Solo survival tips (NO FOOD - NO WATER) how to find DRINKING WATER on an island. EP 21

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[Music] what's going on dougies and welcome back to another one we have no food no water we're in the middle of the jungle right now and we're heading towards the coast once I've on the coast we're just going to hoof it as far as we can and the plan today is to find water food not so much so you can go without food in the desert or a jungle or wherever from three to four weeks you can go without food before you die but water you can only last three to four days max before you're laying on the beach like a dried-up prune woken up to good but coconuts are a diuretic so if you have too many coconuts eventually they're going to give you diarrhea and that's going to dehydrate you even more so I want to see if I was stuck on this island for some reason could I find fresh water that's the goal today we don't need to eat but I've got me a little aficionado I've got my noodle rod with me just in case we season fear sure we want to have some fun yeah let's dive straight in made it to the coast it's the best feeling to go to that mozzie infested jungle I tell you what there's a big gutter running through here probably be good fishing but right now we donated feet well I don't think they're going to struggle for any coconuts today have a girl this remember this mate so many coconuts up there there's not a footprint in so on this is my kind of beach what I'm really excited about is this rock behind me this is going by mine this is where I can get fresh water already look at this so I've been walking up the coast for about three or four kilometres scenery has changed drastically like before it was palm trees and beaches and now it's rocks and these seek jet-black sand some what I'm really interested in excited about is this man this water that's dripping is freshwater so this morning is just getting pushed out of these rocks from the earth there's no water above it's getting pushed out of this cracks and it's coming down it's obviously just dripping that is a beautiful thing so if I can collect some of this border that'll keep me going for a fair while it goes all the way along this cliff so this is a really daily thing to find like water like is coming out of the rocks that is dope so what I'm trying to look for now is a bottle or some rubbish or an old coconut washed up somewhere where I can contain the water and we can keep pushing up the beach but we're going to have something to put the water in you know right now I'm not having any luck they have a look at how that is bloody amazing fresh water getting pushed out of the earth so I had a couple of little handfuls of that water it was good to wet my mouth but I'm gonna keep pushing up the coast see what we can find the day's too early but if I was stranded on this island right now and I needed somewhere to stay and I needed water I would use these features or location you've got these steep little caves here like you could easily in the starter fire and you've got water just dripping here it's perfect that is kind easily call this place home this is actually sticking here a little fireplace here that's where you'd sleep you'd wake up to this epic view every morning I wouldn't mind being stranded here you've got your fresh water right there this is the perfect spot why would you want to be anywhere else I could quite easily spend the rest of my day just hanging out in this little cave but I've never been up that way before so that's we want to do that's why I'm not gonna stay here and collect that water it's early in the day I don't need water right now so we'll push on and hopefully we hopefully we can find some water later on if not we could come back here we know this is here all right this is something that's going to be handy that's a piece of bamboo perfect come on to this bamboo its power through this section well I'm gonna die actually just in case we don't find water later very soon here now this here he's a consistent drop of water like look at it go MA so that's gonna fill up our piece of bamboo hopefully my movie come back it'll have water inside there and that's I don't know one to two and a half to three cups of water and side there so we'll come back to this on the way back and we'll see if we got some drinking water in there so around every single headland or every single corner every Beach holds something different and this is one of the things that I loved most doing is just walk along the beach and looking I call it looking for treasure see the amount of stuff that you can find washed up in these piles of rubbish is incredible and I could almost save your life like this straight away we found a glass wine bottle this is what we needed fifty minutes ago when I was collecting now border from that dripping Rock that would be perfect and then look at this this is even better mate hey you never be on an island alone look at that man Hey medicine shoes why does more lighters fishing floats toothpaste forks more fishing floats lipgloss and another fishing float you could literally build a house and pretty much furnish it with this stuff that's washed up on this tiny little beach just here like I've got three fishing floods if I was to dig like gear you can move all the coconuts or sticks out of the way I'd be bound I could probably furnish your house so sick but I'm gonna go pick up that glass bottle that I left up there before because that could come in handy glass bottles a handy you can boil water in them you can contain water in them so this that's good that could come in handy whoo-hoo parts really strong so I think it's a really it's clean bottle it's just had wine in it oh it smells good unfortunately it's empty there is endless amounts of rubbish here useful rubbish that you could use in a situation if you really had to like this is pretty heavy when you're this you don't even have to make fire you just find it that's the local farmers are coming down and they're burning all of this rubbish off I don't know why they do it but they come down and they burn off all the water and sticks and coconuts off these beaches so imagine the treasure that they find they that have backpacks and backpacks full of treasure I reckon endless amounts of fishing floods alright for a little bit of fun what we'll do we'll make a water filter so I'm just going to use the rubbish which I find on the bank here and we'll make a filter for the water and we'll see how clear we can get it alright so a bottle like this is our first step the main ingredient in this will be charcoal so you just find any burnt piece of wood alright mister do this first things first you do not need this liquid in this bottle boom pop the top of our bottle off so it looks exactly like this find yourself a little bit of rubbish on the ground now this is the important part you want to collect this charcoal so the finer you get this charcoal the better if you can like mush it up use anything you can find pieces of wood and just grind it down if you can get it into like a powder form that's gonna be the best way that's important to block this hole with a rock or a pebble or something something that doesn't come through the bottom but sort of just sits similar that that's perfect first things first guys in your charcoal alright we're gonna need heaps more than that we want it to about this fool alright so you got a bottle about nice full of choco which is perfect so now we're just gonna use the fine sand anything like this that's our next layer so the final layer and the filter will be a couple of rocks - maybe we'll put in I don't know two handfuls of rocks that's just to catch the coarse things that are floating in the water that you do not want to be drinking so something like this so we have our charcoal which is a fine filter our sand which is a medium filter and then the rocks on top which is the really thick filter that's going to pick up all the things like these sticks all that gonna stuff so I just want to suspend this bottle off the ground because it's gonna take a while for the water to drip through and you don't want to stand there holding it forever it's dirty its muddy it's got a lot of stuff floating around in it Hillar up to the brim alright so there's the water out of the creek it's not looking too bad it's pretty clear but I'm an Aries I can see sediment in there floating around so that's what we want to get out of there this is what this is going to do all right so I've just run widen bottle of water through just to get everything moving getting all the water getting all the sand compress the charcoal compressed so we're going to get another plastic bottle which I found on the beach stick him under this bottle and now we start the procedure so once I've run that through there oh just keep pouring this water into that and then just keep recycling that cycle for about five or six times so I'll see you guys in about five or six times and we'll have a look at the water alright so we did eight passes through the filter now look at the color difference of the water it's actually crazy so eight times we went through this filter that's the original river water and that's our filtered water there's a massive difference between them two so there you go we've got about a liter of water now this is clean water but it's not sterilized water what I want to do is boil this and then I've got a liter of water for the rest of the day like this would easily get me through the day so if you remember before that farmer had a fire going I am gonna go and stick this bottle on the fire and let it boil otherwise if the farmer didn't have a fire obviously like my own but I'm just going to take advantage of his fire for now here we go sterilize that water Chuck a bit of dry [ __ ] around it get the fire going again that's gonna go up no worries it is really hot all right we'll let that boil while that boils I'm just going to go and explore through this rubbish it's gonna take all that won't take long that's really hot ten minutes it'll be done let it cool down and we've got a liter of water to drink today so we can keep punching up the coast that way see what else we can find maybe we'll start fishing now that we've got water see look at this treasure ready that's a jelly cup dude now if this was a survival situation that would make me more happy than anything in the world well the things you find a spatula more thongs and now the thong bottle for peace 10 my god paintbrush fishing line lip balm yes look at it go that's what we want curing all the bacteria in the water that's perfect here we go woof movie that that's a leader of water that is not gonna make you sick doesn't look very inviting from the outside but inside it's clear drinkable water this is why I love this kind of adventure so much because every time I walk to the next like bay or the next kilometer up it just changes his black sandy beach just meets this nice grass I want to see what's on that side the grass there might be a coconut we can eat who knows mate whoa this is what makes exploring so exciting cows hey hello oh yeah whoa it feels pretty buddy good to walk on grass pants and is pretty warm [Music] just like that we found another stream so this is gonna be this is probably better water to drink than the last place that we were at what the hell is this thing all that is crew Pro it's a dog that's a dead dog no why what the hell happened to you it's not every day you see a dead dog on the beach Rockman where is it a pig now it's a dog look at it's faint that's a dog that is bad so that's really strange that dog is like being I don't know I don't know it looks like when you cook a Barbie going like a full pig it's got that like burnt skin I don't know I don't want to think about it it's weird but that is the exact reason why when you collect water from a cracker or strain that you've got to boil it because that dog could have been floating in that stream and you don't just want to drink that water like if you're already stuck in the bush you don't want to make yourself sick so this is a perfect example of another little creek which would be good to get water from there's lots of rubbish there's lots of [ __ ] but I mean it's flowing water it's moving you just do the same thing you filter it you boil it and it'll be good to go I don't reckon I'll be able to get around that cliff we'll have a look oh no we're never going to make it around that head laying there that's why in the water all right so I've been hooking it for the last what's that nearly three out nearly three and a half hours we've been walking up the coast fans and pretty special spots definitely found some waves which I think not many people would surf there's some pumping waves maybe I'll show you on the way back and we can't go any further around this cliff close we can climb up here but it's gonna be dark soon so I really want to see and taste the water in that bamboo trunk I think that water coming out of that rock should be super fresh water so start heading back that way maybe you'll get the rod out I don't know there we go I just love adventures look at these Mad Dogs they've just been fishing know why how did you turn that video guys okay all the blood smells like fish alright today's guys have been out of squiding for the day we'll see if they've got anything this is gonna make me jealous I reckon you know why dude that's what I'm talking about they're big they're really big they absolutely cure these boys today's actually on squid they're cuttlefish see the lawn sign family that's gnarly well I knew that would make me jealous looking in that bloody Eskie now I want to go fishing how bad but you're not gonna get here they go to the outer reef who they did good that how they asked you was chokers and the one I showed you guys had a fair few winners Oh boys cleaned up for the day throw down lads I'm gonna punch back these three in three hour walk if I see anything cool or film if not I'll see you back at our what do you call it out at all our bloody bamboo shoot' cup thing yeah see you back there doggies I've been like saving this water just in case this didn't work because I still go to another from here hours walk so now would have got me through the war but this is full of water poured into here try not to lose too much but I'm not too worried now I've got a lot of water to water look at clear that water is and just like that we've got about another two cups of water that is really clear I absolutely love doing this I could live here for as long as I wanted because I can find the two water sources within a 300 meter three hour walk now this water source here I would say is consistent because you have all this green moss growing off of this rock here and it looks like it's always wet there's mold see it's growing it's never dry defend something like this you definitely make camp within walking distance of this place to come and refill your water every day that's what I would do anyway what a survival situation King I just love doing this kind of [ __ ] and when you get rewarded with fresh water like that it makes the journey so much more enjoyable that's for a taste test all right tastes like water there's nothing bad about it it is taste like water these plants would save your life do you have a stuff wow I love these I love it I've got a big steam ahead of me to get back home where my motorbike is so this board is gonna come in handy and I guess I'll see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching smash that subscribe button if you haven't already and Microsoft doggies No
Channel: Field Days
Views: 1,866,132
Rating: 4.8926105 out of 5
Keywords: Solo survival tips (NO FOOD - NO WATER) how to find drinking water on an island., solo survival, solo survival on island, solo surviving with no food on an island, solo survival challenge, solo survival games, survival tips that could save your life, survival tips and tricks, how to, how to find water, no food no water survival, no food no water challenge, how to survive, bushcraft survival, survival challenges, survival challenges 24 hours, survival challenge with nothing
Id: Fdb0VcKImyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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