The Mysterious Death of Annie Börjesson | Was it a CIA Cover-Up?

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hey guys it's Bella welcome back to my channel I hope you guys are well a long time no see it's been a while since I've posted a video actually but in saying that I have been working on videos I've just taken some time off actually posting them so that I could backlog a bunch of them so that when I came back I could start actually posting consistently every week so we've got a catalog now so there should be a new video next week on Monday as you guys might know I've just moved across to the other side of the world to London so I just thought it'd be best to give myself a little bit of time to just rather than sporadically uploading a video here and there while I'm trying to settle in I would just you know get them all done behind the scenes so that I can start posting them all the time so we're back baby the earrings are back I've seen the comments and although I have been backlogging a bunch of videos I still would love to hear what you guys want to see so definitely let me know in the comments below what videos you want to see or what cases you want to see videos on so in today's video we are going to be covering another mystery Monday case and this case I have a lot of thoughts but they're very jumbled thoughts like oh my head is all over the place about this one we're going to be talking about some theories later so I'm really interested to see what you guys think about this case and what theory you believe because I'm all over the place with this one I honestly don't know what to think and I you'll see why as we get into the case so on the 4th of December in 2005 the body of 30 year old Annie boyesson washed up on Prestwick beach in Scotland and just three days later the Asia post which is a local newspaper releases 72 word report on the incident which read an area of Prestwick Beach was caught an off at the weekend after a woman's body was found washed up on the shore a dog walker discovered the 31 year old woman's body about 8 30 a.m on Sunday near to maryborough Road a police investigation team quickly sealed off the area but there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death now this report had a multiple inaccuracies the first of which you probably actually noticed they reported that she was 31 years old but she was actually 30 years old they reported that her body was found in maryborough Road when actually it was discovered near Grangeville road but the strangest thing about this report is that they reported there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death when by this point the autopsy on her body hadn't even been conducted like the police were so quick to put out this narrative that there was nothing suspicious that this was simply a suicide and there was nothing more to it but Annie's friends family and many others who have heard about this case don't believe that this is the truth they don't believe that Annie ended her own life and they believe that this case was mishandled and there's actually a lot more to it than the police want you to believe and documents relating to this case have also been heavily redacted and classified as secret and the reasoning for this being that these documents or this case could harm Sweden's international relations or in other ways harm national interests which is suspicious to say the least but I'm going to give you a little bit of background on the case and on Annie as well Annie voyeson was born on the 7th of February in 1975 in Tiburon Sweden and she grew up there with her three siblings her father and her mother Gooch in 2005 when she was in her early 20s she decided to move to Adam Brown Scotland to practice her English which can I just add is like such an interesting place to go to practice your English I am obsessed with the Scottish accent but it can be slightly hard to understand at times she had traveled to Scotland in 2003 with a friend and she just fell in love with it fell in love with the lifestyle and so that is also part of why she decided to move to Scotland she also spoke a ton of other languages she spoke Swedish Finnish French Spanish and her father was Hungarian so she was also fluent in Hungarian but she first moved to Edinburgh in Autumn of 2004 where she studied English at the aspect Language School in the center of town and she found a room in the Linton Court Apartment blocks they were a block of service shared Apartments so she had her own room but she shared the rest of the apartment with two roommates who she didn't know before moving in but she was super like outgoing she loved meeting new people and making friends so she was pretty happy with the setup and every time she went back to Scotland as well she would always go back to the Linton Apartments because she kind of moved back and forth between Sweden and Scotland so she returned to Sweden at the end of 2004 and then in February 2005 she moved back to Scotland when the Scotch whiskey Heritage Center which is a popular tourist attraction in Edinburgh offered her a six-month sponsor ship to work there and practice her English and she would basically do these performances to entertain the guests there which was a perfect fit for her because she loved to perform before moving to Scotland for the first time she actually sang and played the bass in a band that played gigs in different countries around Europe but when that sponsorship ended in August of 2005 she had a back to her family in Sweden for a couple of weeks and then back to Scotland again in October of 2005 this time when she got to Scotland she began looking for work in Hospitality but she wasn't having a lot of luck with her job search her parents said it wasn't a massive issue like she didn't have money troubles or anything because she was on Swedish unemployment benefits so that was kind of getting her through paying her rent all of that sort of stuff and when she was back living in Sweden with them she was still on the unemployment benefits but she was living with her parents so she wasn't paying any rent or any bills or anything like that so she was able to save a good chunk of money while she was waiting for something to pop up she would love to just you know go sightseeing she loved power walking she loved just like walking around getting exercise and swimming as well she loved swimming she would always go to this like nearby Leisure Center near the apartment blocks to just swim whenever she could because she loved swimming she was a very strong swimmer she was very health conscious as well so even when she was traveling she tried to eat really well and tried to do a lot of walking and get her exercise in she was tall she was beautiful she was fit and she had this beautiful long waist length blonde hair which she was really proud of like she would drink aloe vera juice because she heard that it was good for your hair she also only ever went to the same hairdresser in Sweden no one else could touch her hair so she'd always have to wait until she went back to visit Sweden to get her hair done she was also described as a really radiant fun and sociable girl she was really caring she cared a lot for her friends and family and she spoke to her friend Maria in Sweden and her family every week and would tell them all about the exploring she did about the people she met she always seemed to be socializing but she never really seemed to make any true friends she was often out like sightseeing and doing things by herself she was particularly close to her mum they spoke all the time and she even trusted her mum with like all of her passwords and stuff and she was very thorough with like passwords and documents and that sort of thing she had a filofax which she kept everything in there like I mean everything phone numbers money train tickets plane tickets all of her passwords she used it as like a journal as well and anytime she heard like a funny English phrase she would write it down so that she could go back and kind of learn English and learn these funny English phrases and she also took this everywhere it was practically glued to her she would take it to cafes to lunch to Ikea even to the clubs there was this one club in particular that she always liked to go to by herself called mood One Night in the month before her death she went to this club and she met a guy there who said his name was Martin Leslie and Martin Leslie was a rugby player he was from New Zealand but he played for Scotland until 2003 and Annie was huge into rugby player she's loved herself a good rugby player like she had a type and that type was exclusively rugby players Whenever there was a game on at the nearby murrayfield Rugby Club she would always go down there to support like whoever was playing and she would always go down to that Rugby Club just to hang out and just like have a drink and meet people like meet rugby players I guess so when she was at mood that night she met Martin Leslie she was like kind of beside herself because she was into rugby she knew who Martin Leslie was you know she kind of couldn't believe that he had like approached her wanted to get to know her buy her a drink Annie actually like she hardly drank and she didn't do drugs when she did drink she would only have like one or two like she wasn't a big drinker even when she did occasionally drink so she only let him buy her one drink and then later on in the night he wanted to buy her a second drink and she couldn't see this drink being poured so she actually didn't drink it because I guess he was like kind of giving her weird Vibes by this point like she was just getting I think she told her friend she was getting like sexual predator Vibes and she's also very cautious like if she does not see a drink being poured from start to finish and then it's in her hand and she's had her eyes on it the whole time she won't drink it which is a smart like a smart smart girl anyway so her Annie and Martin are talking all night they talking to the early hours of the morning but the thing about this is like this is not like this guy's lying about who he is he's not Mom Leslie Martin Leslie he stopped playing for Scotland in 2003. he moved back to New Zealand after that so he's been living in New Zealand for two years by this point so I don't know if this guy who's like pretending to be him is some kind of stalker he had stalked Annie for long enough to know that she was really into rugby guys and so he went and pretended to be a rugby player or if he just came in that night and lied to the right girl but I mean this guy was like he was like spot and Martin Leslie like he was talking about him like he was him he knew about his brother a guy named John who had a bad knee injury like he had clearly done his research on Martin Leslie which leads me to believe that he was definitely some kind of stalker not just lying to the right girl and then to make things even weirder just a few days later on the 30th of November Annie is swimming at her local Leisure Center and this guy just randomly shows up out of the blue it's very clear that he's only there to talk to Annie like he's not there to go for a swim or whatever and Annie's like trying to think back to their conversation from a few nights before to try and remember if she had told him about her swimming at this place or if she was going to be swimming there on this particular day at this particular time and she couldn't remember so she was like really freaked out by this she told her friend Maria a couple of days later in an email that she was just feeling super uncomfortable about it that like I said this guy was giving her like sexual predator Vibes and she was planning to cut off all contact with her him that's really all of the information about that encounter though about all of their encounters we don't know anything about this guy we don't know his real name his real identity like we know nothing about him we know nothing about that conversation just that it was really weird and she did not feel good about it at around that same time so early days of December these are the days leading up to Annie's death she paid her full months of rent up front so she paid for the entire month of December up front she also went to the doctor to get a vaccine for the upcoming winter she also went and bought a membership to the Leisure Center that she swam at because I guess until this point she was just like going on day passes so she decided to buy a membership so she could just go whenever she wanted to and she had also started getting some positive responses to her job applications so things were looking good on the 2nd of December Annie went to visit her old workplace at the Scotch whiskey Heritage Center and she visited an old colleague there named Kat and they spoke and everything was like fine and it was her normal bubbly self and then at 6 15 PM she got a call from her mother Gorge and apparently after this call her entire demeanor just changed like cat was there from before the call while she was on the call and after the call and after the call it was like such a stark contrast before she got that call from her mother but her mama just called because she was honestly kind of concerned for her like in the last week of November she'd been acting kind of weird and her whole family was a little concerned she'd spoken to her dad and her brother Charlie a couple days beforehand and she had asked her brother how easy it was to track somebody's computer activity and how easy it was to hack into somebody's computer but she didn't explain why she also like told her family that she didn't want them to contact her home phone anymore at her apartment because she said they were listening which at the time that it happened her parents thought it was just like her roommates she didn't want them like picking up the other line and listening but hindsight is 20 20 like after everything that we're about to go over went down they started to think maybe she meant something else maybe they was referring not to her roommates like maybe she thought she was being tracked and that's why she was asking about the computer activity as well she was also calling her family at really weird hours like she was calling them really late at night when she knew that they would be asleep and the calls like some of the calls would go unanswered and when they would call her back again the next morning she wouldn't answer and just in general she seemed a little bit upset and her family were just worried that there was something going on they were worried about her so when her mum calls on the 2nd of December she says you know we're worried about you Dad and Charlie are worried about you and Annie says I can't talk him with cat and her mum says you know can you just tell me what's going on like what's happened and Annie's response is really strange she says like you just have to respect that I need to take care of myself and her mum's like okay like can we at least talk tomorrow and again Annie's response is really strange she says well we'll see about that and then they get off the call and then according to cat Annie's demeanor just like totally changed and she was just in a bad mood after the call and what's even we later about this is that you know two people have confirmed that this phone call happened cat was there she heard the phone call she was sitting across from Annie while she was on the phone and Annie's mother Gooch was on the other end of the line like she also corroborated that this phone call happened but there's no record of this phone call sometime between this call with her mother at 6 15 pm and 8pm she had a phone call with another friend from Sweden and she told this friend that she was going to a party at 10 p.m that night but like she didn't give any details because this friend's in Sweden like she doesn't need to know the details of where this party is who's going to be there and I think she was just going alone because she did a lot of these sort of things by herself she told her friend though that she was really excited for this party but no one has ever been able to corroborate the details of this party like no one's ever come forward to say there was a party on or I saw Annie at a party like we have no details about this party whatsoever and her friend from Sweden didn't pry because I mean what's she gonna do with the information Nation she also trusted Annie like Annie was very street smart she hardly drank when she did it was like one or two drinks at most she would never take a drink from a stranger that she didn't see poured start to finish until it was in her hand she didn't do drugs like she was a very street smart but this call with her friend back in Sweden telling her about this party was the last conversation the last contact she would ever have with any of her friends and family what's weird about this though is again there is no trace of this phone call like the records have completely been wiped and in fact there's actually no trace of any of Annie's phone records for the last three days before her death despite multiple people confirming that they had spoken to her on the phone she had an hour-long conversation with her from Maria back in Sweden no trace of that and this isn't just like her simply deleting her phone records like going into her phone long and just deleting them like not even the phone company has these records they have vanished Into Thin Air it is so strange like I've never I've actually never heard of anything like it to be honest anyway the day after the party so on the 3rd of December a woman who worked at the Linton Court Apartment blocks named Jane said that she saw Annie there at 1 15 PM she also said that she overheard Annie talking to one of her flatmates about how she was upset because of a guy and that she was having some relationship issues but as far as anyone in Annie's life knows she didn't have a boyfriend or anything like that she also told her roommate that she didn't want to talk about it that she had to go and take care of something and that she was about to make a decision that might change her life which is like very ominous looking back on it like very ominous wording especially now that we know what happened to her just hours later so after that her bank statement shows that she tried to get cash out at a cash point at Glasgow Central Station at 2 15 p.m and the CCTV footage that confirms that it was her trying to get this cash out which kind of throws like the timeline off a little bit because you know obviously Jane The Walker at the apartment block saw her at 1 15 PM so there's no way she could have been there at 1 15 pm and then been at Glasgow Central Station by 2 15 PM like an hour from point A to point B is just not possible her apartment was two miles or just over three kilometers from her closest station which is Haymarket train station so she had to make that walk then get on the train from there to Glasgow which is like just over an hour long train ride and then she had to walk from the train station to the cash point so there's no way she was able to do that in an hour there was a theory that she like accepted a lift there but first of all who would have given her a lift and second of all like that drive on a good day is just over an hour long but this is three weeks out from Christmas Edinburgh Glasgow very popular cities and you know this is a weekend as well so we have to assume there would be quite a lot of traffic that it would take well over the usual time to drive this distance so I'm assuming that you know the worker who saw her Jane who said she saw her at 1 15 probably was just off by like half an hour to an hour hour and actually saw her a little bit earlier and that she actually caught the 104 PM train from Haymarket Central Station to Glasgow Central Station and that arrived at Glasgow at 2PM and that would give her like 15 minutes to walk from the train like get off the train and then walk to that cash point to try and get money out you know either way no matter what the timeline is I don't think it's like that big of a deal but she did try to get cash out at Glasgow Central Station 2 15 p.m she attempted this twice the first time she attempted to get 100 pounds out and her car was declined for insufficient funds so she tried again to get 50 pounds out but again her card was declined for insufficient funds after that she then gets on another train from Glasgow Central to Prestwick International Airport and it's assumed she got on the 2 30 p.m train and this is the airport that she always used like whenever she would fly to and from Sweden she would always fly into or fly out of Prestwick airport and she would always use Ryanair she gets Prospect International Airport at 3 15 pm and she's seen on CC CCTV footage here walking across the overhead walkway that connected the train station and the airport and she's seen having a smoke and then she walks out of the terminal into the short stay car park which is on the other side of the terminal from where she got off the train and somehow she made it from the train station to the exit of the short stay car park in 55 seconds which is really quick like the Scottish review got somebody in of the same high build level of Fitness as Annie to complete this walk and it took them a minute and 32 seconds and there's an escalator on this journey so that minute and 32 seconds is if they just kind of stood on the escalator and let it take them but if they walked that escalator like it still only takes the time down to a minute and 20 seconds so there's no way Annie could have made it this quickly unless she was sprinting but their CCTV footage and she's not sprinting the only other way that this 55 second Journey would have been possible is if the time stamps on the CCTV footage are actually wrong anyway she goes out and to the short stay car park she's out there for three minutes she comes back in and you can see on CCTV footage that when she comes back in she looks pissed off like she's not happy her friend Maria looked at the CCTV footage looked at Annie's face and she said she recognized the look on her face immediately and Annie was definitely annoyed or angry I don't know if she like went out looking for another cash point maybe she thought the cash point in Glasgow wasn't working so she went here tried to find another cash point and she was pissed because she couldn't find one maybe she went out there to meet someone and they didn't show up or maybe she went out there to meet someone they did show up and had a super brief interaction would this have been Someone who lived nearby would it have been someone who was getting off a flight would it have been someone that she was meant to be traveling with like we just don't know we don't know if she met someone who she would have met all we know is that she went out there for three minutes something annoyed her and she came back in looking pissed after three minutes CCTV shows her coming back inside at 3 19 p.m and then she immediately just leaves the airport all together so she was at the airport for a total of four minutes and 41 seconds despite having traveled for 2 hours and 15 minutes to get there which is obviously like pretty odd after she leaves the station it's then assumed that she walks into Prestwick Town Center which is about a 30 minute walk and this is something that she'd never done before like she'd never been to the actual town of Prestwick before she'd only ever been to the airport to catch her flights and the reason it's assumed that she walked into the Town Center is because there's a CCTV footage at 405 PM of somebody walking down Station Road and this person kind of looked like they could be the same height and build as Annie and they're wearing a backpack which Annie was but it's like a really grainy footage it's hard to tell if it's even a girl like some people think that it's actually just like a tall Slender Man and his family looked at the footage they really cannot tell if it's her and I feel like you know your family knows you pretty well I feel like even from grainy footage they would be able to look and be like yeah that's probably her I mean this could really really be anyone walking from the airport to Prestwick Town Center because I'm sure a lot of people get off their planes with just a backpack and walk into town from the airport if it's only a 30 minute walk if it is Annie then you know it's like 4 or 5 p.m by this point it's Scotland in December so it's already starting to get dark and she's walking alone into a town that she's never been before and doesn't know the next morning on the 4th of December at 8 30 a.m the body of Annie boyesen was discovered by a dog walker on Prestwick Beach about 150 yards or 137 meters from the actual Bay so her body was discovered like right up near the barrier that separates the actual Beach from the road and it was in a place that the water very very rarely reaches she was found lying on her back and her body was covered in sand and seaweed and her green winter coat and her backpack were found right near her body once the police arrived they caught in the area off and they were able to very quickly identify her as Annie boyesen because because her passport was found still inside her backpack as the police were processing the scene a man saw what was going on and he came up to the police to give them some information that he thought might be of interest and he basically said that the day before at around 4 30 pm he and a friend had been walking along the Promenade and they had seen a figure so like a person standing about 150 yards or 130 meters like into the Promenade like a 150 meters from the barrier into the water but like not into the water was a low tide so this person was kind of standing at the water's edge just like really far out and they were just staring into the sea and this guy like he said he made a comment to his friend and basically said I hope they're not trying to take their life or they're not going to take their life because I guess it just like must have looked really ominous at the time like this person standing so far out just like staring into the ocean but he kind of didn't really think much of it and just kept walking it wasn't until he saw the police in important off the whole area the next day that he was like maybe I did see something the day before but he like it was so far away it was getting kind of dark so he couldn't even tell if this figure was a man or a woman he couldn't tell if it was Annie or not for sure he just knew that there was somebody out there but this information basically cemented for police that Annie had ended her own life like there was no other alternative for them in their mind they were like okay well that was definitely her on the airport CCTV footage so it must have been her on that really grainy CCTV footage at 405 PM walking along Station Road toward the Promenade and because that was at 405 PM then that timeline kind of adds up for her to have made it to the Promenade and walked out into the water and been there for that next signing at 4 30 PM like it must be her because it kind of adds up the police even wrote in their report that the man who came and told them about the figure he saw standing 150 yards that in the Promenade resembled the body that was found on the beach which is a strand of light like they're fibbing in their report because he couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman like he just saw a blob that resembled a human 150 yards out and it was dark like he could not tell and yet they're writing in their report oh yeah he said it looked like Annie's body on the beach which he did not say and then they even told reporters before the autopsy was even conducted that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death which how would they know they haven't conducted an autopsy by this point they wanted it to be true they wanted it to be a suicide and so it was Annie's body was taken to the kilman Rock hospital where the autopsy was conducted and they found that her body was heavily contaminated with sand and seaweed as was her hair they said that her lungs were very congested and her air passages were filled with a frothy material so they concluded that she had died from drowning and that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death they didn't test the water that was found in her lungs to see if it was salt water or fresh water like they just didn't test it at all there were no indications of any sort of sexual assault there were some unexplained injuries though they listed these as small areas of bruising to her right Temple scratched abrasion on her left arm and two of what they described as patterned roughly squared contused areas on the right arm and the police were satisfied that these weren't Sinister that they were simply caused by her body coming into contact with rough objects in the water they also did a toxicology report and they got the results for that back on the 15th of December and this showed that she had no drugs in her system but she did have a blood alcohol level of 0.02 percent which for reference the legal driving limit is 0.08 you know Annie like I said she doesn't really drink so I don't know if this is like left over for from her having a drink or two at the party she allegedly went to the night before I mean other than that I really don't know when she could have had a drink there's no evidence of her having a drink on her way to preswick at all none of her flatmates reported that she had a drink before she left because obviously she had spoken to a flatmate before she started her journey to press week and nobody mentioned that she smelled like alcohol that they had seen her had a drink nothing and it would be super out of character for her to have done that anyway the police did go and talk to her flatmates and they said that some of her personal items were missing so like her toothbrush her toothpaste some of her makeup I think a couple of items of clothing were gone as well so it was kind of like she had packed to go away maybe that's why she went to the airport because she was gonna try and get like a last minute flight to go home to Sweden surprise her parents I mean it could explain the whole ominous phone call she had with her mum the day before her death as well like you know when she said we'll see about that when her mum said can we talk tomorrow it might have been like a well we'll see about that because I'm actually coming to see you coming to surprise you but the weird thing is these personal items that were missing were not found in her backpack when her body was found and also interestingly her filofax was not found in her backpack and like I said that thing was glued to her she never went anywhere without it nobody knows where her filofax is it's never been found and I think like her backpack they mentioned having to unzip it when they went in there to like find her passport identify her body so it's not like it would have just fallen out in the ocean or something especially because like you know all of her other stuff a lot of her other stuff was in the backpack too they found two books that she had borrowed from a library in Sweden in that backpack so it kind of like adds up with the theory of her trying to go home to surprise her family she had the books in there so that she could return them when she got back to Sweden she also had an appointment booked with her hairdresser back in Sweden for the 5th of December which I think is like the biggest thing that's like yeah she must have been trying to go home and that also was actually a flight that day at 6 30 pm on the 4th of December from presswick to Gothenburg in Sweden so I mean the timing kind of adds up for her being in Prestwick airport trying to catch that fly maybe she's like trying to get cash out of these cash points to be able to afford the flight but she's getting insufficient funds she doesn't have the money but what's weird about this is she does have the money like they found cash in her backpack and they also found a check for 300 pounds that she hadn't cashed yet so she does have the money like that's the strangest part of this whole thing like it really seems like she's trying to go home but she's upset because she doesn't have the money so she goes to presswick to clear her head because she's you know upset that her plans have fallen through but she did have the money and another strange thing about this is that in the CCTV footage of her at Prestwick airport you can see that like under her green winter coat that she has on underneath it she has a red and white fleece and her parents saw the CCTV footage they recognized this red and white fleece but this wasn't found like this has never been located a green winter coat that she was wearing on top of the fleece was found right near her body but the fleece was just gone like nowhere to be found and I mean the whole situation with her stuff being found so close and washing up so close to her body is weird in and of itself these things are all different weights and sizes like generally the current is going to disperse these in different places they're not going to wash up all together like that especially not in a place that the water so very rarely reaches to think a coat which is a completely different way to a body which is a completely different way to a backpack would all wash up in the same exact spot it's just it's just strange anyway once police got that toxicology report back on the 15th of December they returned to Annie's body to her family so they got the body back on the 16th of December in 2005 and when they saw Annie's body for the first time they were shocked because a really large chunk of her hair I was missing like two to six inches was missing which is like five to Fifteen centimeters of hair and this was really upsetting for Annie's family because Annie's Hair was a really big part of who she was she had this long beautiful hair she really cared about it her hair was important to her it was a part of who she was she only ever went to one hairdresser in Sweden she never let anybody else touch her hair so it really was like a part of her identity and for such a large chunk to be missing was really upsetting for her family the funeral Undertaker's in London who were responsible for transferring her body said that they cut off about four to five centimeters of hair to make her more presentable which is weird in and of itself like a leading funeral Undertaker said that in all his time being a funeral Undertaker he has never needed to cut hair off like it's not normal procedure it's not necessary but even so like they only cut four to five centimeters so where is the other 10 centimeters of of her hair no one seems to know no one seems to care Annie's family were also adamant that Annie would not have ended her own life and so they requested a second autopsy to be done in Sweden and during the second autopsy they found that Annie's body had a lot more bruising than the initial autopsy reported she was covered in bruises the police tried to explain this away saying that bruising can occur in a body eight to ten days after death but the Swedish pathologist said that there was so much more bruising than was reported in the initial autopsy so much so that they don't believe it could have been from postmortem lividity they also stated that we consider we have the knowledge to State the difference between bruises and corpse patches on a body Swedish Pathologists also discovered that Annie had freshwater algae in her bone marrow and Prospect Beach is salt water and algae is very particular about the habitats it grows in so this algae could not have come from Prestwick Beach personally I don't know a lot about like biology or algae or anything like that but a lot of Articles seem to find this really weird a lot of biologists have come out to say that this is really strange and that they believe it means that Annie was actually drowned in fresh water and her body was then moved to Prestwick Beach and like staged there which also like the staging makes sense considering all of her things all of her backpack her coat were found so close to her body which is not normal like The Tide Is Not Gonna wash all of your things up right near each other that's just not how tides and currents work with things of different weights and sizes and also if someone staged her body there then they're the ones who probably could have taken her red and white fleas and her filofax which had everything in it which could have led them to who her killer was and you have to wonder like if police had been more thorough and had actually tested for this fresh water and this algae could they also have tested this algae to pinpoint exactly where it came from some people believe that this algae could have been ingested when Annie was like just drinking tap water but Scotland's tap water is notoriously like very good so I don't know how likely this is without testing the algae there's just no way we'll ever know I mean police really did not do much of an investigation into this case at all they took these potential sightings thought yeah she probably ended her own life and that's it case closed and they didn't look into it any further they hardly tried to piece together her last days and her last hours and to look into CCTV footage of her I mean the CCTV footage of her Prestwick airport that wasn't released or like they didn't even look into that until months after Annie's death they didn't really question any Witnesses like Prestwick Beach is a pretty popular area so surely if they had just looked into it and tried to question some witnesses then somebody would have seen Annie if she was there but they didn't try to do that so we'll never know I mean Annie's family really had to take matters into their own hands to try and look into this case because the police just wouldn't like no one was willing to help them they really did not believe that Annie ended her own life they did not believe the police's Theory and I mean the first issue with the police's theory is that in Scotland drowning accounts for less than five percent of all suicides it is a really really difficult way to end your own life because your body is fighting again against every Instinct if you're drowning like your body wants to swim up there was nothing in her bag to weigh her down and to just like hold yourself underwater until you drown is insanely difficult drowning is also actually much harder in salt water in fresh water it takes about two to three minutes whereas in salt water it takes about eight to ten minutes and keep in mind this is December in Scotland so the water would have been absolutely freezing and Not only would it have been freezing but oppressive Bay this was or Prescott Beach this was like very very shallow water I mean she had to walk out like 150 yards to even get to the water's edge so she would have had to walk out very slowly in this freezing cold water until she got to water that was deep enough to even do this I mean she did love swimming so maybe she wanted to end her life somewhere that she kind of felt up piece or in a place that she loved considering she loved the water or maybe that makes it more unlikely because she was such a strong swimmer like every urge in her body would have been telling her to swim and to swim to the surface as I mentioned earlier Annie trusted her mother Gooch with all of her passwords and so her mom decided to log into her email to see if there were any clues that she could find in there but when she logged on Annie's email was empty like it had been completely wiped which you know maybe she was one of those people who went on and once she responded to an email or wrote the information down in her filofax she kind of deleted it to keep her inbox clean but the clean inbox when you pair that with the fact that all her phone records had been wiped that's when it gets weird because like I mentioned earlier she had zero phone records from the past three days before she died like nothing these phone calls couldn't even be found on anyone else's phone obviously she had spoken to her best friend Maria back in Sweden there was no record of this on Maria's phone she had spoken to her mother back in Sweden no record of this on her mother's phone Maria even called up the phone company to kind of get to the bottom of it see if they had the records and they didn't they didn't exist like this is not a case of her cleaning her phone log and just deleting them from her phone like these phone records did not exist and something that makes this like even more concerning is you know when you think back to the fact that she told her parents not to call her home phone because they might be listening which as I mentioned at the time they thought might be her roommates but now with all of this information it's starting to look really ominous and when her friend Maria started to try and dig deeper into this she started to get phone calls from unknown numbers and she would answer them and there would just be nothing on the other line like it was silent and then they would just hang up and it was like really unnerving for her today Annie's case Still Remains closed and these Scottish authorities stick by their findings that they believe Annie ended her own life because the Scottish authorities don't believe that Annie's death is in the public interest they haven't released any more information and the case is classified strictly secret they won't release any of the information to Annie's family so that they can have the case re-examined or look into the case themselves in 2007 Annie's family found that there was actually unknown DNA found on Annie's hand and because she had been in the ceiling she'd washed out from drowning in the sea if this DNA had gotten on her hand prior to her drowning it would have been washed away in the sea very quickly so either a bypasser like touched her hand and left this DNA there all this DNA was left from somebody moving her body and staging it on pressfit beach but that is most of the information on this case so now we're going to talk about some theories the first theory is of course the police's theory that Annie ended her own life when police went and spoke to you know her friends and her flatmates in Edinburgh they said that she had been a bit depressed as of late so it's possible that she was actually struggling even more than she let on her family were clearly concerned about her they had said as much and when her mother called her the day before her body was found she had said you know can we talk tomorrow and Annie had said well we'll see about that and that could have been because she knew that she wasn't happy and that she was planning to take her own life she also told her mother in that call that she had to take care of something which I guess is pretty ominous I mean that doesn't really sound like she's gonna end her own life but it's just like kind of a weird thing to say I mean what did she mean by that all of her emails were gone so it's possible that she went through and deleted all of her emails because she didn't want people going through them after she was gone it also seems like she may have had some kind of money troubles I mean she couldn't get 50 pounds out at the cash point and maybe she wanted to go back home to Sweden to make herself feel better she had been feeling depressed so she wanted to go and see her family and be around her family who she loved and was really close to was like a pick me up and she wanted to surprise them but she couldn't get 50 pounds out at the cash point so she couldn't afford the flight and that was just kind of the last straw for her she walked into Prestwick Town walked into the beach and ended her own life and saying all of that though there are a lot of things here that just don't make sense and don't add up the first of which being the theory that she didn't have the money and that's like why she couldn't get the flat and why she like kind of was pushed over the edge there was money found in her backpack and there was a 300 pound check that hadn't been cashed yet so she had money she had just paid her full month's rent up front like days prior to this as well she'd gone for a vaccine she'd paid for a membership to the Leisure Center so that she could go swimming whenever she wanted to she also had booked a hairdresser's appointment back in Sweden for literally the day after her body was found so the 5th of December she had a hair appointment back in Sweden which indicated she was planning to go back to Sweden she obviously had the money to get this haircut done she had two books from a Swedish library and her backpack that I mean I feel like it's pretty obvious that she was planning to go and return them Annie is also a really strong swimmer like I know I sound like a broken record here saying that again but she is a really strong swimmer it's so unlikely that she would have died from drowning every Instinct in her body would have been telling her to swim and press with Beach like it was low tide she would have had to go out so far in order to actually get to water deep enough for this to work and not to mention the water would have been freezing like walking through that freezing cold water with the cold sticking to all of your clothes hugging to your body she didn't die of hypothermia she died of drowning and not to mention all all of the bruises that were found on her body that couldn't be explained like there were so many more bruises than the initial autopsy reported which is weird in and of itself 5 to 15 centimeters of her hair was missing and like don't even get me started on the fact that her her bag and her coat all ended up in the same spot which is so unlikely her body washed up right up against the barrier where the water so very very rarely reaches and her filofax is missing her red and white fleece is missing was her red and white fleece missing because there was some sort of DNA on it from the murder that the murderer didn't want people to find was the filofax missing because it had so much information in it that it could have pointed to who her killer was the scratches that were found on her face could this be from somebody holding her head underwater I mean I just feel like there's so much evidence that goes against the theory theory of her having ended her own life another theory that I've seen some people talk about is like is it possible that Annie was forced into drug trafficking between Scotland and Sweden and you know that kind of went South I mean drug trafficking is a lot more common than you would think and Annie was traveling between Scotland and Sweden pretty often there are a couple of ways that this could have gone down the first being that she went to Prestwick airport to kind of call off the arrangement and they weren't happy about it and so they murdered her or maybe they were meant to deposit money into her bank account that day and so that's why she kept trying to withdraw money and when it was getting declined for 50 pounds she realized that they hadn't paid her and so she kind of went to the airport to confront them and things did not go well and she told them you know if you don't pay me then I'm not doing it anymore or maybe they just decided she was too much of a liability and so they organized for her to go out there to meet them to you know do whatever and it was all just a ruse to get her there to murder her again she could have gone outside to confront them and they weren't there she could have gone outside to meet them and they weren't there and that's why she comes in looking really pissed off because she went there supporters of this Theory have cited her telling her mother Gooch the day before her death that she needed to take care of something and take care of herself and this could be interpreted in two ways this could be interpreted as her being like don't judge me for what I have to do to make ends meet she hadn't had any luck finding a job and so she maybe just had to do what she had to do or she got forced into it or it could have been that she had recently gotten some promising responses to her job search and so she decided she needed to take care of herself figure a way to get out of this situation she was in before it was too late she also mentioned right before her death that she was gonna make a decision that could change her life and same thing this could be her deciding she had to get out of drug trafficking personally I really don't believe this Theory like I do not think that this is plausible but I thought I would mention it because I mean drug trafficking really is a lot more common than you would actually think and there is the slight possibility that she could have been forced into this maybe this guy pretending to be Martin Leslie had something to do with it personally though I just really don't think that that's the case another theory is that she was murdered by someone unknown like obviously unknown because she's never like there's never been any evidence of someone else having been involved or her having even been with somebody in the final hours of her life but it is possible I mean it could be this guy who was pretending to be mon Leslie because what was the deal with that I mean that happened just a few days before her death she meets this random guy pretending to be somebody that he's not he could very well be a stalker and he had been looking into her stalking her knew that she was into rugby players and so he specifically pretended to be this rugby player that he wasn't and he seemed to know quite a lot about this rugby player like he could talk about him as if he was Martin Leslie he also randomly showed up at the Leisure Center she was swimming at and like specifically at the time she was swimming out so he got the place right the timing right thinking back she couldn't even remember telling him that she swam there or that she was going to be swimming there at that specific time so that is super creepy she felt really uncomfortable about this guy to the point where she didn't want to have a drink that he bought her because she didn't see it being poured like she did not trust this guy she told her friend Maria about him and said that he gave off sexual predator Vibes so clearly this is not a good guy and we still do not know who he is to this day which I think makes it even weirder plus her filofax wasn't found with her so if he murdered her and he'd been stalking her he probably knew about the Philo facts could have taken it because she could have written about him you know know there could have been something in that filofax about him and that's why he wanted to take it so that the police wouldn't find it and also if he was a stalker like he could have stalked her that day that last day of her life stalked her to Prestwick airport maybe when she went outside into that short-term car park he confronted her and said like hey like what are you doing here and she was so pissed off she was so uncomfortable seeing him that she just left she just went into the Town Center didn't even want to catch her flight she just wanted to get away from this guy and again he followed her I mean maybe it wasn't him maybe it was somebody else entirely a lot of people believed that she went to the airport to meet somebody and I can't see her going to meet this stalker guy on purpose so maybe it was somebody else maybe she had gone there to meet somebody to get on a flight with them and take them back to Sweden because apparently like right before her death she had mentioned to her father that she was gonna get married and this was like in the days before her death she mentioned in this which is kind of huge her dad then told her grandmother that Annie had said this and her grandmother said that she was going to give 50 000 Swedish Crowns towards this marriage but her family didn't know who she wanted to get married to because like I said nobody in her life knew about any sort of boyfriend like she hadn't mentioned boy troubles but she hadn't mentioned a boyfriend to anybody but it does seem like there was you know a man in her life and maybe she was planning to meet him and take him back to Sweden to meet her family it's like a little surprise visit and this could also explain like her personal stuff being missing from her room in her apartment like her toothbrush her toothpaste her makeup some items of clothing it could be because she was staying somewhere else some nights like she was staying with her boyfriend and so she was leaving her toothpaste there some clothes that sort of thing maybe they were meant to meet in the short-term car park of the Prestwick airport she went outside to meet him they got into a little fire because he said actually you know I'm not ready for this I can't come and meet them and so she comes inside looking really pissed off I mean three minutes it's a very quick fight so I don't know about that but maybe she went out there to meet him and he had flaked and he didn't show up at all and that's why she comes in looking so pissed off could this guy have murdered her or could potentially he didn't show up and this kind of sent Annie over the edge and so she walked into Prestwick town center and ended her own life and maybe it was just somebody completely random Annie's Mother Goose said she wouldn't put it past Annie or she wonders if Annie had tried to stand up for somebody and kind of got in the middle of something because that's the kind of person Annie was if she saw something going on like a man being rude to a woman in public she's the type of person that would go and she would say something and she would stand up for the woman so Annie's mother wonders if maybe she kind of got caught in the crossfire or something like that the thing about this Theory though is again there was just no evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved or that she was linked to anybody in the final hours of her life and that brings us to the last Theory which is that Annie was murdered by the CIA and I know this sounds crazy but bear with me so Annie's full name was Annie Christina boyesen and then there was also a journalist named Christina boyesson and Christina in both of their names is spelled with a K so they have very very similar names like if you remove Annie's first name they're both Christina boyerson and they both have blonde hair and Christina boyesen is not just any reporter she's an intense critic of the US foreign policy and it's believed that she was actually looking into the cia's rendition program that went through praswick airport and the rendition program is the CIA would allegedly fly Terror suspects to CIA black spots where they could basically circumvent their own laws in the US on torture so basically their flying Terror suspects to places where they can torture information out of them allegedly and allegedly the British government would allow them to refuel and resupply these flights at Prestwick airport and Christina may also have been looking into bombs that were being manufactured near Prestwick airport and then being put onto Plains in Prestwick airport and like transported elsewhere so it's believed that the CIA mistook Annie boyesin Annie Christina boyesen for Christina boyesson the journalist and when she was at Prestwick airport they thought she was there to like look into these rendition flights and these bombs and so they killed her now Annie's friend Maria actually started looking into this Theory and when she would send emails trying to get some information on it these emails would just mysteriously disappear from her account and at this time this is also when she started getting those phone calls that were just silent and then and they would hang up and like it was really unnerving for her and this also could be connected to Annie telling her parents that they were listening like not to call her apartment phone because they were listening maybe they was actually the CIA and then she also like asked her brother how easy it was to hack into computers or for people to look into computer activity maybe that was because she believed that somebody was looking into her computer activity or maybe it was the British government like working with the CIA which when you think about it is not that far-fetched considering the British government have been known to do stuff like this to spy on individuals that they consider subversive me living in Britain right now talking about this all a legend also who else would have the ability to literally erase phone data like from the phone company this data is gone from Annie's phone from people she called from Maria's firm from her family's phone from the phone company itself it's gone and who would have the ability to do that her emails have been totally wiped her filofax was missing her red and white fleece was gone maybe it's because they accidentally got some sort of DNA on it that they couldn't erase or couldn't get rid of and the whole drowning thing like it kind of I guess gives them an out for all of that it gives them an out for the fleece being missing maybe it didn't wash up with her or the filofax being missing maybe it didn't wash up with her which I mean I guess the filofax thing not really because that should have been in the zipped backpack but you know Christina boyes and the journalist her hair was actually also shorter than Annie's so maybe they cut her hair to try and explain the mistaken identity a bit better I mean that look they didn't really look alike to be honest they had blonde hair sure but Christina had shorter hair and he had longer hair Christina was also older than Annie I mean the CIA have made much bigger mistakes like way bigger mistakes that I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys about the CIA also could have planted the eyewitnesses like the witness that saw a person standing 150 yards or 137 meters out in Prestwick Beach could have been the CIA making that guy come and say something and then there's also the fact that this case was shut down so quickly like the police said there was nothing suspicious about it but foreign autopsy was even conducted they had you know a local newspaper release a report saying that there was no our circumstances within three days of Annie's death all of the documents to this case are sealed and classified and the Scottish authorities won't even give Annie's family access to them to like do their own investigation or have the case re-examined the Swedish authorities also won't release any of their information on the case or their files on the case stating that it's classified and that releasing any of this information might quote harm Sweden's relations with a foreign State and a foreign Authority and that it can be assumed that disclosing will damage Sweden's international relations or in other ways harm national interests which is so odd because how could a suicide harm National and international relations like how I mean the CIA Theory could even explain the freshwater algae found in Annie's bone marrow because somebody from the CIA knows how to kill they know how to do it well so they could have drowned her in fresh water and then because they were drowning her they knew that they had to Stage her body like a drowning but they may have drowned her somewhere covert somewhere in fresh water that nobody could see so they needed to Stage IT where somebody would find her body find it quickly and it would be really easy to explain that it was a suicide and so they staged it on the beach and all of her stuff being found so close to her which is so unlikely also makes it seem like her body was staged I mean like when you really look into it it's kind of a bad staging when you think about the fact that nothing should have washed up that close together nothing should have washed up where it was like so close to the sea wall but they haven't released any Files about this it's all classified they don't want anyone to know about it they were so quick to shut it down so quick to release a report saying there's nothing suspicious so maybe they just wanted it outwardly to look like it was a suicide like it was a drowning and then they're not going to answer any more questions on why that doesn't make sense I mean also there was that DNA found on her hand could that be there because they slipped up when they were staging her body I mean it's kind of far-fetched you know for the CIA to make that kind of mistake mistake to people but in saying that I don't think I need to tell you that the CIA have made much bigger mistakes than that than mistaking two people I don't know though I mean I don't know where Christina boyesson was at the time I don't know how they would have mistaken these two people these two women and Christina boyesson is still alive so if they did make this mistake why would they not have just gone and kind of finished the job correctly and gotten the correct Christina boyesson maybe because then it would be too obvious Annie's death was related I don't know I mean honestly I would love to hear your thoughts your opinions your theories because I don't know what to think whenever I land on ethereum convince myself of that theory I overthink and I'm like no it couldn't have been that because this this this and this doesn't make sense I mean it's just it's a crazy case and I just like there's so many questions I can't imagine how her family feel having so many unanswered questions no help from anyone like having all of the files redacted and classified and nobody wants to help and there's all this all these suspicious circumstances but that's it that's all for this case that's everything like I said I would really love to discuss your thoughts your theories everything in the comments below because I really want to pick your brain I want to know what you guys think because I I'm going every which way I really don't know but that's everything for me that's it for this case today I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day and hopefully I will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 796,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S6DeGIApkb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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