Solo Leveling: Arise REROLL GUIDE!!!

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hey guys welcome back to solo leveling rise in today's video we're going to be going through a roll guide for the game now I am on the PC client but ideally you want to be rrolling on a mobile phone or an emulator currently I'm recording this towards the end of the Canadian Early Access and emulators I still can't get to work but I've spoken to people at Blue Stacks they reckon it will with global I don't know but at the moment the best way to roll is on a phone because if we jump over here I'm going to show you some screenshots from my phone version of the game we have this which is the sign in as guest you do not have this on the PC client previously with a PC client when you progressed through the game you would be able to log out of that account log into a new email and then you could skip the tutorial using this this thing here that still pops up on your phone however that is not popping up on the PC client for me anymore so phone or emulator if they are working is going to be the way to go I'll have a link to Blue Stacks in the description they told me they'll have it working hopefully they do um but the reason being is those two reasons you can sign in as guest over here on mobile which is huge then once you're done and you've done your reroll if you don't like it you can reset your account go back to the start log in as guest then skip the tutorial just keep in mind you do have to play the tutorial once on your phone so if you do do it on phone or emulator or anything um don't clear your data from from the G the app because then you'll have to redo it so literally the process becomes once you've done the tutorial once you do your summons if you don't get anything you want you go over here you hit reset account you log in as guest you skip the tutorial and then you do your summons because you come right in at a summon point which I'm about to show you guys anyway and then if you don't like it you just reset your account and that is literally the loop for it and it is super quick the first playthrough of your actual um getting through the tutorial will take roughly around 25 minutes maybe you can do it quicker if you bit more efficient but after that like I said you can then go ahead and skip that tutorial and you just jump straight into where we are currently on this account because I had to play through the whole tutorial because the PC client's annoying so basically once you get to the popup uh the popup will have your daily login rewards that's when you know you're at the point and that's where this is at so from there you can go to your mail once again we do still have this stupid loading issue with the game I I hope somehow in the patch they fix this for Global but it's really annoying you get like loading screens uh up the wazo it's absolutely ridiculous but then that's the first one you're going to do we can go down here to achievements we can collect some of these achievements you got one summon there we're going to there we go yep like I said we do get a bit of lag none of these are really worth collecting uh at the moment there uh you can do missions I don't believe we've got anything in Missions at the moment that's worthwhile no you don't actually get enough out of that oh you do get 50 so you can claim those basically you're just going to browse around and claim everything that you can uh and then we can go to the Codex as well in the Codex do get the tutorial you can claim all once again you get 180 there we go over here we can claim all job done and you can basically just claim everything I don't think these ones give you actual uh premium currency yeah that's just gold so there you go that's pretty much the claiming process now the next thing that we have is if we go over here into settings and also if any of this does change I will leave a pin comment and if enough of it changes I will go ahead and make another video for it but I just want to get this out before the release and the game's going into 15 hour maintenance and I got 1 hour left to record this so we're trying get it done um so the next thing we're going to go to account and redeem codes now there's two codes currently that actually give you uh summon currency so I'll put those two in here I'll do a full like all codes video uh like once the global launch is here okay first one I tried was expired let's see if this one's still alive would you like to use this one yes there we go we got that one okay so the one that used to give us two summons uh is expired so I'm assuming we will get another one at Global like I said if there's any more codes that give summons I will put them in the description in the pin comment for this one so you can go ahead and get that but then we just come back over to the mail that one's going to give us an extra 300 over here once again we get the uh the lovely loading screens that happen over here and away we go okay so now once we've done that we've pretty much got the main things we're looking for now you may have more uh once you do the skip uh the once you do the skip method where you skipping the tutorial uh if you look over here I actually didn't collect uh I didn't get all the stars but keep in mind you can come back here and you can collect these summons as well because I missed out on a star on one of them I think when you're doing the the rroll method and you're not playing through the tutorial and you're just getting the instant claim you can get those extra one now I have seen some people that go through and do some of these ones you can literally just start this and skip it depends where your currency falls off uh on whether you want to do this and it will depend on any extra gifts that we get at Global launch to see if like 50 D 50 premium currency there like gets you into an extra is essentially what we're looking at you're not going to do the actual combat ones but the story ones can give you some extra stuff this one you can do a story and then you can actually clear through and get two extra summon four extra summons but I wouldn't bother doing that one either like I said it's going to come down to a balance of where we end up to where we end up at after global now when we get to Global we will have char in this Hunter CH in this radar banner and she's going to be the one I am personally rrolling for without knowing her full kit and how it's going to function she's the hype unit of the game she's the one I'm going to roll for so that that's just going to be a thing over here we do have some of the normal summons as well which then you can put your rate up now I'm going to I'll probably do a whole video going through rateup options my personal reroll rateup uh priorities will be these two uh along with this one uh and along with this one it's going to take me a long time to explain why basically cuz I'm rrolling for Char she is the main one that I want to get she is a DPS um and I'm not going to keep account unless it has her really these two are good DPS SL tanking options SL breing options with her the one other option I would look to is maybe something like this so I could get the Healer but I did learn from my other playthrough that you don't need the Healer it's just a nice uh you know it's it's just a nice benefit to have so any any combination of those will be completely fine you are getting a DPS so maybe picking up the heel will be fine this is honestly a pretty solid wish list as well the reason I put in the two weapons is because you really do want a gin wo weapon um and if I can get one of those two those are my two favorite weapons uh the shotgun is decent too but I really think these two are like the top weapons for me personally and so I'd love to pick one of those up because we do have very limited resources in the game uh so you know get getting a good weapon that's worth leveling up instead of wasting all your resources on a weapon that's not worth leveling up is a big thing so then you just hit complete there's your wish list uh my head's blocking it but it is there then you can go ahead and you can pop this tpol go nuts and here we go Skip Skip Skip and as you can see we got uh we got nothing there so that was bad but like I said the the rate up is the one that you're going to be focusing uh the most attention on as you can see it is 2500 uh for the 10 pool so we do have just enough to get into that 10p range so getting that extra 50 gems actually bumped me over once again you we'll have to see when Global launches whether you have to do those extra 50 gem things to get yourself a 10 pool but there we go we can go ahead and pop this and see how there we go let's just hit skip skip and we got absolutely shafted so that one is going to be a straight roll uh if that was our actual account that we were going for and like I said you want to be doing this on mobile or emulator and from that point you would go here to settings you would go to account and once you're in that account portion then you would you would be seeing like I said if you're on mobile you would be seeing this and then you just hit reset account it would bring you back to the login screen you log in as guest you skip the tutorial you just do that process again and then you come back to here like I said it is super quick and easy once you've played through it once you literally jump into the point where you're just collecting all your rewards popping all your summons and then going through I absolutely love rrolling in this game I'm going to switch super hard on rerolls to try and get a God to your account that is me personally but hey you guys do what you want to do as always thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day I'll look forward to seeing the next one cheers
Channel: Volkin Gacha
Views: 100,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise summon rates, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise beginners guide, solo leveling arise tier list, solo leveling arise tips, solo leveling arise reroll, solo leveling arise reroll guide
Id: wqYDS2IlH5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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