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hey guys it's Bella welcome back to my channel long time no see it's been a while it has been a while and that's my fault but we've had my family and car's family visiting like consecutively my family was here then they left and then car's family was here and we just kind of wanted to make the most of our time with them because we live so far away from them now that you know we just miss them and we just wanted to really soak up the time that we had with them and I also keep getting sick I don't know what is in this London air I hadn't been sick for like 2 years before we moved here and now I've sick like three times in the past 2 months it's an issue I'm over it so if during this video it sounds like I'm out of breath or my breathing sounds weird or you hear some weird like breathy noises as I'm talking it's because I'm still getting over a current sickness like every 2 seconds I'm taking a break off camera to go and cough and this cough is like it's making me sound like I've got a smoke as laugh I don't think I'm sick anymore but this cough is just like lingering in my chest and it's really annoying so sorry about it anyway I'm back I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me I know it's been ages but I'm back with another mystery Monday today we are going to be talking about the case of Joan Yates this case took place in 2010 and it was huge here and I've never even heard of it it honestly gives me the heebie jibbies but I love looking into cases that you guys recommend so as always please leave any and all case recommendations for future videos in the comments down below before we do get into today's case I just quickly want to thank today's sponsor incog for making this video possible there is one thing that these mystery monds have taught me it is that there are some messed up people out there and so much of our Lives is online now that it is easier than ever for people to take advantage of you without you even knowing it every time you fill out a form online or you sign up for a website they are selling your information to anyone and everyone to online advertis iers landlords potential employers and sometimes even criminals literally anyone can access your personal data and use it for scams identity theft to stalk and harass you or your family because these websites are collecting data like your full name your date of birth your phone number your email address your home address your medical history your financial history like it's crazy and you know all of these spam calls and spam emails that we all get and are honestly like if they are not the bank of my entire existence but this is how they're getting our numbers and our emails to be able to spam us all so basically what incog does is they reach out to data Brokers on your behalf to have them remove your personal information and if the datab breakers don't want to do that then incog will also deal with that all you have to do is sign up to incog and tell them whose personal information you want removed and that's it they'll handle the rest so if you do want to sign up for incog you can use my code Bell Fury at the link in my description I'll link it below and you will get an exclusive 60% off their annual incognit plan I will leave all of the information in the description down below for you to check out so make sure you check that out and let's go ahead and get into today's case so Joanna Yates was born on the 19th of April in 1985 to parents David and Theresa Yates she was born in ampfield in Hampshire which is about a 2hour drive from London and she had a pretty comfortable upbringing she had a great relationship with her parents parents especially her mom who said that she and Joanna were like best friends her parents really did everything that they could to give her the best upbringing that they could she went to this school called embly school which is like a prestigious selective private school and Joanna really made the most of her schooling she excelled academically and eventually she went on to get a degree in landscape architecture at University and she also received a postgrad had diploma in landscape architecture from the University of glosser sheere by the end of 2008 she was 23 years old and everything was going really well for her she had a job that she loved at a company that she loved she was working at a place called Highland Edgar driver which specializes in landscape architecture and Urban Design and she also met this guy named Greg Reen who was 25 and he also worked at the same company as an architect they you know started talking at work they just got along really well and they ended up dating and they were so so happy together Joanna's parents loved Greg they thought that they were great together Joanna was just super happy everything was going really well for her and in general I mean she was just described as a really positive happy person super bubbly caring and got along really well with everyone she's just one of those people she was described as a confident girl really adventurous and she just really made the most of of life so by the end of 2009 the company that Joanna and Greg were working for relocated to Bristol so both Joanna and Greg they loved their job they love the company that they worked for so they also decided to move to Bristol and they moved together so they were moving to Bristol they were going to move in together in Bristol which they were just so excited for the relationship was going so well like this was it for Joanna this relationship Greg also said that he believed that he and Joanna would get married one day so they were just so excited to move in together Joanna couldn't wait to decorate this flat together like moving in with your boyfriend is such an exciting time but they weren't just moving in together they were also moving to this new city it was just this really big exciting time in their lives surely after they made the move Joanna got a job offer and she accepted and went to work at this new architectural firm and then shortly after that in October of 2010 she and Greg decided to move Flats so they moved into 44 kage road which was in an upmarket area of Bristol called Clifton it was a ground floor flat it was part of a building of flats but they never actually had to go into the building because they had their own entrance on street level so moving forward to the 17th of December in 2010 Greg leaves that morning to go to Sheffield to visit his family for Christmas and Joanna after work goes out and gets some drinks with some of her colleagues at the Bristol Ram Pub and while she's there she's telling them how she's like dreading the upcoming weekend because it's going to be you know her first time in the apartment alone without Greg the first weekend alone without him and she's just kind of not looking forward to it but the weekend after that they were going to be hosting a little Christmas party and Joanna loved Christmas like Christmas was her favorite time of the year it was very snowy in Bristol on this particular year so it was just feeling very christmy so she was planning to keep keep herself busy that weekend by going and doing some last minute Christmas shopping and you know doing a little bit of Christmas baking so drinks wrap up and Joanna leaves the pub at about 8:00 p.m. and walks home and regularly it would be like a 25-minute walk but she makes a couple of stops on the way so her first stop is at a waitrose which is a supermarket in the UK and she goes in looks around doesn't buy anything and leaves and then on her way from ritos to her next stop she calls up her friend Rebecca Scott and they organize to see other on Christmas Eve after that she stops in at a Tesco Express in Clifton Village and it's there that she buys a Tesco's finest mozzarella tomato and basil pesto pizza and she's seen on CCTV leaving the Tesco at 8:40 p.m. after that she makes a quick stop in at a nearby off license called Bargain Booze and she buys two bottles of cider and then she goes home and it's estimated she got home at about 900 p.m. meanwhile Greg is trying to contact Joanna from Sheffield he's sending her a couple of texts he tries to call her twice one time to her mobile phone and one time to the landline at their flat but she doesn't answer any of the texts or the calls then by about 10:20 p.m. he still hasn't heard from her so he sends her another text but again Joanna doesn't answer and you know he's not too worried at this point because Joanna I think she wasn't really that on top of checking her phone so it wasn't really that big of a deal but the rest of the weekend goes by and he's still trying to contact her you know text her call her that sort of thing and he does not here back from Joanna for the entire weekend he heads home on Sunday the 19th and he gets home at about 8:00 p.m. and as soon as he gets into the flight he knows that something is not quite right there is no sign of Joanna there's an opened bottle of cider on the kitchen counter the rubbish hasn't been taken out since he left and it looks like nobody has been taking care of that cat either like the cat is looking pretty neglected and initially Greg is kind of annoyed because you know she's left the house in this state she hasn't let him know that she's going to be going out she hasn't replied to him all weekend and she hasn't looked after the cat at all but then he notices that her bag her wallet her keys are all still at the house and he knows that something is just not quite right he's kind of trying to stay optimistic he's thinking maybe she got locked out of the house and she couldn't contact him or something I mean it doesn't really make sense because surely she would find some way to contact him or get a locksmith to get into the house but I think he's just trying to remain optimistic you don't want to think of the worst case scenario right off the bat right so he gives it until 9:00 p.m. because 9: p.m. is when he and Joanna normally sit down to watch The Apprentice but it's 9:00 p.m. Joanna doesn't come home he still hasn't heard from her so he gives her mobile a call and that is when he hears her Mobile ringing from inside side they're flat and he follows the sound and her mobile phone is in her coat pocket and it just like clicks like something is wrong he starts calling her friends and her family no one has seen her no one has heard from her and so by 12:45 a.m. he contacts the police and reports Joanna missing which can I just add here like what took him so long to call the police like he realized she was missing at 9:00 p.m. and then he didn't contact the police until 12:4 5 a.m. he hadn't heard from her all weekend gets home cat hasn't been fed all weekend rubbish hasn't been taken out all of her stuff is at home all of it bag Keys wallet he realizes by 9:00 p.m. her phone is still there and that no one has seen and heard from her and he doesn't contact the police until 12:45 a.m. I know like everybody deals with things differently and you want to think the best and you want to be optimistic but come on that is so confusing to me but that's besides the point so police arrive at the flat pretty shortly after and Joanna's parents as well as soon as they heard from Greg that Joanna was missing they immediately in the middle of the night drove straight to the flight in Bristol as well and they start searching the apartment while the police questioned Greg other residents of the building neighbors that sort of thing and as the police are doing that Joanna's parents in the flat find a receipt for the Tesco Pizza that Joanna had bought and it shows that the pizza was purchased at 8:40 pm. a.m. on the 17th of December meaning she did make it home that night and must have gone missing after this time but as they continue searching the apartment they don't find any sign of this pizza the pizza box the wrappings nothing which you would think if she ate the pizza that the pizza box or the wrappings or the rubbish from it or something would be in the bin in the apartment which hadn't been emptied yet or it would be in a nearby bin and if she hadn't eaten the pizza you would think that it would be like in the freezer or in the fridge or something because the receipt is in the flat all of her ball belongings are in the flat but there's no sign of this pizza at all so it's just a really weird situation A search gets underway Greg Joanna's parents David and Teresa the police are all out searching for Joanna anywhere they can think of and they're searching for anything they're searching for Joanna any trace of her even just the pizza box at this point her friends and family also end up setting up a website and they also start using social media to try and get any leads so they're using like Facebook and YouTube to try and get any information about Joanna that they can on the 21st of December Greg and Joanna's parents David and Teresa make a public appeal for her safe return at a police press conference her boyfriend Greg did another press conference the following day on the 22nd of December and he said I desperately want her back I thought we would be together forever she was my future this Christmas was going to be our first together I was going to spend it with her family which is always a big deal for a boyfriend the next day on the 23rd of December December Joanna's parents did another press conference as well with Sky News and BBC News and her father David said I think she was abducted after getting home to her flat I feel sure she would not have gone out by herself leaving all these things behind and she was taken away somewhere else as the investigation went on forensics revealed that there were no signs of a struggle or forced entry which led investigators to believe that Joanna knew her abductor but her boyfriend Greg had been ruled out as a suspect and so as days went on there were no answers as to who this could have been and then on Christmas Day at around 9:00 a.m. a couple was walking their dog on Longwood Lane which is about 4.8 km or 3 mi from Joanna and Greg's flat and it was there that they found a fully clothed body in the snow and police believed this body to be that of Joanna Yates by this point it had been 8 days since Jana was last seen and her body was completely Frozen which meant that the postmortem exam was going to take a little bit longer to complete it began on the 26th of December and initially police believed that she had actually frozen to death because there were no visible signs of injury I don't know if this is just because her body was so Frozen or what the deal was but following the discovery of her body police did a press conference where they asked for anyone with any information on her death to come forward and they also said that the investigation was seeking the driver of a light colored four-wheel drive to come forward for questioning the next day on the 27th of December Joanna's parents David and Teresa her brother Chris and her boyfriend Greg visited the site where her body was found and they laid flowers they laid a photo of Joanna from her graduation day and they also helped to reconfirm that the body did belong to Joanna and then on the 28th of December police revealed that Joanna had been strangled to death they found 43 different injuries on her body which indicated that there definitely was quite a struggle in the lead up to her death there were injuries on her head her arms her torso her neck and these injuries included cuts and bruises and even a fractured nose so it kind of indicated that her death was slow and painful they also revealed that her top had been pulled up above her bra exposing one of her breasts but despite this police didn't believe there was a sexual motive behind the murder which doesn't necessarily mean there wasn't a sexual motive behind the murder though you know what I mean it just means that they didn't think there was at this time they also determined that she had been murdered several days before her body was found and also that she did not eat the pizza that she had purchased from the Tesco that night and this led police to theorize that her killer had actually taken the pizza which is so creepy to think about this person like murdering someone seeing that they had a frozen pizza and being like Oh that's convenient let me just take that home for dinner tonight after literally murdering somebody people are so cooked now of course after these findings the investigation was turned into a murder investigation and was titled operation braid and the team consisted of 80 people 30 of whom were detectives and it was led by detective Chief Inspector Phil Jones who was a senior officer with the aan and Somerset const Aries major crime investigation unit and it was a huge investigation it actually became one of the const are's biggest investigations in its history Phil Jones said that they were inundated with thousands of calls and leads and that they were going through and exhausting every single possible Avenue and Lead that they were provided with they looked through over 100 hours of CCTV footage They seized 293 tons so 293,000 kilos of rubbish from the area surrounding Joanna and Greg's apartment which they were sorting through there was a £10,000 reward offered by Crim Stoppers and a 50,000 reward offered by the son so £60,000 in total for any information that led to a conviction and then on the 30th of December so 5 days after Joanna's body was found police arrested a 65-year-old man named Christopher Jeff he was Joanna's landlord and he also lived in the flat directly above hers and after they arrested him they also took his car which was a silver Chrysler that had been parked on the street in front of the property so Chris was a retired school teacher who helped run a neighborhood watch scheme and he was described as an eccentric pillar of society and he originally came to police's attention when he mentioned that he had seen Joanna leaving her flat with two other people talking in hush tones at around 900 p.m. on the night that she disappeared so the 17th of December and this would make him the last last person to ever see Joanna alive and this information somehow got leaked it got out to the public to the media and so when he sort of started getting question by the media about seeing Joanna and what happened he sort of started backtracking and saying no like I can't say that I actually did see Joanna that night and it was just kind of a weird situation I guess but then they also found out that Chris had actually helped Greg jumpstart his car just hours before Greg left for Sheffield on the day that Joanna disappeared on the 17th of December M so he knew that Joanna was going to be home alone for the weekend so yeah they arrest him on the 30th of December they bring him in for questioning and there is literally no actual evidence to suggest that he was involved in any way so police get another 12-hour extension to keep questioning him I guess like trying to get a confession out of him or something because there's no evidence at all and during this time after they get this extension they actually get a call from a neighbor from somebody who lives in the same block of flats that both Joanna and Chris live in and this neighbor says hey I actually saw that Chris moved his car for a couple of hours on the night of the murder which I mean obviously really isn't that weird but police have no other like leads that are panning out as anything they have no other suspects no other evidence nothing so they're just kind of grasping at any little straws they can get but they held Chris for 2 days in total they question him extensively they searched his house he had no phone Electronics computer anything like that so they were just searching his house for any clues pizza box whatever they searched his car they found nothing so they released him on bail on the 1st of January and they ruled him out as a suspect but the thing is by the time they released him the damage was already done the fact that his name was put out there as a suspect the media had just gone crazy they were bashing him and they totally ruined his reputation it was like on another level the UK media is so brutal it's unbelievable it's like outrageous If You're a murderer okay you kind of deserve it right if you're like a proven murderer or something you kind of deserve it but this guy was simply brought in for questioning there was no evidence against him whatsoever but because he was brought in for questioning the UK media was like okay this guy it's like he was vilified for just like being a friendly guy being a nice guy like he helps Greg out with his car God forbid he's just trying to be a nice neighbor then he tries to help the police out with some information that he might have and the UK media is just like okay this guy is the worst he ended up having to sue like eight different newspapers and all eight newspapers had to publicly apologize to him for their reports on him and they also had to pay him damages as they should and then the police also had to publicly apologize for the distress he suffered you know during their investigation but his name never should have been out there in the first place really anyway police continue on with their investigation and they're following every single lead more witnesses are surfacing every day one woman comes forward to say that she actually attended a party at a flat across the road from Joanna and Greg's apartment there was about 20 people at this party and she stepped outside to have a cigarette at about 9900 p.m. and she heard a woman woman screaming coming from the direction of Joanna's apartment and at the time that she heard the screams she actually didn't think much about it because it was a Friday night it was the holidays people were drinking they were partying she just didn't think a lot of it but then in the subsequent days when she heard about Joanna's disappearance and then her murder she thought that maybe it was worth mentioning to police police went and question all 20 people that attended this party they got the DNA of all of the men who were at this party but nothing really came of it another neighbor that lived behind Joanna and Greg's apartment also heard a woman screaming help me he couldn't remember exactly what time he heard this or anything but once he heard about Joanna's murder he thought that it was something worth mentioning investigators also looked into the possibility that this case could be connected to other unsolved cases so they looked into the case of 20-year-old glennis KS who was strangled to death at Clifton zoo in 1974 they looked into the case of 35-year-old Melanie Hall who disappeared in 1996 from B after meeting friends at a bar and she was murdered and her remains were discovered 13 years later in 2005 in South glossia and they also looked into the case of 35-year-old Claudia Lawrence who went missing from York in 2009 Melanie's case had the closest connection with both women being similar in age and appearance and having both disappeared after returning home home from meeting friends but again nothing really came from this police were just really exhausting every single possibility All Leads were coming up as dead ends and there were still so many unanswered questions police didn't even know when she was murdered it could have been any time between the night of Friday the 17th and Sunday the 19th they didn't know what the deal was with the Tesco Pizza why her body was hidden so poorly if she knew her killer because there were no signs of for entry so did she let them in did this person have a key was this person already waiting in her apartment when she got home on the night of the 17th there were just so many questions and not many answers and it really felt like they were no closer to finding her Killer by the 2nd of January police stepped up their Patrols in the Clifton area and they urged women not to walk home alone after dark and they also urged people in the Clifton area to secure their homes at night police also worked with the BBC program crime watch to recreate Joanna's last movements before her murder 2 days later on the 4th of January police released a Facebook campaign to generate leads it was basically like a Facebook ad which allowed people to message in on Facebook instead of having to call in anytime they had like a lead or some information or anything like that and by the next day by the 5th of January this Facebook campaign had over 250,000 views and a lot of people had messaged in also by the 5th of January lead detective Phil Jones also made an announcement stating that one of Joanna's gray ski socks was missing when her body was found they could not find this sock anywhere so it seemed like the killer had also taken this he also said that by this point they had established over 1,000 lines of inquiry but that they were still casting their net wider they still wanted to look into every single little piece of information and evidence and Lead that they could like this was a huge investigation and authorities were determined to find Joanna's killer but it was like looking for a needle in a Hy stack and even if they found this needle there was still no evidence to prove anything they are questioning customers from the Bristol ramp Pub they're stopping motorists on kage road and Longwood Lane they are really doing everything that they can think of they even got a private company which specializes in undertaking forensic analysis for criminal inves vations and they use this like special type of technique called DNA sense which basically purifies concentrates and enhances DNA which was really helpful in this case because obviously Joanna's body was completely Frozen which made it really hard to gather any DNA evidence from her body but using this DNA Sense Technology they were actually able to extract some DNA from under her clothes and they didn't know if it was like saliva semen or just touch DNA but it was DNA nonetheless and even the fact that they were able to find it under her clothes kind of gave investigators more of an insight into the crime itself obviously up until this point in the investigation they didn't believe it was a sexually motivated crime but the fact that the DNA was found under her clothes indicated that it actually may have been and even the Bristol MP at the time said that she would support police getting DNA from every single man in Bristol if they thought that it would help like this case was massive investigators even started tracking the movements of several registered sex offenders in the area to kind of gather their whereabouts for the night of the 17th of December when Joanna disappeared but finally police got their breakthrough Joanna's parents did a televised Appeal on BBC's crime watch and just hours after this ad they get a call from somebody implicating a 32-year-old man named Vincent tabic Vincent was a Dutch guy he was born in the Netherlands in 1978 and had five siblings three sisters and one brother and he was an architectural engineer who moved to Bath in the UK in 2007 from the Netherlands the year after his move in 2008 he did a bit of online dating and met a woman named Tanya Marson who became his first serious girlfriend they were reportedly a very happy couple and together they moved to Bristol in June of 2009 and they actually moved into the same building as Joanna so because he lived in the same building as Joanna obviously he had already been on the police's radar but he had actually been ruled out as a suspect so they first questioned him on the 20th of December because you know they questioned everybody in the building that Joanna lived in all of her neighbors all of that sort of thing so they questioned him and he denied knowing anything thing said he didn't even know who Joanna was even though they lived in the same flat building which honestly wasn't that weird to police because I mean I don't know any of the people that live in my flat building either they also went and searched his apartment on the 23rd of December which again was just routine they're just searching everybody who lives in the same building as Joanna and when they search his flat they find nothing that same day on the 23rd of December he and his girlfriend Tanya leave to go and spend Christmas with Tanya's family in Cambridge but the next day they give him a call anyway on the 24th of December and again it's just another routine thing they're just trying to kind of gather his whereabouts on the day that Joanna went missing and he told them that he was home all night until he had to leave at 2: a.m. to go and pick his girlfriend Tenya up from a work party so at that point he was pretty much ruled out as a suspect and I think this also had a little bit to do with the fact that at this point they were kind of focusing their investigation a lot on Chris Jeff Vincent was was even allowed to leave the country he left the country on the 28th of December so that he could go and spend some time with his family in the Netherlands obviously a couple days later is when Chris Jeff was arrested on the 30th of December and if you remember while he was in custody someone that lived in the same building as him and Joanna called up the police and said Chris's car had moved on the night of Joanna's disappearance and murder and surprise surprise the person who did that was Vincent taic trying to put the blame on Chris deflect get somebody else caught for this murder he was willing to throw an innocent man under the bus but when police got this call from Vincent it actually prompted them to be like M you know maybe we should go and talk to this Vincent guy see if he has any more information and so on the 31st of December two officers fly out to Amsterdam to question him and this does not go well for Vincent like this whole thing him trying to throw Chris under the bus backfired so heavy they questioned Vincent for about 6 hours and they start off just wanting information about Chris Jeff and why Chris jeffy's car moved the night of the murders but then Vincent starts acting so weird during this interview that they start looking at him sideways right he is just like way too interested in the forensic analysis of this investigation and then his story changes from the night of the murders so originally obviously he said he didn't go out until he had to go and pick his girlfriend Tanya up from a work party at 2: a.m. but during this interview that changes and he's now saying he actually went out twice before he went to pick Tanya up he says he left once to go to Asda supermarket and another time to go out and take photographs and then totally unprompted out of nowhere he randomly mentions in this interview that he has stepped foot in Joanna's hallway Joanna wasn't home he was talking to Chris Jeff and then somehow while he was talking to Chris he like took a step into Joanna's hallway I do not understand the logistics I do not understand why he mentioned this unprompted for no reason it was just so odd for him to bring up and like self-sabotaging like this whole interview was such a dumpster fire for him but like a Hallelujah for the investigation and obviously because he was saying all these weird things during this interview police asked him for a DNA and a fingerprint sample and he was kind of concerned about it but he gave the DNA and the fingerprint sample and police went off and you know sent that off for testing because obviously they have the DNA that was found on Joanna's body so they have something to compare this DNA to and then shortly after that on the 2nd of January Vincent and Tanya return to Bristol and they can't return to their flat because it's like the whole building is cordoned off for investigation so they go and stay with some friends shortly after that the BBC crime watch appeal is aired and a woman calls in names Vincent and I don't want to make any assumptions about who called up to implicate Vincent but what I will say is that I read an article where the police said that they refused to confirm if she implicated her boyfriend So eventually the DNA testing comes back as well and it is a match to Vincent tabic his DNA is found on her breast her jeans and underneath her knees and it is like one in a billion chance that this DNA does not belong to Vincent so like fat chance it's not him and he is arrested on the 20th of January for the murder of Joanna Yates they detained and questioned him for 96 hours and he refused to cooperate with police he just kept saying like in response to all of their questions he just kept saying no comment no comment no comment he did try to say that the labs had made a mistake with their DNA testing that the labs were insecure or that the scientists had been paid to set him up like come on dude why would they be trying to set you up like who even are you then after his arrest they also went and searched his flat and his car again and they found traces of Joanna's blood in the boot of his car they also found fibers on Joanna's body that indicated she had come into contact with Vincent's black coat and with his silver Reynold car then on the eighth of February he was on remand and he went and talked to a chaplain there and he believed that this conversation was like privilege that the chaplain couldn't go and tell anyone which wasn't the case so in this conversation he actually admits to murdering Joanna he comes in he says I've got something to tell you it's going to shock you and then he admits to the murder and says that he's sorry but then on the 5th of may he goes in for a hearing and he enters a plea for manslaughter but not for murder but this plea is actually rejected by the crown and then his trial date was set for the 4th of October in 2011 and was going to take place at the Crown Court of Bristol in the leadup to his trial police were still trying to gather more evidence kind of figure out what his motive was that kind of thing and they searched his flat again his car and they also searched through his computer and his search history was disturbing to say the least they found that he had an obsession with violent pornography that depicted women being degraded bound and gagged women being stuffed into boots and he had a particular obsession with men aggressively choking women out while having sex with them which is of particular concern considering Joanna was strangled to death they also found that he had contacted several sex workers to meet up with them while he was on a business trip in California in the months before Joanna's murder and they found 145 indecent images of children but in all of these things that they found there were three three images that were of particular interest to this case these images were of a blond woman who resembled Joanna she was wearing a pink top which resembled the top that Joanna was found in and in these images her top is pulled up above her bra exposing her breasts just like how Joanna was found on Longwood Lane so the trial begins on the 4th of October in 2011 and Vincent is now 33 during his trial he tells the court that he did Kill Joanna but that it was an accident so he's only guilty of manslaughter and not murder because he didn't mean to kill her or seriously injure her he claimed that Joanna who was basically a stranger to him at this point invited him into her apartment for a drink on the night of the 17th of December and he came in she made a flirty comment towards him so he tried to kiss her and she screamed and so to get her to stop screaming he put his left hand over her mouth and then put his right arm around her neck and within 20 seconds she was dead there was no struggle nothing and it was all a freak accident and then in a state of panic he says he put her body in his Boot and went and dumped her body on Longwood Lane but this story did not match the evidence and the prosecution told a very different story Joanna's body told a very different story The prosecution claimed that he watched her get home on the night of the 17th of December he had admitted that he was attracted to her he knew that she was going to be home alone that weekend I believe like the landlord Chris Jeff may have mentioned it in passing or something and so a couple of minutes after she got home that night he made an excuse to go and knock on her door and this would have been the first time that they ever met right Joanna answers the door and he overpowers her and makes his way into her hallway where he attacks her he was a full 30 cm or a full foot taller than Joanna so he uses his his height to overpower her and pin her to the ground by her wrists and this is when she fights back in a struggle in Sues and it's where she receives the 43 injuries to her head her neck her torsos and her hands Vincent also had a bunch of scratches and injuries on his hands and his arms which look like defensive wounds and when he was asked how he got these he said that he didn't remember according to Vincent's Own Story there was about an hour between when when he went and attacked Joanna and when he put her body in his boot so this led the prosecution to believe that her death was slow and painful after the murder took place he then took Joanna's body back to his own flat and put her body in a bicycle cover before then putting it into the boot of his car then he drove to an Asda Supermarket he went in and bought beer and crisps and while he was in there while Joanna's body is in the boot of his car he's texting his girlfriend Tanya saying I've just bought crisps I'm so bored like this guy is a Next Level sicko he has a woman's body in his boot that he just murdered he's buying crisps he's buying beer he's texting his girlfriend being like hey I'm so bored just bought some crisps what you up to then he goes back to his apartment he's there for about 20 minutes and then he leaves and he goes and dumps Joanna's body at Longwood Lane in the snow and there's also blood on like the wall next to where her body was dumped indicating that he like tried to push her body over this wall but he couldn't the prosecution also said that this was a calculated attack he knew what he was doing he wasn't panicked he didn't lose control he was very calculated and he demonstrated an ability to cover his tracks in fact after the murder he made a whole bunch of searches relating to the murder and in the weeks following as well he Googled maps of Longwood Lane he Googled when the rubbish in the area would be collected he looked up sentences for manslaughter and murder he Googled the difference between manslaughter and murder he also Googled the definition of sexual assault he was constantly looking at the aan and Somerset Police website looking for any updates on the case he looked up information on how body decomposition Works he looked up how forensic analysis and forensic identification works and he would also like look up Joanna's name and updates on the case and he would flick between that and porn websites like back and forth so it was clear that he was getting off on Joanna's murder after the murder everyone that knew him also said that he was acting completely normally like there was no remorse at all none of them would have had any indication from his behavior that he was involved in this murder he even went to a dinner party with friends and at this dinner party he started joking about the investigation and said he made a comment that like the killer must be a crazy detached person during the investigation it also came out that he told police at one point that he had eaten Pizza on the night of Joanna's murder so odds on this being the Tesco Pizza that Joanna purchased and the receipt made at home but the pizza was nowhere to be found I'd say chances are pretty good and it actually grosses me out thinking about this man like going home and heating up that pizza and eating it after dumping her body as the trial came to an end Vincent also told jurus that he had thought about ending his own life twice oh wo with me and he also apologized to Joanna's parents and said you know I'm sorry for putting you through a week of hell after strangling their daughter the trial ended on the 28th of October and the jury came back and by a 10 to2 majority they found Vincent tabic guilty of the murder of Joanna Yates and he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 20 years despite this verdict there has never been any motive like concretely put out there Vincent has never given a motive he's never even admitted to the murder only to manslaughter to accidentally killing her but it is obviously due to his search history and that sort of thing theorized that this was an opportunistic sexually motivated murder in 2015 he was also charged with a string of sexual offenses for the child pornography that was found on his computer and he received another 10 months for this but this would be served concurrently with his murder sentence last year in 2022 he was moved from a Maximum Security Prison to a lower risk prison in Winchester meaning he will now have a cushier life in prison he did try to make a bid to move to the Netherlands but this was thankfully denied because they would have been more likely to offer him parole after his 20year minimum term but he's going to be eligible for parole in 2031 but that is everything for this case that's it for me today as always I would love to discuss your thoughts in the comments down below because this case honestly creeps me out so much because it could have been anyone it's anyone who has a creepy Vincent neighbor anyone who was living in his building a girl that was Home Alone on that Friday night it could have been them and the fact that he had a girlfriend as well like I wonder what he was like at home if she had any inkling that he was a freak that he was contacting sex workers while he was on a business trip in California like I wonder if she had any idea of what he was like it is just so scary to think about the fact that there are just men like this in the world people like this in the world and anyone could be living next to them and in the same building as them my heart really really goes out to Joanna's family and her boyfriend Greg they seemed like such a happy couple they had you know their whole lives ahead of them and I really hope that this Vincent guy never gets let out of prison but yeah that's it for me today guys I hope you have a great rest of your day and hopefully I will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 530,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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