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oh there he is there he is doggies oh this is a good fish this is a real good fish that's what i'm talking about right there what's going on doggies welcome back to another video and welcome to a brand new island so this video this video is dedicated to those people who can't go outside at the moment you're still in lockdown you can't go out and explore places like this this one is dedicated to you guys so um let's get lost together i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing right now but we're on a new island we've got the noodle rod and um well that's enough for me so originally when i started this walk this morning i was just literally going to walk and then go back to where i started but now i'm thinking let's rough it let's go full rough style let's do an overnight solo camping mission and um let's just do that let's just camp somewhere i've got nothing like i literally have nothing with me i've got a bottle of water noodle rod a tackle box gopro and a couple of batteries so this is gonna be fun to see if i can find some shelter i will make a shelter because this rain storm doesn't look like a big cloud but like the back there's raining i can see the rain coming over that corner there so um man it's gonna be interesting i'm gonna keep walking up here i've got a long way to go before i hit the rocks which i wanted to see so we'll check back in with you guys later on when we get to the rocks and we'll uh we'll go from there all right so we had a couple of fix with the noodle rod and uh well it's [ __ ] there's seaweed everywhere it's really shallow so i'm not really too fussed about fishing right now what i've just found has made me super excited and now we are 100 gonna do a solo camping mission check this out dude this is the reason why i love exploring this is going to be our house tonight check out this cave dude it's killer well i've got to go in there because a lot of times you get beehives in caves like this so we'll have a look but i reckon oh it's really good man we can sleep in here tonight i reckon that will be pretty safe it's sick look at it someone's had a fire here before probably the locals no fish in there no fish bones but um this is us oh this is gonna be this is gonna be killer so i had a little scope of the cave and there's no there's no bee hives there's nothing in here it's probably a couple of mosquitoes so maybe we'll start a fire and like we'll smoke the bugs out of here or something but right now i'm just gonna chuck these shoes on we'll go collect some firewood and then um oh now we need to get a fish don't we now we really really need to get a fish to put on the fire because that's just going to make it that's just going to be epic and i need dinner so all right let's do this let's go get some firewood and this is why i bring shoes on these missions because this stuff man these rocks are so sharp like there's no way you'd be able to do this without shoes but look at this no look at this best piece of firewood straight up i'm literally right now right here i'm standing on our bedroom this is the cave underneath me and check this out i can literally just throw it off here yeah that's what i'm talking get off push that's what i'm talking about this is the party starter right here [Applause] all right we'll grab a handful of this stuff because this is going to be our tinder this is going to be our firestarter it's really dry it's a little bit salty so sometimes it can be hard to light but um they're going to be good there's no shortage of it that's for sure fully just axed myself in the face with a piece of wood all right so what we'll do we'll just chuck this wood here that's going to be dry it's going to be beautiful and crispy i don't think it's going to rain but man if i didn't do this it probably would rain and then i would literally punch myself in the face because all the wood would be wet and we won't be able to start a fire so i'll drag the rest of the wood in here and then we'll uh i suppose the next mission is we need to get a fish so ah the challenge let the challenge begin catching a fish in the seaweed water i don't know we might have to do another big walk continue walking and exploring maybe we'll find deeper water because out here it's really shallow but that's that's i'm getting ahead of myself first we'll get the firewood in here so i've just run back up the top there and i've grabbed a little bit of this grass and um a handful of seaweeds what i'm going to do because there are mosquitoes in here like if you do this on the roof you can see them they're all sitting up on the roof there so what i'm going to do i'm going to smoke i'm going to make this this cave like a smoke room because um i don't want to be sleeping in here with heaps of mosquitoes so i've done it before and it works really good you just got to smoke just let it build up with smoke in here and it'll push the bugs out so seaweed is something really good to use if you want to do this kind of thing so we'll just light this up and here we go she's going to start smoking oh yeah you can see how that grass is just burning away but that seaweed it's just smoking so nicely so what i might do tuck the camera here go grab a bit more of that seaweed because look how good it's going burn baby oh yeah full-on smokehouse all right so our seaweed is smoldering away beautifully look at it it's just like a consistent little smolder of smoke so we'll leave that there it's completely safe it's not going to burn anything down and we will go and try to get ourselves a fish to put on the fire so this is the real challenge right now oh nice to come out here and breathe some fresh air it's smoky as hell in there and that wind has picked up even stronger come on noodle rod let's do this so windy why do you have to be so windy oh fish on fish on that's a fish yeah doggies oh is this dinner i reckon this is dinner i don't even care what it is come on come in on this way [Applause] what have we got what have we got little queenie whoa we got a fish it's not the biggest fish in the world but it's a fish ah look at the size of him so this is a little queen fish they're very bony but i mean this is pretty much all i'd expect fishing in these waters here it's pretty shallow and dirty and murky but if we can get a couple of these on the fire tonight hey i'm happy with that he's a beautiful little fish look at the colors in him he's such a shiny silver all right we'll see if we can get a couple more i'll put this guy out of his misery and we'll uh we'll keep going see how we go oh what was that thing dude long time ah ah i lost it yo come back that's crazy dude did you see that long time oh oh off the beach go go go go oh get him up oh it's on fire all the little baby species are here so that is a sick little trevally little baby trevally so i'm actually gonna keep this fish i would never ever keep a fish this small but because we're doing now we're just gonna camp the night i wasn't supposed to even camp tonight i was just gonna come and do a mission but um now that we're camping i want to eat something so we'll take this little fella we've got the little queenie we'll see if we can get two or three more fish and that'll be the um that'll be dinner sorted so we've got a little bit of a uh a little bit of a menu going on here that's a nice little trevally he came in with about six or seven of his mates they all come in really quick i don't know if you can see on the camera and this guy smashed a little lure so i put him out of his misery and that's going to be dinner so this is the lure that i'm casting it's a little five gram i don't even know this is just a cheap [ __ ] little lure but they work really well for these small fish it's only five grams it's like literally the size of my pinky it's like a tiny little lure but they go really good for these kind of fish and i can cast it a mile like i can literally just flick this thing and it goes so far that's why i love this rod man it's just a dreamboat oh that's a fish oh the noodle rod is getting the dust blown off it what is this thing oh yeah hey yeah come on get in get in get in get in we are blowing the cobwebs out of the noodle rod today doggies all right so this little sucker this is called a dart they're actually a really cool fish big big big wire shaped tail like that gave the little noodle workout but this is a dart they're a beautiful fish i've never eaten one before but this is going to go on tonight's menu like i said usually i'd let fish like this go but because we've just done a random spontaneous camping adventure this is all we're going to be getting in the shallow water there's not going to be any big fish so we'll keep a couple of these and um we're starting to get a nice little feed put together this is actually really fun so i was going to chuck my shoes on and i was going to walk up across that rock ridge and just continue walking but this little section of water here it's it's it's going good right now we've got a queenie a gt and now we've got a darts we've got three different species of fish and probably i don't know the queenie was up there the the gt and the dart were both here so this is like a very alive little section of water so i'll keep flicking this lure for a little while and hopefully we'll get something a little bit bigger but um man i'm pretty happy we've got three fish for dinner they're not big they're gonna be beautiful but ah i live for this absolutely live for it so sick man oh at my feet you smoked it what have we got here another little queenie so there's another little queenie i'm gonna let this guy go because i think it's gonna start turning on this afternoon sorry mate go on buddy be free oh that's a fish that is another fish this is a little pup way he's taking a bit of line this one and he's jumping that's a lovely little fish i'm gonna let this guy go as well he deserves to swim another day hopefully we'll get something a little bit bigger we've got three fish for dinner that is a beautiful fish look at that epic little baby hook will just fall straight out see you mate see you buddy and he's off man that was a hella little session with the noodle rod so i'm going to quickly run back up to the cave we've got a little bit of a walk back to the cave go back to the cave i'm going to start a fire we'll go out there and collect some green wood so we can make like a grill and um i want to go get it set up now so i can keep fishing maybe one more fish we've got three but they're not the biggest fish in the world so i'm going to start i'm going to walk along here and fish we'll slowly make our way back up to the um cave and then we'll start a fire get the coals ready so by the time it gets dark we'll be able to cook a killer feed so we'll keep fishing along here but i'm going to start got to start moving because that sun is racing down so oh that's a fish yeah that is a fish the noodle rod on a roll mate what have we got now is is dinner who is there only a little pup what do we got queenie get up here look at this here's another one that's another beautiful little queen such aggressive little fish and slippery but there you go i reckon i'm just going to chuck him in tuck him in the bag with the other fish because that's going to be our last piece of dinner i reckon and um i'll keep fishing on the way up there and we'll see how we go but that's another lovely little queenie beautiful little fish i will keep pushing on so fun better start moving a little bit because i want to make a grill and you need the dry bits of wood to make a grill so we're going to climb back up this rock here and uh well try to find some green sticks we'll cut them off with this little machete and um try to make a grill because those fish are going to taste nice they're like small fish are beautiful and sweet but i don't want to burn them i don't want to put them in the coals fish like that don't have big scales so it's um it's easy to put like big fish in the coals with big scales but these fish don't have big scales so the skin just gets cooked and it sort of just goes to [ __ ] so we're trying to find a couple of sticks now to make like a little grill but man i'm puffed been running around like a headless chick all afternoon it's been fun but all right let's have a look for some sticks [Applause] she's gonna go up very nicely that's what i'm talking about right there so we're not doing the fire in the cave this is like just outside the cave so i don't smoke myself out at night because i'm probably just gonna sleep like i honestly i don't really know and i don't really care like i'll just sleep here maybe here somewhere next to the fire so if it rains i'm dry there but the fire is outside the cave just so we don't smoke ourselves out because i'm going to chuck some big logs on this and hopefully we can keep it going all night into the morning for when we wake up so there we go we've got a beautiful fire going and now we'll get this grill sorted let's start on the grill because that sun where is she she's going down yeah we've got about 20 minutes before it goes down so beautiful this is home what an unexpected unexpected little afternoon sick but this is perfect look at it so these two pieces of wood right here are perfect for the grill so what i'm thinking i've done this before and it worked out quite well what i'll do is i'll channel out a bit of sand from here yeah like that you make a little ditch here one stick sort of not not close to the fire but near it about there and then we'll put the other one here you want these to be sort of level like that it's pretty good all right now we'll get our green sticks into these suckers here so this is gonna be like the grill plate so we don't need that to be that long one try to get the straightest ones possible and the thickest ones usually work better so here we go can you guys sort of see what's happening here the grill is coming to life boom boom boom we'll just continue this the whole way along until we've got a kind of a grill going on and then once them coals get really hot and red i'll drag them from the fire into this section here we'll bang our little grill sticks and we'll lay our fish across and they'll cook beautifully such a nice way to cook fish beautiful look at this man are you joking so sick all right they're nice and clean so we'll quickly run back up here man that sun goes down so fast all right here we go look at this sit there my little friends so the grill's ready pretty much evenly spaced pieces of wood green wood so it doesn't burn as fast as the stuff underneath we'll grab our little fish now we're just going to place them on look at this man what's next we've got the dart in the middle and the little queenie to finish off on the corner bang look at that it's really hot there's a lot of heat coming out of there i'm actually really happy with this it's working like a tree that's super hot you can already see hear the fish like sizzling so far away the fire's pumping over here fish are grilling and um man what a way to end the day that was such a random afternoon like i wasn't supposed to even stay here but now we're doing it and i'm very happy that we are so look at this sunset man beautiful pink skies empty beaches not a person in sight and that's our bedroom for the night i can literally start to smell that fish which means it probably needs to be turned but um a lot of you guys have been asking me about the merch like when's the merch dropping so it's taking a lot longer than i thought but it's coming and it's coming and it is good quality [ __ ] it's not cheap crap clothes so i'm pretty froft about it and um what i'm going to do i've got one box in australia already so it's ready to post but the online shop isn't ready yet so i want to do some giveaways so if you guys jump on over to my instagram page i'll have a link in the description or i'll just leave it somewhere here on the video screen whatever um yeah i'm going to be doing giveaways on instagram so come and follow me on instagram and keep your eye out for the giveaways because i'll be doing giveaways for t-shirts hats just to show my love and support to you guys for your supporting me because man it means the absolute world and then one lucky winner will be winning this a noodle rod i'm giving away a noodle rod to one very very lucky person i'm not giving this one away this is my rod but i'm giving the exact same rod away to someone so jump on over my instagram here there anywhere and um give us a follow keep your eyes peeled for the post where i'm doing giveaways and then um yeah hopefully you win a noodle rod and i'd love to give you guys some shirts and hats and stuff just to show the support because man it means so much to me so yeah man i'm just truly truly grateful so it's time to give back to you doggies all right let's check this fish how are we looking here that one's not ready yet oh yeah that's good oh look at this man very nice slow grilled perfection fish is ready i reckon it's ready they're looking really good golden brown just looks beautiful so what we'll do i'll just take them off like this look at this man oh they're hot duh oh it's like it's also it's almost like it's been smoked it isn't even burnt it's like beautiful gold color yep last one oh no he's gonna snap what am i going to do here we go we're on they're extremely hot so i'll just give them two minutes to cool down we'll pack up the grill we no longer need this i'll chuck these coals back on the main fire for tonight and i'll burn these two bits of wood as well so hopefully i can keep that going all night long it'll keep the bugs off me because i reckon what i'm going to do actually i found this nice part here so this looks like really soft flat there's no sticks or rocks so i'll just get my raincoat i'll lay it out on the ground and i'll um i'll just sleep there that's all i can do right now but uh yeah that sun's nearly gone nice beautiful pink sky so i'll flick these coals back in wait for them to cool down and we'll have a mad feed look at this this is really good beautiful man all right these fish are ready so should just be able to peel this skin off it's like a banana look at this oh my goodness that can go on the fire and we are left with this freshest meat if you cut down this bloodline here and you pull that a bit away this here has no bones it's a beautiful fresh piece of meat and that's my dinner this piece here man no bones no nothing gone let's see how the little dart goes never eaten a dart before usually i'll let these go but i wasn't going hungry tonight once again cut along the bloodline wiggle your knife under there and you'll get this piece of meat that is just the best man it's like the shoulder snow bones all right here we go let's try dart all right here we go this is the dart and it um it looks beautiful it's cooked it's literally cooked to perfection oh man all right the queenie tastes better than the da i reckon my opinion that queenie was like really sweet taste and this darts like not as sweet but it's it's still beautiful like it's fresh fish man you can't beat fresh fish but yeah that queen is tastes better than the dark what else oh we've got the little gt all right we'll try the little gt and then um i'll put you guys down and i'll just smash this fish so here's the little trevally that we got kind of feel bad for like keeping a fish this small especially trevally like it's my favorite fish to catch when they're big boys like big gts but at the same time you're probably better off keeping a fish of this size than a 30 kilo or a 20 kilo fish because the 20 kilo fish 30 kilo fish they're gonna be your breeding fish so it's a little bit of a hard one but look at this meat that looks incredible all right here it goes the little bit of gt it's cooked very good here we go the third fish [Music] oh it's so good yeah probably the gt's the best jt queenie and then the dart i would say are the best fish so what a fun little afternoon that was ma'am i'm just gonna sit here i've still got i've still got a lot of fish to eat look i've got half of him a full queenie and half of the dart to go so the fire's roaring i'm just gonna sit here now chill out i don't know i might go for a swim if you can see i'm like sweating bullets because i'm sitting so close to the fire so i might go for a swim i'm so dirty man and then um i don't know i'll drive myself with this shirt and i'll sleep in the raincoat or i'll just sleep on it so far i haven't been bitten by any mosquitoes so hopefully we have a good night's sleep and i guess i'll see you guys in the morning and we'll um i'm not sure what we'll do but we'll just adventure all right doggies i'll see you in the morning and um yeah we'll continue this little journey i'm gonna smash this fish man it's so good oh my god you would never believe what is waking me up right now i was actually having a really good sleep like i was out cold for a few hours it's now 1 56 in the morning i don't even know if you guys can see that it's 1 56. the fire's nearly gone stocked stock i can't even speak man i stoked up the fire before i went to bed but look what's keeping me up man out of all the animals in the world it's not mosquitoes there's a gecko in here that's how loud but look what's keeping me up oh now you want to hide these little things man these are crazy crabs look there's this little claw dude there are crazy crabs crawling all over me man look at their tracks there's little crazy cat crab tracks everywhere this whole entire cave is full of crazy crabs it's so gnarly like there's another one there and they crawl on me they're literally crawling on me at them around me they're all over the place here there another one man and then if it's not crazy crabs there's this gecko and it's just going like what no the whole night anyway it's better than hearing traffic i suppose i i would take this over beeping cars and motorbikes and trains and [ __ ] any day so i'll just lay here and enjoy it and um i don't know what have we got two couple of hours we've got a couple hours before the sun rises i'll try to get a little bit more sleep and then we'll uh probably go for a hella noodle rod session so i'll see you guys in a few hours and hopefully i can stop getting pinched by these little crabs ah nature [Music] wow good morning that was i um that was an interesting one that one oh a couple of mozzies really early this morning as the sun rose and then yeah just those crazy crabs were just like crazy man crazy crazy crabs wasn't too bad of a sleep i got a little bit of sleep not much really but my fire's still going it's not going but it's like still got amber's it's really hot so maybe we'll see if we can get a fish for breakfast day i've got no coffee which sucks i can't start my day without coffee and i don't have any coffee today so ah i definitely wasn't prepared for this mission but um anyway let's go let's start walking that way again and uh see what today brings i'd love to get a fish for lunch something bigger than like something bigger than this if we can get a fish like this big on the noodle rod yeah that's gonna be good so um all right i'm gonna wet my face you guys can come for a bloody swim with me and um the sun hasn't even popped its head up yet so it's it's looking like a beautiful day i've got sand everywhere man yeah look at this dude this is beautiful oh there's fish here there's a couple of fish just like busting the surface of the water just there ah look at it it's beautiful all i need is a coffee right here and we would be um well life doesn't get much better there's those fish look should i get the noodle rod oh i'll get the nerd rod quickly i literally woke up like six minutes ago and i'm running down the beach because there's fish oh they're jumping everywhere man where'd they go that was um i had like four or five cars like literally only four or five cars we've already been chased in on the neural rod by a fish and um man there's fish everywhere they're literally like small bait fish like this bigger just gone just busting up the surface so um i'm going to tuck my raincoat back in my bag that's what we used last night for a blanket i've just realized that i have sand like all over my face so i'll go give myself a wash and then we'll um we'll start fishing i reckon today is going to be a hell day this little rod is going to get a workout because there are just fish boiling and busting and hopefully today if we see one of those big bait balls today i'll try to get the drone up and we'll um have a look from the top i've always wanted to do that so yeah look at this today's gonna be sick right i'm packing up and we're going fishing i wish i had a coffee righto let's start this mission grab the weapon of choice and we are out of here if we get fish today i'm going to come back and we'll probably use that same grill um i like this here this is like a really nice spot in the day i can hide out of the hot sun but for now i need to get a fish to do that so look at the fish out the back huh dude it's crazy how many fish there i don't know if you guys can see this but if you can see these birds straight under those birds there's a bait ball it's probably not big enough to get the drone out but there's definitely a bait ball there lots of little fish getting busted in here so it's going to be an interesting morning that's so good oh yeah that's a fish oh what have we got this time wow he really smashed that i don't think this is a queenie it's fighting a little bit different oh she's strong oh noodle rod oh no that was a nice little fish but never never never this close to the shore oh look at it look at it look at it dude oh my god come on come on come on come on oh oh all right we've got a good fish now this is a real fish doggies this isn't a little this isn't a little queenie might be a little bait oh yes this is what we wanted this is what we come for it's reef out there got to be careful whoa yeah this is sick look at the noodle rod in all its glory come on baby come in oh oh oh it's taking line look at the fish up here they're exploding the surface oh this is out of control that's it he's done he's tired the noodle rod has done its job see if we can use this little wave to get him up here go go yeah the noodle rod so we did it this is pretty much the exact size fish that i've been wanting to get since we come here so that is a beautiful little trevally look at him smoke that little lure this is like the beautiful eating size but i reckon we'll just let him go because to be honest i'm not that hungry and um well he put up an amazing fight on the neuter rod dude that was psycho so we're not gonna let this little fella go we'll get him back in the water see if we can get a couple more for fun maybe we'll have one around lunchtime if we can get some but man that was sick the noodle rod such a beautiful fish thank you buddy we're getting back in the water eh thank you for everything see you buddy look at him go that was sick funded yes let's see if we can get another one i checked this out ready i literally just let that fish go one second ago ready oh we're on again we're on again no way dude i literally just let that fish go right there and look at this man we're on again oh this is the best day ever no why man at the fish that's busting up over here this one's taking line oh my goodness yes another beautiful little one have a look at this that side it's a little bit smaller this one that was honestly crazy i literally dropped that last fish in the water and then this beautiful little one come up and had a sniff look at that he belted that lure right in the corner of the jaw perfectly hooked these these are like the ideal size fish for the noodle rod so i'm having a hell of a morning right now all right let's get him back beautiful fish man so sick see you later you beautiful thing thank you and i'll see you later yo oh there he goes look at him wow man what a little session that was so sick like i could keep casting right now and keep catching fish like there are just bait fish getting destroyed everywhere so that tide is really quickly draining out right now so this reef that i'm fishing is going to start getting pretty shallow but it's just so beautiful to see a marine life just so active man like if you guys you guys watch my videos you know that we fish in bali a lot and bali is just it's dead purely because people just catch and they keep everything they catch so it's nice to come to a secluded island like i'm on now people haven't been here yet people haven't destroyed this island yet and you can just see by the marine life like man there are birds diving there's bait balls there it's just like look at this man there's no one's footprints except for mine my footprints there no one else and you just get this untouched ocean which is obviously like it's just so active with fish marine life and well i suppose that's why i wanted to come to this island for this exact reason so man i'm just very very grateful right now so sick nature i just got stung by a little bee man look at this i don't know if you can see this red dot right there but that's going to turn into a big itchy bee sting in a second ah slap on me bag and we're gonna walk back that way so yesterday i walked for about four hours i think it took me about four hours to get to this point so oh now i'm getting bitten by something else so i'm gonna start walking back and we'll see if we can find those bait balls that are getting smashed up and we'll cast at him maybe we'll get a few fish on the walk back i don't know the day's still young i've got a long walk ahead of me and um i'd like to get the drone up actually maybe we'll get the drone up if we see those big bait balls out the back that would be sick but i don't know i'm just gonna yeah get the bag on and we'll just walk that way we'll just start hoofing it i got a big big big walk back to where we started so let's do this man let's see if we can put this thing put another bend in this [Music] i feel like i've been here before [Music] changes but it's easier with you i'm going through changes [Music] together stuck in the morning oh [ __ ] um we've actually fully fully just smashed the drone into a tree i did this on the last episode the last episode it fell out of the sky this time i wasn't watching what i was doing i was actually looking at a fish in the water and the drone was like flying by itself following me and it just went into a tree so we're going on a mission we're gonna go find the drone i hope it's not broken please i want to film one of those bait balls out there but um you and me we're going on a mission into the bush to find the drone because it's up here somewhere i don't know where but it's up here somewhere so it's hit one of these trees along this ridge i'm not too sure which one but um looks like we're going on a drone recovery mission all right this is gonna be a this is gonna be a mission all right here we go let's climb up this cliff if i can even ah if i can even get up this cliff all right we're halfway let's get this drone ah there's nowhere to put me foot there there we go all right i literally couldn't have crushed the drone in any thicker vegetation oh get out of my way all right come on i'm just fully just pushing through this stuff ah get off me what the [ __ ] man dude this isn't even funny anymore oh my god this is psycho look at these ants man they're crazy dude oh i've got bites all over me oh my god welcome to another field day adventure i just got absolutely destroyed by ants i don't know if you guys can see this these ant bites all over me man i'm bitten on the neck i must have like walked over a tree where they're all on that tree because i had like ants all over my body just then like those red ones that bite so now i'm itchy and i still don't have the drone oh i'm gonna put the camera down and do a proper search because i really need to find it okay so this has turned out to be a full-on like i'm talking a full-on drone recovery mission i have slices cuts i'm bleeding on my leg i've been destroyed by ants there's a bee hanging around me like my legs are just my legs are absolutely just annihilated but you can the only way to get through this bush is just push and walk so i've got my phone and i'm doing the find my i've never used it before because i've never really lost this drone so i'm using this find my drone thing and it says that i'm like so close right so when i get there it kind of like ah it kind of like wigs out and says that i'm not where it is so it just keeps changing and man i don't know i'm super getting over my legs it's so so itchy these ants this is hectic man we found the drone it's actually in the tree it's not on the floor oh yes all right now i've got to get it down that's pretty high um all right i found it oh i'm so stoked man and because it's in the tree it means it shouldn't be broken usually like if it would come down and hit a rock it would be stuffed but it may have done a nice soft landing in that tree all right let's get up this tree i mean there's no ants or bugs over it oh yeah well at least it's a lovely view from up here okay so we're in the top of a tree right now lovely views and look at our seagull she's sitting there pretty there she is i'm gonna shake this let's see if she drops down oh no okay come on it's gotta let it's gonna go i don't think it's gonna fall on the green stuff and i have bees look at this bee dude there's a bee trying to sting me not right now get off my leg come on oh my god it's oh jesus christ this tree's falling apart it's stuck in there we did a good job oh it fell down yes all right now get me out of this tree because i'm getting these two bees and they keep landing on me they haven't stung me yet all right let's get out of here look how high we are ah full drone recovery mission ew we did it that was um that was crazy dude i've got and bites and cuts and scratches it like my legs are on fire but right now i'm just so happy we've got the drone back it's um it kind of looks like it's all good propellers are still there the gimbal's popped out of place here but i'm pretty sure we can just pop that back in oh no it's not good ah maybe i don't know it's got no battery left because when we were flying when i was using the app it obviously uses the battery to locate the drone so that's a pretty bloody good thing because i probably wouldn't have found it without the app but um i'm stoked i've only got one battery so i'd love to see if it flies but i can't fly because this is the only battery and she's flat so yeah let's do this again so i've had a uh i've had a pretty interesting couple of hours so after crushing that drone i just needed a five minutes just to chill out because my legs were like on fire like you won't understand the pain i had in my legs like and bites hundreds and thousands of scratches they're still like they're just absolutely destroyed but we've got the drone back so i come back to the cave i um fixed the drone like the gimbal was a little bit loose so i fixed the rubber rubber strap one of the wings was actually like kind of dislocated so i fixed that and um i laid down for like five minutes and i just went boom i fell asleep so i woke up about 40 minutes ago and um we've probably got about two hours of sunlight left so i've had about a four hours sleep which was actually really sick so i'm gonna oh i'll get this fire started and then i'll run you through what i want to do for the afternoon because i just can't go home then i'm having way too much of a froth session out here so we'll get this fire started and we'll um we'll get back into it and it's going to be so it's going to be a sick afternoon again look at this fire we need a big fire tonight we need a big big boy all right so pretty much what we're gonna do now is i've eaten nothing all day so like i said after we've crashed the drone i come back into our cave and i just had a full-on like just vegged out session it was actually sick but i've ate nothing since those fish last night so what we're gonna do i'm going to get this thing big fire instead of catching a fish then starting a fire we'll do it the other way around we'll start a fire catch a fish so um we're a little bit more prepared because last night i was eating fish in the dark and it was sort of sucked i'm probably gonna do it again now but this is the plan doggies i've had to sleep i feel good we've got a big big fire going i'm gonna make that fire massive and then we'll just walk up and down this coastline and we'll try to get ourselves another trevally like the one we got today if we can get a trevally like that somewhere along this pristine beach look at this man that's the goal now big trevally on the fire for dinner so i hope you're excited because i am bloody excited about this if we can have a session like we had this morning i'm going to be stoked so let's get the noodle rod out there i'm going to load this fire up with a bit more wood because i want a big big big big bed of coals today or tonight so i'll stock her up and we'll go fishing this is pretty much the setup that we're dealing with pretty much the same as last night we've got the big bits of sticky uh big logs i mean on the fire there so we're gonna have a nice big bed of coals tonight similar grill thing i'll use the same sticks we use yesterday here's our trusty table we used and um i'm going we're doing it let's go hopefully i can get something for dinner because i am starving man oh fish on fish on yes you're joking big head shakes it's going deep what's going on here what is this thing oh man i can't lose him look at it the sun's setting the noodle rod is getting its ass handed to it oh whoa whoa whoa whoa baby baby what have we got oh it's like a little big ultra valley maybe this is where you're gonna lose him this is where i'll lose him if i'm gonna lose him let's work with the waves work with the waves baby yeah that is dinner that is the perfect dinner have a look at that specimen doggies that is going straight on the fire that's beautiful man that's a really really nice fish oh i just absolutely lagged it back to camp because i'm gonna do something a bit different instead of fishing we'll uh we'll start cooking and while we're cooking i can um continue fishing so we'll have the fish on the fire and we'll keep oh this is extremely hot man this this is so sick so we've got the one fish i've just lagged it from way down there up the beach i'm gonna chuck him on the little grill we're going to make and while he's cooking i'll keep fishing see if we can get one more but it's not a bad size little fish just got to hurry up because that sun's setting and i didn't want to eat in the dark but definitely going to be in the dark again but that's all right man we've got um stop talking all right i'm going to get this fish on the grill keep fishing because there's bait balls are starting to come in close i can see them now so no all right all right so we've got the same grille set up as yesterday we'll transfer the coals from there to here if we need it but i mean look at this little trevally man beautiful trevally really thick look how fat he is it's gonna be a beautiful feed lovely little fish bang him on there oh my goodness look at this trevally probably the freshest fish i've ever eaten that's like a two seconds old epic sunset the world's noisiest fishing boat and um i'm a very happy man right now all right let's even get one more big feed big feed this is sick i'm gonna go get the noodle rod very very quickly and i just seen a school of fish next to the beach so wait right there run run run i've got to get there before they go out look at it look at it big bible it's getting smoked again oh let's go let's do this come on oh there he is there he is doggies oh this is a good fish this is a real good fish this is actually a beast of a fish man oh no this is good how's this from by the end of video wow this is a good fish this one's really taken life oh my god noodle rod noodle rod noodle rod how i'm in love with you and there he is have a go at this beautiful little trevally to end the session to end the video you don't understand how happy i am right now beautifully hooked him in the lip there we go doggies the noodle rod and trevally set up boom i might actually let this fellow go because he's pretty big i reckon i'll get a little small one before it gets really dark see you later love you yeah doggies ah this is too good see in the next video
Channel: Field Days
Views: 3,223,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SOLO CAMPING IN A CAVE ON A DESERTED ISLAND with no food!, deserted island, solo camping, camping alone, catch and cook, remote island, camping adventure, catch and cook survival, remote island camping, field days, field days catch and cook
Id: 0gn4EgWcCSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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