3 jesus chat  yeah i rick f3 yeah there's like no other move   here that makes sense it's just i mean it's not  this i mean i'm out of my mind it is okay good   good okay black to move and win here okay this  actually looks very tricky too many options um   queen d4 looks winning although actually queen  d4 d6 f2 checking here not so easy to win   some kind of checkmating pattern you  could also go wait no after he just takes okay so white's threatening to make a checkmate so  really there are only two moves there's this move   or this move one or two which one is it  is the question e3 is a move although   after e3 queen f5 you probably don't  have any way to win or queen e4 maybe so at least it's a 50 50 to start  with it's either this or it's this   but queen g6 he just checks king d or not  queen just like sorry queen d wait queen d4   ether is what i meant say i start with queen d4  d6 f2 check king g1 queen h4 there's no way to win e3 queen d1 is not checkmate you guys queenie one   white just takes with the night  but thank you thank you for the suggestion my instinct is that it's queen d4  because queen d4 centralizes the   queen just feels like the right move but  e3 also feels like the right move as well   problem is the e3 queen f5 i don't know how  you progress because then there's queen d3 see e3 no queen e3 is 100 wrong e3 seems like it's it's a oh man e3 seems like  it's reasonable queen d4 d6 f2 check queen h4 queen h4 and you have no way to  win you can just take the pawn not easy it's queen d4 e3 it's a 50 50. we need four i don't know what it is i have no idea my  instinct is the e3 queen of fi queen of five   is wrong so i'm gonna trust my instinct i'm  gonna trust my instinct that's right okay wow   okay let's see and now i think it's  f2 check here queen h4 and there's   some trick in here i don't know what  the trick is but there's some trick i mean i'm i'm assuming i just pushed  this pawn i don't see an e3 it just takes i think i just push i hope it's right okay this has to be right  okay now i have to find the next move   i mean this is where it gets really  really hard because i don't see   the next move that's the problem i  saw this position at the start but i think that lincoln for the five months  ago lincoln appreciate it thank you   maybe it's just queen d2 and e3 too maybe it's just uh maybe it's queen d2 what's wrong with e3 is that white  trades the queens white trades the   queens and pushes this pawn down the  board that's the problem with e3 it's   not e3 it's either it's either queen c3 or  queen d2 it's still a 50 50. check here e3 i don't know what it is it's not queen  c3 because after queen c3 king here   it can't be queen c3 because  you're gonna lose upon an e4   i mean i guess it could be but i don't  think it is i think it's queen d2 i'm   pretty confident it's queen e2 and just  e3 or something you know i'm not sure i i think it's this it is good  and now it's just e3 i guess good okay black's moving to win okay you have  one two three squares you can go from i think   it's this what's the difference weight if you go  here here c5 bishop d2 is a draw so king before   king v6 is a draw king c4 king v6 is a draw king  b5 here c5 bishop d2 c4 could be king b5 i guess could be king b5 wait if i go here here here here  here here here here it's a draw   so all three of these i think it's king b5 here here's c5 bishop d2 c4 b5 d4 draws b4 draws c4 draws d5 draws  got to be b5 d5 king here and it's a draw   because the king gets back yeah it's 100 b5   let me just double check king before here here  check is a draw so b4 is no good c4 king b6 c5   king c5 bishop d2 is a draw so these two  are bad king d4 here here here here here   here here is bad so these three are wrong king d5  king b6 c5 here is no good so it's got to be here okay good okay rick g8 here and queen h3  looks winning material knight f4   takes no good okay you're down a piece here you're down a piece nothing else makes any  sense even remotely any sense besides rook g8 it's got to be rook g8 no other moves  makes sense here it's down one night it could be just here in rook f8 h3 queen g5 okay okay knight f4 check richie seven queen h6 king g8 rookie two knight g2  takes and you lose so it can't be knight of four   so it can't be knight of four actually seven   you hang the rook so no king h7  no it's gotta be rook f8 i guess i think it's just workout f8 here don't  see any other moves that make any sense   yeah it is yeah now you just take take good okay g4 okay what are the  options even material here   takes queen g4 is wrong it's got  to be a queen move i guess to f4 and then i don't know what the next  move is it's like queen f4 bishop c3   okay there are no other queen  ones that really makes sense so confused by this so so so confused  this has to be queen f4 bishop c3 and   then there's some magic tactic takes  he just takes has to be a queen has to be queen of four queen of four bishops c3 i'm confused i think it's just queen i don't i  don't see any other moves that make sense so okay maybe it's just e4 because rick  d all the squares are covered   i can't move my bishop here so bishop  can't move this bishop can't move   h5 is absurd so it's not a bishop or or this  pawn so it's none of these these things it's   not a queen move they're no good rook move  so i guess it's just e4 e3 but e4 bishop e1 e3 i guess it's just e4 but e4 g5 maybe maybe queen f3 three huh hmm i have no idea what this one is oh oh wait because the e4 g5 bishop g4 rook  g4 rook d1 and it's made ah that's the trick that's the trick okay so i play e4 g5 bishop g4  and if rook g4 i have this check if he goes bishop   g7 i just take taken here that's the check yes  it's got to be e4 that's the trick is that i have   bishop g4 that's the whole trick of the puzzle  okay bishop e1 logical move and now i think i just   go e3 and queen e4 although e3 worksheet no rook  two three then check queen of three not so clean i gave all in for 80k okay don't fail me don't  worry guys it can't really be that bad i lost   20k points on a channel last night um uh  betting so i know the feeling all too well um let's see okay this is quite  the wrong song for this moment   it's completely the wrong song this is right when  i need to focus and not lose my mind and it's like   quite the opposite e3 is  obviously he through work here   checking queen r3 there's no good way to win hmm it's not easy here f3 is also pro no queen f3  is not good it's not a queen move could be rook   d1 maybe short d1 is not in should wait rook d1  is not in sync because now i play the backdoor   trick with bishop g4 again maybe it is just work  d1 d1 i think this is work d1 here because richie   three i go queen c1 uh or no no rook g3 i  just take cirque de one rook g3 i take d1 queen f2 i can just take it's got  to be rook d1 it's gotta be rook d1   maybe pz shock with the raid  with 1090 it's got to be rook d1 thank you for the raid thank you for the raid yeah i think for the raid right right  as i throw right as i throw i'm gonna   play some blitz in a second again it's just  too hard puzzles are just too too difficult   just too difficult okay rook d5 i mean  this must be takes queen g4 and something hmm thank you virtual vicar for the 13 months hmm there should be five queen g4  and i don't have a way to win could be rook d5 no it's wrong as long as i've gone is 117 i did it over two days uh this is problematic stop throwing i thought rick d was the right  move because e3 were g3 i didn't see the wind   what was the win afterwards you  threw queenie four queen off three i mean maybe i just taking a queen  c1 there that's just winning i guess okay i don't want to get this one wrong in a  flurry so let me just see what are the moves yeah rick takes i saw rookie through right away  but there's king e3 and there's no checks really   it's not rookie three it's not bishop f2 it's it's  basically a 50 50 but rook d5 bishop e4 looks bad   so i'm pretty confident just has to  be this and just takes or something   like bishop d5 queen g4 rookie 3 takes queen g3 but i don't see the win again i don't see the win just don't see it it's either bishop d5 or rookie three  it's like bishop d5 queen g4 and then   i don't know it's rookie three and takes  although my brain is getting fried again oh wait actually you know maybe it is rookie  three no maybe it's takes queen g4 rookie three   king of three wait wait what did i just  see and then like wait so it takes here   here here here take i just saw something i think cadmium for the good sub you could play  bishop d5 in a real game i would i think i would   it's just i would consider rookie three  also oh yeah yeah what i saw was this   one so rookie three king three takes queen  here check and if here you take take take   king f4 and then you have rookie foreign this  way that's that's what i was thinking about yeah bishop d5 queen e2 i don't know it could be something really  weird like bishop d5 queen here in like   bishop c6 or something although  that doesn't make sense either i don't know what the moves are my instinct is  is that it's like it's rookie 3 though that's   my instinct but maybe it's not my instinct is  rookie 3 for whatever reason i don't see it yeah just my instinct i'm gonna play a move though  cause i don't want to keep going on forever here   well actually rook d5 bishop before  rookie five is probably good too thank you to chris p for the prime thanks  so much appreciate it thank you chris p   my guess is that my guess is that it's um i don't know i really don't know could be rookie rookie three  is very attractive move but i don't think it's right cause then  there's a no no it's not it's not rook d5   no no wait a second no no it's  not r it's not rookie three i think it's just bishop d5  that's that's my that's my   guess is it somehow there's  some way please be right ugh i think it's gotta be a bit of  d5 i'm gonna tr it is okay good   it's just gotta be this and i think it's just  rookie three it's gotta be like rookie three here takes takes check um if bishop  before you take take take   so takes takes check king d2 queen of one queen  g3 i guess it's got to be a way to checkmate there it's got to be rookie 3. no other moves make sense here bishop c6 just  queen g3 bishop v5 rook c4 you can't move the   bishop you can't move the queen you can try this  no pawn moves no rook moves it's got to be rookie   3 it's rookie 3 or bishop c6 one of those two  but bishop c6 just does not feel right to me   it's just not right it's gotta be rookie three  and rookie eight it's gotta be rookie three   it is yes good okay and now the question is  which move i think i throw in the check first check queen f1 i mean this is another tricky spot  i think it's i think it's chuck   king d2 queen f1 queen g3 and then i have to find something i think it's just i think it's  just queen f1 or no not queen of one sorry   i think it's just rookie eight it's gotta be  rookie because if you if you take here you   can take this way check and run the king  out this way it's gotta be rookie eight it has to be rookie eight it's gotta  be rookie eight please be right okay it goes oh puzzle goes on okay so i take and  takes i take and this is exactly what i thought it   would be okay what moves do i have here i have  queen f1 or bishop e4 rookie four takes takes   just takes takes take so it's not rookie four  it's not bishop f2 it so it's it's queen f1   it's basically queen f1 or bishop e4 but if  queen f1 white just takes check and rookie   i mean well it takes fg3 and you  have no mate so it can't be queen f1   so it has to be bishop e4 process of  elimination it's gotta be bishop b4 it is okay now now it's just winning yeah now  you just take and just takes so my initial   idea was right i just had the i just had the  wrong yeah what is this white to move and when   what is this you take here that's just a draw  right pawns go yeah it's just a draw so you take here wait what wait what am i missing wait  a second wait okay if you go over and you   play this end game this is a draw because  it's h2h3 go here here it's a draw so i   assume you just take and go up maybe this thing  takes here here here here here here here here i don't understand this i just  don't understand this puzzle okay easy puzzle very good thank you to evan fiore  for the three months ago new ages for the six   dtasga for the three months thank you so  much d tabs good appreciate it thank you   okay what do we have here we've rook  f8 here it's also queen h5 maybe it's also rook g7 which is kind of weird what's  the count one two three four one two three rook f8 bishop fade offers  nothing rook g7 offers nothing that was yeah that was not a 70 level  puzzle this one's gonna be really hard what are the moves hmm oh yeah it's at 3800 that was not  3800 of course um okay the problem is   black's gonna take the juicer on d4 if you  move the queen anywhere like if you go here   here or here this this juicer hangs and you lose  the game so you don't really have many options um   what options do you have here  you have rook f8 which is a move   which is wrong work of it's wrong  it's got to be rook g7 then bishop e7 very frustrating it could be queen h5 i guess takes bishop e3  queen three king h1 g6 no that's wrong okay   so it's not queen h5 yeah this is probably one  of those four thousand posts i think they're   rolling me and thinking a caffeinated camera this  pro when i was like 4 thousand puzzles i think why not rick of it and queen f3x is no good yeah  this is one of these really unpleasant puzzles i mean queen h5 queen d4 kh1 king  d8 and again there's just nothing this one is very difficult um okay rook cafe it's  not the right move it's rook g7 or queen move i   feel like i guess that's a good thing i don't  have any options here i just realized so like   i can either play rook takes g7 i can either take  this pawn or i can i think it's actually maybe i   think it is just rook g7 weirdly then queen of  six no rook g7 queen six does not look right   king sue seven no moves okay rook g7 i think is  wrong or cafe is wrong so it can't be a rook move   so it has to be a queen move there's one two  three queen moves so which queen move is it which queen move is that they're they're like   queen of three 24 king h king of king h1 95 you  have nothing so queen out three can't be right   so because queen f3 2495 you just resign  so that means it's got to be this or this   queen f1 makes some sense actually like queen  f1 but after but still queen f1 queen d4 cage   195 again you have nothing queen h5 could be the  right actually maybe that's why queen h5 is try queen h5 could make sense  queen h5 queen e4 bishop e3   queen e3 king h1g6 and is  there a mate there somewhere i don't see a mate literally have no idea what this puzzle is what could it possibly be could be rook f8 but i don't think it's  rook f8 i really don't think it's rook f8 okay so if i decide it's not rook f8  it has to be a queen move as i just   stated so it has to be a queen move what  queen moves are there there's queen h5   it's the only move that makes any sense  in this world but it still doesn't work rook g7 queen of six oh wait wait  wait wait g7 queen of six wayward i   have queen h5 king d8 knight e6 take some  bishop oh wait a second there's a trick wait a second there's a trick i think it's  rook g7 i just saw i just spotted this so here   checking d896 and if queen e6 i  just check rook f6 i don't know   if there's a forced wind there  but that looks right somehow of course e6 does not works he just takes rook cafe bishop f8 or just  down down down a juicer which   is why i'm quite convinced it's not rook f8 it's queen g7 at the end i think i'm gonna trust myself i  think it's gonna i think it's rook g7   the moment i started thinking more about this here here check here takes takes  check workout 6 94 bishop e7 i still don't see it though  maybe it takes takes work f1 197 i think workg7 is right that's  my instinct i think it's right   if it's wrong so be it but i think it's right i usually stream like six to seven hours  every day pretty much i always take like   sunday off but i stream six to  seven hours every other day um i mean queen h5 is also very attractive 196 94.97 176.97 i think it is i think it's richie seven i'm gonna  trust myself and hope that it's right if it's   wrong so be it but i don't see anything else it's  right okay okay so yeah so i was right so it it   the line is correct so it's check and then takes  so i i'm not insane at least at least i hope i'm   not okay let's go check no other moves make any  sense at all and now the the last critical move   i think is this i think if knight f7 he can just  take oh but then i have bishop g wait sorry i   know knight f7 he goes king c7 right and i  just resigned so i think it's got to be 96 knight f7 king c7 yeah yeah  it's got to be this bishop g5 um do you take the bishop or do you take the  queen or wait no sorry you you can't take the   bishop so you take the bishop you got you got  ice skatered on f1 by the queen and the rook so   you have to take the queen very good 38.93 geez  38.93 oh my gosh okay i knew that was gonna be   one of those insane insane puzzles um okay what  do i have here i don't have many many options um so smart no no hardly hardly let's see um  actually i've checked wait i have check   king f1 whoa data johnsy for the five give the  sub saying so much to johnsy thank you for the   for the five gifted man actually this might be  very easy it might just be here takes takes here   and then bishop a4 and you collect the juicers  on the edge yeah i think that's actually quite   easy i think it's just check and take and  double check any other moves rook c it's   bad which should be seven is is a move but  it's just a game i think it's just check i think it's just a check um are these computer generated yes sir i think it  please be right it is right okay good and i think   you just take take and go here and then you have  this very annoying pin okay what are the moves   do you have rook f1 king c2 check king d1 is not  winning king h7 is not winning white threatening   i think you just take this has to be right now  you go i think you go here although king f7   this is kind of weird king f7 might  also oh no then there's rook g8 so no   and it has to be here takes in here very good  okay so e4 now which is a move rick d4 maybe what moves makes sense for black rook d4  rook d4 makes sense e4 makes sense as well   e4 g3 just takes maybe oh it feels not ideal not ideal at all okay let's see yeah e4 queen c3 is rook g7 is what i've  seen about rook d4 bishop b4 makes a lot   of sense that's also what i was considering rook  d4 but actually rook d4 queen e3 and i don't see   a good move but i still think e4 probably  is right i don't know it's probably right why am i drinking so much water ugh uh rick d4 i was thinking about that while i  was in the bathroom rook d4 doesn't make it i'm   booting up stockfish good one uh e4 is the only  move that makes sense as i think about it more   though because the only other move that i see  that you can play as rook d4 but after queen e3   i don't know what your next move is that's the  problem i don't know i see i see nothing else   how is it not e4 well the thing  with the e4 is there many moves   there's queen c3 and g3 in between  that's that's why i'm not 100 sure i think it pasquale bombino for  the three months thank you so   much pascual bombino bambino thank you so much um i mean e4 g3 bishop g3 is probably  winning queen 237 g3 bishop g3 i mean it looks winning i i think it i think it's  e4 i don't see anything else that makes sense   like literally no other move makes sense  because i know rook d well i guess rook d4   queen e3 but then you have to yeah i think  it just has to be e4 and and it just wins but   i'm not 100 sure yeah that's my guess i think  you know wine it's for the five months i think   damn brisket for the prime as well thank you  so much i think it's i think it's just e4   i'm just gonna go i'm just gonna go with it  if it's wrong it's wrong but rook d4 queen   e3 there's no there's no way to push and then it's  not even a tactic so it's got to be e4 and now the   key here is that i don't blunder two moves king  h7 looks very wrong somehow well king h7 g3 it's   also king h7 bishop e4 looks scary but let  me just make sure so king h7 g3 bishop g3 um bishop g3 i don't actually know if it's bad  you're in check you guys there's no checkmate um i think rook g7 is a good move but i'm not sure king h7 just looks wrong i'm not 100  sure why but it just seems wrong somehow before work of seven king g6 though okay let  me start with richie seven and see what's wrong   what's wrong with rook g7 first cuz it's it seems  like it's the better move so rook g7 g3 i take he has to go rookie two and then i take rookie  eight king h7 queen c2 it's complicated um   wait so richie actually wait  rick g7 g3 takes queen c   no actually that doesn't work it's rook  two seven g three takes rookie two takes   rookie eight king age seven queen c2 rook  g6 rook f3 rook f wait that's very messy takes e4 go 7 king g6 um i'm actually not sure here what it  is i thought it was rook g7 but the   more i think about the more i start to  think that it might be actually king h7 yeah the more i think about i think it is king  h7 i think it is just king h7 the more i think   about it because rook g7 g3 takes rookie two  takes check here check or g6 rook f3 actually   you're getting kind of mated here you're getting  boxed up and mated i think it's actually king h7   i can't believe that i'm gonna play  it but i think it is king h7 weirdly   because you avoid the checks it is okay  yeah i i okay that's good so now i take   what do i take with the rook  actually it's still not trivial but   actually rook g3 is not wait what q3 is not bad  at all now that i think about it richie three   no wait but rook g3 just goes queen c2 wait rook g3 oh wait no we're g3 queen  c2 rook after three record queenie   oh wait now wait a second actually i think it's just rook  takes maybe it's just rick takes   probably it's just rook takes actually actually rook takes just wait why am i so bad   i didn't even see this intel i'm  pretty sure it's just work g3 bishop e4 rookie 4 rook f7 king  g8 you win q4 queen e4 queen c2   oh wait there's a trick wait  takes takes takes queen c2 quincy 2 rook g4 should be winning pretty sure it's rook takes actually pretty sure it's rook takes or g3 push b4 takes takes quincy two or g4 yeah i  think it just wins you just have rook four at the   end yeah you've worked your four and you just won  the game so i'm going to trust myself that it's   this please be right it is right okay oh but it  does the bad move because now i just take and take and takes okay good all right much better this  puzzle i think i've had before i've seen this   puzzle before and this one is um the i think the  move is king e3 if i remember correctly or wait   no is it king you three i've seen i've had this  puzzle before i don't remember the exact ordering but there's something in this  puzzle that's not right and i   think it's that there's some queen h5 if  you go king f1 so i'm trying to remember   no actually no actually it is just king  f1 it is king f1 takes no wait or is it well actually no it has to be king f1 but there's  something after that that i got wrong i don't   remember what it is that i got wrong but it's  something with queen h5 that's all that i remember pretty sure it's king f1 there's something that i remember though with  uh some queen h5 this which i remember about it there's something with queen  h5 that i'm trying to remember takes takes takes h7 takes queen f7 it's got to be king f1 i'm almost certain  it's king f1 but there's something that i   that i remember with queen  h5 what am i thinking about i think it has to be king of one yeah okay  this is good and now i think it's bishop c4   i forgot about queen h5 i think that's what i  that's what that's what i remember looking at   now do you take or do you  go bishop g6 was a question i think it's bishop g6 and hg7 if i  remember correctly i think it's here here   takes takes chat no no it's takes on f7 yeah yeah  it's bishop g6 and i remember because the thing   is of hg7 there's queen h5 here that's what the  line was that i remember that's what it was so i   know it's not hu7 thank you to care for the eight  zodes for the three whizzy for the two tree cool   trickletoes for the prime that's what it is it's  bishop g6 because if hg7 there's queen h5 queen   h1 and you lose the game that that's exactly what  the line was so it's bishop g6 takes and then you   then you take on g7 takes takes and bishop e5 yes  that's what it was yeah that's what i remember so   i remember spending a lot of time on this one  looking at hd7 and forgetting that queen h5   queen h1 was a problem so it's here and now  i'm almost certain it's takes and bishop seven yeah yeah yeah it's wait takes takes check king g8  queen eight yes yes this takes yeah it just takes   and now you okay check there's rook f6  so it takes yep there we go very good oh this is a puzzle i had with levy i had this  puzzle with levy but i don't remember this one   oh no i don't remember this one this is the one  i had with levy but if you look for i remember   you look for the forcing move here and the  forcing move i'm almost certain is queen b2 i remember you look you look for  the forcing puzzle and the forcing   puzzle was queen queen takes b2 i'm  almost certain it was like queen b2 i mean this isn't the puzzle that  i had with levy are you guys sure it was all i remember about this puzzle is that it   was a forcing line that's what  i remember about the puzzle whatever we played was just the forcing  line that's what i remember about this it's not rook f3 i know it's not rook  f3 it's either queen b2 or rook f6   but as i recall i think this i think  this was an aw i think this was um i don't remember trying to remember in my memory i think it was you know what i think it was  i think it was i'm trying to remember it   i think it was rook f6 king a5 check king b5  queen b2 king c597 i think that's the checkmate   i think that's what it was oh man i  wonder my memory could be failing me it could be queen it could  have been the other order too it's one of those two orders it's either  queen b2 king a5 but queen between king a5   rook f6 queen b3 you don't get the mate so  it has to be so it has to be rook f6 first it has to be rook f6 i think i'm not sure   i'm almost certain it was rook f6 i just  i'm trying to think about for one second yes because now that i think about  it as queen takes b2 as a check on b5   yes queen b2 is a check on b5 queen takes  b2 as a check on b5 yeah yeah queen takes   b2 as a check all right now now i'm trying  to picture in my memory queen takes b2 was   with a check it was not it was not an off  move it was with a check so it is rook f6 i think it is although i'm actually not sure i'm i may be misremember i may  be misremembering it i mean   my i could be ha i could be misremembering  the line but i'm pretty sure it was rook f6 because i i i feel like it was queen a queen takes  b two is with a check and i thought that was the   other puzzle and it wasn't and then we still  defined another move after king c5 so we'll see   if my memory if my if my photographic memory is  working or not because i i'm almost certain that   it was queen takes b2 is chuck yeah i'm gonna  trust that my memory is not failing me here   it's not okay good now was it i believe it  was with is with is with check because queen   b2 well there are many moves white hats because  it was it was a very forcing continuation was   checking on the quiet knight e7 this is just a  very quiet continuation yeah and now you take   wait when there's an ip3 wait a second  but there might be three wait a second   oh but you have rook f3 or something i think i'm almost certain it just takes but i don't  actually i just don't remember this cleanly   i don't remember this cleanly at all  but i think i'm pretty sure it's takes   because i recall i think it's takes here rook f3  of queen after you take if queen d5 you go rook   f7 a queen six you take it takes or sorry  no you go king h8 if king takes c6 you go wait what do you go i think it's i i'm gonna trust the video though  that the video that it was takes at 97. it was   it was takes it was 97 okay good and it was 97  because there's no way to stop the checkmates   you can't stop all the maids  like queen c3 and queen a3 it was 90 i i'm gonna trust my memory that  was 97. i remember 97 in that puzzle somewhere   oh it goes on oh i don't i  don't remember it going on right and now you just take the rook there we go yes yeah it's very good i think the  tww for the prime and maggle for the six months   they get so much mag well appreciate it yeah  okay very good okay i can take the pawn here   and play knight f6 there are many different  options that i have in this position um i can   also take the pawn in h6 i can also play rook d8  and gh6 which maybe is winning i'm not sure um this should be winning somehow wait so  i have a couple of moves how am i doing   i'm doing very well thank you okay knight f6  is 100 wrong thinking anonymous for 777 bits   takes is 100 percent wrong so knight takes h6  um so there's knight f6 here rook d or knight   f6 is wrong i just said so it's either gh or  d8 but rook d8 trade rook d8 king g7 knight f6   doesn't look right i think it's gh6  it's black has to take with the knight   and then you just check and check knight h6  knight f6 oh wait a second takes knight h6 knight f6 king f8 rook d8 is winning king g7 not easy knight f6 is 100 wrong gh6 knight h6 does not thank you to giddy who  for the 5 000 bits heidi carter lots of love   could you shout out my friend tiger yucci  hello tiger yucci hope you're doing well okay what do i have knight six knight f6 kg7 or q1 king of fades no good hmm huh ah no i maybe i do the other order where i go  check kingdom 7 takes because i don't have knight   86 i broke g1 if he takes the king maybe i can  check check king here and then rook d2 and here   that actually looks right that  actually looks very right to me yes that's definitely right it's rook  d8 here takes king g6 you have rook to   one yeah yeah it's definitely right it's  got it's got to be right and now you take not knight six because then king g6 you take so much trivial wait still not trivial  rate takes takes takes king g6 checking h5   d2 but it should be that has to yeah that has to  be winning okay so i think it's check check and   rook d2 chuck and that's good okay all right  this puzzle i think i've seen before i think   it's bishop f no wait no it's not [ __ ] about six  that's no good bishop six white takes and you lose   bishop e1 is a move this puzzle is a tricky puzzle  or wait no actually you know what maybe it is here no it's not weight you need to win this puzzle  you have to win with black here there's something weird i i've  seen this puzzle before as well i've seen this puzzle before um  but i don't remember how you win   it's definitely not pawn takes pawn  it's definitely not king takes pawn   so it has to be a bishop move the only two bishop  moves that makes sense are bishop e1 and bishop f6 actually i don't understand why  bishop e1 is not just winning i'm actually confused bishop f6 does not  work so i think it has to be a bishop e1   because this one's definitely not  winning this one's definitely not   winning so this is the only move  that even remotely makes sense no no other moves okay these two don't make  sense bishop six doesn't work but should be   five he just trades it has to be bishop  b1 okay you can't take you have to take okay and now this is where i think  it's tricky you have to not blunder   this is where it's tricky because i i  think this is where it gets very tricky because i think i've blundered in this one  before i think i i think i i think you take   the pawn if i remember correctly although i'm  not 100 sure but i think you just take the   pawn i think bishop e1 is what i played before  and bishop one actually does not win the game   a bishop bishop e1 h4 like bishop e1 h4 takes h5  king g2 h6 f3 h7 bishop c3 bishop b4 is a draw   this is the i i think i played bishop b1 when  i did it before and it's wrong i think you   have to take the pawn and then you have to  figure out where you go with the king after that it's definitely king f3 no other moves makes sense wish we won h4  takes h5 bishop c3 h6 key to h7 f3 takes   that's no good yeah it's it's definitely king  f3 i'm going to trust myself because i i feel   like i've i did bishop e1 although bishop one h4  wait here h5 king five eight no you're too slow i i'm almo i'm i know it's king f3  okay now i have to find the next move   there really are three moves and one  of them wins and the other two draw okay king e2 can't be right on bishop d6 and it's  a draw so that means it's one of these two king g2 kg2 fills right instinctively  because i i can capture this pawn   okay so it's a king oh wait so king four  oh wait so king e2 and king e4 both don't   work to bishop d6 so it has to be king g2  right uh yeah it has to be king g2 then   and now i think you just go f3 of king  a3 bishop d6 if b4 bishop d6 wins also yeah this must be winning okay now i think you go bishop d6 to  trade and when the win the end game   it's still not trivial wait here bishop d4  takes h4 hmm okay bishop f2 is wrong if the   pawn gets more advanced you're probably  not winning yeah bishop about two is not   the right moves he trades and his pawn is fast  just as fast as your pawn so you can't go to   f2 so that really only leaves d6 as far as i  can tell it's the only move that makes sense only one that makes sense to me if it's  wrong it's wrong but i don't think it is   yeah that's right okay good okay i have knight f2 here i have rook  h2 also what other moves do i have okay rook h2 is a move a new fresh  puzzle that i have not seen before   okay knight f6 queen b7 i can politely  resign um knight f2 is a move no other   knight was knight f2 king h4 and i kind  of resign again so it's not a night move so it's got to be a rook move  maybe it's check here in rook a2 huh not really sure what the move is here rookie 2 is the only move that i see here that  makes sense okay it's not a bishop move it's not   a bishop move it's not a king move it's not a pawn  move so you can't move any of these three juicers   if you move the knight here he just takes  the pawn if you move the knight back he can   just take the pawn or make a check here and you  resign again or do yeah you kind of do resign   so you can't move the knight the bishop the  king or the pawn so it has to be a rook move i think it's got to be rook h2  and then rook a2 that's my guess   if you play rook a2 right away why  you can just make a queen you take   check and you're struggling it could be nike no  i could be rook a2 queen of the night g5 maybe that actually makes some sense also not sure what else it could be here what moves work in this position let's see it feels like it should be a rook move rook  chuck king g4 or k2 maybe queen b7 king f6   queen takes takes g2 queen h8  king 7 shaq and then you have nothing not sure what to do here this actually looks very  hard to play i'm actually wondering if you can let   white double queen and go like king f16 f5 but i  don't think you can because he probably just takes   and queens so you can't you can't move the king so  it has to be a rook move so it's just a question   whether it's rook here or whether it's rook  check and then over that's the only question hmm i really have no idea it's rook a2  rook a2 or rook h2 it's one of those   two moves i'm not really sure which one it  is best led zeppelin song immigrant song   series heaven rock and roll ramble on or tub  thumping people have pretty strong opinions yeah i don't see it though i think  it's rook h2 that's my that's my   my instinct is that it's rook h2 thank you for the three months sorry  about the rolly finger that's twitch   for you nothing i can do about that  uh i think i check and play h2 or g2 knight s6 doesn't works  again he just checks me on b7   it can't be a it's a rook move it's  it's a 50 50. it's either this or this   i don't know which one it is but but just on  virtue of the position i think it has to be   chuck and then rook a2 that's the only thing  that makes any sense unless there's some magic   mating that that i'm just missing but i i don't  see it knight f2 takes g2 queen queen shaq and   no just no i just got mated so it's not a night  move i think it's r it's rook h2 i'm gonna trust   it as rook h2 it has to be a rook move and  i think it's gotta be rook h2 and rook a2 g2 checking e7 checking d8 king f3 i think it has to be rook h2  i don't see any other moves um i think it's rook h2 i'm gonna trust myself that  it's rook h2 not rookie a2 just my instinct says   it's rookie h2 it is okay good okay so now  we have what we have knight moves knight f6   knight f2 and rook a2 okay knight f2 king  f5 you resign so that's wrong so knight f6   king f5 check kingdom 6. are you doing 96 97 maybe wait maybe it's 96 wait maybe you can go  knight of 16 5 rook a2 back and then g2 actually wait i think it's knight f6 i think it's knight f6 because knight  f6 king f3 you're just checking you win   knight f6 king f5 you can  just play like rook a2 again check their g2 oh i think i think it's knight f6 i'm gonna trust this knight f6 i'm  not sure but i think it's knight f6   because if you do it the other order white has a  bunch of checks please be right please be right   okay good it is right okay and now i think it's  you can still play knight d7 here but i think   actually maybe 97 is not so bad  and is it okay two or ninety seven i think it's rookie too knight d7 is a move  here but it doesn't seem right because 97   white can maybe go like queen  a five g2 and then make a queen   you make a queen like king h6 and maybe you're  getting mated why is 97 wrong is the question what   does what white have after knight d7 that makes it  not winning maybe white has queen g8 and queen e6 i'm gonna trust this rook a2 i don't know  if maybe it's wrong please don't be wrong   that's right okay good and now i just block i have moved the king it's bad so i just block  aha it goes on so it takes no i guess i just go g2 good very very good 39 53 okay okay white to move  this looks like a happy puzzle um because i don't   think there are many options for me here i can  play e5 or i can go queen h6 but i don't really   have many options um this is a this should be  a very happy puzzle because there are not many   options here either i get the mate or i lose  the game maybe i go e5 first but then takes hmm king f8 queen h6 kini seven it's definitely e5 i think it's got  to be e5 e5 has to be the right move   a happy puzzle means a puzzle where there aren't  many options so it's like it's going to be i just   have to make sure to find the right order because  they're only there's really really only one   two moves here that makes sense e5 or  queen h6 everything else is surely losing   although maybe maybe not maybe i go rook f3  actually yeah see there there just aren't   many oh no rook out three queen d2 and i'm an  idiot so it has to be queen h6 or e5 okay let's   think about e5 takes queen h6 rook here takes  king f8 checking seven there's nothing though queen h7 king f8 let's think about so e5 is the only move that  makes e5 so queen h6 rook f6 i can't trade because   i get back rank mated i have to take he goes  over but then i have no good continuation really   do i or do i have check here and  here oh yes see it's e5 because   now i what i do is he takes i take here  check here here and i have rookie one   or no he is g no no wait a second here's g5  singing here here here here here here here   here here but then he has g5 so i don't have  rookie one because he takes my queen never mind queen h8 king e7 i don't know what  my next move is okay not obvious not obvious at all this should have this should  be a happy puzzle exactly queen f4 does nothing   it's queen h6 or e5 it's one of these two i just  have to figure out what the difference is after e5   takes takes check king f8 so i'm  almost certain it's it's e5 but i just   i don't know i don't know why the  queen needs to be on e5 not d4 yet   so that's what i'm trying to figure  out and just think through my head because i know that it's i  know that it's it's right but i just i don't quite see  it yet that's the problem yeah this is not not easy this is very hard i think i think  it's e5 though e5 feels right somehow maybe um topper anna for the uh for the two months  so much you should you should work on your chest   skills not a good look i should work on my chest  skills what exactly do you mean by that dude like   seriously great tip what are you talking about  man take a deep breath and relax not a good look   getting getting doing doing 3 900 puzzles  what are you even smoking dude seriously um queen h6 is the move uh that makes sense not sure what the next move is i don't see it  actually what are what are the other options here queen h6 is a move e5 is a move i don't actually know what other moves work here what other moves make any sense even if not e5 um this puzzle's too hard this puzzle's too hard hmm i please cilantro for the two months i am pretty  sure that it's queen h6 i need a fish joke for   the tier one for the next three months thank you  i'm pretty sure it's e5 but i just don't know why yeah queen protects the rook that whole line  with e5 is what what i originally wanted to   do but after takes here uh rook f6 check here  check your rookie three you actually got mated   because your rook on f1 is hanging that's  the problem that's actually the big issue um   i don't even know what the move is i have no idea i thought this would be a happy puzzle but  it's turning out to be a very unhappy puzzle it's got to be e5 though it just has to be e5 it's got to be it has to be e5 i just i just  don't know why it's e5 that's all   i just trust my instincts and play e5 yeah i think it's e5 i don't  know why but i think it's e5   you've got to open up this e file and i'm  not sure what what it does but i think   i think it's i think it's e5 let's hope no  and you can't you can't do anything in between   because then he cuts off the whole diagonal the  queen moved to d2 so that's why you don't time i mean e5 feels right but yeah queen h6 queen h7 also it could be a i mean it could be the  other order it could be queen h4 king e6   queen g4 king seven rook d no but that's not  what uh queen g5 can oh oh and oh oh wait   oh wait no no no wait a second i  just saw something wait so here here   here here checking e7 queen h4 if  queenie fought no work out through g5 no   wait no i have queen g5 wait a second so  here here here here check but then king a no they did himself damn for the 12  months they get a mega dog for   the two months thank you so much mega  dog appreciate it um this is too hard i have no idea what this is this is this one is extremely hard  i literally have no idea what it is takes king of eight queen queen h8 queenie taking  some queens for g5 there's just   nothing there there's just nothing there at all e5 takes place six i'm i'm almost certain it's e5 i just i don't know   what i don't know what the line  is i just can't figure it out p1 maybe finra key six i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna trust  that it's e5 i don't know why but   i just i feel like somehow you have to  get rid of pawn so i'm gonna go with it it's right okay so so this is  right okay so it's got to be here   so this much is clear then it has  to be queen h6 otherwise you resign okay okay so here here's a critical  position so now i have rook b1   i i just realized that rook b1  maybe rook b1 rookie 8 takes   takes check kingy 7 rookie wait a second i think i  got it wait i think i got it wait i think i got it   wait wait i think i got it wait a second wait  a second so so let's work this out so rook b1 oh but then he goes rookie six  takes here check here takes and mate so maybe i go richie one  then maybe i go rook g one rook g1 rookie eight takes here check and if  here i go here and he goes over i made him   wait a second so so wait so if i go rook b1   why doesn't this oh rook b1 maybe he  has an in-between move like rook b6 i think it's waiver 21 wait we're  chewing rookie six i take okay okay okay   okay okay so that's work g1 it's it's got  to be rook g1 then it has to be richie one let me let me make okay rookie one what are  the moves he has i'm trying to take take   these two moves lose if rookie 8 i take  him back here this win so rook g1 these   three these moves are all out if rook b8 i take  your here and same thing so all the rook moves   are out so he can't move this rook actually  rook a7 i take same thing so he can't move   that rook he moves this rook to anywhere i  just take check so he can't move either rook   can't move the queen it's got to be rook g1 yeah  yeah it has to be and now you're just taking chuck or do you check on each oh wait wait a second this  is tricky wait wait you know if you go queen h6 he   has queen g7 no no wait wait a second okay so okay  i mean here he goes here so it has to be chuck c3 just rookie one rook b8 c2 rook b2 must be c2 rook b3 okay this  must be winning so trade trade here here um   c3 rook b8 c2 rook b3 rook  d1 rook c3 it's winning yeah   okay there we go one takes good very good  okay so now i have g2 here i also wrote b8   king c5 he just checked c60 just checked so  i can't move a king the only question is do   i play rook e8 or do i play g2 first  um and that's the question g2 rook g3 king c5 maybe king c6 checking d5 or  g3 that's just a draw so it's not g2   so it's not g2 it has to be checking rook g8 then i think it's i think it's i think  it's worked cheap but i'm not sure a rook 8 rook g8 i this looks dangerous this looks  dangerously like an end game i had against magnus   carl is this my game against magnets from the  uh magnus carlson invitational a year ago this   looks vaguely like that this looks vaguely  like that game maybe i'm crazy but it looks   vaguely like that is this my game against  magnus i think this is if i'm not mistaken or it's it's very similar no maybe that was  an age pawn not a g pawn but it's very very   similar it's very very similar i think that  was an h pawn not a g pawn i think i had like   somewhere on these two or something versus the  g pawn um but anyway it was something like the   thing to stand outish for the prime fish joke  thank you to timbo as well thank you so much um   can play g2 and check in richie too no it's not but it was it was  similar it was it was very similar um   it was something like h and f pawns  it was something like three on two   on the king side or something  like this but it was h pawns okay so what do i have if rookie king b7 rook g8   but then i think i lose because  rick b1 g2 or that's a draw it could just be rook g8 actually maybe it's maybe it's just actually here b7 g2 no but he has rook d3 first so it has to be   somewhere where i get my i think it's just here in  g oh then no then rook two three so rook g8 is 100   wrong so it's not rook g so it's got to  be either here or here so it's a 50 50. but rook here king here with d3 rook g8   d1 g2 here there there there there's i think  that's winning i think it's rookie and rook g8 but king b5 is still an issue there or no it's not no it's not no it's not it's  not it's not yeah it's rook 8 i'm pretty sure   let me just double check with rookie  king b5 rook g8 check king here wait wait here here rook g8 if b7 king c7 king a6  king c8 is winning or i don't know it's winning i think it's rookie i think it's rook 8 that's  my guess i think it's rookie and then rook g8 it's gotta be rookie or is it could also be g2  maybe wait g2 or g3 check here rook a2 king c8 to i think it's rookie my instinct is that it's rookie  just that's just my instinct i think i think i think it's i think it's rookie because if i if i check sorry if i  go g2 rookie first of all g2 rook g3   checking v7 rook a2 he has king c8 i'm not winning that king i'm not winning  that so it has to be it has to be rookie it has to be it has to be rookie i'm gonna  trust myself it's right okay good it is right   yeah i i knew it had to be the right movement  now i'm almost certain now it's rook g8   because king d5 b7 king e4 and if he tries to  take you take and you get it get around the back yep now you go here not e7 right no not easy definitely naughty  sounds you need the king to come in at g2 here here here yeah and now you bring the  king in and now you win the game very good   okay now this puzzle i saw earlier from a  different order this this puzzle i've seen   it's just a4 or did i see this earlier i saw  this earlier today when i was doing puzzle rush   so it's a4 and now it's a3 and king e8   and now d three and b three and a two  there we go eighty four let's keep going   okay we're at 84 this one i feel like i might have  seen before um i have queen takes f2 actually what   is white's move after queen f2 after queen f2  white can't do anything maybe i can go rook g1   but then you have like rook h5 and mate this  looks too easy so i need to think for a second okay well let's see well obviously it's not  rook d1 it's not rook d1 rook f2 is fine but   it does nothing it has to be queen f2 and then i  think the question is after rook c1 it's like how   do you get the checkmate pattern the right check  meaning pattern but i'm almost certain it's got to   be queen f2 there's nothing else that makes sense  here okay good step one is right and now let's see   yeah because white moves the rook away and  now actually if i go over h6 there's queen b8   oh does it just rick no wait rook d8  queen h7 i'm getting too cocky again   starting to think that i have an easy win here  oh is it is it some queen of oh i think there's   some queen f4 here wait a second wait i've seen  i've seen this before too there's some queen f4   it's queen of four somewhere i don't know  exactly if it's here or if it's after rook   d2 but there's queen four somewhere  in here i think it's rookie 2 queen f4 i i'm pretty sure it's rookie 2 rookie  1 and this is very mysterious queen f4 move yeah i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i'm  pretty sure it's this it's this very mysterious   queen enough for me but i think it's rick d2 first  um yeah yeah it's it's it's definitely rook d2 to   start because then if queen g7 you have rook g6  queen g8 rook g6 so he has to go rook to one and   then you go queen of four you stop this if queen  c8 you just go here check king f6 and you win   yes yeah it's rook d2 i'm i'm fairly certain if  my memory is wrong my memory is wrong but it's   not now it's a very mysterious move because  if you go rook h6 first white has queen b8   to cover h2 so you have to go here to cover the  square and then hit h2 at the same time so it's   just queen of four unless i'm insane which if i  am i am but my memory if let's see if my memory   serves me correctly here this queen of four it is  yeah and now rook h6 and just takes good okay uh   thank you to or witness for the tier one clappity  for the tier one thank you so much appreciate it okay what else do i have here let's see i have  queen c8 i have queen a8 i have rick h8 all   reasonable moves here um well i try to make 100  today maybe it depends how hard the puzzles are   uh when is the hot tub stream i don't have  a hot tub you guys i live in an apartment um okay what moves are there's queen c8 there's okay  rook h8 takes takes king g7 is no good so rook h8   takes queen c8 rookie 8 rook h8 king g7 or k8  queen g1 is is a big draw so rook h8 is no good   um so it's not rook h8 so rook f7 king f7 h7  king g8 is no good so it's not a rook move   it's not a rook move it's not a pawn move  or a pawn move or a pawn move or a king   so it's got to be a queen moves there only are two  checks here so which one is right let's see oh you   have this check rookie eight and then and then  takes takes takes you six queen d7 and i think   you win because your king can come all the way  across the board okay i think it's uh i think   it's queen eight let me let me double check this  in my mind okay let's see so if i chuck he blocks   takes takes takes king e7 is mate king g7 queen  d7 is lost king f8 is the only move that doesn't   lose and i go rook h8 king 27 takes queen g1 king  f4 queen h2 king e3 queen g1 king d2 wins at g5   king of five wins so it's got to be winning  and this that's just that's just winning   because there's no pawn on d5 there's no pawn  on d5 so i think that that's that's just winning   maybe i'm crazy but i'm pretty  confident that's just game over   um queen c one rookie three  g that's gotta be winning because let's see the only other check is this  one block rookie h8 we've established a draw   so check block check here check rookie 7 or h7  king here and you don't win because this pawn   this pawn allows a checkmate pattern because  your king has no square so that's why you have   to remove this pawn from d5 it's the whole thing  that holds the glue in in the end game for black that's the check here for queen h2 king e3  is just winning queen g1 king d2 queen h16 d3   g5 king of f5 is winning yeah  it's just winning and now you take and now you take and now you go check king here takes and because  there's no pawn here there are no mate threats   so now you go only one check and now  you just take and you win very good so let's see what do i have here this one i feel  like i might have seen this before or something   but i think it's just actually this looks kind  of easy which of course means it's i'm about to   blunder takes king g7 is made takes queen g7  you check and you're winning somehow i'm sure   um queen of three king f3 is winning this could be actually this could be no  rook h1 rook g2 king h3 cannot be right   okay rook h1 is wrong so the only  move that makes sense is bishop g7 uh then there's rook g2 or s oh there's some weird  rook g2 takes knight f1 and you get sauced you got   mated so bishop g7 loses to rook g2 wow so you  can't move your bishop you can't move your queen i guess you have to play rook h oh  you've rook h1 and king f4 maybe but then he has rook g4 and  if you take you get mated i still think it's rook h1 though thank you  tony pence for the uh for the three months   thank you so much to to tony pence i  see nothing else that works here um uh what are the moves i have here   rook h6 is no good you guys because if i go  rookie h6 he just takes and goes queen h7 very very difficult position very very  very very difficult what else do i have   i think the henry for the two months need  a ronna sword for the prime thing so much   oh what other moves are there here thank you to  xmaxx and i think ixmax ix for the five get the   subs thank you so much appreciate it thank  you for the five gifters man appreciate it rocket [ __ ] is no good either um or kh1  is the only move that makes sense to me rook c1 is also a move but rook c1  i think he just goes like rook c2 or he checks and then goes rook c2 bishop g7 you get checkmated that's the  problem if you take he goes rook g2 takes   and then knight f1 and oh but i have king of two  king you want oh wait no maybe i don't get mated   wait maybe i'm really stupid takes rook sheet  two rook 2 knight f1 king up two queen of three   kings you won and i'm just winning oh maybe  i'm incredibly stupid maybe i do just take i thought i was i thought it was a force  checkmate now i feel very stupid because i   can just take and this whole idea doesn't  work oh maybe i am really just stupid queen f3 king one takes knight  e3 bishop s6 should be winning am i just gonna i don't see  anything else at work so i'm gonna   i'm gonna i'm gonna go for it please be right it  is right okay yeah cnn very stupidly originally i   thought i was just losing because i thought  you know if i go king h3 queen f3 is me and   if i take i thought king h3 i get made it i didn't  realize i could run the king back to uh back to g1   and now i just trade and now i think it's  just bishop f6 is very important move here   yeah bishop f6 is very important or is it yeah because wait a second  wait a second okay let's think   if i move the rook to f2 that's no good e2  he just takes i think it's just bishop six okay one king here knight d1  king this has to be right okay   not here because then he checks and he has  a repetition or a mate there we go okay okay what is this white to play and  win here okay there's queen g4 queen g7   okay this has to be something  relatively straightforward i would think very weird puzzle oh was 87 the next  next uh next level of points wasn't sure okay what do we have here okay what do i do here um i have a check uh 86 is hot oh do i work you one maybe not i  thought i'd maybe check here q1 wait what am   i up here wait a second wait a second what am i  just up here i'm not thinking straight i'm up on   exchange so i'm actually not not in bad shape if  i check and play rook g1 25's here king f king e8 this might be something really cheesy  like queen here king f8 and queen c4 oh nobody just says d6927 never mind thank you  ix max i x for the gifted sub thank you so much   um what are my moves here it's got to be chuck it has to be chuck huh let's see what are the moves here queen g4 king of eight or see one's a move ricci wants also move king to e8 i mean i know the pony matters the pony  matters the ponies to get to g6 or f5   i mean i get that but queen h1  is a move but it's an end game i mean maybe there's some way to just this looks easier am i missing something this  is not easy this is very very difficult um queen g7 he goes king e8 you check and  then he blocks the bushman your king is   completely open to a bunch of chucks from  the black black queen that's the problem it's something with the knight i just don't know   the exact ordering of it  that's really the question let's see what do i have here um yeah queen g4 queen g7 queen h8 is  a move i mean it's not not ideal but   it is definitely a move um but yeah  that's what i'm trying to figure out what are the options hmm she won king f8 king eight check knight g8 okay i guess the first move has to be queen  g4 there's no other move that makes sense   so the first move has to be queen g4 okay that much is good clearer  okay so now i have to figure out   what the next move is because  queen g4 seems very obvious um okay so now the question is what are the  options that i have here do i have queen   g7 queen g8 this is one move are there  other moves yeah queen c4 but then d6   that's the whole problem and then you're  you're still better but you're not like   winning maybe you're not even better  honestly after d6 um but let's see what are the moves here though knight g6 is awesome thank you henny hills for  the prime kill me sack for the three months   um i'm struggling to find moves  i'm really really struggling here   yeah knight g6 is a move but then he  just takes and goes queen d5 check and i   maybe you can can you dodge the checks i don't  think you can but maybe you can check here   no you can't you can't you can't dodge the  chucks you can't dodge them so i think it's   richie one but then after king eight i don't  know what the next move is that's the problem   i mean maybe you can run  the king all the way up to no very very difficult here very very difficult queen g7 is not a great move um thank you to vic for the 300 bit thanks so much  to vic appreciate it thank you thank you opto   prime for the tier one as well thank you so much  to opto prime appreciate it thank you so much um   i'm trying to figure this out i mean maybe actually i just realized  maybe it's richie one king e8 queen c4   that makes sense but queen d5 king c3 king  eight and then i don't know the next move the night matters so i know the night matters here um not really sure what the moves are oh wait do i have a call i have  to jump on wait a second um okay i can go here if richie one yeah he goes king eight um yeah  let me see if i can solve this one because i do   have to kind of go i just realized um uh queen g76  doesn't work so there's queen g7 or rook g1 here um not easy yeah rook c1 is also a move but it's not um  it's not it's not a winning move i don't think um let's see so rook c one's a move  richie wants a move checking e8 yeah it's playable okay queen of four queen queen c4 moves um ceiling no the thing is i i just realized  i have a call in like five minutes so   trying to debate if i just blitz  out some moves here or if i just   call it a day and um and wait till tomorrow  that's what i'm trying to figure out um just wait till tomorrow yeah i  have a call in like five minutes so   no need to bust a great start well i  mean it's one strike and i'm done but   yeah i have to jump on a call i just have  a call i have a call like 2 20 2 25 um   all right i'm gonna wait till tomorrow then  you guys sorry about this i i just i just   only realized um so yeah i'm gonna call a  day i'll save your points for now but we'll   we'll continue tomorrow morning and we'll keep  going um so i'm gonna call it a day you guys but   i'll be back around like 8 30 9 o'clock we'll  finish up this puzzle rush and we'll do the um   we'll do the eye track or um the eye tracker  speed run as well so i'm gonna call it a day   you guys but i'll send the right over to nemo and  see you guys tomorrow morning have a great rest   of your afternoon sorry about this all right bye  i think this is good all right let's keep going   okay now what i have to do is um how do i  how do i add the eye trackers one second do you guys see it oh you guys do see it  right you guys do see the eye tracker good   so if i look at this um okay what is this oh right this was the last  puzzle i was on so um yeah okay let's see so   where were we okay this is white i think i  played the first move right it's queen g4 okay this much is clearer okay yeah i remember  i remember the first because i did the first   one then i had to stop so it resets the puzzle  increase the camera size a little okay sorry there you guys go okay i know it's a little  bit a little bit off but whatever that's fine there actually wait i can now  make it bigger or i can make   it bigger if i don't get more puzzles  right i'll leave it like this for now   okay what is this what do i have queen c i  think as i recall what i looked at was i thought   queen g7 was the move knight g6 was a move or g1  was a move i think things were my three moves but   queen g7 king f8 queen g8 bishop f8 knight  g6 then queen d5 24 here here it's no good not sure um hmm what are the moves what are the moves but actually rook two one just  leaves a mate doesn't it takes yeah just checkmate i go here or wait no wait  here's kingy wait here's king wait a second um wait actually i forgot i  forgot they could scoot the king   but if i go here check i take check i  take check i take but it's still okay   here he just takes it doesn't work here he  just takes doesn't work it's got to be here oh okay i just take and take okay weird puzzle all  right this one i think i've seen before vaguely um   i worked c8 at bishop c6 side 95. i also have  93. wait i've seen this one before wait a second i've seen this puzzle before huh i'm pretty sure it's 93 but put chat so  we can see it oh you want chat as well um oh okay let me change the scene  then just give me one second um   wait let me change the scene just give  me one second if you want chat as well where's the chat one second you guys ah there we go okay okay i think that's fine um let  me figure out how to do this i think that's okay i'll leave  that as is even even if chat's a   little bit cut off i think that's okay let me see wait what am i doing yeah there we go okay okay there we go   all right thank you pandama for the uh for  the prime [ __ ] lulu floof thank you so much   okay let's see okay what do we have i've seen  this puzzle before so it's a matter of get   getting getting it correct i think this looks okay  right you guys just look okay maybe the chat's   just a touch over um the chat is not the chat  sorry the score is a little bit just a touch too   over the board okay there we go yeah there should  be just a touch of black there good okay actually   you know what i just realized so i can also move  the board over what am i doing i'm being stupid i'm being stupid yeah now  it's fine i'm just i'm just stupid there should be a little bit  of background okay that's good there we go okay that's good i think  that's perfect actually let me uh wait yeah okay that's pretty good and then  there we go that's good there we go   okay that's best okay there we go okay  this is black's playing win 93 or bishop   c6 this is the only two questions  let's see what the moves are here   um i mean i 93 i'm pretty sure is right but  i need to figure out why 93 would be wrong   okay so let's say you go rook c8 it's the  obvious version then why does queen a4 93 is still winning though or  no it's not winning bishop d7 no no wait a second wait  a second let me think okay 93 bit should be submitted i think it's just 93. i i i'm pretty confident  that it's just 93 unless i'm absolutely insane i hope i'm not absolutely insane i'm not okay good  so that's right and it's just gotta be rook c8 just takes and just takes okay  good pretty good up to 89. okay   so now we're at 89. um let's see what  the moves are there's king d5 king b6 f5 c5 fg4 c6 at g3 c7 g2 c8 g1 so it's king b6 is wrong king c6 f5 takes g4 d  no so it's not one of these two it can't be here   it has to be one of these two moves  kingdom five looks right a hundred percent is king d4 oh wait a second i think if king d5 there  might be some trick with f5 takes g4   oh yes it's king d4 because there's a little trick  there's a really dirty trick if king d5 f5 takes   black was here king e4 g4 and it's a draw but  your king remains in the box if you go d4 e e3   f2 g1 here takes here here takes king  d5 yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah uh uh yes yes it's king d4 yeah yeah it's king d4 and now you well you have  to take and now i think it's c5 if it takes you   go here king here and king here then g4 c6 you win  k4 is obviously a draw king d5 does nothing so it   has to be here yes very good very very good okay  we're up to nine now this one is i feel like i've   seen this one too and this is something really  strange it's like check king g one night you four   queen of three and then is it rookie three right  there's some rookie three or is it rookie one hmm very tricky i feel like there's some rookie one here i  don't remember what or is it rookie 2 no the 92   check in the night oh man  this is this is difficult i think the layout is still good let me  just make sure that it looks good okay i i know i've seen this one before but  i just it's not i'm drawing a blank it's a5 yes the move is a5 here no i mean  queen h3 is obviously when it makes sense but   then king g1 knight g4 queen f3 is the problem  that's why i'm having trouble figuring this out you're 90 you're almost already  to 230 for last night totally uh or is it g5 no did i consider c5 yeah yeah i i have to remember  that chad is wrong 95 percent of the time that's   the problem so i just have to ignore chat  because they're all like oh queen h3 king   ju1 knight shoot for gg except queen of three  queen eight shoot king off one queen who's not   make is why it takes the queen so it's not that  easy i mean we're very deep in the puzzles so   nothing is going to be easy like  that at this point oh maybe i rookie six i'm such an idiot  yes it's check king g one   knight you four queen of three  check king f1 rookie six 92 92 92 wait 92 ah 92 and then no it cleans your king no wait no actually no it's it's got  it's ch it's definitely chuck   it's here queen after and i think it's  checking g1 rookie six knight e2 check i think i'm pretty sure it's nice it's  got to be this okay if it's not queen h2   is the only move because if you do anything  else white goes here so it has to be chuck   and now it has to be rookie six only move that  makes sense as far as i can tell only move   oh the thing is i'm actually looking  at the ceiling more than i'm looking   at the board so you're probably not  going to get a lot of eye tracker here   rookie six has to be right queen extrusion  draw knight f2 queen f2 is nothing   knight e3 takes is nothing it's  not a knight it's rookie six   good good good good keep it going okay if we have  six knight f4 you have nothing so it's gotta be   chuck here takes takes takes king one night issue  king one rookie two i'm almost certain as chuck   it's got to be chuck it's a winning king  upon end game but there's no other way 93 knight f2 do nothing i think it's just  chuck please be right please be right yes good   okay 91 we keep going um okay what do we  have here some kind of shamad on g1 queen g6 super confused super super super confused what this is really weird um okay let's see what can't we do here i can't move  the bishop the bishop takes bishop looks silly uh i'm really confused okay this is really confusing could be f3 maybe after he's the only one that makes sense to me i don't know what else makes sense okay what do i know it doesn't work i know that  rook g2 doesn't work so just queen of four bishops   c3 work there so rook g2 can't be right rook g1  doesn't work no other rook moves on the board   makes sense it can't be a rook or a king move  it's not pawn takes pawn it's not pawn push   it's not pawn push so it really means  it's pawn it's this or this basically   it's the pro by the by the by the process  of elimination it has to be one of those two seems right to me and actually there are no queen moves  either because queen g4 hangs the queen   so it's it's literally a bishop move or a pawn  move or i mean i guess it could be richie too but   she took queen four no you're  not winning that i don't think my instinct says this f3 i  don't know why but i just my instinct says my instinct says it's f3 hmm although f3 knight f3 also looks  ridiculous too so now i'm really confused hmm not bishop takes c3 i'm quite sure of that  there should be so i i think basically it's   rook g it's basically f3 or rook g2 it's one of  these two moves and i don't know which one it is   my instinct is this f3 but after knight f3 knight  takes f3 i don't see a way to continue there i honestly have no idea but i really have no idea here but my instinct says  it's richie too and i do want to do at least one   more fresh puzzle run so i think i'm going to  trust myself that it's not after and that it's   worked you too i think it's worth richie too  because f3 knight f3 i don't see a way to win yeah i don't see a way to win there i'm  gonna trust my instinct that's richie too and it's probably going to be wrong but i think  it's richie too if i get it wrong we'll start   we'll start with a fresh one but i think it's  this oh it's right holy mackerel it's actually   right oh my gosh i did not think it was right i  i was expecting it to end right there i didn't   think rook 2 was the right move okay now the  problem is it's still though it still goes on   this is not trivial okay what do we know is  wrong bishop takes c3 queen takes c3 is 199   wrong pawn takes pawn is also 99 wrong um it's  not this or this it's not this it's not this   it's not this it's not a k it's got  to be rook h2 just again process of elimination but takes queen of four and it's not  easy takes queen of four checking into takes takes only move is rick takes knight that's  the only move that makes sense here   literally no other move on the board makes  sense and if it does so be it but i mean yeah there are no other moves on the board  that makes sense so it has to be rook h2 it just has to be rook h2 i  just don't see any other moves it's gotta be rook h2 wow that's wrong oh it's queen c8 oh my god you  know what's crazy about this   you know what's crazy about this as soon as as  soon as i as soon as i played rookie's shoe it   occurred to me that like the problem is rook  b8 king h7 doesn't work i didn't actually see   chad say queen c8 which again i'm not really  looking at chat but it's funny because as   soon as i played something was wrong i was  like wait a second is there some other move   because bishop h4 is an idea but there's always  rook b8 rookie h8 or b8 rook b7 with a draw wow   you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 103,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, hikaru nakamura, tsm, the day hikaru didnt miss a single time in puzzle rush, hikarus puzzle rush record, hikaru plays puzzle rush, hikaru puzzles, hikaru nakamura puzzle rush, hikaru survival puzzle, hikaru nakamura puzzle rush survival
Id: qdfOZpRpz6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 37sec (11317 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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