North Saskatchewan River Sturgeon Fishing | Tips Tricks Lures | Catch & Cook

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[Music] [Music] foreign what's up guys back here with BLB Adventure me and B just got off work literally pack the truck up drove straight here gonna do some River fishing see if we can catch some sturgeon let's go keep you posted don't forget to like And subscribe that helps us out huge let's hope we get some big fish off the note there for I don't know a minute I already had a another nibble wow what the heck yeah Dinosaurs the big dinosaurs come out at night and you guys probably this is our idea for our fire cook ing so we brought a tin tray and then Spud put onions and chicken and Seasonings well we're just gonna try and figure out how to put the fire over here and coals we don't have like a grate or anything we just got off work jumped in the truck ER it out as we go giant metal pole some kind of piping we got all sorts of ideas here grapple in the bush so we could just do this it's a good find on a loan safer bet yeah a little shitty first fish of the day gold eye I haven't caught one of these here in a while we yeah we used to catch a lot of these here but you'll be going back into the old dirty River it's cool cool we're on them now all right uh how you can tell the fishing hasn't been crazy we have made a fire pit and we have some wood ready to go to start our supper but the big ones are coming so we gotta get ready spot is on is this saw and wood okay Jim come this way well he's pretty much he's hyper calm down sorry restart a little walleye not bad yeah so what's for supper tonight well you don't want to wreck the tin foil juices this is before I cook Ed [Music] maybe a little much flame but yeah she's warm I thought it was a rock fire under there own little oven badass buddy we haven't done this before I know smells good already now to finish the fish off a little trick is uh these are Sharp really sharp I always put my fingers under their fins like this it's not as bad there and kind of squeeze them and then we'll thrash around and hurt your hands as bad but yeah I don't know that's what I do kind of calms them down a bit what do we got here yeah just gonna show you guys the bolt action jig River Reggie's got so here you can actually it slides the weight so this sits on the bottom got your one on the bottom here and just like a pickle rig you got one up kind of up top he's got good hooks on there caught my personal best sturgeon on one of his rigs last time 70 pounder hopefully you guys will see the video sometime soon yeah this is uh bolt action jig the rig is River rig I'll show you how I usually rig it up sometimes I put two worms two minnows but today they kind of want both so I've been putting The Minnow up top and then the night crawler on the bottom 10 o'clock for an hour or so oh this thing does work like a Dandy pretty cool glad we did that six and onions are looking pretty good either good this one's definitely done on the big one get in one there yeah not right now good old bite and he says it's good to go oh yeah decent that is good um what do you think Spud it's pretty cool here [Laughter] what says it's they're hot they're good they're at the fire going a little more just had a head time around over here just a beauty of a night yeah unreal well okay so end of the night here uh I don't know it's what 11 30. we kind of went slow once the sun went down and whatever but I'm Gonna Let the Fire die down clean up our mess and uh go home I guess is good night cool thing cooking with the chicken and on the fire of that was the first for us yeah it was pretty cool lots of bites but they just weren't committing but it is what it is and already on yeah over and out over and out just put the camera gear away packing up but it catches themselves alive decent nice body just packing up always leave the hooks out those are the last ones that come out here season one the last one hey wow [Laughter] and spun caught a walleye and I went to my rod I knew it I kind of looked at it it was slack so I was starting to reel in and I got two fish look at that first first for me oh my goodness here let me hold your rod yeah yeah what the heck so cool I don't know but look at that right on dude that's the first for me I've seen it happen twice here but that's so cool pretty cool foreign
Channel: BLB Adventures
Views: 4,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lRyL5moQSD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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