A Tiny House For GIANTS - Even I Can Stand Up In This Loft!

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if you love tiny homes but i'm not such a fan of the idea of crawling into a sleeping loft then you are going to love this next design because here we've found a tiny house we're in the loft even i can stand up [Music] good day angus how's it going man yeah good yourself very well thank you it's great to meet you and dude what an incredible setup you have here yeah no it took a bit to get here if we started nine months ago we brought this home and put it up here but yeah finally coming together a couple more little items to do and we're there fantastic so first of all what was it that inspired you to build a tiny house so sort of it goes back to my business plans and that of moving around so the tiny house sort of works out quite well because we can pack up and move on and then it also gave us options down the road if we wanted to build our own house we've got the tiny house on the property we can live in that build our own property and then move in and either rent the tiny house out or on sell it but yeah now that we've been living in it nine months sort of thing we're not really in a rush to go any bigger it's everything we need and more so yeah it's a bit of a lifestyle so you live in a tiny house but you have since actually started your business which is moving tiny houses can you tell me about that yeah so before i brought this home i carted caravans and cars and stuff sort of all around the country really and then i brought this house from the south island and had organised another company to cart it but something went wrong so we ended up thinking oh how hard can it be so carted this house back up here for myself and by doing that it sort of opened our eyes to the market of the tiny houses and so yeah we thought we would um tackle that market and have since built custom vehicles and trailers to help out and yeah now we're moving anywhere between 30 and 50 houses a month all around new zealand so i've just come straight back from um down nelson way just a few days ago to come and film this fantastic i remember when i'd built my tiny house how difficult it was to get it shifted around and it's so cool to me that there are now companies in new zealand that are dedicated just to moving tiny houses and what an incredible parking space you've got for your house as well these are just expansive views aren't they yeah you get to see what's going on in the area that's for sure i think we uh about 250 meters above sea level up here as you see it rises quite quickly from down in our litter box straight up but yeah we get good sun and good views and what more do we need absolutely and so what size is the tiny house so this is 10 meters long 3.1 wide and from the ground to the roof is 4 meters 40. so that lets us when we're standing inside you can stand on the bottom level and the top level without hitting your head well i'm short so maybe you might have some different issues and you have done some incredible work around this house i see you've got lots of storage for your business out the back i see you've got the shipping containers mud room and then this incredible deck space as well yeah so when we built this deck it's made eight by three so going free means we can transport it without any pilot and everything's removable so we can just unbolt it and um we're gone so yeah that was a big thing for us to be able to move it cheaply and simply and yeah the mud room was just so you've got somewhere to put your dirty shoes and hang your coats and just a little bit more space yeah and then the main reason for the container was actually to hold all of our solar batteries so we've got a five kilowatt solar kit and that does more than we need we've never used more than maybe 15 percent of our battery capacity and i'm charging all my truck batteries and impact guns and everything so yeah it works out really well and i see you've got the side by side out there that looks like a lot of fun yeah well i live on one of the most well-known four-wheel drive tracks in the country so it sort of be silly not to be able to have a bit of fun up there it's seven kilometers up to the summit and 14 kilometers down to caddy caddy and you could spend a few weeks up there if you really wanted to awesome fun well i love what you've done with this place you have got some seriously fun stuff happening out here and i cannot wait to see what you've done in the house can we check it out yeah come on in all right thanks oh wow this is such a spacious tiny house and stepping inside you can really sense the extra height in here yeah so having a full-size ceiling in the dining room area here gives you a big spacious feel and then you've still got plenty of room for bedroom lounge and a full-size kitchen so it's everything we need absolutely and i really like the way that having the dedicated lounge and the upstairs loft gives you the ability to have a dining area yeah definitely so this table actually goes from a full person to a two person if we need a little bit more room but as you can see there's ample room we can walk around it we can sit here have dinner look out at the view and plenty of room and then i really like the design of this kitchen it is again incredibly spacious isn't it yeah so we've gone for the bamboo top finish and then we've got our bench seats here so we can sit out having a look at the view while we're eating our breakfast or dinner or whatnot and we've gone because we're off grid we've got the gas hob and the gas oven and plenty of cupboard space as well as being able to have a microwave and all the little utensils within arm's reach yeah absolutely everything you need lots of bench space too yeah no it's good um we quite often are sitting up here cooking dinner or doing office work or whatnot and you're never short of space so it's definitely a nice touch now you've got the lounge upstairs and i cannot wait to see if i can actually stand up in this loft because i think this house might be just high enough but first let's talk about these stairs because this is such a unique design yeah they take a little bit to get used to like your first time walking up them feels a bit awkward but once you use them they're really good you can go up frontwards and down frontwards on such a steep angle without any issues so if they were your normal step design then you'd probably end up coming down backwards because it's so steep yeah and it's so much more comfortable than using a ladder but so much more spatially efficient than having conventional stairs yes yeah and in my opinion it's a bit safer as well a lot more sturdy to go up and down so you're not hanging from a ladder and you feel comfortable definitely well let's head up and take a look yep come on cool what a cozy space this is up here it definitely looks like this is a place which is just completely dedicated to lounging yeah we spent a lot of time up here just laying on the couch watching um movies and just yeah relaxing and it really is so nice having a dedicated lounge space that's also separate from the rest of the house because it does feel just a little bit more cozy and a little bit more private up here yeah yeah it definitely gives you space when you're downstairs working or whatnot you can just come up here and you're in a different atmosphere it's um definitely a nice area up here yeah and amazingly i'm standing up right now yeah no it's definitely nice obviously height's not overly an issue for me but we have quite a few people that come around and they all say the same thing that they like that you can stand up here and then you can slump onto the couch and you don't have any issues with having to duck or anything like that it's definitely well thought out how the space from where the fridge etc is gives you this extra height upstairs absolutely cool should we check out the bathroom next yeah definitely all right these stairs are actually really comfortable to use aren't they yeah no you definitely get used to them after you've used them a few times that's for sure absolutely so bathrooms in here then yep straight ahead all right let's take a look so just like everything else in this house spacious bathroom yeah um you've definitely got a lot of room in here we've got a full-size shower toilet vanity yeah and we've got full cupboards in here plenty of space for storage loads of storage and flushing toilet as well that's a bit of luxury yes yep no expense spared so you put in a septic system here to handle all that yeah so we've got just a big tank that we get emptied um when we need to so we haven't had emptier than nine months yet but it must be close to being due right nice and easy and again you have got a lot of storage in this space which is great to see yeah so we've got our showers for all of our clothes hooks to hang kate's clothes on and then we've got room down the bottom if we need to put a vacuum cleaner or anything like that so yeah it's about all the space we need really the full length window here is another really nice feature yeah so you've got the option of glazing it out if we want to but we're sort of in the middle of nowhere so it's nice to be able to let all that light come in during the day and yeah and it just i think it opens the space up a lot more and makes it nice and light everyone likes to be able to sit on the toilet with a view yeah exactly and i think you've got a pretty nice one there you sure do and i see out the window you've got a few horses hanging about yeah so there's four and a quarter hanging on this property one's a miniature horse and they have about 30 acres of free range and then we just catch them when we want to go horse riding lucky horses yeah as you can see they get a bit uh friendly and try break into our gardens and whatnot but they're good to have around absolutely oh that's lovely and then your sleeping loft is upstairs yeah come on out and i'll show you let's take a look this is very nice and again it is just such a novelty for me to be able to stand up here yeah no it's um quite a nice spacious area we've actually tried this bed around every way working out what way we like it so we've decided to run it across ways which sort of isn't overly conventional but it's good because we can both get on either side of the bed and everything when you have it that way you end up you know crawling over so yeah there's heaps of room up here we've got more storage we've got lights we've got everything we need you've got lots of windows up here as well which is really good there's a lovely cross breeze up here yeah so we've got plenty of light coming in it's good we can leave the windows open and get the air blowing especially on those hot summer nights and that you can leave all the windows open and have a bit of a breeze to sleep with yeah it's definitely well thought out up here so you've been living in the tiny house for about nine months now how is it all working out for you yeah no we both um really love it we've got everything we need and yeah there's not really anything else we could ask for moving into the tiny house my partner was good we both are on the same wavelength when it comes to the tiny house so we both love it and we had a big house before this so we had a lot of stuff and at the time you think you need all that but when you actually move into the tiny house and you start being a bit more particular on what you need because obviously you don't have as much space you learn pretty quickly that you don't need so much clutter and you can sort of declutter your life moving into a tiny house and one of the big things i love about this house is just the quality and you know you're coming home to something so comfortable and cozy and warm and it's sort of a lot cheaper than building a house or buying a house in this climate and can we talk about the cost that was involved in building this house when i originally purchased this house was a hundred and seventy five thousand um so that was mid last year so prices for everyone have gone up since then i'd imagine of course um and then plus my own cost of bringing it up to deliver it and that sort of stuff and for 175 000 you have built yourself quite a paradise here haven't you yeah definitely um we've spent a little bit more and we've done the decks and the mud room and the gazebo area and over the last nine months we've put more into it to get it to a home but yeah wouldn't change anything so now that you've almost finished setting everything up here what does the future hold for you now this is sort of my base but i'm not home as much as i'd like to be i'm all around new zealand delivering the houses so eventually i'd like to get a bit more north island work so i can spend more time at home but yeah for now it's nice to have somewhere where you can come home to as a base and nice to have some adventures on the road as well right yeah definitely and it's good when i come home i'm can go do my hobbies literally 50 meters away from my house so it's not a lot of traveling involved because the last thing i want to do when i get home is go driving absolutely what a playground you've got here well angus what you've created here is really special you've got such a beautiful house here and some really cool projects on the go around it so thank you so much for sharing it all with me thank you my pleasure there is a lot of really good design that's gone into this tiny house it's amazing for me to see what an incredible difference just that little bit of extra height has made to this entire space there's no question about it here in this home angus has created a little bit of paradise for himself [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 1,205,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, tiny house, tiny home, tiny house tour, tiny home tour, off grid, alternatie living, small house, small space design, tiny house moving, tiny house transport, tiny house towing, spacious tiny house, off the grid living, architecture, home design
Id: 8xV1Q9McPjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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