This Tiny House Is A Design Masterclass!

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if you love the idea of living in a tiny house but are a little bit concerned that you won't be able to make the space work then this next tour is for you because we're about to visit one of the most spacious and well-designed tiny houses that we've seen so far [Music] hey Rebecca it's great to see you hi Bryce thanks for coming it is my pleasure to be here and what a beautiful tiny house you've got here thank you so first of all can you talk to me about what it was that inspired you to build a tiny home yeah Ken it was a series of unfortunate events that led me to be a single 40 with a small child and homeless so I ended up landing on my sister's doorstep she lives here and she's got all this land and the rental market was awful so we talked about building tiny amazing yeah and I know what you mean especially over the last few years the rental market in New Zealand just went absolutely crazy it was just so hard to find homes and what an incredible situation you've got yourself into with this tiny house now I know I feel almost Lucky in a way I was very unlucky at one point now landlords came back from overseas in the midst of the covid-19 lockdowns and we had to get out of our rental home and I couldn't find anywhere to live but in the end it's led me to this and now I feel very happy that I never have to beg a landlord to take me on or keep me on so yeah I've got my own home and I'm really blessed being able to design my own space was really something special for me and to that end you did all the design work in the tiny house yourself didn't you yes of course they did it was a lot of fun took a lot of hours but yeah designed every little millimeter and the result is just incredible what size is the tiny house the footprint is a three meter by 10.6 great so it's a big one yeah it's a big one yeah which is necessary because you live here with your son I do yeah my little four-year-old boy and he takes up quite a bit of space for for a tiny person they do yes and I didn't want to compromise on the space I wanted this to be my home for a long time yeah I'm used to living in small apartments but it's better because you don't get all this when you're living in a city apartment you certainly don't the views from here are just incredible can you tell me about the parking space you've got here I got really lucky with a sister who has this expansive amount the land she lives right next door to me which is also a massive bonus I love her to death and she's got five beautiful kids and the smallest one she just adores my son so they spend a lot of time together and she comes over and babysits sometimes and I get to go out and do some exercise perfect it is perfect yeah I'm really happy well it sounds like it's a great situation that's working well for everyone yeah yeah no it's really good I'll run their kids around and they help me out with Hugo A lot of the time as well so yeah and could you talk to me about the design of the tiny house yeah I can it looks like a tiny house doesn't it they all kind of look the same and that's because of the constraints that you're working with and you know they have to be certain with so I haven't sort of tried to do anything special about that I've just worked within the constraints I had and yeah the color Choice went for black because I knew that I wanted the white joinery and anything other than black just looked a little bit insipid so I just went for the real contrast and have black and white yeah nice choice very classic and it looks great yeah so I'm not trying to be anything that it's not it's it's just a funny looking object top of a hill and in this deck that you've got here is quite special as well isn't it because this is actually a system that you've designed yeah it is actually it just talking about what I do I was at the time working on a wall system and wanted to translate that into decks he gave me the motivation to actually turn it into a product for tiny homes and and that's what I've done yeah so this is the original prototype of just living on the Prototype now but pretty exciting Venture for us absolutely so it's sort of like a modular deck system that's designed to be used with tiny homes so it can easily up and move with the house yeah that's right it's freestanding so you can put it anywhere what a cool idea thank you well I would love to see what you've done on the inside of this home can we take a look yeah of course come on thank you very much wow this is absolutely spectacular I can see that you have had an incredible amount of fun designing this place definitely have really like light so having the double height space and a big part of this home is really important to me yeah I would easily say that this is one of the most spacious feeling tiny homes that I've ever stepped into yeah thank you I spent a lot of time drawing this happened Cad and rendering the spaces and really understanding what it's going to feel like so yeah I kind of knew it before it was built I knew how it was going to feel and it felt right yeah as you say you've got the double height in this part of the home but you've also got all of these windows that extend right up to the ceiling and where there aren't Windows you've got the mirrors which is such a nice touch yeah making the most of the light was really important to me so I love mirrors not because I love myself I just love what they do to a space and The Styling in this home is so beautiful as well you've got these big flowing curtains and all of the white and the touches of gold and pink it's just such a lovely space to walk into thank you spaces have always have had a real effect on me like they can make me feel desperate and sad all they can make me feel uplifted and really happy and joyful so I wanted this place to make me feel like that you know I was low in my life and I needed a place that was going to make me feel better and you really have abs nailed it in this home it's just such a comforting space to walk into isn't it especially with all the plants and the lovely colors it's a very soft home that just makes you feel wonderful and relaxed when you walk into it that's exactly what I needed it to do for me so yeah I'm very happy and I look forward to coming home whenever I'm out and Yeah and this lounges an especially welcoming space that sofa just looks ridiculously comfortable thank you it is a giant sofa it's very comfortable and my son and I spend a lot of time there it was important for me to have the lounge dedicated to just relaxing really and yeah the sofa it's been through some things that's why I've got it covered with rugs and what what not there's Minnie is staying under that blanket but I do love my sofa and it's really nice the way that you've carpeted the lounge as well because it adds this zone of separation from the kitchen and it just goes an extra step towards making that space feel very cozy and soft yeah having carpet in the lounge was a no-brainer for me I wanted the delineation between the kitchen space and the lounge so yeah that's a good way to do it and the design of your kitchen is exceptionally clever the use of these mirrors and the way that you've got the narrow bench top there and the mirror makes it look like it's extended and matches the depth of both of the other bench tops I have never seen that done before but it just works so incredibly well thank you yeah it's a bit of a Rebecca original and it was important to me to have Beach space on all three sides of the kitchen having this at 600 mils which is standard bench would have just been too much in the space so I brought it back down to 300 and had these cupboards high enough that I could stand there comfortably and use that space so yeah it works really well it certainly does this looks like an incredibly functional design you've got all the necessary appliances good size fridge and cooker and I especially like the way that you've got the return here with the seating as well yeah thanks I needed to have somewhere for my boy and I to sit so so if you notice here the cupboard kind of turns in it's angled there yeah it's angled in so that I can get that sort of overhang there so you can sit comfortably here and also make the most of the storage under here and ultimately this just looks like such a nice place to cook yeah I'm not much of a cook but it does everything I need it to do really happy with it and it's really nice the way that you've extended so much storage into the higher reaches of the kitchen too yeah those cupboards are really high but you can reach them going up the stairs on the way up so that was a good kind of use of space hack I guess they're really deep cupboards as well so I can fit actually quite a lot in them great very nicely done and you've obviously got a lot of storage here as well like I don't see any of your appliances or anything out on the bench top yeah I really wanted to keep a clean space so yeah I've sort of got storage behind here that hides all my appliances and on this side I've got a full height cupboard I lived for so long in places where there's nowhere to put my vacuum cleaner or my mop and so I've designed a special place for that very clever yeah thanks and you've got this nice hallway which leads to the stairs the bathroom and your son's room as well yeah very important to have a hallway it sure is well can we check out the bathroom first yes please I love my bathroom okay let's take a look come through hey wow this is beautifully done the color scheme in here is just gorgeous you've got these lovely Stone tiles the concrete look in the shower and then these pink walls it just works together so well yeah thank you I had it in my head that I wanted a pink bathroom I don't know why I was particularly and found these beautiful tiles and then yeah and a pink to match and also you know pink Basin to go to go with and just yeah made a beautiful calming space to be then and to bathing and poo nice to do both of those things in peace and it is a flushing toilet that you've got here as well it is yes we are connected to a septic tank here so you know I wanted my small child to learn how to pee like a man so yeah went with the with the old standard toilet good cool certainly more comfortable for men to not have to sit down with a urine separator there's no question about that yes okay absolutely and the way that you've done the shower is incredibly interesting tucking it under the walkway like that certainly does rule out the option of having a tall partner in the future though that's true I I designed men out of my space it is designed for me and I I expect that Hugo will grow tall one day and also not fit in my shower but I've sort of of the thinking that should a man want to come into my life he can bring his own tiny home and uh when Hugo gets tall enough to not fit my shower maybe he'll be old enough to have his own little pod outside so I've thought about it all what a great plan too I like that idea so men applications require your own tiny house and next door we've got Hugo's room can we check that out yes of course come on okay oh this is so cool I was an astronomy nut when I was a kid I would have absolutely loved this room yeah Hugo loves the moon and the stars moon was like one of his first words and we always look at it and Marvel at it so uh yeah I may have overdone the moons in this room but no no way I love it this is great yeah yeah it's it's pretty cool it makes the space feel so cozy and interesting as well and I could just imagine lying in that bed and looking up at the wonderful picture wall you've created they're all glow in the dark so when you turn the lights off it's like this kind of 3D Sky effect it's really cool amazing did you paint this yourself I did yeah well done I really like that and everything that a young child needs he's got plenty of storage for all of his toys and enough space where he can play and then a comfortable bed yeah it's a great size never have any trouble it plays on the floor all the time runs up and down the hallway with his cars yeah it's good functioning little space for a little man it certainly is I'm quite jealous even now to be honest this panel slides you cross at night so when Hugo needs to go to sleep and the sun's still out I can pull that panel across and it blocks off all the light and it's just a little bit different token yeah way cooler than a curtain I love that yeah there's an image on the back side of it as well so if you're outside the house you can see another moon what a great idea that is so much more interesting than just a curtain and then your room is upstairs can we take a look at that yeah my office as well oh cool I can see you've built a lot of storage into these stairs as well yeah the stairs are working really hard I've got drawers on the first four risers and then uh the higher space up here there's actually a secret door on the outside of the house that opens up to hold all my outdoor gear like your Mower and line trimmer and just tools and things that I don't want inside so yeah very hard working staircase it sure is great job with that and the walkway really really well done I mean I'm 6'4 and even I can stand up here now what's really important to me to not feel like I had to crouch so yeah that's why I created the bulkheads downstairs and lowered the shower downstairs so I could get this head height up here very good job with that and again the way that you've used this huge mirror here just completely adds to the sense of spaciousness up here it's actually acrylic it's three millimeter acrylic so you do get a little bit of wobble in the mirror I was disappointed at first but it's actually I kind of think of it as a parallel watery world and it does do wonderful things with the light like reflects the light and just makes beautiful Reflections everywhere so yeah it actually worked out quite well I really like this as a feature and the office what a cool setup this is thank you thank you yeah I'm a bit of a workaholic ice Sun so it was important that it was a beautiful space to be in I didn't want it to be tucked away somewhere so yeah really happy with it overlooking the lounge and a few goes downstairs in the lounge I can see him from my office and also get to look out at the view yeah it's just a bit distracting having my bed right there right sometimes but no I love it the call of coziness when you're trying to work yeah especially when there's Sun puddles on it and it's like makes procrastination just a little bit too easy yeah but ultimately this just looks like such a functional space to work from you've even got enough space to have the dual monitors and everything very important for design work what a cool setup this is yeah it's everything I need and I've created this little storage space by putting a hole in this wall and creating space under the joinery in the bedroom so I've got enough room to store all the little office bits and electrical things that need to go in boxes nicely done and then your bedroom this looks like such a cozy space Oh it really is I love my room and again here in the bedroom you have used the space incredibly three-dimensionally yeah yeah that's how that's how I'm in three dimension and imagining myself in the space it's all about the bed really isn't it of course storage that's a you know afterthought but well it looks like you have got a lot of storage in here so it hasn't entirely been an afterthought well that's true it wasn't enough to thought it was very thought out I've only just got the storage unit in I've got drawers all along under the bed uh there's some units at the base there and then I can fit a set of drawers up here great and it's really nice the way that you've got the bed tucked into the corner there and the panoramic Windows surrounding it I love being on my bed I love it in the day when there's Sun puddles on it and I love it at night when I can look at it the Stars so yeah it's a it's a great spot in the house yeah very nice and so how long have you been living in the home now I moved in February it was the weekend of the uh the big storm Gabriel all right yeah so we got we got the house in like moments before yeah the Cyclone hit and what a welcome there was a very nail-biting night I didn't think I'd wake up to my tiny home but it was still standing scary yeah yeah trial by fire yeah yeah but it stood up to the test which is great it did I'm not afraid of wind anymore yeah and now that you're living in the home now how's tiny house life working out for you I love it I can't imagine not living in this home and that's one of the very special things about it that I'll be able to pick it up and take it with me when when it's time to move on so yeah and now you have that housing security that you didn't before yeah that's a biggie for me I feel so much more secure even though I don't own land I have a home being a designer and getting to design my own space as a dream being my own client and knowing exactly what I own and where I'm going to put it and making a space for everything was just really it's really cool and now I live in a space where I don't have all those little annoying things that you do in a rental custom designed it's awesome and can we talk about the cost that was involved in building this home so the contract price was 190 and and then I threw in some variations that probably amounted to about 10K you know up specking the bathroom in the kitchen and then yeah just the cost of getting it on the land and having to do things to the site and connect it so probably around 2 30 all up yeah which is such a great result because when you think about it 230 that's still barely a deposit for a regular house in this area yeah it means that I will be mortgage free in my lifetime which is amazing and I wouldn't get this house I wouldn't get a custom designed home like this for that amount of money anywhere else so I'm really happy yeah well Rebecca you have done such a great job in this home I can see your design I has been hard at work because you have done a lot of very clever things in here that's made this an exceptionally functional home thank you so much for sharing it with me thanks Bryce this is a brilliantly designed tiny house it's not often that you walk into a space and really get a sense not only of the spaciousness but just how functional and well thought out every aspect of the home is and that is exactly what has happened here there is no question about it that all of Rebecca's thought and hard work has ultimately really paid off in creating a remarkable home for both her and her foreign [Music]
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 654,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house tour, tiny home tour, tiny house, tin yhome, cabin, small house, small space design, interior design, architecture, small spaces, tiny house living, tiny house family, living big in a tiny house
Id: j8wb4Ax7ktI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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