Some Americans are ignorant and proud (S1E59) At what temperature does water boil?

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name a tradition associated with Christmas name a member of Congress I'll give you a cookie how about this name a branch of government and I'll give you half a cookie u.s. army okay the vice president I'll give you a quarter cookie oh I don't even know I didn't vote for him all right let me see that boobie tattoo and I'll give you a piece of a cookie [Music] James Broadwater I'm running for United States Congress in district 2 is your husband at home we want to speak to somebody who can vote that's it just me you can vote with you are a woman all women can vote at what temperature does water boil 432 degrees now Michelle 48,000 202 so the oceans boil oceans are boiling okay zero Celsius or Fahrenheit 212 or Fahrenheit 104 Celsius gentlemen complete this sentence my wife and I prefer to keep the inside of our refrigerator at blank degrees SID 250 name an invention that has replaced stairs the wheel it's French its front legs alone Oh wah grah is the French term for goose liver pate I'm gonna admit that all of this made me think he wasn't gonna know anything just because we're nuts and bolts ISM you are not intelligent most of the electricity in our home flows from the blank to the what from the plug to the vibrator I feel like I'm equal with the man I don't want a man deciding what's best for me but the woman nothing to them no we say yeah good a man a horse dog even a woman then rat and then a smaller crowd silly like a little yes an occasion for which you stayed up all night [Laughter] I've been there taking all week who fought in the Civil War America we did UN's the US and well the North and the South fought each other name the first thing you take off after work underwear [Music] who's the vice president of the United States I know the president can you name all the planets for me no no guesses know what months of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant September [Music] Sherwin how many continents are there eight Tony for no Michelle two four six nine know how many dwarfs are there Oh tell me the continents of India no over the world and how many are there it's Washington DC I think of the world the world are we to all continents all United States the password is clap secretary [Applause] yeah Michelle what does this word mean masticate how it sounds like doing your food Sherwin who is this generally no Michelle I'll grant you one clue okay [Music] which country is a number one in the world I think right now the u.s. is number one in Kazakhstan though we have woman with his record for amount of hair on pubic make any difference did your country allow every citizen an equal right to pursue the happiness and the freedoms and the liberties are they totally free in your country names love a breed of dog kitten you will say Kazakhstan is number one but we have men with most amount of fingers difference there's a manual method with eight finger does it make any difference you don't have what we have can they rasuu those freedoms not so much can they vote select officers for their country we have biggest goat don't care you're not listening to me complete this sentence my husband is the first man I ever heard about who he lasts so long when he's been I mean romance he doesn't quit I really can turn them on you know he's been but he's strong I was in Vietnam I would like in Cambodia this was during the Vietnam War are you can bother how you say we kick their ass their butts what do you call people who not sputtering I don't like I don't like how many decades has your mother lived there all you have a troubled look on your face what's the matter well I don't know what a decade is so she'd be good it's four years of decades you've been 10 decades tender Michelle who is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces got a hit Meredith all right Sharon president will name a place where you would see lots of flowers episode prime number between 20 and 40 between 20 and 40 yes 7-7 Tony what war was fought over Helen of Troy was a popular movie that would be the Greek War no no you might have one of these in your wallet Tony a Trojan in something besides soap and a towel that people take with them to the baths a duck aside from a house or a car specifically what is the most expensive thing you own a car Michelle the first words of this song are my eyes have seen the glory what song is it very famous song I don't know my eyes deceived the glory of the you've heard that song a little more the coming of the Lord hallelujah sure battled all the teachers and we broke in all the rules before a version very good as the Battle Hymn of the Republic they love to fly over nudist camps you s please they love to fly over nudist camps I know it you know it alright hello Dan oh yes ah yes yes Michelle what city is famous for its canals Panama have you been to the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas no that's a clue Venetian Sherwin vennett see it Venice Venice very good okay the Mesozoic era what classification of animals are dinosaurs CEP Enes oh us what is the name of the Italian traveler who first visited China Christopher Columbus no Jimmy the Greek no Marco hello bolo good Michelle who is this trying to remember her name [Applause] Mandela that's good
Channel: myworldisgettingdumber
Views: 2,036,040
Rating: 4.7221546 out of 5
Keywords: ignorant and proud, funny videos, funny, comedy, humor, wow, ignorant and proud what temperature, some americans what temperature does the water boil, ignorant and proud water boil, ignorant and proud 59 At what temperature does the water boil, satire, ignorant and proud 59, ignorant, Are you smarter than a 5th grader quiz, embarrassing moments, temperature, triggered, americans, wshh questions, at what temperature does water boil, lol, dumb answers, questions, cringe alert, quiz, epic fails
Id: 5ifLYUUaU-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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