This GORGEOUS Mountain Creek was ABSOLUTELY LOADED w/ HUNGRY FISH!!! --The Slab Queen is BACK!!!

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that's not small as long as he's not snagged oh my goodness [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to the channel it's finally Cole and Jay and we are out here in the mountains to do some fishing yeah Jay I'm so glad you're here I'm happy to be here it's been miserable without you it's been tough it's been tough guys so Jay has literally not made a fishing video since March the first wow and it's what's today July 20 something wow that's crazy oh so we finally got her out of retirement she's finally out of her Hiatus she's been cleared by all doctors and experts that she can go out and uh make some make some risky decisions and walk on some slimy rocks out here in the middle of the woods and without me for a few hours yeah so we decided to travel out in the middle of nowhere to a river that we've never fished before we're here deep in the Washita mountains usually we're in the Ozarks we're in the washitas and we've actually got this Creek right here it flows into a river that's up that where I guess it flows out of I get I don't know where the river's that I guess it's down there I'm confused where I'm at right now I'm so lost we we drove through a huge like hurricane we were supposed to be here in two hours took like three hours to drove through some sketchy roads like roads that were like made of this kind of rock it was crazy but we made it we made it and we're here and we're excited to see what lives here we love exploring new bodies of water the Ozarks and ouachita's are full of little creeks and rips and streams that have a bunch of different species of fish and uh today we're gonna Target whatever exactly we hope you catch a small mouth maybe some large mountain spots some green sunfish we'll see what happens what I love about this spot is that the starting hole looks great we have this big run of water coming from like way up there we got this big deep hole and if you look we got this big rock and this big Backwater and it honestly just looks super juicy I feel like there's going to be something big right there so we can start the day off with a big fish in the first hole that'd be great we got a big long pool this way I think there's some shoals but based on looking at the maps that should be decent but we're just ready to get after it it's been too long since we've been able to get here together and do some fishing so guys if y'all are excited for today's fishing trip and for Jay's return to the channel be sure to give this video a big thumbs up subscribe to the channel and let's get after it let's go [Music] there we go I knew it what is that oh that's how we're starting the day that's how we're starting the day right there to cast in and we've got a pretty sizable green sunfish you've got the little shake head worm Jay's throwing a wacky worm unweighted just in the shallower stuff but we had to throw the little bottom dweller in that little deep hole that's a pretty stocky one it'd be cool if we get some big ones out here today I ain't mad at it it's a really beautiful fish we're gonna send it back and we're gonna get some big smallies yeah let's keep let's go and move down a little bit oh there we go oh there we go there we go [Applause] we were literally seconds away from abandoning this deep hole and uh this little guy Struck it right in front of me on the edge of that big rock I assume there was Smallmouth in here but you never know but that's an awesome sign he's not a monster but uh I have high hopes for this place we're gonna find some big ones today got him got him oh it's a good one get him oh that's a big one oh my gosh that's a big one JJ get that thing oh big smally that is awesome all right there's my first fish hey honestly my first fish in a long time it's been so long since I've caught a fish it's crazy but man this is a good way to start the trip off I hope we can catch a bigger one I'm gonna let this fish go and we're gonna get back after it all right so we started going Downstream a little bit and there's a big hole and it's pretty deep it looks good but it's really hard to navigate and not get all of our camera equipment wet so we've decided to take our stuff Upstream there's honestly more flow there's more shallow riffles and I think we could find some little bit bigger pools or deeper holes we can find fish more concentrated and easier to catch on the maps it looks good here so we're gonna go this way at least turn the corner and see what it looks like but if not we're going to scrap this area and go to another one there's so many places up here to fish so many bodies of water and creeks and I know we'll run into them eventually but we're not gonna get bonus area just yet foreign [Music] oh yeah oh it's a good one that's a good one oh yeah that's not even a smallie is it not oh my gosh a little small he's following it that's a giant green sunfish there in the world I thought for sure get up here oh my gosh that's a good one dude this this green sunfish is huge that is a huge green skunk fish daily devil Daily Double so I'm glad we decided to come Upstream honestly guys whenever you're fishing rivers and creeks it's best to do and it's best to walk Upstream that way you don't really spook the fish there's literally look at that it's crazy Daily Double that's a good smallie he's like a dual venture or so I'm Happy Kitchen in this size and that's a donkey green something that's sick okay we gotta get back in there while they're fired up that's awesome they bought good too there it comes oh I got one too it's green sunfish land hey yo I mean this green sun fish has everything he's got the white tips on his face he's got the orange he's got the black spots on the dorsal and anal fin let me just line an orange outline got the bright blue on his face I mean that is a perfect green sun fish like that's what you want to catch get him oh that's a big small mouth that's a big small mouth that's a big small mouth JJ oh my God oh my gosh I'm putting the rod down okay he jumped over the rock get that thing that was cool get him on the bank get him on the bike come on yes [Applause] yeah there are some good smellings out here all right there's my biggest Smalley of the day so far that was really he looked a lot bigger out there after catching those green sunfish but man that was an awesome fight he jumped over that rock too that was crazy so exciting all right I'm gonna send him back and we're gonna get back out there yeah [Applause] oh my gosh this is awesome this isn't a very big green stunt fish but I mean considering that we're like I mean less than 100 yards from where we parked at and we're catching them this quickly catch a small mouth and green sunfish like this that's awesome that's just awesome eating a little shaky worm it's like some green pumpkin a little bit of orange in there and I've got it on a really light Shaky Head because the water's pretty low I had I had a heavier one on it first I was getting stuck like these rocks are just really chunky and got a lot of cracks in them and it's not that the hood gets stuck in anything it's just the bait just gets all wedged down in there and you lose it so I try to keep my bait lightweight Jay's using that weightless wacky rig or a light weighted wacky rig which is honestly probably the better choice but we're gonna stick with this for a little bit longer about more chappa he just did me dirty here we go one day it came back out so that's something these little green sunfish will do you know they like to live in the rocks and they'll bite your stuff and they'll just take you back down there with it gets you all snagged up he got hooked in the bottom but I never understand how that happens he was hooked right there look at every one of these guys is just pristine I've seen a couple of big ones swimming through here I want to hook up with one they're like three times bigger than that huh that's a small leak gotta be how fast he is oh my gosh oh my god oh he's a nice one good one it's still my worm oh look at that thing look at that thing everybody's so hard I think I got him pretty good yeah nice nice whoa oh I got him I finally got me a small mouth that Rivals the one that Jay caught we're still in the same pool we're literally only like 20 yards up from where she caught her good one we haven't even got to what I would feel like is the best spot and the pull up ahead looks just as juicy so I'm very excited here's probably 13 inches or so getting close to a pound he fought like crazy and yeah I'm excited to get there where that faster water's moving at cool fish hey Jay he's to the left really damn throat oh he's coming to it he's coming to it he's coming to it got him oh no I don't know how I didn't have him you did have him you just lost him they're kind of hard to hook sometimes dang that was a big he's a biggie he was big he's still big he's right there oh there we go it's down there on how big he is you don't feel that big but he's running at me oh you got a little bit bigger but he's decent he's decent he's actually really decent stay hook buddy whoa stay on oh the long one I knew it's my biggest one so far we have seen some really nice ones Jay missed that good when we're off the bat I had one come up and swirl this jerk bait I was thinking about putting the shake head back on because it's pretty deep and I wasn't getting that much of a reaction but I'll make a few more cats in this name before I swap back up but this spot looks incredible I mean deep hole current big rocks you can't ask for more when you're waiting these small Mountain Creek [Music] I'm catching one this cast 100 percent wow got him stay on be a big smallmouth be a big small mouth oh he's just spinning he's just spinning it's a big green sunfish though man I thought I had a big old Smalley swap back to the Shaky Head worm to fish in this deeper water I mean we've had too many big fish flash our stuff um and to swim by now I think getting something on the bottom like this is gonna be the ticket to get them and I saw a guard be this Molly I don't know I don't know I don't know he's spending him man there's so many oh my gosh look at the size of that one might as well be a smallmouth bass whoa look at the size of that green sunfish oh my goodness hey guys like you know we're out here primarily targeting the best but that fires me up like if we were doing like a camping session out here this dude would be going on the Stringer we'd be cooking them up oh gosh stay on here stay on here because that dude that dude is a donkey he wanted the smoke it's an eagle oh man it's a vulture come on that might be a smallie that might be a small oh my gosh oh my Jake we get the camera oh my gosh the giant Largemouth oh my gosh it's a big old Largemouth I'm bringing him to the bank come on stay on there stay on there oh my goodness no don't do that don't do that look at that get up on the break yeah whoa are you kidding man look at Jay stand on brand with the Daily Double but before you look at her small mouth look at this thing look at this thing that's a nice one there's green boys living in this thing what's crazy gonna catch a largemouth yeah or a spotted best we've only caught Smallmouth and green sunfish so far and I had just caught like four or five big green sunfish in a row and this fish bit the exact same way and I mean that hook just popped out look at that you know largemouth bass can get 15 pounds but in a small place like this this is a really nice fish this is what we come here for travel all those miles Dallas hiking and uh there's many more pools up ahead for us to check and it's just cool there are some big green ones in here particularly this brown one we've seen some of these this big in this pool no lie so we're gonna uh we're gonna dabble these worms around a little bit longer see if we can't maybe get lucky with one of those but if not we're gonna move up to the next pool [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yeah I think your bait's about to get nuked by a big green sun fish surprise hasn't happened yet oh there it was there he is came back for it it's a feisty one I got one too I'm not gonna jerk on that one yeah I decided to get him it might be a small mouth it ain't a small mouth theirs is bigger I think yours oh we'll never know hers is bigger oh my goodness it's my lucky day it's my lucky day I found a horseshoe that is Lexi what are the odds of finding a horse is the first horseshoe that I've ever found out uh Creek walking I need to put that on my belt okay hey we ain't putting that back that's going straight in the bag going on the wall especially we can catch a big small mouth after this all right so we just finally made it through this big pool behind us and we've reached this amazing water feature right here it's like this is crazy we had these big rock slabs and there's just water just rushing through them it's not super deep I feel like if the water was up a little bit higher and this would be like just the most oh Jay's missed one and listen insane fishing hole of all time but I still thinking there's gonna be some fish here I mean it's just crazy I've never seen anything like this movement out hiking around in the mountains so I'm definitely glad we decided to check this Creek out today we're not gonna go a whole lot further Upstream but there's still a couple holes in here and we're still looking to try to catch one more big bass you got him Jay Jay's back there just waxing them foreign [Applause] another green sunfish pretty big one gotcha that feels good that can't be a green center it's gonna be best It's gotta be a bass be big bass be big oh there he is pretty good one oh no he came off it was a largemouth what just right here there's a bass there's a bass and finally another small mouth it's probably been 10 years since we caught a small mouth almost caught a smallmouth [Applause] um that's not small as long as he's not snagged oh my goodness is that a smallie I don't know I think it's a green one it's a green one oh my gosh he's got followers if you want to throw him behind him he's got Bolivars there you go switch it Jay oh there we go there we go that's how you do it right there oh come on come on yeah look at that we got the Trinity of bass out here in this Ouachita Mountain Creek that's another pretty large man not as big as our first big one we got but do we train wrecked it was like six followings did you see all this fish yeah that's crazy I was about to take the dirt bait off I didn't I don't think these fish are jerk bait eaters there's not a whole lot of silvery Bait fish out here anything about some hang out down the bottom but this dude he wanted it stopped it I ended up how to rock or if I had snagged a green sunfish or what had happened look a spotted bass how about it that's awesome [Music] okay guys well we've made it back to where we first started at this little low water Bridge we honestly didn't walk super far Upstream the fishing was just so good and we were able to fish them methodically and we caught a bunch of them yes we did most of them are green sunfish but we caught some donkey green something and we mixed in a good a couple nice bass uh we had an opportunity a big smallie that's okay we were able to kind of rebound and get a couple big largemouth you know I mean so they catch Smallmouth Largemouth and spotted bass so that's awesome and green something I guess it's all we caught yeah that's kind of weird normally we catching long ears or something else random but we'll take it for our first time out here in this Creek it was a lot of fun I feel like there's a lot left to be explored especially Downstream there's some juicy stuff that looks really good Downstream but hey we did all we can today we were honestly kind of dumb and a little bit unprepared we didn't bring any water or Gatorades and sunscreen yeah so I am burnt I'm pretty sure I'm burnt oh my God look at this look at this wow yeah that Might Sting tonight but at least it is all in the name of a good time but anyways this is where we're gonna wrap today's episode we got a long drive back to uh Central Arkansas but also we're gonna stop and get some food so it's gonna be a late night don't know if I'm gonna pick the kids up or not but we'll we'll see we'll see but guys hopefully you all enjoyed today's episode out here exploring a new Creek we love exploring new creeks in the mountains and we're definitely going to be doing some more of that this summer so if you all enjoyed the video do us a huge favor hit Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the channel we apologize and we'll see you on the next one bye bye guys [Music] thank you
Channel: Cole & Jay
Views: 58,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cole and jay, fish, fishing, slab queen, ouachita mountains, creek fishing, river fishing, fun, big fish, nature, adventure, arkansas, arkansas fishing, lady angler, fishing girl
Id: HrlSyZRTyXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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