The Disturbing Case Of The Mauerova Family

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hey guys it's Bella and welcome back to my channel welcome back to another 12 days of Christmas episode video I'm doing a mystery video every day for 12 days up until Christmas so I really hope you guys are enjoying them if you are then please make sure to give this video a thumbs up and let's get into today's case so today we're going to be talking about the current age and I know I say this without a lot of cases but this is honestly the most bizarre and Merce disturbing case that I've looked into it's like some messed up fictional book that some sick person came up with it actually reminds me a lot of the movie orphan sir I'm gonna start on the 7th of May of 2007 because that's when this case was discovered I guess how it was kind of brought to light so on the 7th of May in 2007 in a room which is like a relatively small safe little village it's mostly middle-class people they have a low crime rate it's about 14 kilometers out of burner which is in the Czech Republic and it it's kind of just a lost place you would expect anything like this to happen man named ed wad was setting up a CCTV baby monitor so that he could keep an eye on his newborn son and you know obviously you have one monitor wherever you are so that you can watch the baby and then another one of these monitors in the baby's room so that it can film and record the baby and and the sound and everything and so sometimes if maybe your neighbor or someone really close to you has one of these baby monitors it can pick up the signal and get a little bit mixed and that is what happened to Ed wah so instead of seeing his newborn son's crib he saw a young boy who was on a concrete floor he had his arms and legs tied up behind his back he was naked he was dirty he didn't look very well and he was eating off the floor and then there was an image of a woman's hand like coming in to feed him obviously Edward was incredibly shocked he called the police immediately and they went door-to-door to try and find where the signal was picked up from most families was super cooperative they were helpful they let police look around they tried to give them any information they could but obviously there wasn't much to go off it was just a boy in this tiny little concrete room but you know they did tried to help where they can eventually police went to this little yellow house and 31 year-old Clara and a 33 year old Catarina Marie but they were sisters answered the door now Clara is a single mom of three she has an eight-year-old son named Andre she has a nine-year-old son named Jacob and she has a 14 year old adopted daughter called Anna or Annika as she's more commonly known by the media she had a university degree in pedagogy which is basically like she had a degree in teaching or knowing how to teach and her sister also worked at a youth center called papri SEC so they let the offices in they were helpful they let them look around until they got to this like closet or cell a door and they completely refused to let them in the police actually had to get the fire department in so they could bust the lock open so that they could see what was inside this locked door and once they got in it was clear why they were trying to hide it it's because they found the boy from the baby monitor in there the boy it was Clara's 8 year old son Andre he was in this tiny little cement room it was full of his own vomit his own excrement and he was very dehydrated as soon as they got in and saw the situation they immediately rested Clara and Katarina and they took all three children into custody and when they were in custody Jacob and Andre very reluctantly told police and social workers about the abuse that they have been enduring for the past eight months or so when the boys were given this information they that they felt like they deserved it and they didn't want to give any information about their abuses they didn't want to give them up Anna was the adopted child and she was the only one who hadn't suffered any form of abuse okay so now let's rewind to 2005 when all of this kind of started at this point Clara is living with just her two biological boy Jacob and Andre and they have an amazing just happy life cars a really great mother they go to good schools they celebrate their birthdays and really fun ways they're learning languages that you know playing sports which they love playing sports every year they get to go to these summer camps that they really like and they just have a really happy life now pretty much all of this changed when her sister Katarina came to visit her and she brought this thirteen-year-old girl named Annika now Annika was a new agent orphan and Katarina was looking after her because she was actually on the run from a child sex trafficking gang back in Norway she describes stories of a horrible sexual abuse of molestation that she had to go through and it was so bad that she still had traits of infancy even though she was 13 years old she also unfortunately was seriously ill and had a whole bunch of illnesses like leukemia kidney failure she was going blind she was also going deaf and as a result she had to spend the majority of her time in hospital so Clara was kind of described in the media as weak and easily manipulated and she accepted Annika into her home with loving arms and agreed to Kepha her like one of her iron the only thing was that Katarina insisted on taking Annika to the hospital every single time Clara never went with her which was weird because like Clara had to call Annika at the hospital every single day multiple times a day and what was even weirder about this is that she would have to talk to Annika through the phone even though Annika was unconscious and the on the phone would like transcribe what she was saying so that annakodi Anika could hear her mom while she was unconscious so it's kind of a weird situation to begin with but then Clara starts getting these emails and text from this like mystery doctor so he claimed to be Anika's doctor and claimed to know how to treat Anika well she only met this doctor one time and it was like midnight it was in a car it was so dark that she couldn't see his face but he gave her Anika's like medical records and also showed her his diplomatic passport so for her that was kind of just like guaranteed Authority she's like okay he's got her medical records he showed me his diplomatic passport so he must be legit and then she just trusted him and believed everything that he said so anyway in these texts that she receives from this doctor he starts telling her different ways or how she's meant to treat Anika and one of the main treatments was that she had to rub Anika's body all over but especially the crotch area for several hours because this would make Anika happy through these texts and emails she was also always getting bad news like that she was going blind that her hearing wasn't doing well or that her heart was failing as it turns out Anika was actually a 31 year old woman named Barbara scroll over and she had graduated from university at the University of Dramatic Arts she was also friends with Katarina who was a very mysterious person in this case we still really don't know anything about Katarina Barbara taped her breasts up and even got a breast reduction and also liposuction so that she could look like this thirteen-year-old girl and despite all of her detailed descriptions about the sexual abuse that she suffered she had never had sexual intercourse I mean she did kind of look like a kid but she was meant to be this Norwegian orphan but when she was you know describing what she had gone through and talking to Carla she was speaking in another language about with absolutely nerd Norwegian accent which should have been a red flag but so anyway back to the text I just wanted to explain that a little bit before we spoke about this text because otherwise it wouldn't make sense but Clara received a text saying that Annika had been abducted from the hospital and Clara of course was freaking out she was like you know she's been through so much and now she's been abducted from the hospital and Clara at this point really cared for her I felt bad for her and loved her as one of her arms so she was extremely worried meanwhile barbara was actually just on a holiday in the mountains and as it turns out that all of these messages and emails that clower was getting were all coming from Anika barbarous and Katarina's phones and computers so as I mentioned before Clara was described as easily manipulated and a little bit weak which is why they chose her in the first place and Barbara had absolutely no problems getting the documents to prove or to confirm that she was actually the thirteen-year-old girl called Anika she decided that she wanted to be this Anika character and Clara made it a lot easier for her because she gave her a home which you know cemented her and the Czech Republic and made easier for her to get these documents so Katarina and Joseph scrilla who was Barbara's father actually helped her to get the documents proving or cementing that she was this 13 year old girl okay so now let's fast forward a little bit to 2006 at this point at Clara has started paying less attention to her boys they're kind of getting neglected because I guess she wanted to help Annika she'd been through so much and she just felt bad for her and wanted to help her to be happy and recover from all these illnesses and all the things that she had gone through in Norway so the boys start spending more time with their grandparents and Clara decided that she was going to adopt Anika the only problem with this adoption is that the doctor that had been messaging and emailing Clara said that the adoption won't be possible because Jacob and Andre were being so mean to Anika that they wouldn't allow the adoption he suggested that Clara needed to cure the boys evil spirits with some therapy he recommended tough love physical punishments and very hard discipline so Clara started doing exactly that she would beat them for the absolute smallest reasons it's like she was looking for reasons to beat them she used her bare hands she's belts she's a wooden spoon and she started locking them in these really small little rooms and would leave them there when they've done something wrong overnight eventually by August of 2006 the doctor said that the punishment clearly wasn't working and that they needed shock therapy he said that Clara needed to stop acting like their mother and that she needed to take them to a cottage in a place called visca the Vaska patiska and this was like a very small rural town just surrounded by nature so at this cottage they met up with Jan Scala who was Barbara's brother they also met up with Jan Turek who Clara had actually met at a summer camp but previously that I mentioned that the boys on how I used to go on and they also met up with Hannah pasaba who they had also met on a summer camp and Katerina Clara's sister was also there at this cottage Jakob and Andre go through the most horrific torture that kept in these little dog cages which obviously they're boys and these are dog cages they were so small that they couldn't even get up they were constantly on their knees they had to eat in there they had to do their business and then so they were basically living in that are an excrement again they weren't allowed to talk to each other they weren't allowed to talk to anybody not even Clara and that is when the physical torture started Clara started to dunk their heads in water for so long that they thought they were going to drown and at the same time Katarina would hold their hands back so they couldn't fight their mother they burnt them with cigarettes they scratched them with forks they sexually abuse them they made them fight each other and they also tied their hands and legs up behind their back both of the jam started to join in on this as well they would tie bags around their head and they would burn them with cigarettes they also would cut off flesh from Andre as a butt and they would burn the spot where they had removed the flesh with cigarettes they also forced him to eat his own flesh they also sliced off some of his skin so they could eat their flesh themselves also while forcing them to eat it and at the same time they were taping his mouth shut so that he couldn't scream and Anika herself also joined in she would dunk their heads into the buckets and she would also kind of fuel the torch up by telling them that or telling the adults that the boys were being mean to her when she knew that telling them that would make them want to torture them more because obviously they're they're torturing them apparently so that they would stop being mean to her and if it's not working so this went on for about eight days and Anika like they pretended to torture her as well so that the boys like thought that she was also being tortured and in September of 2006 Clara decided to start the adoption process again now the problem was the district court required DNA for any adoption processes but Anika's doctor was like nope you can't have any DNA he said that it would be too dangerous and then also I'm not sure why this happened but somehow they managed to convince Victor Scholar who was the daughter of a local actor to stand in court as Anika for the adoption process so a lot of these articles explaining this case I'm not in English so it's kind of hard for me to translate it but I think it may have been because they needed Victor's DNA but the thing that confuses me is that DNA would come up that it's Victor's sir I don't know if they use her DNA or if they refuse the DNA or why they had Victor come in the only explanation I could think of because I couldn't find this translated is that they were using her DNA either way whatever they did whyever Victor was that the whole process worked and Clara was able to adopt Anika so then after the adoption became official Clara gave her biological sons to Katharina to look after so that she could solely care for and solely look after Anika and Clara kept claims the reason she did this is because Anaka still needed so much help and so much attention and that Catarina was her sister so she knew that they were in good hands in January of 2007 Jacob and Andre and Catarina moved back in with Clara and Anika in a new house in the little Geller house that the doctor had found for them unfortunately while they were there the boys went more often than not kept in the little cement closet sell out that Andre was found in and they were still being tortured probably you know Anika was saying something that the boys were being mean to her meanwhile Ana cot was in this bright room with lots of toys lots of light and she was very happy and Clara was looking after her very well this brings us to May of 2007 when the horrible discovery on the baby monitor was found the claw and Katarina were arrested and the three children were put into a home called cloak neck which while they were there Annika or Barbara ran away and disappeared she first went to Denmark and then she went to Oslo in Norway and while she was there she impersonated another 13 year old child except this time it was a 13 year old boy named Adam Adam fauna was placed in an emergency youth shelter due to claims of horrible abuse from his father but in mid December 2007 he disappeared and there were missing process literally everywhere for this boy eventually he was spotted in a northern city called tromsø and from there he was placed in a youth shelter again before he was transported back to Osler in Norway but he wasn't actually returned to also at all it was Barbara 33 year old Barbara so as I mentioned Katarina and Klara weren't the only ones who were involved in this and there were other people such as the people at the cottage who were involved in torturing Jacob and Andre well all of these people were connected to Josef scrilla if you remember that Barbara's father and he is like super mysterious we really don't know a lot about him but apparently he was the leader of an offshoot of the Grail a movement cult called the ants now Martin fauna and his wife Adam fund his parents were actually a part of this little offshoot of the ground movement cult which is why they let Barbara impersonate their son they used her son's passport to first smuggle her into Denmark and then into Norway because at the time she was already a fugitive there were reports that Joseph and his aunt's were trying to present Barbara as this like child massage like when she was with Clara the whole purpose behind it was to present her as this child Messiah so that they could gain more followers for their little mutant offshoot of this cult Barbara herself says that the reason she did it was just a way to cope with and get away from reality but everyone else from the cult claims differently but yet as I mentioned Joseph is a very mysterious character we don't know a lot about him and there's also no concrete evidence that the ants even exist investigators were the ones who discovered that they may have been like a little mutant offshoot of the religious movement so then on May 19th a Czech newspaper I don't know the name but I know that has DNS DN e s at the end they reported all of this saying that they were part of this cult and that this cult torches people makes them eat their own flesh and then of course as the media does a bunch of other media outlets also started saying the same thing that the ground movement our child torturers they eat human flesh you know it's like they're this scary scary crazy cult but that isn't true at all about the Grail movement so they actually ended up suing successfully dn es and they had to like pull this story so yeah who knows if it's a real thing or not to me it seems probable because I mean what other explanation is that all of these people they know each other they kind of follow each other like a cult I don't know how they are if they even connected to the ground movement but it does seem like they are their own little cult I guess so the case obviously went to trial Clara Caterina Barbara birth Jen's and Hannah were all tried so Clara was sentenced to nine years in prison Katarina was sentenced to 10 Barbara was sentenced to five which is crazy to me that she got the like lowest sentence considering I feel like she is the main instigator of the whole thing but anyway Jane Turek got five years Jane Jen sorry Jen Turek and Jen scrilla got seven years while Hana Basava also got seven years honestly in my opinion all of these sentences are just way too light they literally tortured these two boys who were eight and nine years old so that is the whole case that's all of the information of the case obviously it is mostly in another language so if I did miss something will translate something wrong please feel free to come in it down in the comments if you know of anything because I would love to hear I'm sure everyone else would and I would also love to hear your thoughts on this case if you think they were part of a cult or what you think went on but to end on a little bit of a more positive note Jacob and Andre are both confident young men now doing really well and Andre actually uploaded the status to Facebook which I'm gonna put on the screen for you guys to read right now but it's the end of this video I really hope that you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 2,567,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the kurim case, Mauerova family
Id: N0wS_SBtbgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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