45K Inspiring Tiny Home! | Solo Female has perfect Tiny House in Australian forest

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hi I'm Louise um I live near bellingen in New South Wales and I've worked as a professional organizer all my life and I've done a lot of traveling and so I've learned how to live with less and for various reasons I've reached the age that I have and I don't have a lot of money for a whole house but actually don't have a desire for one either so my idea is exactly what you see here it's about 7.9 meters long 2.5 meters wide it's actually 2.489 actual width so it's just inside the leaner limit and it's 4.3 from the from the Grand at the highest point lots of Windows and very tall doors this darling little fellow here cost half what the entire Window and Door budget was for this um tiny house but I wanted it because of course it gives that amazing ability to have an inside outside type of thing it's probably a little bit low and if I have my time again I might drop this deck because these are actually two separate decks again the friend who built it being a designer actually designer they could be assembled in an hour and disassembled in an hour so we built one and then he said I think I've got an even better idea let's build another one so I think if I think about it in the future I might drop this one down so we've got a bit more head height here but I mean it's fine for me these are a bit taller than usual just and by or not byfold triple panels for obviously that whole sense of and we designed it again so the floor is completely level so there's a real sense when you sit inside of living inside outside got a beautiful double picture window down here which leads out to a beautiful view of the property my goodness it needs a clean though doesn't it yeah and I mean although I like to live fairly simply that doesn't mean I am a minimalist I do still like having the few things that I have around me in in my space but I don't have a lot of stuff we as you might find with most tiny houses designed the kitchen to be both a corridor to the bathroom but also access to the loft upstairs and lots and lots of storage I live in a tiny home because I value living with less I'm a Keen recycler I love quality and Purpose Driven acquisition and I think that the combination of all of that is worse as well as working as a professional organizer means that I'm just the perfect person for living in a small space well I was running out of money um I owned a house with my now ex-husband and we sold it property prices in the local area went through the roof and I have actually was reflecting upon this the other day and I realized that um I have been minimizing for quite some time now but I don't know that I actually intended to shoot for a tiny house until it became apparent that I wasn't going to be able to afford a house in the area that would have been what actually did it and now really I can't think of any other way that I'd rather be I certainly wouldn't want to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into a house that doesn't offer me a whole lot more than this I don't keep anything unless it's absolutely useful and it knows exactly where it lives and I just have a spot something for everything somewhere for everything and they're all just the same those now this these are my junk drawers in as much as their tools whoops tools for still I've got a bit of building to do this is my sweet little fridge which I I think is perfect I'm a single woman and it's you know a small fridge just doesn't work I don't need a big fridge this is perfect this is sort of um vacuum cleaner luggage spare linen out of season clothes that type of thing this is my wardrobe which would send most people most women a bit crazy because there's it's only 70 centimeters wide but most of the things I've got I fold and again I use dividers to keep things organized so I wouldn't my my wardrobe is probably something when everything else is complete I'd like to do a bit more of a blitz and get some new clothes and get rid of a few more things that I'm not wearing oh I've got my washing machine of course which I couldn't live without you know I mean it's small but it's got everything I just love it and this is my little bathroom if you'd like to wander in and have a look it's got a one meter Square shower so it's a little bit bigger than you standard chair we've got louvers here that and I've got they're frosted down here so I can't be seen from out there but you know I feel like I'm connected to the outdoor so I love that I think that some of the benefits of this lifestyle are keeping easy to keep clean you don't lose things you don't have stash spots where things can be lost so you can stay on top of things I actually think a key benefit would be being able to literally just lock the door and be able to go away and not worry about the property in particular I know that's probably true of most houses but um it just feels small and neat and easy to do um yeah and as I said living you know I my annual weekly turnover is negligible because I'm not buying things to fill a space I don't need to spend a lot of money on cleaning equipment or products or anything like that everything is smaller and as a result you know I'm semi-retired and that suits me in terms of challenges I would say the only challenge that we had was getting the trailer trying to get the trailer organized because the build itself was Sensational the gentleman who built it my friend is really fast and very capable so it went very speedily I've lived on my own for a number of years now but I don't think I've been this happy for a long time it really what I love this home was built for me and so I think if you've got an idea about the sort of place that you'd like if you can manifest that then the joy that that represents is with me every single day and and you know even if I were in a situation where I might be tempted to live somewhere else I would never let this go I don't believe even though I'm good at letting things go because it literally is exactly what I wanted and it gives me an enormous pleasure and I think that's the key is is trying to shoot for what you want a lot of Windows a lot of ventilation and really good insulation I probably I see some tiny houses that have got they they sacrifice windows for I don't know maybe it's Wall Storage or I'm not quite sure but I like to be you know for me to be able to see the outdoors I feel like I'm living in a much bigger space and insulation of course winter or summer is going to be a great thing to have so um Terence conran who is one of my design gurus he would say that the two most important things with that designing any living space is lighting and flooring we did a bit of research for the toilet and actually this was one that came up with great reviews it's made by a company called virotech they've got an Australian operation and I have to say I give them six stars for customer service but the toilet itself is nice looking it has a fan which operates 24 7 but it's it's pretty silent but even if the power goes out and the fan stops um it doesn't smell in the tiny house given that we've got you know no distance at all I think that's that's a great product it's a very simple kitchen I'm I have a philosophy in life I like to eat food that takes the same amount of time to prepare as a Texas cook as it takes to eat so I've actually only got one cooking surface an induction cooktop I do have a barbecue outside if I need to do a roast or apparently you can make cakes in them but I I ate a lot of salad a lot of fruit salad um of course I love eating a steak or you know I'm certainly not vegetarian but I cook meals for my dad every day and I manage with that I manage really well with that and I love it because it's easy to clean you can see from looking around that I'm quite a clean individual and I I mean there's no better spot to do your dishes than to to look at over a view like that it was in the vicinity of forty five thousand dollars now that's it's a steel construction fully steel construction um with double skin insulation throughout heavy duty steel beams on the roof because we live under major trees and over the bed area more frequent and particularly heavy duty screens and a sheet of cream safe above the bed so that if anything falls down it's not coming to get me um that window as I mentioned was three thousand six hundred and fifty dollars and then of course the doors and so on the people who own the property have got a very extensive solar um story um both on their house and another little cabin on the property um and whilst I don't think generally I think that may help run these items but at the moment we've worked out it's costing me seven dollars a week to run the tiny house now that will change in winter when I put that electric panel heating on but I mean that's practically nothing and then as far as water is concerned you can see a little pump over there in that tiny little Pump House it's all comes from under the ground we built it with economy in mind as in um the designer was extremely particular to to annotate everything that was required to get literally the last shred of paneling to not have to buy an extra sheet or a bit of Steel to be able to use something so although it's really well built we had almost no rubbish left after the build it wasn't recyclable it was a fantastic project it's I've got it fully documented but it was a really brilliant project the tiny was originally designed to have built-in bed probably a single bed here and cupboards but you know when it comes down to it at my age this is everything I've got and I don't these items of furniture were handmade from Ashley by the gentleman who built the tiny house but they're 35 years old and that came across with my great auntie Margaret you know 50 years ago from Scotland so I don't I didn't want everything to be built in I know it looks a little bit probably busier than some people's houses but it suits me because I can look around and see that each and everything that I've got on display has personal meaning for me I just love it I just I I'm literally brought to tears I can often just sit here and I thank my lucky stars definitely start paring down your possessions um because I I work as a professional organizer I'm extremely skilled at it I've been moving all my life I don't have any junk and I still had to get rid of stuff to move in here and the idea of getting a tiny house and then having a storage container anyway that's not my way of doing it I don't really subscribe to that but just starting every day just like at some some days when I first started moving and I would just say I'm getting rid of three things today it doesn't matter how big they are just three things um so yeah and then keeping some kind of a ideas board for the sorts of things that really appeal to you and maybe a list of suppliers that you really like like if you find a toilet that you think is going to work or a construction method that you like or a tiny house Builder that you get a lot of I would definitely look for reviews if you're getting any work done by anyone outside of you know your own personal family of friends read the reviews because they can save you a lot of trouble the beautiful thing about tiny houses I reckon is that they suit a lot of people they suit um single people obviously men or women they suit older people which can be a real burn you know for someone such as myself who took a financial hit when things changed when I was divorced they can suit young couples because they can own their own home without having to necessarily pay for a mortgage straight up some people actually manage to make them work with children not my cup of tea but some people love it and look it but it can suit all sorts of different people I think that's what I really love about it and it's a kind of necessity by our housing crisis which is actually a really joyful necessity is the way I'd like to see it a lot of people do a lot of people once they've lived in a tiny house are not in a hurry to go back to a big house so it's just a nice easy step up and then the idea is as I get into the top here I could hit the top but of course I'm already in in bed by then whoops but yep come on over it beautiful views and lovely fly screen ventilation up here so it's and that's basically and look I wouldn't really even have those things up here but I I probably need to get rid of a couple of things I really just want this to be a sleeping space the tiny was designed with really good flow through ventilation so you can feel the breeze coming through the top here now and down there and I've got a fan so it's never hot and look I'm not usually up here during the day um but at night time it's never been an issue and the only heating I've got is a little wall panel over there on the far Corner electric heater which I only installed towards because I only moved in at the end of last winter and I I think it's going to be exactly what I need I just needed some curtains a little bit more window treatment but if anything this is nice and cozy when I come to bed to live with less touched the planet lightly and most importantly more above and beyond any possessions our personal relationships to to take care and give love and be kind much more you know I love quality things I love things but they're nothing in the end I was running women's tours to the south of France if you look up all things French you'll find my um my website and social media and the idea is to kick off those tours again next year so if you're looking for a trip to the south of France all things french.com thanks for watching and if you enjoyed this video please share it with a friend also if you want to watch more alternative dwellings we've got a playlist popping up right here and we release new episodes every single Sunday so consider subscribing
Channel: Different Media.
Views: 473,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, van life, living in a van, realty of #vanlife, vanlife documentary, tiny house, tiny home, tiny home tours, living big in a tiny home
Id: eaxpWfSsSbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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