Solo Mum’s Stunning Ultra Spacious Tiny Home ❤️

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when you ask most people why they chose to build a tiny house the answer is normally freedom freedom from high overheads freedom to make different choices in life freedom to choose where you want to be in the world and that's exactly the case with this next inspiring woman who built the most Exquisite tiny home for her and her daughter [Music] hey Kirsty how are you hi so good it's lovely to meet you what a beautiful home you've got here thank you it's absolutely lovely it's like a safe nurturing beautiful spot in the peaceful Bush so gorgeous position for it too oh the sun is just so beautiful in the morning like I can sit on my laptop working and be like in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of winter which is amazing absolutely and the orchard here is just dreamy oh the orchard is just so beautiful like Emmy can pick fresh mandarins off the tree we can run out and grab limes off the tree for dinner or we've even been doing the edible weeds like we Harvest chick weed that grows under them as well so I'll be cooking a stir fry and she'll go out and grab some chickweed have some fresh greens and stuff on our dinners and so yeah it's magical it's so magical absolutely and what an incredible place for the young one oh so amazing yeah one of my really good friends has just moved in the cottage next door with her four-year-old and then another family with their four-year-old and one and a half year old so kids just have the best time this is the village we're doing the village perfect I love it how was it that you found the parking spot so I focus a lot on my visualizations what I want to create and how I wanted to feel when I was living in my tiny house and then I posted all over Facebook I did a photo of me and Emmy and I said this is us we love organic gardening and we want to be around like-minded people and being my amazing friend Molly connected me with Alice came out and had to walk around and the kids just ran around and played and here we are perfect here you are perfect you made it happen yeah we made it happen and what was the inspiration behind building the tiny house I grew up on a farm in Danny Burke and just loved the expansiveness of living in a rural space and then when I separated from my partner a year and a half ago it was just the obvious next step for me to be able to live the rural lifestyle and then have the freedom of owning my own tiny house and you've created such a nice outdoor area as well with your veggie gardens and the fire pit thank you I wanted to get the veg patch in for me to feel like grounded and happy in my spot I need some vegetables although they've really struggled over the with all the rain and stuff but feels good to have it in I did a trade with the Byron Bay Gardener that was living here so I did some business coaching with him and he built this amazing garden bed for me which is wicked then the fire pit is actually Alice the neighbors she brought it over so we've become the fire pit bonfire place so everyone comes here for marshmallows that's a nice role to have it is really yeah so I always have to have a giant pack of marshmallows in my house and now can we talk about the house what size is it yeah so this is it's three meters wide by 8.4 long and 4.3 high it's very striking with its all black exterior yeah yeah I love that it's just like fresh and modern and yeah we've got like the black outdoor furniture and I've just stained my steps a darker color you know so I love it all ties in it all ties in and it's very open with all of the glazing as well yeah like these are all bi-folding windows like every morning it gives me great joy to open up all of my windows into this beautiful sunshine I'm sure it does well they can't wait to see inside the home can we take a look yeah come on in thank you oh what a lovely spacious home this is thank you I love the feeling of you know expansiveness and having the Big Tool roof when you walk in just feels really open and yeah it's quite interesting because when you do walk into a tiny house that has the sort of really high roof it does feel way more expensive than when you're used to sort of walking into a conventional say 2.4 meter stud height home because you do have that extra height and it does just really all expand out around you doesn't it yeah absolutely and one of my favorite Parts was adding in my beautiful plants like I love my plants so it gave me great joy being able to hang them and put them all up and yeah that was an extra add-on getting them up there and in my place to be like surrounded by plants and super greens so nice and I love the way the stairs are done in this house too that actually makes for quite a nice feature doesn't it it's amazing and the storage Under the Stairs is just like it's more storage than I had in my last like proper house so the storage under the the stairs is just really clever and then yeah have them going up to the two Loft bedrooms is yeah it's perfect and expensive kitchen design in this home too yeah it's really clever I wanted a space where you could sit and have the bench seats as well as like lots of kitchen space full-size fridge and oven and I love my bow footing windows that open up that look out and yeah it's everything I need there's so much storage and then really clever the washing machine is tucked in away and they're all there as well so perfect what a good design and plenty of space to work in this kitchen oh so much space we have had I think the most people for dinner there was nine people here for dinner and in the winter so yeah I think the kids are all upstairs and then we can do roll feeding along here and then there's a pull out table custom-made beautiful pull out table that can go up here around the couch as well that's a lovely feature yes yeah so there is yeah hand built by Chris that is a great feature it's so important to have the ability to host people in a home isn't it oh absolutely for me I've hosted more people here than what I did in my last home just because of the bonfire in the town kids and my friends like they love coming out and so we do um a Tuesday night dinner either here at one of my friends houses it's all like yeah we all get together every Tuesday night that's so nice and speaking of the lounge again this is just so spacious and I love the way you've got this huge wrap around couch I love the couch because I think I can fit more friends here than I could in my other place and this we call this the book Nook so we read books here in the sun which is really amazing yeah I covered the couch myself like I've done all the soft Furnishings myself which was really satisfying like going to Spotlight and choosing the beautiful green Fabric and then buying all the cushions so it feels like deeply fulfilling to have done it and created it you know done the soft finishings myself absolutely yeah and then this turns into a double bed and all of the storage under here like I've got a whole one spear so I've got like excess storage it's essential isn't it yeah no television here though yeah we don't have a TV I haven't had a TV now probably for seven or eight years which has been really amazing for me yeah great job yeah and I obviously watch you guys YouTube channel and a few other amazing channels on YouTube but yeah otherwise not having a TV or like being able to consciously choose what you watch rather than just watch like the least worst thing on a TV is like really important yeah I totally get it and with this Lounge design way more important than television is all of these windows which just gives you the most beautiful view onto the orchard yeah it's incredible and my friend ashka makes this gorgeous like window crystals so you get the when the sun shines through them all of the rainbows all around the house and the black beans and stuff so yeah it's very magical beautiful yeah and can we have a look in the bathroom yeah come on in let's go hey this is really nicely done I love all the timber in here yeah thank you it's a beautiful feature and my plant shelves I'm all about my my Greenery and you know bringing The Greenery in and the timber is really warm I love how this floating shelf I can store my towels under here which is amazing and yeah it's actually really spacious yeah definitely adds so much character to the space as well you can tell this is a very hand crafted bathroom eh yeah the Builder has done an incredible job on it and everything is just so well thought out yeah yeah and you've got the composting toilet there I love it like that was one of the things like probably most people are apprehensive about right sure but honestly it's like the most satisfying thing pooping into a bucket it's so satisfying which is like my friends just crack up at me I'm like honestly I love it it just feels really satisfying to know you know but yeah it's fully normal now for us yeah and you've got really great sized shower here yeah the shower is huge and Amy can have a bath in there I've got a big tub that we fill out for her and she sits in there having a great time so big beautiful shower and upstairs we've got the sleeping Lofts can we check those out yeah let's go let's go foreign this is so cute yeah Emmy loves it and when she first walked up the stairs and first ever came in here she said mummy we live in the clouds oh and you do you've got the most amazing Treehouse views from up here looking out over the gorgeous blossoms yeah it's stunning Emmy's got the best views in her room out over the Orchard and then this side up through the valley as well and how old is Amy now she's four and a half and three quarters if you ask her she'll say she's four and a half and three quarters exactly kids just love sleeping Lofts don't they yeah it's so exciting for her and I think like every time her friends come up to climb up the stairs and be in the safe little beautiful Nook and she's got everything that she needs yeah lots of space for all of her toys and to play up here as well there's so much storage and she's got a couple of toy storage downstairs but the kids will literally play up here for hours which is just so nice yeah yeah what would you say the secret to successfully parenting in a tiny houses it's simplicity so for us we had the day off together the other day and I said to her what do you want to do today you know we can go anywhere we can do anything and she said I want to stay at home so we cruised around the land went and picked some avocados and picked some flowers for the neighbors and you know so it's the Simplicity of having everything we need here and not leaving yeah I totally understand that and your loft is over the other side can we take a look at that yeah sure let's go all right the walkway you've got here is actually really nice and Tall isn't it yeah this is a added feature that I wanted to be able to stand up and walk in here so it's great it just feels like a normal bedroom yeah and just the whole house I love the way that you've decorated everything the plants the crystals the books perfect combination yeah absolutely thank you they are probably my three favorite things and can't have too many of them right absolutely not and you've continued the theme with your bed spread as well yeah absolutely I love plants I love the green even my sneakers have like plants on them and my boots have like flowers and plants from them so can't go wrong with that and the bid's huge too yeah so this is actually a king bed my friend and neighbor Ruth encouraged me to get a king bed and it fits easily I love having all the space it feels super luxurious and you don't have to yeah I can have a king bed and a Thai House you can't beat a king bed yeah absolutely really nice full wardrobe up here too yes so this is all my clothing is in here and yeah it's everything I need it's perfect if I buy something new I will give something else away just to keep everything flowing so yeah yeah and again lovely the way that you've got the windows up here beautiful cross ventilation yeah the windows up here are great one of my favorite things in the morning Amy will end up in my bed throughout the night and I love leaning over here and opening this curtain and the view like when you're laying back across the trees and looking up at the birds there is just amazing yeah beautiful one of the things that I love in this design that is so important is especially when you're sharing the house with your daughter is you both have completely shutting doors up here as well so you've got that privacy when you need it yeah that was really important for us both to have our enclosed spaces with the closed doors and everything yeah and how long have you been living in the home now it's about four months we moved into the end of March and it has been quite wet since we've been here yeah yeah but having these last few beautiful weeks of winter sunshine and now that the mud has gone yeah we love it this weather has been playing havoc on everyone lately it's made things so difficult but the home looks great everything is beautifully set up how is Tiny House life working out for you I adore it like it's so much more amazing than I ever could have imagined we've got everything that we need here it's our beautiful safe nurturing space we love having our friends here we've got an incredible Village it is epic it's amazing so this place is our beautiful safe nurturing Haven but for me what's deeper than that is like my number one value the most important thing for me is my freedom so freedom of time being able to choose what I want to do when I do it like where does my energy want to flow today what do I need where do I want to go and so I have absolute freedom from running my own business from home to be able to design my whole life around that so it's like I don't even want to go on holiday because like I'm already living this incredible life here you know and what is it about the tiny house that has exceeded your expectation so the house itself is just so easeful to live in and we have so much storage and so much space yeah but then this parking spot like being part of this amazing Village and having my really good friend and her daughter just moved in the cottage next door so being part of a village and a community yeah that Community aspect in life is just so important isn't it and it's something we really miss so much from Western society and I love that the tiny house movement to a degree is reclaiming that for us a bit Yeah it totally is because because meals flow between everyone's houses so sometimes you might have all three or four kids or sometimes you will not have any but it's beautiful for them to be old enough to be able to flow and have that kind of Independence yeah life done together is easier oh 100 yeah yeah we love it and can we talk about the cost that was involved in building your home so this was 190 and I got a few extras with the doors and the closed and walls so it's 200. nice and easy yep super easy I feel so empowered knowing that this is my home you know yeah it's beautiful for 200 000 this is a really great result you've got a beautiful spacious home here for that don't you thank you it's everything that we could have dreamed of so now the home's complete and you're all moved in what does the future hold for you now what's next we are going to pop in a spa pool here nice it's gonna be magical to sit out at night under the stars and listen to the more porks like being outside at night here is just so calming and beautiful yeah and we just planted Ruth's Gardens out with garlic organic garlic and so we want to get more um Community Gardens going up there so it'll be getting the vegetables in the ground and growing some food as well as getting friends out here camping in the summer and we've been hosting ecstatic dance with one of the other neighbors so it would be really cool to have some you know ecstatic dances out here Barefoot on the grass cool what an amazing journey well Kirsty I love your home this really is the most beautiful Vision that you have perfectly manifested for you and your daughter thank you so much for sharing it with me thank you it's been a pleasure to have you guys here a total full circle moment because I've been watching your guys channel for like well over seven or eight years so that's so cool yeah it's awesome oh it's lovely to be here thank you you can really tell that Kirsty is a person who loves and values her freedom and I love that building this tiny house has given that to both her and her daughter this really is the most incredible place that they now call home foreign [Music]
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 713,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny home, tiny house tour, solo mum tiny house, tiny house design, tiny house living, architecture, home design, living big in a tiny house, tiny house community
Id: 0MJO21IpHks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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