I CANNOT Lose This Fishing Tournament

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three years ago today I entered my first ever bass fishing tournament in Maine the annual scootic Smallmouth Derby it went a little something like this it's a unit let's go baby that's it back the way and we got 10 minutes to make it there we dequeued 16 40. ended up being three minutes late and uh for every minute that you're late it's a pound it's a literal Smallmouth yeah not only did we not win but we came in three minutes late to the weigh-in which resulted in a whole three pounds off our seven fish limit that's like taking the biggest fish from our level and just tossing it overboard satin and deflated we trekked back home with our empty wallets and trophyless hands the year following my partner Connor and I re-entered the annual scootic Derby to see if we could finally bring home the win within the first few hours of casting things were looking up bass were biting and we had ourselves a solid and Saucy seven fish limits once we acquired our Smalley sack we headed to the weigh-in only to find that our two biggest fish were dead which sucks as is but sucks even more that our dead fish penalty knocked us down a half pound and kicked us out of the money spot yet again now that I've caught you up on the scootic Smallmouth Derby Saga let's open up a new chapter an attempt once more to bring home the hardware and get the dub once and for all we've made it T minus one hour until we get things kicked off it is Derby time I already see a couple boats dropping in let's get a little Redemption I just need to check over the underside of the boat for any milfoil or anything like that sure sounds good cool thanks pull up right now gotcha I'll keep this nope cool all set yeah thank you appreciate it yeah absolutely thank you guys we're uh bow number one no 26. it's not bad I think 27 boats yeah so at least we're not in the tiller at least we're not in the tiller oh my gosh words cannot simply describe how excited I am right now it is what annual tournament is this is this the 10th is we're at the fifth annual scootic stop what's so funny this is serious we are at the fifth annual scootic smallmouth bass Derby this is the third time I fished this the first time I came in three minutes late I lost three pounds of fish I lost a whole three pounder the second time Connor and I fished together we accidentally killed three fish so we lost a ton of weight this time show them what you got there we got the Catch and Release Connor has brought himself a needle which I believe he got from a guy at a gas station this morning there we go we got a fizzer and we have a 250 Merc on the back no 90 horsepower tiller so we are going to keep those fish alive we're gonna cook back this is exciting it's a big turnout 30 boats basically this is a story of an angler a couple of Anglers who have time and time again been shafted from getting first place we're out for blood this time as you can tell we're taking this very seriously it's going to be a smallmouth only Derby seven fish limit doing it the old main way quite the competition we were boat number 26 the conditions are beautiful Connor let's get that Hardware cuz let's get that check throwing ones on them smallies I'll be tossing them blue face hundreds on them smallies run up a check 26 let's go let's go a lot hang on to your wieners all righty come on I Gotta Throw probably the same always do a little late on getting the rods out today bud jeez oh look that's a nice one it's going right down on you that's a good one that's them a little yeah what sorry we just got each other oh wow that's not good oh wow that's really not good oh wow oh wow quite the start gang should we just cut that whole thing that is rough oh and of course there's an absolute egg out there that kind of like makes sense for how we were looking this morning with the glasses here's what we're gonna do with this you take your rod and I'll take them out and we'll throw it in the lake together that is the most just dude just break the scissors out it's that's a goner okay cool so I'm still oh nice good start going to River's head oh not really kind of missed them this one might be yeah that'll probably help us oh my God it's not even it's a lake trout who could never catch one of these things like just messing around I was like yeah those are some weird head Chicks first mama not too many bass tournaments of fish where uh I accidentally catch a lake trout wrong species but kind of a cool little catch every time I try to come out here and actually catch these lake trout I can't do it but now that we're fishing a small Derby of course I've got a late trout great eating going back in the water dummy what is the water temp usually during these Derbies this is the hottest I've seen it which is weird yeah oh my God he instantly heard that one not a giant but we'll take them close to your side it's not bad but we'll take them spitting up a bunch of food well it is our first fish of the day it has been an exceptionally gnarly grind out here but we have our first key for hopefully this is officially call we definitely need like seven three Pounders this is a high two I'm gonna put them in the box let's see I'm gonna this one's gonna be number lucky number seven small side she goes this morning we had an interesting start I guess we're sharing the spot is that what's going on here [Music] dude did that were us doing to someone else those young guys have no respect we were fishing a spot that was absolutely loaded with giants which is by the way right here now and uh some a couple of fine and sweet and tender gentlemen snuck right in on us I they were so close that I was getting interference with my graph from their Pinger from their 360. so uh it was weird there's a lot of big fish there and they're back on that spot in as are we so things might get a little awkward regardless the good news is we gotta fish the Box we need sex more and really we need seven more that fish needs to get out of there let's go get some three Pounders that's an absolute grind out here it's freaking 9am and we just now got our first fish struggle let me try something real quick let me get over once every time that bait hits the water that's when they check it out so I wonder if maybe I don't know there's one okay I'm gonna try he's right under it let's pop her on us no way it's a good one too you just got to keep trying cool dude I mean I was like this might be really dumb but let's try it feet of water 25 feet of water popper fish might go three let's yeah it was pretty crazy oh yeah I might go three all right tying a little popper dude how weird is this so this is a testament as to why you have to mess around with different tactics we're right behind our our best friends right here which cut us off in the morning really really uh cool dudes that cut us off this morning those guys out there hoping they can hear us because they're pretty close anyway we're behind them and you were fishing behind them right now I'm thinking myself they're probably throwing the exact same thing we are they're probably throwing freaking you know drop shots and single swimmers and those are great techniques if the Smallmouth haven't seen them all day so I noticed that when I was throwing my swimbait in the water what would get them to check the bait out was the initial Splash so I'm thinking myself all right well what else makes a good Splash is a popper 30 feet of water I threw that popper First cast over a fish that I saw in livescope and he came out of basically 24 all the way up to the surface to crush this thing so hopefully we can actually pattern this because these fish really don't want what we're throwing but I'm gonna figure something out that was crazy that's nuts dude slaughtered it I don't know we got two fish let's go let's see what happens here I wish there's a little bit oh he ate it I wasn't paying attention dude I'm looking at live scope okay this is crazy I don't know if I should do fast good one giant Giant Giant popper in 30 feet baby let's go I got you we got plenty of straight up we've got plenty of poppers my man's oh it's a good one man oh it's a good one put them in the net you sure about that you sure you're catching them on the swimmer you sure about that I don't care I'll put it right in my hand s no I won't even touch it wouldn't even touch a jerk fade charge it but not eat it that might not be a bad idea to throw Behind These fish because they were charging they just weren't oh my gosh it's so wild I know just gotta keep it going yeah it's a good fish just pop I did not have them good it's all good keep going right here it's a big one there you go ready let me let me not me stop jumping man oh come on give me some Nookies bro let's go come on hey man hey man that's good stuff dude ain't nothing better than Babe Ruth and a fish actually I can think of one thing better than Babe Ruth in a fish is Babe Ruth and a fish with a popper in 20 feet of water surrounded by a bunch of other boats that are picking their wieners and getting snagged all we need is eight more fish for a limit seem to be a little bit more aggressive in groups here we go Giant he just nipped it oh my God that was insane bro that was insane I'm right here I got six pound testimony I gotta be super careful right here come get me come get me oh boy she's broke yeah I shouldn't have said anything about the mono I needed that smoke too that's okay keep pushing dude about to get hit foreign I think we just need to both keep throwing it man I don't know that's all they want even blind cast of course got that one hooked real well 12 pound test so I can force them in a little bit better yeah that's not a big one at all we'll take it though we are I believe two away from a limit and what sucks is I lost two nice fish today that would have really helped us out but we figured out the pattern what is going on here I got freaking mono all up my ass blooper they're crushing it not a big one but let's put them in the box regardless big ones coming up coming up coming up [Music] good good one good one good one giant let me let me dude stop that stop that man I hate when they do that you got him nice thank you finally got a good one hey man just throw that popper I'm telling you it's boring as but they're good ones and it's the only thing we can get a damn bite on right now number six this is crazy man the only thing we can really get them to engage on is a popper and well I'm not complaining many fish in that box right now okay okay let's check it out oh he might steal you no way oh do you see that look at the Wake under it he's he just kissed it I got him another one yeah nice one dude nice one nice one nice one dude he just kiss there did you get that killed that was insane please stay on Darwin please stay on it's a good one it's a good one man I literally just I just flipped the freaking popper at him it's a good fish I don't know let's go those three powder take them another three pounder that's that's our limit right there oh you find out here's mine oh my God don't call for sure that's a good one though that'll call for us I'll definitely cool just a lonesome little dragonfly eater out there in the above it's all good you got it nice thanks man of course this one gets hooked so well but like four Pounders apparently it's like that we got him all right well we just got a nice one this is gonna help our call not a three pounder but it is a good fish this is our smallest we're getting rid of him thank you little dude keep alive in there they just got hooked in the Gill pretty bad of course the freaking two Pounders get hooked super good and then the five Pounders and the four Pounders come right off it's weird you guys are probably wondering why we have seven fish in our live well a lot of these main tournaments up here if you've never fished them they are um some fish limits especially with teams of two they don't normally do seven fish limits if it's just individual term it's like like you know if it's just you fishing but if it's you and a buddy generally they do seven fish limits and I believe in some areas there's no limit on smallmouth which is insane that that goes for Maine that's because there's a North and South Region I think the North Region There's No Limit first North but I'm an idiot don't quote me on that all right with cold let's keep cranking what happened oh sorry big one ate the single swimmer yeah I hate this single swimming nice grab dude that was sick oh nice grab I don't know if he's gonna help us too too much but that one ate it instantly dude there we have it I believe this is going to be another call for us solid three pounder that one not on the blooper that was on a little tiny basically a crappy swim bait the these are these are fish that are hovered over small right now so therefore we're throwing tiny stuff big smallies little bites something a little different opposed to a blooper bass we'll take them uh okay this one's probably gonna die should I just no no that one yeah this one's not looking good should I call this one that's not looking good spotter one way to get these fish back to health because sometimes they won't do a good reliable is to put a little bit of catch and release on there and then also put some ice in there just kind of make sure that the fish are fine this water is 78 degrees for Texas that's not that warm but for Maine that's very warm and these are these are cold water small like they they're coming out of like 20 feet of water so it's good to make sure that they're doing good I'm gonna put a little bit more of this that's the small one awesome he's gone so the first it's not looking good in the well and uh I mean it's just because they're so cool and we call them so let's keep going I'm gonna put some more icing there you think yeah two nice ones and I think that lack of chop really uh that chop was helping us it's a good one it's a good one good one giant giant giant stop that stop that stop that stop that in the map let's go that's a good end we'll take that all day oh my call Tech you have cold tags or no okay damn okay so that one's gone this is the smallest one it's a 3-1 I'm pretty sure it'll go in real quick though so throw the Dead one out so keep the live one I you just spoke Spanish to me I'm so bad it's a quarter of a pound so it'd be like 2.75 okay and this one's two eight four okay so keep so throw this guy out yeah so normally in tournaments you can't call dead fish but in man you can and this is unfortunate but I am trying my best to keep these fish alive and sometimes this does happen he won't go away so put them back in the water and he'll be part of the ecosystem crawfish or I don't know something we'll eat them but thanks for playing I guess bye you're on yeah got him good one good one yeah talk to me oh that might go that might no no try just check because it might be what we have a 2 8 in there yeah okay could be turned on that was sick back to back back to freaking back not gonna help the cause but still an epic moment got him big one big one big one let me let me guys pick one big one big one big one big one big one big one big one made a ride on the boat why take one get on there four pounder well not quite probably high three but it's a good fish we'll take them and that's a call let's go baby here just take my rod and catch these fish you you you you got this dude you got this give us a five pounder I don't know if we're gonna win but dude we're putting on a performance much better than last year let's go buddy this dead one's like three pounds I'm gonna call him we just made our last call we've got a couple minutes left that was an absolute buzzer beater catch we got all five alive we have all seven alive I should say and uh we got some squirmy brown meat in there damn dude never thought I'd say that out loud anyway let's keep cranking final moments of the derb feeling pretty good we got I think all three Pounders now seven three Pounders which is a pretty hefty limit I don't know if you get a dub worthy bag but we fought violently today I mean for the first two hours two and a half hours we'd have a single keeper so we're doing all right I uh I think we can probably call one more time here honestly we're in an area where there's tons of smelt and I'm just gonna tie a little swimbait on and see if maybe that will do the trick it's been a day though come on keep them down cause oh it's a begging oh it's a big one come on Connor come on let's put them on spot lock you're good come on really bad oh yeah good job dude I'm gonna go I'm gonna keep going that's close to four it's damn close man dude these are some studs there's some studs buzzer Peter bass let's go I hope you guys feel the hype we're feeling right now it is absolutely insane it is 2 38 right now we gotta probably go in like 10 minutes but we're on a school of Giants and 26 feet of water here let me drop let me drop the net was that better you think you wanted that let's go let's go let's go let's go this way oh let's look heavier for sure I know it's plugged this is the Dilemma every freaking year is this one I think figuring out this is 3 15. Let's measure this one real quick this one's gone what is 350 this is 350 that's three three four eight this one's gone right yeah last call of the day I'll buy Smallmouth be freaking yeah you want to I mean what time is it here we got like five minutes maybe five minutes five minutes and I'll I'll ask how far are we not far or far okay two minutes router let's go we're leaving fish but we don't have time so it is what it is [Music] [Laughter] I go get fishy on baby I go get fishy I want to get on the boat shout out to the family for coming through on the way this is the second way and they came in a kind of fished a tournament was like a month ago didn't film it two weekends ago I didn't film it but we won so that was cool and Kaylee Malibu showed up got a good support team at the very least you get any big small mouth while I was gone she said your boat's floating away dude hey man you're both floating away time for the weigh-in let's weigh our our sack of fish all alive seven alive baby attached he was bounced good fish look at that meat there's four I think there's nine more in here top per and 30 feet of water they're eating mayflies I think anything what's that oh yeah dude it's way cooler than like throwing drop shot at live scope fish you know I feel like we got a good sack I don't know if we're in contention for first but uh like I keep saying we all live fish we came in on time we're improving and uh we got a good sack because they're definitely the biggest sack that Connor and I have ever had at this Derby but yeah it's been a lot of fun this is a really really cool event fishy fishy fishy fishy all right start pulling them out yep a couple small threes he's a bigger last one again she goes oh yes [Applause] we'll take it man that's pretty good I like it foreign thank you guys appreciate it all right let's go dump them back thank you yeah oh we're gonna hold our fish up send them back Connor 24 pounds best year I've had out here not first place but good job ready all right we are sending our smallies back making sure they revive they've had a long day of biting our poppers eating our swim baits wow this is like a juggling match right now I've got so many fish in my hands that middle one's that middle one might be good this left one's trying just this guy is bronzy there he goes see you later bud we're getting our very last fish to revive it's so important that these guys live to be honest the seven fish limit my opinion is not the way to go but it is just the way the event is one also interesting thing um that you guys should be aware of is that the state of Maine is trying to ban all catch and release tournaments in the northern region and they want to basically turn into a kill only tournament so in other words today in theory if that law gets passed if that Bill gets passed then every single fish caught today which would have been close to probably 70 fish 80 fish would all die anywhere between you know one pound to five pounds so I'll leave a link down below as to where you guys can help there's a petition it's very important that you know these fish live and we put them through a lot of stress and you want to take the time to make sure they revive and go back down there and we can catch them next year catch a release it works it's proven and uh there's been so many times where I've literally caught a fish multiple years in a row because uh you know you just try your best and handling them let's see if this guy can make it and we'll be on our way [Music] see you later buddy fifth place baby we did it we finally got into the money I can't believe it here I am holding my uh my envelope soaked in cheeseburger grease and then here is uh what was 180 but before it's kind of nice to split it so I'm 90 richer which by the way it's probably what I spent on gas food ice baits you get to just regardless this was an amazing and fun experience we got to catch fish in probably one of the coolest and most unique ways ever aside from us getting Fifth and getting a little bit of change and also getting to hang out with my buddy Connor it was fun to just catch him on a popper in 30 feet of water I don't know how well I I did a touching base on what we're using but this is it this right here is what God had done yes we did catch I think two of our Keepers on a little tiny swimmer but we would have not figured out these bass and what kind of mood they're in without the tiny popper it was windy it was cloudy it was choppy it was hot the fish were in freaking 35 people I think the deepest fish I got on the popper was suspended in 40 feet it's craziness but this is the setup it's a little seven foot actually this is a 610 medium light action finesse Rod we had this we had the six pound mono on there so it floats it's a little more translucent rather than going straight braid I had to bump it up to eight because I kept breaking off but yeah there we have it we finally did it the scootic Saga in a way comes to a close we may fish next year we may not I don't know I'm pretty content with fifth I'd like to get first but the competition was was for real I mean Tyler Williamson opens Pro is fishing this one so it's like what the hell am I doing at this Derby I'm gonna get my ass kicked we held our own though shout out to Connor shout out to Caleb for making it happen and shout out to the folks for putting on the scootic Smallmouth charity Derby it's for a really good cause and yeah I love fishing them hopefully you guys watch them thanks for viewing and we'll catch on the next one as always wieners keep fishing never stop
Channel: Jon B.
Views: 232,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, survial, camping, outdoors, cooking, fish, bass, lures, travel, traveling
Id: 9YpiEHjtqVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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