Carrie Underwood's EPIC Greenhouse Buildout - @carrieunderwood

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- In this video, we are hitting the road to do one of our most epic garden installs yet. So I'm packing a bag, I'm grabbing Jacques, our garden hermit, we're heading out on a flight to music city, Nashville, Tennessee, to do a garden install for Carrie Underwood. We've made it. Jacques and I are here. We're just outside of Nashville at an amazing garden. I can already see some really cool layouts. A little bit better set up than my personal garden. (both chuckling) So let's go ahead and check out, we have a very special collaboration. And here we are. - Hi. - How's it going, Carrie? - Good, how are you? - Good to see you. - You too. How are you? Good to see you. - Amazing spot. - Thank you. - Amazing spot. - Thank you. - So how did you get into the whole garden game 'cause I don't think you grew up doing it, right. - I did not. I grew up in Oklahoma on a cattle farm and a lot of neighbors around us would garden and we would always play in the gardens and they'd kind of have us pick strawberries and stuff like that. But we moved out here, got quite a bit of land. As soon as we started building the house, we started building the garden and tried a little bits here and there, and then really got to take a deep dive in 2020 when we were just here. I love the heat here in Tennessee and it just made me happy to, you know, grow something from nothing. - [Host And Jacques] Yeah. It's feels like little miracles every time I get something. - It's crazy, right? - Then people come over and you're like serving them food that you grew. - And your like, "Oh, this is my homegrown this." You feel like a gourmet chef. Exactly, yeah. So you started with all the raised beds that we see out here. - Yes. - And then this greenhouse came not too long ago, right? - [Carrie] Yeah, very recently. We're still not quite done with some of the details, like little stonework on the outside and, you know just figuring out the space and what I really wanna do here. - Anyways, we're here to help with the greenhouse. - Thank you. - So we got, I actually see some of our stuff here, - Yes! - You got the raised beds which is really cool. - I ordered some before I even met you guys. - Cool to see. - But yeah, my biggest issue in life, but definitely in situations like this, I have this empty space and if there's too many options, I can't make any decisions. - [Host] I know the feeling. - So I thought I would reach out to the experts and ask for help because there's no shame in that game, asking for some help. - Especially with garden stuff because if you set it up wrong, you're in for like years of pain, you know, and so, yeah, we'll help set this up, but I saw a couple of things I'd love to check out if you don't mind so we'll do a little tour. - Sure. - Okay. - [Host And Carrie] Let's do it. ( upbeat pop music) - Okay, so we are here in the outdoor garden, which kind of wraps around the greenhouse in a really pretty way. - Yeah, we had that bed that we moved out there, that was originally kind of in the middle, like just bigger bed. - Oh, I see. - And then removed that and just thought this would be a really great place. My kids can play back there while I garden. - That was quite the tree house. - It made sense and we wanted it to be pretty and look like it belonged. - So I see a coop. - Yes! - Jacques and I both have a coop and so we're sort of like coop aficionados. Do you mind if we check it out? - Sure. - Okay, let's go. Oh wow so you've got the whole outdoor fenced in run. - [Carrie] We're gonna clean it in the spring, so we'll pressure wash it and clean out the inside. - Oh, look at these girls. - Yeah and there's my big boy. - Oh, you got the rooster. - [Host] Oh, look at that. - [Carrie] Isn't he gorgeous? He's the accidental rooster. - [Host] Amazing tail. - [Jacques] I like the variety too. - Can we check and if we've got any eggs? - I don't know if they would have laid any, yet. Oh, there's one. - Oh, we got one little girl here. - Doing the work. - That's Linda, she's working on it. She's mean. - Linda. - I named her Linda because she's Linda Blair. - Watch Linda, she's not gonna like this. - [Carrie] No. Oh, she hit the watch. Linda, sorry. - Yeah, she was broody last year. That's how she got the name Linda Blair. - Yeah. - I said we need to pressure wash it. I'm a little embarrassed. - Oh, I think as far as coop goes, it's very nice. - [Host] This is one of the cleaner coops I've ever seen. - [Carrie] We wanted to make it match the house a little bit. - Okay, orchard. - This is our orchard. - [Host] How many trees total do you have? - [Carrie] I have no idea. - [Host] Hundreds, right? - [Carrie] I have no idea. We have a lot of apples. We have a lot of peaches. - [Host] Wow. - [Carrie] These are a couple row of peaches. Over there, we have pears, we have plums that direction. - That'll be so much fun to harvest. - Oh my gosh. - And then blueberries, that's my favorite. - You got blueberries along the wall there? - I have a big old row of blueberries- - Oh, wow. - And then blackberries back there. - That's another one of those things, this is like the area that we would struggle with everything, in here. Apples, peaches, blueberries. - In your zone. - [Host] Man, spring must look amazing out here. - [Carrie] It does. In about February everything will kind of start budding out. - [Host] Cool. Well, thanks for showing us. - [Carrie] Yeah. - [Host] Back here at the greenhouse and we've done some prep to figure out how to best utilize the space. So first of all, the dimensions, you're looking at 16 feet by 28 feet. - [Jacques] Pretty good size. - [Host] Pretty good size and then the direction, Jacques, is really important with a greenhouse layout. The two on the team that actually have greenhouses, Brianna from Blossom Branch and Chris at Fluent Garden, helped us kind of conceptualize and lay this out and so this isn't like a production nursery or a production greenhouse so you wanna put some beds in here and you just want the ability to grow maybe into the winter or protect the summer. - Exactly and then we're also gonna play with heights because since that's the north wall, we'll probably put the taller beds there, I believe the plan was, and then we'll move the lower stuff down this way and maybe a little seed starting section. - So we've got some Birdies Beds here we need to build and then we're gonna put a big old potting bench on the south side kind of looking at the house so you kind of get some nice scenery that you can do and then we just got a couple other fun elements like some citrus trees and stuff. But right now we kind of gotta get to building. - Yeah, we've got a lot of building to do. - All right, so we're gonna start by taking off this little- - Protective plastic. - Protective coating on all these. - They all have them? - Yeah. - Yep. - They all have 'em. - This is always the most exciting part. (both chuckling) - It is oddly satisfying to do the peel. I don't know what about it. All we're doing here is just kind of matching it, tossing a bolt through and just loosely tightening it so we have the form of the whole thing. - Does it matter what No. - Nope, that's perfect. (upbeat pop music) - Is it me or is, does food just taste less? - It does taste worse. - It for sure does, yeah. - It tastes like nothing at the store. - [Jacques] Yeah, it's just water. - It's crazy 'cause you can grow kind of a normal variety of a tomato, but if you grow it at your house and you harvest it fresh and eat it right away, it's still better than the best thing you could get at a store. - [Jacques] Any variety. - My goal is to not buy produce at the store. - Ah, that'd be cool. - I think you're there scale wise, the size of the garden, you could definitely do it. - I freeze a lot and I got into canning. - Oh, cool. - I was about to ask if you're getting into that game 'cause winter here you for sure can't grow. - Right, so I've got like a ton of green beans, stuff like that that's easy to grow. I grew black eyed peas for the first time last fall and they are awesome. - They're so good. - You don't do anything. You just leave them alone. - Yeah, then you just pick 'em up and then they dry out. - And put them in a jar. It's amazing. - Are you big into cooking? Are you like cooking most of the time? - Yeah, I'm no chef. I keep everything pretty simple. - Yeah. Oh no, oh no, oh no. (laughter) - [Host] Chain reaction. Carrie, for the ones you're screwing in, skip the third one down and skip the third one from the bottom. - Okay. - 'Cause we're gonna put two little braces in there so it doesn't bow out. All right, almost done with these two. - [Carrie] Yes. - So now we just have to tighten it all up. Wanna grab this and just go in on each screw and just give it a quick little snug. (drill buzzing) You wanna talk potatoes? - Potatoes! I'll tell you what I did. You can tell me what I did wrong. So I used grow bags. - It's a good start. - Is it? - Yeah. - Okay. - How big were they? - It's this big. - Oh, it's the potato bag where you can open up the thing and see 'em. - Well I never did that. - Yeah, I've never done that either. - I've never actually used that but I've seen 'em. - You can harvest new potatoes. - It's like, "I open it, all the dirt's gonna fall out." I had a big experiment. I ordered some seed potatoes and I used some of those and I actually had some sitting on my counter that were starting to sprout. So I used that. I did red ones, white ones, blue ones, some sweet potatoes and some purple sweet potatoes - Okay. - and the sweet potato ones, the plants grew, they're gorgeous. - They grow like crazy. - That surprised me. One day I just looked at it, I was like, "Ah! "Sweet potatoes!" - That's amazing. - But then my potatoes, so I put 'em down in not a whole lot of dirt, - Yep. - cut side down and then kind of covered 'em barely and then they would grow and then I'd cover 'em some more and then they'd keep growing and I cover 'em some more. I kind of did that. What did I do wrong? - The hilling. - That is right. - Yeah, that is right. (Carrie mumbling) When you planted them, they were already sprouting too, right? That's what you should do. - Did I just not leave them long enough? - Yeah, I was going to say. - 'Cause I felt like I left them forever. - The biggest mistake, I think most people do with potatoes is they try and harvest too early. You want the plant- - You get curious. - I feel like my plant kind of died. - You want it to totally die, and then you want to leave it for another two weeks after it dies. - Really? - And then they'll bulk up a little more - Yeah. - But sometimes I've had spotty potatoes - Yeah, to be honest with you it might not have been much about what you did it could have just been the variety, or the time of year, or the watering schedule or something. 'Cause sometimes- - Well the watering schedule was (wailing sound) - 'Cause I was in and out. - It was a little sketchy? Yeah, yeah. - Sometimes they need a drink. 'Cause they weren't on any kind of drip I would just water them myself. - They might do really well in the raised beds. But then, generally what happens is that you grow potatoes once and you'll probably always have them. 'Cause you'll leave a little one. But it's not that big of a deal. - I just love the ideas of potatoes because all you need is potatoes to grow more potatoes. - It's an unlimited cycle. - Exactly. - It's kind of like garlic. We just planted a bunch of garlic and almost no one grows it from a true seed. - It sounds scary. - Yeah. - All of it sounds scary. - Have you grown garlic ever? You totally should. - Don't you have to plant it- - You missed it for this season. But if you plant yours in November, you'll be good. - Yeah, I think you could technically plant it now. (soft jazz music) - We have the layout setup. It took a little but of Tetris but we went with an L-shape here, two of the talls, Jacques finishing off the last L right there. And then this is still to be determined but we're going to put three rounds over here for now 'cause there's a big potting bench that we're going to put in for Carrie, right here. And these citrus, probably going to be left, right, side. Kind of like little citrus oasis in the potting bench. But now we have the hardest part, which is seventeen yards of soil to shovel, so, let's get to it. Alright, well I'm going to dump the first load in then. Actually, I don't know if it's smart to do it like this. (all chuckling) - Do you want me to scrape it in? - I might need a scraper, yeah. - [Host And Jacques] There it is. - It's like the opposite of breaking ground. (laughter) There we go. This stuff looks really good, honestly. - I guess we need to shovel that. - I think we should shovel that. You want to just chip me in? - [Carrie] Boom. - Easy. (soft pop music) - Okay. We have finished the soil. It was a task, but we got it done right before the sun went down. And, the layout I think looks pretty good. We got lucky in the sense that this perfectly matched this side, the L's on both sides. We're going to do the citrus here and here. But the L works really well and then we put the shorter beds right here and we still have, I don't know, about two feet of space. So you can crouch down if you want, and reach and work. And then we've put the rounds over here and filled it all up with some local soil right about to the top. And that's it, for day one. - Yeah! - I say pretty good. We made some good time. - Yeah. - A lot of the manual labor is behind us. - I'm going to say, 'Thanks to Carrie for also shoveling.' - Yeah! - You went hard - I'm not going to let you guys have all the fun. - You went hard. (chuckling) - It was very helpful. - So tomorrow we've got the more fun stuff. Where we're going to mix some soil for the two citrus, we hopefully will get the potting bench in, and some little final touches. Maybe start some seeds together. - Could talk about some planting ideas. It'll be fun. - Yeah, awesome. So we'll see you guys tomorrow. We're back again for day two of the epic green house install. But we're waiting on a potting bench, which I'm very excited for you to see because I think it looks really cool. But we've got some citrus. You've named one of them already I believe. - I did, the Bearss Limes, his name is Teddy. I've got to figure out names for the other ones. - So we've named it before we may have to prune it, which is bit of a sad moment. But Teddy, I think will be okay. So we're going to pot these up but we have to mix up some citrus mix. Which we couldn't find around here so we just bought some ingredients to make our own. So, when you're doing citrus, especially since it's not growing in the environment that it's used to growing in. You want to give it a loose, well draining mix. Usually you can just go to the nursery and just buy a citrus mix, it wasn't around town. So we bought some standard potting mix that has what's called forest products. Which is kind of just like bark, which it wants, so we'll cut that in. And then I bought some extra bark just to give it more drainage. 'Cause it'll be in a pot, it'll be in the greenhouse. So all we gotta do is just dump a couple bags in and you guys can start mixing if you want. - Thanks. - Add more in. - So I was reading about like the Myers lemon and how it's like a cross between a lemon and an orange just to make it sweeter. That's cool. - Yeah. - Yeah. It's the sweetest lemon you can get. - They're really nice. Like people often use them for like lemon tarts and stuff. - Yeah. - And desserts - You know, making lemonade and stuff. Which my, my boys love. - To me, the craziest part about citrus 'cause I just got my first good harvest of all the ones I planted a year and a half ago. Is how different they all are. 'Cause I have four different oranges and they all, if you taste them, you can tell there's something very different about each- - Some are a little more acidic, some are a little bit sweeter, - So I'm probably gonna venture out and get a clementine- - Oh yeah? - Might as well. And this mix would work for that as well? - That would be perfect for it Yeah. Alright, so all we want to do, if we're good with this placement, guys. We'll switch to shovels, and we'll just shovel in to the bottom, place it, and make sure it's nice and firm. Shovel in? (chuckling) Here we go. - Lovely. - A life of citrus begins. - Whoa, whoa, whoa - I'm getting smacked, I'm getting lime smacked. - That's not the first time I've done that. - Yeah, he hit me with a corn stalk in the face really hard once. (chuckling) - Still haven't apologized. - I don't think he ever will. So sometimes, let's look at the roots though. - You could unwind a little bit. - Usually when you're transplanting a tree, Carrie. At least, at least for most of them, you want to look at the roots and see if it's bound at the bottom. Which it, it really isn't here. You'd see it kind of like spiraling around. - Yeah. - Which would mean that when you put it in, it'll just kind of follow the same, it doesn't know it left the pot kind of. - Okay. - So something I usually do, just give a very light kind of rake and see how it just teases these out a little bit so that when they get in here, they know to kind of come out this way instead of- - And since we're indoors, there'll still be a lot of sun. So should we orient the graph point right away? - I think I will. - So I think we- - What does that mean? - Yeah, so- - That's very technical terminology there. - This right here is like the root stock. It's like some sort of more hardy citrus. - Everything below this point is, is not a Bearss Lime. Right? - Yeah. So everything above is, and usually this is where the graph cut is. So that's why this one's cut. 'Cause this would've been from the other variety. - Okay. - And so wherever that cut is, you usually orient it north so it's not getting hit with sun. 'Cause citrus especially like really doesn't want the branch to be hit with too much sun. - Okay. - That's why we're gonna prune it in a sec. And you want it to kind of be all bushy and thick, unlike the stuff in the orchard, which is a little more, - Right. - Yeah. - So which way was north? - That would be that way. - So we'll orient it just like that, right? - Yep. - Okay, so you hold it in place there, Jacques, and then we'll fill around you and make it nice and snug. - Yeah, I feel like we could even leave it a little below the level. - I think so- - to keep the height down. - Yeah, so when you do citrus in ground, usually Carrie, you'll like lift it slightly above the ground 'cause it really doesn't want to be what's called wet feet. - Yeah. - And so that helps it kind of drain a little bit better. But in this case, since we made our own mix, it's more or less exactly what this wants. So we'll be fine. Okay. So we're in. The question now. Do we give it the haircut or do we not? Which is the painful moment. - I think so. - Yeah. - 'Cause it can't keep going up. We don't have unlimited- - Should it not go up, but it doesn't even want to really In a perfect world. 'Cause what'll happen, it got grafted, right? And so that graph just kind of went straight vertically for a while. And this is probably, maybe one or two years old I would say. But what happens is if we cut it, come in here and cut it at like 45, it'll stall for a bit. But then you should start seeing a bunch of stuff coming out here, which is where we want it. - Yeah, for sure. - So I think we should probably do that. I'll let you do the honors. Poor Teddy. - I'm scared. I'm sorry Teddy. - Somewhere in there. - [Host] Yeah, that's, that's good. Yep. Boom. - There is, there's a little band right here. - He's been decapitated. - All right, so while Carrie and Kevin pot up the Meyer lemon, I'm gonna just go ahead and mulch this. This is just to help keep a little bit of that moisture and stop it from drying out. And it should just make it happier overall. Ooh, a little aromatherapy. (chuckling) - How are the roots? - Actually they, they look really nice. There's no, I don't think I even need to do much of that. - They look even a little, yeah- - A little less bound. - All right, so we cut this guy down to here. We could always just match cut it. - Think so. - But that is definitely more than you normally would. - Well do what's best for the plant. Her name's Judy. - There you go, Judy. Sorry. Judy. (chuckling) - Judy and Teddy. One of the Michael Myers movies. In the Halloween movies. Although she died, maybe- (laughter) - I don't know. Oh yeah. (Carrie mumbling) I don't know if that's the Oman you're trying to send right now. - Hopefully no foreshadowing. - Oh yeah, we gotta see what's in this box. - Yes. - Okay, here. We know we wanted a Mulberry. - Elderberry. - Okay, well let's, see what's in there. Cause it might- - Is that it? - It might not be. - It says a Blackberry, Mulberry. Do we get some combo? - Wow that's a lot of things. - I think we got some kind of combination. - We get a bunch of- - Got it. - What's that? - Oh there's the strawberries. - Yay! We got raspberry, we got blueberry, we got blackberry. And we got mulberry. - Okay. - How do mulberries grow? - They are like a tree. - Those do grow like a tree. So you could throw the blackberry, the raspberry and stuff wherever. - I have blackberry and raspberry now- - It's a black raspberry, it says, - Oh it's a- - B-L-K - What? - You're right. Okay. Okay. - I know that was a thing. - Yeah. So we got something special then. Good. Okay. This is actually great. 'Cause what we can do now is if you want to grow strawberries, you can start these now in the greenhouse we just pick, a bed. We're onto the strawberries now. So we have some bareroot strawberries. These are actually a wild strawberry. So the berry itself, usually with wild ones, there's just smaller 'cause they're not bred to be huge. But the flavor's super, It's like almost like the big ones got compressed into the small ones for the flavor. So we're gonna plant these. But then you started some Carrie from seed. - I did. - Which is next level. - Neither of us have ever done, so. - I thought my greenhouse was coming. It was one of those supply, you know, issue problems. - It's on the boat somewhere. - I thought it was coming at a certain time so I was like, I'm gonna start a whole bunch of stuff. So it'll just be ready. - Yeah. - For when it gets cooler and whatever. And then it took forever. So these guys got a decent start and then I just left them outside to die. Very sad. But they made it, - Yeah. - They made it through, the coldest parts pretty much- - No, definitely, this one looks really good. And you have like a little flower going here. - Needs some love. But, there's still some life there. - Yeah. - So we should plant these ones first. - Yeah. - Let's see. We could put her right in the corner, maybe? - Right here? - You can get real close. - I can? Okay. - Yeah. Here's a scoop. - I know I might need something a little. - There you go. - There we go. - Thicker. - So then with strawberries, it's actually really important there's like a crown right in the middle where all the new growth's coming from. You can't have that below the soil at all. - Okay. - Or it'll rot and die like almost right away. - Okay. - And so I'll kind of hold it here and just backfill around. - Yeah. Strawberries, the big thing is to just basically not over water them. - Carrie's berries number one is in. - Carrie's berries. (chuckling) - Carrie's berry number two right here. - Let's put this maybe in the other corner. So we, well let's put it right next to it so we remember, where it is. So now for these guys, we'll just separate them out. See how many we've got. This is the way I typically will grow them for strawbs. I've done like six inches or so. It'll get a little crowded 'cause you'll get 'em kind of running. Okay, So if you want, you can start digging those in. And you don't have to do anything too crazy. You can just kind of like pull and drop. - Nice. - And then it's in. - Look at that. (upbeat pop music) - Okay. So what we could do right now is we're thinking at least maybe some root crops in these beds. - Yes. - So we should just sew the seeds. - I asked, I asked my son, my almost eight year old what he, is there anything you want me to grow? And he was like, carrots. - Okay. - Let's do that. - I was all right. - That's perfect. We got some in here. I'm sure. - What we could do, it's kind of guesstimate like some little circle or something that we could put the carrots into. So you can see all little seeds in there and then where you can do- - Oh, his signature technique. Yeah. - Tap, tap, tap. - Yeah - This is magic tap. Yeah. (chuckling) - And then it'll start if you kind of go uphill and it'll still fall. So that way. - Nice. - When you're putting 'em- - That is good technique! - Good form! - See that precision? - Yes. - That way you're not like over seeding it too much. And you can kind of knock 'em down a little bit if they're getting a little too thick. - Yeah. - Our radish and beets. - You wanna give it a go? There you go. Oh, there we go. - There it is. - It's just that easy. - Look at me. - I'm gonna get outta your way. - I'm gonna make a third ring on the inside. - For sure. So yeah, the only reason I didn't do it just in case, but since we're being so good with the seeds, we have plenty. - Yep. - It's not like you guys own a seed company. (chuckling) - I think we have a source for you. - Yeah. If we run out. - You know what, I see those library card holders for seeds. - Oh yeah. - Like the old ones. I'm like I need to get one of those. - I am highly ready for that in my life. Okay, I think the bench is here. - Oh my goodness. - I think that's the bench. (high pitch squealing) We just got really lucky because the potting bench is in these three boxes here. We thought it would come later. It came right now. So we're gonna switch to building that out, which I'm very excited for. But we also got a little mystery package from an epic warehouse. And I'm curious 'cause I didn't even know, I don't even know what we sent here, Carrie. - Nice! - So I'm not sure. So I'll let you open this one up. - Okay. - And then I'll open this one here. - What could it be? - Oh, we got the power plants. - Nice. - Those are my favorite. - Ooh, look at this. Okay, we got- - Oh, we could of used those earlier. - Oh nice. Nice! - Extra pair of gloves. - Nice! Can always use gloves. - And then there's one more- - mystery box. - You guys are hooking me up. - Specialty box in here? Yeah. - Yay! - Oh, get the four cells. - Nice! Yeah. - This is great. - This is great. - Awesome. Okay. This like- - That's amazing. - Absolutely perfect timing for the potting bench. - You're hooking me up. I love it. - You got a haul here. - I know. - Okay, so let's- - It will all be used very well. - Let's lay it down and let's see what we're getting ourselves into with this build here. - I'm excited. You said this is from Texas? - Yeah, - It's from Texas. I'll hand these to you. We'll just start laying 'em out. - Four. It smells good. - Yeah. - Really nice. All right. Number two, we got our final piece. (upbeat pop music) - Done. Potting bench done. Amazing. All right, let's put it in place. - Oh, it's super light. - Yeah, it's not too bad. - I was expecting to be like (grunting) - Yeah. (light clapping) Hey, there we go. - Yay! - All right, well what do we wanna do next? Okay, seed starting. - Yes. - So let's do. - Seed starting 1 0 1. - Yeah. (smooth pop music) We have completed Carrie's greenhouse. At least for now. There's a lot of growing to do and we bought way too much soil. So we've spent some time topping off the outdoor raised beds. But let's take a look at what's going on inside. What do you think Carrie? Layout? - I, I love it. I love it. It feels, feels great. - I love that we've got herb bed right up front. - Yes. - So you can just pop in, pop out. - Right. - Got the herbs starting over there. What are you thinking you're gonna put in here? Spring, Summer. - Maybe get a jump on some things. Try to early grow some things I'll have to wait a little longer for this summer. So maybe some squashes, maybe some tomatoes. - Yeah. - Jacques and I were talking, we love the idea, since you have these little sliding things, you could throw them up there and then just have string trellis come down. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And just kind of grow whatever you want. - Yeah. - Like right up to the top. - Like picturing all these peppers along this back wall, looking all nice. - Maybe some flowers hanging from- - Yeah. - Little buckets. - So many options. - I'm short enough, I can just walk right under. - Yeah, you can dodge 'em for sure. - Make it, make some, add some color. - We've got the berries here. - Yes. - With your two from seed right there. Which honestly I think are gonna do really well there. - They look great. - You're gonna love it. - They look happy. - The carrot bed, the beet bed, the radish bed. So the root crop trio right here. And then the seedling table. - Yep. - Which is looking really nice. - Yes. And I'll, I'll get a better lighting set up. - Yeah. - This'll work for now. - That'll work for now for sure. - Yeah. - We got Judy, the Meyer Lemon. - Yes. - Teddy the Bearss Lime. (chuckling) - Miracle Berry. - Nice little day palm, names to come. We'll see you on those. - Things to put out in the orchard. - Mulberries. Blackberries. - Yep. - I think it turned out really well. - Yes. - I'm stoked on it. - Very happy. - It was really fun too. - Fun project. - Thank you guys. - Well thank you. Yeah. - This was, it was fun. I learned a lot. Got a lot done. - We got a lot done in two days. We can do a lot if you focus on it. So thanks for having us out, Carrie. Really appreciate it. And we'll see you on the next episode, guys. Good luck in the garden and keep on growing.
Channel: Epic Gardening
Views: 805,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic gardening, greenhouse, greenhouse build, carrie underwood garden, carrie underwood greenhouse, carrie underwood, greenhouse tour, garden tour
Id: 32FgP7QXmeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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