MOUNTAIN camping for our SANITY

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what the hell happened here what a place it's all kicking off over there now oh my complete idiot now don't I got my hand back and it's so peaceful if I stop talking to the Langdale oven it is absolutely red hot today so I've just finished work and I thought you know what a fancy a night under the stars in the tent and just get out into nature because I need to get away from work I need to get away from people I'm going crazy so that's what I'm doing and I'm bringing you guys along with me why not so yeah the idea is again a little bit like the last time when I had no plan same Valley it's good enough is I'm just gonna head up there somewhere I don't know where in that direction let's see if we can find somewhere half decent to pitch so we should get a good sunset tonight we should get a good sunrise tomorrow looking forward to it I hope you enjoy it let's get through Sterling farm and on to the waterfall okay I just approaching stool end farm I've actually taken two photographs here that I really love there's the hoodie Festival one and oh hi the coup was down here as well that's like the Lakeland Farm shot underlined with blood oh this is a body looking horse I mean I hate horses but nice looking one he's gonna ignore me not interested I always do that I always try and go through the kissing gate and realize that I'm just gonna get wedged but luckily there was a fat boy gear it's got a real glacial feel about it here it reminds me a little bit of parts of Nepal and that sounds weird but it does not a lot of water though wow at times like this I really should put shorts on but I know for a fact it's gonna get cold later on in fact it's forecast to drop to about seven degrees in the valley and up there it'll be closer to zero so he's having to deal with those extremes at the moment could they do foreign [Music] well alongside one side waterfall Force it's very beautiful around here isn't it cute little Footbridge ah wonderful all right up we go now it's going to start getting serious the real sweating begins but thankfully it's a breeze and I was a little bit worried about that I was worried to be no breeze on top and a gazillion midges oh this is brutal after warning now there's gonna be a lot of sweat it's probably all over my cap it's probably soaking wet and every now and then that breeze completely stops and it just turns into an oven oh a little lamb When approaching the top of warningside Force half is getting a little rockier now ah now decision point go that way slide to death I'll go this way and maybe also slide to death have a look the problem is with this bag and I'm probably gonna get loads of grief off you guys for not traveling lightweight but this is my camera bag I need my camera nowhere else to put it but I can't see my feet it's a little bit sketchy in places like this almost at the top of this section and then we've got a really steep pull-up okay that's a short steep section just there look I'm going to get across this okay reach the forward all right let's get across without slipping oh losing balance oh got this very steep section here fortunately it is a stepped path I'll just take Little Steps up it so nice and steady I'm gonna not talk to you now until I get to the flipping top so see in a minute oh about half an hour maybe an hour that's nice volcanic eruptions look there's a bit of iron in there as well now this is a Gorge isn't it it's a gorgeous Gorge hey Rudy it's lovely seeing all the black Lambs out hefted you know up here to uh where to spend all the time so they've always been let loose probably from stool and farm and Unleashed on the fell and this is where they'll spend the the season you know and if you're new at the channel you might not have seen me talk about these uh these sheep before these are the herdwick Sheep yeah very Hardy breed brought over by the Vikings and the reason the Lambs all the Lambs are always black and the reason they're always black is a camouflage thing because obviously where they come from Scandinavia has a lot more Black Rock the Lambs could hide amongst all the black rocks not far off um the call now sorry I'm out of breath that's a brutal climb but it's all opened up now so we've got the Langley Pikes right here Pike stickle Harrison stickle I know we look you see way over to the park now my daily little bells over there ill Bell sorry Ling mower I can see Windermere take a bliss go see if red tan now see weather them wonderful just getting to the call between Craigs already and the ball fell this ball fell up that way and in a minute we'll get our first glimpse of scaffold Pike scarfell it's really cloudy up now very interesting landscape around here though isn't it all these rocks I mean look at that slab there it's like a mini version of great slab up on both L that last pull up there was tough my brain cells aren't working anymore I'm so brain cell let's keep going up here and I'll see if there's like an obvious little place maybe something like this just to wedge my tent into and then settle down for the night heading that direction but I'm just going to pop off the path here and have a look see if there's anywhere half decent round here because if I can get a Tish bit of grass here be perfect really a view behind me it's quite special isn't it yeah it's a really really fascinating place you know geologically what the hell happened here okay I think I found my spot for the night just here in this little bit of a hollow I've got a little bit of shelter here just as I came down here all the breeze stops completely so it seems quite sheltered obviously from that side that direction out to the West a little bit open there doesn't matter and a little bit sheltered here over to the east as well so it should be pretty good and it's dry and it's flat so this looks like a nice cozy spot and I can sit somewhere on one of these rocks and have a brewing and all that kind of stuff so yes perfect perfect campsite so I'm excited very excited in fact because normally it takes me 80 to find a spot all right let's get the tin up [Applause] so lovely doing this without frozen fingers different it makes okay let's get all the gear inside get everything unpacked get the mattress set up get the Sleep bag rolled out and stuff lofted because I think it might get a bit chilly later on and then yeah just chill and watch the sunset get my camera out and just enjoy this wonderful wonderful environment I'll do what I did last time I'll have it wander around and you know probably have a beer fall off some crack somewhere but that's okay it's all right we're used to that right let's get it all in get all that grass and lost it's not terrible I'm just gonna leave that half an hour because I'm gonna come back out oh yeah that's my food that's the most precious bit I'll leave that there I'm not gonna mess around here tonight because um I don't let anything nasty come in so let's get stuff out I need as quickly as possible Right in a dry bag here we go well do all done okay I appear to have misplaced my sunglasses around here somewhere probably inside the tent and my cap is completely sodden wet with sweat so I'm just letting that dry out there in the Sun so I'm afraid to apologize you might want to put your sunglasses on right tense up got my little neighbors here as well now that would be a great shot wouldn't it in fact I'm going to get it camera is on and you're not gonna play a ball here oh don't show me your bum that's not how good is it I think what we shall do is go off a little Wonder somewhere and have a little wonder over here go and check out the various views but I think before I do that you know exactly what time it is it is Steve Wallace step two time damn it definitely to evolve a third arm don't we want to carry this camera I'm filming with one to carry my other camera I want to carry a beer very important oh look so literally you know that's the tent literally and we've got England's uh two highest mountains there literally 10 steps and this is the view I'm getting so it would have been nice to have been there to Camp right on the very edge but it doesn't matter does it look at that wonderful really looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning to this so the sun will be rising from that direction tomorrow morning hopefully nice and you never know I mean this is Langdale Valley here so you do get quite a lot of conversions in here a lot of mist laying down at the bottom so we might get lucky you just don't know you don't know what you're going to get I mean it's it's June it's the second of June so off and of course we've got our little flossy fell side friends it might seem like a lot of effort coming up somewhere like this you know in terms of packing your bag and driving up here and walking all the way up here and sweating like mad sitting the tent up bloody blah and then doing it all in Reverse tomorrow you know just for one night it seems a bit pointless but the joy you get from doing this sort of thing yeah it just rewards you tenfold all that energy you may have you know expended you get it all back that's looking really nice just all the time Shame about the Blue Sky in the background because if that was an epic dark black background there with the Pikes in front with that light on it waffling I don't know if you've noticed by the way but my two fingernails are basically collapsing and falling off that was caused by not that terrible windy uh snowy night you know the one over on Langdale Pikes but the very first one I did over on way over there Black Sails you can just kind of make out Black Sails over there I got my hand got so cold at one point I think it was in the morning it got so cold they actually thought oh I think I might have just got frost frosting it with that because it's you know I couldn't feel it it took ages for my hand to warm up and then a couple of weeks after that my nails went a bit weird like a big dents on them and it's called balls lines b-e-b-e-a-u-s balls lines and uh yeah it can be caused by extreme cold so if you're wondering why my hands look a bit monkey that's the reason why just you know this is the stuff that I go through to entertain you and bring you to these amazingly wonderful but flipping harsh places love it look at that look at these these like mini gullies coming down the front of it here love that they can't remind me of gills of a shark I can't begin to tell you how lovely it is to be a sit outside like this and not be Frozen or getting wet or anything like that it's wonderful you know those those things those kind of crazy winter camps they just make these summer camps even more enjoyable if that makes sense you appreciate them more and it's a perfect way to decompress after a you know a hectic week working a lot of hours just to come up here and do this and get away from everything all the normal responsibilities and duties and life the stuff that you know we have to do in Modern Life just taking things right back to simple terms bit of nylon bit of food a couple of beers I mean it just doesn't get much better than I say it's a law it doesn't get much better than this but it really doesn't so I suspect the sun tonight is gonna it's gonna sit Way Beyond both the scaffolds Way Beyond the old Crag as well it's a shame because I kind of in my mind's eye I thought that better watch it all the way down to Horizon see out towards the sea because the sea is just beyond there but um I'd need to be a bit further up that way and I got a bit lazy you know if you've never been wild camping before and it's something that maybe scares you a little bit don't be scared pick a day like today this is perfect this is the perfect weather conditions you know warm sunny when you've got just enough wind to keep the middies away but it's not you know obviously blowing a hooley and just bring a couple of layers just to keep you warm a little bit later on and that's it really it's it's so easy and if you're not too sure about doing something like this just start off an air in a campsite you know get used to you tend to get used to sleeping in it and Ollie gear and all that kind of stuff and then just slowly but surely work your way up the hill you know it's such a liberating feeling it's obviously tapping into something primal there must be something in that that it's and it must be something in all humans that we have this Primal instinct and I think once we tap into it for a couple of times we seem to unleash you even more it's it's a weird thing and I just crave this stuff even more now Primal psychosis just stuff we evolved with you know for hundreds of thousands of years living like this very simple lives not live spent on phones and technology and convenience food and all that stuff it's just stripping it back to Simplicity I'm saying about convenience food but I've brought some I've brought the ultimate convenience food tonight yeah temperatures dropped a little bit as you can see I've gone uh rug up a little bit so we're looking at um a look we are now at 10 to 8 so we've probably got about another hour or so until Sunset and then I think well in the next hour the temperature is definitely gonna drop quite a lot and caps dry you know that might not be the coolest looking caps in the world but uh they are quick drying and you can scrunch them up and shove them in bags and all sorts so they are good for this kind of thing some interesting light out there at the moment just hitting the side of the band there if you can see that and we can now see the shadow of boar fell down there in uh in Langdale and not a solar round I saw a couple of guys going there before up to the top of both fell I don't know if they were camping it was like they had very lightweight gear so I'd imagine they're probably just doing a bit of a late walk yes nice it's nice being here by yourself you know I've just surrounded by a bunch of hoodies it's lovely and it's so peaceful well it would be if I stop talking I think I'm gonna finish this beer and then what I'm going to do is get me bodies and I'm gonna go and sit over there and just well just watch the sunset foreign spot look at this right I thought I'd pop down here now um I've not got my sandwiches I'm still having that beer so it was just looking really amazing looking out towards the Pikes there just see a little bit because it's quite hazy kind of just make out these crepuscular Rays slicing between the two pikes so through um nickel door there and we get a better view now looking down towards great Moss as well great boss on the other side there sorry up rest Dale here lovely we can see a little bit of that Long Ridge that branches off from esque Pike wonderful actually I really like the shape of that I like the way it um floors down in front of the Pikes there not that long from now I think there'll be some incredible light as the sun drops a little bit more I think those crepuscular rays will increase in intensity and hopefully get some shots who knows I don't know I need to be careful on here by the way because that's just a big slab that falls off into nothingness just look at this landscape just incredible isn't it this huge slabs of rock at weird angles and that big boulder there and ah it's just incredible absolutely incredible I love it can you tell that's nice because it's so light it can be quite a minimalistic shot as well I like simple shots simple views no clutter what a place yeah those crepuscular arrays are definitely getting more defined now I mean I don't know if they're a decent shot but it looks nice anyway okay this is dawned on me that actually I can just get that exact same shot from here right by the tent so it's looking amazing out towards the Pikes looking a bit dull mind you but still looking pretty good can't beat a big block of sandwiches can you the size of that I've not eaten today by the way this is my breakfast crazy I know but it's just kind of what I do look at this oh cheers one of you oh damn it it's all kicking off over there now okay I'm gonna try and ignore it for a minute because I need to eat it's hard to ignore though well this is turning out to be an absolutely beautiful sunset and there's this little family of hoodies moving around the swept through before moving really quickly getting all the grass in all of it and just hanging around I got really close to them but they just move at the wrong time so I might have got a couple of shots I don't know but it doesn't matter it's lovely it's so still not a breath of wind now and the last time I said that I think it it all went South pretty quickly but I don't think it will tonight it's so beautiful let's go and look at these hoodies but the sun you can see it's just about to drop like I said earlier on just off um to the north of illcrag look at them and there's a little lamb there as well it's going off of the Lamb and say hello to the Gang so yeah they're not bothered about me at all it's weird I get pretty close but yeah look at the little one hey hurdies come on yeah fortnightly this is about as wild animals as we get over here we don't get Bears or mountain lions or or anything you know skunk we don't even get a skunk just cheap but the flipping cute sheep that is a quintessential Lakeland scene right there langdale's completely plunged into Shadow as well now just got a little bit of Sun hitting the tips of Langdale Pikes and that's it till tomorrow and we've got a full moon tonight I must admit I didn't realize it's a full moon I should have checked shouldn't I saw yeah it's probably gonna be quite light all night I mean let's have a look at the time again it's nine o'clock it's gonna be dark around about 10 probably you know probably dark 10 out of 10. and then Sunrise is at half four so it's not going to get all that dark really having the moon as well it's good so I've set my alarm for half four I'm gonna get up and well I don't know if I'll get any shots I'm just gonna stand here and just watch it because I think it could be quite nice it could be you know just nice to look at but that's a few hours off yet I want to have a little Wonder once the sun's gone down I'm gonna have a Wonder up here like I promised you and have a look around and yeah do stuff and that's it someone's gone I don't have to worry about the Shadow on me anymore I'll tell you what it's like someone has flicked a switch the temperature has dropped significantly I'm gonna get my down jacket on now just like a thin thin down jacket okay wronged up feels better now oh look same family that's lovely actually that would be a really nice shot I could be doing this all the time with the moon and the Rock and the hoodies but yeah you'd need a long exposure and the hoodies are just moving like mud it's not stand still so let's have a Wonder um let's have a thing let's go this way let's stick to the edge yeah let's go across the front here and have a look um out towards the South that's a great view look at that so obviously with the hoodie scaffold scaffold Pike right through that little notch and the ball fell honestly it's such an amazing feeling when you come out while camping and I've said it before you know getting to this time of night where everybody's gone home you're on your own yeah you just got to rely on yourself and your own wit to take care of you it's wonderful it's a really nice feeling especially on a nightlight tonight where it's so calm and it's so peaceful no wind and it's forecast to be the same tomorrow morning so very happy about that should get a pretty good night's sleep anyway just being here look at it I think one of the reasons why I do this is kind of wandering around after the sun's gone down is I don't want to go on the tent because once you're in the tent you're kind of closed off you could be anywhere you could be in the back Garden you suddenly cut off from this landscape that's why I really want to get a bivvy bag I want to get out here and do some bivvying look at that look at this place honestly it probably looks tiny in this camera this is the I've got the wide setting at the moment on the GoPro so everything will look flat and Tiny and rubbish but trust me it's big everything is big and close it's amazing you probably can't hear it but there's some Lambs calling down there not a sheep Shaker by the way I might look like I'm obsessed with sheep but I'm not so we can still see weatherlum and black seals like we could before but we can also see the prison band that goes up to swirl how then great cars and kind of just make it out as it drops down onto wet side edge but it's a bit difficult now the sun's gone down so quiet and it's so still well this certainly beats that night up on uh land deal Pikes over there where that knobbly bit is just behind that that's where it all kicked off that night with the Wind that nearly blew the tent off nearly blew the tent to some of the Rings actually so I'm on the other side of the valley what a difference it is tonight oh I can hear a jet now going over but a minute ago there wasn't any sound at all not even the sound of the wind it's not very often you don't hear anything this is a wonderful experience like I said earlier on if you haven't experienced this please try and do it it is one of the most liberating and sole enriching things that a human being can do and that sounds very grandiose isn't it but it's it's true just get out into nature and living in a tent beautiful sky all these pinks were like that there that's really nice the moon right in that Notch that's amazing isn't it love it I was gonna get a brew on but I think I might knock on the head and I'm quite tired I might just get in the tent and get as much sleep as I can to sleep as hard as possible until half four and yeah get up for that Sunrise right let's get in the tent acion what a difference it is compared to last time though there's not a lot going on it's just nothing it's so still it's lovely but flipping out I'm so tired it's um 22 11 so I should get about five hours kid so that's actually pretty good for me five hours I'm ultimate I'm a little bit troubled by what could be crawling in here kept the door shut all the time but no no spiders get everywhere I'm a complete arachnophob by the way absolutely terrify me ridiculous I know and I'm sure some of you just tell me a man off stop being pathetic her fingers crossed for a complete and utter uneventful and quiet night lots of sleeping no drama any drama new wind the only weird stuff going on see you in the morning thank you good morning everybody it is very very early in the morning it's quarter past four so we're looking about half an hour until sunrise about quarter to five sunrise at the moment but it's a beautiful glow over to the East and it's all Illuminating the landscape at the moment I don't know how well it's coming through in this camera but rubbish night sleep has to be said um around about times I think it was five to one in the morning I heard voices around about 50 meters away so I kind of estimated about 50 meters away from the tent so probably not far off where the the call is you know the path and that kind of woke me up and spooked me a little bit and then I sort of drifted back off a little bit again and about an hour later um I Heard more voices sounded a bit further away but more shouty so I don't know what's going on I don't know who the hell's out walking around after dark but yeah made me nervous but apart from that you know as a really beautiful still night not a breath of wind I mean literally not even the slightest flap of the tent at all nothing is very unusual really don't think I've got any crawlies on me all I want to open the tent this morning there was a spider hanging right in the way so what I'm gonna do is I think I'm going to get a brew on and then go and sit on that nice Little Rock there and watch the the sun rise I've had a look and there's no Miss in the valley at all so missed further out to the east nothing in the valley here so yeah Martha was sitting and watch it and enjoy I'm gonna use one of these coffee pods here these are the Dow egg boots coffee pods and I use these at home in my espresso machine it's less mess less fat it's like a tea bag brilliant perfect for this sort of thing as well when Great Guns this morning we're done perfect the reason I used these was two reasons one it's just less fat in the morning when I'm at home and I don't have to clean that thing out all the time but also the the biodegradable as well which I think is really great and compostable I'll just leave it in now just to kind of drink it with it in let's get stronger and stronger as I get through it right let's go and sit over there on that rock and watch the sun come up ah it's obviously um [Music] it's obviously all the herdies waking up popping over the top of little Crags and whatever oh my complete idiot now I don't know I've got my hand back I'm back I saw my coffee this is a great little spot you know great little Camp spot and a great little spot to come and sit and drink and eat and stuff there you go it's better let me just spin you around hopefully you can see this glorious view unfortunately there are no clouds whatsoever there's no mist whatsoever when the sun comes up it's gonna come up and it's just gonna be full on Sunshine so photographically Naf I tell you I just wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now nowhere I mean look at it it's just wonderful I think that bug's been in the bag a little bit too long here we go sun is just coming up over the top of nether Morse Pike it's so weird how the Sun when it hits your skin hits your eyes just makes you feel good so all the hills here now I mean well yeah I can see a little bit uh going down towards Light Side there not quite on slight size but for the round but you can see the Sun hitting there oh I've got lots of sunspots damn it yeah and hit the top of scarf or pipe now as well time is it so 4 54 so it came up round about nine minutes ago in a minute when that's fully up I'm gonna go and sit over there and have some make some porridge and come back here and sit here and have it foreign it really is glorious rubbish bag out there's a rubbish bag but I've got a marsh bar in there I haven't even eaten yet so put that somewhere safe Let's either have a cup of tea now this time I'm not it wasn't great that coffee back normally the coffee bags are really good but I think that one's been in this bag for a little too long Yorkshire Tea and we'll get this bad boy on again so porridge wise I've just got these little sashes here to eat it out of this thing the bit that goes on the bottom of the jet boil I don't know how long this has been in the bag either you know I've been in there for years right let's head back over there and enjoy I'm gonna do this I need three arms again this ain't gonna work oh tell you what I'll be so upset if I drop this oh look at it bags enjoying the view ing that sunrise cameras enjoying it I think it's gonna be an amazing day today I think it's going to be really warm I kind of want to go that's the problem with wild camping especially if you just you know you're here for one night it's so quick and it's over before you know it and you've got to go home it's a real shame I'm always really sad when I set off in fact even on Fell walks you know I love going up and I love being up high but then at the end of the day I have to go down and get really Fed Up never mind right poorestown well that's quite an interesting thing going on there quick give me camera weird bit of light going on okay I have to pull myself away from there now because it's come to six o'clock and I kind of feel like a need to pack everything away and strike Camp I start heading down soon I'll get down to the van before having to put this on cream home which is a added bonus let's get all this all this mess packed away and uh get cracking I'm just gonna turn this inside out now and get all the grass out for next time I'll do anything else to go in no I think that's it let's have a quick check of where it was checking for pegs nope nothing spot on okay everything's packed away tents away I'm just gonna have a little Wander over here make sure I've not left anything on this glorious Rock of Destiny I can't see anything rubbish no camera gear nothing right in that case then I don't want to go I always feel like this when I'm going oh it's really sad I love it I don't want to go I want to live here I could just live here in the tent just you know I wouldn't hurt anybody wouldn't disturb anybody ah never mind let's have a quick final check leave no Trace remember it's uh super important that I think a lot of people don't they don't care they just kind of leave all the rubbish everywhere super preachy it's first thing in the morning I've already slept it's half six a bit grumpy and a bit preachy so you know yeah right back on let's go okay something doesn't feel right but it'll have to do Let's Do It Goodbye clamp spot goodbye awesome little table it was a great little spot right I think it'll take about an hour to get down to the van an hour-ish I need to take it quite steady because obviously see my feet and the last time I went down the band with all this paraphernalia actually um slipped and fell and crashed right into my knee and I still got a big lump there to this day I was about three years ago morning ladies how are you doing water path let's make some progress let's get down to that lump and I'll catch up with you there okay here's an interesting thing looks like there's some Mark has been laid out going up to water climbs Traverse so I wonder if there's an event going on today where there's gonna be Runners going up there which possibly means the people um I could hear last night might have been putting these out these markers out it's three sisters it's interesting as I get lower and meet Jesus starting to swarm and I guess it's just getting warm and the day is getting warmer because it's now half seven I'm also getting lower but a big flipping black clouds of them horrible oh it's a Thai squeeze [Music] love back on the road literally seven minutes walk from the van now I really hope you've enjoyed this one I really do it's been a fantastic night for me but I hope you've kind of got something from it and enjoyed it so if you have please you know do the usual give us a thumbs up if you're new to the channel and you've enjoyed it and you kind of like this sort of content you know camping and hiking and maybe a bit Advanced off and a bit of Photography as well then why not consider subscribing because there's gonna be a lot of these sorts of videos I think that's it that is pretty much me done so take care everybody and I shall see you back out in these Hills very soon
Channel: Black Crag
Views: 7,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lake District, Lakeland, Cumbria, England, Hiking, Wainwright, Vlog, Vlogger, Landscape Photographer, Photography, Outdoors, Wilderness, Mountains, Fells, Countryside, Adventurer, Explorer, Instagram, Black Crag, wild camp, wild camping, camping, Backpacking, Travel, Travel Vlog, Tent, Mental Health
Id: Z24MS5AFldw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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