Solving The DIFFICULT 5 PIECE Jigsaw Puzzle!! (Could You Solve it?)

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♪ Problems on problems on problems on problems on ♪ ♪ Problems on problems I'll solve them ♪ ♪ I run through the money ♪ ♪ The pressure be calling ♪ ♪ Left all my blessings ♪ ♪ I feel like I'm falling ♪ ♪ The birdie is back ♪ ♪ Tell me I'm garbage ♪ ♪ I'm going through something ♪ ♪ That's why I ain't calling ♪ ♪ Phone in progression ♪ ♪ It's all that I wanted ♪ ♪ A foe in affection ♪ ♪ I summon and dub it ♪ ♪ 'cause I got problems on problems on problems on ♪ ♪ Problems on problems on problems I'll solve them ♪ ♪ I run through the money ♪ ♪ The pressure be calling ♪ ♪ Left all my blessings ♪ ♪ I feel like I'm falling ♪ ♪ The birdie is back ♪ - Yo, what's up guys and welcome back. Today is Wednesday and that means we're looking at another puzzle. And today, we're actually looking at one of Yuu Asaka's jigsaw puzzles. Now this guy's known for making tricky jigsaws. Jigsaws with five corners, or a jigsaw made entirely of corners. And this one is no exception. It's a five piece jigsaw puzzle. And the whole goal here is to fit all five pieces into this white rectangle. I feel like I'm being trolled, you know what I mean? It's like five pieces, how hard can it possibly be? Knowing this guy, he's got something up his sleeve. If you look this content and you like what we do here go ahead and hit the like button. I really appreciate it, it helps us out. Subscribe if you're new here, and without any further ado, let's get into it. (whistle) (puzzle pieces scattering) Here we go, this is Wave Five, the last of the Yuu Asaka puzzles. Yuu Asaka puzzles, Yuu Asaka. Many people have told me in the comments that his name just sounds like I'm getting ripped off. This is the final one, I've done them all, so far. Hopefully this guy comes out with more puzzles, because I really enjoy them. Let's get this going. (timer beeping) Here we go, we got the pieces here. We need to fit them into here. So first thing, obviously, that I'm thinking is there's some type of arrangement here where the pieces fit within one another. As long as they fit, I think, within one another than we're golden, right? That one probably fits there, other way. What? Oh, that fits, okay, good. Scared for a second there. Doesn't look like, maybe this one, actually. Is that good enough? Wait, this way. Oh, that would have been a short video. But we're close, we are close. See, they don't fit in the, hmm. Well, these two, we know, have to kind of go together. We've gotta find two more that go together and then we're golden. We have to do it in here because they're offset. Nothing's gonna fit in there, so that piece has to be at the end, right? So far, so good. Oh, what if, what if it's one of these things again? Oh, so close, oh my God, that is literally like, look how close it is to fitting in there. Well, it's that close, actually. So you can see it over here, that close. Oh, well, well, well. Oh, there we go, that fits there. All right, I fit one side in, it's just that curve doesn't allow me to fit that corner in. Look at that, that fits, except for that corner, no. (puzzle pieces clicking around) Hmm, maybe I'm not looking at this properly. Even if that would fit, that wouldn't go anywhere, right? So this can't be the solution anyways, has to be this way. No, that doesn't fit in there. That, no that can't, what? This, no, and no, no, no, huh. (puzzle pieces clicking) (calm electronic music) Okay, we're actually close now. Oh, oh, oh, so close. They're all the same thickness? Yes (hums). What if I just decide to drop them, like this, and they fit. Let me shake my device. (puzzle pieces sliding) Hey, that's not bad (laughs) (hums). Oh, I can try this, this I can try, see if this works. Oh yeah, look at that, does work. Sorry, I'm getting distracted. I should probably get rid of all these ones, too (hums). I know, I'm already reading the comments. "Jump cuts, you're using jump cuts." Of course I'm using jump cuts, all right? I'm not trying to actually fool you. I'm entertaining you while this thing is fooling me. That's how this exchange is working, do you understand? May we proceed? Wait, did these two fit together before? Which ones fit together? No, which one was it? It was these two, no. It was these two, yes. So that's a given, maybe this side. No, that doesn't make sense. That's a given, that's a given, that's a given. Everything would be cool if that fit, that would be cool (hums). I like the aesthetics of this puzzle, very pretty to the eye. Five pieces, how can you make five pieces into a puzzle. Maybe it's like a, okay, we know that Yuu Asaka is known for shifting the paradigm on how you see a jigsaw puzzle. We know this because he's had puzzles with five corners and he's had puzzles made of only corners, and he's had the Wave puzzles, which were half like this and half like that. Oh, maybe that's the thing. But he wouldn't make two of those puzzles equally like that, would he? Or would he, or would he? No, clearly that's not gonna fit anywhere. Pretty cool, nice design, though. So there's something different about the way he does puzzles, maybe, no. (puzzle pieces clicking) Wait, this, does this fit like this? Oh, that does fit like that, okay. Oh. (calming zen music) Oh, that fits there, too. That's like one that fits with every one. I'm gonna try something kooky here. What if, what if they are like this. That'd be sick. That doesn't fit, maybe one of them fits? Hey. Nope (laughs), this one? There we go. One, two, I mean, if there's even one that fits now, hey, wait a minute. Hey, oh, hey, that's the first time we're getting two that fit, so that's cool, which means, therefore, this should be possible. I just need to find a good candidate here, maybe this here isn't the right fit. And maybe it's more of this, that's good. But still not good enough, huh. What if this one, could that fit here? No. (puzzle pieces clicking) No, that one has to fit, too. This one, there is no piece that fits on the outside of this, right? Because there's no piece with an opening that big. So we're gonna assume that that one's at the end. That being said, which one is the best fit to go in there? That one, clearly. Which one is the best fitted to go in here? This one does not fit here, this one, clearly. Which one is the best fitted to go in there? Either one wouldn't make a difference. That's not working. Okay, so what if, that wouldn't change anyway. Would these still fit if it was like this? It wouldn't, so that one doesn't go this way. It can't because, literally, no piece would fit in there, unless it's on this side, no, that wouldn't work either. So we know that that has to be that. I mean, we don't know, but we assume, right? There's no piece that fits in here, but there's also no piece that fits in there, correct? Correct, unless it's, like, this piece, which doesn't make a lick of sense. (puzzle pieces tapping together) So close, so close. (puzzle pieces clicking together) Oh, bam. (timer beeps off) Boom, look at that, that is cool. That's a cool solution, I like that. That is super dope, that is rad, that is gnarly. I love that, what a simple, yet complicated, convoluted solution. Like, you have to have these pieces in this order. Seems logical enough, then finding out that you have to place them differently, bizarrely into this frame, which, again, makes sense, because there would be, with only five pieces there would be spaces still available, wouldn't be a full jigsaw, right? And then figuring out the orientation of those once you do that. Because this is almost a cause for me to turn around and be like, "Yeah, this is not gonna work, "because I'm always gonna be," you know what I mean? You might be like, "Oh, that was close, but no cigar," with this rather, these two fitting like this, you know what I mean? You're kind of like, "It's so close, it should work "but it doesn't, let's give up." But no, just kind of being fed down that hole over and over again, so feels good, woo. Well, hot damn, we got it. That was a jigsaw, what was it called? Wave 5? Wave 5. Cool solution, outside of the box thinking, like usual. This is a lot of fun when the solution isn't obvious. It requires you to think outside the box, which I really like. Anyways guys, thanks for watching this video. Like if you do, subscribe, all that good stuff, and we'll see you on the next video, peace. Ra, oh, I came out of left with that one, let's go. ♪Au shante ♪ (upbeat hip-hop music beat) ♪Au shante ♪
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 2,682,192
Rating: 4.8943744 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, puzzle solution, solution, solve, solved, puzzle solver, puzzler, chris ramsay, tattoos, solving, hard, difficult, yuu asaka, wave puzzle, hardest puzzle, jigsaw, magic
Id: 26BpyrHcLNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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