Escaping From Odin's Labyrinth

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hey everybody and thanks for coming back for another puzzle this time I have for you the Odin's Labyrinth box from pow Hannah creative on Etsy uh it's in the comments section below as usual in the description check them out got a couple different things on there thought all puzzles they got a bunch of different uh things that might strike your fancy but the goal on this one is to open it up uh they gave a little solution QR code can't really see it with uh with my I got a new setup I got some lights I got a brand new camera which is like way better than the one I had Gotta Give a big shout out to my sister-in-law Jess who uh coached me on all this she's got a Hollywood Makeup Company I've left a link below to to all her stuff as well if you've watched American Horror Story You've seen her makeup it's pretty cool so she gave me some insight on what I need to do here to make this look a heck of a lot better than what I was doing before but anyway let's get right into it okay so on the front we have this little slider here that has a knob a little knob on it slides to the right and that's it uh this looks to be the seam here on the back get another slider looks like it's going to slide at some point but it doesn't at the moment and on this side we have this one which does oh okay so we have this Labyrinth maze on top here have to forgive me I'm trying to there we go still working out the Kinks on how to show all this stuff with the lights it's kind of like outside of my expertise um so we got this Labyrinth to work through here and this this slider here see it moves that little metal piece up and down so we'll have to yeah you can see down and I'm not gonna be able to show you but right here vertically there is a a little Notch that this metal piece slides up and down through um so let's start we'll just work this piece into the center of the maze I'm sure this uh I'm sure this rotates yeah so we'll work it here into the center and then we'll see what happens from there maybe that'll do have something to do with these these sliders here so we need to go over here and up all the way down through and then over here up over down it's a little tough so there we go down again into the center okay now this one slides to the right as does this one wants to open how do I get it to open now this one doesn't slide back to the middle hmm it's like this thing is in the way you can see this is where it hinges right here but this circle is blocking it and it's probably the same on this side underneath does it push down I'm wondering if I uh I have this shifted to the right when I first saw the when I first saw this so I don't know if that maybe I screwed something up by not having it set to the middle so I'm just gonna reset it here it's not too terribly difficult can't get this to go back up oh there we go so this slider there must be some kind of so it's got a piece that runs this way and a piece that runs this way because when we push it to the right blocks this metal piece from going back up but when it's in the center does not so I'm just gonna reset this real quick because I don't know maybe I messed up because I still when I did the Labyrinth this thing was all the way to the right so I'm going to set it in the middle foreign set this one in the middle and now we'll do it again see this this doesn't I wonder if it moves if I'm at different now I'm in the second layer of the now it still doesn't move third nope so this one this one moves only when the little bar is in the center okay so that shifts to the right that's just to the right not the left hmm if I have to like push it in and open there we go how did nope it's got a little keepsake box so let's see how this all this functioned oh does it need to be in them how is this okay so on the lid here we have these two little there we go it's a little that's the same on the other side uh that has a thing that shifts that way a little Channel if you will and it appears let's see there we go you can see it on this side as well has the same shape with a little thing going off of it um so these have to be okay so they have to be shifted to move these out of the way to pick it up but how does so let's reset the Maze and kind of watch what's going on in the middle here to see how it is preventing these pieces from moving I think this little lighter piece here I suspect that slides up and down it's kind of tough to let me go grab a some pen and paper okay so what uh so this lighter piece right here looks like this and I'm drawing it from the side it has this little indent in it um and this piece here that's connected to the looks like this this one I'm drawing from the top it's got this little tooth that comes out and that doesn't slide under this this tooth is at the end of this like this looks like it probably should slide under that there and then something similar on the other side okay so on this side and I had it lined up not perfectly um so drawing from the side again it's got a little tiny hole like this uh this piece is similar to this piece it's got the little tooth so the tooth is supposed to go into here like this and the reason I was unable to do that is because I had shifted this metal piece just a hair too far down oh why can't I get it to go back up yeah so this slider moves this this white piece in here sorry this is really tough for me to so this slider moves this piece back and forth so I needed it to be right there which is this dead center of the maze here instead I pulled it all the way down to the bottom of this circle and that allows that tooth to go inside of there same on this side so at the end of the day you're moving a slider up and down that has uh two little spots where these teeth can go in and these teeth are attached to the locks which goes inside the lid here so we will just do a quick reset on it possibly there we go okay we got that back in let's go ahead and reset this part there we go uh so there you have it that's the uh Odin's Labyrinth box from powhana creative um that's fun definitely not a mechanism I've come across in a puzzle yet before five minutes and you know I don't think it was intended to be something exceptionally difficult to to open a nice little stash box so there you go that's it thanks for watching and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Tim Liebrock Puzzles
Views: 10,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ScL7CmMg6WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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