Do The FNAF Books SOLVE The Mimic?! | FNAF Theory

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it's finally time to start talking about the mimic and to further flesh out our L board or lore corkboard for those who aren't unaware I thought it best to go over only the direct information about the mimic from the books we'll go over the games when we get to them so what do the books tell us about the mimic and the mimic 1 program a lot actually so slices put on your aprons and let's bake ourselves some literary analysis for the probably final time of this miniseries as always before we Deep dive into a book continuity needs to be mentioned I did the whole Spiel last video but essentially Scott has never directly confirmed whether or not the tales and the pizz Plex books are in the same continuity of the games many people assume they are because they are so similar but personally I prefer to take a more cautious route and just assume that they are separate continuities but there's a lot of overlap so rules of the universe information about characters that cross over things like that that's what we're looking for here but ultimately assuming all of the tales from the pizz Plex books are in continuity is completely valid it's just something I'm not personally going to do that being said I'm going to add details of the mimic to the Lor board that may or may not only be details from the book but it's still worth writing down just like how in the silver eyes I mention all the stuff about Charlie even though that might not be true for the games so long story short let's talk mimic we'll start with the story that's earliest in the timeline of this character titled the mimic it follows Edwin Murray a man living with his son David in an abandoned warehouse where he's contracted by Fazbear to turn costumes into to animatronics this is like a long time ago while he's doing this he finds his son David very annoying and disruptive mainly because David's a kid and he's bad at liking his child so instead of being a parent Edwin builds the mimic he essentially takes some hodg Podge pieces from a few things to build the upper half of an endoskeleton and I'll describe it here he then creates a program that will take in any information it sees and recreate it and mix it up a little bit essentially it's built to mimic that's why he calls it the mimic mic one program and eventually calls the creature the mimic the idea is that he's trying to make a playmate for his son that can learn things on the Fly and it does it becomes incredibly close to his son and they hang out all the time the mimic acts like David and begins to copy his movements and they get into a bunch of trouble together but eventually because Edwin's a bad father David dies essentially David runs out of the unlocked Warehouse that they live in into traffic and gets hit by a car and as if that wasn't bad enough in his state of grief and still processing what happened he eventually sees the mimic pretending to act like David holding David's favorite plushy and doing the things they used to do in a fit of grief and rage Edwin just starts mercilessly beating the machine into just a crumpled mess cut to sometime later and Edwin has gone Mia after not responding to their messages Fazbear eventually sends a team to reclaim any projects He was working on so they can give it to another engineer but when the team gets there they find out they're not the first team that Fazbear sent and in fact the first team that Fazbear sent found the mimic and repaired it giving it legs something that Edwin never did once it was able to walk around the mimic began brutally killing everyone as if it were doing chores for instance it would kill someone and hang them on a hanger or break somebody's body as he shoves it into a fridge to put away food stuff like that however with this new team the mimic just kills them in incredibly brutal ways and the story ends so what does this story have to do with security breach and FNAF in general well it has to do with ruin because it's the mimic now is it the same mimic that's the big question because the endoskeleton that gets described in this story does not look at all like the endoskeleton we see at the end of ruin the endoskeleton in this story is covered by a mass of wires that Loops throughout the back of its head out its eyes down its neck and there's a whole bunch of other specifics that we don't see in ruin that being said the mimic is able to repair itself with nearby robotic parts so it's possible that if it is the same mimic then between when it was created and now its appearance has drastically changed over repairing itself over and over again but not only is the mimic important from this story but so is the mimic one program used to create it because many people believe the mimic one program is the thing that gets inputed into help wanted to create glitch trap glitch trap essentially being a manifestation of this program and we see this idea double down in the Storyteller Tiger rock and the Monty within so let's talk about those stories the Storyteller is sort of a continuation of the mimic as it once again features Edwin Murray but much later in his life it also features Mr burough the chairman of the board of Fazbear the important bits to know about this story is it follows the implementation of What's called the Storyteller essentially a supercomputer AI that can create stories and actions for the animatronics to do so they don't have to hire a creative writing team anymore they just need to have somebody oversee the programs that this AI puts out and the animatronics can act out whatever it comes up with they then house this supercomputer inside a massive boow about tree that has its roots or wires go throughout the entire Pizza Plex stop using your right hand Riley there's a mic stand here people look it looks like my hand disappears because it's mic Riley stopped using her right hand and it goes horribly horribly wrong it's one of the reasons I love this story that Scott is putting out there so publicly hey AI cannot make art it can only steal and make things worse but on top of that the AI that they're using is just the mimic one program once it begins working in the pizz Plex all of the animatronics begin acting erratically their pre-programmed personalities are cranked up to an unsafe degree for example Monty is always Brash and brutish and kind of aggressive but after the Storyteller is implemented he becomes violent and dangerous chica goes from a foodie who likes to snack into a glutton that can't stop eating perhaps my favorite glamrock Freddy someone we don't get to see act this way in security breach goes from the star of the show to a mega Diva who tries to steal a toy out of a kid's hands and then throws a temper tantrum when it doesn't work eventually as more and more things go wrong Edwin Murray begins investigating the Storyteller to see what's up only to find that a metal tiger head is placed in the center of the bowab tree and inside that tiger's head is the mimic 1 program it's worth noting here that that Tiger's head spawned horrible violent memories and traumatic experiences in Edwin's mind he basically is like a PTSD flashback but it's never explained as to what caused that flashback after all we don't know what happens to Edwin after the mimic so whatever happened in between the story the mimic and now has traumatically changed Edwin's life and it has to do with this tiger head but eventually on one of the times Edwin Murray goes into the Storyteller to try to dismantle it Mr Burrows locks him inside to teach him a lesson so he would eventually have to beg for his way out and get arrested but after a few days of nothing happening Mr burough goes into to investigate and gets locked inside himself he finds that Edwin Murray lost his mind and eventually suffocated in here filling the area with drawings of weird symbols and shapes and writing I'm sorry over and over again until eventually Mr Burrows realizing he's trapped too will suffocate in a day or so the story ends this is actually a big point of contention for me and truth be told I've previously talked about the Storyteller and I think I was wrong previously I thought this story was telling us how glitch trap was put into the game so that in the game timeline in security breach a Storyteller like thing was implemented and that's what eventually becomes the tangle that Big Blob at the bottom of the basement I thought that that big Freddy head we see on the way to FNAF 6 was the Storyteller a massive Freddy head that could tell stories and program the other animatronics and it was powered by the molten Freddy head connected to wires and that's all the spirits come in and the programs and I thought some massive like sinkhole happened it sunk into the bottom and they paved over it I think that's a worthwhile Theory but I've since changed my mind and I think that theory is wrong and I also don't think it was just literally the Storyteller from the books because of the special delivery emails we know pretty much for a fact how glitch trap was put into the pizzaplex system the special delivery emails Chronicle Vanessa isolating the glitch trap virus within Help Wanted extracting that package and then uploading it to the pizzaplex directly and overriding security protocols we literally almost for a fact know definitively that Vanessa essentially took glitch trap put him on a USB and plugged it into the pizz Plex there doesn't need to be a Storyteller here so there probably wasn't a Storyteller the method we get from special delivery a game an official game directly goes against this narrative in fact feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like this is pretty definitive proof that the tales from the pizz Plex books cannot be in the game continuity because the games nearly directly tell us how Vanessa uploads glitch trap to the pizz Plex and the books offer an alternative ative option I know I'm definitely not the first person to think of this so if there's a counterargument here let me know but I can't think of one so if that's not the reason why this story exists what does this story tell us about the FNAF timeline well the main thing I think is that this is an explanation for the actions and behaviors of the animatronics in security breach by the time the game Begins the glitch trap program is within all of the animatronics except presumably glamrock Freddy so that's why all of their actions seem strange chica can't stop eating garbage Rox and wolf is narcissistically obsessed with herself and Monty is violent and aggressive these are understandable personalities that have been cranked up think about it Roxy was just a diva Monty was just Brash chica was just a foodie but now that glit trap has been inputed into their systems their random quirks have been upped and turned into vices so definitely put a pin there and it's also worth noting that in this story chica is yellow and has a cupcake which is definitively different than what we see glamrock chica looking like in fact it looks more like a classic Chica design this could imply that originally the pizzaplex animatronics were just the original four but that's a step too far especially for this board regardless it's worth noting next up is the Monty within and this is a deceptively important story because the story itself is just a boy that plays a VR game with Monty in it and then after the VR game keeps hearing Monty's voice and having the idea of Monty influence his actions he has to actively fight back from the impulses that the Monty Persona wants him to do until eventually after fighting so much with Monty over and over again Monty gets the better of him and forces this boy's head into a table saw splitting in skull and killing him although notably it's very funny that the last thing this boy hears is Monty's voice saying rock and roll or something so why do I think this is so important I didn't click it before this is the story of Jeremy from Help Wanted think about it someone play a VR game and a Persona from that VR game enters their mind and tries to influence their actions and take control of them but after fighting that entity with all of their will The Entity instead goes to kill the victim and move on to the next one I can see this perfectly explaining what happens to Vanessa and what happens to Jeremy glitch trap entered the mind of Vanessa through a VR machine and instead of fighting back she compartmentalizes glitch trap forming the vany persona but she is still now a follower of glitch trap and will do what he says when commanded but Jeremy didn't Jeremy fought against it tooth and nail to the point where glitch trap gave up and thinking it's a lost cause and moved on to the next victim but he had to make sure that Jeremy couldn't stop him so he forces Jeremy to take the guillotine paper slicer and attack his own face nearly killing him but before Jeremy dies he forces that body to go back into VR and put glitch trap back into the system that is why when the tape girl goes back to work the next morning she sees a faceless Jeremy wearing the VR headset he's probably already dead but glitch trap needed to get back into the system to infect another mind but as confident as I am in that that is heavy speculation so for now we'll put this note card summarizing the story and we'll move on Tiger rock is admittedly pretty quick to talk about because it's kind of just the Monty within again a boy enters a VR headset that's to show what the pizza Plex will look like 10 years from now and he meets an animatronic called Tiger rock and starts getting followed by him Tiger rock keeps holding on to his arms a bit too tight but he gets away eventually he thinks he leaves the VR machine and goes to live his normal life but he keeps seeing Tiger rock pop up in different locations well not Tiger rock specifically but animals or objects that are meant to exist in the real world but instead their white animatronic versions with the same green and blue eyes that tiger rock has and every time he sees one of those he hurts his arm and in some way like he'll slam a window on it or fall down the stairs and land on them until eventually he realizes he's still in the VR game and tries to escape and he seemingly does get out this time realizing that he's been trapped there the whole time he goes home he tries to go to bed but Tiger rock bursts through the window and rips off his arms presumably killing him I assume he never really left the VR machine but once again same as the Monty within it's some entity within a VR game hunting down and killing someone for being inside of it and I guess not listening if anything if we're meant to put this on something specific speculation not going on the L board I wonder if this is meant to explain tape girl from help wanted we have the Monty within for Jeremy and we have Vanessa for Vanessa but the tape girl goes unexplained we don't really know what happens to her just that her instructions get flipped on the last tape I wonder if Tiger rock is that explanation she never got fully taken over but because she was seen as a threat she was killed anyway so that's all the short stories dedicated to the mimic and the mimic 1 program but what about the epilogues something I've thus far never brought up well they also Chronicle the mimic but it might not be the same one or it's just been a long time and a lot of things have happened let's go into it in the early stages of the pizz plex's construction several construction workers are trying to clear out the FNAF 6 Pizzeria underneath the plans are to eventually turn this place into a museum of Fazbear but there's a lot of random animatronics and endoskeletons Scattered throughout the location while the they're clearing them out they get a new shipment of animatronics which is surprising cuz they shouldn't be getting any yet but one of them is very notable an endoskeleton that doesn't seem to match any of the other animatronics it's described as being a bit bulkier and having a steel frame and even though the head is shiny and new looking with metal rabbit ears the rest of the body is burnt Beyond discoloration one of the construction workers examines it and finds a pretty sophisticated program within he finds the mimic one program but trying to skirt out on some of his duties he modifies it to give it a new command collect endoskeletons take off the limbs and head and put them in a pile and it works he calls himself a genius because the endoskeleton goes out and does the job that they've been tasked to do but once the mimic runs out of endoskeletons to do this to it turns the construction workers and continues to follow the orders ripping off their limbs and putting their bodies in a pile and then the story tries to make it out like some scary bad guy the mimic is just doing its job it's just trying to slay and these guys are in the way but that's epilog one the other epilogues Chronicles some teenagers that much later break into this FNAF 6 Pizzeria and encounter the mimic however we learn later in these epilogues that the mimic isn't acting out of malice we get a point of view from the mimic in which it's exceedingly clear this robot is just following its orders it's not seeking out to kill in its point of view it's going there were two more bodies that I was told that I have to take the limbs off of but they're not in this room so I have to exit this room in the most efficient way possible so I can complete the task that was given to me the task that is remove Limbs and heads from a body and put it on the pile it just thinks humans are also animatronics notably during this time to lure one of the teenagers into a trap it communicates over a radio pretending to be a small child some other notable features of this mimic is that it always gives off some sort of EMP like area of effect where it neutralizes or messes with Electronics nearby by the end of the story one of the teens is able to trick the mimic into getting into a spring lock jester costume haha a what we'll get into it but once it's inside she's able to trigger the spring locks crumbling the mimic and making it inoperable she's then later able to escape as far as important information from these epilogues the camp that believed the tales and the pizzax stories are within continuity of the games see this as an explanation on how the mimic ends up in the FNAF 6 Pizzeria but for me several things don't line up one where is the spring lock Jester suit it was trapped inside of granted vany and GGY have presumed ly been down here and could have since removed it and repaired the mimic but when we see the mimic in ruin it seems as though it's trapped in that room while active because it's incredibly dangerous so if it was disfigured and broken by a spring lock suit this would mean that vany and GGY would have had to extract it from the suit repair it turn it on and then trap it so they could have it functional but not be killed by it it seems odd not to mention that they physically don't line up at all in the story like I said it's described as being very burnt having shiny new head with rabbit ears and being like very complex and thick but the mimic we see in game is more of a bare endoskeleton with several different parts and again I understand the mimic can repair itself with different pieces so maybe that's what we're seeing here but it's entirely different now sure the epilog description is closer to what we see with burn trap but that head description is so specific that I think it still warrants discussion after all there's also no visible flesh or anything attached to the mimic in in these stories whereas burn trap has flesh seemingly growing out of itself if the mimic from the epilogues is supposed to be either burn trap or the mimic from ruin there is a large gap of something happening that we don't know about here however even if these stories are not one to one with the games they're incredibly important in learning more about what the mimic we see in ruin is capable of for one we learned that at some point fasbear had an entire line of mimic endoskeletons before discontinuing them because they began copying humans in unexpected ways furthermore like I mentioned this version of the mimic seems to not be fueled by Agony or violence that the one we saw in the story the mimic is the entire time it is literally just following the order it's given in epilog 1 with seemingly No Malice meanwhile in the story the mimic one of the dudes that came in to collect Fazbear stuff it literally picks him up by like the Scruff of his neck and his back and just logs his head into a wall That's not following orders nor is it doing a T it's just killing a dude so what happened did it lose its Agony or is this something else is this a different mimic well that's all speculation that we're going to have to figure out but I think it is worth mentioning here and that plus maybe some cards that I forgot to mention but I'm displaying them all right now is all the references to the mimic that I think are relevant to the timeline from Tales in the pizza Plex all things considered a lot of L is added to these games from Tales from the pizzle even if they're not in the same continuity so I understand why a lot of people believe them to be the same continuity like just Tales from the pizz Plex added twice the amount of lore that the silver eyes or Fazbear frights was able to add man this lur board is getting crowded all that's left to add is any miscellaneous books like the character Encyclopedia The cookbook or something and then security breach and ruin and help wanted too but for now we'll call it there if you miss part one of tales in the pizzax I highly recommend checking it out right here and if I missed anything about the mimic from the books feel free to let me know this is a group effort if you want your fan art featured on the channel make sure to use # WR tart so I can find it a huge shout out to the best channel members the D risers and until next time as always stay toasty slices
Channel: RyeToast
Views: 78,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf, FuhNaff, fnaf sb dlc, Steel Wool, indie game, Game Theory, Dawko, fnaf ruin, ruin dlc, ruin trailer, fnaf ruin dlc trailer, fnaf help wanted, fnaf help wanted 2, fnaf help wanted 2 trailer, fnaf help wanted 2 gameplay, five nights at freddy's help wanted 2, fnaf vr 2, fnaf vr 2 trailer, fnaf vr, fnaf timeline, fnaftimeline, fnaf lore, into the pit, intothepit, fazbear frights, fnaf into the pit trailer, fnaf into the pit game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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